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TCP were so much simpler if closed state were bidirectional … half-closed streams are a mess
> baz(function(int $i, float $b) implements Foo{ });

Man that's weird :P
Its very hacky @GeoPhoenix, I am using ->first(). But still wondering why ::where() is returning the data like that.
->where() returns another collection , devdocs.io/laravel/api/5.2/illuminate/support/…
posted on February 25, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by alb404 */

try ->toArray() maybe it will give you what you expect
Its returning builder so no ->toArray()
Please don't deprecate rand(), I have stuff that depends on it's predictability.
ok, I give up. take it
@Oldskool i have this code in twig <a class='btn $class' data-toggle="collapse" href='{{ path('esp_campaign_stop', {'campaignId': campaignId}) }}' role='button'>Stop</a> that call an action from a controller but i dnt want the button to redirect me to another page,i need to stay at the same page
@NorthbornDesign please fix that
@Devilion That's not really Symfony specific ;-) Just don't give the button a href attribute. Just make it fire an AJAX request when clicked.
@ircmaxell While I may be joking, the real laughter comes with knowing there are others who wouldn't be.
yes, there are lots of people who do that
hell, CakePHP had an "encryption class" that used rand to build a stream cipher
they "srand($key)", then xored each character with rand()
like this:
$(function() {
var test;
$('#all').click(function() {
type: 'GET',
dataType : 'json',
url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/events.php',
timeout: 3000,
success: function(data) {
jQuery.each( data.items, function( i, val ) {
@ircmaxell Realistically, shouldn't any seedable PRNG be usable for that?
it needs to be a secure PRNG
ultimately that's what a stream cipher is
rc4, etc
user image
I need to read up on cryptography.
@NorthbornDesign You're the reason, you're the one single reason, why we can't have nice things. You know that, right?
Warning: symlink(): Cannot create symlink, error code(183)
Any idea where I can look that error code up? Google returns nothing
@NikiC You sound like my wife.
I make up for it by coming up with fantastic ideas that'll never get implemented.
@ircmaxell can you add me to your php-types repo?
@NikiC done
thank you
how can i output blob audio from mysql databse
I have uploaded mp3 file using phpMyAdmin in xampp and then i try to output the audio using php but it doesnt work
my code is :
$sql="SELECT sound FROM english WHERE eWord LIKE '%" . $name . "%' OR kWord LIKE '%" . $name ."%'";



echo '<audio controls>';
echo '<source src="data:audio/mp3;base64,'.$row['sound'].'">';
echo '</audio>';
can anyone help me
or atleast point me how am i supposed to get audio blob from database using php and output it
@Sykox the top google search results seem appropriate - google.co.uk/…
> As for the 'BC break' - I would be interested in hearing if anyone actually (admits to) having any code that would be affected by it.
Too troll?
Please read what's written in the red box
!!docs mysql_fetch_array
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
:p @Jeeves you're so touchy
@PeeHaa, we need to make @Jeeves ping people with the MySQL text.
iandevlin.com/html5/data-uri/audio.php has a long code for src = "..."
@NorthbornDesign if you need predictable random that isn't rand(), I have several libraries you can use for that.
How am i supossed to upload that in my database
there's a nice link that reads read the full article. I'd start there.
i am making a online dictionary
usear searchs the word
for the correct word he can play the sound file
really? the user submits the word?
$sql="SELECT sound FROM english WHERE eWord LIKE '%" . $name . "%' OR kWord LIKE '%" . $name ."%'";
@Sykox heard of this thing called sql injection?
??? what is it?
"good morning"
- internet
sorry guys but i am total newbie
@Sykox heard of this thing called google?
@Patrick Yes... of course laughs nervously
@Sykox then maybe you have no business writing a real application. You should spend more time learning instead. SQL injection, XSS, CSRF <- add those to your list of things that you need to research before you write your first production app
ok i get basic meaning of mysql injection..but how is it going to affect me?
I am doing it for my dad... and its time bound
i dont have much resources and it not like its professonal or anything...
since you get the meaning, explain it to me
then I can tell you how it's going to affect you if you still dont understand
I already posted a question but no one answered me...
Q: how to play mp3 audio stored im mysql blob using php

