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@kelunik Actually, the Parse error output is correct. If the period is next to a number, it'll take the period and number to be a float (the mantissa is optional in PHP), rather than as the concatenation operator.
@FlorianMargaine can you please tell me what are these numbers? they are the color-code?
Prohibited goods UK -> US for sending by royal mail
"Frozen water - Including packs of ice."
@Fabor it's probably quite reasonable
Don't know many other kinds of frozen water though :P
fruit popsicle?
you probably could come up with multiple, if you wanted to do a prank
I can send a hunting rifle though
anybody knows how can I use of this library? here is my fiddle.
@Fabor having a hunting rifle is really unlikely to leak all over the other packages in the shipment,
@Shafizadeh is that feature mandatory in "minimum viable product"?
actually I'm trying to use of my extra time useful(3 weeks)
so, is everything else working?
almost yes, my project is ready
the address the "almost" part first
because dealing with that library would likely need to learn about npm
do I need to npm even on local?
to use that library properly, you would need NPM on the development system
$dFrom = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_GET['dFrom']));
$dTo = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_GET['dTo']));
$dtoday = date('Y-m-d');
$isleap = date('L', strtotime(date('Y')."-".$_REQUEST['smon']."-01"));
if($dFrom != "" && $dTo != ""){
    $subq .= " AND (tb_embark.date_depart BETWEEN '$dFrom' AND '$dTo') ";
    $subq2 .= " AND (tb_disembark.date_depart BETWEEN '$dFrom' AND '$dTo') ";
}else if($dFrom != "" && $dTo == ""){
    $subq .= " AND (tb_embark.date_depart BETWEEN '$dFrom' AND '$dtoday') ";
    $subq2 .= " AND (tb_disembark.date_depart BETWEEN '$dFrom' AND '$dtoday') ";
else if won't work.. why?
is it because the $dtoday shows the date from 1970's?
already found out the answer thanks.
any one want to help
2 hours later…
Think I could get away with making alphanumeric increment produce E_DEPRECATED? :D
It'd be glorious. E_DEPRECATED on every loop iteration! Log file spam!
Or I could make it only be produced once, and ignored on subsequent iterations.
1 hour later…
"Remember me" is not working on wordpress login
how can i make it as work?
@SagarNaliyapara its doesn't helpful for me
anyone face the problem like this in wordpress development then reply me
what exactly problem you are facing..??
explain your problem proper so that everyone can understand @BoopathiRajan
when login i click remember me check box
its does remember my credentials
why its not working?
Good morning pretties
Good Morning @Gordon :-)
Morning Gordon ,PeeHaa
Oh yes the day before my holidays... Oh you have to finish today x- y- z- .... projects
The last message was posted 11 hours ago. O.o
good meurning!
does it appear only on my screen ..
it's 00:25 there now?
Morning @kelunik
@kelunik Start of the rewrite (only the dashboard is rebuilt and contains static data atm) betafeedr.pieterhordijk.com \o/
@PeeHaa \o/
@PeeHaa wow, it's really pretty
@PeeHaa I'm going to hire you next time
I still need to finish it / make it dynamic so there is still more than enough room to screw it up ;)
posted on December 21, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Dpz */

o/ @Sean
@PeeHaa I only get errors from that link.. So either you screwed up or... :P
I am perfect so it must be you... ;-)
What kind of errors do you get?
sec, screenshotting
@PeeHaa probably related to the fact you're having static data.
I hope so. Or it is broken even before I started :(
@Naruto No repro
@Naruto are you using IE6?
@MadaraUchiha what? :D
@FlorianMargaine Are you insane?
that was a small hint that you should specify which browser you're getting that error in.
ah, just firefox 42.0
@Naruto WTF?
Good morning
@AlmaDo o/
Link to your github account @Naruto?
I think I see what happens
I made an assumption
he's not in room11 org?
No i'm not ^^
I think he doesn't have a name on github
No I don't, let me change that :)
<?= $this->escape($this->user->login); ?> - <?= $this->escape($this->user->name); ?>
Making assumptions is bad and I should know better
strict typing actually did help by making clear what happens though so that is a win
well in a way, I just made you better ^^ my github - do as you please, I have never really used it before, but I just wanted to view your stuff :)
well anyway for me to see?
