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noob question :D
- got my index.php which is echo'ing the page if the user is successfully logged in - instead of putting that login function on every other page aswell, is there any other option to display sub-page.php?
Anyhow this new mobile chat is infallible
@NullPoiиteя it's new?
@lost you instead should look at concept of "single point of entry"
Yes it's changed completely.
@tereško okay i will look into it. cause there are many subpages and i got to make sure it's working on every page dunno why i build it like that ^^
@Joseph also, ignore anything that commenter has to say - they don't know what they're talking about
@lost you need a front controller. Read the rest of the tutorial too if you have some time ;)
@Patrick thanks, gotta read it :d really need to find a solution even if it would just work pasting the functions in each other page which is just a mess actually ^^
I had a lot of interviews over the last few weeks and everything went very well, the technical interviews were a breeze. Everything I know is because of you guys in here, you pointed me to the right resources and taught me the right way to do things when I came in here for the first time. Big thanks to all of you!
@HamZa Yea good one
@Patrick struggling already at the first task - where to setup the index.php which is requiring the file from the src folder - did it 1:1 getting no errors but a blank pagee.
@lost do you have error reporting turned on?
put error_reporting(E_ALL); at the top
@Patrick ye and nothing lol
and you put the echo in the required file? :D
@Patrick we just showed you the doors. you walked through them all by yourself :)
you sound like my acid dealer
still, I wasted a couple of years not knowing there were doors :)
@PaulCrovella Hi paul , since i am iterating the rows using for loop it is taking a lot more time to execute,
@PaulCrovella lol
@Patrick sure, if you enter the url for the requested file you'll get the echo displayed
not if i open the root directory
why is it that I never do things "the easy way" :(
@lost is your webserver configured correctly, so that the document root is in the public folder?
@Joseph look into what your db can import natively (or through bundled/available tools) and transform your xml into that format... mysql, for example, supports importing directly from a few different xml formats
@PaulCrovella I like Nitric the best
Morning guys
@Joseph simplexml might does suck, but it's not your problem here and changing to sax or xmlreader will not help you
but the issue is the child nodes are generating in different numbers
@Patrick using mamp something similiar to xampp so yes
so it cannot be formatted in a specific format :(
@lost if you put an echo in the index.php in your public folder, can you see the output when you navigate to /?
how are you guys using __debugInfo? do you implement it and leave it in the class or you write it only when needed? if the former, have you developed a pattern for its implementation? any advice?
Please consider the following code:
class Expenses_controller extends CI_Controller{
    private $employees;
    function __construct(){
    function fetchExpenses(){
        $this->employees = "Ali";
    function ajaxHandler(){
            echo $this->employees; // Returns NULL Why ?
@Patrick yeah works
Any idea ?
The ajaxHandler() method handles AJAX calls
What I'm guessing is that all the properties are gone once the page has been rendered
since AJAX is requesting the data after a while
In order to access it, do I need to call fetchExpenses() again in the ajaxHandler() method ?
@lost then looks like your errorhandling is messed up somehow
Anyone ?
@Wes i've played with it on occasion, each time to quickly abandon it as useless
@Paul but the issue is the child nodes are generating in different numbers
Congratulations...!! @Patrick
@Joseph I'm sorry, I don't know what child nodes you're referring to or why that's a problem
@PaulCrovella i feel it is useless too, mostly because implementing it causes the normal dump to disappear entirely
@PaulCrovella my xml structure is like the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<db name="test" version="1">
<tbl name="tblA">
<col name="A">123</field>
<col name="B">123</field>
<col name="C">123</field>
<col name="D">123</field>

<tbl name="tblB">
<col name="E">123</field>
<col name="F">123</field>
<col name="G">123</field>
<col name="H">123</field>
<col name="I">123</field>
<col name="J">123</field>
<col name="K">123</field>
<col name="L">123</field>
@Patrick thats weird as hell.. well i try upload it on my webhost and lets see
Guys ?
