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Q: New version of XAMPP giving error without message

Sagar NaliyaparaI have recently updated my XAMPP with new version [5.6.14] in Windows. In that new version i'm getting error while using it as shown in following two images, Problem-1: When I click on any table name on the left side panel to view its contents sometime i get this error message: 'Some errors...

can anyone tell me why php stopped working after editing the auto_prepend configuration in php.ini?
I have earlier set auto_prepend to automatically load a file but now i have deleted that file and restored the php.ini setting to default configuration
and the error message returned is that the php still expects to load that file
not sure you need to, but have you restarted apache? (assuming you're on apache)
yes I am on apache
and what do you mean with restart it? I do have a small server closet do you mean to manually switch them off and restart the servers?
i'd also be sure that you changed the right php.ini
I did change the right php.ini
that one stored in etc/php5/apache2
optimistically, how long will it take to get phpdoc psr done in your opinion? like, a couple of decades?
@Riccardo990 try: apachectl -k restart
might need a sudo in front of that, again, not sure.
@BobNocraz where should I try that command? I'm on a windows computer
oh. ssh into the server? I'm not sure how you changed /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ?
I use win scp and a ssh connection to interact with the server folders
and I do have both a private and a public address
ah, ok. do you use anything like webmin/cpanel ?
btw if you go to the public address you will immediately see the error
I use phpmyadmin
hmm. if you can't SSH into the machine with putty or something, I guess just try restarting the whole box.
I'm currently logged in via ssh
ok, then run the command I mentioned
in the public address of the server
just let me show you the error befere I go on
try this
this is only one of the folders and in both of them you have the same error
just wait I forgot this
add kickstart.php at the end of the address
Wow, bobs everywhere! - edit: wondered who you were talking to, a few of us blocked Riccardo a while back, can't remember why, hence about 15 of your messages are just you all in a row talking to yourself :D
/me hides
can't you see the php error?
yes @Riccardo990 use that command to restart apache
and what if it appears again?
then that didn't fix it?
haven't tried yet I'm doing it now
A: Do I need to restart Apache after changing the php.ini file?

arkaschaDepends, actually. Depends on how you use php inside that webserver: using php a module: you have to restart the server process using php as cgi backend: you do not have to restart the server process using php fastcgi: not sure, actually... (restarting is on the safe side, though) using PHP-FP...

@Jimbo it's not hard to understand why =)
Okay, Symfony question. Can I override the call to "HttpKernel::handle"?
@Riccardo990 seems to have worked.
I've just tried this is the message
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
as a matter of fact it has worked
if you want to do that, go ahead. but your site is working now.
thank you @BobNocraz
no problem.
@Jimbo I'm always loathe to ignore in case I miss something entertaining
@NikiC I didn't look at the code. TBH I just assumed it was a screaming pit of terror and that there wasn't going to be an easy solution.
@SergeyTelshevsky I need to write some blog posts on this....but cloning the injector is the solution to most 'feature requests' people have with regard to managing the state of the injector. For your case, something like:
function runStuff() {
    $injector = createInjector();
    while ($finished == false) {
        $contextInjector = clone $injector;
        $startTime = getTimeInSeconds();
        while (getTimeInSeconds() < $startTime + 60) {
Every 60 seconds, everything that has been created gets released.
@Danack In your slides last year you mentioned non-named stuff for injection, like ::METHOD or something, what was that?
Was only available in later php versions
I probably ought to put them online...
Know what I mean though?
Nope......let me put them online, rather than talking past each other.
hassle me if they're not in 2 hours...
I've told Siri to hassle me to hassle you
Can you get siri to remind you to remind siri to hassle you to hassle him?
Can I use reflection to expose a parent classes' private methods and make them inheritable?
Because so far I'm failing
and my IDE hates it
@Jimbo Not only your IDE. :)
/** Symfony should not guard it's privates so much **/
        $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($this);
        $privates  = $reflector->getParentClass()->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE);

