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I have a question about PHP Ping, If I use this:

$output = array();
$test=exec('ping -w 1', $output);
echo "\n";
foreach( $output as $line ) {
print $line . PHP_EOL ; }
Array( [0] => PING ( 56 data bytes)

Wanted output:
Array( [0] =>PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.737 ms
Whats going wrong ?
I'd like us to do something special for the PHP 7 release
What if we got all the contributors to PHP 7 to submit a picture of themselves, or something?
Build a montage of everyone who made it happen
To celebrate contribution. (@ircmaxell)
How would we even get a list of all of the contributors?
@salathe git
@Andrea ooh, that kind of "contributor"
we could then figure out who's contributed but not done any code
don't some doc contributions get committed by php.net accounts but written by other people
we wouldn't want to exclude anyone ...
(RFC authors, doc contributors, etc.)
@JoeWatkins yeah, we need to include them too
git is just a handy starting point. we could look at doc svn too
And everyone posting to internals, twitter, face-to-face chats, some kittens (they must have contributed somehow)
But Git's a start. :)
as I understood it, if you participate in the community at all, you are contributing to the health of the ecosystem ...
how do you include all those people ?
but in this particular case it would be nice to encourage people to help develop PHP the language
The starting point could be just getting avatars from github for everyone who has a commit in 7
(also a more realistic goal to include most direct contributors to 7 than indirect ones :p)
@nikita2206 ooh, yes.
there's people.php.net for that too, which uses Gravatar (as does GitHub sometimes?)
I'd rather submit a photo ... I agree with @salathe that they should have kittens in ...
Yeah, we could use submitted ones too
Using existing avatars unless people send us new ones means we get wider coverage, tho ;)
Also difficult to get everyone that might have helped write phpt files at hackathons.... very difficult to get everyone that's contributed
also my little girl should probably be in the photo, she makes about 60% of the tea that fuels me ....
avatar as a fallback looks like the best idea
she's 11 this week ... on release day ... she'll be at high school before she has another birthday ...
what's the average age when children start school in the UK?
@MarkBaker phpt file changes would be commits which would be in git
and git should have preserved author info
we probably will miss some people but that can be fixed. celebrating the hundreds who have helped to make PHP 7 what it is is surely a good thing though
if only to show people how many have put their effort into it
and maybe to encourage people to contribute
Hey guys. I'm working on a site made in symfony2 for the first time. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with connecting to an mssql server on linux.
@iroegbu 4-5
@Andrea a tip of the hat to those people you can't reasonably include might be okay ... maybe a picture of each continent with some ?'s on it or whatever, not a graphic person ...
I do agree ...
@JoeWatkins I'd say you need to purchase a firearm then. Be sure to clean it regularly in front of the boys she brings home
@JoeWatkins yeah, we should at least mention that the list is not incomplete and somehow accommodate them
@JoeWatkins you have system of 6yrs primary and 6yrs high school?
@iroegbu 6-7 years secondary school
(used to be 5-7)
yeah it depends on the position of the moon when you are born ... or something like that ...
also you can be kept back for a year in primary (first) school
for developmental reasons ...
okay... our system follows yours... we can skip a class in primary though (depending of performance)... I got into high at 9.
I'm not sure if they do that here
thats where we did stop until recently
now you have to be in full time education until 18 years old ...
just as I was moving to Scotland four years ago, they made you have to say on for a year in England
for most kids that's school, but you can go to college to begin A levels
ah, I guess they finished the job and made it two years
which is silly, keeping kids in school who aren't doing well with GCSEs to do A Levels is going to do no good
they should go to college/do training/get an apprenticeship/etc.
they can
full time education
A Level is optional here
ah, those count? That's positive then
but you can't go into work, I guess
@iroegbu the Scottish equivalent, Higher and Advanced Higher, still is optional. Scotland has a separate school system from England
yeah they count
at least, I know some apprenticeships count, I'm not sure about all of them, I believe a lot of them are subsidised by the government quite heavily, and those count ...
where you do a day in college and the rest in some placement ...
With A Level you get to skip first year in University right?
@iroegbu depends on the course but sometimes
I don't think so anymore
> From September 2015, AS-levels will no longer count towards your qualification and you'll face more exams at the end of Year 13. Here are the changes you need to know about…
I didn't get to. (I don't have A levels, rather Highers and Advanced Highers, but...)
> more exams
the government has an exam fetish
yeah, it's based on points still, but you can't transfer them from school now ...
/me looks at his university records
/me weeps
/me goes back to work
it starts far too young too @Andrea
they can say until they are blue in the face that these tests don't count, but 10 year olds don't listen to that, they see that their schedule changes because the teachers are under pressure to perform and they know they are important in some sense ...
Ability to remember things is a clear sign of work readiness... -_-
continuous assessment is the way to go and it's also what the government hates
@JoeWatkins the tests exist to measure the school and not the pupil
but pressure teachers to perform, which they must, just in order to maintain their funding level in a lot of cases, and the pressure is felt by pupils ... it doesn't work ...
It's not changing anytime soon either.
I'm using PHP to query a database, and then build a multidimensional array with the results. I'm then querying the database again, but while inside this result set, I'm looping through the existing array to see if there is a match, and if there is, I'm pushing things into the array at that index of match. Is this the best way of querying the database twice and building 1 array out of it?
the schools are starved of money, too
yeah and this academy thing is pretty odd too
@AmericanSlime seems like a valid case for join... but you've given very little information blog.codinghorror.com/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins
@JoeWatkins lets private companies run schools, no surprise the govt loves 'em
@iroegbu I originally had the database doing all the stuff via a join, but it was terrible performance so I resorted to splitting it up and processing it outside the db.
they take failing schools and turn their control over to a private interest group, who are charged with improving the school by governor change or whatever, but aren't allowed to make a profit in any way ...
that's only a short term solution ...
So they're making A-levels 100% based on Year 13 results?
@Fabor I think that's the plan
Sounds rough.
it's all pretty terrible ...
the only good thing about it is ...
you don't get to leave school while you are still too immature to make good decisions ...
PHP won't leave a while loop until the condition is false correct?
@AmericanSlime That's the definition of a while loop...
@Machavity lol Thanks...just checking.
@AmericanSlime yes, unless you use break or goto
(or continue to a higher loop, or an exception, or return, or exit...)
(gosh we have lots of flow control methods, don't we?)
goto is the only one you can trust ...
goto md5(Laravel::ServiceLocator());
^ Most secure method
continue $n;
while (1) {
    while (1) {
        while (1) {
            while (1) {
                while (1) {
                    break rand() % 5;
> President of the goto appreciation society, beard owner, biker, also #php.
^new twitter bio ...
@Jimbo That's wholly insecure. Use SHA1 instead
@Machavity hah
@Jimbo like goto Hell::middle();
having a joke about bloggers and conspiracy theories in bio just resulted in being added to lots of lists with "conspiracy" in the name ...
@Machavity they already use laravel
@nikita2206 :P
just found this in the legacy project I'm working on..

