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@tereško rofl
Hi, are there any people who use Yii here?
I started to learn this, but I see that v2 is coming very fast, should I learn it anyways? What framework you would suggest? I like that it is lightweight and really easy to understand.
emm .. what exactly are you talking about ,@hey
because Yii certainly is neither lightweight nor easy to understand
What framework you would suggest, @tereško?
for what purpose ?
It is quite easy to understand so far, everything makes sense, not like CodeIgniter
For making from small to average projects
I would then go with Kohana ( if you do not have a home-grown framework ) .. or maybe Laravel
@tereško : What do you think of Yii?
i used it for few month
@tereško this looks way cleaner than zend..all that garble tended to steer me clear of it and just roll out my own
@tereško: And...?
the documentation was horrible ( 4 lines of code per 3 pages of text ) , core classes undocumented and in some case multiple classes per file , computation in constructors , weak routing system , a lot of magic , when you extend some of core components you have to guess the methods , modules are grafted onto controllers , and i managed to find derelict code in routing
@teresko do you use kohana regularly or your own framework from scratch
@tereško Thanks.
with "derelict code" i mean something like :
// remove this
if ( $c = 0 ){

   // change route
(this is how it looked like .. i did not remove any lines )
@AndyPerlitch , it depends .. im rewriting my own frameworks from scrap again =/
Well, I will learn Yii first, then other framework like Kohana. Because I really enjoy it so far.
@teresko you mean depends on the application im guessing... this may be a dumb or unanswerable question, but what kind of apps have you successfully used it for (as far as size, single-page or not, etc)?
take a look at this at first , @hey
notice _how_ it is documented ( phpDoc only , code comments in methods )
this is pretty much what you will have to deal with
So, you are saying I should start with Kohana? Is it also that easy to learn like Yii? Do they good documentation and examples? Because that will be my first framework, I want to be it pretty easy.
I cannot tell you with which framework to start , but i would recommend for you to avoid Yii
Is it also that easy to learn like Yii? Do they good documentation and examples? @tereško
who said that Yii is easy to learn ?
Well, I started to learn it, and everything makes much more sense than CodeIgniter for example
if you are asking if Kohana is easy to learn , then i do not know .. i learned it by reading the source
because my focus at that time was learning about php frameworks in general
AFAIK , Kohanas official documentation is notoriously bad , but the documentation inside of the code is one of the best
I see
as i said , i cannot recommend what you should learn , but IMHO, you should keep away from CodeIgniter, CakePHP , Yii and the old Symfony ( that's 1.x not the new 2.0 )
What about Zend?
Zend (the new 2.x ) isn't really your traditional framework .. it is more like a library
it has some bad code under the hood , but you can implement any architecture you want
.. and i will never use it myself
You could looks at Symfony 2.0 , if you are looking for a huge framework ( it's in the same weight group as Yii and Zend )
SILEX The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony2 Components - silex.sensiolabs.org
Get the best of both worlds.
Symfony has quite good docs and the code is actually readable.
The time you spend with it is not wasted.
As far as you consider writing PHP code.
I'm at an ACM meeting about JavaScript game development. Not very useful, but interesting.
And free pizza is nice.
Sadly, the older I get the more I realize I have to forego the free pizza.
It used to be an enticement. Now it's a deterrent :(
oh .. the public service
clicks on the cv-pls links
hmm .. gone already
@hakre , i have only two complaints when it comes to Symfony 2.x : its too big , and the DIC is fishy
@tereško I agree with the fishy-ness on the Symfony 2 service container. I don't like that the entire service container is passed around to controllers.
IMHO ... IOC should result in objects getting exactly what they need, not access to everything in a monolithic service container ...
yeah , its a deal-breaker for me
but then again , there are no good DIC's in php , and i am not even sure, that you can make one ... maybe with traits , but that opens a different can of worms
note2self : stop writing so long sentences in english
I've been playing with the new closure $this bindings to try to improve the DIC lately as well ...