        foreach ($privates as &$private)
@Leri Look I either copy and paste a load of Symfony bollocks for no reason, or make them protected like the should be
@Jimbo Make them protected. inheriting private methods is really a magic, you should not be doing.
I can't make them protected, because they're part of the blasted framework that'll get overwritten when I next upgrade
Ah screw it, copy / paste it is
Well, then 3v4l.org/4GMY5 but you will be saying to go and do something to yourself next morning. :-)
Also, the thing with private methods is that its naming might be changed without any warning. I would never rely on that.
Hmm, I did think about invoke.
Yep, I get that, they're not part of the public api
So copying / pasting that way is just the same risk
Are you sure there's not any other way besides hacking your way through?
Not that I can see tbh, although I do plan on keeping looking
Could you show/tell what are you trying to achieve?
Symfony has some hooks in there for doing everything from messing with the request to messing with the response. BUT, the http kernel (core) wires all those together, and includes a method called handle() which creates the controller via call_user_func_array().
I'm trying to override that handle method with my own, and use Auryn Injector to make that controller instead. But I don't care about all the extra stuff in the private methods that it's doing
@Jimbo How about deriving from httpkernel and overriding handle method and implement it as you wish?
That's what I'm doing
But I want a lot of the logic that the handle method provides, it calls a bunch of private methods. If they were protected, I could just inherit them
@AlmaDo missing. and morning. :Ь
@Jimbo Well, copy/paste is cleaner solution in this case. At least, your app won't break if core system is changed. Or you can make PR making those methods protected(?)
@Leri And wait for 6 months for it to be accepted :P Still, is a good idea
The might even show me there's another way
@Jimbo btw, does not symfony have its own DI?
posted on January 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Frankie */

@Leri It requires everything registered in the container including concretes
all manually
and it's not recursive
No introspection :)
Heavily pregnant lady outside sucking on a cigarette... ah well.
is it real ?
^ Is a good question
Ask her
Excuse me, is that real?
Make sure you point to the cigarette explicitly
Seriously, I once congratulated a woman in college on her pregnancy. Turns out she wasn't pregnant
@Jimbo That's why I am making my own stuff. :-)
@Leri morning - so it's been a while while you're not here
how's it going?
@Leri Your own children, cigarette, or something else?
@AlmaDo I've been busy with work and had some problems in real-life so did not have time, nor will to be on SO. Well, atm, just busy at work. How are you?
@Jimbo Helper libraries for php 7.
@Leri doing some work as always. Having shit loads of meetings that slowly starting to overlap. Thus, I rarely write code, but talking much
Oh gosh, I caught myself nearly sending a reply to Lester on the internals list. Thank God I noticed my error and deleted the draft mail.
@AlmaDo That's a good thing. Sometimes I feel, I am fed up by writing code. Are you still in Germany?
@Leri also will prepare for German exam during spring, so to get permanent residentship by end of summer
@Leri yes, still here. And seems like will be - at least for one or two years
@AlmaDo Best of luck. I also think to relocate this summer, because it's getting worse and worse here as well.
lol @Machavity
@Leri where do you want to relocate? and btw, where are you now? still Georgia?
@AlmaDo US, Canada or UK, atm, because English is the only language I can use fluently (well, Russian too but I would not like to relocate there :d). If I manage to get comfortable with German, might consider Germany as well.
Yes, I am still in Georgia.
@Leri the thing is that Germany is offering quite easy relocation program (the one called "Blau card" here). The other EU countries also support this program, but the requirements are quite more strict afaik
so your choice would be either Germany (or Netherlands) if that's EU, or US. Australia also might work, but their requirement for English language is high
@AlmaDo Thanks, I'll somehow find time and start learning German. Also I don't even know where to look for a job. I did not get any replies from SO careers.
@Leri the awesome thing is that normally you don't need to know German if you're a subject for Blau card
my knowledge was precisely "zero" when I moved
and even later, if you hate German then you don't need to learn it and pass exam. You just need to work for 3 years (actually, 33 months) and you get your residentship thereafter
but I find living in the country without language knowledge just stupid
Will make the index work next.....
@Danack Perfect, Use types for all dependencies is what I was thinking of
k. I need to say that to this guy: github.com/rdlowrey/auryn/issues/134
@AlmaDo Thanks a lot for information. That made really clear on what I should focus. Actually, I'd be more than happy to learn German but time is a huge problem for me. I am always out of time, that's one of the reasons what makes me sick in this country.
@Leri and it will be here. I would guess you'll spend lots of time on your accommodation for at least three or four first months. Then you'll be able to apply for German courses if you wish - but that will also be hard to find a time (like - I had intense courses for four months, 3 hours per day and it was a hell. Still my German sucks)
as for the job.. hm, try and push your CV to monster.com - and the CV there must be like a CEO page :p (like - abbreviations and "key words" are on the first place). Then you'll get a contact from an external recruiter with high probability
Or else - I know the person whom I can contact to pass your CV. They are always interested
@Machavity humans make me sad
@QuolonelQuestions That's an interesting view point. I hadn't considered the documentation aspect of it. I do need to think more on it and develop the idea more
@ircmaxell If you don't mind me asking, which laptop brand & spec do you use?
@samayo Chromebook Pixel 2
meh, we don't have that here.
posted on January 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by annisar */

