Is $datatable['last_update'] set to a value that you expect it to be? Is the DB's column definition compatible with the value that you're passing to it?
@AboutLeros Looks good, assuming the values you're passing are correct... (Did we mention SQL injection? Has anyone pointed out that all of the mysql_* functions are deprecated and removed in PHP 7, that mysqli_* is a good drop-in replacement, and we really should be using PDO and especially prepared statements as much as possible?)
What are the technical reasons why I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (e.g. mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())?
Why should I use something else even if they work on my site?
i have long time clients only, basically. but recently we are battling for everything because they keep insisting doing things that they don't understand they wont help them in their business in any way. i'm opposing to them for their own benefit. they change mind frequently and keeps me doing things that lead to nothing. so i want to start putting some things on paper
It doesn't need to be that just ought to be possible to write a CSV parser in userland that is less than 10 times slower than an internal implementation is. (in an ideal world)
at previous work we used very strange formulas because they found them better than defining overly detailed contracts. for instance rather than describing the backend we described the views, with forms buttons and everything
The double Irish arrangement is a tax avoidance strategy that some multinational corporations use to lower their corporate tax liability. The strategy uses payments between related entities in a corporate structure to shift income from a higher-tax country to a lower-tax country. It relies on the fact that Irish tax law does not include US transfer pricing rules. Specifically, Ireland has territorial taxation, and hence does not levy taxes on income booked in subsidiaries of Irish companies that are outside the state.
The double Irish tax structure was pioneered in the late 1980s by companies such...
The double Irish arrangement is a tax avoidance strategy that some multinational corporations use to lower their corporate tax liability. The strategy uses payments between related entities in a corporate structure to shift income from a higher-tax country to a lower-tax country. It relies on the fact that Irish tax law does not include US transfer pricing rules. Specifically, Ireland has territorial taxation, and hence does not levy taxes on income booked in subsidiaries of Irish companies that are outside the state.
The double Irish tax structure was pioneered in the late 1980s by companies such...
@Wes Just fixed the docs menu today and read the proposals on mobile yesterday. Your issue is still open, will hopefully find some time tomorrow to give you some feedback. :P
@Wes I'm not sure why these speakers or washing machine I totally can't identify with. Also preferring a symbol (the ampersand with asterisk or stylized star-A).
When squashing a feature branch as part of the process of pulling it into master, is it sane to attempt to keep all of the individual commit messages? And if so, what's a good set of commands to keep them, that doesn't involve lots of copy+pasting?
@user2800382 FKs are a one to one relationship. In the case of people and pets, a person can have more than one pet. So you'd need a separate table to track the one-to-many
@Leigh I deliberately skipped the PHPSW meetup that was all about frameworks and the organisers wanted me to promise not to start heckling....
Yeah I think I learned that along the way which is why I stopped, but what's the preferred method? I see a lot of hyphen usage, but I do the camelCase since it's more natural for me from all the code writing.
@Waxi In most projects, nearly all of your file names are going to map to class/interface names, so they'll be LikeThis (which I believe is Pascal case?)
I just learned you can't send multiple files to the browser with 1 request. I guess I'll have to put them into a zip on the server first, then send that.
@tereško You can? I first noticed the problem when using PHPExcel to generate and send 2 files at once to the browser, which resulted in only 1 being downloaded. Then I looked online and everyone says you can't send multiple files over 1 HTTP request?
Ah ok...well thanks for the confirmation. I guess writing them to a temp folder on the server, zipping the folder, then sending the folder should work.
My PHP skills are not that great, so maybe someone can help me understand the concept on how this will actually work, and this is based off what I originally tried to do which was use an ajax call to trigger the php script, but in doing the user was never able to download anything. I didn't try sending the file back as a response and seeing if I could download with js, so what I actually did was remove the ajax, and just have them hit the script themselves with params in the URL, which downloads
If I were to generate files on the server, package into a zip, how do I actually send it back to be downloaded? Can it just be an echo back to the ajax or something? Sorry if this is confusing. Never really had to deal with files being downloaded before.
And then when it is complete, set the window.location to the URL to download the file...and set the content-disposition headers, what should happen is the user is invited to download the file, without leaving the current webpage.
Ajax sends their data to server, server takes their data, creates a bunch of files, makes a zip for it all, then responds with the zip is created, but now we're on the client, how do I go back to the server to get that file? Would I be window.url the location of the file itself?
And then when it is complete, set the window.location to the URL to download the file...and set the content-disposition headers, what should happen is the user is invited to download the file, without leaving the current webpage.
@Waxi sorry I don't have time to walk you through it. You can code it in various ways. Here is something very similar I use for ajax checking of images being generated:…
@treblaluch the $_SERVER variable holds data about the request, so you can get data passed by the browser from that. Javascript could be used to set a cookie from the select element's value, which would be sent along with future requests, so $_COOKIE can be used as well... $_REQUEST gets all sorts of data from various sources in the request, but really, don't be too fancy, just use $_GET and $_POST and make your code maintainable.
@tereško I think I can muddle my way through that, it's just that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around when/where the client is retrieving the file after it's been told the zip is created at x location on the server. At that point what is the client doing? Sending another request saying give me x file and then server just sends it back? I'm sorry for being ignorant.
Time to leave work, thank you all for helping me out, been a tremendous help, got plenty to think about, plenty to work on tomorrow, and slightly more educated.
@LeviMorrison it's just about a micro release, just bug fixes.
Hi, anybody here can tell me why in Smarty a {foreach} seem's to be executed even if the from= is empty? I passed in an empty array and it still goes into the foreach's body and tries to execute stuff, failing because there is no content in the loop?
@Shiuyin Not an expert on Smarty, but you might want to try an if around your foreach.
@Ghedipunk I checked the "compiled" *.tpl.php.... It basically just outputs a foreach($arr as $key => $val).... That should NEVER execute if the array is empty!
@Ghedipunk One line before the {foreach} i put in {sizeof($arr)} and got back "0". I don't understand the world anymore