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@tereško good ? imdb.com/title/tt1519931 posters tell me it's a "teen horror", but i could be wrong
naah, characters are quite grown up
I have seen first season .. it was good
it's kinda like a more subtle version of "Heroes", but without an annoying cheerleader
i watched the first two episodes and i'm already seeing a love triangle and how's going to end up
isn't it like fringe or smt? because that was terrible :B
no, nothing like Fringe
okay, will give it a try
@Wes just get Farscape or Babylon 5 and you will be alright :D
farscape looks cheesy :D
it is, but it's fun
babylon always wanted to watch it, then forgot. seen spare episodes on tv and it was ok
then start downloading both
i always build great expectations on series that eventually turn out to be shit and/or cancelled
haven so far reminds me also of under the dome. which i tried watching and it was awful
well, "Lucifer" starts airing today/tomorrow
also "The Magicians" starts today, but I have read the book and it was fucking depressive
i try to wait at least 1-2 years to start watching series. if they get past that then they are probably good. every time i broke that rule i ended up disappointed for one reason or another :D hannibal, terra nova, under the dome... just to mention some of them
damn lost and its creators
does a 5xx error have precedence over a 4xx error? Or does that depend on the server?
@crypticツ one doesn't really take precedence over the other. But if you get a 5xx while trying to handle a 4xx, the 5xx is usually what winds up getting reported/shown (because it couldn't successfully process the 4xx).
I'm running Nginx with an upstream server, and if the upstream is down it will 502, but I also want to password protect the access, so it could 403. But want to make sure it will 502 before it can 403.
yeah, that's what I was thinking, but the upstream is not the one handing the 403, so if it's down Nginx can still continue, I think O_o
Anyone happen to know how PHP adds in pdo_mysql if you compile ext/mysql(i) ?
I'm trying to do similar with nghttp2 and openssl
@crypticツ no
there is no defined precedence for http status codes
BUT the in practice 5xx code will have precedence over 4xx codes, because what they describe happens first
you cannot have a race condition between 504 (gateway timeout) and 404 (not found)
@bwoebi Thanks! I see that you added it to the release notes for 7.0.4, any chance that could be put into 7.0.3?
2 hours later…
@NikiC so, there's no chance to get mutable interface in primitive handlers? hyphotetically, in future. it's just cosmetics... basically i want everything to be totally consistent and transparent to the user. if i can call ->offsetSet() on an array-object, i want to be able to call the same method on classic arrays.
but that's not currently possible as i can't change the array from within the primitive handler
[ jip ] Trouble.
@Trowski usually not, moving things into the RC of a micro is mainly for critical fixes.
hello guys
when calling unset($_SESSION['some_key']) does it delete the temp files also?
associated with it?
hey joe
Good morning you beautiful people
@SergeyTelshevsky wait, is this for real
!!package amphp aerys
[ amphp/aerys ] A non-blocking HTTP/Websocket server
Nice, @PeeHaa updated already. :-)
omg. it's an actual thing squattypotty.com (nsfw)
sfw it is ;D
it has unicorns and icecream
it can't be nsfw!
i kinda just want the gift bag
@Wes its actually really backed by science.
This is your colon. ... This is your colon on drugs.
thanks but i'll stay ignorant :B too much information :D
@Wes and I have this nagging feeling, that it might even be a good thing
@Gordon it's actually somewhat known, that germans have this strange fascination with all things related to "shit"
aren't they the ones with the weird toilets so you can check out your deuce?
@tereško it is a good thing. the posture you take on a regular potty is bad for your colon and can increase hemorrhoids and stuff
@Gordon I have heard before that squatting while taking a dump is healthier (my mother is a doctor .. I tend to learn all sorts of strange things)
If it wasnt so darn expensive and basically any cardbord box would be good enough I'd buy it :D
find a friend with a 3D printer
just use any box..
> Chanced upon this dumb article. Let me give you a case for singletons in PHP - WordPress plugins. You only want one instance of your plugin object, you want it to be reachable from anywhere inside application and many other plugin functions and classes, and you want it to always be the same object, ever. And WordPress is running 20% of websites on internet. One should not make grandstanding statements without enough experience.
just got that as a comment to blog.gordon-oheim.biz/…
one should not mess with wordpress devs. they are elite php as wordpress is so popular.
man, good of him to tell you about that "wordpress" thing
@SergeyTelshevsky if your toilet is combined with bathroom, there are some long-term issues when it comes to keeping a cardboard box in a moist environment
I thought about explaining, but settled for Thanks for your comment and for making my day. Your last comment is pure comedy gold :)
@tereško are you talking about the squattypotty or about that php/wordpress plugin/singleton topic? :D
hmm ..
