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@Trowski ah, valgrind gives an invalid read for WritablePipe::send() resulting in bogus opcodes …
(a looping fast-call)
@Mouhssinduoi It's unclear (because you've not really provided any code) what it is you're trying to do and what your problem is.
@Danack I suppose I could do it, but we don't do that for for non-well-formed message
ugh why does json_decode replace the empty string as a key with "_empty_". why. that's a perfectly valid property name
@Mouhssinduoi It ought to be a matter of changing the name of the image you present in the html, because you don't really want to perform image manipulation on every page load (that would be very slow).
Well let's start from the first
I want to make Mn.jb change every time the page changed
For example main1.jpg main2.jpg main.jpg ...
I'm all I want is to change the image each time the page is refreshed
Way Does not matter
It is important to succeed
yes. So do that. Write php code to change the <img> tag you output on the page each time it's loaded.
@Andrea the reason to include it (or at least the first x bytes of the string) is that, if like most sane people you convert unsuppressed errors to exceptions, there wouldn't be full information about what the problem was if the error occurred deep inside an application.
It does not matter how important you understand what I want
How will I drive it?
@Danack even if you don't convert it you'd still have that issue, surely
@bwoebi Hopefully that's easy enough to fix.
I'm pretty sure that 'people who convert errors to exceptions' and 'people who silence all errors' covers 99% of the PHP community. The number of people who have error handlers that actual do things like logging appears to be very minimal.
@PeeHaa jeeves.pieterhordijk.com < What's userId?
That's going to be SO userid
oh what the duck why is an empty string not a valid property name, this is extremely bullshit
gonna have to write an RFC on this, and include numeric strings while I'm at it
@Andrea I'm guessing because it would break the serialize code?
@Danack ah, episode III
@Danack doubt it, it has to handle all sorts of silly names anyway
@Danack there is worst error_reporting(0); is thought for the way of preventing errors on even some php lessons..The reason is they are still using mysql_ functions..
@Danack turns out serialize can handle it fine but it fatal errors because you're not allowed to set an empty property
like, if we removed that check it would work fine, the format can handle it
@Trowski Probably. It's a compiler bug on a small op_array should be debuggable at least…
@PeeHaa Could you pull and restart @Jeeves?
@bwoebi That sounds awfully optimistic for something involving fast-call
@NikiC actually, it's realistic from the data I've already debugged.
Morning: I repeatetly run into this using master@6d674b3d but I'm unable to create a smaller script (currently only happening in a symfony application running on the builtin server) to reproduce the issue for a bug report. (appeared after building the intl extension). Using a pretty default './configure' '--enable-debug' '--enable-intl' . As someone inexperienced with gdb & co. Is there any way to narrow the issue down or is that
information enough?
Need help in fixing this weird issue with my PHP Class stackoverflow.com/questions/34978997/weird-issue-in-php-class
@Rangad Try running it through valgrind, might make the source more obvious
@Ehs4n that is a problem that requires someone to step through the code with a debugger to isolate the problem. No one here wants to debug your code for you. Learning to do that yourself is a step on the path of becoming a good developer - youtube.com/watch?v=LUTolQw8K9A
@NikiC uuuuuhm … lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_MASTER/Zend/zend_opcode.c#697 that goes wrong when the VERIFY_RETURN_TYPE is followed by a FAST_CALL in a generator…
also that != IS_UNUSED is rather a mystery to me…
must be some hack for something.
also… shouldn't return type verifcation happen after the fast_call? @NikiC
@bwoebi yah, previously the RETURN was always after VERIFY_RETURN_TYPE, now it isn't
ah yeah, we shifted some things around there.
@bwoebi no, that causes problems ... there was a bug for it
so, was easy to debug, but I have no real idea what the right fix is here.
@bwoebi probably replace the opline+1 with a loop until the next RETURN
@NikiC except that RETURN's are usually at the end of the op_array with fast calls …
hmm, no
When you shifted things around for fast_call, you removed that ugly appending to the end of the op_array too, no? @NikiC
@NikiC Atleast I see nothing more over the gdb backtrace. I experimented a bit further and I can't find a way to reporduce the issue outside of that symfony project (maybe I'm to tired, will try to find a simpler way to reproduce tomorrow or tuesday). gist.github.com/anonymous/eed2a601b0f5ae6220f0
@bwoebi yes
so, a loop for ZEND_GENERATOR_RETURN should be safe then…
@Rangad when you've slept, can you make a note of any ini_set methods in the code that shows that problem?
