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I just started getting into using vagrant and virtualbox and stuff and just installed Symfony 3. All working fine untill I change/add a controller and I get an internal server error 500
Ahh yes, if you are a wrinkly grandmother then @PeeHaa will help you get undressed
@Barrosy Check your error log
Q: How to get useful error messages in PHP?

CandidasaI find programming in PHP quite frustrating. Quite often I will try and run the script and just get a blank screen back. No error message, just empty screen. The cause might have been a simple syntax error (wrong bracket, missing semicolon), or a failed function call, or something else entirely. ...

I already checked my error log and it say something really long :S
/me bails out
Good luck
Should I paste it here?
@Barrosy pastebin.com (or similar) please for long pastes
@Barrosy also please check stackoverflow.com/questions/12769982/…
Already checked questions on stackoverflow but due to symfony 3 being different from older versions it's kind of hard to find something similar.

This is my error log as for today: http://pastebin.com/sWAHxj3s
@Barrosy Check your nginx/apache error log, not Symfony's app error log.
500 = web server error, not a symfony error (unless it's triggered within your app manually)
Usually it's under /var/log/nginx, /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/httpd somewhere. Depends on your config, though.
It's almost certainly a parse error of some flavour if it gets that far, looks like it's fataling when loading the controller
Looks like it is either a fucked up webserver config / selinux
if selinux is involved it's always at fault
> php.DEBUG: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused)
@PaulCrovella No, it's ignorant server admins at fault actually :) But on dev boxes SELinux isn't really useful.
Although it's useful to know how to configure it for when you go live.
I hate sysadminning
I just want all of the control without any of the responsibility
@PaulCrovella LOL. I sure as hell hope that you're not in charge of managing any production boxes then ;-)
What the hell uses fsockopen anyway?
@Oldskool Do you just need to see error.log? Thing is I have it on a virtual machine and never really got into using one so I'm not sure how I should retreive the data inside it
I am using Ubuntu
@Barrosy Which webserver are you using? Nginx, Apache, Lighjttpd or another?
@PaulCrovella get out
@Barrosy OK, then try running this and paste the output on Pastebin: sudo tail -n50 /var/log/nginx/error.log
I really can't hate anything about YAML apart from that it's proprietary and not part of PHP without an extension
Btw why isn't a YAML parser in PHP core?
Maybe that could be your contribution? :P
@Fabor Do you think they would actually consider it?
Worth investigating presumably.
I ran it but it does not return anything :S
@Jimbo Don't think so. YAML is a choice, not a necessity when using PHP. So an extension seems like the most logical place to put it.
@Oldskool Then again, XML is a choice...
@Jimbo Fair point. That should be an extension too IMHO.
@Oldskool That won't happen though, because of BC :(
@Barrosy Check your nginx site config to see what the value of error_log is, then run the same command, but replace the path with that file.
@Jimbo Yeah, I don't see that happening either. But it's unnecessary overhead in the core IMO.
@Jimbo Oh huh, seems like it actually is an extension again, just enabled by default: php.net/manual/en/xmlreader.installation.php
So, bundling and enabling the YAML one by default?
@Jimbo That might be worth a shot.
simplexml should die
@PeeHaa As what? LQ or Not an Answer
or maybe spam
> deleted by owner 39 secs ago
@PeeHaa Yes. XMLReader/XMLWriter is far more superior.
Nvm! :p
@Sean As useless btw :)
@Oldskool xmlreader has a different use case, the DOM extension is what should be used in place of simplexml
@PeeHaa YOU should DIE!!!
@Oldskool Took me a little while to find Nginx.config but I think this is what you required? pastebin.com/QA6PKyG5
@salathe Love you too <3
@PeeHaa I think I might have broken a few CoC rules there... *not sure*