j/k, yes, well it shouldn't be cardboard, may use some plastic case
there is also the weight distribution issue
yet, it's better to have a good reading about the issue, with pros & cons, despite the fact, a proper toilet should be placed pretty low by itself too, so it also depends on that, if you need that box beneath or not
well ... having that random box to break apart while you are talking a dump might be something of an interesting experience
I remember this tweet
Topic this morning in Room 11: "how to engineer the perfect cup of tea?" #notPHP #notPHP7 #tea
I do
how about todays topic? :)
... I tend to propagate strange topics, if I am awake in the morning
Hi Guyz, could any one tell me for better to use live Chat application opensource in php
@user3454479 depends on what do you mean with "live chat application"
if it's one of those "support chat" things, then there actually aint any good solution, that I am aware off
naming help please :P i'm looking for a synonym for Builder, Creator, Editor etc but that doesn't make it sound it's something incomplete that will eventually be built/created. something like Mutable, but less stupid
@tereško yes need for only support chat
@Wes "fabricator" ?
do you have any resource like that kind of applications
fabricator lol. is that even a word? :D but anyway... also that makes me think of something that will be eventually fabricated
@Wes PartialFactory?
@Wes I was thinking of somthing along the lines of
nope, factory, same problem... also Factory is a common suffix for abstract factories, which it isn't
actually as suffix it would be "fab" .. as in "chip fab"
@user3454479 I already told you, there are no opensource "live support chat" in php that I am aware off. Therefore, I cannot give you any link!
@tereško til
something like Modular, Mutable, Living
dammit i hate naming
are you naming a thing or a thing maker?
@PaulCrovella a thing
@Wes you have given use: Builder, Creator, Editor, Mutable, Modular, Mutable, Living
those have nothing in common
well ... unless we perfect the technology for modifying single-cell organisms for use in construction
it's just a mutable object, but i dislike the Mutable suffix
I dislike suffixes in general
mutability doesn't seem worthy of suffixation
also, til "suffixation" is actually a word, because chrome spellcheck didn't complain about it
i was trying to have a sharp distinction in naming between mutable and immutable objects. currently immutables are just "Thing", mutables are "ThingMutable". i would use just "Thing" if some objects didn't have both mutable and immutable version. in this case the mutable version can also be used to build the immutable one, but it's not strictly a "creational" interface, as it can be used alone
another sacrifice on the altar of DDD
goodm orning!
@tereško lol? :P
.. maybe you are just trying to hard to fit a round peg in square hole
@tereško One of the better scenes in the movie IMO
The part where he's hiding his solution so that he doesn't copy killed me
I was just trying to illustrate the ramifications of Wes's "solution"
what's so strange about what i said
which movie is that from?
also basically i know nothing about ddd
was googling "Obtaining IQ"
can't wait to see my new personalized ads..
it's the curse of a developer
incognito mode isn't just for porn, it's also handy for "man, google is gonna treat me like an idiot for this later"
@LeviMorrison @Andrea ever considered to add "value classes" in userland?
value class A{ public $x = 10; function __clone(){} }
$a = new A;
$b = $a; // when scope changes or a new ref is created, "clone" the object
$b->x = 20;
echo $a->x; // 10
echo $b->x; // 20
@PaulCrovella I know, I know, but it's monday morning
@Wes Not sure if code will ping.
i believe it does @kelunik
did it work? :P
Confirmed. :P
@tereško !!imdb Idiocracy :P
!!imbd Idiocracy
[ Idiocracy ] 2006, Mike Judge
posted on January 25, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Jan Banan */

@Feeds i was expecting the same clip from idiocracy
Mornin 11-ers
use cases for (unset)$var ? never understood why it exists :B
ask @bwoebi
@FlorianMargaine you're never gonna let him live that down, are you
@PaulCrovella never
so ... if I meet someone, a php dev, c/php dev, and they don't know who I am, and I'm shocked by that ... is that arrogant ?
I don't want to come off as arrogant, but I do want to make sure they really don't know who I am ...
@JoeWatkins most of the php devs I've met never looked at who is working on php, so that wouldn't be surprising
it's just a black box for most of them
but if they are an extension developer ?
that's more surprising
I think it is ... and I want to make sure, so that we don't waste time (some was already wasted) ... I've been tasked with working on said extension ...
maybe I'll just leave it ... there is no way of saying "do you really not know who I am?" without coming off as arrogant ...
@JoeWatkins look at it this way, 90%+ of people, who claim to be php developers, do not even know that php 5.4 has been already released
the extension is phalcon, it's pretty close to the engine ...
could someone guide me about html
@JoeWatkins yeah, if that comes relevant, as in "what do I need to explain to you?", you can tell "I've done such and such extensions, and worked on such and such on php-src"
so, what I am trying to say is: it's not arrogance that you have a problem with; what you struggle with is your own ignorance
@user31782 well .. what have you tried?
