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@Wes ]no, but I decided that text/plain;foo=1;bar=2 has a higher specificity than text/plain;foo=1
@tereško Can you please mentor me. :D
@ANW it's a common thing with a majority of frameworks - they are easy to start to use ... and only, when you have taken the bait and used it for a month, you start encountering issues
if you are looking for a framework, that will help you with employment, then you should look at Symfony, Zend or Laravel
+1 Laravel
@tereško is Phalcon good?
why the "+1" ?
it has many of the same issues as Yii, CodeIgniter and Cake
and no, Phalcon is not good, because it is a terrible choice for when you need to debug it
I have a question .. but I don't know how can I ask it. May please someone tell me what's my question? "jquery: I need a event to acts when I change text-selector in the input using arrow (keyboard)"
seems like keydown
You are right, tnx .. however I got it before you tell me :-)
and listening to shostakovich's 8th quartet will really help your soul
also the ffs wasn't targeted at you. rather my current inaptitude to type things
and again phpstorm closed itself with no reason whatsoever. wtf? no errors, it's just gone
never got that
were you trying to patch to 10.0.3?
that's what i run yeah
f*ck. i lost a good hour of stuff
should enable autosave again
Please answer this question
Q: Auto Submitting A 3rd party 3d secure page

Arti GroverWe would like to automate a regression test by repeating live transaction requests on our site. For this we would need to automate 3d secure pages. One way of implementing this could be to send the curl call with the desired parameters and retrieve the 3d secure HTML page. After reaching the du...

@rtheunissen i tried compiling (shared) php-ds on windows but it fails. i believe i did nothing wrong. php 7.0.3 TS, x64, vc14
error is http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=28851027#28851027
\o/ Happy Caturday!
@Wes why did you even turn it off?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i have no idea. i suppose because at the beginning i didn't use git
aight, I'm going to the hair styler, to do something impulsive again
I agree
I listened to the full season one of the expanse lately, in one night
(not your typical one night stand, I'll admit)
and.... I just have to get Miller's haircut
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have tried to watch it so many times
fucking do it
nomatter what... I zoom out while watching it
... yea
let's get serious, guys are starting to watch
@RonniSkansing maybe the books would help you not zone out
It might do, but I admit to only read books if they are manuals/docs/etc .. except hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
that's a very relevant book to be an exception
but afterwards, the 42 joke gets old
can we retrieve 3d secure page in a curl call response
any suggestions
if internet had a michelangelo and a sistine chapel, this would be in it
that is a lovely cat
awesome photo
even the dog has some kind of metaphorical presence
is that a dog? looks like another cat
probably Eve.
oh you're right
right and kinda funny
did you take that picture?
nope :P found on twitter. title "this is how the internet was created"
imagine how much time this guy (or she-guy) wasted invested to take that!
also michelangelo painted horizontally for years, even became blind. but what a result :P
I just logged as root via SSH into a server. It seems there are multiple accounts created ( looks like a setup with cpanel and whm :s ) In a server structure where could I be able to find the accounts?
I have to change some rights on a specific folder in a user account/package.
reminds me of beethoven becoming deaf
NVM got it! :) /home it is!
michelangelo could only see upward at some point, because he spent years painting upwards only. yeah tricky if you are a painter
gotta turn the painting down sometimes
by rotating a building? :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier have you actually been watching that series?
yeah of course.
I haven't actually started ... but I have read the first book
I even really liked it
what series is that? that guy reminds me of punisher
my friend is punishing me by spoiling me because he wanted miller's haircut first
which was a decent movie though
ok, I'll stop being completely irrelevant. it's a good view.
though @bwoebi value types are cool as everything is automatic but not as optimized as doing mutable to immutable conversion yourself
@Wes not sure what you mean?
for certain operations too many copies would be created (even if delayed with copy on write)
oh sure … and we have this problem with arrays too sometimes … but well, that's an implementation detail and the choice to use real by-object objects ;-)
yes. i have mixed feelings about it now
Yeah, I do too (but not only now)
related: i have
class Foo{
private $stuff;
function __construct(){ $this->stuff = new stdclass; $this->stuff->bar = []; }
function __clone(){}
so that "bar" doesn't get copied when cloning Foo instances. but this is pointless, right? as array copy is actually made when it's about to be modified
or wait…
a clone isn't recursive … won't get duplicated because of stuff
yes objects must be cloned explicitly
but if i had this
class Foo{
private $bar;
function __construct(){ $this->bar = []; }
function __clone(){}
and bar is a huge array, when cloning Foo instances it's not that i will actually copy the arrays as well, unless they get modified later
hm. so what is it that instead forces the array to be actually copied? variable references maybe?
actually nothing
hm ok. wondering why i decided to wrap the array into an object. lol
anyway deadpool time. jelly? :D
@bwoebi When you're approaching the minimum time an event loop can run a timer, small rounding errors will unlikely affect how often the timer is actually run.