@tereško Symfony2 isn't big IMHO. Take Silex as an example, it's symfony2, too. You don't need to load Doctrine or these thousand of bundles that float around.
there are options , but nobody has come up with a good wat to do it
Also, the Symfony 2 IOC implementations seem to be a poor man's PHP reboot of the Java Spring framework's DIC
It's influenced by Spring, at least that's what some of the symfony devs say.
I'd say it's nice that they actually offer something within the framework.
I think it's a nice PHP implementation. Didn't mean to sound negative ... but it's not for me. Passing around the service container nixes it for my purposes.
Yeah that article does a really nice job of explaining the concepts. And I can see how you could justify passing around the service locator and be okay with it. But I'm still in the other camp that service locator is an anti-pattern in part because it hides the real dependencies ...
Of course, if your application works efficiently and isn't a nightmare to debug/improve/refactor when the time comes it's all academic anyway.
What do you mean by hiding real dependencies?
That it becomes too dynamic?
Well, if my House object asks for an Door and a Window object in the constructor the API is more transparent than if it asks for a HouseBuilder object and uses that to generate the Door and the Window
@rdlowrey Agreed
It may be an esoteric preference but I don't think I'm alone in preferring that kind of transparency.
You aren't.
Of course, one of these days I may just throw up my hands, give in to the dark side and start accepting free pizza slices, using static all over the place and passing around monolithic service locators ;)
@rdlowrey But are those dependencies hidden in symfony2? Doesn't it only provide what you've configured because you know what each constructor needs?
@hakre , Service Locator is just a pretty name for Registry
I might need to re-read their container specs again, it's some time ago ...
Hello guys, I wanted to know if someone can tell me how I can go about getting the path of an image in drupal 7. I am looking to do something like: View this Image link and behind it would be something like <a href="Drupal Code to get url">Image</a>
In symfony2 it's called Service Container, and registry in PHP is called $GLOBALS.
@hakre From the Symfony Service Container docs: "The container is available in any traditional Symfony2 controller where you can access the services of the container via the get() shortcut method"
$GLOBALS mimics a Registry , but Registry is not $GLOBALS
I take it lightly with objects: All variables are objects, even if you call them array or scalar.
> A well-known object that other objects can use to find common objects and services.
@Matthew , you will get better results if you visit Drupal's IRC channel on FreeNode
hi folks
Hello folk (Is there a singular form of "folks?" Probably not)
exec("cat $file | mysql -h $server -u $username -p $password $database ", $output, $response);
@user705339 exec the cat!
that code is not executing the the sql inside that file
all the credentials are correct
@user705339 , are you trying to import ?
and the file path is correct also
then you are doing it wrong
enlighten me, plz
mysql -u <username> -p <database> <textfile.sql>
I have to run it through PHP
as I don't have access to the commandline
@user705339 thou shall feel enlightened.
@user705339 , and you have access to exec ?
@tereško I believe so
when I ran that code, it displays the welcome message mysql usually displays
@tereško showing that the mysql command was opened, but after that, everything's 'eh'
i think setting user from your domain (localhost .. probably) so that it does not require to enter password. should let you execute that command
but it would be a dirty and one time fix
@tereško so, that syntax is technically accurate, and something's just blocking the statements from executing?
@user705339 have you tried @tereško's suggestion as well? mysql -u <username> -p <database> <textfile.sql>
the -p flag requires you to enter password
There is a param where you can give the password in the command.
oh .. and also , you might check if you can connect to mysql though external client
probably it's -pdirectlythepassword
or it was -P
@hakre I can't do it, without access to the command line, which is why I use 'exec'
sure that was meant with exec
@tereško external connection might be the issue
mysql -u <username> --password=<password> <database> <textfile.sql>
should <> be included also?
cause I didn't include them
no, those are to highlight
@hakre in that case, yes, I've tried that also
mysql -u <username> --password=<password> <database> < <textfile.sql>
@tereško I've tried that also
as in : mysql -u n00b --password=foobar bigDB < /path/to/file.sql
all it shows is the mysql's welcome message
please paste that message
in a second
@hakre that's what I receive
you made a mistake with the command so mysql shows you the help
what was in your exec() call ?
@tereško what I pasted earlier
yeah, you could paste the command here as well (probably w/o password)
and don't forget to quote parameters properly.
what exactly was in your exec() call ?
