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I don't know if this can add anything new
@samayo mariadb's utilities are named the same I think
I thought so too. I have heard only the speed was different.
php.net/download-logos.php - Adobe Illustrator and Enhanced Postscript - how retro!
No SVG, providing GIF and PNG...
It doesn't even have the modern logo.
Ok strange bizar thing
I'm trying to install Composer: php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php ... i get this
[]$ php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '//usr/local/php5/lib/ php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/imagick.so' - //usr/local/php5/lib/php/ extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/imagick.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '//usr/local/php5/lib/ php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/imagick.so' - //usr/local/php5/lib/php/ extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/imagick.so: cannot open shared objec
I do some research the //usr/local/php5/ is blank... for whatever reason
and //usr/local/php54 is where the extension is
I have no idea how to fix that?
Reading the mailing list, it looks like there is a big rush to get PHP7 released... I wonder why. Two weeks ago we had private access broken, sometimes we still reach some weird gc assertions, now this count() issue. It doesn't sound stable enough to me. A delay with a call for testing seems a good decision.
what happened to php 6
PHP 6 was eaten by purple underpants gnomes. O yes, I can comment now. So, massively multithreaded real-world ALife simulations. Who's got stuff for me?
can't wait for php 7. better opcode caching like HHVM
Any takers on my epic question? I imagine it's a env value or something I can change somewhere
Just remove references to imagick.so from your php.ini
and if they're not in there then delete the module files, one sec
their is no php ini file in the php5 folder
what operating system?
some odd linux distro spolled by my host on a vps
i'd check /etc/php5/mods-available
Any really loud "NO!!! DON'T!!!"s before I replace PHP5.6 with PHP7-zts on my production server?
delete imagick.ini
type uname -a. What's it say?
Linux ps133929 3.1.9-vs2.3.2.5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 26 02:37:05 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I'm running php 5.6 right now but i've always found their updates to be extremely compatible
@NextLocal well ill start looking for it
@NextLocal - Can't get anything out of pthreads without PHP7, it seems.
lsb_release -i
Type that since they wont say what it is there
By all means i'd say go for php 7. I'll test on my production server before you do, if you want to be safe
@NextLocal - nah, no worries; my production server will produce even without PHP.
If you can wait they say the release is scheduled for this month. That way you get a stable release
php 7 runs real world apps up to two times faster than PHP 5.6
Then again, it may be worth the wait. After all, it's just a sandbox for me.
To put things in perspective – when PHPNG was published, (next-generation) the WordPress homepage required approx. 9.4 billion CPU instructions to execute. As of now – it requires only 2.6 billion – that's 72% less!
Still, a question in between: I'm looking at a massive number of autonomous agents interacting with one another and with the world they occupy. Any thoughts as to how I should deal with such a situation in PHP? Or should I abandon PHP altogether and go for something else?
I love PHP. I've coded tons of game servers in it and I have a google crawler that runs 24/7 and makes millions of searches every month for SEO reporting
I've been playing with nodejs and its really nice once you can wrap your head around how to do stuff asynchronously. Little learning curve there but afterwards you prefer it
@Gralgrathor queues......don't have stuff interacting with each other directly, just put the work to be done in queues and have workers push and pull stuff from the queues as needed.
And I'd recommend Redis for implementing the queues as it is just lovely.
@NextLocal ....it's still wordpress though. /jk.
Wordpress is where I make my money
@NextLocal - nodejs? Sounds horrible... @Danack - yes, I was thinking of a queue system for this, fairly simple though. Anyway, all of this runs as a daemon without any direct user interface.
Or is it?
@Danack beanstalkd, rabbitmq or gearman.
@andho do you use gearman? I tried it.....and just couldn't stand it.......having to extend objects to implement stuff made me feel horrible.
@Danack yeah I've used it for a command handler. Just one Gearman worker, which will delegate to the real Command Handler class. You don't have to extend anything. Just create a Worker instance and add a function to it.
My worker just found the correct Command Handler based on the job payload and passed execution to it. CreateCustomerCommand passed on to CreateCustomerCommandHandler for processing.
Is anyone here that could assist me with Vagrant.. I finished the setup however I can't manage to access my project with the browser
@Andrea news.php.net/php.internals/89167 <--- could just replace with objects that implement resource, which as a reserved word in that context wouldn't be possible as a userland interface name, no? and would still pass the check
do you possibly have knowledge about vagrant ?
me no I don't have any knowledge abt vagrant.
:( have set up new environment from XAMP to Vagrant and I can't figure it out :)
@Ljubisa you really need to be clearer. What are you actually doing, what is it that you are expecting, and what is it that happens instead?
Hi I have installed vagrant and all setup was done correctly I can boot up on Vagrant UP and SSH into it.. Now I can't access my (project) via browser.. I get 1 of 2 erros.. 1) Porotocal mismatch or No data received
I have found that I can edit hosts file on vagrant to use 0,0,0,0 instead of 127 however I dont know how to open the file end edit it via cmd
@Ljubisa did you open the network interface to be accessible from host to guest in the vagrant file?
I assume that I didn't as I don't know how to do that.. Is that line inside Vagrant file?
@andho i got this config.vm.network:forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080
I edited that it use to be commented out
I use Vagrant at work and I am very new to it, having hard time setting it up
@Ljubisa yeah that should do it. You are using VirtualBox as a provider right
@DaveyShafik There's just very little value in having a common 'resource' type news.php.net/php.internals/89173
> I also think that the resource type hint
provides relatively little value in itself. It only says that you are
accepting *some* resource. However, resources are many. Is this a file
handle? Is it a database connection? Is it a streaming hash context? It
doesn't tell.
@Danack I concur, it would be a first-step towards concrete objects for each one
But would it actually help get to having concrete (or at least separate) objects? I can't see how it provides value....and it would be simpler just to skip adding it as a type.
#Programming in movies vs. programming in real life with @m_janko. #hacker (Vine by @silvenon) https://vine.co/v/hPXTA6l9AqQ
need help on this code display results without storing in Database
the $limit option in debug_backtrace is actually $maxOffset #pedanticmonday nope #noobmonday
hey guys
i need to create one project using MVC. I need to write my own methods where can i find this php open source api ?
mvc is not code, it's an architectural pattern
what do you know about objects? can you use them?
yes i know this. I can use them the problem is from where to start reading.
@gtzinos there is no ultimate guide or implementation of mvc, because the pattern doesn't really apply to web (it was designed for desktop applications) try to read as much as possible about it and build your own point of view
even random articles would be fine. it's not hard, it's just about separating concerns in a sensible way
@Abe yes i try to make it using my own view. But i try to create e.g DatabaseQuery class. I found this method