@Naruto Did you change anything?
my name in profile settings, just like u said before
Does it fix it?
nope :)
Did you logout of feedr first?
The user data is only retrieved on login and cached
ah yes, relog made it work
looks very nice!
@Naruto Thanks and thank for finding the bug :)
'bug'.. I just randomly ran into it :P
Those are the worst, because those bugs are only visible when certain criteria are met which I may or may not ever find myself
I have to upload big images at work for stuff
someone suggested the idea to compress said images
it's so much better.
Spend a month in the office, minimal emails.
Spend 2 days on holidays, inbox is hammered
2 days on holidays is called week-end
@PeeHaa do you mind I fork that to my account, and just browse your code, to see how you do things?
@Naruto the repo wouldn't be public if you couldn't fork it :)
no idea, but I feel it's more polite to ask first..
<?= $this->escape($this->user->login); ?> - <?= $this->escape(!empty($this->user->name) ? $this->escape($this->user->name) : ""); ?> @PeeHaa can use this..?
don't ask to fork, just fork
it's because git replies with null value,which you treted as string,i think put ternary
@FlorianMargaine :P
@Naruto By all means go ahead :)
@SagarNaliyapara Nope. That will pass a boolean to the escape method which requires a string
It should be somethign like:
<?= $this->escape($this->user->login); ?> - <?php if (empty($this->user->name)) echo $this->escape($this->user->name); ?>
ok @PeeHaa in that case you can put echo <?= $this->escape($this->user->login); ?> - <?= $this->escape(echo !empty($this->user->name) ? $this->escape($this->user->name) : ""); ?>
No you cannot echo and echo statement inside a method
grmbl. what good is that golden close hammer if I cannot wield more than once? stackoverflow.com/questions/34392903/…
We wish you a Merry Monday and a Happy New Week
Morning random
BTW @Naruto do you also want to actually run the code? I haven't added the install notes yet and it needs to setup for key generation etc. So if you want to actually run the project ping me
no just going through the code is fine, but I'm having troubles getting it into netbeans, seems it isn't pulling everything from github for some reason, but I guess that some local issue or smthg
@Naruto Do you get an error?
no, I just get only half.. But I'm only getting half.. Must be something on my end.. no worries, I'm figuring it out..
can anyone suggest me some big project idea in php
but i want project idea Like any type of php CRM
@FlorianMargaine yeah, I found it, but thx anyway :)
@FlorianMargaine That's old school ;)
the function password_verify of what version is?
@ITProGuy Strange. It looks like your internet is broken yet you are in here chatting with us
what do you mean
what's wrong?
@PeeHaa meanie
@ITProGuy 5.5, but there is a compatibility library for 5.3/5.4
yeah, I just checked
read the "Requirements" section carefully :)
@FlorianMargaine ty ;)
Hi guys! Hope you are all well :P I have a question for you, when creating a base class, in the constructor, is it good or bad practice to put references to functions that create parts in the class? e.g. public function __construct() { $this->CreateDatabaseLink(); }?
1) by the looks of it you should not have a base class 2) the constructor should not do actual work (either direct or indirect)
@PeeHaa, what do you mean?
What is the responsiblity of your base class?
It create s database link, variables needed across other classes (such as authentication tokens and user id), runs a database table script to ensure the health and status of the database, creates and maintains active logging of actions and provides base functionality that would otherwise be copied and pasted into multiple classes
The frequency of the word "and" in the above post tells me your class is doing too much
What would you suggest to change this then? (I'm at a bit of a loss...)
Your class should only do 1 thing
The single responsibility principle states that every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility. Robert C. Martin express the principle as follows: * A class should have only one reason to change == History == The term was introduced by Robert C. Martin in an article by the same name as part of his Principles of Object Oriented Design, made popular by his book Agile Software Developmen...
And it should do it well.