10 mins ago, by user705339
should <> be included also?
.. this makes me wonder
exec("mysql -h localhost -u tech -p #### database_name file_path ", $output, $response);
that's exactly what's in the code, except for the specific values
exec("mysql -h localhost -u tech --password=#### database_name file_path ", $output, $response);
exec("mysql -h localhost -u tech --password=#### database_name < file_path ", $output, $response);
@tereško ok.....which part?
the <
alright....in a second
@tereško just ran this 'exec("mysql -h $server -u $username -p $password $database < $file ", $output, $response);'
got the same message
<blink> THAT WAS NOT WHAT WE TOLD YOU TO !!! </blink>
ok...what did you tell me to do?
lol at this help center situation
I'm staying far, far away.
exec("mysql -h localhost -u tech --password=#### database_name < file_path ", $output, $response);
that was what you typed
how's it different from what I typed?
.. this is why postgres users think, that mysql is used by children
what's the difference between
exec("mysql -h localhost -u tech --password=#### database_name < file_path ", $output, $response);
exec("mysql -h $server -u $username -p $password $database < $file ", $output, $response);
.. i wonder ..
@user705339 The -p option and the --password don't behave in the same way.
they don't? but the manual says they can be used interchangably
@rdlowrey , he would know it .. i he had actually read the man page : manpagez.com/man/1/mysql .. which he hasn't done
the error was in the
-p password
there shouldn't be a space between them
Eureka moment!
maybe i should get a nap .. it soon will be 06:00 here
Holy Crap!
thanks guys
@tereško thanks for the manual
@tereško All the best work happens between 3am and 6am!
@rdlowrey thanks for the input also
@rdlowrey, yes , but i have nothing left to eat .. thus the core temperature is down and i am falling asleep
@hakre thanks for the input
> "We don't have bodies, we are bodies." (c) Hitchens
about one hour ago:
> probably it's `-pdirectlythepassword`
anyway good night folks
or better good morning
3 hours later…
any one here?
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
posted on February 29, 2012 by Lorna Mitchell

Someone watching over my shoulder recently had never seen the ubiquitously-useful iterator_to_array() before. I'm sure they weren't alone and since I just typed it again, I thought I'd share a snippet. Mostly I find this useful when I'm working with collections of data as these often present themselves as an object that you can foreach() over, but you can't dump it directly. If the object

hey, pcntl anybody? pcntl...
@Feeds Nice post... (paraphrased) "you can use iterator_to_array() to turn an iterator into an array!"
@tereško You don't like CodeIgniter, CakePHP etc. in general, or was that recommendation for some specific case? If you don't like them in general, then why not?
@salathe let's all write blog posts stating the obvious
i have question related to cake php stackoverflow.com/q/9480824/969612
but i didt get perfect ans , can any one help
thanks in advance
@vikastyagi87 and what do you consider a "perfect answer"? should someone write the code you can copy and paste? what's wrong with the answers you have been given so far?
Just searched for the meaning of 'cv-pls', I thought it meant something like, "this question is important, can you please try to answer it" :)
@AqeelZafar , on the sidebar , there is an item with 12 stars
read it
@tereško That's the link I found using Google, didn't notice it in the sidebar before.
@AqeelZafar , it has nothing to do with like or dislike. It is about code quality. The violations of SOLID principles, use of global state , magic everywhere , huge inheritance trees , no way to unittest outside the framework , non-existent code documentation .. and worst of all : ignorant communities
@tereško Hmm... thanks, I have been thinking about checking them out for a while, I will keep that in mind.
@Gordon Gordon , i have already paste all code
@vikastyagi87 I think you misunderstood my question
Looks like 5.4 being released as stable tomorrow, just noticed they created a new tag on their SVN around 3 hours ago (sans-RC)
last time i checked , it was planned to release another RC in 2nd or 3rd of March
Well RC8 was actually available since 16th of Feb. I've been keeping an eye on the NEWS file and there was only 1 bugfix to RC8 reported in there in the last week or so. Current NEWS file has had all changes consolidated and all RC references removed. svn.php.net/viewvc/php/php-src/tags/php_5_4_0/NEWS?view=markup
there is this moderator who doesn't know how to distinguish the difference between a question and an answer stackoverflow.com/a/9081821/1165128
I don't see any question marks there but apparently the comments of this moderator has rendered my answer to be just a comment, can someone enlighten me on the rules as to why my answer has been converted to comment instead?