Hi all!
I am trying to implement `spl_autoload_register` using this code:

$reflect = new ReflectionClass("{$n}");
if ($reflect->isInterface())
require_once "inc/lib/interface/{$n}.php";
else if ($reflect->isTrait())
require_once "inc/lib/trait/{$n}.php";
require_once "inc/lib/class/{$n}.php";

This gives an error each time, can someone help me fix this?
I get this error:

> Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class Config does not exist' in E:\projects\php\proj\proj\config.php:4
How can it know whether it is a class/interface/trait/whatever being it is loaded?
At the end you are requiring everything, and you don't have an Interface called Config in your interfaces/ folder
There is nothing to reflect otherwise you wouldn't need to autoload
Hmm, how would I distinguish between classes, interfaces and traits then?
I have never tried the Reflection API before, so I can't say if what you are doing is right
You shouldn't
Fix your project structure instead
Why not? (Seems silly but I genuinely don't know)
Why do you separate by type instead of e.g. domain?
What do you mean?
Why do you have directories called interface and class and trait?
So I know what belongs where, it helps me to distinguish between the type of file being used
@SamSwift웃 No one else has said this explicitly, how is new ReflectionClass("{$n}"); meant to work before the thing is loaded?
@Danack, that's what I was hoping to learn haha
Currently what you're trying to do isn't possible. If you really want to have them in separate directories, name them to be in separate directories Foo\BarInterfaces\SomeBarInterface
So namespaced files and folders?
So if my structure is inc/lib/class/Config.php my namespace would have to be the same?
You should also mentally prepare yourself for people telling you it's a stupid idea.....
Danack, I'm all for being told it's a stupid idea, it's how I learn and develop, I love being wrong! Haha
@SamSwift웃 Doesn't have to be, but if you want to have interfaces/classes/traits be in separate places, then you need to 'encode' that information somewhere in the full-qualified-classname.
Why do you think they should be in separate directories?
Right, time to work on that then!
@Danack typo in draft "People forgt to check"
@Danack, I want to keep everythin tidy so if someone where to pick up my code, they know what things are and where they live
@iroegbu ta
@SamSwift웃 That only makes sense if you don't use an IDE. For everyone who does, they can just click on a class/interface/trait name and be taken to it's definition.
@Danack, what would you suggest to be the best solution to this issue then? Have a "holder folder" that holds all the interfaces and classes and have a "require file" that requires them all so I can just include that in my main config file?
@Danack I was not explicit enough? :(
/me searches the web for explicit lyrics
@SamSwift웃 ...... i) you need to start using an autoloader. No one* 'requires' files any more. I strongly recommend using Composer for your projects and using the autoloader it provides.
@SamSwift웃 Also in that case you may want to look at php-fig.org/psr/psr-4
@Danack, I apologise for my lack of knowledge on this, can you use a composer on a localhost server? If so, how?
ii) For actual interfaces I put the interface in on level, and then put the implementations in a directory under that, with the same name as the interface.
hihihi md
@Danack also, why is "User defined handlers" in the "out of scope" section?
@Danack, thank you for this :P I will get into it right away!
@iroegbu Because it's out of scope?
@Danack HTTP -> Http?
another typo " generated bu in..."
....actually that's not the right link - it's an initialism....
> Necco: New England Confectionery Company
@PeeHaa I will start spelling it with lower case letters, if you start pronouncing it hut-tup. Deal?
Peep Show @PeeHaa?
I've added it to my favorites of my media center so it's a close as it gets now :P
Hey can someone help me with my question <?php
$postslist = get_posts('numberposts=1&order=DESC&orderby=date');
foreach ($postslist as $post) :
<div class="entry">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php get_the_title(get_the_ID()); ?></a></h3>
<?php the_time(get_option('date_format')) ?><?php if (has_post_thumbnail() ) {
} the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
This is not retrieving the title of the post
on wordpress
Q: How to retrieve the title of the latest post in Wordpress?

