@LeviMorrison that is something that I'm can't agree with, I'm fairly sure that he is aware that he is going out of his way to win people over for his votes instead of providing an objective list of options and let people pick what they want
@Ocramius getting rid of named factories would be gold... but it's not actually the definition but rather having to write new class implements SomeFactory(){ function __invoke(...){} }
which by the way i don't even know if i can use it yet...
wait guys, I'm getting the error undefined variable because my table is empty but when I put data on it, it works fine and displays the value. But how will I remove the undefined variable which is displayed when the table is empty?
I don't actually care about everyone else, I'm worried about me ... the longer 5.6 is supported by internals the longer I have to work with it ... I hate that ...
@LeviMorrison They stated that PHP 5 and PHP 7 will not be both supported. They would prefer shipping PHP 7, but will fall back to PHP 5 if the necessary work cannot be done in time.
> We are pretty certain that we don't want to ship both 5.6 and 7.0, so we expect to remove one or the other before release. Based on my current understanding I would like us to ship 7.0 in 16.04, but the transition needs to be completed first.
For 7.0 to make 16.04 it needs to have replaced all the functions that 5.6 currently performs for us (reverse dependencies etc) and replace 5.6 in main. If this doesn't happen by feature freeze (18 Feb), we expect to remove 7.0 from universe, and 16.04 will ship with 5.6 only.
@Ocramius sightly related. what would you think of default factories? say $foo->toSomething($optionalFactory), with $foo->toSomething() using a default factory which is defined in the method's code, $argFactory = $argFactory ?? $this->defaultFactory;
jbafford I was looking for an easy way to link the list of the recursive dependencies (packages with dependencies on php) but I couldn't find any online tool, but you get an ubuntu box, install apt-rdepends and use it to list those packages
What you are proposing to do can only be done with MySQL cleanly under three(3) conditions
CONDITION #1 : Use the MyISAM storage engine
CONDITION #2 : Make auto_increment column part of a compound primary key
CONDITION #3 : Each auto_increment for a given type must exist in its own row
See the...
going through all debian packages which has a dependency on php5-, replacing those with php7-, then making sure that they either work out of the box, or fixing them and repacking and testing until they work
Two clowns who both agree they want to see PHP 7 in the next Ubuntu version arguing with each other because they can't agree on the definition of revolution
For those who are on OS X and actively uses git-subsplit, I made small homebrew tap to be able to install git-subsplit easily, check it - github.com/pinepain/homebrew-devtools. And as a bonus - bash completion included.
I can accept that they want to package stuff like phpmyadmin but there were a time when getting your stuff into debian was a huge exposure for a project, and now we are all paying the price :)
Weird thing happening: If I view-source I can see value="9999" on an input. but that value is "" if I inspect properties in chrome dev tools, so I can't get that value w/ js
@zaq178miami the issue is that the commit gets inserted with a new hash in case you don't want to preserve unrelated commits from the other repo not affecting the specific subtree :x
@Ocramius idk, maybe i'm just trying to trim the wrong things. it's not that bad seen alone, but having a trillion factories, even just the files listed in the file explorer literally is the worst for me. i should put em in a namespace too. anyway why are you using invoke without interfaces? i mean, why not using just closures if you don't have interfaces to implement?
I am trying to put values inside my database but i am not able to achieve through this as i am getting an error constantly .
ERROR: Call to a member function fetch_object() on a non-object
require '../connect.inc.php';
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(user_email) as usercount FROM ...
at the moment the query runs, so-called variables will have been evaluated already. So yeah, it will be sorted with whatever happens to be there. not exactly sure how your if resolves but make sure it actually produces a valid column name.
They likely have a different sorting algorithm, or different tuning options on the sorting algorithm.
zend_sort appears to be qsort with an insertion sort optimization. HHVM may use a different breakpoint between when to use qsort and when to use insertion sort, or they may do something completely different.
DateTime::createFromFormat returns false if it fails to convert the input string using the format specified.
In your case, you're taking an $original_date, converting it to a numeric timestamp, and trying to pass that in to DateTime::createFromFormat, which isn't going to work, hence the error. ...
@QuolonelQuestions in that case, it's because that just happens to get the elements in just the right order that it just happens to work in just that case.
@QuolonelQuestions I would not hazard an answer on that, because it would rely on the implementation details of the algorithm, and not on its published interface.
I'm trying to use PHPExcel, and it works if I access the page directly in my browser, but if I make an ajax call to the page, it doesn't do anything. Why is that?
DateTime::createFromFormat returns false if it fails to convert the input string using the format specified.
In your case, you're taking an $original_date, converting it to a numeric timestamp, and trying to pass that in to DateTime::createFromFormat, which isn't going to work, hence the error. ...
Date was lFdY. PHP can't actually parse l without a separator afterwards.
I've been trying for the past few hours to get myself familiar with writing modules for drupal and its hook system.
My module is named membercount
It is located in sites/all/modules/membercount
I've created the membercount.info file and the membercount.module file.
I've implemented the hook_h...
yeah but could be both $iterator = $stuff instanceof IteratorAggregate ? $stuff->getIterator() : $stuff; if both interfaces were allowed in the same class, would be able to implement getIterator(){ return $this; } on an Iterator