I am currently learning from w3schools. But they explain quite inadequately. I am looking for a better online resource.
@user31782 htmldog.com/guides would be a good start
@user31782 also you could download this: mcd.bis.telkomuniversity.ac.id/file/HTML/…
I'll check both of em. thnx
he found out without me saying anything ...
porting to 7?
@JoeWatkins Seems like no longer necessary but you could just drop something like "when I was writing the pthreads extension" or something like that, wait there's an opportunity to demonstrate that have experience with some particular API. Basically don't say who you are, just instill an interest in finding out who you are.
@tereško Oh yeah, we just moved to PHP6. SUPER stoked
how is PHP6?
@Sean I... err... wat?
Nice @kelunik
there are 6 stars
legendary, still waiting for my t-shirt ;)
Does anyone know what evilEye@evilEyePro is? Looking at a server's authorized_keys file and spotted that at the end of a key.
A: Should I publish my public SSH key with user@hostname at the end?

BadSkillzThe user@hostname part is just a comment, you can set your own comment by using the -C option or for existing keys change it with -c (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ssh-keygen.1.html) changing it will not affect your key, so yes, you can change it to superduperuser@somfancehostname. Snippe...

@Jimbo two hoodies got from US to UK in 24 hours, over a weekend, took a further 4 or 5 days to actually be delivered though
@Sean it's a comment after the ssh key. It's whatever you want to put in it.
> Your order is confirmed.
> We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. A confirmation email has been sent to [my@email]. Come back to this page for updates on your order status.
@JoeWatkins Saw Phil expedited yours though, I expect mine to take a little longer :)
Moment of weakness. Totally worth it.
I'm reading that PHP 6 sucks. Is that true?
@FlorianMargaine @DaveRandom Sorry guys, I know it's a comment, I was just wondering if anyone had seen a similar comment. It's a server I work on and don't associate it with any of my colleagues.
Having an SSH key belong to "evilEye" is something that's making me a little cautious :P
This guy doesn't give many examples of why he thinks it sucks though
@Sean Disable it and see who complains, and when they complain tell them to use a sane identity
Found a thread from 2006 saying PHP was coming discussion.dreamhost.com/archive/index.php?thread-37904.html
@taco PHP6 doesn't really exist, whatever you are reading is not useful. PHP basically skipped from 5 -> 7 for a multitude of uninteresting reasons.
oh ok
PHP6 was a thing, but it never got out of the hangar
primarily because php can't even
I guess that explains why I keep hearing about 7, lol
and how it's better in performance
I've been stuck at PHP 5.4. I guess that's good. I hate how fast Javascript is moving
5.4 is EOL
i.e. no security fix will be applied to 5.4 anymore
@Gordon Nice!
@Gordon it is indeed awesome
ok, thanks @FlorianMargaine haven't coded PHP in a while. Been working on Docker framework for my app
"Docker framework"?
that's not a thing afaik
app architecture? maybe that's a better word choice
@taco The issue is more that you need to ensure you are writing code using the 5.4 way. If you do that, you could more or less drop it onto a server with 7 and it will work. The only way it can cause you a problem is if you are doing things that you shouldn't be doing anyway (e.g. register_globals or something)
yeah, I tried not to be stupid like that. I use configs
@Jimbo my first thought was "12-factor authentication? must be a joke"
@FlorianMargaine Lol, it's going that way these days
I do not want to have to open my phone every time I want to access my email
it's fairly rare
Hello, I have this query:
SELECT DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(purchases.timestamp)) AS Date, COUNT(purchases.id) AS sales, SUM(tickets) AS tickets, (SELECT SUM(amount)
                    FROM codes WHERE codes.purchase = purchases.id) as profitt, SUM(purchases.amount) AS profit FROM purchases WHERE purchases.eventid=:eventid AND purchases.status=1 GROUP BY DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp))
and profitt is returning NULL
how can I get the sum of amount of codes table with purchases ids?
solved, my fault
"Missing argument"s warnings should be fatal errors...
EHLO chat.stackoverflow.com
SMTP jokes \o/
PHP has some really weird string functions
@FlorianMargaine Why me? I don't understand it either…
@DaveRandom hebrevc?
That too, I was looking at convert_cyr_string
… we have a function of that name? <.<
Also vsprintf is really badly named, that's what I was looking for and couldn't remember the name
@DaveRandom actually, that was quite useful before utf8 became popular
@DaveRandom why is it? that's what it' called in C too…?
@SergeyTelshevsky Not saying it's not useful, just seems a bit niche to include in the standard lib
koi8r & win-1251 were a nightmare, even now you can stumble upon one of them...
@bwoebi Yeh, because C names are awesome
socket() <-- very descriptive. Not.
