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@Jimbo and we'll of course help ... but ... well ... aim higher, please :D
you should be able to answer that stuff on your own, you will be able to answer that stuff on your own ... you'll know more about it than the person asking the question ... all good things to aim for ... doable ...
any help on this error from PDO: Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined in /home/coworx/web_admin/assets/modules/News/add.php on line 47
Posted up a more detailed answer @VintageBeef, hope you understand why it might not be working.
@KristianHareland :Img vs :Image
Ugh! thanks lol
I'll maybe try to get 3devs to do a screencast with me ... modifying php7 ...
Would you watch a screen cast exploring how to add features to PHP 7 ?
i need a help guys,
@JoeWatkins I would
it's a poll
@JoeWatkins I am notoriously bad at finding time for watching screencasts. I still vote yes, though.
i wants to sort a array in descending order based on date
could anyone help me plz,
@Gugan put exactly that question into google
@JoeWatkins As long as it didn't involve what I'm trying to do, yes! :P
i tried some of examples, but it shows wrong output only
@Gugan there will be hundreds of results. I predict the first page all link to stack overflow
this is very easy to do. dont give up. figure it out.
!!docs array_multisort
[ array_multisort ] Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays
!!docs usort
[ usort ] Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function
@JoeWatkins hell yes. ive already enjoyed your first videos. they helped a lot :P
$document_list = array( '01-14-2013', '01-12-2013', '04-05-2016' );
usort($document_list, array($this, "sortByDate"));

function sortByDate($a, $b) {
return strcmp($b['createdDate'], $a['createdDate']);
i tried the given code but is shows wrong order only
!!docs @Lusitaniuns' Mom
[ linkinfo ] Gets information about a link
Don't sort dates with a string sort
gmoin o/
could you give me any sample
!!docs datetime.diff
[ DateTime::diff ] Returns the difference between two DateTime objects
!!docs dateinterval
Damn you Jeeves
Also your date strings are in an ambiguous format, so you'll need to use DateTime::createFromFormat()
ummm.... so I was compiling PHP again from scratch this time in mint tho.... so i apt-get'ed libxml2 and also apt-get update ... but it seems like .... ???
You'll need the devel packages or whatever apt-get calls the ones with the build headers
apt-get libxml2-dev apparently
./configure now works like a charm..
thanks very much @DaveRandom
np :-)
@Saitama were you not building on Windows yesterday?
That's only for sadists
The first time I built on windows it took me literally a whole day to get the environment set up right
yeah... guys told me to build on linux ... cuz' there was some weird error in bison...
haha! I remembered when you made jitfu work on windows...
@Jeeves no need for diff, you can compare datetime objects directly with <, >, etc.
@DaveRandom It took me an entire day just to install VS
@PaulCrovella orly?
@DaveRandom dpkg -S doesn't get enough love ...
Never knew that
nah @PeeHaa installing VS is easy man
@DaveRandom yeah
@Saitama difficulty / installation time
@Saitama Yeh but it takes like a bazillion years
Not the same thing ;-)
It took over 2hrs with an SSD for me, although I did do a kitchen sink install
@DaveRandom And then some
:P yeah installing takes time tho....
Installing R# takes fucking ages as well, presumably because of VS being VS
it takes longer to install VS than it does to install W10 twice
All the idea derivatives install pretty quickly
omg, that's the worst thing in the world ... vs setup
I dunno what it's doing, download the thing and put it in a folder, why is it more complicated than that ... that's supposed to be the fucking beauty of windows, isn't it ?
@JoeWatkins If I want to debug where it's failing during make, how can I print vars out to console? Tried print, got nothing, in zend_compile.c
The registry is really really really slow though, and I believe it does a few inline compilations to optimise for the target system
and I must admit, it runs very smoothly once it's installed
during make the code isn't being executed, only compiled @Jimbo
show me the output ?
you just get to recognize what is wrong ... it seems cryptic at first ...
/vagrant/Zend/zend_language_parser.y: error: shift/reduce conflicts: 1 found, 0 expected
Yay bison!