(which means you'll have many classes)
It shouldn't do database AND authentication AND tokens AND logging AND more
That's called a god object
@PeeHaa, so instead of a base class, have a database class, auth class and others separate? IShow would these communicate with each other? Instances in each class?
Yes they are all separate responsibilities so separate classes
The communicate with each other by using the public API of the classes (the public methods)
I haven't watched your talk yet @Jimbo, but do you think it helps OP?
Right then, thank you @PeeHaa, it is greatly appreciated :)
@PeeHaa No, I only briefly skim over it
is there a way to extend a generator method and yield its parent? like return parent::someGeneratorMethod();
Why do conferences cost so much money? ):
Venue, speakers costs I imagine.
+ the copious amounts of alcohol
I guess most devs get their company to sponsor their ticket
@Fabor the best bit obv
It's hotel costs that can suck usually.
@Sean a lot, yeah
Related then, any room 11-ers going to the PHP Conference, London in February?
@Sean depends on which you go to. unconfs are cheap
@Sean For £500 for the ticket and then travel + hotel on top? I can go to Majorca PHPucEU for 5 days for less!
@Sean why not have your employer pay for the commercial confs instead?
@Jimbo the big question is: will you?
@Gordon Already got my uc ticket :-)
Will rent a 750cc bike too
@Jimbo wonderful. then I'll see you there
Bring socks
yes, hahahaha!
Hi anyone can help to make a little varible woocommerce? only try when price set = 0 show not available or out of Stock like this if( $product->get_price() == 0 || $product->get_price() == '') {
echo '<p class="stock out-of-stock">Out of Stock</p>';
how can I verify a hash with a 5.3 version?
any password_verify equivalent?
@DaveRandom I only brought regular socks to phpuceu this year. I felt this was too warm to wear all day, so I decided not to wear any when we went out in the evening. Turns out that this is a very stupid thing to do in leather shoes when you intend to walk around for an hour or more. My feet hurt to badly that I had to put napkins into the shoes before we went back
so next year: sneaker socks
Sandals ftw
^ generally for every situation, btw, not just that one
gawd … I hate not being able to instaclose anymore
@Jimbo See, I know nothing about the convention scene haha.
@Gordon Then why'd you retire? :P
Requires 5.3.7 or later
I know but I don't know why it doesn't work to me
it's weird
probably I'm doing something wrong but password_hash does not work
@ITProGuy How are you using it?
And what are you getting?
at the very beggining of my function file
require_once '../resources/lib2/password.php';
require '../resources/lib/password.php';
require_once, is this library that you wrote
and the other require is something related with the algo
What's the error message?
no error message
it just doesn't insert the hashed password to the db
Then in what way is it not working?
it doesn't perform the hash
Also error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', '1');
and then, login can't verify
I have error_reporting(E_ALL);
hai 11
2 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@ITProGuy How are you using it?
2 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
And what are you getting?
isn't it enough?
@MadaraUchiha because I don't have the time to be a full blown mod anymore. Effective moderation unfortunately takes more than the suggested 30 minutes minimum to have an impact.
@Gordon I don't get this, why do we care whether there are excess moderators when they can be disabled with the flick of a switch if needed
I am using simplify commerce woocommerce. can we set auto return URL for it
People retire? It doesn't remove the trust the community has in them
Why not let them keep their mod powers?
@MadaraUchiha because with many idle moderators it gets harder to communicate. Ask Shog.
@Gordon Eh?
@MadaraUchiha the whole idea is to have a small (inter-)active crew of moderators and not many semi-active or idle ones.
@Gordon Meh
So make them "honorary mods" or whatever
@MadaraUchiha I don't necessarily agree with that idea either but I'll certainly not stand in the way if positions are limited and someone else can put it more time, e.g. you.
there you can see the require
and the require is just the lib by ircmaxell
@Gordon I mean, you were a mod for, what, 2-3 years?
That's a lot of moderating experience to throw away like that.
