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If I want to add this version so I install the latest 5.3.x release, what do I need to type? I've tried a bunch of combinations and it keeps saying it can't find the package.
oh .. I dunno what he's doing there ...
@crypticツ phpunit/phpunit:^5.3@dev with "minimum-stability": "dev"
@crypticツ Installing dev packages always guesswork with composer...
Save me looking it up, what's the difference between ~ and ^ in composer version specifications?
@Leigh ^ is semantic versioning safe and ~ is about the last / last two elements that can change. I always get ~ wrong, so I just use ^.
@Leigh @kelunik (For reference)
I've always used ~ as "Use this version minimum, but allow the last number to increment"
@Leigh Yup, exactly.
Oh right, thanks @Sean, ~ is better for projects where you know they use minor point releases for breaking changes
But if a project follows semver and you need a certain bugfix version, you have to use ^1.0.1 anyway, because with ~ you'd be stuck on 1.0.* then.
hello guys quick question
does micro service provider user interface?
@kelunik Pretty ~1.0.1 would use 1.0.1 as the minimum required, not allowing 1.0.0
Yup, but won't install 1.1.0.
@FaizRasool Your question doesn't make sense.
@kelunik weird, seems to have installed dev-master (5.4.x) branch.
- Removing phpunit/phpunit (5.2.3)
- Installing phpunit/phpunit (dev-master a835ae0)
Then just remove the ^.
> The requested package phpunit/phpunit 5.3@dev could not be found.
Does Travis use a separate cache per branch, does anybody know that?
@NikiC what does dirty mean here?
@NikiC you think it could be something worth pushing? (and potentially having success?)
@bwoebi I mean a one liner that covers your particular problem
@NikiC doing what exactly?
@NikiC I'm having that feeling that Dmitry is trying all these paths for Generator main stack reusage where I already failed…
@bwoebi Stick &generator->value with length 3 into the GC buffer :D
@bwoebi That's why the tests yesterday worked in travis-debug… Other cache and I used composer install instead of composer update on Travis.
For 7.1 we could implement something more complete
@bwoebi Why do you yield yourself anyway?
@bwoebi As an optional annotation, I think it might have success
Though it would be sort of ironic that we're cycling back and forth on the issue ^^
@bwoebi I think pushing the arg eval before the fcall might be Good Enough. Not gonna model the evaluation order perfectly, but who cares ^^
@NikiC 7.1: optional, 7.2: deprecated if unused 8.0: required? :-D
@bwoebi Unlikely to be quite that fast ^^
Maybe 8.0: deprecated ^^
can anyone see why this pdo isn't working? pastebin.com/fjAy1Fvn
@bwoebi I'm not 100% sure it would really be a good idea at this point
@NikiC why not for 7.0? After all it's just a bugfix and not an ABI break?
@bwoebi Seems somewhat risky
And I'd say those three values are really the most important part, so having just them for 7.0 is a good start
As they are the ones that survive a full iteration
Everything that starts involving values on the generator stack is getting risky
@AboutLeros what does the error show you?
also, take out the $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); from the try/catch block
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064
line 3
@samayo the whole line?
yeah, also check your syntax and don't use exec imho
Anyone can help me in laravel 5 issue
@VijaySaiChaudary don't ask to ask, just ask ^^
I'm getting an error
FatalErrorException in AdminController.php line 39: Class 'App\Models\WebAdministrator\AdminModel' not found
I have created a folder inside Models/WebAdministrator
inside that I've created a model
which reads like below:
namespace App\Models;
use Eloquent;

class AdminModel extends Eloquent

protected $table = 'tbl_admin';

