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@bwoebi did you see what I said earlier this morning? The requirement is 7.0.0-dev, which allows early development versions (without some features) to be accepted when installing dependencies via composer.
@Leigh I saw that, I'll fix it in the next commit … it just was relevant while PHP 7 hasn't been released yet ^^
@Sean May I ask how long ago you got your shipping confirmation mail?
@Leigh Jan 28th was when I got the confirmation
@Sean Cheers, mine was Feb 4th, so I have a few more days to go before Royal Mail decides to slap me with a ridiculous fee :/
@Leigh Yeah, tends to hang about in the US for a little while ):
@Shafizadeh yes. yoda would never say it the first way
@Leigh £12.94 customs charge, ugh
@Sean £8 of that will be a Royal Mail "handling fee"
or does the courier handle the UK side of delivery too?
some days seem coffee is never enough
@Wes I have a stash of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modafinil for when I'm anticipating one of those days
@Leigh It's royal mail by the looks of the slip
@Sean Their fees are fucking retarted :/
@Leigh not actually tired, just bored to death... doing some pdf files categorization/tagging for a search engine
why do people even print. smartphones are not just for facebook, y'know...
@Wes wait? what?
@Gordon i don't get why people need to print webpages/documents that are available online
So they can fax them to their friends
anybody on PSR-4
I don't understand what it is
autoloader or namespce rules?
@whatever Both. Simply saying, it's when your src dir is mapped to Some\Foo namespace, so your src/Bar.php class is in Some\Foo\Bar namespace.
@whatever I meant src/Bar/Bar.php is in Some\Foo\Bar namespace, typo.
hi ... I got" The requested URL /About was not found on this server." error whenever I try to access an html page hosted on my (latest version) of MAMP server, mod_rewrite is enabled
what's the reason behind this error ?
still not clear.. how it is both namespace rules and autoloader?? :o
the html page in the url is "Test" ... when I write "Test.html" it it opens
@whatever have you read psr 4?
I would suggest reading it
The characters in it are marvellous. And that plot twist? Amazing.
@JAHelia Apparently there is nothing that points to "/About".
what's that mean
does not open
but mySite.com/Test.html opens
my htaccess is setup correctly
Someone convince two No voters on list() keys to switch to Yes
@JAHelia Or so you assume. Apparently there is no active rewriterule enforced that rewrites the non-html suffixed page to it's html target.
Otherwise you would see it.
@JAHelia Can you paste your htaccess on a pastebin and put the link here?
@JAHelia Also, are you sure that the casing is correct? Is the file really called Test.html rather than test.html?
@AlmaDo your question is really hard to answer without seeing the query. And I don't think your reason for not giving the query makes much sense. If you're currently using a query builder, then almost any answer people give you would involve chucking that away and doing the SQL by hand.....
@Andrea there are many days left for votes to come in still ...
@Andrea yes I'm sure that the file name is correcrt
don't ping randomers
@marcio Hm ... __halt_compiler being in the semi-reserved keyword list is a problem, because tokenizer can't deal with it
I have two tables "teams" and "team_members". I want to create a query which shows team_id, team_name, team_members (comma separated). How to do this?
we just emit a T_INLINE_HTML for the stuff after it
I tried the following:
SELECT teamname, teamid, (SELECT * FROM team_members as m WHERE m.teamid = t.teamid) as members FROM teams as t;
how to comma separate it then?
dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/… Though tbh, just do that in PHP.
@JAHelia Looks about right. Do you have AllowOverride All set in your Apache config? On some distros it's set to None by default, which means per-site htaccess files are not parsed at all.
btw, why php? is there any problem doing with mysql?
Hard-coding functionality in SQL is just a waste of time. It's far more productive to write a generic query that gets the data, and then write a simple function in PHP to format it how you like.
hmm ok thanks
@Andrea Is it 2/3 +1 or... ? Voted Y
@DejanMarjanovic yes, 2/3
2/3 - the +1 is only for 50% to avoid 'draws'.
right, right, makes sense, thanks
@DaveRandom I found another, really big issue with the approach in the app :(
Imagine it will be LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1000000 .. and how long will it fetch records..
pffft - I have more interesting drama:
Who else wants to get blocked today? Try me. Please.
Secret is out of the bag... His secret project was stealing from a conference. Classy. https://twitter.com/IAmBenElliot/status/571800498388520960
@Danack Really, interesting?..
@salathe relatively more interesting.
When someone is ignoring you, contacting their family probably ought to be put on the list of "don't"s for a CoC.....
Meh, I'll just go back to ignoring all this poppy-CoC.
@Danack I'm missing many things here.
that's bordering on creepy
“You are the part of the PHP Problem” says the dude who sneaked into a conference without paying. Homework: read up on “pay it forward"
Lets start calling it the Phroblem
is the name to search.
@Oldskool I've set AllowOverride All on my apache but to no avail
@Danack is he important for some reason?
Nope, and never will be!
I can find neither context or fucks to give.
posted on February 09, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Mulder */