4127157I am working on a website that is based on Wordpress. My client wants to display the latest post snippet under the header on the main page. I was able to do that but instead of fetching the post's title in the loop it is fetching the page title and displaying it there. Here is my code : <...

@4127157 You have to use "the loop" (god such idiots) to do that as the answer tells you
Where exactly do I put it in my code can you tell m? (YEs, sorry I am not very familiar with PHP nd learning) @PeeHaa
google "wordpress the loop"
 <!-- Start the Loop. -->
 <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
they thought they didn't have enough global state?
@PeeHaa well instead (deleting files) I found what I think is a CSRF to SSRF .. reported it to automattic.. waiting for feedback
@RonniSkansing \o/
@FlorianMargaine :P
A: Notify room owners when a user is kicked

Shog9This is now completed. Any room owners or moderators present in the room when someone is kicked will be notified via one of those drop-down thingies: This is NOT a permanent log; it exists only to give context to those who might also be preparing themselves to deal with a problem user.

whoever it was here that was bugging me about that.
@Shog9 @BenjaminGruenbaum
In another room :P
But useful either way
And it's perfect, thanks.
We've been celebrating all day.
By kicking everybody I assume? :)
@PeeHaa Kicking @Mosho, mostly.
But yeah
@PeeHaa ah, geez... It was a room with PHP in the name and you in it; how many of those can there be?!
@Shog9 11
Oh wow
> asked Jan 16 '15 at 22:58
That was scary fast
especially considering the banter in the comments
Or perhaps because of
@PeeHaa Yeah, only 2 days!
Oh cock
... :P
Does anyone know how to set up a taxonomy template in wordpress ?
Before the kickban was introduced I thought it was a super important feature ... but until now I didn't have a chance to actually use it :(
@PeeHaa HA! had me as well. was kind of wondering how Benjamin Gruenbaum hadn't been seen since 14th. was a bit of a head scratcher, now I feel like head desking
For VOs would you use __toString or a method like toString or getValue?
If it was holding something like an email address
Guys what does get_term_link() return ?
It returns a permalink, but the question is, is it a post archive link or a page link or a taxonomy link ?
I tried making:
But the wordpress still redirects me back to index.php when I click that link
Any idea why ?
@Sean getValue - and then start dreaming about an RFC along the lines of blog.jessitron.com/2012/03/strong-typing-in-java-religious.html
class EmailAddress extends string {}
@Danack You never reply to my question :P
@ZahidSaeed that's because your questions are only answerable by debugging your own code.
@Danack Not every time. But sometimes I have some logical questions like I asked one now
posted on January 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Buck */