public function addParameter($param_types){
Get the parameters.

returns the sequence of elements from the array array as specified
by the offset and length parameters.
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(),1);
$params = array();
$params[] = & $param_types;
for($i=0 ; $i<count($args) ;$i++)
$params[] = & $args[$i];
call_user_func_array(array($this->query, 'bind_param'), $params);
how is that related to mvc?
just use raw PDO php.net/PDO
@Abe really thank you. But what you mean with how is that related to mvc ? Is an abstract class which other classes extends it to make some common functionallity
mvc it's not "reusable code". it's about separating purposes of code in a sensible way.
in fact mvc has very little to none reusable code
@gtzinos also forget (almost entirely) about "extends" and use composition instead:

inheritance (likely bad):
class B extends A{}

composition (likely better):
class B{
    protected $a;
    function __construct(A $dependency){
        $this->a = $dependency;
@abe why its not a good idea the extend ? Cause with object you can call only the methods you need?
@Abe There is nothing wrong about inheritance. As long as it is done well. You can use polymorphism to reduce conditions in your code. The time to use composition over inheritance is when the inherited class would not follow the Liskov's substitution principle.
@DavidPacker i think you are a Software Engineer
> As long as it is done well.
@gtzinos What does that have to do with anything? :D
@DavidPacker << The time to use composition over inheritance is when the inherited class would not follow the Liskov's substitution principle. >> I am a student right now. And i learn it on this lesson. Just this forget it.
@gtzinos The whole set of five general rules from SOLID is worth learning. Definitely recommend it, it makes you a better OO programmer.
posted on November 23, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Brutalibre */

