@Wes I thought you're suppose to be more precise when testing and excluding unexpected coverage from a test. If that test fails, it makes it harder to find what part is the issue, right? Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on tests.
@Wes I gave this talk the other day - I need to hassle someone to get the video online. But basically, tests are there to provide value over the long term, by stopping stuff breaking in production.
If it's unlikely that writing a test is going to deliver value, either because it's already covered, or that it's too annoying to write a test (and so an integration test would be better), than I have no problem in skipping writing that test.
also, a project isn't just source code - it's tests, scaffolding (ci config, etc.), and such as well.. so the project and the "project being tested" aren't two separate things
the only time I'd split the tests out would be if they're a common suite that tests multiple projects, which is pretty rare
(github.com/html5lib did this because the same tests were used by the parsers for ruby and python)
if I want to use "conflicts" in my composer file where I want to use 0.2.* and not higher or not lower, would this be the correct value to use? ">0.1|<0.3"
I'm just not sure what the correct operator I'm suppose to use. I've seen spaces, single pipes, double pipes, when specifying the condition. getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#conflict
I'm a monkey. I've seen some people use class foo { const MY_CONST = 'yada'; }. I kinda like using foo::MY_CONST, I think it prevents me from mistyping the same yada string and is somewhat easy to reafactor. Should I be using integers instead? I think php uses integers (eg E_ALL, E_NOTICE)
tldr is there a reason for using integers hidden as constants?
even when not using bit flags I use ints when the actual value shouldn't matter (i.e. people should always reference the const rather than muck about with magic values)
"people should always reference the const" - I do that in config, but when that gets written out to a data file, or env settings - having it still have meaning is nice.
Parser is updating a promise with data … and failing it when size limit is exceeded … but now, the size limit might already be exceeded before the handler has a chance to increase it at all…
And promises are one way… once failed, no way to unfail them.
@Danack totally agree what you said in the talk and it's basically what i think of testing. i'm already very pedantic - ocd level - with actual code and being pedantic with tests as well is redundant, and ultimately unproductive. testing obsessively everything is like writing and maintaining the largest application that your code is capable to run... you don't want to do that :P
@bwoebi I have very little time currently.. I have it up'n'running, fiddle with it from time to time, but not as much as I wish. I hope I will have less work and more spare time in a week
@IntercoolerTurbo you sure you want to sanitize a random string that way? shouldn't you create a DateTime object instead (which does sanitization as well [hopefully])
@IntercoolerTurbo untested. might need some tweaking for type juggling strings to null. and also some checking when the string doesn't contain a colon.
I totally did that on purpose of course. Giving away fish is not a good learning exercise. But giving away the rod with the fish on it to reel it in… now that's much better
@Wes I gave this talk the other day - I need to hassle someone to get the video online. But basically, tests are there to provide value over the long term, by stopping stuff breaking in production.
I, too, would like to understand how to write unit tests with a backlog and not compromise current working plans =p
@Sean "with a backlog" - not using made-up-words would be a good start....even ignoring the rest of scrum, the way that it makes up its own meaning for common stuff is one of the silliest things about it.
"and not compromise current working plans" - but that's inherent (and what the talk is about) that unit tests have a cost now, and deliver their value over time....and that's the argument that needs to be made to management.
Recently I have found what I think is a malicious file on my server, does anyone have any idea how I report such a file as when I search for it there doesnt seem to be and record of it online
Also if I could work out how it got on to my server would be great