@PaulCrovella every time the col nos will be different as well as the tbl name and according to this values i should insert data to mysql db for eg table name will be tblA and 4 columns and other table will be tblB with 6 columns like wise i need to generate the db
@Joseph I might be wrong, but this looks a lot like the standard mysql dump xml format. if you dont need to do any additional processing in php, you might be better off importing it directly in mysql. cf dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/load-xml.html
@PaulCrovella if i am not wrong i could see that, using mysql we can load xml with specific format only right? and that too i could see they are creating only a single table with the columns that you are having for that particular structure, whereas in my case it is different there are more than 40 tables to be created using the names that is specified in the xml
@PaulCrovella how can i do that ?
can you help me to fix this
i am just learning php
please excuse me if these are stupid questions
@Danack inspired by your little trait, I made the greatest of all libs:
PissOff.#php - PissOff: a valid, polite and useful alternative to the `void` return type in PHP https://gist.github.com/Ocramius/26a78f655e486718f858
<col name="A">123</field>
<div>spot the error</span>
yay, got this thing working: i.sstatic.net/HX2FO.png
@Joseph they're not stupid questions, but jumping to different xml parsers is not going to help you. break the problem down into individual parts that you can reason about - analyze the xml for a particular table, create that table with the necessary columns, fill it with data (by breaking out the xml for that table into its own file for use with LOAD XML, for example)
say i have file A on serverA, and i start a ftp_fput() to serverB, can i figure out the percentage completed and echo it out? if yes - how ?
@PaulCrovella is there a way that i can break the xml into different table parts and can create the tables using load xml?
any of you guys know a alternative of doodle.com to collaborative find a date for a event?
What's wrong with doodle?
i want to have that in my own managing tool and selfhosted
+ doodle is ugly but actually, users got to login i can give them the function to add values into the database, so i should be able to do it myself

just wanted to know if there is any open source redo or smthn
@Joseph I don't believe it will create the tables for you as there isn't enough information to determine data types, so you're still on the hook for that yourself; but yes, you can break the xml apart for loading
@PaulCrovella for data types i can use varchar for all columns , how can i do this process can you help me to do so? or can you share me the link that i can look at it and for learning the same ?
check out the dom extension ... to break out the tables you can use getElementsByTagName() to grab a list of tables, iterate over that list and use saveXML($table) on each to get the xml string for the individual table, and write that string out to wherever for use later in loading
@Ocramius wanker() : self I'm not sure this library does the thing you think it should do...
@PaulCrovella i will try to do what you have mentioned, thanks much
no problem.. I've left out determining columns for when you're creating your table.. work on it and if you can't figure it out feel free to ask.
What do you reckon is the best file / path architecture for VOs?
good thing I'm out of here soon... Just found this piece of new code... public function __construct(\Auryn\Provider $injector,
@Patrick it's considered OK if there's a // yolo comment on the right
@NikiC that's pretty cool, a good start ... are we getting that anytime ?
@SergeyTelshevsky is that a new rule or something?
When in php storm you use the multi-select tool for 'word1' and 'word-2' and you put the cursor at the start of of the word and you select it with command-tab it selects the second word till the 'hyphen' character, is there a way to select the whole word?
@JoeWatkins Maybe ... as yet unclear
what about developing the ast api, would that be a possibility ?
why am I getting flagged for making a joke about hipsters?
dunno, and dunno why that was removed either ...
@tereško "just because you are ironic about it doesn't stop you from looking like a muslim dressed up in your sister's skinny jeans" - was that "Muslim" supposed to be "Hipster"?
@tereško maybe they flagged you ironically
:29253136 I didn't even understood that it was about hipsters :)
Quite the typo!
I thought it was weird myself but, then again, what is normal about Room 11?
what is this normal stuff you speak off?
@Naruto spending all your time in a room without walls, speaking to others without moving your mouth or making a sound ... obviously ...
@JoeWatkins What for? What can you really do at that level?