@DavidPacker in my experience the only valid use of inheritance is when you extend an abstract class. extending an instantiable class is almost definitely bad in my opinion
@DavidPacker I try to learn everything. The problem right now is tha i cant choose with what to start working with. I like everything cause i read them and i learn them.
How can I insert this Peso sign in this pdf?
$pdf->SetXY(14.75,89); $pdf->MultiCell(100, 5, '&#8369;', 0, 'L', 0, 0, '', '', true);
&#8369; <--- This.. Because it shows &#8369; not (P)
can anyone help me on this post? stackoverflow.com/questions/33858555/…
@Micaela It may be an encoding issue. I have dealt with the same problem, but sadly I don't remember what was the solution. Had to fiddle with the encodings for a while.
@AniketSingh You need a select first, looking, if an url with the same name already exists. If it does, alter the url for the newly created content.
how could i alter an url? any specific function?
Alter the string you are inserting into a database representing the url.
hey @Abe you are like ( Rasmus Lerdorf ). Sorry about this.
also @DavidPacker explain "as long as it is done well" to a newbie. it is way simpler and less risky using composition by default
You are most likely going to need another table for that, @AniketSingh, a table mapping the content to a url. Or you can put it into the content table, if you expect an one-to-one relationship.
ok thanks
@Abe It is simple. If you extend a class, you are bound to provide the same public api in the child class the base class has. It does sound a lot like interface, and it's exactly that, except not. Because classes may also contain data. The base class may define some data, which should be overwritten by the child, giving it some specification, while also enabling you to use the base class yourself.
If you, on the other hand, want to extend a class and the child would NOT provide the same public API the base class has, inheritation is not the way to go, and you should use composition instead. Create a class which acts like a decorator and takes the base class as a dependency.
@DavidPacker okay thanks
@DavidPacker i was talking of the implications of having multiple "is a" definitions and applies to interfaces as well. you can extend a class as long you don't add functionality. you should only reimplement the existing functionality
Morning !!!1
Although that does not mean you should almost entirely forgot about inheritance. But I agree with your point that extending anything but an abstract class rarely makes sense.
@DavidPacker is a good idea to do it ?