@Ocramius one of the reasons why I do not approve of GCHQ being allowed to have stalls at tech conferences.
@Danack php.ini is empty except for opcache (opcache.enable_cli=0 is set though)
@Rangad I meant in your code that's running - are any ini_set() functions being called?
fuck fuck fuck fuck
php is such a piece of crap
what happened?
@NikiC Usually you aren't swearing that much :o(
He probably left the space-time warp tunnel where he used to live
@bwoebi Just found another case where a seemingly useless $a = $b with $a unused actually has an effect
@NikiC your RAII case?
just mark as alive until function end then in DFA?
@NikiC I know, right? :(
@bwoebi nope, this one is due to IAP
@Andrea internal array pointer
I think I know this initialism but all that comes to mind is in-app pur- ah, thanks
But I'm interested to know how IAP is affected by random assign? @NikiC
Say $b is an reference array at IAP -1, now assume $b is later separated. This will set the IAP to 0 now, instead of keeping it at -1.
why is IAP modified upon separation?
@bwoebi If you copy an array and IAP is -1, IAP will be set to first element instead
yes, why?
that sounds like an unexpected side-effect.
(from userland perspective)
@bwoebi likely "because php"
@NikiC that sounds rather like a bug TBH.
bob$ ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(eval("return function() { return true; };")());'

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ',' or ')' in Command line code on line 1
@NikiC I thought you fixed that… see me deeply disappointed!
@bwoebi wow
What ... What are you doing there?
an one-file reproduce case for the bug
thus using eval() …
@Jimbo @LeviMorrison @rdlowrey fyi I wrote some thoughts on Variadics and dependency injection - possibly of interest to other people who use Auryn.
@NikiC at least it works with an extra pair of parens, but… but … but …
@PeeHaa Please ping me when you did. :-P
@Danack can't one just require an array for variadics? [which then gets expanded]
Would it be stupid to add SSL support to PHP's built-in server? It allows listening on so it can accept external connections, so John can demo a script to Jane remotely. But considering it's typically for dev use and dev environments spit out a lot of debugging info it could expose things like API keys etc. Or should people just have to use stunnel?
@crypticツ I'd love to have that, but setting up all the certs is a mess anyway
so it kinda defeats the speed of a "development server"
@crypticツ I think that would be fine
@crypticツ who needs that when he has Aerys (:-D)
@bwoebi does that output requests to the terminal if I start it from there, like how the built-in does?
Do you mean the whole trace or just the information about what was requested?
you could though have a very simple middleware à la ->use(new class extends Aerys\Middleware { function do(InternalRequest $ireq) { var_dump($ireq->trace); } })
ok, so it doesn't show the trace by default, but it does show the requests that were made along with their HTTP status, right?
@bwoebi arrays aren't types, so they can't be resolved very well....although they could work for local $injector->make('Foo', $extraParams)it would be horrible for application wide stuff.
(And I don't think the $extraParams on $injector->make should be used - it has some edge-cases that are always going to give unexpected results for some conditions)
@Danack you'd resolve the contents of that array obviously.
well .. this was scary
I did a full update on Arch and after reboot everything stopped
I ended up booting in from the install-usb, chroot'ing in the installed system, disabling sddm, panicking a bit, rolling back from xorg-server related updated and recompiling AMD's Crimson
... it's a really shitty feeling when you do a reboot and everything just stops, and for a moment you realize that you have no idea where to even begin looking for a solution
@bwoebi it could be forced to be made to work. it just would be a bad idea to do that.
every first time I start xorg and see a black screen I think I have a likewise feeling @tereško
@Danack I'm not sure. Just a suggestion after all ;-)
@crypticツ Without HTTP status, just the requests currently. And only in debug mode.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier which OS distro?
hrm.. freebsd is my only playground
and I generally go with openbox, if that was what you meant
ehh ... I wish I could BSD for a desktop, but I have an AMD card & want to use Steam ... no support
@kelunik Done
yeah... I keep a drive with windows on for those urges
I went with Arch ... it's ok, but this latest fuckup managed to drive home the "systemd is a cancer" part quite clearly, @FélixGagnon-Grenier
!!packagist amphp/amp
[ []() ]
hehehe :P
having the entire OS just stop (no panic, no error, no keyboard reaction, nothing) because systemd-logind couldn't reach Xorg is EXTREMELY RETARDED
This doesn't look right I think @kelunik
not even booting messages?