anyone can help me with my case ?
@Danack That was the guy who had a go at me about the repo I owned on github, actually
He sounds like a mentalist.
So... that guy snuck into SSPHP?
@JoeWatkins Eliott should be Elliot, double L, single T
@Jimbo btw the guy replied - en.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/44hgjv/…
@Machavity and then acted like a dick.
this is my problem:hi ... I got" The requested URL /About was not found on this server." error whenever I try to access an html page hosted on my (latest version) of MAMP server, mod_rewrite is enabled
whenever I open mysite.com/test.html it opens but mysite.com/test does not open
Huh, no debug mode for slim v3?
@JAHelia this is a great time to learn how to debug problems......aka apparently no one wants to debug your stuff for you.
@salathe well, the formating is shit, but at the first glance it looks ok
@Danack I must have missed something really big then
@Jimbo which repo? :D
@Danack So, he was wrong then? :P
@Danack I came here after I tried all possible solutions
@JAHelia Did you restart Apache afterwards?
@JAHelia You've already tried riding a bicycle in your underwear?
@JoeWatkins here is a rule of thumb that I have begin using: if it comes from twitter, then it's not important
@Oldskool yes of course
@JAHelia Then you might want to try and enable rewrite logging to see what's going on. httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritelog
I'm sorry by mistake
@Jimbo oh, well, that is largely pointless :D
@Leigh Well, yeah, just a bit of fun. I saw the t-shirt people were buying, bought one, then made the repo dead quick with a little joke in it
A little like calling a number you see in a movie to see if it actually exists - there's no point to it
You snagged the php namespace on packagist too? :p
@Leigh You can't snag namespaces.....which is exciting.
@Danack When I tried to publish something under "lt" (to match my github user) I wasn't allowed because the namespace was taken
By namespace, I mean packagist namespace
possibly talking at cross-purposes - packagist doesn't have namespaces. It only has names. So if there was already a project with the same exact name, that would clash, but I should be able to publish lt/pojfpsjfpsjdpfojpodjfpojdpofjsodfj as that shouldn't be reserved.
Unless, I am completely wrong.
Which never narrows stuff down that much.....
@NikiC 3v4l.org/InJQe 3v4l.org/PPbWM looks like the expected behavior to me. Am I missing something?
I'm calling the bit before the / the namespace. Those are tied to a user account
If you published danack/foo, I cannot publish danack/bar from my account
considering a library for bareword constants that abuses autoloading
use ajf\c;
var_dump(c\helloWorld); // string(10) "helloWorld"
@marcio I mean ext/tokenizer. It traits everything after __halt_compiler as inline html
oh, let me check
@Leigh brb, need to write an automated package generating name, and acquire all useful namespaces.
@NikiC PHP just ignores what comes after __halt_compiler, right?
@PaulCrovella yes I did but there is nothing much on autoloader as much on namespacing rules.
Morgening @PeeHaa
Hey @DejanMarjanovic
long time
@marcio I mean in normal mode of course, not the parse mode
parse mode likely works
@DejanMarjanovic What are you doing these days?
but normal mode should still at least be able to tokenize the file without completely messing it up
missing you guys @PeeHaa :D
@NikiC I was about to tell you that, 3v4l.org/gm973 indeed this is the expected
@Danack Ah, here we go. Full Context for IamBenElliot
@NikiC TOKEN_PARSE fixes it 3v4l.org/GvHkY... do you think there should be a way to handle this without the TOKEN_PARSE?
@marcio i think that particular one should simply be dropped
I don't think there's a good way to handle it without token_parse
how does __halt_compiler(); actually work? I always assumed it was part of the lexer
it is
@Andrea it is, but ext/tokenizer has an ugly hack to "support" it :D
@Machavity Looks like a huge troll to me.
@marcio huh
@Oldskool Seems to be. Pretty sad since it was a good conference