@ircmaxell Cool! Both design and documentation can benefit from role classification. I look forward to your developments :)
@Shog9 hi.
Yes, this is dog, thanks about that.
user image
1 hour later…
this kinda looks nice:
I might try to make next build in that
hmmm. I want one.
ugh... slightly expensive though.
I am running a laravel application with 10k visitors monthly.
now i am using Godaddy server, is it a good move to choose amazon web services to run this?
if you know how to use aws, that might be
i dont know anything about aws, but i will lean and do.
but i want to know how is it worth.
... do you experience reasons to stop using shared webhosting?
yes, the one reason i found is that they are not allowing to change root directory.
Now it is difficult for to use git.
yeah. Well do try aws.
Is that something like webfaction, digital ocean and all?
@Fasilkk unless you're going to have many servers digitalocean.com or vultr.com would probably be better.
- get a domain
- launch an ec2 instance (make a server)
- link the domain to the instance with hosted zones
- echo hello world when accessing your domain

if you likes the trip consider switching to aws :)
im have digital ocean server, but that i feel like good for developers to test their app. but for a real serious app, i afraid.
@FélixGagnon-GrenierThanks, you gave me confidence to move.
are there any recommendation about namespace naming in php extension (I'm not talking about PHP libs and so, just extensions written in C).
@zaq178miami do you mean in userland code or for c functions to not clash?
i have dilemma: my ext does what python's weakref does
but there are another extension (github.com/colder/php-weakref) which already does some weakref'ing, but in a way i need and not how i see it
colder is definitely cool guy and i hope one day it will be one ext
but at this time they are separate
so naming weakref may introduce ambiguity between this two ext
Does someone know real-life php extensions that uses pcs (pecl.php.net/package/pcs)?
Yeah....the current pattern is to make them really hard to tell apart e.g. memcached vs memcache
I suggest not doing that.
there are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things (c)
and off by one errors.
@Danack is having adverb namespace common or ever happened in php world?
maybe you faced with some of them
@salathe When searching for the mysqli_stmt_execute function on php.net, it says that it cannot find it and instead recommends its alias (mysqli_execute). Any ideas how to fix that?
It looks like the digit separator won't get in :( wiki.php.net/rfc/number_format_separator#vote
I hope this changes
But it's unlikely
@FlorianMargaine I've wanted Python-style with before
@Andrea I think java's try-with would be better suited to php
L95 and L104 duplicate key or am I missing something?
@FlorianMargaine I prefer Go's defer statement
as that won't get ugly when you have more resources to open
@Andrea The vote looks exactly how I feel about the RFC
It'd be a 50/50 chance whether I vote in favor or against (so not voting at all)
@NikiC To me too… I'm just not sure…
@NikiC that was how I felt, but I changed my mind
@Andrea that's sad
I have no idea why I would rather write 1_000 then 1000. I understand the visually comparing numbers part but... am I doing something wrong if I can't think of a single time where I even would use that? Should I actually often be writing big integer constants?
it doesn't really add any complexity
You shouldn't have things just because you can have them though
@bwoebi well, it's useful. in limited circumstances, but nonetheless
it helps code be readable and does nothing more
@Andrea I think they're too limited to be relevant
@bwoebi possibly :/
@Andrea whose code?! :p
At least with numbers up to 6 digits are no problem to completely manage at once
also, what it does can be accomplished in userland
heck, without even a function
const NUM = +('100'.'000'.'000');
not the prettiest, but you know, it works
doesn't for binary or hex though, I guess, but hey
and for everything except class constants you can just use a function, of course
(we should have a define for class constants IMO)
anyway, afk, gonna watch Deutschland 83
@Andrea why?
@bwoebi not everything can be computed at compile-time
that's where define() is still useful
then it probably shouldn't be a class constant
should it not? consider you can't even use pure functions in constant scalar expressions
metaprogramming is nice
anyway, imma get back to TV-watching
@Andrea well, I totally wouldn't oppose against that
Like that we check functions for side-effects and then disallow their execution.
@bwoebi that's quite hard ;)
which is why C++ has constexpr
@Andrea the compiler still needs to check for constexpr validity...
I mean that it's quite limited
@Andrea Yeah... It's a nice even split again, just like with my empty() variadic RFC ^^
I didn't expect it to be this controvesial, especially since no one really said anything against it in pre-RFC discussion.
On another note, would anyone be interested in being able to interpolate arbitrary expressions? Here's my pitch for it.

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