@samayo nope, now just doesn't display error lol :)
in my AdminController.php
I've written use \App\Models\WebAdministrator\AdminModel;
for that it is reporting below error
FatalErrorException in AdminController.php line 39: Class 'App\Models\WebAdministrator\AdminModel' not found
@sean can you suggest me in this regard?
> namespace App\Models;
> Class 'App\Models\WebAdministrator\AdminModel' not found
Your namespace needs to be App\Models\WebAdministrator
@Sean Thanks dude for your quick reply
I just noticed that
@NikiC hmm, why is that an issue?
@NikiC yeah … If it's acceptable that f($a->b, $a->b = yield) will actually eval $a->b = yield first and then only fetch b from $a…
I personally wouldn't care if we declared that to be undefined behavior…
hi guys
@PaulDragoonis Hey Paul, are you in Bristol and going to PHPSW - and anyway this is what I use for generating configs: github.com/danack/Configurator
I'm planning to avail an attendnace system online which is built on Laravel and I want to integrate it with our payroll system which is built on codeigniter. so any idea if it is possible to merge them?
hello is it good approach to get all data from server and handle pagination in client side rather then fetch only few records from server and then in pagination send request again
@MuneemHabib No. Pagination ought to be occurring at a very deep level, i.e. probably from the SQL query itself. Passing around more data than is required is not a great idea.
Though as a first draft implementation it might be barely acceptable.
@Danack it will really help me in implementing search feature
like i will store all data in variable and then find required data in javascript
So, you came here looking for validation of the choice you've already decided you want to do, rather than an actual answer?
no i am here just for suggestion or asking good approach
i am telling you my options like i also want to implement search feature
so now is it good approach to get all data from server and process it in client side?
@MuneemHabib How much data are you going to have there?
@ksimka i forgot this thing data will be huge
@MuneemHabib You've just answered your question.
yes sir
i have answered
I'm getting TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67:
Can anybody suggest how to resolve this error
using laravel 5.2 framework
Hi Sean
Can you suggest please?
By gooling I've place <meta name="_token" content="JpdiI6IjZla082RWI4dVN4NTRaZHJUR2kwdXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZ0c5a3F4WDBkMEVVU‌​DBjTlB4UDlQXC9BTWh1cDdDK3paYVJMMDh3MGVwZnhKRisyK3BESWw1NytmS2ZsK0syOFhac2dnYTBWS3‌​FPc05TTmFoOVlvK2dBPT0iLCJtYWMiOiI5ZDkwNmM5MjE4ZTc5YzI5MDAwMDAxODZlZjI2YTMwOTM5OGE‌​1ZmZkZmYxNzhiNmQ2MTlkZDJhODI4NTQ5ODcwIn0=" />
and also placed {{ csrf_field() }} in my form
should be {!! csrf_field() !!} i think(?)
To parse the html
Still same
Hmm, then I'm not sure, @VijaySaiChaudary
not a problem
I just realised ... we need to pass _token
through ajax call
we just need to place below lines:
headers: {
'X-XSRF-Token': $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content')
anyhow thanks @morten
Haha, yeah, think you have to modify the ajax call to pass the token yes :P
Thought it was a regular posting and not through ajax, so that might explain it
eval(base64_decode("blah")); style attacks, why eval() ??
@Andrew It's commonly used by malware - particularly of the Wordpress variety.
@Andrew Looks like any WP install out there
isn't eval() consider evil... lol ??
So is WP
@Andrew It is, but they use it to obfuscate code
maybe renaming eval() to evil() would raise awareness.... ha
lol SELECT * FROM translations WHERE id LIKE '%%breadcrumb'; just killed my mysql :P
@PeeHaa I predict string reversal in your future.....
posted on February 10, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Brutalibre */