I'd like to print out what I've broken that's all :-)
ah debugging the parser is a shit
Ah really
you're meant to be able to deduce for yourself based on how any conflicts can't be resolved
show me diff of parser.y
1 hour ago, by DaveRandom
Seriously, the part you are playing with is literally the hardest part of php-src :-P
Mate, I know, I'm just playing
I'm gonna go do some work and stop not being helpful now
namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations '}' '}'
        { $$ = zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_GROUP_USE, $1, $4, $7); }
I'm using recursion there I believe
do git diff Zend/zend_langauge_parser.y so I can see the change in context ?
@@ -339,6 +339,8 @@ use_type:
                namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}'
                        { $$ = zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_GROUP_USE, $1, $4); }
+    |   namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations '}' '}'
+            { $$ = zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_GROUP_USE, $1, $4, $7); }
        |       T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}'
See, I'd like to be able to see it going through those and go "this part goes here" rather than, like, writing it down
That's soooo pre-1990
what you have there isn't recursion, it's repetition ... gimme a minute to prepare a thing ...
No no no don't do it for me :D I'd like to learn how (I know, baby steps etc)
@Jimbo just FYI (because you will get told off at some point) php-src coding standard is tabs, not spaces
I won't do it for you ... it won't be a useful thing, an illustrative thing ...
is $_POST the correct way to go when you have to deal with a json Object send to the php using ajax?
@DaveRandom WUT
I can see it in your diff :-P
@Riccardo990 no, json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
@FlorianMargaine I've just tried it but I can't see what the php is supposed to get from the ajax
actually it seems that even if I'm sending some I'm not sending anything
you are probably sending the json string as a parameter... is your ajax using post or get?
@Riccardo990 you should be able to see what has been sent in your browser developer tools
actually in console everything is ok on js side
I'm supposed to send a json object using JSON.stringify function
@Riccardo990 var_dump of post will show you everything you sent to the server
I already know what post is getting
it is getting anything
@Jimbo consider also that you need to recurse on group_use_declaration, not the contents thereof ;-)
if you look at
namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}'
T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}'
@DaveRandom Oh yep, sorry typo, I was playing about
the place you want to change the supported syntax is actually unprefixed_use_declarations
right now the ast looks like
@JoeWatkins oh damn, so it is
what you want to support is
however var_dump returns null
so just in imagining what the ast will look like, you can see that you need to add stuff in unprefixed_use_declaration to support your new nested group, which hopefully doesn't need a new ast type, you can just modify the ast stuff to handle it ...
(aim for that ...)
make sense ?
I'll also need to edit zend_compile.c to account for that right?
Or maybe not, as it's all already there...
Will have a bash
what you will see when you produce AST the compiler can't handle is assertions fail
Man, I think I'm seeing how this AST stuff is so powerful
I just wish we could keep it for runtime ....
I love the idea of linq like stuff ... php deserves that ... you can do it without it ... but it's properly nasty and nobody should use it ...
@JoeWatkins you can't actually do that without types if you actually mean LINQ here
we have those now ... or can have those now ...
@NikiC did you see go just got ssa?
@JoeWatkins it was attempted once phplinq.codeplex.com
isn't linq a feature in C# ...
it is used for those DB queries , etc, etc ??
not only DB blah...
@JoeWatkins you probably can, but take note speccing something like LINQ is incredibly challenging.
@eXtreme It's normal and not okay. I have a version of composer that is much faster at this - see github.com/composer/composer/pull/3802 I should work on it again soon. But you can try it out by grabbing that fork and compiling composer.phar for yourself. Let me know if you need a hand.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no argument ... it's a shame that it doesn't really matter because the AST is not kept for runtime ... anything that does keep it will have such a dramatic effect on memory consumption that it won't be justifiable ... it doesn't make sense that this feature should have an effect of that sort ...
I mean it does, we know why, but if you don't know or care ... it's a bit baffling, why are the two even connected ... if would be like saying adding support for some control structure is going to increase memory consumption ...
Holy fuck this is terrible json2html.com
I was really complaining that this kind of stuff is still not possible, not that I can't start writing the implementation today ... I probably couldn't ... but it's still annoying that we can't really even talk about stuff like that ...
configure: error: Unable to locate gmp.h
having most of what we need, but at the wrong time ...