@Barrosy No, that's the generic config file, looking for the vhost config (usually under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled somewhere)
@Barrosy Should look something like this: symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/configuration/…
@Oldskool Well I could find these two files within the directory you refered me to: pastebin.com/fLM0WDkf and pastebin.com/5LqiAp2L
@Barrosy Looks like /var/log/nginx/nxv_6hujsloyp5ug.error.log is a winner.
okay cool :P
Should I change something within the file?
@Barrosy For Symfony projects I usually just copy paste the documented example (linked above) and change the hostname in it and all app.php references to app_dev.php
Then it pretty much works out of the box.
(and change the root of course)
I will try that, but I have another question then, do you have any advice about changing this file which is on my VM? Is it possible to edit it local?
I read something about synced files and vagrant and I think therefor it should be possible to move files that way?
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ git diff --stat
 Zend/zend_compile.c    |     9 +-
 Zend/zend_compile.h    |     2 +
 Zend/zend_vm_def.h     |   154 ++-
 Zend/zend_vm_execute.h | 28400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
*takes laptop out of bag* *looks for laptop in bag* *panics when she can't find it* *looks at desk* oh.
I think I found out already about that syncing, thanks for helping me this far @Oldskool
Good morning :-)
I need some help with semantics. I have an interface that has no input, string output. The instances will "generate" or "compose" a value. For example it can return a date, a request variable, an api-key or a random generated password. The instances are never expected to return the same value. Can someone come up with what I could call this? I use "ComposerInterface" for the moment, but doesn't feel right.
Sounds like not a very good case for an interface if it can return different things
@ircmaxell Morning
what's going on/?
Counting down to the weekend :)
nice, mine's started already (well, except for one short meeting)
Woohooo \o/
@PeeHaa so then a filter interface would also be bad? I mean it filters different things and returns different things. an interface describes a functionality, not the value, correct?
@Barrosy Syned folders are folders on your local machine that you can mount into your Vagrant box. It's usually used to get your project files into the VM so that Nginx can serve your app and stuff.
moin @ircmaxell
Yeah I got that @Oldskool
sup @JoeWatkins?
long time no chat
you going to be at South Coast in June?
@ircmaxell probably, you going ?
too long ...
doing a talk about type systems there :-)
@ErikLandvall an interface is a contract. if the contract says I do whatever I want the interface is not that useful
cool, look forward too it :)
@PeeHaa hmm.. if I implement what basically amounts to a "yolo" interface, should I really get an error when I don't bother with some of its methods? seems hypocritical
tired. Hotel room won't be ready for like 4 hours...
unused pool table ??
@PeeHaa I disagree, it's like saying that a "runnable" interface for a thread class issn't useful. Sense'e it does different things.. The specifics should be in the instance, not the interface. I think in this context, maybe just a "PropertyValueInterface" is a better name. It's used by a builder that creates an entity from a config file.
runnable doesn't return different things
It just is able to run something
there are two things the interface does: define the type contract, and define the semantic contract. Runnable only deals with semantics. The confusion or problems come when you conflate types with semantic meaning, and aren't careful to define the type as such
True, but it does different things.. ok, let's go back to the filter interface example again. Still retuns different things,.
In which case it should be different interfaces imo
let's go back further... when you describe your interface simply as having no input and spewing a random assortment of shit out, I don't think you can fault anyone for suggesting that might not be useful
@PeeHee Ok, I take your opinion in consideration in that case.

