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posted on January 25, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Frankie */

@Danack well, proc_open will basically do that
you just need to use non-blocking i/o
wiki.php.net/rfc/negative-string-offsets#in_the_language ……… ugh offset access via {} … @NikiC didn't you want to deprecate it? :-(
@PeeHaa now you need to blog about your experiences with Amp and Aerys :-P
@bwoebi I was thinking about something better, but I'm not sure whether I have the time / patience for it
@PeeHaa like?
Build a php framework on top of aerys
yo dawg
That's an awesome idea
I think so too
I'd totally support that and help you where possible :-)
@bwoebi No problem. The bug is simple enough to code around. It just destroyed Icicle because it affected a method that a lot of code relied upon. Fixed it already and everything works fine even under 7.0.2.
@Trowski It might have randomly crashed on other functions though. It was just luck by the precise sequence of opcodes that it pointer into a certain memory region giving weird results and no segfault.
@PeeHaa just one question… what exact type of framework do you have in mind? with proper DI of persistent objects? simple HTTP framework? complex like Doctrine with asnyc? or what?
I was thinking about a WS driven web framework
@bwoebi But it only affected generators in try/catch/finally with a return within the try/catch, correct?
*with a declared return type.
@PeeHaa You're thinking about "node js"
@Trowski right.
@MadaraUchiha Part of node
Although that in PHP with Amp and Auryn would be really interesting to see.
@bwoebi Yeah, easy enough to avoid then. :-D
@Trowski yeah, just remove typehint^^
Although you should really implement Observables if you're going for that, don't deal with event emitters :D
@MadaraUchiha Exactly my thoughts
But as of now it's just a brainfart
The idea? Or trying to implement low level types like that?
All of it :P
@MadaraUchiha You don't really want Observables, rather a while (null !== $data = yield) { /* data */ } /* connection closed here */ loop
@bwoebi I want this:
@MadaraUchiha I mean for that specific task.
$route = new WSRoute('/key/:param', function($socket) {
  // ...
However it's implemented behind the scenes doesn't really matter
You want your low-level abstraction to be an Observable (optionally followed up with a coroutine and a loop), and not an event emitters because event emitters are PITA.
event emitters are definitely a PITA.
but I think observables aren't the easiest thing to use… for that our current abstraction is good enough: github.com/amphp/aerys/blob/master/lib/Websocket.php
home from work.. \o/ yay
@PeeHaa I definitely need some basic control flow proposal first before I can say anything whether it's a great or crappy idea :-) I'm always anyway more than happy to give you API feedback
Yea. Will keep you in the loop once I have some spare time
Is something like this not possible?
		$query = $db->prepare("UPDATE pulse SET heart = '?' WHERE identity = '?'");
		$query->execute(array($_SESSION["pulse_count"]++, $_SESSION["pulse_id"]));
Drop the quotes
And you probably want to pre-increment I think
@PeeHaa after all if it's something low-level, I prefer improving the Aerys API rather than having a wrapper abstracting a crappy Aerys API away ^^
ring this mon
@bwoebi I don't think that is what I want to do
@FélixGagnon-Grenier mogguh
@PeeHaa Okay, then I'm fine :-)
has anybody solved how to wake up without a headache yet (apart from not drinking, that is)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Drink more
I like the way you think
only voodka sometimes works great for me
@PeeHaa While I've found this does work, it really hurts productivity.
alternative.. dont drink..smoke
Not that there was going to be a lot of productivity on Monday morning anyway...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier drink water before you go to bed.....waking up with headache ==> dehydration.
I do this with great success
Drink as much water as you can before going to sleep, cuts the hangover by 80%
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Well, that's really what you should do … I don't drink at all … solves all problems =)
^ nice
@bwoebi I only drink a lot very occasionally.
But when I do, drinking water really helps
@RonniSkansing Why not boht?
@PeeHaa both is fine with me =)
I do both
But I often end up with horrible hangovers.. but when I only smoke.. I never really feel anymore then abit relaxed the day after
^^ nice
you are awesome guys
for now I'll hang on to my coffee and try to make it through the morning
I don't smoke and rarely drink.
yeah, apparently you haz this site to moderate though
@FélixGagnon-Grenier oooh.. you are awesome too!
Is there any alternatives to including an config.php file in each page that holds all application directories ?
that's a bit broad
Sorry, like an .ini that instantiates all the directories to be used in the application. Currently I have an config.php that holds all those constants, then I require the config.php and use those constants. Is there any alternatives?