@JoeWatkins in this room, nothing seems obvious to me.. ^^
during a submit i get this post value "03/10/2016 12:00 AM" how do I format it into MYSQL DateTime format in php?
@NikiC well I can imagine other ways to do it, but you might/will need to restructure the ast for some optimizations, such as inlining, much easier to that if the API can deal with your new "dummy" or temporary nodes ... being able to override compiler functions and introduce new kinds, for some sequences of opcodes, machine code could be emitted, and it's not too difficult to get zend to execute those (as closures) and jump past the end of the original sequence
which you would have to leave intact ...
for when guards fail in the machine code ...
I think I will write a book covering every possible permutation of date time formats and how to convert them. I'll name it The PHP Time Conversion Cookbook
can someone explain to me, why describing someone as "looking like muslim in skinny jeans" was considered offensive?
possibly muslims don't like to be stereotyped ...
I don't agree that it's offensive, or if it is, that I should care ...
@tereško maybe someone doesn't like denim
.. I am kinda confused
usually, when I get locked out, it's for something, that was intended to be offensive ... which is why I am currently feeling lost
@tereško as a rule of thumb: any remarks involving religious groups will offend someone eventually
Methodists rule!
not those ...
@DaveRandom you bastard
@DaveRandom does using OOP make you a methodist?
@tereško it could be considered offensive because "muslim" is not how someone looks, unless they're specifically in religious garb.
we all know it isn't any religious group, we can sit and make jokes about it ... but it's not really funny ...
@Gordon Methodists are people who put all their logic in property accessors
Someone doesn't look "atheist" or "christian" or "jewish" (religion; not jewish heritage) either.
@tereško I'll keep it as apolitical as I can, but some people consider insulting Muslims in the same way as insulting a racial group. That's the only reason I can think of that it was voted out.
I didn't see it as offensive. I was scratching my head at what you meant TBH
@jbafford that's not always true ...
@jbafford when people describe someone as "looking jewish", then usually means "orthodox jews"
the man is jewish, no doubt about it ...
@Machavity this
@JoeWatkins or a lisp developer
@jbafford tell me these guys don't look mormon...
well, the Book of Mormon in the one guy's hand is a big give-away
also the name tag that says "JESUS CHRIST" on it
i could photoshop over that with the satanic bible and they'd still look mormon as fuck
but in that case, I'd say they looked like were dressed like Mormons.
> mormon as fuck
aren't they antonyms?
no.. how else do you make mormons
using not mormons?
I heard mORMons like object mapping
mormons and methodists are quite the oop crowd
@Gordon this is the most desperate attempt to steer conversation from religion back to programming I have ever seen ...
@PaulCrovella Whatever they are, they don't look pleased about it
@JoeWatkins never surrender, never give up!
@SergeyTelshevsky Is that part of a use statement?
interesting. @Jeeves !!urban gramming
!!urban gramming
[ Gramming ] posting pictures in Instagram
@Gordon hydrate two entities and they return a mORMon?
does that mean programming is professionally uploading pictures to instagram?
@DaveRandom you made is creepier
Thankyou, thankyou, I'm here all week
!!urban mormon
[ mormon ] 97% of the people in Utah. .003% of the people anywhere else. These really really nice, clean-living people who believe some pretty weird stuff.
@Jeeves idiot, that's the definition of "Lisp developer"
@SergeyTelshevsky I just.. yup.
is there anywhere on Earth you'll find 97% people are Lisp developers?
A Lisp conference?
Who are the other 3%?
@iroegbu probably some startup in San Francisco
@Sean clojure devs
@Sean People with speech impediments who misunderstood the flyer
we wouldn't say 97% ... we would just say 4 out of the 5 people at that lisp conference are lisp developers ...
@FlorianMargaine ^ would you like some ointment for that burn?
@DaveRandom pst :P
@JoeWatkins The 5th person is there because they just can't believe there's that many lisp devs either
I'm only being funny ... I regard lisp as our 1984 ... something we all pretend to know, but vanishingly few actually do ... the fifth person is thereby explained ... they read 1984 and write in lisp sometimes ...