public function getResponse($resp)
return $resp;
damn markdown
@SergeyTelshevsky Needs more abstraction. Clearly that method violates the single responsibility principle by both accepting and returning a var.
I know, that's why I found it absurd and pasted here, I'm thinking about making a couple of classes that do the job, probably a validator that will validate it's actually the same response returned that was passed in, a manager, a Faccade, an interface and an abstract class.
@Sean you mean command query separation (CQS) and not single responsibility principle
not the same :P
some epic stuff: github.com/volter9/8-cms
the license's good too
what a cms!!!!
I look at it and think "WordPress lite"
I made a boiled egg so good yesterday I had to document it
@Fabor I want soldiers now ):
There's a softer boil setting for those. Whole reason I bought the egg cooker.
@Sean Awesome license
posted on November 23, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Rémi */

TIL zpp has a "p" code
@Fabor heh \o/
was it also you with the picture of a cup of thee?
Yeah. Tea I presume
@Abe Well, I haven't, no.
i did the same
That's more difficult to do, but I think it is possible.
not worth it
Eh, I may play with it some time to see how hard it really is.
@Abe Now that I think about it a little more I don't think it is that much more difficult.
Probably only 5 minutes of tinkering.
But sometimes these things that seems easy are provably impossible so…
anyone an idea what the best way is to deploy encryption keys on EB?
@TadeáÅ¡Ursíny ty
it's not much more difficult, just not worth doing it, imho. since i<ins'm planning to</ins> allow
union ABC{ A | B | C }
union ABCD{ ABC | D }
(i made up the syntax)
i'm going to allow that as well
Using a union inside a union is definitely allowable, but a | b | (c | d) is just extra waste.
Though it could be allowed and just optimized.
who cares :P
yeah, or that
But since it is a literal… I'd be inclined to make the user fix it :D
i can flatten it in a later moment. but it's definitely doable in the parser too
Is there an off-the-shelf library for validating/fixing street addresses?
I am working on this database which, for some reason, has address, state, zip...and a ton of them are misaligned. e.g. state=99701 zip=AK
@LeviMorrison currently wondering if i should pollute this with my own stuff. like, i imagine you will instaquit it right after you read "function equals($other){}" or "function hashCode(){}" :D
@salathe thanks
So when is PHP7 out then
Like sometime in December, probably.
@ircmaxell Based on the docs it seems like password_needs_rehash cannot re-salt a password – is that correct?
that is definitely a "no, you shouldn't"
No, I definitely should in this case.
Some of our oldest passwords use the same salt.
This was identified as a problem early on and corrected for new passwords but for whatever reason we didn't re-salt them.
@LeviMorrison i'm lost.
@LeviMorrison huh?
In retrospect I realize password_needs_rehash wouldn't be the function to check that anyway.
if (password_verify($password, $hash)) {
    if (password_needs_rehash($hash, $algorithm, $options)) {
        // this will salt it assuming I haven't supplied a 'salt' key in options, yes?
        $hash = password_hash($password, $algorithm, $options);
@LeviMorrison correct
@Jimbo Never! It's either PHP 7 or PHP "7" :P
@Jimbo December 7, 2015... a day that will live in infamy!
Why this does not work?
$sth = $this->dbh->prepare("select * from :TN where :TN.id = 'X'");
$sth->bindValue(":TN", $TableName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
If you're asking why something doesn't work, and aren't including the error message or the undesired behaviour, you're making life difficult for people, as they have to guess what the problem is, before they can attempt to think of a solution.
@Shafizadeh Because the table name can not be a parameter. it's not a "value" that can be retrieved from the database, it's part of the schema.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.id = ..
table names can't be parameterized oh @punk had already said it...
who starred his code?
@Ghedipunk Well, I get the table name from URL, and I need to use prepared statement for checking that ..! Is there any solution?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ok
no idea @Machavity...
someone with a singular sense of humor, I'd hazard
Also, the correct phrase is "Why doesn't this work" (or "why does this not work" if you're avoiding contractions.) I realize that English is unique in its usage of the word and conjugates of "do", but reading a question with "this does" rather than "does this" is absurdly uncomfortable for native English speakers.
@Ghedipunk ah ok thanks for this English point ..!
@MarkBaker wow, too fast ...!
Whitelist the possible table names; validate the user input value against that whitelist before you do anything else
Then interpolate into your statement
I see. tnx