actually, handling it in ext/tokeniser as inline HTML makes sense if you want the content following __halt_compiler
hmh … I got a weird crash on that line lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_MASTER/Zend/zend_alloc.c#898 … inside a register_shutdown_function() after a fatal due to OOM. ($r13 aka the chunk variable is bogus …)
@NikiC it's a BC break now, do you think this will be an issue :)
@Andrea Yah. Just doesn't work well if the halt compiler is not an actual halt compiler ;)
@marcio Don't think so. Especially as it was added as an afterthought together with the magic constants
@Machavity What is the actual problem?
ok I'll send a PR later. But for now I have to go.
Is this backtrace known to you (by chance?) @NikiC :
0   php                           	0x00000001021dfba0 zend_mm_alloc_pages + 32 (zend_alloc.c:898)
1   php                           	0x00000001021dc5b3 zend_mm_realloc_heap + 2643 (zend_alloc.c:1092)
2   php                           	0x0000000102244634 smart_str_erealloc + 52 (zend_smart_str.c:45)
3   php                           	0x0000000102225805 zim_exception_getTraceAsString + 485 (zend_smart_str.h:91)
4   php                           	0x00000001021f73a7 zend_call_function + 1655 (zend_execute_API.c:883)
:/ why is the list_keys RFC not passing? wiki.php.net/rfc/list_keys
damn, why is every PHP bug ever caused by zend_mm ;)
@PeeHaa Someone on Twitter claims to have attended Sunshine PHP but was not a registered attendee (link). Nobody is sure if he did or just trolling
@bwoebi no, not familiar. also what os is that?
@NikiC OS X, the default view of crash dumps
@marcio No hurry :)
I haven't been able to repro in debugger :-/
I had it happen a few times randomly while benchmarking aerys…
@bwoebi Can't say I'm very surprised at an OOM crash
There's so many things that can go wrong there...
and looking at the register dump, I can tell that chunk variable is bogus, but heap variable is fine … so heap->main_chunk is corrupted
@Machavity That was a very strange exchange.
@Machavity Am I a bad person when I think "good for him" and move on?
@Gordon ow !!
@marcio I think because of variable keys.
I would vote yes if that one piece was removed.
I'm fine with literals, constants and constant expressions but not variables.
@PeeHaa I think that if you take the time to ask for a discount or free ticket that they'd accommodate you. I mean the venue and presenter rooms don't come free. Either way, it's a shrug for me. Not worth the energy since it's said and done
People on the internet are weird.
@DejanMarjanovic Wait, there are normal people on the Internet too? I find that hard to believe
@DejanMarjanovic and what does that make you?
Uncle Gord
I never claimed otherwise :-P
@DejanMarjanovic You should see @PeeHaa's mom, we're on php-cams.com every night 8pm until late
Anyone have any good commit messages from when they first started out?
Those are still in our company history :)
I have some "fuck me I'm stupid" messages in here
"You didn't see that." ... but that still comes up every now and then
"changes" and "adjustments" are pretty stupid commit messages ...
even one that says "edit"
"guess" ...
I'm gonna stop now, because I feel bad ...
feel bad?
Also, gotta love the "various fixes" commit message. Unfortunately I encounter it way too much.
git commit -m 'Edit changes adjustment guess'
"I changed this for some reason, I'm sure it was a good one."
commitlogsfromlastnight.com Should help you feel better
@Jimbo whaddayawant?
@Machavity Oh sweet, that's being updated again? :D
@Gordon Sorry man, I mis-read, I thought you were asking @Webfarto what he should call you :)
@Machavity horrible. I hate it when people cannot be bothered to write proper commit messages
Rather pointless to keep it clean, someone will mess it up eventually and then you have to go full :berserk: on 'em which is not good.
@Gordon I agree. But then you get gems like this
It's OK @Dumbo
"I have no idea what I'm doing anymore" seems to be a fairly regular one for me :/
Or "I made these changes last week, and can't remember why"
hey guys!!
posted on February 09, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by TrivialPanPan */