> instantiates all the directories
I'm not sure I follow you there
you mean include several files?
No. IE: I have a 'templates' folders. Used in several other files. I want to declare a global constant so I can call that directory to include files inside it.
you could have a Config class with constants holding such names. Which is not ideal, but you'd have only one place to define the directory.
class Config
    const TEMPLATES_PATH = __DIR__.'/path/to/templates';
Yep that is what I'm using.
And then i just require that file on each page, it's working fine.
are you using autoloading?
I'd start there
Ok :) Thank you
First paragraph of the PHP manual about Autoloading and it's exactly what i was looking for LOL :P
@Wes Yes, I've thought about it.
That's about as far as I got, though.
Are we still doing that HN thing? If so I just posted https://news.ycombinator.com/newest
Show HN: JS-Restructure, a Go-Restructure JavaScript clone
@TiagoMatos if it's not too steep a step, you can also learn (if not already done) about composer's autoload
@LeviMorrison Any update on enum RFC?
No. Too busy.
I'm only here today because I'm sick.
Well… then you aren't busy for the moment :-P
With your current implementation:
> TODO: figure out if enums can always override comparisons with objects that implement the compare handler.
What would you say about that?
Also, link to your impl so I can link it in the RFC?
they do… because they aren't objects.
I'm going to write up a probably incorrect summary of the implementation.
Then ping you for feedback.
Good morning all
@bwoebi Does this use strict_types at all for the bool conversion?
Also, which contexts can use enum as an identifier?
@LeviMorrison same than most keywords
class Enum <- valid?
@LeviMorrison not sure what you mean?
@LeviMorrison no, surely not. Just like class List isn't
So basically functions and methods, right?
What about constants?
class consts/method etc., yes
global const/func, no.
How is this guaranteeing that the pointer to class fits in uint32_t?
Ah, zend_hash_index_find_ptr.
So both uint32_t values are "handles" or "offsets", correct?
Maybe some macros should be renamed?
Or altered?
It seems like Z_ENUM_CLASS should get a class entry.
I guess that's what zend_enum_ce is for.
Basically nobody should use the Z_ENUM_CLASS macro, right?
that's why it's just class and not ce
The only ones supposed to use it are opcache and the enum funcs internally
posted on January 25, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Cyrus McDugan */

@Wes yes.
@bwoebi Can you carefully reread the RFC and see any errors? I still have some todos but I want to make sure everything that is present is accurate.
@LeviMorrison the RFC is accurate currently.
> a finite list of unique, case-sensitive values.
unlike classes/functions?
> Enums are not editable after definition in any way.
It's because they are a form of constants which are case-sensitive.
not even with reflection?
@FlorianMargaine Correct.
@LeviMorrison fair
@LeviMorrison why? reflection is the way to work around the language when we need it
is it just me or twitter is slowly imploding (I am not referring to business side of things) ?
@FlorianMargaine Why would you want to edit an enum after definition?
@LeviMorrison I don't know, but that's what reflection is supposed to let us do. Override stuff at runtime that we shouldn't be able to.
this is usually useful in terrible codebases where you don't have much choice left.
> Enums are strongly typed
I think we disagree on the purpose of Reflection, then.
what does that mean?
@FlorianMargaine you can't alter the values of constants with reflection currently
@bwoebi meh, that sucks
No, that doesn't.
That's a good thing.
there's also a lot of code relying on the immutability of constants.
@LeviMorrison I don't see any mention of trailing comma in the RFC
The only true constant is pi. (Not even change is constant)
@FlorianMargaine The name of "Reflection" sort of implies that it is primarily intended for introspection, you know
@NikiC I guess. I'm used to more power.
@FlorianMargaine trailing comma is explicitly allowed in the current patch
@bwoebi I guess this should be noted in the RFC
@FlorianMargaine well, you're a common-lisp writer, so, no surprise :-P
I'm half tempted to take my current "because I can" project, trash it, and redo it with Amphp support.
@Ghedipunk what exactly is your project?
Just a CMS for my personal site.
not sure why you'd base a CMS on Amp, except if you're using Aerys…
But I want to have both stored procedures and asynchronous DB requests, which MySQLi doesn't do, no flavor of PDO does, and I'm fairly sure the pgsql library doesn't do either.
I mean, sure, MySQLi does async... but not with stored procedures. :P
@FlorianMargaine Done.
BUT at the same time, I don't need either stored procedures or async requests...