But make sure you don't try and execute any SQL where the user input tablename isn't in your valid list of table names
First time I have heard @nikita_ppv speak. Awesome! Clear and concise explanation of a complex topic. https://twitter.com/omansour/status/668823885371080704
@bwoebi do you know if that patch for the conf file issue got merged ?
@Danack urgs, I've still not done it… wait a few min
@Danack oh, I already did fix…
was it merged to the 7.0.0 release branch?
I'll tell Anatol, he's at afup too
posted on November 23, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Quidam */

I want to start offering secure payments online - what's the best option?
anyone an idea what the best way is to deploy encryption keys on EB?
Justin, stripe
Use a gateway, use PayPal? Like what have you guys developed with that's most secure and simple.
Stripe and PayPal are probably the simplest since they offer the merchant account and gateway together. They both have well documented APIs as well
The election result is still not known?
Voting ends tomrorrow. I think results go up soon after
owkey good ..!
@Machavity Also I think you have to use "come up" instead of "go up"! (however I'm sure I don't know english more that you :-) )
@Shafizadeh Nah. Full context is "go up on the website". "come up on the website" is a different connotation
ow! alright then ..!
@Tobias other than real carefully I don't have fantastic advice. If you're using puppet or chef you can use their encryption 'bags' to deploy stuff.....tbh I hate that though, as it seems incredibly weak against internal threats, as well as just general cock-ups.
I haven't done this, but when I do need to do it what I'm planning is this: the bastion server that triggers new instances to be created, creates a one time id key that is passed to the new instance. Upon booting one of the first things the newly created instance does is connect to the bastion server via a VPN, and asks "give me my credentials, and here is the one time id key". The bastion server then generates a unique set of credentials for that server.
If the newly created instance doesn't boot within say 5 minutes, the id key is revoked, and the server is marked as needing killing. If there is more than one "give me my credentials" request with the same ID key, the credentials are instantly revoked.
I haven't done it because it's a non-trivial amount of work....and I currently don't need to automate my deployment of instances. Instead it's a lot easier to just create instances by hand, log in via ssh and create a keys file manually on the server.....which obviously doesn't scale past having 1 instance.....
@JustinKaz we are using numerous payment gateways in out main product. I've made an abstract payment layer -- the developer has the ability to implement anything that gateway offers as integration. For example, Braintree has their own php library and we have an adapter that binds that with our system (for server-to-server payment processes)
The gateways we use at the moment are Braintree, Paymentwall, SlimPay, PayPal
To choose which is "the best" probably will depend on your Sales department, if any :)
Does someone already tired to package php extension for php7 on ubuntu?
pretty sure someone has.
me too, i more curious to see some example
i guess nothing changed too much, but anyway, there was specific handles for php and pecl
thanks Danack
I'm using deploybot because it can easy so team wide deploys to EB
they have a static file deploy function which would work but then again your key is in their system... I think if you need to deploy any keys on a public system you're shooting yourself in the foot at alme point of the chain either or
"your key is in their system" - ewww.
I know that being myself I have no real saying about this, nor do I probably understand the whole thing, but about [PHP-DEV] INDRECT in arrays causes count() to become unpredictable, my uneducated feeling stands by the point that being cautious and delay by one week wouldn't hurt anything...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 'theoretically' it might hurt some company being acquired by another company.
s/theoretically/for realz/
speaking of zend?
I have a suspicion that some of the owners of Zend are planning on using the release of 7 as the opportunity to cash in their shares in the Zend company and get out of having anything to do with PHP. Their behaviour is at least consistent with that premise.
Being sold before the release would undermine that opportunity, wouldn't it?
No, it's almost certainly a pre-condition of the completion of the sale.
Or, it will be a condition before someone is allowed to say:
I'm such a noob. I wasn't exiting my loop on a match.
In PHP, is it possible to have data and run SQL queries on it?
Someone suggested instead of looping through the records, just take the entire thing and query it locally, but I'm not sure if PHP has anything like that.
Okay, is there any love for "extension methods", AKA scope-limited monkey patching?
interface MyInterface { }

