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@ircmaxell how deep exactly does The Life of an If statement go? Beyond branch prediction and onto the realm of hyperthreaded processors scheduling another thread while it's filling queues up again and fetching data from L1I cache?
Or are we stopping at a relatively simple microop dispatcher (MIPS-style)?
@ircmaxell just come to PHP UK ;)
@Asgrim nah, as much as I REALLY want to be there, I want my BMW more.
And the wink is for?
@bwoebi simple pipelining. Not quite hyperthreading...
just a general British wink...
Ah ok. Wasn't sure if that was in reference to something else or not ;-)
@ircmaxell so just to the branchpredictor … for me the really interesting parts begin precisely beyond it ;-)
@bwoebi give me a write-up tomorrow and I will work it into the talk
@ircmaxell no no, nothing intended!
@Danack you around? :)
@ircmaxell hehe, I wish. I mean interesting because I don't know much about them and would like to know more about it myself. It'll be probably interesting to 99% of your audience though ;-)
@Asgrim chat is asynchronous.......cherish that feature.
@Asgrim not worried about intentions. Just curious if that had another meaning ;).
I am about to take off. Tty all later!
@PaulCrovella the original video is from youtube.com/user/Photonvids/videos - that guys channel is certainly some sort of life lesson.
@Danack I install GraphicsMagick (make && make install), seems to be okay; but ./configure in gmagick complains about "Please provide a path to GraphicsMagick-config program" ?
@Danack truly asynchronous and interrupting you immediately or just non-blocking and just catches your attention when shortly stopping what you are doing momentarily?
@ircmaxell safe journey!
@bwoebi yes.
@ircmaxell Also it's generally hard to find actual explanative information about anything beyond the high-level individual concepts.
@Asgrim can you do find / -name GraphicsMagick-config or equivalent - that's what it's looking for
@Danack yes is always a great answer to a binary question.
It's just many people not realizing there is a difference between non-blocking and async … hence asking :-P
@Danack it found it in /usr/sbin/bin/GraphicsMagick-config... I added /usr/sbin/bin to $PATH but still complains? o_O
@NikiC I've been thinking a bit about typed properties … Solve the reference problem either by a) allowing intermittent (if you can't check it) wrong types and check on getting (possibly good enough considering that case should be anyway rare) or b) have actually typed references too. We'd possibly also generally benefit from typed references (e.g. whenever we're going to have like typed arrays and still want iterations by-ref over them).
@Asgrim try - ./configure --with-gmagick=/usr/sbin/bin/
[vagrant@localhost gmagick]$ which GraphicsMagick-config
@Asgrim you might want to try --with-gmagick=/usr/sbin
yeah - that.
apparently the bin is presumed
yeah, that worked better :D
thank you
(but that's quite a weird location though? ;o)
your configure path @Danack
./configure \
--with-quantum-depth=16 \
--enable-shared \
--exec-prefix=/usr/sbin \
--prefix=/usr/ \
--disable-openmp \
--with-perl=no \
--without-threads \
I guess
oh, --exec-prefix=/usr/sbin …
/me dies
by default --exec-prefix == --prefix … this line is completely redundant…
@Andrea lol, a PHPStorm request for it (youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-30730) before you even implemented it in master =D
how do I count the total number of ram size and echo it outside the for loop?
@treblaluch 3v4l.org/4oOYf might help
ugh it's a really boring night with lots of code to clean up
Q: How to properly call a WideImage PHP class from an external file

Yami MedinaI am working on a PHP web app that receives uploaded images and manipulates them (e.g. adds text) using the WideImage plugin. Everything had been working, with the exception of upload from mobile phones appearing at a sideways angle. From my research, I understand that iPhones and most Androids s...

I've posted a formal question now; i'm mainly not sure how to call the class that is in its own file within the Operation folder (using OperationFactory and WideImage)
Debugging with PHPstorm/Xdebug at least showed me it wasn't running, but i'm not sure how to make the code run
Just me...
mornin roomies
Mornin (night here )
Hello Friends.
any one how to fetch data from mysql as per week.
joe i have seen photos of Emma and Lewis on Facebook with you they are very cute :-)
thanks, I made them myself ...
A: MySQL Query to select data from last week?

piotrmSELECT id FROM tbl WHERE date >= curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(curdate())+6 DAY AND date < curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(curdate())-1 DAY

A: Return the count of rows grouped by week MySQL

Olaf DietscheThis converts the datetime value to the appropriate monday of the week select count(*) as tweets, str_to_date(concat(yearweek(twitTimeExtracted), ' monday'), '%X%V %W') as `date` from twitData group by yearweek(twitTimeExtracted)