Try running a 500 ms timer with Amp. I doubt you'd see any difference in actual time between invocations vs using 499 ms.
@Trowski I actually do…
That seems surprising. Maybe if there was anything else going on in the loop you wouldn't see it.
My point is that relying on the last digit of significance in a timer is going to be unrealistic in a real-world application.
@Trowski well, uv is timing relative to the ostart time
Ah, yes, libuv compensates for timer errors.
it's not like adding a new timer every call
Does the native reactor actually look at elapsed time and subtract that from the next interval?
native? no idea
need to look…
@Trowski It reads the time before executing the timers. github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/NativeReactor.php#L269
Well of course it does, it has to know which timers are due.
But to schedule the timer again, it just adds the interval to $now: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/NativeReactor.php#L301
No compensation for when the timer was actually suppose to be executed.
Oh, yes, right.
You could certainly add that. I'm not sure how much it would matter in a real application.
github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/NativeReactor.php#L301 should maybe then be corrected to be something like $watcher->nextExecutionAt += $watcher->msInterval;
Right, that's what I did in my native loop (reactor).
Slow timers can build up with that method though.
That's how it's currently documented.
Are there people using a Mac and using their Memory/usb stick in their car to play music?
The answer to your real question is probably "format as fat32".
Negative ;)
I have something really annoying.. every song has a .SongName so I have always the double amount of songs, where the first part with the dots are unplayable ofcourse.
Oh, and I have hidden files on, and in my finder they are not showing the .songname files, when I go inside terminal and do ls -al I can see them...
Isn't there a way to never publish them on my USB drive/disk.
Dunno - you would have hoped you could with whatever you're using to copy...
Im just using Finder, maybe I can try it with terminal
Stupidly, the way that I've found easiest in the past to accomplish that is to chuck all the files you want into a zip file. You can then open the archive and sort by file type, and delete all the inappropriate file types. And then extract the zip to the USB drive.
Ok, :) will do it like that thx @Danack
.. and I am sorry for fox-link
oh wow
"The data was obtained, the hacker told Motherboard, by first compromising the email account of a DoJ employee. From there, he tried logging into a DoJ web portal, but when that didn't work, he phoned up the relevant department."

"So I called up, told them I was new and I didn't understand how to get past [the portal],” the hacker told Motherboard. “They asked if I had a token code, I said no, they said that's fine—just use our one.”"
huh thepiratebay now also stream movies
I just desperately searched for 1080p deadpool...
@kelunik yeah, probably yes.
@Trowski No, timers shouldn't build up… if they can't be run until the next execution slice, the next execution slice should be skipped.
@bwoebi Then you'll need to make sure the next calculated execution time isn't in the past :-)
@Trowski sure
Where can I play around safely with a large MySQL database to skill up?
Where should I import one from?
@Trowski $now - ($now - $watcher->nextExecutionAt) % $watcher->msInterval + $watcher->msInterval
@bwoebi Should work. Could add ?: 1 so there's at least 1 ms between invocations.
@Trowski that expression can't be equal to zero anyway?
Oh, derp, right. $now - ($now - $watcher->nextExecutionAt) % $watcher->msInterval can be zero, forgot about + $watcher->msInterval
I think I need another cup of coffee...
@bwoebi They're documented as stacking up currently.
@tereško movie was ok, not great, and possibly spoiled by bad dubbing. got a stupid voice and jokes were translated "literally" -__- i should have waited for the english one
@Wes Any progress with the elephpant?
hello how can i assign an input string to an array? that when submitted, that string is still assigned to that array?