@bwoebi I worry that zend_declare_class_constant_ex will be misleading when there are errors.
@LeviMorrison when there are errors …??
@PeeHaa You should really refactor everything if you refactor things. :P
enum Foo { class }
Note I'm on Windows right now so I can't just run things like this, sorry.
Also enum Foo { Bar, Bar }
you mean the error message texts?
Is it wrong to feel good, when assholes downvote you?
Plus not all of the code is relevant (but oh well).
well, technically it's a class const… I wouldn't worry too much about these edge cases.
It's a v < 1 so according to semver I'm still allowed to screw up @kelunik :p
Something in specific?
rep-wise, yeah. life-wise, no, very much.
Also \o/ sauerkraut omnomnomnom
hmmm... I somehow managed to not have the pdo_mysql dll for php7 on windows. Can I get just the dll by itself somewhere? I'd guess I need one specifically for my php version?
Room::join was never used, also that room collection.
Private Protected Public Params ?
Point-to-Point Protocol Params
Porky P. Pig Params.
@DaveRandom PppParams
Just no.
@DaveRandom PPPoE was the first thing which came to my mind, yeah.
@kelunik lol instant refactor and then some \o/
(Also: I've been working for too long on php-src, that I immediately thought of the ZEND_ACC_PPP_MASK …)
@kelunik AAAAARGH, YAML … [no offense, I just don't like this format …]
@PeeHaa I prefer " over ' btw. and PSR-2 is fine, but without braces on a new line. :P
@bwoebi Why?
@kelunik Don't ask, I just don't like it… It's bad but I don't really know how to explain…
just use some good old JSON… :-/
@bwoebi I don't really like writing JSON by hand.
My reason for not liking YAML is whitespace as a control structure. I've had a couple of "senior" developers (company's founders sons, in both surprisingly independent cases) who flaunted mixing tabs with spaces in their nesting, so I avoid everything that even considers looking at whitespace as somehow meaningful.
@kelunik I can say the same about YAML btw...
the only thing I miss in JSON are trailing commas …
tfw the fault for not setting extension_dir properly lies entirely on me
(Fortunately, I know that one of those terrible developers will never write a single line of code again, but mainly because he's too busy sipping fruity alcoholic drinks on some beach somewhere, after his brother sold the company and it got picked apart by vulture capitalists.)
@Ghedipunk How to make money: write horrible code (hehe)
hmm, I need someone help me finding on how to crash Aerys … what vectors are still open to flood the memory with data or consume all the processing power.
I've already implemented a big bunch of countermeasures, but I'm sure I haven't caught everything…
Set it up on a Raspberry Pi (or an old slow server) so that it's more sensitive to adverse requests...
@kelunik I tend to use ``'because it shows intend
If somebody wants to watch something terrible go see this imdb.com/title/tt4532368
@PeeHaa Intend?
@Ghedipunk that's not what I mean… Rather search for special circumstances (like e.g. header size wouldn't be limited) and then failing
If I just fire a bunch of requests, that's fine.
@kelunik As in "I don't want interpolation here"
It'll help find the big bugs. An obvious DDOS is hard to protect against, but exploiting some other resource exhaustion like maximum number of open requests (i.e., a request is started but actually making the request is very slow, on the order of 1 byte per second) would be easier to find in a resource constrained server like a pi.
@Ghedipunk these ideas all have been tried … I'm talking of things I haven't tried yet. I know how to monitor CPU usage and memory while testing ;-)
Question to main SE or SO forum
Can a question ( that hasn't already been ask ) be too easy and newb of a question it will get downvoted and ban me
I am often hesitant to ask questions for fear losing points
Worst case scenario, you delete the question and regain any lost points.
Oh you can?
I wouldn't worry about it these days.....unless it's completely rubbish people seem to upvote any old questions...
@bwoebi Which limits do websockets have now?
you can but it'l count against the ban-counter
@bwoebi by deleting posts?
@kelunik bytes/min, size/frame, size/message
@ChrisOkyen looking at your questions, the problem isn't that they are very bad questions, it's just that some of them have at least more than one possible answer.
@ChrisOkyen yes… don't deete too many
Specific limits?
You'd have to have a LOT of bad questions to get anywhere close to the ban limit, though. If you're asking consistently bad questions, then yeah, worry about it, but even bad feedback ("this question is teh suxxors") is feedback.
@kelunik 8 MB, 2 MB and 10 MB
Stackoverflow is designed for questions where there is usually one clear answer.
bytes/min lower than the message limit? that sounds strange.