@MadaraUchiha I barely moderated the last year. Kid and Commuting doesnt mix well with moderation
anyone can help to make a simple variable for woocommerce? my skills are very low. I want that when price set = 0 add a text Out Stock
if( $product->get_price() == 0 ||  $product->get_price() == '') {
	 echo '<p class="stock out-of-stock">Out of Stock</p>';
@MadaraUchiha but anyway, ask Shog ;)
@Gordon Sure
@Gustavo You should hook onto the woocommerce_get_stock_quantity filter
Check if the price of the product is 0, if so, return 0.
I'm with api amazon and no stock
I try with
add_filter('woocommerce_get_price','add_new_label_text', 10, 2);
function add_new_label_text($price, $product){...
but not work fine
Yeah, because that hook only expects you to return the price of the product
If you echo anything inside of that you're going to get unexpected results
When a product not available in amazong this set price 0
so try add a text because add cart not show when price = 0 and is confused for users
@MadaraUchiha that guy was in belgium last week! :O
@Naruto That guy?
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 17 hours ago, by Wes
	var WIN		=	window,
		DOC		=	document,
		OBJ		=	Object,
		NULL	=	null,
		TRUE	=	true,
		FALSE	=	false,
only javascript developers
when I try to use compat library to use password_verify

$P = $_POST
$G = $_GET
I get an error which is: test for functionality of compat library: fail
and the server is running a 5.3.7 php version
Just because you could... doesn't mean that you should...
I don't understand
any help
         * Check if current PHP version is compatible with the library
         * @return boolean the check result
function check() {
  static $pass = NULL;
  if (is_null($pass)) {
    if (function_exists('crypt')) {
      $hash = '$2y$04$usesomesillystringfore7hnbRJHxXVLeakoG8K30oukPsA.ztMG';
      $test = crypt("password", $hash);
      $pass = $test == $hash;
    } else {
      $pass = false;
  return $pass;
@ITProGuy That's how it checks for compatibility.
To see if password_compat is available for your system, run the included version-test.php . If it outputs "Pass", you can safely use the library. If not, you cannot.
posted on December 21, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by The coding love */

Does anybody have any input on this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34395312/wordpress-settings-api-dynamic-array-value?noredirect=1#comment56532020_34395312

Should I be able to just save an array as the value?
How to send individual offer mail from "mailchimp" to subscribers?
The talk video for my #PHPNW15 talk on scalar types is finally out!!!! https://twitter.com/phpnwconf/status/678910008340439040 :)
that reminds me that i still have to watch Jimbo's
did @Danack have a talk too? would watch it just for staring at the beard
One last BTW @Naruto. You realize all new code is in the 2015-rewrite branch right? :)
Negative. Danack talked at PHP South Coast.
I don't want you to be looking at my old crap :P
I am tempted to comment on stackoverflow.com/questions/34397681/… with "remove Laravel. Bootstrap time issues solved"
@PeeHaa serieus? :D
that explains alot ><
Basecamp is such a shitty platform
@Andrea you were 8 when php5 came out? i can only think you learned programming by genes :D
@Wes born in 1996
in 2010 I was writing godawful PHP code with mysql_
Also in 2008 IIRC
and you learned c, internals, in such a small span of time?
I was also writing shitty C code in 2010
and I'm hardly an internals wizard, that's @NikiC
i know enough to get by
you guys are both impressive, really
also bob
i can only imagine that in 20 years you will invent skynet
@PeeHaa Can confirm
first boot, mobile broadband until 30th
yo @AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0
(please don't make it kill me. i hate humans too)
hey joe \o
nice talk anyway @Andrea actually enjoyable :D
most developers are here having programming in genes i think :D
Joe been busy for 2-3 days..
still so busy, it's so nice to sit and do nothing for a few minutes ... but it will only be a few minutes ...
@Wes yay :D
@Wes compared to the most clever programmers on the world we all are just mediocre ones ;-D
could be but compared to the totality of programmers in the world, you are in the l33t :D
terrible ...
That the best the new place can do or waiting for upgrade?
@JoeWatkins Ha! 3rd world gonna 3rd world
waiting for upgrade, 80 meg coming on 30th
mobile broadband ^
Well now you can live a few days in my broadband shoes :P
@JoeWatkins Better than mine...
@NikiC seriously? :x :x
@JoeWatkins about the same as mine

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