@SagarNaliyapara i have already use this query for fetch week
SELECT count(user_id) AS countID,date(created_at) AS createdDate FROM bsh_users WHERE created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK) GROUP BY createdDate ORDER BY created_at DESC
group by @AdiDynaweb
i got 3 days data from mysql but the point is how to get another days data those are not here.
@kelunik the star ... the star has many things going in many directions at once ... very async ...
any idea ?
i a week 7 days. and i our data base we have 3 days data and 4days data not available..
i want those 4 days also
i am using line charts with php ajax jquery
Morning @JoeWatkins
morning @rudi
Replied to email instead
@JoeWatkins this star looks like just ^ with impossible shadow. :^ )
I have a dump question.
A var_dump question? ;)
any solution
if we have defined a variable , we get a notice as 3v4l.org/mj6rX
But if we use a reference see it is not giving notice : 3v4l.org/XBM0Y
What is the reason behind the same ?
where is $post defined?
Please see the bind method.
post is not defined ;)
I am wondering / interested to know why reference not thowing the notice.
Oh I see now
@HariKT interesting... not sure why that would be. I guess the reference just silences the notice.
may be someone in php internals will be able to answer the same.
Yes that is unexpected
> PHP references allow you to make two variables refer to the same content
@sectus yes now I see :)
Thank you.
: ^ )
Morning, room!
@HariKT you defined it in the arguments list to the function
it's defined to null, but defined none the less, after control returns $post is still a thing ...
that might be legitimate
think preg_match(pattern, subject, &matches)
it would be annoying if every time you wanted to pass an argument by reference, you had to define it first, so we accept the definition in parameters list ...
moin new peepz
Thank you @JoeWatkins
wasn't aware of.
this is where we have to raise an error, because the literal constant is not a variable that can be passed by reference - there is no way to reference it once control returns ...
cool. Interesting :) .
at the same time that may get weired ;)
@JoeWatkins I don't mind having to include ds/* internally.
Include path can be public/ and private/ or whatever
And have a ds/ in each of them.
That way it's also consistent between internal external
#include ds/vector.h
#include ds/php_vector.h
show me what you're suggesting so I understand, definitely
source tree: src/public/ds/name.h, src/private/ds/php_name.h
include: src/public, src/private
install: src/public <-- not sure what 'install path' actually is

#include ds/name.h
#include ds/php_name.h
@rtheunissen that'll work, go with it and I'll force autotools to make it work (if for some reason that I don't see this morning, it won't work by default) ;)
The only awkward thing will be to have to "ds" dirs in each of public and private
awkward for internals yeah, but we can probably work around it I'm saying ... so that I (externally) don't have to care about awkward internals ...
Just awkward source tree really.
the idea remember is to create a succinct API for me to use externally, secondarily it should be nice and easy to add compilation units for you, but once you have a "way of doing things", it will achieve that too ...
It'll be better than what we have right now.. so i'm going to run with it.
Should be easy to go from there.
Hi Friends
any one know about this post
@rtheunissen I forgot to mention the tertiary aim ... the tertiary aim is don't be SPL ...
What if I accidentally do that?
I'll do my best.
Q: get all weeks date and check as per your given php array

Adi Dynawebi am got this array from phpmyadmin. Array ( [0] => Array ( [countID] => 1 [createdDate] => 2016-02-15 ) [1] => Array ( [countID] => 2 [createdDate] => 2016-02-17 ) ) i want to get all dates behalf of curr...

I'm repurposing the "SPL" name as the Standard Pcrov Library.
anyone know about that ?
Time for some Hell's Pizza salads #healthy #yolo
Laters all <3
lata @rtheunissen
Good morning and happy pre-Rebecca day
Morning All

file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0

Is there any way to access file Because most of the functions are disabled on the server and i am bound to use that server...
@Epodax thanks for making Thursday longer ...
Edit your php.ini, find allow_url_fopen and set it to allow_url_fopen = 1
@JoeWatkins You're welcome, I'll be happy to do a pre-pre-pre-pre-Rebecca on Monday :D
Yo morning!
allow_url_fopen is stupid ...
if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") == 0) {

	class HttpStreamWrapper {
		public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened) {
			$this->path = $path;
			$this->mode = $mode;
			$this->options = $options;
			$this->opened = &$this->path;

			return true;

		public function stream_read($count) {
			if (!$this->buffer) {
				$ch = curl_init();