Not social science , philosophical , thological, esoteric qs
@kelunik yeah, no reason to have a msg limit of more than 2 MB…
Also @ChrisOkyen it depends. If your question is well-researched and explained enough you usually won't be downvoted
An opinon on login philosophy seems to break that rule
@ChrisOkyen note the date
that's from 2008, after 2012 you won't find such questions…
the scope of SO also evolved slightly over the years
Did they hit a point where multiple answer qs were a difficulty for the site
@ChrisOkyen why should it?
No plan no goals you wont go anywhere
@ChrisOkyen today you'd be told to put such a question on programmers.se
10 4
It's not so much the site setting the policy as it's the moderators who get voted in. The moderators have come to the conclusion that technical questions should have clear answers, and opinion questions go to another stack exchange site.
mobile chat stil sucks btw. The app also supported chat right?
@Ghedipunk disagree … the mods rather follow the community
Im sure that whole process was fascinating itself to look at from a outside view when you didn't have to make all the hard calls just read about how they handled the situation
....actually I forgot how boring linux is.
@bwoebi Chicken and egg problem, then. The site evolved through feedback between elected mods and vocal members.
@PeeHaa nope
The problem with SE forums is that you may wait a half a day for an answer unlike the chat
the app does not have chat integrated
I wish they had a VBA chat
@Danack Only thing I've used session IDs for is to make a process a daemon. The session ID does some magic that helps the grandchild process get inherited by init so that when it dies it gets reaped properly and doesn't become a zombie.
And even if they did, it could be hours before the chat got answers until it got popularity
shoot some chats that been around still go with last messages 40 minutes ago
@tereško :(
Anyone else feel the same eay about the slow fourm response and lack of VBA chat?
*sometimes slow -- I will say sometimes it is a really quick
I am going to be totally straight. I have Aspergers and not always the best with social awareness. The conversation I was engaging suddenly dwindgled when I started talking about SE forums slowness and a lack of VBA chat is that why the respocne slowed
Was it me?
No. It's natural for chat.
Nobody had input, and most of us are busy professionals who only glance at chat when we see there's a new message.
Ok I gotcha
Makes sense you filter so you don't get off track from work.
Most the time you don't read every single message then you probally wouldn't be able to work well if you did
Most people here know that tone doesn't translate well through text, so if they want you to be uncomfortable, they'll be less than subtle... Sometimes tactful, but not subtle.
that tone doesn't translate well through text reffering to ignoring people if they did something they didn't like
they usually don't do that as it is hard to get via msg?
Naturally some people ignore others for doing things they don't like... but it's not meant as an insult, since there are so many other reasons why a person might go quiet, and personal slights are incredibly rare. (People who get personally slighted easily don't tend to survive long in chat.)
It's more of a "I'll come back when things are interesting again."
I mean could the fact my conversation went "can newb question get me banned or -point" to "vba chat and forum respocne rate" be enough to have people slight you because their like "this dude is weird in conversation, socialness, hes off PHP topic, he asks some questions ( and I know I do ) I could think and know the answer myself im gonna passively ignore him to show Im shunning him"
@ChrisOkyen meh, we're not always on-topic either, but it's sometimes a bit unusual when newcomers quickly begin off-topic by themselves ;-)
Oh like they do it themselves as apposed to it kind of socially through a bunch of people accidently happens gotcha
General advice for chat: Take people at face value. If you mess up, someone will point it out. If nobody says anything, go grab a sandwich.
I keep looking for the thumbs up button. Can't stay sane with out facebook thumb up in this day where ppl are too lazy to say "oh ok" or "that's good" , no that's too socially active
@Ghedipunk not necessarily
especially with some newcomers which are just here to help vampire or troll, we just passively ignore them.
@ChrisOkyen I don't know much about facebook, but in the chat windows, you don't have like-buttons either AFAIK?
@ChrisOkyen Also I'm on mobile which is really annoying for chat
Also 2 github's mobile interface is horrific
@bwoebi yes how will the millennials become foreign affairs for t he USA with IRAN without giving them a thumbs up for the nuke deal. It is well known 2000 children can't socially interact without using a keyboard
Closest to a "like" button in this chat is the star... but don't use it, it's not a "I agree" thing, it's a "everyone who visits this chat should see it because it's important" thing.