@PaulCrovella depends on the context, what is using the instance. If a builder that uses a configuration file to create values, then don't see any other way to do it.
okay, cool, so now it does have input and we know it's a builder... baby steps, but useful ones
All the values are ofc able to be of different types. still requires a value. How they are constructed depends on separate instances. How that instance is used is defined by the interface.

@PaulCrovella I usually try not to write a complete context to simplify what is requested. but when you ask, ofc I can tell you :)
@ErikLandvall BTW regardless of the discussion don't call something FooInterface
@PeeHaa idk if you ment that litterly, but can you give example of how you would prefer it?
@ErikLandvall I wouldn't suffix it with Interface for a start ^^
@ErikLandvall Nope not literally :-) Just don't suffix interfaces with Interface nor prefix them with I
as long as I can still implement it with my ConcreteBarClass
Ooh, the PSR standard says differently if I remember correctly
Why am I not surprised... :)
I thought they dropped that silly requirement though. Not sure
Ok, I'm not sure.. But is there a reason why we don't like it?
> There are many elements of style and practice intentionally omitted by this guide. These include but are not limited to: Class name prefixes and suffixes
@PaulCrovella Memory++
@ErikLandvall FIG's internal policy is to suffix with Interface for any interfaces it produces. But it has no standard that says that
also: suffixing with Interface is a perfect excuse to poorly name things. Instead, invest the time to think about naming and hence avoid having to suffix
I was looking for the sensible interfaces post and I found this instead
@ircmaxell thanks for that note.
@PeeHaa Read just the first post now, will read more, but the example with the awareness trait is a good example why I think we need to define it with a suffix. Else, when you have a FooAwareTrait and FooAwareInterface in the same namespace, it would collide. Or how do you think it should be handled?
blah, I am tired
@ErikLandvall You probably shouldn't be using traits in the first place :P
@ircmaxell How's the GO world?
so far so awesome
Any apps you're planning on building with it, or just playing around so far?
@PeeHaa That's a different discussion all together :D seen it before, I disagree! I like traits, but wished I could solve multiple inheritance in a different way (not including an abstraction tree - preferred, but not always the best practice imo)
Oh, we're about 80% go now, in terms of the code we're building
Was it a lot of conversion?
@ircmaxell @rdlowrey wanted to use Aerys someday … not going to be real?
wait, when you say conversion/?
@bwoebi it's his choice. Which makes the no even more powerful
@ircmaxell oh, it's still not decided… I thought he initially wanted to start on it beginning November
hi @room
@bwoebi yup, it's completely within his power
except he's gone full go
that whole video to get to "don't use PHP" ...
@ircmaxell ooh
@ircmaxell When you see him next, tell him I'm missing him ;-)
Does anyone know how to return a result as an object and not an array in Symfony with doctrine?
maybe I should go to PHPSC if there's still tickets
@Andrea are you going to come?
@bwoebi will do, I'll see him on Monday
only £70/ticket? not bad...
plus train/plane, plus hotel
@Andrea sales end 1. Feb? That's long in advance
now to look at plane ticket costs
no, early bird ends 1 Feb
plane is expensive
train is likely expensive (and long)
how expensive is expensive?
oh I know
I'm trying to figure out what it'd actually cost given prices vary a lot by time
@JoeWatkins the guy sounds a bit confused
not really giving any argument
between £150 and £300
that's not horrible
@Wes what did you expect?
I should make videos about PHP development
I'd just not be sure what I should talk about
I was watching a good video and it came up so I didn't stop it playing ...
not normally the sort of thing I watch ...
oh wow
the cheapest flight is ABZ->AMS->SOU, lolno
@Andrea lol
I was thinking, wait, why is this setting off at 17:25 and arriving at 08:45 (+1)
Similar here … I'm about just as fast in car, lol
going via amsterdam means I can get delicious stroopwafels, but you can buy those in UK supermarkets anyway for cheaper...
yeah I can't believe the cheapest option is a 23 hour flight. the second cheapest is 3h. what the hell, airline industry?
have you ever been to Amsterdam?
yes! once
Hey @Gordon
hi @ircmaxell
Amsterdam is rather Dutch
@Andrea Kroketten are the best
@Andrea that's one way of phrasing it
hey wait I have important things I need to be doing (Erasmus application). oops. stops procrastinating
go do it!
Take any Facebook/Instagram photo URL. 👉 append `.txt` → ASCII art 👉 append `.html` → colored ASCII art E.g. https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/11906246_1700002456899911_1391970345_n.jpg.html
that's not real
@ircmaxell awesome
or at least it's not "any"
@ErikLandvall Yea I was a bit trollish with that remark :D
honestly, my favorite feature of go is the lack of inheritance
@ircmaxell you mean that you can't override concrete implementations?
@ircmaxell it's amazing
@bwoebi right. THere's only polymorphism
also I think you're right and it's a troll
@Andrea I've tried one photo and it didn't work
yo india won t20 against aussies \o/
@Andrea looking at the comments it says it works only on public images
huh, cdninstagram.com is the actual Instagram CDN, unless the whois is faked
@bwoebi ooh
@Andrea unless it's a one-off
@ircmaxell yeah, that's nice as it avoids hiding behaviors. =)
@Andrea LOLWUT? Mop dog?
now you can look at priscilla chan and her dog in HTML ascii fashion
nice :)
@Andrea I would so put that dog under the shower once a week and then have it roll itself dry all over my floors.
Time saver!
Morning, everyone
@ircmaxell would you mind if I quite you in a post, commenting on the SPL ds?
@rtheunissen what's the quote?
ion general I don't mind
Just trying to find it now.
Just asking because it was negative.
By conversion I just meant rewriting previous scripts from their language to Go.
What does the "quarter" in $3/quarter mean?
posted on January 29, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Frankie */