@Danack Are you a gipsy now? :)
Actually - how many strings do you have to make that break MySQL ?
Not much. Like really
In that case just load them all and match them in PHP....otherwise you could create an pseudo field that contains the reverse of the string, create an index on that, and then search by 'bmurcdaerb%%'
I have a more pressing issue now. remove-modal.phtml or delete-modal.phtml?
What do you guys recomened as a great PHP ide?
phpstorm as ide or just use any texteditor you like to work with
@PeeHaa If it removes but not deletes, remove. If it deletes - deletes.
@Danack I never noticed there was a difference till now
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 yo
Apparently words do mean things :P
@PeeHaa ... it looks like Visual Studio
Could be. It's bee a while since I last opened VS
s/remove/makes it unavailable for use/ - I sometimes leave stuff in the DB with 'isActive = false' as admins need to be able to see data different from users.
@Danack Yeah that's exactly what I am doing :)
You are a gipsy!
@GourabNag yep VS all the way... or maybe more eclipse... i might be thinking eclipse
@GourabNag Please tell me nobody told you to have a single exit point
what @PeeHaa ?? :P
$return = [stuff here];
well it wasnt a function and i thought to just create a variable named return... actually i didnt have any name in my mind.. :P
okay gonna change it now :P
the hardest problem is to name variables.... other than anything O.o
just name it var1 var2 var3... etc
@GourabNag yeah, there are 2 hard things in programming: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors
@FlorianMargaine Ha.
@FlorianMargaine :P
@GourabNag I hope it's only personal project :D
@FlorianMargaine the off-by-one errors is off-by-one, so it doesn't count :-P
@GourabNag oh, you poor thing. Who was the noob that installed your windows? You have full activity tracking enabled there.
@tereško yea, i was cringing at that as well
Can you imagine having this function in php: set_initiate_handler($on, $after)?
That would be awesome!
LOL! I trust my windows @tereško
So... let me ask the question? If i'm designing a unifying login expeirnce. Should I consider using oAuth, OpenID? and extend those specifications, or just create something that operates "like" them? Say a JSON type.
that check box isnt at all like android... :/
anyway i wanted to learn how you did that effect on the placeholder of the inputs ....?
and also the button effect on clicking..?
@GourabNag Either a javascript using "onclick", or CSS - I think it's ":active" but I've never done the CSS thing...
For inputs we have :focus
are you using any template or anything like that @JustinKaz??
@GourabNag it's based of bitstrip which comes with it.
@GourabNag Yep. but I've tweaked it in a major way
@GourabNag I kind of paid for this one - becuase I'm just one developer I looked at something that was pre-built that did what I needed in the interface and I'm modifying it for my purposes - www.Nafestis.com
Lol it would be better if I build it rather than buying it.... :P
However you can find hundred of templates based off of bitstrip to start from - most of them you can find will be free or very cheap.
Okay I'm going searching.....
I'm sorry bootstrap
Bitstrip is a comic avatar app... lol
That was only what I was thinking...
@GourabNag you poor poor thing
Althrough it looks like I paid for the animations - the bootstrap themes don't seem to have anything... I'll see if i can find something comperable for ya.
@GourabNag you can always "borrow" the CSS for the element. I think it's a SVG image drawn over the checkbox.
Anyone have thoughts on my open authentication question? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/28676370#28676370
@FlorianMargaine also: naming threadingthings, cachethreading invalidation, and off-by-threadingone errors
Lol those are things for hardcore php-ers.....
Naming things is still harder than cache invalidation though
@Jimbo btw how did you know that muppet is the same guy as SC conference guy? Are you just really good with names?
which muppet ?
@Danack I just saw his pic on twitter and remembered his face from phpsc
(we are talking about the same guy right?)
(not the one who stole anything)
@Jimbo I think we're talking about different people - the Ben Elliot guy has no picture?
@Danack Yeah, I was never talking about him. I was talking about the guy who publicly shamed him on twitter
wasn't that ... everyone ?
@JoeWatkins Once someone had called him out on it
with a lot of followers
this fixes the memory leak from tonight … but these cycles not being detected is dangerous…
I'm missing certain bits of the story still ...
how did everyone initially find out about ssphp ?
@JoeWatkins First Chris Hartjes
@JoeWatkins I think the guy thanked the organiser and his name wasn't on the list when he cross referenced
I expected better tbh
Just read the BenElliot nonsense. Crash a conference and expect sympathy? Pretty sure they knew they had to pay but are playing the victim
This this passive aggressive (same guy I was talking about @Danack)
@NikiC now the websocket code is officially cycle-free :-D
#protip: paying it forward, does not mean you can skip paying a conference and hope no one notices you in there...
@Jimbo k. Wasn't aware he was there.
ah I found it
btw - there are doubts about whether the person actually exists at all....or is just a long term troll account.
Big thanks to @adamculp for organizing my first ever conference.
that's what happened it seems ...
what @Leigh said
drama llamas
@Danack does seem particularly full of shit, can't afford conf ticket but can afford a 1100+ mile journey to get there
@NikiC but that still doesn't allow you to not fix bug 69989 :-P
what's going on?
Nothing of interest/importance
1100 miles doesn't make sense ...
@ircmaxell someone may or may not have crashed ssphp, then a bunch of people were shitty to him on twitter, then offered to pay for him next year (I think) ...
is it sad when you have to disable your touchscreen to actually use your computer?
.@IAmBenElliot OK, now I understand your reluctance to share your real name. You managed to crash the conference. Sad.
yeah but we're not sure ...
@adamculp oh yah this is my middle name. 1100 miles to go. :-( Worth it though. Great job again. Next year!
although someone willing to crash a conference probably won't be bothered about being dishonest about their location either ...
if they did... if they exist ... if any of this is real ...
Nobody remembers him being there but with 150ish attendees (including myself and a coworker) I'm not sure how you'd tell
@JoeWatkins 1100 is approximate from miami to austin as the plane flies
so ... that's made up, right ?
the journey isn't going to be that, if you were making it ...
it's like 1300 by road, 1100 by plane
hello. I send images with sendMail() as <img>. Is it possible to have them as attachment and place it in the mail?
+journey to from air ports ...
I just added support for '[]' on strings and '{}' to the PR.