@bwoebi that's a scary truth
yesterday, by NikiC
php is such a piece of crap
@ChrisOkyen there are still these outsiders without facebook :-P (like me ^^)
Good you are our last hope
Have a question which subject doesn't have a chat. Is it bad SE SO policy to ping people and ask if they are familiar with it
@ChrisOkyen pinging random people is bad, yes. If you know someone is familiar and most people aren't, then it's fine to ask him directly.
is their a way to invite all <subject> familiar SO SE people to come to chat <subject>
as a official chat like Visual Basic
well, this is the PHP room… there are others. But there aren't that many people writing in SO chats in general
If you want a Visual Basic chat, create one (or find a really old one), enter it, and post periodically.
yes, this
People who are interested will join eventually. Might take a couple of months before there are any regulars.
Generally bad form to invite people from the SO site to chats, because the vast majority of SO users just don't participate.
@bwoebi you said earlier about topics getting banned or down voted
Also @ChrisOkyen it depends. If your question is well-researched and explained enough you usually won't be down voted" is this encouraging to write questions with multiple answers as long as you researched it well or does it not apply to multiple answer even if researched well?
depending on scope of the question, there might be a chance it's more suited for programmers.se … After all, what do you want to ask?
Generally, most questions that have multiple answers are opinion based, which is what you want to avoid. Anything with the word "best" that you can't change to a specific one dimension (fastest, lowest memory footprint, most purple, etc) is usually opinion based.
I don't have an exact question right this second
Hii there
it is in the topic of XMLHTTP for Visual Basic using RegEX in Visual basic and Google Map API
too general?
Sounds like a good candidate for discussion, but yeah, not a good question for SO.
hello @pritesh @echo_Me
@ChrisOkyen yes, too general is the issue the map API, regex or XMLHTTP?
why is quite here ? :)
If you find people who are familiar with XMLHTTP for VB (I doubt if there are any in this room), Regex, and the Google Maps API, then you might start asking questions that will help you understand the topic in general better... But unless you have code, a specific problem, and a concrete idea of what you want to have happen, then it's not an SO question.
Also, we generally don't respond to people who enter and just say "hi." (Veteran members are an exception, though they'll only get one or two responses out of dozens of people here). We wait for them to ask a question or do anything more substantive before acknowledging them.
all but more so parsing the XMLHTTP.responcetext with Regex. Google map problem is that I don't know the API well enough to figure out why I can't get the distance of multiple routes from point A to B ... think might have to usea different function like DirectionService
Might have having to step back and look at the whole API as a whole and see if I need a different component to get multiple routes distances because the tutorial I am using uses gets only one routes distance.. I've only used google api for the few functions I need. I don't see the need to learn the whole API if I will never use a lot of it I just need to do a task, can programming for certain tasks be done this way?
@ChrisOkyen sometimes they can, other times you might not have enough luck.
When working with an API I'm unfamiliar with, I at least look at all of the call prototypes, then look for a "getting started" guide before jumping into what I want to do.
Often I find some sort of authentication step that isn't obvious from the high level overview of the API when I go through the guide.
do @Ghedipunk prototypes meaning do u actually follow all the code of every function line for line or just parameters what is does what it returns what value it returns value the parameters error handlers etc
namespace App\Classes;

class UploadVideoUtils{
     $prop1 = "some value";
and trying to call in a controller like below
$reason1 = new UploadVideoUtils();
            $reason = $reason1->prop1;
gives me
syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting \\ (T_NS_SEPARATOR) or ';' or '{'
what is wrong ?
first of all, why there is no visibility defined for the $prop1?
also, why the fuck is any of this being using in a fucking controller?
I just want to keep my static variables that can be available in many classes
So, i thought to put them into a separate class
@CrazyNinja why do you have static variable to begin with?
you shouldnt be relaying on a global state in your code
@ChrisOkyen I definitely don't read the code line by line. Just the summaries. If I can get away with it, just Interface that the classes implement.
@PeeHaa Refactored a few more things and am getting a 404 for https://openid.stackexchange.com/account/login/submit oO
lol. now to get a few gallon of that @RonniSkansing :p
@RonniSkansing can you tell me how can i add pagination in wp shortcode?
Have you read the stuff in the wp codex?

class Base
public $success = 'Base Class';
public $message = '';

class Child extends Base
public $success = 'Child Class';
public $message = '';
$this->message = parent::success;//syntax error, unexpected '$this' (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION)

$child = new Child();

echo $child->message;
Why i am getting this error
i know the function but it's nut worked
actually as i figured out it is not possible to add pagination in a wp shorcode

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