Looks to me like you didn't answer anything, and are just speculating. "Apparently", "you might", "there has to be". Doesn't look like a definitive answer to me
he also modified the question and now, there is no solution to the question LOL
but those were probable solutions and probable cause of the problem
because we cannot look into the problem with definite boundaries and very specific circumstances
because we don't have access to the environment
The comment about the answer wasn't directed at you it was directed at the guy who edited his own question, to include the answer.
that's why I'm giving the question various ways to check the problem and to attack that problem
but why did my answer get deleted?
and transformed into a comment instead?
if you see the transcript of comments and the timestamps, I was the one who hinted on the use of realpath and that resulted to be part of the solution if you see the edit trail of the question
Your answer wasn't really an answer, it was conjecture
ok so in order to create an answer you have to be very definite about all the parameters of the question?
so you think the question did not provide enough information?
Stop complaining. If I wrote answers as bad as yours I'd be happy that someone spent the time going round deleting them. :)
coz what i stated are probable reasons on why the problem occured
is it really bad? if it led to the solution?
and take note that the question got an up vote.. is it a good question?
is it concise? is the answer very predictable or could you provide a very definite answer to the problem at hand?
if the information is not enough you could speculate I suppose as to the circumstances and provide ways on how to check the problem and how to solve the problem and when you do that, as you have said, it is not an answer but a conjecture
am i right?
as commented by the person who posted the question: Sorted - realpath() seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the tip. – David Gard Jan 31 at 15:21
you know what? when i find some problems that I need to get solved and I come up with a SO post, I don't really care about the comments but what I'm after are the solutions and answers.. and if the issue I'm raising right now becomes a trend, then I might not find wonderful thoughts and solutions to a problem
because at the end of the day, what we really are after are the solutions and answers and not comments
@all hi
Array element not found PHP but present when printed
@BVKrishna say what? Are we just spitting out some random words now?
@BVKrishna, im sorry , you might have made a typo when you searched for chat room
you seem to look for chat room , instead of .. its a common typo
@tereško: The letters are like, right next to each other
I can see the element of an array by printing it..but am not able to trace it whether by using array_search or any conditional statements
@BVKrishna: There's a place where you can ask questions about things like that, I think it's called Stack Overflow
@Leigh I've posted some 5days ago...stackoverflow.com/questions/9407881 but no satisfactory reply yet
@BVKrishna , do you have "question marks" in Kannad ?
because it is how in English you indicate, that the sentence is a question ...
@BVKrishna i believe searching wouldn't do the trick since it will find an exact match $d=array_search('Bowler',$content);echo '<br>'.$d;
@BVKrishna: I know what your problem is, I demand £1m to tell you the answer.
@BVKrishna the answer is that you don't know how to use array_search
@MelvinProtacio: Actually, it's not
the condition is includes the 59th element having 0 as index for($i=0;$i<59;$i++) meaning index 58 is the 59th element
@BVKrishna: Answer added, you can forward me my £1m later.
but the one accessed on the code is 59
@Leigh thanks...I'll go through
@MelvinProtacio i've tried it with conditional statements but it has not worked
@Leigh thanks for the suggestion, I've incorporated it...but sorry it has not fixed the issue
would you mind in revisiting the code as I've improved the code a little bit these 5days
i can now see the issue
you can try using chrome
and use the console there
index 59 or the 60th element is actually not equal to Bowler but <b>Bowler</b>
as i have said earlier, array_search will have to be exact
you cannot search for Bowler when the element is in fact <b>Bowler</b>
@BVKrishna can you try the string '<b>Bowler</b>' ?