@Trowski fyi: fixed :-)
Shoudn't that be:
 $info = explode('/', $message->getParameters()[0]);
@FélixGagnon-Grenier there were messages, I was seeing a lot of green [Ok] .. and right after "login thing" shows it's "ok" everything just stopped
@PeeHaa It's just a shortcut so you can also write !!packagist amphp amp
ugh... harsh on the nerves I'll admit
@kelunik kk
I'm just dumb.
if I didn't have an install-USB (to use as rescue disk), the entire system would have been lost
and I dont have any other device to boot from
Should be fixed.
that is the scary part.
.. well ... there is Ubuntu 5.04 CD somewhere, but my PC does not have anywhere to put those CDs, @FélixGagnon-Grenier
dat typo :P
!!packagist amphp amp
[ []() ]
Oh wait damnit hold on
Forgot to pull again :P
I really need to autonate this shit
Yeah it's pretty bad :(
Should it work now?
> nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’
!!packagist amphp amp
[ amphp/amp ] A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications
better :-)
Maybe we should have @Jeeves join the sandbox room.
@tereško there's always the possibility to connect the drive to another computer, if you have one (I'd guess you do)
ATM he only is able to join a single room :P
How do I run it locally?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have a laptop with no HDD/SSD
I started work on it, but I was failing so I burninated the feature for now
hmm ... I could move the SSD to the laptop and use it's CD drive to boot in
@kelunik why did you use ChatClient? That's sending fkey etc. … not really apt for a packagist request…
@kelunik clone it and change the init.example.php
oh, well… other plugins do that too.
@bwoebi Because I gave it a terrible name :P
s/terrible name/abuse it
@bwoebi Copied from Docs. ;-)
just fyi: docs generally lie to you :-P
bottom line: @FélixGagnon-Grenier the rescue would have been really fucking convoluted ... assuming those 10-year-old CD even boot
@PeeHaa Do I have to register first? Will it be linked to my main account later?
@kelunik well, if you use your main account credentials, you'll post as kelunik…
if you create a new user and give it 20 rep at least, then fine too.
@bwoebi Usually login with Google on main.
wait. you mean I can spam the shit out of this place without even being there?
@kelunik Get an openid account openid.stackexchange.com/account/register
@kelunik then don't know, I log in with SE…
saw interstellar yerterday. it's actually quite good
@bwoebi There's no login with... that's why I'm asking.
I could also give you jeeves' credentials if that's easier
@PeeHaa Fine, too. :P
What's your mail?
Delete it after posting it so google doesn't find it but I can with RO powers
!!packagist tie bomber
he just doesn't like you I think :P
Doesn't fallback to the search yet.
or that :P
@PeeHaa Found it. Was in spam. :P
/me boos
PHP 7.1.0-dev (cli) (built: Nov 5 2015 09:38:51) ( ZTS ) < Will update my build first. :P
I had the same thing yesterday :P
Oops.. @JoeWatkins renamed the pthreads branch. :-D
@PeeHaa Fyi, there's a function called Aerys\parseBody()
@tereško brrrrr
^ my thoughts exactly
@bwoebi Oh... didn't find it. Thanks
well, the important helper functions are all on top of the functions.php, but yea… E_DOCS
@PeeHaa Booo :P
PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use 'Void' as class name as it is reserved in /home/kelunik/GitHub/room-11/jeeves/src/Chat/Command/Void.php on line 8
@PeeHaa ^ big boooooooo !!!
Uggggh Stupid php
(but actually, I hate that void return type…)
I thought I renamed it already,but perhaps it was something else I renamed
Will compile 7.0.0 quickly, just have RC6 and master locally.
@NikiC Can you please try to discuss with Dmitry about the HashDos issue? I'm still not exactly understanding his concerns…
Hypothetically, I bet someone carrying out a HashDos attack on some zend owned servers would make it be a higher priority for him to not brush off...
@Danack do it! do it! do it! … :-D (j/k)
yeah.... that would be totally irresponsible thing to do...
And then you still could argue that by attacking them you made the rest of the world safer
Dec 26 '15 at 23:24, by tereško
the context is: there is no snow in Europe this year. I assume that you at least know what "building a snowman" is ...
@Shafizadeh there was at the beginning.
@PeeHaa How do I get the origin message?
@kelunik The id?
@Shafizadeh you could say that winter was late this year
and Message::getId() if you need to reply directly to the message
also, the gif is probably USA .. they have had something of a blizzard recently: bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35392008
> Up to 40in (102cm) of snow settled in parts, paralysing rail and air links, and cutting power to 200,000 people.
!!package test
@PeeHaa Seems like I'm getting messages from @Jeeves playground and room 11 now.