> Made by w3schools
~ probably
@Saitama dpkg -S gmp.h
don't pick the first ...
pick the most sensible ...
probably libgmp-dev
actually that's probably the only exact match ... make sure you have an exact match :)
Ey yo
Status code: 200
Body of response: "error=bad_verification_code&error_description=The+code+passed+is+incorrect+or+expired.&error_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.github.com%2Fv3%2Foauth%2F%23bad-verification-code"
I installed this one libgmp-dev - Multiprecision arithmetic library developers tools still nothing
So apache2... with php.. is there a limit to how many requests can be open at the same time
I was looking in the config and found something like
@Saitama whereis gmp.h
@JoeWatkins the ast is kept once for the runtime in LINQ if you opt into it.
ServerLimit         16
StartServers         2
MaxRequestWorkers  150
MinSpareThreads     25
MaxSpareThreads     75
ThreadsPerChild     25
> Status code: 200
gourab@Gourab-PC ~/Desktop/PHPBUILD/php-7.0.3 $ dpkg -S gmp.h
libc6-dev:amd64: /usr/include/netinet/igmp.h
libgmp-dev:amd64: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gmp.h
linux-headers-3.19.0-32: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.19.0-32/include/linux/igmp.h
linux-headers-3.19.0-32: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.19.0-32/include/uapi/linux/igmp.h
linux-libc-dev:amd64: /usr/include/linux/igmp.h
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm ... I hadn't thought of that ...
@MadaraUchiha It's for a little startup called Github. They probably haven't had the resourced to fix it yet.
@Danack hehe looks about right :P
got it...
Q: build php5.3.8 on ubuntu , get error: configure: error: Unable to locate gmp.h

WilliamI am using ubuntu 13.10 x64, and I'm trying build php 5.3.8, I downloaded the source code and run the configure: ./configure --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=www-data --with-fpm-group=www-data --with-tidy --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/conf --with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/php/conf....

posted on March 02, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by The coding love */

@JoeWatkins linq caches queries.
Compiling them is kind of slow. You'd need to cache it differently though since you have request/response cycles typically so it would work in something like Aerys but not in a standard SAPI.
yeah we could do something similar, but, how to restrict the retention of ast to only that code which needs it ...
because keeping the ast for wordpress ... scary shit, right ?
@JoeWatkins lmao.
Well, you'd have a type: IQueryable and only keep the AST for expressions passed into it.
You could introduce a get_ast that returns the AST for a function (in C#, it has to be an expression - a specific type). Then you'd provide it to users that can use it to build other things from.
cough compiler directive.
@Danack what?
yeah we need something additional ...
we can't tell until execution has ended if anyone is going to do anything at any moment ...
Oh - there's even a function version of halt compiler is already a function.
we don't have the benefit of analysis
@JoeWatkins so?
so we can't keep the ast around for absolutely everything, we need to be able to inform the compiler which usually destroys the ast as it's compiled, not to destroy the ast ... we can't do it with analysis, which I imagine is how C# is doing it, right ?
it can use the type to determine what to retain, is what I'm saying/asking ?
@JoeWatkins C# just looks at the types - if the type Expression is inferred for something (a single line anonymous function that returns) then it can be used.
You also still have the source around - don't you? Can't you get a string representation of a function in PHP?
You can invoke the compiler again in runtime which is fine because you only do it once.
we can't work with types at compile time, they don't always exist ...
we don't have the source either
@JoeWatkins Why?
we know where it is (file/line), but it's not kept ...
$func = new ReflectionFunction('myfunction');
Whenever someone implements a provider, you re-read the function with reflection, get the AST and give it to the provider. You cache the functions for which you did this.
yeah that's an option ... but it sounds pretty clunky, having to compile stuff nearly twice is a pretty strange thing ... I think ...
You create the AST twice but you only compiled it once.
Maybe in general, if things are Expressions don't compile them ahead of time
yeah, which is very nearly, compiled twice ...
I'd still like a compiler directive ... dunno what it would have to look like to get internals to agree
$thing = abstract($a, $b) {
	return $a + $b;

$thing instanceof ReflectionAbstract
	or die("we live in the real world ...");
that'd be nice ...
and totally doable ... in minutes ...