@Machavity Classic! :-)
749a182 +89 -0 qwerqwerqwerkjqweh r qwkej qwekjh rqwekjr
13491df +0 -89 Revert drunken commit; no amend, I may have been onto something
@NorthbornDesign LOL, I think he misspelled "I may have been on something" there ;-)
github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/… @NikiC … that comment is really gold :-D
meh. Came across a question in a review queue that was kind of interesting, but was flagged as unclear. I edited the question, make it completely clear what was actually being asked, and was 3/4 through writing an answer when the question got closed anyway.
@jbafford lnk?
Q: PHP __CLASS__ like magic constant respect inheritance?

M_FIs there a magic constant which, when used in a parent class, will return its child's class name, and not the parent?

Thats not unclear at all, but definitely a dupe of something.
I was thinking it was probably a dupe, but I didn't see anything obvious
at least, nothing recent, anyway
there's some super-old stuff that doesn't reference ::class
A: How to get the name of child class from base class when an object of child class is created

PeeHaaThis is certainly possible using static::class in the base class to get the name of the child (which is initially called at runtime): <?php class Foo { public function __construct() { var_dump(static::class); // string(3) "Foo" } } class Bar extends Foo { } $bar = new Bar...

Q: Constant holding $this class name

TiMESPLiNTERIs there a constant in PHP holding the current sub classes name? So that I can write a function like: namespace test\that; class MyClass extends ClassA { } abstract class ClassA { public static function getClassName() { return __THIS_CLASS__; // like get_class($this); in a none sta...

well, ther we go, then
answer I typed up is more thorough than those, though
I'll jsut drop my answer on that question, then
can ask @MadaraUchiha whether its worth merging them
@PeeHaa was gonna mention your typo ;-)
hehe :P
A: How to get the name of child class from base class when an object of child class is created

jbaffordYes, to an extent. In PHP 5.5, the ::class class constant was added, which returns the class name of class to which it is applied. You can then use this in conjunction with parent, self, or static. Consider this code: <?php class A {} class B extends A { public function foo() { ech...

Have an upvote
@PeeHaa I'm editing your answer.
If you don't mind ;-)_
Go ahead
Thanks \o/
I totally forgot about get_called_class, not that it's any more useful than get_class($this)... actually get_class saves your keystrokes.
@ScottArciszewski Rather more like < 10 source IPs … after all, I do not want Aerys being shot down by some skript kiddies… For serious attacks, there are things like cloudflare, obviously… but some simple DoS …
@jbafford reopen and dupehammer :-)
@bwoebi is there any limit on workers?
@PeeHaa the systems max process limit? :-D
k ;-)
but it's totally unreasonable to have too many workers anyway.
@bwoebi that poor question. At least the guy didn't also get downvoted to oblivion too.
the question before I edited it was much less clear.
@PeeHaa As long as your code is non-blocking, no need for more workers than cores.
Reopened because stupid reason and dupe hammered stackoverflow.com/q/35292554/508666
sup all
sup dawg
was there a version of the RFC that proposed number as accepting float/int ?
afaik that was never a thing
@Leigh numeric
@DejanMarjanovic lol
@DejanMarjanovic Weird. Worth a bug report I'd say.
> This RFC proposes the addition of four new type declarations for scalar types: int, float, string and bool.
maybe it got lost in translation
Probably somebody from the intellij team was allowed to commit comething to phpstorm repo
Is following code good enough for this question ?
INSERT INTO `mytable`
hello guys
@rtheunissen nice!
i have a e-commerce site that lets the users to post their product. Per posts there are 2-5 images. A user has a limit of 25 posts. I am expecting of 500-1000 users as our initial launch. What type of hosting do I need and what hosting it is ? I need something that is more in disk space because I will store the images in my folder
@DejanMarjanovic Aren't they Czech?
I have no idea, probably :-P
@JonasDulay How long is a piece of string?
@Leigh multiple locations it appears, Russia stuck in my brain
do you mean the length of the image name?
No I mean your question is too vague
Nobody can tell you "what type of hosting you need" for a site of unknown proportions
@Leigh a stringsworth ?
@rtheunissen I just noticed something ...
@JoeWatkins Nice :)
@Leigh unknown proportions ? sorry i dont get it
@JoeWatkins "most excited" is based on what? the number of viewed?
Oh, @JoeWatkins, and re: your blog post. I know those feels. Kinda-mentoring Sammy through implementing the random stuff for PHP7 was pretty rewarding.
don't know exactly ... I know it's hard to get above linux, I think I've managed it three times in ~4 years ...
@JonasDulay By unknown proportions, we mean you haven't provided nearly 2% of the information that someone would need to accurately guess what type of hosting you'd need. But that's a moot point anyways, because in 2 months when your site goes through its first incremental changes, we'd be wrong.
You guys could mentor me starting php core development, but I doubt you people have a year :P
@Leigh yeah, loved it, definitely going to be looking to do more of that ...
@PeeHaa are you serious ?
I'll do it ...
@JoeWatkins You realize you will have to start at the very beginning right?
beginning of what, C ?
What you need to do, instead of asking people questions that they can't answer, is to set your site up on a server, benchmark it, then do some educated guesses that, as the person most intimately involved in the project, only you can answer.
@DejanMarjanovic that's a bug
@JoeWatkins in php-ds where does the hash() method get defined? can't find it...
@Shafizadeh I think it's about the number of stars.
@JoeWatkins Also that yeah :P
@Oldskool ah
Although mostly php's crappy c
You can pick up all the C you need by reading it, maybe a little bit of special care around pointers, but "not knowing C" is definitely not a barrier to entry
For some reason all those macro's looks like puke to me
I think I can do it, even from the start of C ... you already understand most of it anyway
I think the macros really are the hardest part of being effective in writing internals code.
Once you develop an understanding of what's going on with the macros, you've probably also understood what's really going on.
it's just one more bit of the learning curve.
Better than tons of repetitive boilerplate, though

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