@DaveRandom socket() … create a socket?
what's wrong with that?
I get that these are legacy names but I don't see the reason for not providing more readable alternatives
@bwoebi No verb. It's wierd.
A function is an action, it needs a verb in the name
@DaveRandom I usually imply get/create if no verb is attached
putting an explicit get/create everywhere is somewhat of a neologism I don't always agree with.
Well yes, but it's unnecessary cognitive overhead... I know it doesn't matter that much but I just don't see the need to make things harder to think about than they need to be, however small the effect may be
things like strpbrk are far worse when there are many of them and you don't/can't remember their meaning…
@DaveRandom now we could argue it's unnecessary overhead to parse implied obvious tokens.
In the modern world code should be written to be read by humans first and computers second, most of the time.
I totally agree. Hence it might be overhead for the human to read more redundant code.
You wouldn't walk into a shop and just say "socket" you'd say "I'd like a new socket please"
Now I'm prepared to forgo the "please" in code, but I don't see why the clarity of intent should be omitted
@DaveRandom that's formal language. When you're busy doing something you also only say what thing you need to your assistent… without any verbs
you don't then always say "(please) get me the"
Actually I do, but then I'm English :-P
yeah, cultures ^^
There was a time where I thought Request::getStringQueryParameter() would be nice API… but it is just too long.
It's a frequently used function and the long call distracts from the actual variable <-> query param mapping
If many of your function/class names exceed 15 chars, you should revise your API
The more rarely something is used, the more descriptive you can get.
I'll certainly grant you there's a balance, I don't wan't names that force me to break 150 chars/line (my personal hard limit)
I am stuck with a magento problem ..can anybody help ?
10 messages moved to bin
I try to keep appearances up , but we all know better :-)
@PeeHaa In response to? :P
\o/ random posts :P
@kelunik The version plugin fixes
For closure, turns out EvilEye is a handle for one of the workers of the original builders of the server. He named his ssh key after his own handle rather than their company lol
posted on January 25, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by jorculio */

@Sean death penalty
That is crap practice
@DaveRandom Something something CoC
@Jimbo you're quite stuck up with this CoC thing. You're always talking about it.
@FlorianMargaine You're stuck up! I deflect things that bore me with humour :)
(Not that you're boring. I don't just mean bore.) Actually, just take whatever I ever say with a pinch of salt and we're good
@Jimbo noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
user image
@Fabor nice :)
can anybody tell me how can I allow different languages in text field in jquery validation?
Have you guys tried out MySQL Workbench?
I have validation like this f_name: {required: true, lettersonly: true},
@John You could try the javascript room, not PHP room?
@Jimbo no pls
@Jimbo okay let me try that... thanks
Yes, PHP7 PHP Fatal error: Cannot use Aurora\Helper\String as String because 'String' is a special class name in
@TiagoMatos Yes, I'm using it
@VeeeneX I was inquiring to know if you tested out the Tools -> Utilities -> Copy as PHP Code.

That seems like it has some potencial.
I'm using ORMs so :D
Wich framework are you using?
Zend, Laravel or my own
Hi is there any developer worked on google app engine with php?..What's the pros cons devolping php applications on app engine..Simply what will be your quick review from your experiences..
Using getimagesize()is fine to validate whether file is image?
$check = getimagesize($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]);
if($check !== false) {
    echo "it is image";
} else {
    echo "File is not an image.";
I guess that's a way
surely not the best one though
Well what is the best? That way I mentioned is what w3school has used ..
ok tnx ^
Hot damn JQ chaining gives you some beautiful errors sometimes.
> elem.find(...).filter(...).find(...).show(...).siblings(...).hide(...).end(...).‌​end(...).prevAll(...).find(...).show(...).siblings(...).hide(...).end(...).end(..‌​.).end(...).nextAll(...).find(...).show(...).sublings is not a function
that's probably a bit too much chaining
Yeah, that's all on me
Why to get a file needs two key? $_FILES["one"]["two"]? I remember other inputs need just one key (name attribute)
So what should be [two] ?
If you're just using a single key for your input you shouldn't have that o.o
Only if you have something like name="foo[]" do things start getting a little more complicated
However, $_FILES does supply you with an assoc array for each file. Check out the link for more info
Does anyone have a simple wrapper for running a background program through pcntl_fork + proc_open for testing purposes?
The symfony one seems to be deliberately welded to the symfony framework...
fork + proc_open, no, but here's a sample that uses just proc_open: stackoverflow.com/a/34932487/5760706 (to emulate exec with a timeout)
not quite sure why you'd explicitly use fork; the machinery behind proc_open will do the fork behind-the-scenes.
I was looking at the symfony stuff......and possibly not understanding it or just copying their mistake.
@jbafford Oh, because I do want to run it in the background.....

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