class MyClass implements MyInterface { }

register_extension_method(MyInterface::class, 'myExtensionMethod', function (MyInterface $this) {

(new MyClass())->myExtensionMethod(); // class MyClass#1 (0) { }
Like... Iterator would become so vastly awesome.
register_extension_method(Iterator::class, 'map', function(Iterator $this, callable $function) {
    foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
        yield $function($value, $key);
^^ Iterators just got awesomer.
Order of precedence would be defined methods > extension methods > __call
I mocked it up using traits, but obviously that won't work for interfaces or built-ins.
Never change, PHP internals. https://t.co/jDUe7evuin
i need small help
what is difference between decode and encode
Encode means to wrap something with instructions on how to read what's inside, and decode means to read those instructions
ok ty. i understand
@Andrea ಠ_ಠ
@Ocramius php is a wonderful thing, no?
Does PHP have any native functions to query data with SQL as if it was a pseudo database?
@AmericanSlime as if it was a pseudo-database? what do you mean?
@AmericanSlime Query what?
Are you talking like LINQ?
Oh, you mean query an array, say, like LINQ?
I just wanna pull in data from a database, and query/post process on my end, and not do it within the database.
Why not?
@Andrea IKR
array_map, array_filter, etc.
Yo all o/
@AmericanSlime I suppose you could store your data in a SQLite3 memory database, but why aren't you using the database you actually have?
@PeeHaa \o
My database struggles with my query and I'm not a DBA so optimizing it proves to be more difficult that I would have imagined, so what I ended up doing was splitting it into 3 queries, building an array and building this up outside the database, but I'm using loops to match data between queries. Someone suggested I just query the dataset, but I wasn't sure if PHP had anything like that.
@AmericanSlime Why is it struggling?
I'm rather interested in opinions regarding chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/27058534#27058534 /cc @Andrea, @Ocramius, @Danack, @PeeHaa, @everybody
I'm not sure why. The only thing I've learned is that I probably need more indexes. But it takes a minute to spit back results and that's not ok.
@AmericanSlime Run an EXPLAIN at the very least
You don't need to be a dba to run that :P
The database I'm using doesn't seem to support the explain command.
I originally wanted the database to do all the joining and building of my complete record, but took to long which is why I'm doing this way.
Look into whatever you dbms uses to show the execution plan
@DanLugg it's already possible via stuff like github.com/Ocramius/ProxyManager/pull/103
> if you rebase this on master you should get a green build in theory
50 commits later:
> All checks have failed
On my 2nd query, I'm looping through the array that was already build from the first query to find a match, and if match, add more to the array at that index. This seems to be a shitty way of doing it. Which is when someone suggested I should just query the dataset locally and build my data from there, but I didn't know if PHP could query data like that on its own which is why I asked
@Ocramius Yea but dynamic proxies are ... dirty. This seems something optimal for inclusion natively.
I would rather look into the db performance instead
Yeah I should. I would like to know why the performance is terrible, but I'm no DBA and when I went down that road I got scared and confused.
Besides, you'd be able to accomplish it with interfaces as in the example? Such that you could register a map function to Iterator or Traversable and have that method available to any instance of an implementing type, without mucking with that type definition?
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Look into whatever you dbms uses to show the execution plan
@DanLugg make it work in the real world first, then bring it to core if it seems to work decently
@DanLugg Not sure I the advantages over the disadvantages
See, I can't find any glaring disadvantages... surely there are some.
@Ocramius Well, incompletely accomplished with traits, it works nicely. Surely going that extra step with dynamic proxies would work even better (save for potential perf shite)
I assume it gets the scope as if it was a proper method?
Or am I reading it wrong? â„¢
No, public scope.
No access to private or protected members (unless your callback was a rebound closure but that's just voodoo)
@DanLugg Good good
So encapsulation isn't broken, it's really just syntactic sugar for my_extension_method($extendedType, $otherParams)
But I'm of the mind that sugar can be extremely valuable in code cleanliness.
Especially when you don't compromise other facets.
I am interested to know of any issues I've overlooked with this sort of feature.
@DanLugg the perf stuff is not so big
@DanLugg The only thing I can think of right now is "magic"
Agreed, though its arguably less magic than things like __call
@PeeHaa Thanks, will do.
/me downloads an email template. /me only makes the thing wider. Thing breaks in every mail client
@PeeHaa that's how emails work
Damn email Y U SO SUCK?!
.. or .. well .. don't
500px width it is
@DanLugg In terms of magic it is more specific magic at least :)
@PeeHaa Agreed, which I think makes it "less" magic, or at least less invasive.
Whoever said LINQ, yes...that's what I'm looking for. Does PHP have anything like that?
@AmericanSlime there is a library - github.com/TimeToogo/Pinq I'm not sure it's actually applicable to your use case.....it sounds like you just need to write some code.
Uh oh, someone didn't Google
My query performance on the database is terrible, so I broken it into smaller queries and trying to build it back up via looping thru arrays, but that seems terrible too. Someone suggested I just query the raw data in PHP, which is why I asked for a LINQ equivalent.
@AmericanSlime Do you understand why the query performance on the database is terrible?
18 mins ago, by American Slime
Yeah I should. I would like to know why the performance is terrible, but I'm no DBA and when I went down that road I got scared and confused.
> A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, "this is where the light is."
I'm going to need to remember that one
@AmericanSlime you need to understand what problem you actually have, and solve that problem, rather than imagining an easier problem to solve.
If your data is difficult to query, just shifting the querying to PHP rather than doing it in the database is unlikely to be productive (it might help, but the chances are against it).
Anybody knows what is the name of those two emoji?
@PeeHaa @Danack Thank you for steering me straight. No shortcuts...I understand.
hey. some years ago I remember reading a question on variable variable name, and downsides of it (I think). The answerer went to a great extent in expressing things, and cooked up something like "${'this is a GREAT and terrinble variable name with éunicode characters'}" (something like that)