Examples :

$string[] = 'a'; // equivalent to : $string[strlen($string)]

$string{} = 'a'; // For consistency
"to go" implies some already done
@Maurice it is. You'll have to look into the attachment system and use the attachment id, but the best thing is to offer the IMG as a link to something so you can offer a "if this doesn't look right" link. Most email clients will distort your orginal message in some way
@Leigh aka return journey.
maybe we are analysing this too much ... if it happened, I kinda feel sorry for the guy ... there was not much need for everyone to jump in ...
he already got told off ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah, seconded.
why would you thank the organizer if you really didn't think you weren't supposed to be there ...
anyway ... school run ... lata
If it was true I imagine they didn't expect them to check the attendee list
lol, I nearly typed my password in this chat here … I just looked and hesitated when I was about to type enter ^^
@JustinKaz any link?
I think he's right to some extent. The guy thought that you could "audit" a conference like you could a college course. But then he got rude and that's when it all got turned up to 10
@Machavity Is that actually a thing? Is it acceptable for me to just crash university lectures?
@JoeWatkins no, I just mean what's up
@JoeWatkins It should have been private
But yeah, weird to thank the organiser
@Leigh I dunno about fees (I would assume a university would charge something) but the general idea is that you attend the course but do no work and get no credit
@Machavity Thanks, that's interesting to know.
Q: PHP send an email with image attachment

Thomas SpadeI'm trying to create a script that will send an image uploaded from an iphone app I'm developing to me in an email. I've been able to get the script to send me an email with an attachment. However, the attachment is always 0kb. Here is my code: // Standard email info $to = '[email protected]...

@JustinKaz yeah found this, aswell :)
Any of you's near Nottingham ? I am speaking there tomorrow evening.
hey guys any one of you have any experience with heroku
@NikiC that little commit made 17% improvement in runtime. I'm amazed.
33 mins ago, by bwoebi
@NikiC https://github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/0e88168f8c098f911b461701de2bcdad4f914084
@bwoebi well, 17% runtime perf is amazing
which is due mostly to less GC overhead and L3 cache misses halved as well as a few allocations less
@bwoebi What are you using to determine cache misses?
@Leigh Instruments.app (OS X)

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