@MelvinProtacio no i wanna store the elements based upon separation..
more over pls revisit the question as i've improved the code a bit. thanks
india asking pattern
@tereško: Seems like SO is like a second level of outsourcing sometimes :/
you are storing the nodeValue and that is <b>Bowler</b> that't the node value of the td :(
@BVKrishna i won't :P
it will just eat my precious time :P
@BVKrishna believe me, you can check using javascript and chrome
@MelvinProtacio pls follow this link stackoverflow.com/a/9498913/1061920
go to the url on your chrome press F12 and go to the console and type document.getElementsByTagName("td")[59]
@MelvinProtacio , what should i do if i do not have spyware installed on my computer ?
@BVKrishna code not readable.. i cannot comprehend :P
@tereško i'll just live with it LOL
@BVKrishna Please don't update your question in the answers, but simply edit your question.
@BVKrishna it's not good to ask a question then modifying it and ask again, i don't have all the time in the world to reread all your edits and updates to reanalyze again the situation, this is not the avenue for spoon feeding, sorry.
@MelvinProtacio: The original problem isn't even the current problem.
@Leigh really? LOL i thought it was
@Leigh , yes , it is
@Leigh the problem is same but what i mean is i've made some sophistication to the code
@BVKrishna WTF! you never fixed the problem then you put some other sophistications on it?
you can mind your own problem then :P
@tereško: The original problem was the fact he was searching for a string while the value he wanted was string+newline. The current problem is unknown, since he's exploding by that value and removing it from the context entirely. Current problem is unknown, as the code has changed completely.
@Leigh LOL
I can see only one Bowler word on the HTML file
then this code will result to what?
$pieces = explode("Bowler", file_get_contents('output.html'));
$zaq = explode("\n", $pieces[0]);
that code is a piece of junk
@BVKrishna: It would be better if you closed that question and started again from scratch, with clearly stating what you are trying to achieve. Also, use code formatting, please.
@Leigh correct! as i review the original question, I don't really know what he's trying to accomplish. I don't know what he's trying to do
I just wanna return those batsmen names who are not out and that is what I made clear with editing the question from starch
based on analysis, it's apparent that he's just concerned with the logical condition because he's bothered why the condition fails when he trace the content of the 59 as index or 60th element
previous problem and current problem is same except the string what i'm searching for differed
when i try to print it i'm able to return it but if i use any conditional statements or use some thing like array seach i fail
@BVKrishna the root problem is the literal that you are comparing or searching on the condition. that's it! why do you have to change the entire code? it really changes everything and consumes our time.
the outcome of both codes(previous and the altered) is same but the approach is different
go back to the original code, try trimming the nodeValue as you write them on the file and try searching for the exact string <b>Bowler</b> you will find it
i'm sure
@BVKrishna the outcome will really be the same because both of them are wrong LOL are you kidding? LOL
var_dump($sections[7][5]); returns the string "not out "
where as i cant find it this way...if($sections[$i][5]==="'not out")
echo count($sections[$i][5]);
I hope I made it a bit clear in a word
never thought array_search works on multidimentional arrays array_search('not out', $sections)
@PeeHaa please don't :D
let him be in vain LOL
hey everyone
if I store my DB password in an ini file and keep it in my /htdocs with restricted access through .htaccess, is it completely 100% safe?
Or is there a better practice for this?
oh... atleast if condition should work with multi dimensional array @MelvinProtacio
@BenjaminBrizzi it might be better if you keep it away from /htdocs
@BVKrishna i will no longer entertain questions from you.. :P
@MelvinProtacio The thing is I don't want to spread my app's stuff all over the FS. Also would like to keep the paths independent of windows/linux differences (so probably using relative paths rather than keeping stuff in /etc or %APPDATA%)
you can use relative paths like ../
@BenjaminBrizzi but yes, I believe it is safe to use the .htaccess
but i'm not 100% sure
<Files ~ "\.ini$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
I think it's what wordpress uses so I'll assume it's safe ^^
@BenjaminBrizzi then why bother asking?
except I think they're define()'s and not an ini file
@BenjaminBrizzi proper order is deny, allow .. its safer
@GauravSharma thanks
@GauravSharma +1
@MelvinProtacio Just getting a second opinion and making sure I'm naot mistaking

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