@rtheunissen how could it not be ...
$3/3 months?
I know, I know.
@samayo need more context, but probably.
The Komondor (in Hungarian the plural for komondor is komondorok), also known as the Hungarian sheepdog, is a large, white-coloured Hungarian breed of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat. Sometimes referred to as 'mop dogs,' the Komondor is a long-established powerful dog breed that has a natural guardian instinct to guard livestock and other property. The Komondor was brought to Europe by the Cumans and it was mentioned for the first time in 1544 in a Hungarian codex. The Komondor breed has been declared one of Hungary’s national treasures, to be preserved and protected from modification...
yeah, quarter of a year ...
Heh. I guess it really shouldn't surprise me that people can't read. Provided an answer to a question that had a bounty. People keep upvoting the original answer that doesn't actually meet the terms of the bounty.
instantly earns a slot in my top ten animals that are also tools or utilities @Danack @Andrea
@rudi opening collections ext is it ?
@Danack I had a similar looking one in my childhood, but without dreads
A South Russian Ovcharka, also known as a Ukrainian Ovcharka, or South Russian Sheepdog, is a large, long-haired (12 centimeters), white sheepdog. Breeders have not yet developed a precise theory of the dog's origins. However, it is agreed that its ancestors lived in the Crimea region between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Males should stand no less than 25 inches (64 cm) tall, it has a long head, with dangling, small, triangular ears. Its coat consists of long, thick coarse hair, usually white (although sometimes white with yellow, or with shades of grey), that is bushy and slightly wavy....
Working towards that, yeah. :)
@rtheunissen I'm fine with that
@JoeWatkins would be good if you could proof read the post when it's drafted?
@jbafford welcome to SO
Thanks @ircmaxell
@rtheunissen can you link me to the article once you've published it?
@ircmaxell one of the worst things about the SPL data structures is they use inheritance, so they inherit the naming conventions for the wrong datastructure
@ircmaxell of course, would be happy to share a draft earlier as well if you like.
So if you mated a Komondor with a South Russian Ovcharka... how would you tell their puppies apart from mops?
@rtheunissen sure
$queue->bottom()... ugh
The Go mascot has such a derpy face. I like it.
this also means they don't require you to use them correctly
the stack is merely an extended linked list in SPL, so you can just use it as a linked-list
there's no discipline
@Andrea which is why I said that original remark :-)
heck since queues are just linked lists too, why even use the queue type?
@ircmaxell :)
@rtheunissen no need for draft, you can publish
so Nginx site configuration can be found in 'sites-enabled' directory, but in there I only find a config file that refers to a config file in 'sites-available' directory? And if I remove the config file in sites-available nothing happens at all?
Maybe someone should re-write SPL with correct naming, semantics, and lose the stupid Spl prefix.
@Fabor have you seen our (Grovo's) gophper
Yo @Oldskool :)
@ErikLandvall "FooAwareTrait and FooAwareInterface in the same namespace," - I put interfaces in the directory above where the implementations are.... e.g. interface and the implemtations in subdir and I have never needed to name a trait the same as an interface yet.
"How hard could it be?"
"but wished I could solve multiple inheritance in a different way" - the solution to multiple inheritance is composition......multiple inheritance is just one of the worst things ever.
very cool @rudi
Here at @Grovo we support both GoLang and PHP! https://t.co/wcAmTyaSzP
@Barrosy the files in sites-enabled are usually just sym-links to the real files in sites-available.
Wtf. SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption. Is that seriously a thing?
@Danack Yeah but if I remove any, nothing happens at all or...?
I love how the documentation doesn't say how a queue could get into the corrupted state.
@ircmaxell For a second, I thought that elephant had a 6 on his saddle
@jbafford oh wow
@Barrosy That's not a question I respond to....putting your question in the form of "this is the expected behaviour when I do X, but I'm actually seeing this behaviour", means that people don't need to guess what you're asking.
let me guess, SplPriorityQueue is based on SplLinkedList which means you can screw it up
@Barrosy It only takes effect after you reload/restart nginx.
@Machavity it's a Grovo "G"
The 1990's was like the 1960's for PHP, everyone just getting high all the time, all opinions are valid, everyone believes in magic ... in that kind of atmosphere SPL was almost bound to happen :D
SplPriorityQueue: actually it claims to be a heap of some type, though it doesn't inherit from SplHeap
@Duikboot o/
Thanks everyone, will try that then
Ok, so, serious question: would it actually be worth rewriting spl with appropriate inheritance (or lack thereof) and semantics in the structures?
one sec
/* {{{ proto int SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption()
 Recover from a corrupted state*/
SPL_METHOD(SplHeap, recoverFromCorruption)
	spl_heap_object *intern;

	if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {

	intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(getThis());

	intern->heap->flags = intern->heap->flags & ~SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED;