I'm out, lata all ...
@JoeWatkins Ciao!
@PaulCrovella actually, these guys also look like Jehovah witnesses
> If we can create a monadic composition-functor wrapper that is perceived as sufficiently sexy by hardened industry veterans, then I think we will see an uptick in giving a shit, possibly as much as a full extra person.
still funny
@DaveRandom too true
I love Haskell. I also never use it.
That said, I have two deployed Haskell apps.
@DaveRandom amazing. I was considering using Haskell in 2+ years, when I'll also give a damn.
maybe the trick to using haskell is not giving a damn
We'll eventually get all of Haskell's type system into PHP, so you all can just keep writing PHP.
@KevinMGranger PHP has the opposite problem of Haskell. People like Haskell but they don't care and won't use it. People don't like PHP but they use it like crazy and care way too much about it.
As a room owner, I hereby declare Thursdays to be called Prebeccaday from now on.
has anyone ever had to store a large amount of huge files for extended periods of time?
What ya use?
@JustinKaz Yes, just got big data storage from a local hosting provider.
@Oldskool ever have to do it yourself?
Basically old non-SSD drive servers that were being used for this purpose.
@JustinKaz No, but I figure I'd just put an storage server in my LAN and contact it over SCP or NFS.
whats a great storage solution that's cost effective and good
The big storage solution I used worked through an NFS mount, worked pretty decent.
did it appear as one mount on multiple drives or multiple mounts on the multiple drives
One mount per server that used it.
Just mounted it under /data.
And Amazon S3 is also pretty popular these days: aws.amazon.com/s3
Not sure how the performance is though, never used it myself.
@JoeWatkins Pretty sure whatever you want to do can be done better at the opcode level. E.g. inlining at the AST level is a bad idea, because you need to generate code that is not representable as valid PHP
@JustinKaz we use s3 to save (and serve) manuals for all sorts of stuff. Works fine, we serve them via a subdomain
@JustinKaz If you just want to archive stuff (i.e. you don't need fast access to it, you just want to keep it in case it's needed) look at amazon glacier
We use it for storing e.g. call recordings, of which we produce a few TB/year
Yes people. It's time for a prebecca beer. I still have a shitton to do today so I think I deserve it
still working on my prebeccoffee I'm affraid.
but cheers :)
I already had way too much coffee today
Time to counteract all that caffeine with some depressants
Skip having to mix it yourself, get some Van Gogh. It's vodka with espresso in it.
That sounds disgusting
Eeew. I don't like mixing stuff like that
Coffee should be coffee and booze should be booze
Mogguh @Ekin
@KevinMGranger They banned something similar in the states called 4 Loco. Alcohol + caffeine + energy drink
Good day friends, i'll keep it as friends cos its better to sound that way, hope it really is that way?
I would like to be addressed as lord of the underworld actually
@Machavity that... sounds like high possibility of heart attack
@PeeHaa Lord of the underpants? What?
@Machavity Same shit
@Ekin That's exactly why it got banned. Kids would chug a whole can and die
@Machavity Van Gogh is theoretically a little classier. Younglings weren't getting away with it looking like a generic energy drink anyway :P
"younglings"? is this a shitty star wars prequel now?
@Gordon strictly forbidden to show any rebecca videos on the prebeccaday.
Only prebecca videos
@PeeHaa i think i wouldn't mind addressing u dat way
I've got an issue that is bordering me so much for a while now, though am new to PHP, have made some good progress, but this one freaks me out so badly
her parents have a sex tape out?
hmm I should get a double coffee this morning
Its an app am working on, got so many features and this one is some kind of flexibility on choice of download for my html pages. I want to make my client to be able to download some information from the app which will be automatically generated from the database and outputted in pdf and excel formats
so far am working on the pdf output, i used fpdf and am trying TCPDF, but these are my challenges.
fpdf is better
I've been able to successfully output information from my database to pdf using FPDF, but the table is so large and the columns over 13
PDF in general is an awful, awful format that is bad and should feel bad
now, some information are longer than the charwidth of the cells and it places itself on next cell on the right
@optimalresource are your clienst all over 60?