@kelunik Yeah it transfers over mutliple sessions afaik
Sending messages doesn't seem to work.
To a room not in the config?
hello is there any way to make Echo("\n"); showing the \n in page?
Show how?
As text?
don't break the line
show the \n
Use single quotes instead or escape the slash
echo('\n'); ?
Yes and drop the parens
Thanks :)
> You've removed the bits of code of conduct that have made my interactions with you seem unpleasant. In particular you have a habit of trying to beat people down when discussing an RFC. I would definitely like to see that behaviour explicitly listed in in a CoC.
How can I make that less of a personal attack and more a neutral observation?
.. well .. not using "you" in that statement would help
@tereško I need to call him out specifically.
So I need to make it be on them, but not such a direct attack.
as I understand, you want the CoC to contain something, that would discourage people from using "ad nauseam" and "ad hominem" as a tool for stopping (in someones eyes) undesirable RFCs
@tereško Someone is suggesting making changes to the RFC CoC
I would try to focus on elaborating on that point and only add the "calling out" part at the end
in the "examples" section
I want to explicitly point out that they are removing bits about behaviour that they regularly do themselves.
i.e. they want to customise the rules to allow their shitty behaviour to continue.
@Danack I would reject that change just on the basis of it being a complete rewrite
this is an example of bad use of git
each change should be a separate commit explaining said change
> Suggest improvements to the RFC, don't just shoot it down. When disagreeing, provide substantial reason instead of just saying "no". Try to outline specific points you disagree with and suggest ways of improvement. And remember, you can suggest improvements to an RFC even if you would not vote to support the RFC.
the whole "several suggestions" bit is funny :)
.. that said, the new version actually is better written
if it was up to me, PHP's CoC would only contain: "Don't be an ass."
Hello from the other side.
sup rebels.
There is almost 1 year I don't come to this room. ~Feels.
@PeeHaa To its playground room.
@kelunik Odd
.. just saying
@tereško did you brew that?!?
@PeeHaa Regarding message properties, Command doesn't seem to expose the original message.
@Darth_Vader nope. It's bought
it's one of beers you can buy here .. though this one is on the expensive side of things: 2+ euro per bottle
@kelunik Nope it does not, because I haven't had a need for it (yet), but feel free to add studd to the API if you need it
Nevermind… !!package vs. !!packagist…
Should I change it? Add an alias? Keep it?
Perhaps an alias is nice
Will change the config tomorrow, otherwise git will add those files while doing git add ., because it already knows about those.
Yeah it's pretty annoying you cannot commit and ignore
O/ @Wes
How's it Go-ing? @ircmaxell
quite well, how are you?
emailing internals.....so shite.
I'm happy to not have that problem anymore
I've muted the list in gmail, and haven't read it in the past 24 hours
which makes me so happy
you have no idea
@ircmaxell I have a minor question about that CoC thing
I may have an answer, or I may just ignore it. No promises
shouldnt it come with an addendum which explains "unacceptable behavior" items
reasonable person test, so no
if you codify what that means too much, it will simply be used as a source for loopholes
is there an election process for the designated "reasonable person"?
but if you define it as "what a reasonable person would consider unacceptable" it gives leeway on both sides (yeah, you didn't mean harm, so no foul) and (you should know that's not cool)
for example, if I call someone a dick, does it count as "sexualized language"
Stop saying that, you dick.
@tereško context is everything. And even if it does, that could be solved with a simple "hey dude, please don't use that term" and boom, done no harm no foul
the list is fine, but contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0 seems to be meant a very generic document
I'm done talking about this particular topic
/warning PHP 6 naming RFC flashbacks
I was just thinking that having something of a guideline/addendum which explains the listed "bad behaviours" would make people more accepting of the idea as whole
otherwise people get afraid that "your code sucks" comment would count as sexualized language and a personal attack
It would probably have to become "this code sucks" anyway... I wouldn't tell "your code sucks" to anybody unless they understood upfront from me that I'm joking or not being too serious
... because internet is so good at nuance
@zaph github.com/RNCryptor/RNCryptor-C/blob/master/rncryptor_c.c#L429 RNCryptor is harmful, stop suggesting it
A: How to correctly encrypt data with proper authentication using AES-256-CBC in php?

Scott Arciszewski But I am struggling with the idea of authenticated encryption with aes cbc. How do I basically authenticate when I am about to decrypt the data? After you encrypt the data with a random IV, put both the ciphertext and IV into hash_hmac() with a second key. If you're asking because you need ...

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