/* }}} */
you're not meant to peak behind the curtain, I'm not looking ... because I'm disciplined ...
@jbafford all the caps means "yes"
dude ...
it's literally a function to make it ignore the corruption flag...
that is totally fucked up
so you get it corrupted if you get an exception during insertion or deletion?
@Oldskool How you doing?
@jbafford PHP having a bug presumably
ok. I'm calling dibs on rewriting this.
Need to dust off my ancient CS knowledge.
SplPriorityQueue is easily the worst of them all.
@ircmaxell Nope.
now I know why this is there
@Fabor nope?
	if (EG(exception)) {
		/* exception thrown during comparison */
		heap->flags |= SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED;
Oh lol. I see the tweet now. Gophper lol.
That's a nicely designed icon too.
why are you guys picking on that code? Check out splfileinfo if you want to see real horror...
I guess if your comparator fubars, you can't have a sane data structure
but I don't see how the code in insert/delete actually catches exceptions.
@jbafford it should just throw an SplHeapCorruptionException or something
Apr 25 '15 at 6:41, by Sara
@Danack I've got this visual of Marcus doing mushrooms and repeatedly muttering iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator iterator in the corner.
if you keep talking about it I'm going to have to look ... it would be better if we could just continue to pretend that SPL doesn't exist, like normal ...
@Andrea yeah, if you screw up your heap, then that should be on you, not on php to pick up
Was the switch to Go perf based or more complex than that? Or blog post coming? :)
@Fabor perf had nothing to do with it. Has to do with good design and a saner approach for what we're building (which is hard to understand unless you know what we're building)
@ircmaxell so when will we see PHPGo? Or maybe GoPHP? ;)
@Andrea so one of the tools we're using
has a JS plugin system
@Duikboot Looking forward for the weekend to begin, but can't complain too much otherwise ;-) You?
oh no
it works by building a full JS VM in Go, and running the JS code on top of that
that's not an unreasonable approach?
Well, this is good. I've actually got a possibly interesting project to look at today.
@ircmaxell Ah. Fair enough.
@Andrea an artists rendition of what that might look like
@Andrea rather than linking to V8 via FFI or something...?
re-implement the language...
@ircmaxell V8 is heavyweight
implementing your own Javascript VM isn't ?
@JoeWatkins no JIT, no FFI
no C++ code dependency
my point is that there are other systems that do exactly this
without rebuilsing a full interpreter :-D
well, if anyone wants a laugh, here's the question I was complaining about earlier. Since that bounty was in place, the original answer's gotten +6, +2 since I posted mine. stackoverflow.com/q/29829105/5760706
@Oldskool Idem ditto! I just discovered Git 'diff'
@Duikboot Heh, yeah that's a pretty useful feature
Bit confusing at the start, where to fix it.
I love yield for routing:
yield ['GET' => 'user/:username'] => function () {

Dammit markdown.
@NorthbornDesign ooh
does this mean it only creates closures as needed? that's pretty neat
Right? Not to mention the syntactic benefits.
yeah, it looks really nice
@NorthbornDesign can we see more context?
I've been conflicted with Ruby, but it's syntactic flexibility is awesome for DSLs, and doing similarly in PHP is cute.
of course this means you have to match routes one-by-one, which is a downside
@Andrea Eh, I've always done the old-school iterate and match.
@jbafford What further context would you like?
function iterateRoutes(): \Iterator {
    yield ['GET' => 'user/:username'] => function () {
    yield ['GET' => '/'] => function () {
foreach ($iterateRoutes as $route => $view) {
    if (matchRoute($url, $route)) {
@NorthbornDesign ruby can be ok, rails - nope: pbs.twimg.com/media/BlgnHACIAAAVoI7.png:large
^I'm guessing it works something like this
ok, I think I get it now.
@Andrea More or less
@tereško So much agree. I don't fuck with Rails.
@NorthbornDesign why'd you change your StackOverflow name, by the way? I know this is old news
My Ruby experience comes primarily from hacking Sass.
@tereško oh wow
he's not identifying as design-kin
@Andrea /shrug, trying to revisit freelance.
much not modularity
Brand uniformity across all the things.
I've put the efforts on hold temporarily while I sort out all my private repos and hub them.
@Andrea it is a bit old .. maybe they have fixed in the new rails major release .. but I kinda doubt that
@tereško fixing fundamental architectural flaws? who does that
How the hell do you have a controller class that has 63 different parents?
How does that even happen?
It might not seem it, but surely incest can explain most things.
@Danack Thanks for that description on using sub-dir for implementations. I keep it in mind for the next wave of refactoring :)

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