SykoxI have stored small 100kb mp3 files in mysql db as blob using phpMyAdmin However i am unable to output it on html and play the audio...here is my code require ('mysqli_connect.php'); //contains database connection $sql="SELECT sound FROM english WHERE eWord LIKE '%" . $name . "%' OR kWord L...

if(preg_match("/[A-Z | a-z]+/", $_POST['name'])){
any 1 can help solving this question stackoverflow.com/questions/35631342/…
@Sykox do you care if the site/server gets hacked?
doesnt it prevent loading malicious script or code
Please i'm getting error while trying to login

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/userpage/public_html/secured/phpini/conn.php:2) in /home/userpage/public_html/secured/loging.php on line 35

**Here is my login code**

$folder = "../";
if (isset($_POST['VerifyPass'])) {


$conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.DB_HOST.';dbname='.DB_NAME,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);

$login_stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM data WHERE username=:username AND password=:password");
$login_stmt->bindParam(":username", $_POST['username']);
$login_stmt->bindParam(":password", $_POST['password']);

$atributes = $login_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
of course
no way i want that
@Sykox then you need to research the things I told you
and understand them
yes but cant you help me
how to just laod blob in php
@Sykox you need to understand it yourself, I can't do that for you
@Sykox not until you fix the sql injection, right now anyone can just drop your whole database easily
any book/tutorial i can for blob
and sql injecton
@Micheal i am guessing conn.php is output something via echo or print_r ...
sorry come again
@ Aamir
check conn.php
@Sykox use pdo and prepared statements, never string concatenation if you are adding user input to a sql query
i'll keep that in mind
don't just keep it in mind, fix your code
@Patrick yes trying to study that right away...
can you point me good book/site
!!docs mysql_fetch_array
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
@Sykox check the links that jeeves posted
Q: How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted without modification into an SQL query, then the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` (`column`) VALUES ('$unsafe_variable')"); That's because the us...

tol me lot
I am working on it
Please i'm getting error while trying to login

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/userpage/public_html/secured/phpini/conn.php:2) in /home/userpage/public_html/secured/loging.php on line 35

**Here is my login code**

$folder = "../";
if (isset($_POST['VerifyPass'])) {


$conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.DB_HOST.';dbname='.DB_NAME,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);
@Patrick thank you so much for bringing such an importaont to my notice...
Someone help me
Header location is not working
That is the only code i have in my auth.php
@Micheal Your conn.php, line 2
@Sykox no problem, that's what we are here for. once you have that fixed ask again about your other problem if you haven't fixed it yourself by then and I'm sure someone will help you out
Something in your conn file is outputting or setting headers already defined, you need to look in that file on that line and fix it,
@Patrick yes...
i am focusing on basics first....
this is too big to be ignored right now
@Sean here is my conn.php


if(!function_exists('pdoConnect')) {
function pdoConnect() {

$conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.DB_HOST.';dbname='.DB_NAME,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);
$conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
return $conn;

