@Andrea I'm using a wrapper function $wpdb->insert( $table, $data, $format ) but I'm confident you need to map your values to the table's column names.
@Andrea if I skip the event_grouped key, it still places the event_time in the correct column, rather than shifting all the data one column to the left.
@jbafford So... PHP is a bumbling fool of a swiss army knife who still wins because he has a smart girl with her dog and computer making it all work behind the scenes?
I think I've asked this recently - and blanked out the answer because I didn't like it....there's no way to do the following without invoking magic is there:
$className = 'SomethingResolvedDynamically';
$functionString = <<< FUNCTION
function foo($className \$template)
// ...
* Creates a class with a given name which wraps the given type.
* The resulting class has a constructor which accepts a value of the type
* it wraps, and an `unbox` method which returns the value wrapped by am
* instance of the class.
* @returns void
* @param $newTypeName string The fully-qualified name of the new class
* @param $wrappedType string The fully-qualified name of the wrapped type
function newType(string $newTypeName, string $wrappedTypeName) /* : void */ {
if (!isValidTypeName($newTypeName)) {
@Barrosy the error message is telling you the problem. Things are being re-routed continually. I recommend putting in #rewrite_log on; and then looking at the log files.
$ php -r 'require_once "newType.php"; ajf\newType\newType("Foo\Bar\Boo", "int");'
namespace Foo\Bar;
class Boo
private $value;
public function __construct(\int $value) {
$this->value = $value;
public function unbox(): \int {
return $this->value;
PHP Fatal error: Scalar type declaration 'int' must be unqualified in /Users/ajf/Projects/2015/newType/newType/newType.php(97) : eval()'d code on line 6
this is why you write unit tests, not just integration tests, kids :)
So if I would be using Vagrant with Puphpet, all settings default and importing Symfony and making a project, should still be able to cause things not to work from the get go?
I'm in-between jobs at the moment (anyone want to hire me for contracting?) but I'm also strongly reconsidering whether I even want my next job to be PHP.
@jbafford the cool thing about working is you don't spend quite so much time following the latest faux-outrage drama in a "community" that's really just a little bubble which doesn't see beyond itself