I can't find it anymore. I remember laughing really hard reading it though, and would like to read it again... presently googling things like

php variable variable name stack overflow (why bad | such extent | terrible)
@Shafizadeh smirk and worried emoji-cheat-sheet.com
@Machavity Ow really thanks! I wanted exactly this!!
@Ocramius Would you feel better if they used PHP7 instead?
even just the idea that somebody may use YAML to configure something more relevant than a plant vase temperature monitor makes me wanna die.
@Machavity something with real-time computing please, no VMs
@Ocramius Raspberry Pi?
real-time has a very precise meaning, @Machavity
oh well. not as funny as I remembered... stackoverflow.com/a/1147958/576767
@AmericanSlime there may be a shortcut to solving the problem you actually have. But you need to understand the problem first, to be able to choose an appropriate solution. Just moving a problem to another level arbitrarily is unlikely to give good results.
Yeah that makes complete sense. I guess I just needed someone to tell me to stop being a fuckhead and do it right.
"dupe" means "stupid"?
@PeeHaa Where's bobince when you need him?
PeeHaa you know what? the most of words that you are using them are not exist in the translate.google !! What is mean of "inorite" ?
@Shafizadeh Phonetic spelling of "I know, right"
owwW! ok tnx
^ look, a kiwi!
it's like a small Coconut
hi all
what do u use to minify your js code (if you do that) ?
Also ugggh I see an error on the page :(
@Francesco Not exactly the best channel to ask that. But I a mostly a JS dev currently. I use grunt and compile less to CSS. It uses Uglify2.
> mfw Uglify2 is really a thing
> mfw I have no face
For JS I use require.js
what about google closure minifier?
I never used just a minifier, didn't see the point if I can use gzip
ok thanks

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