@PeeHaa I saw on your github you have public function get(string $key): string but I couldn't find this subject matter under php function doc, can kindly tell me whats the semi-colon do :D ??
But a the moment you're doing something like calling a mechanic using you phone and asking "My car doesn't work - why?". We don't have access to your page, source and browser. The question itself has not enough information and can not be answered.
@Andrew type hinting for classes/interfaces was added in PHP 5. It took a lot of time, discussion and work for scalar type hints and return type hints. So it was only accepted for PHP 7.
Is it a good idea to check for user __debugInfo method in get_debug_info obj handler (Z_OBJCE_P(object)->__debugInfo) and if it exists, execute it? In SPL and other internal classes I don't see that someone bother with this.
I can feel there's a long and hard way to come to this day :'-(, I only have experienced in php and programming for about 1 yr :( sorry didnt feel the pain earlier
@Wes how often do you drive in an automatic? They run their engines at a lot wider range of revs than most people are comfortable with.....i.e. you should probably choose the lower gear and run the engine at what, to you, seems a high rev count....
@ThW Yeah but then there are other factors to consider. It exits on an uncaught exception. Imagine the file loading happens inside your class construct, would somebody using your class want to put every initialization in a try catch block?
@zaq178miami My instinct is to say internals......userland classes and internal classes should behave consistently, and not have weird behaviour like this.
Why would they want to catch a MissingFileException? most exceptions indicate that a serious problem has happened with the code.....and that would result in a 50x error from the server. aka be caught at the top level of the app.
and tbh, i dont really understand what people mean when they say "bootstrap". Maybe im a real noob or its a term i haven't bothered to understand...which is to say im a noob.
@zaq178miami the issue is that SPL classes use their own debug_info ... I actually think zend_std_debug_info shouldn't call an object handler directly but Z_OBJDEBUG() should call a function first checking if ce->__debugInfo exists; if yes, call zend_std_debug_info, else call the internal one...
@HaiderAli If you do that use specific exception classes, do not throw Exception itself. If you throw an specific exception the developer that uses you source can catch exactly that exception without obscuring other exceptions or programming errors.
@bwoebi got it, so smth like prepending Z_OBJCE(zval)->__debugInfo?std_object_handlers.get_debug_info(&zval, &tmp): to that macro should do the job, right?
@HaiderAli Yes, do not throw instances of Exception, if you do that other developers can only catch ALL exceptions, if you throw MySpecificException they can decide to catch all or only this one.
and it looks like get_closure used for closures only then
@bwoebi ok, to sum things ab that debugInfo, what is further steps on it? Should i bugreport or smth or you will handle it by yourself? After reading what you sad about parent:: and so on, I think this is solely internals team discussion.
done. bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=71321, ping me if i missed smth or it should be edited (unless you have right to edit it by yourself =)), in case it can be edited at all
@bwoebi That check is not generally sufficient. Normally classes that use object handlers also define their userland analogue for use in inheritance, but want to skip it if it has not been changed.
@rdlowrey feature request - can we also have Response::getOriginalRequest() to trace back through the responses and get the initiating request in one go, rather than having to check and loop ourselves.
@LeviMorrison Do you have a good example of when execution should continue after a division by zero has occurred? Good in the sense of people being able to understand that it's a desired behaviour, rather than just something that could happen
@Krasic nope. And without knowing your actual question, you almost certainly don't want to do anything with them in PHP - handling them in nginx is way more sensible nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_hls_module.html even if it does cost money.
@Danack , actually Using PHP , FFmpeg with nginx , creating restream all fine , m3u8 file contains ts segment files , however i have a misterious problem , if i use header("location: $file"); stream load fine , however this way is not secure
would like to use readfile option but didnt succeed.. on it
@Danack , will Try it right now , before i was using like this , $dir="/home/r1zen/r1zen_codes/wwwdir/streams/"; $file = $str."_.m3u8"; header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Content-type: application/x-mpegURL"); readfile($dir.$file);
Thesetwo files are how I set the appropriate headers. That might help, though I haven't checked that they are actually correct since I extracted them to a separate project.
I want to host my virtual machine like host a website. i want to create my bussiness website like virtualizion desktop. website basicly is code. but i want to host a desktop virtualization on internet. for multi user click on that. anyone know how to do this? please send me the best tutorial .i w...
It uses name spaces and just includes all of its class and interfaces. So i made a class to load it. So every time this class is initialized it would do the same process over and over again. Its like a workaround. That's why.