$conn = null;
Checked for any whitespace above or before your <?php tag?
@Sean no whitespace
@kelunik js has the !!tell command for that I think
@sean I found it thank you
@Micheal <?php
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_level']) or ($_SESSION['user_level'] != 1))
{ header("Location: login.php");
@Micheal you might find this useful: stackoverflow.com/a/11369679/727208
hey guys is there any user guide for @Jeeves ??
@Saitama no
@Saitama currently we only have the source as docs :(
Lol is it hosted on github??
you have the list of commands, basically
Hi all. I've just finished the post about date i18n in PHP (been writing it for 2 weeks) — blog.ksimka.io/… . Need your opinions. And please share :)
!!imdb 50 shades of grey
[ 50 Shades of Grey ] 2015, Sam Taylor-Johnson
!!imdb Dark Knight
[ Dark Knight ] 1986, Russell Mulcahy
@Patrick you really could have better examples.
!!imdb The Dark Knight
is there a help option?
[ The Dark Knight: The IMAX Experience ] 2008, Christopher Nolan
I need to know more about mr jeeves
That was what I was talking about!
!!man PHP
@Saitama Command not found. Have you tried Windows instead? It's great and does all the things!
[ sed -- stream editor ] sed [ -Ealnru ] command [ file ... ] sed [ -Ealnr ] [ -e command ] [ -f command _ file ] [ -I extension ] [ -i extension ] [ file ... ]
is for unix commands
!!\d`($ rm -rf /)
Yeah, I killed it o/
@FlorianMargaine ? :-D
It had been hand crafted by the best PHP devs... cant destroy it that easily... /:
@Saitama Shouldn't be uppercase
!!man php
@Sean Command not found. Have you tried Windows instead? It's great and does all the things!
LOL @Sean hehehe
> is for unix commands
!!man ldd
[ ldd -- list dynamic object dependencies ] ldd [ -a ] [ -v ] [ -f format ] program ...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, I'm just blind.
who's in charge of Jeeves?
@PeeHee !!pman plz kthxbye
@salathe The correct answer is nobody
Mobile chat is soooo nice
I am using that only @PeeHaa :P
it's sexy!!
@salathe how long does it take to get documentation patches approved?
How do you tell composer to use dev-master for ONE dependency only
@Machavity No-one looks at them regularly. Email me a link to the patch, or send the same to the docs mailing list, asking for it to be looked at.
@NikiC minimum-stability: dev in your projects composer.json and --prefer-stable as a command line option. probably
Acually - prefer-stable can be put into composer.json as well.
@Danack Is there a way to do the prefer-stable in the composer.json?
@salathe What's your email?
@Danack oooh, nice, that's just what I was looking for
@Machavity salathe[hat]php[spot]net
forwarding your email to Russian porn spammers :p
I keep getting Zend\Form\View\Helper component requires the intl PHP extension when I uncommented the extension, checked the extension_dir, made sure it was looking at the correct ini, restarted apache, and checked to make sure the extension was there. What else could it be?
@iroegbu he's already on Internals. is there much of a difference?
@iroegbu go ahead, it all goes into the junk folder :)
it's not like my email isn't already all over the internets
user image
For those that were wondering, it's a windows specific error. :p
@NikiC what are you planning? :3
Relativistic Baseball is one of my favorites, second only to Lethal Neutrinos.
@Andrea I'm planning something?
has anyone else seen the new mobile chat?
@NikiC php-types
@Andrea oh, nothing
I wrote another RFC to make #PHP be incrementally better https://wiki.php.net/rfc/callableconstructors
there's just been a few people recently interested in this kind of stuff, so I figured it would be good if someone was fixing bugs
@Danack oh no
@Danack parent::__construct doesn't make a new object, so Foo::__construct shouldn't
technology \o/
@Danack if you want to have a way to do new with a callable, use, idk, ::new().
__construct is magic.gif
it's not magic, much like none of the other "magic methods" are
they don't do any magic themselves, it's what calls them that's magic
That'd be a collision with a class constant named new, though.
__construct is, and should just be, a normal method
@jbafford nope, class constants and methods are different namespaces, and ::new has only been permitted since 7
good night guys... cya later!!
Then Foo::new is ambiguous.
meh. stupid different namespaces making everything more confusing.
hmm, i can't figure out how to reply on mobile....in theory yes Andrea, in practice .....not so much.
/laters, beer o'clock has been rung
chat is slow to update gravatar
ah, there we go ...
@Machavity that assumes there's evaporation
I see no mention of that? ^^
unless you meant no evaporation?
@iroegbu It also assumes you can live for 8600+ years :P
yes, I meant "no evaporation"
Even if you live that long it's not possible to achieve it in that time... might need 10x time if you live in a tropical rain forest...
if you live in a desert... I don't know... Lol