@Danack looks like you have an advanced REST developer on the other end
@JoeWatkins Just re-reading what you put before, you mention unprefixed_use_declarations then unprefixed_use_declaration, which one should I be focussing on? The latter has the USE_ELEM points so I was looking at that
.. that makes it even more disappointing
@Leigh yeah
hey guys, i have a form and a insert query to mysql, but for some reason when i paste info into the input fields, it doesn't pass the data to the database. I have no keyup function or anything like that. however, if it type the data manually it sends it to the db with no problem.
@Jimbo unprefixed_use_declarations is where the recursion is used, and unprefixed_use_declaration where ELEM is added ... you want to be able to replace ELEM with GROUP
@PeeHaa New from Javascript: make your layouts into unreadable semantic-free garbage, with this thing!
@Kez You having a form implies you need to submit it at some point, and only when submitted will data be entered into the database.
Am I misunderstanding?
@MadaraUchiha yes, i am submitting it.
@Kez So you paste, submit, and data doesn't enter the database..?
@MadaraUchiha yes, if it type it out manually there is no problem.
@Kez How does your form get submitted? JavaScript?
@MadaraUchiha php
That's not what I meant.
@MadaraUchiha what did you mean?
Are you submitting the form with AJAX, jQuery, form.submit(), just plain clicking the submit button?
just plain clicking the submit button
for example:
@Kez I can't think of a situation where that would happen. Show us some code please
mysql_* !!!!
@Saitama would that cause the problem?
umm... would there be any problem if i compiled PHP without ldap ??
I dont think so @Kez
but you should not use them as they are deprecated...
@Saitama i know, will change it
@Kez The problem sounds very client-side-ish
Review your client-side code.
gtg meeting good luck
@Patrick ping..
@Wes Any progress with the logo?
@MadaraUchiha ok, will do
@samayo sent you a whatsapp msg
Battery is dead, will check bad later.
@Patrick is it 17"?
It looks more like 14" or 15.6" at most.
Acer Aspire 7551
Should be 17"
It is larger than my 15"
Well what does this mean ???
checking for sysvipc shared memory support... no
checking for mmap() using MAP_ANON shared memory support... no
checking for mmap() using /dev/zero shared memory support... no
checking for mmap() using shm_open() shared memory support... no
checking for mmap() using regular file shared memory support... no
checking "whether flock struct is linux ordered"... "no"
checking "whether flock struct is BSD ordered"... "no"
configure: error: Don't know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no
@Saitama you are just trying to build 7.0.3?
is there something special you are trying to do with it?
well... I was trying to use threads...
and I cant find php7 in apt
@Saitama try turning off mcrypt .... apparently.
and i need php7 because i need to use pthreads
--without-mcrypt \
How can I stop my sql server from generating random usernames for sql users
@Saitama What operating system?
well now I get this error configure: error: pcntl: fork() not supported by this platform ... I am now using linux mint
@Saitama Use ondrej's ppa
I've used dat... it didnt work /.... :'-(
Linux Mint is 14.04, but it should work..
@Saitama What does the end of config.log tell you?
It works on Linux Mint 17.3
nothing... just a bunch of #define's and this configure: exit 1
why are you compiling it?
Well... I want thread safety.. and to learn...
Because they want to.
There seems to be a common theme in that some "ODBC thing" is messed up. forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-753575.html bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=24407&edit=1
@Saitama pthreads does work on older versions of PHP, you know. All you need is a TS build of PHP... It might not work with the tip of pthreads master but it definitely does work.
I am not sure what that means though...
@Danack ODBC as a whole is messed up
Presumably some lib somewhere is doing some crazy shit that redefines fork() or something
@Danack Pretty weird, why would odbc be messing with fork
And yes Dave is right - you just need to acquire a ZTS version of PHP - and then PThreads should be compilable just as an extension?
#define fuck fork
well... I just wanted to build PHP actually... It seems pretty fascinating.. and it would have help me too.... :(
#define false true
#define true false
@Saitama Is Linux mint your host system? Or running it inside a VM?
my host....
@kelunik are you referring to the logo?
@bwoebi sure
How can I stop my sql server from generating random usernames for sql users
Try compiling libreoffice and see if you get the same error
@Saitama Try doing a --disable-all build to start with

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