@Wes you should have
@kelunik nope. logos are hard and i don't know what style this should have. the shape is ok, i guess, but it's basically just strokes for now. grunt's logo is a nice drawing but it probably won't look as good like in a site header tall just 40-50 pixels
Yes, the different sizes are the major problems for logos.
basically it has to be detailed (for higher res) and simple (for small versions) at the same time. and the elephant's head isn't the simplest of the shapes
haircut, done.
i'm doing it though because i need more practice on inkscape :P trying to get rid of adobe stuff
That's how it would currently look like
amphp == I am php
@Wes can't recommend a unix VM enough. Can you see the appveyor log? ci.appveyor.com/project/krakjoe/ds
Re: compiling error.
what should i check for?
the only thing i know is that compiles everything except php-ds because of that error
Right, you could follow the log and check for inconsistencies with yours?
Joe set that up, I haven't used Windows in a very long time.
Will be easier once it's available on PECL.
ok will check. or... do you have the dll for php 7.0.3 x64 TS VC14?
I don't, sorry. I don't have a Windows install to produce it.
ok will try to compile in few minutes... doing too many things at the same time right now :P
that icon scares me
Not sure if I should be happy or not so much about the perspective of a separate async FIG … github.com/async-interop/event-loop/issues/11
@FélixGagnon-Grenier == I asynchronously multitask PHP? :-D
@bwoebi you have the opportunity to make things suck less than they otherwise might... so there's that
@PaulCrovella yeah, well… the problem is just that others then might judge the things I shaped suck…
they will suck. everything does in one way or another, particularly in the long run. best you can hope for is to make them suck less.
Hey =) would bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(42)); be a safe CSRF token?
I may be misremembering, but I thought openssl_random_pseudo_bytes specifically was frowned upon (because openssl reasons). But yes, if you had 42 random bytes, that'd make a good (possibly overkill) CSRF token.
Definitely overkill ^^
To put it into context, your average encryption key is just 16 bytes
Thanks for the feedback
If you had to generate a lot of CSRF tokens, at 42 bytes a pop, you might drain the system entropy pool more quickly than you want.
I am not sure what to google to learn more about this subject, the entropy pool and such.. any link would be appreciated
@jbafford Then you'd need millions of requests per second to drain it with 42 bytes ^^
Also … entropy pool is only critical at system startup…
Heh, it was too much to hope that VNC would work on the first try :(
What are you using VNC for?
at least the entropy pool ought to be cryptographically secure enough so that you can't reverse-engineer internal state
@rtheunissen was hoping to have a bare metal linux machine that I'll use via vnc from my main computer
It was nearly working (clipboard didn't work in one direction), but now that I've shut down that system it won't start at all anymore ^^
Hehe remote shutdown?
@NikiC not sure what you need vnc for? ssh not enough?
@rtheunissen nope
why not?
what about x11 forwarding?
@FlorianMargaine to windows?
ewww... you said the "w" word
@bwoebi well, does ssh support graphical interfaces?
that was the implicit question ;-) … why you need a GUI
because only crazy people work on the terminal only, duh
I definitely don't want to analyze callgrinds by reading the raw dump, you know ;)
bah, I hate computers.
@NikiC oh, no cachegrind viewer for Windows? well, then … why not use a simple VM?
@bwoebi That was only an example of GUI software ^^ I want a bare metal machine for benchmarking
See how much it reduced the jitter and if there's any useful info from hardware counters
Afair putty supports x11 forwarding
You need to activate it in the settings
well @NikiC hw counters are useful (modern processors usually have eight of them per real core) at least much better than valgrind. Though, bare metal isn't necessarily a great idea for measuring hw counters. In a real setup you can assume hyperthreading being used and L3 cache much less effective. If your machine is actually busy to some extent, numbers end up being closer to reality.
Used it a few years ago to forward from solaris to windows
I'll try x11 forwarding next time. first need to reinstall the os ^^
I used xming on windows for the gui
@NikiC basically: unused bare metal is great for consistent idealized results.
@kelunik @bwoebi ignore the shapes, just testing some coloring
@Wes that elephpant looks ... evil
@NikiC indeed. kelunik wanted a gruntjs-ish logo
Eyes can be friendly though
Shape's good :)
It's the eyes that make it evil
shapes suck. i have no idea if i should use larger strokes or like it is now
anyway now it's pretty much freehand, strokes will be way smoother in the final version (like in the grunt logo)
@jbafford about array_key_first_last_index rfc
$foo = ['a' => 'a', 0 => 'b', 4 => 'c'];
echo $foo{0}; // a
echo $foo{1}; // b
echo $foo{2}; // c
as in strings' offset access
or that returns keys:
echo $foo{0}; // a
echo $foo{1}; // 0
echo $foo{2}; // 4
that's neat as it's short but looks very strange
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