somehow, this idea of a saliva pool almost makes my stomach want to empty itself on my screen, to put it mildly.
if you live in the UK, just wait a few days and the fucking rain will fill the pool up for you ...
heh. so the rumors are true about rain and uk.
it'll probably have some shopping trolleys in it after a few days too ...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Haha... and just now, I was considering filling a tumbler
@jbafford it's not, we just prohibit new as a method name
I wrote another RFC to make #PHP be incrementally better https://wiki.php.net/rfc/callableconstructors
How is a public URL without a .com possible?
or a .[TLD]
I have seen this, I just have no idea how it's happening
@OliverQueen public url? example?
A guys blog -> 0x6baa688f
awww dude, I was just about to #jquery him ...
@OliverQueen I'm going to guess that's an IPv6 address
@jbafford mind explaining?
like going to, only with IPv6 instead of IPv4
IPv6 has a couple of different ways you can represent the address. Apparently, as a hex number is one of them.
nah, it's not ipv6, is long address
oh, right, duh. That's only 32 bits, so a regular IPv4 address
@bwoebi because I can't be arsed with people that butcher APIs just adding parameters over parameters over crap.
I'd never actually seen that syntax before.
@tereško eloquent, of course :P
@Ocramius It's tbh a feature which could speed up my parsers though…
ah, so essential IP -> hex
wow, never knew browsers allowed for that
@bwoebi so write unpack_with_offset()
@Ocramius that's butchering the function table with awful function names.
No, that's designing DIFFERENT API ENDPOINTS
ya know, heh
It's THE SAME DAMN THING … just with an offset :-D
anyway, not replying further on that thread anyway
Also, TBH I could make use of the offset op ^^
@OliverQueen it isn't so much the browser or client; the client has to support standard notation addresses, anything else is additional to that (dotted notation or whatever) ... it's actually the server that needs to allow it (there is no host header, or not one that makes sense) ...
unless you actually create that as a vhost ... which is just dumb ...
ejj.io's address isn't too hard to remember, but mostly they are nonsense ... that's why we have the domain name system ...
@JoeWatkins ahh, makes sense now. I was sincerely baffled, thank you
@Ocramius I was just complaining that you were that guy … not actually whether the feature would be good or bad
I am used to be the guy that says "NO"
it's 75% of my githubbing
the rest is being 1st on github anyway :-P
I just wish developers went for the "5 minutes more, for the greater good"
There are only two hard problems in computer science: finishing things, and getting paid.
@Ocramius That would be much worse than an additional parameter
substr_with_offset_and_length yay.
@NikiC yes please
Verbose is not necessarily better
Verbose can be better, but it isn't always
It's not about verbosity, it's about stopping smashing multiple signatures in a single interface, because your final API becomes a permutation of all possible combinations, which is a mess
@NikiC that sounds like it should be multiple functions instead of one
@Patrick they want it as single function due to performance reasons
@Ocramius Not true. There is no permutation
Normally the number of overloads increases linearly, not exponentially
foo($bar) and foo($bar, $baz) are different interfaces, yet you have only one signature
so once you have foo($bar, null, $taz) you start having 4 permutations
etc etc
So you're saying optional parameters are bad in general?
I call bullshit on that
anyway, stuff like this seems to be doomed to happen in the PHP project anyway, given the recent "awesomeness" introduced in openssl
Yeah, I'd say that generally they're causing issues, yes
If you want I can come up with a more elaborate rant, given the time for it :P
Having $str->toLower() and $str->toLower($locale) is IMHO significantly better than the latter being $str->localAwareToLower($locale)
That's just ridiculous
@Ocramius There is sort of a step up between one optional parameter and eight of them
I pretty much prefer the second example you made. Makes it explicit and makes intent much more understandable, as well as causing failures in case you screw up the parameter (and that will happen)
All things are bad when driven to excess
@NikiC fully agree, but adding a function is a very very tiny compromise for a much better solution
you are still free to do any possible horror at C layer anyway
alright, back to work and conferencing :)
Hey all.. how to resize an image before sending it to the server?
@Ocramius Give it a REST man :P
@Nevermore Photoshop
or gimp
@Machavity I currently prefer RPC
@Machavity Can you refer my question.. I am just taking the image from the client side and on my server side; its giving me some errors. Here it is: stackoverflow.com/questions/35633714/…
Is there anyone who can help me with this link? I'm on it for days...
Q: Which IP to connect into a localNetwork?