@DaveRandom why is that?
Yeah, over a thousand
I mean in "years"
because people who want the ability to download reports as PDFs also intend to print them
then circle shit on paper with a marker
using multicell, it word-wraps the content on a particular cell and either doubles or tripples the cell height depending on the length, but that doesn't go well
and tell secretary to sent those "notes" to you
it places itself on the next cells below it and distorts the table
@optimalresource Yeh it does that
yeah @teresko
What you need is to do a whole bunch of manual computation using fpdf.org/en/doc/getstringwidth.htm
i found you again today @teresko
Neither of those libs make it particularly easy to do tables
!!eval echo round(55.222, 2);
i think like u said, FPDF should be better
It might be worth you playing with wkhtmltopdf.org @optimalresource
I tried TCPDF and could write html directly to pdf
Vouch for wkhtmltopdf, no issues so far on my end
Also, I'd suggest that you do the excel thing first, mostly because it's way easier and will get you something up and running quickly
@Sean, u serious?
The only annoying thing is trying to faff about with media queries and media types.
s/trying to faff about with media queries and media types/every bit of CSS work ever/
K i'll check it out later. but i think with good experience from all of u great experts in the job, @Teresko, @DaveRandom, @Sean, @everybody, you may be able to fix the bug in my code if you see it
@optimalresource It's not a bug in your code as such, it's that what you are trying to do is really, really hard and decidedly non-trivial
You have to compute the text width of the cell, track how many lines each cell consumed, then draw the next row accordingly
I can tell you from bitter experience that it's infuriatingly hard regardless of the PDF rendering API you are using
What's definitely the most userfriendly/quick way to do it is wkhtmltopdf, because it does most of that for you, you just have to write the semantic HTML and styles which adequately describe what you want
ok, i get that
which is also hard, but still easier
I have a suggestion
Using TCPDF that outputs html tables, i tried it and the tables by default adjusted itself appropriately
but when i tried fetching from the database the record to fill the table, the server ain't fetching anything, it was blank
Ahh, well that is a bug in your code
in other words, it is obvious something is wrong with the code
though i tried same fetch outside the pdf page on a fresh page and it worked fine
maybe u guyz should see it and know if there can be a fix
can i post a sample code here?
post it there ^^
I'm assuming it will be quite long (and "quite long" in chat is really more that 4-5 lines)
i'll try and make it short as possible then
Always a good idea :-)
Am gonna be posting the last part of the code
$tbl_footer = "</table>";

$tbl = "";
$colNames = array();
$tbl .= "";
$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM personal_details LIMIT 10");
$tbl .= '<tr><td><?php echo $colNames["id"];?></td>
<td><?php echo $colNames["title"];?></td>
<td><?php echo $colNames["first_name"];?></td>
<td><?php echo $colNames["middle_name"];?></td>
<td><?php echo $colNames["last_name"];?></td>
<td><?php echo $colNames["mobile_phone"];?></td>
somehow I expected that
yeah me too
@optimalresource you were give TWO places where you post your code
and INSTEAD you dumped it in the chat
@optimalresource you are building a string, you don't use <?php echo ... ?> for that
didn't figure it out on time
$string = "Some static text " . $variable . " more static text";
so what am i supposed to use
ok then
thanks for this one, let me try it and get back to u
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

Madara UchihaWhat are the technical reasons why I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (e.g. mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())? Why should I use something else even if they work on my site?

One step at a time. We're still working on string manipulation here, let's not get ahead of ourselves...
OK (45 tests, 792 assertions) yay
@Wes What did it run?
Build with php?
No worries here
i'm testing some utils for the data structures framework thingy. the one that has a release cycle of 20 years. currently year 1 - v0.0.0
Pfff I run centos. So I am used to package release cylces of 20 years

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