				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://{$this->path}");
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
defeated ...
Thanks @JoeWatkins
I made test.php and put your code in it but giving me 500 Internal Server Error
debug it ... is not ready to run ... maybe you don't have curl ... the point was you can just unregister the disabled wrapper and register a new one
Edit your php.ini to display errors and you'll find out what server error you have
too early maybe
ya too early wes
afk walking dogs

echo ini_get('disable_functions'); giving me this so i dont have permission to use curl also

fsockopen ?
i thought it was friday today :(
fsockopen also :(
even include_once :D
half leave
get a new server, it's shit ...
serious now, afk ...
Yes Its shit but have to work on this... Its india sir people want everything but at no cost
party in
ha ha ha @PraveenKumar
Hahaha :D
right bro i agree...
freedom251.com 4$ smartphone
Freedom 251 comes with 1.3 GHz Quadcore Processor capable of fast and responsive performance. 1GB RAM and 8GB internal memory, all the space you need. SD card support (expandable up to 32GB)
specs are even decent. lol
@PraveenKumar 1) Trying to disable include_once with disable_functions is wrong, will not work and generally is stupid. Your server admin is bad and should feel bad. 2) you can get a VPS for next to no cost, like $10/month or not much more. If your client won't pay that, they can't have nice things. Simple as that. The world does not run on free magic.
A lot of VPS offers get posted on lowendbox.com
Has anyone used anonymous classes to unit test/stub (the abstract methods of) traits?
Wondering if it's a decent idea, heh
@NikiC Not disappointed anyway :) - ` Crashes found : 71 locally unique`
Good morning
hi guys im stuck when trying to deploy a project (laravel 5) on a server I run composer install using ssh but I got the following error : SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'user'@'serverRootDomainName' (using password: YES)
@ELOISSIFIAhmed sounds like your mysql connection details are incorrect? Are you sure they are correct? For instance, username, password, but also access-from: you need a separate "localhost" entry as it is not part of the 'all' (%) thingy.
@Nanne I dont have full access to the server thats why I think I need root access to create database and shit
@ELOISSIFIAhmed well, you probably don't need root access, but you do need a mysql user. It's a different user from your ssh (server) user: a specific database user. you need that to do any mysql commands (both to deploy an app (make database), and to use it. those might need different access levels)
alright I should then tell the sysadmin to create a new user to create database or should I ask for root access to deploy the project ?
@Nanne cant create database using phpmyadmin
@Wes Now includes tracking by the guverment!
"freedom" (as Dr. Evil would say it)
LSP question. you have a method that accepts a parameter within a set/range of possible values (say, an int or a string), otherwise throws an exception.
class A{
    function baz($a){
        if(in_array($a, [10,20,30])) return true;
        throw new Exception;
would you consider this: an LSP violation?
class B extends A{
    function baz($a){
        if(in_array($a, [10,20,30,40])) return true;
        throw new Exception;
basically the caller code might be relying on the fact that passing in 40 would throw an exception, which it doesn't in the child class. would you avoid
Moin 11
@Wes It depends on how you look at it
@ELOISSIFIAhmed as said, I don't see need for root access to the server. These are 2 separate things: mysql user and server (ssh) user -> your error says you don't have a correct mysql user, so you need to get a mysql user AND you need to add those details toyour deploy script. Getting root will give you rights to fix these things for yourself, but not sure you should do it that way, because more complicated.
You can look at it as if you're passing an Enum with 3 possibilities, which suddenly turns into 4 possibilities, in which case it is an LSP violation.
@Wes If what you have there is an enum type (i.e. would be declared as enum if PHP could do it), then it's an LSP violation because you changed the type. If it's an int, then it's conceivable that another implementation might widen or narrow the range of acceptable values. The calling code should not rely on an implementation only accepting a specific range of int values, because that's an implementation detail.
On the other hand, you can look at it as a runtime issue, in which case it isn't.
@MadaraUchiha this
@DaveRandom Nice. Great minds think alike. highfive o/
I lean toward no, because runtime ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah, but it's runtime because of PHP's limitations.
Not because of the concept of runtime.
no it isn't, body of function
In Java, passing an Enum would be possible.
same. the caller code might be relying on the fact that passing in 40 would throw an exception sounds like a bad time
ah, I see what you mean
A possible generalization is that if it's the businees of A/B to determine whether the value is in range (in which case, it shouldn't be their business doing much else), then it is an LSP violation.
If it isn't their business and the validation is just an aside, it isn't.
a world where enums exist is very different to one where they don't though ... and they don't ...
I'm probably wrong, but not part of the interface of the class, so doesn't even seem to apply ... in a world where enums exist they are part of the interface of the class and so the question wouldn't get asked
i'm gonna go with making a different method, decorating the existing one
ty folks
but say I chose not to use them, that wouldn't be breaking LSP, it would be sloppy programming ...
TL;DR: Drop OO, go FP :D
j/k j/k
we should all start writing our code in brainfuck, and then it really doesn't matter how it works ... we can just do whatever ...
Spaghetti-oriented programming ftw
i would rather be... dead, than using functional
one day you'll get your wish @Wes ...
must be pretty pleasing ...
On that cheery note...
@Wes lol, how far have you tried?
i tried. i'm missing that part of the brain, i guess. i don't feel comfortable with it
@Nanne thank you a lot
ah yes, the very well known to science, and absolutely real functional programming lobe
@Wes It's not missing, it's just not functional
har har har
@JoeWatkins it exists. i Promise(null, reject) :P
That moment when the server desktop finally renders after 10 minutes and you realise the reason it's running so slowly is because you accidentally left Wireshark running overnight
@DaveRandom I smell windows ...
kinda bringing it on yourself ...
Wow, SO is sneaky, lmao. Putting deliberate spam questions into the triage review queue. That's smart :P
It's the internal DC, I don't run app servers on Win
@Wes Are you familiar with underscore/lodash?
is there a generally accepted way to name "private" classes? like, do you prepend an underscore to the name or something?
@DaveRandom oh
But yeh, valid point is valid :-P
why's it got a desktop ?
@MadaraUchiha nope
@Wes God no
@Wes It's a library to perform operations on data structures in JS
@Wes In PSR I remember the convention to explicitly NOT do that for property names :)
@JoeWatkins No it is Win, it's the local network DC. Probably not a thing you're overly familiar with and I recommend you keep it that way... :-P
property names?
For example, _.map(collection, function() { ... })
class _ThisIsPrivate{}
class Foo{ function baz(){ return new _ThisIsPrivate(); }
@Wes $this->_semiPrivate
@Wes that reminds me, I have a thing to work on ...
user image
actually could use new class() if phpstorm didn't suck at it
@JoeWatkins make a kickstarter for such a device. would give monyz :P
@JoeWatkins You are working on punching people over TCP/IP? I'm in. Here is a piece of paper with my name on it, write down any number on this and I will pay it.
do it
@Wes I've been working in C# a lot recently. Stuff like this makes me not anxious to return to PHP immediately...
c# is cool
@bwoebi OMG. I haven't even finished specifying the exact semantics (there's some edge cases I need to clean up) or written the specification patch. Maybe I'll comment.
> PUNCH /users/**** HTTP/1.1
If only.
Death by distributed attacks would also become a scary thing. :P
@bwoebi replied to the ticket :)
@MadaraUchiha that's even funnier, why doesn't the meme say that
@MadaraUchiha Used their API before. Good fun :P
@JoeWatkins I want to go and look at the patch where we got rid of the ze1 compatibility ini flag (the one that maintained PHP 4-style objects) to figure it out
posted on February 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Tipsette */