ArthurMFBI have two computers. Computer A and computer B. A have got a MySQL server and B has got a program, which will eventualy connect into computer B to get information from the database. Both computers use the same Wifi. Now the question is: Which IP should I use? I have tried the real IP, which is ...

@Nevermore I agree with the answer you already have there
you're passing the wrong thing in. The error is telling you that
Ye, the only problem is that I cant find the my.ini (my.cnf on linux) as I just asked in another quesiton, days ago
Q: Find My.ini file on Windows 7

ArthurMFBWhere can I find the my.ini? I heard it would be under Mysql server 5.7, but it isn't. I'm trying to find to correct the error about "MySQL insert incorrect integer value for column at row 1". Any help is appreciated, thanks. Here is an screenshot and an post with the same doubt. screenshot post

I really dont know why is this happening
@Machavity What do you recommend me to do?.. I mean; when I pass the $_FILE['tmp_name'] it doesnt get me the file instead. However, the file doesnt exist on the server side. It exists on the client side and if I do not resize the file. The code works just fine.
Try dumping $_FILES. That's all I can suggest
@Machavity Dumping means? I already have the file from the input. What else to do ?
@Nevermore maybe try $_FILES instead of $_FILE?
@Patrick Its $_FILES.. my bad :/
@Nevermore var_dump($_FILES);die;
Q: How do I properly use print_r or var_dump?

Michael CorvisI use the following snippet quite often when I am debugging: echo "<pre>" . var_dump($var) . "</pre>"; And I find I usually get a nice readable output. But sometimes I just don't. I'm particularly vexed at the moment by this example: <?php $username='xxxxxx'; $password='xxxxxx'; $data_url...

@Patrick It shows me the file and its attributes properly. However, my problem is because the server is not getting the file in the filesystem.
@Nevermore did you read the docs?
The docs shall always set you free
@Patrick Read docs for ?
Even though I have a large distaste for technical manuals
@Nevermore how to do a file upload in php
@Patrick Yes I read the doc and I did as they have prescribed. However, when I add the $_FILES['tmp_name']. It is supposed to get me the temporary name of the file which is stored on the server. But it doesnt have an extension.. it is something like /php/tmp/asdqwe which doesnt help me.
@Nevermore why does that not help you?
Are there any good console libraries? Like... full ncurses, without the horrors of ncurses
Last time I went searching for it I ended up dissapoint
Yea the last time I went searching I spent like 4 hours trying to work out a cunning way of getting info from the attached term without executing stty, and being dissapoint
Should an injector resolve non-static "callables" of the form [$className, $methodName] by building the instance too, or is that too much responsibility?
I guess that wouldn't make much sense as the instance would be temporal to the injector's call.
Have you asked it to instantiate something?
Then the answer is "no" ;-)
The "bad design" argument aside, some things have side effects when instantiated
So in the name of avoiding unintended side effects, I'd say no, don't instantiate unless you're handing that instance back to the caller
Also, there's the unfortunate side-effect of having to remove callable from the Injector::call signature, because it throws up with "Non-static method X::y() should not be called statically" when you try to pass ['X', 'y'] in.
@Patrick It doesnt help me cos there is no such folder in my server by that name :D Now even I am getting confused..
Does anyone ever use a function-local static $memos = [] for memoization?
Or that not what you were asking?
No, that's pretty much exactly.
I just had the file open so you were in luck I didn't have to search for an example :-)
@PeeHaa speaking of which, I have some spare time and was looking back at issue #12. Why not just use it for jeeves?
@NorthbornDesign There are a few other examples in github.com/amphp/dns/blob/master/lib/functions.php
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Working on it :)
in Jeeves' Playground..., 2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
!!admin list
Or maybe just one…
I am parsing html to display nice user lists. But I am getting dom blind
I still would love to have a async postgres lib though :)
Sorry I meant a working lib :P
Didn't test it nor know the state of it. ^^
Started to make it work some while ago, but got distracted
Also was somewhat sad of the state it was in. Was hoping it was a bit further :(
@PeeHaa yeah, @rdlowrey just pushed once and then stopped caring [because no time] :-(
had migraine whole day. maybe i'm dying and i don't even know

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