@NikiC well afl worked out that stuff like a:250000000:{ would cause segfaults due to ulimit and all of the other crashes stemmed from that. Now I am disappointed.
Hi guys I run composer install and I got the following error [BadMethodCallException]
Method after does not exist. what is the problem ?
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Read what you wrote, there is your answer.
@Leigh How can I find his method
Who knows. What is the method?.
Literally: after
Q: Adding custom REST module in magento2

Sagar PanchalI have added file as per the doc, DEMO LINK Still getting Request does not match any route., Also did up-gradation process after adding this new module.

kindly help!
@Leigh I dunno but this is the error method after does exist sorry im just a beginner
Would it be weird to store a closure as a VO / immutable? Just to validate in a method argument
@ELOISSIFIAhmed using new relic?
@Leigh Found a solution gist.github.com/migrs/716cf7218e6953ee1789 but I dont where i should implement this code
No idea, I don't use laravel, I do use google
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Lol, that actually helps me. didn't realise closures were actually a Closure object.
@Sean where I have to implement this code
hello all
laravel 500 internal server error ? what is the problem
If you're not outputting errors, check your error log
@ELOISSIFIAhmed You realise that every time you have asked us "what is the problem?", exactly zero of those times have you given us enough information to help you
I think I have to upgrade php version from 5.5.30 to 5.5.9 but I have a bunch of projects on the same server help me guys
@ELOISSIFIAhmed That would be a downgrade
He seems to be running from one problem to another
@ThW should I downgrade laravel version or php version I dont wanna have problems with other projects on the same server
Hello, I have a WordPress Woocommerce question that I hope someone can help me with: I'm trying to apply bundle-discount for NON-logged-in users only. So if a first-time customer buys product A and product B, product B should be 50% off. Woocommerce bundles plugin crashes my site. Does anyone know of a good plugin/php rule to do this? Thanks!
add a user meta for new customer before inserting new order to the table and before that check if user has bought product B before in user meta if not grant him 50% discount
upgrading php version from 5.5.30 to 5.5.9 can have affect on old projects ?
Not sure but if you've any project that is mainly on core PHP it might would. Depreciated SQL Queries for example.
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Ermmm... 5.5.30 -> 5.5.9 is not an upgrade...

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