class B {
function a() {
//do something
class A extends B {
function a() {
//add some more functionallity now
@DavidPacker for a beginner it is way better to learn about composition design rather than extending all the things randomly. like what i think @gtzinos was doing (extending a DAL class)
@gtzinos It depends on many factors. As long as the functionality is the same in both the class A and B, meaning you can expect similar results although the implementation might be different, you are set.
class A{ function getID(){}; }
class B extends A { /* adds functionality */ }
function foo(A $a){
    // is this the ID of "A being just A" or "A being one of the possible child classes the class A could have"?
so the moment you extend A you need to be actually sure you aren't distorting the original domain of the class A
you can add/reimplement functionality as long you don't misrepresent the original purpose of the first instantiable class in the hierarchy. this seems obvious but it's often not...
good mornings
is it just me, or is it difficult to understand what is being said there ?
is it gonna be fixed or not ?
If I read correctly... it won't be fixed.
I'd say no-fix, too from reading.
or more correct: no fix for 7.0.0 but immediate fix in 7.0.1.
will isset() accept isset(fn()) in future?
the reasoning seems to be that a ".0.0" version is not considered stable or at least not totally perfect.
@iroegbu if you think of PHP 7 as the future, it won't AFAIK.
@iroegbu But you can do this perhaps with empty which does support it since 5.5.0.
good normings
why does it have to snow
I presently use null === fn(), that's okay though... 3v4l.org/9kgG7 hhvm
@Epodax it doesn't snow where I'm from... you can migrate anytime, you are welcome.
meh, it just came suddenly, I haven't gotten my winter boots out
@Epodax I like snow, but driving a car in the winter is exhausting. Every year there's at least a whole week where the road maintenace is suddenly surprised the winter came after all before starting to salt the roads, so you can drive safely.
why are they surprised? They don't expect it to snow? Also, why don't they just salt before the snowing starts/becomes serious?
@iroegbu Nobody know, but that's just the way it works where I live. :D
morning all!
I don't mind the snow that much either as such, it's more the ice that follows and me having to walk quiet the bit to get home
@Epodax Drive by car... Problem is solved. No more walking. :D
Yea, sure, you'll give me your car?
Or pay for a new one? :P
@Epodax Are they those big, warm, brown fluffy ones? UGG boots?
@Jimbo What? No, proper boots, wander boots, or w.e they are called.
@Epodax Yeah, they're UGG boots. You should tell all your buddies about them, they're awesome
But my boots doesn't have fluff?
@Epodax I can give you a toy car, if that's enough.
someone trying phpstorm 9.5? how much php7 is supported so far?
So what are you guy up-to?
@DavidPacker No, it needs to be cable of taking in gas, and drive atleast, 50/km
@RNmalek Hi
I am using fckeditor to copy data from word and paste to fckeditor .when i am trying to copy paste image from ms word it do not show the image preview .it shows only the image covered area like a rectangle only. How can I prevent from this issue.
In that case I am afraid I won't be able to help you, @Epodax. Sorry.
@DavidPacker Not good enough :P You'll have to come drive me back and forth then!
@RNmalek maybe there is a problem in the image urls
@rnmalek check source on fckeditor
on inspect element how me the image
@RNmalek come again?
on inspect element show me the image
@RNmalek are you using fckeditor on localhost or on remote server.
When you embolden, italicise or underline a string, what would you name that modification?
Apart from "apply"? I'm looking for a nice method name
modify(string) is too vague
posted on November 23, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Pop */

moin moin
@Jimbo applyFormatting()
"black list" or "block list" ? (it is something like ignore list). So which one is true?
"Laravell" as listed MVC framework for this candidate
Also, !
@Jimbo what kind of formatting? html only?
@Shafizadeh You can't use "black list", that's racist.
@Abe Yep
@Jimbo emphasize?
@salathe ah, so it is block list. tnx :-)
@Shafizadeh Blacklist!
@salathe Lmao
what does the function do? searches for keywords and wraps them in html tags?
@PeeHaa LiggerNist
@Sean finally "black" or "block" ?
If you want to say it with a south efricen eccent, say it loike blick
Actually I want to say: "congratulation, you are on my ? list"
Blacklist = All except those on the list
Whitelist = Only those on the list
alright, tnx
Congrats, welcome to my liggernist!
Monday morning, room 11. Monday morning.
Breaking out the Christmas tunes early in the office.
@Jimbo I have already bought/wrapped/written all my cards and presents and am currently sitting here typing with a really smug font
So after 31 days of cumulative run time, and half a billion executions of the PHP7 binary, my fuzzers have reported another crash... I was kind of excited, until I boiled it down to the minimum reproduction case...
$s = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) {
    $$s .= $$s .= "Lt";
so the fuzzers have learned how to use variable variables
Wait a minute, how does two .= in one statement make any sense anyway?
fuzzers doing fuzzy things man
fuzzers gonna fuzz
But yea the length of ${''} goes 4,12,28,60 etc. Just an out of memory thing, not a crash after all... Dissapoint.
> Arriving tomorrow (Shipping today): Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words
I didn't even think ${''} was a legit thing.
It's a stupid thing, but it is legal
3v4l.org/Pjoig you can legit create a ...uhmmm... ninja variable
Just startled my colleagues.
"Why.. how.. what"
that's what ninjas do ^^
we should start using stuff like $♂ and $♀ for gender...
fuzzers created a lot of shit on my filesystem (guessing due to backtick operator) .. but wasn't expecting this during cleanup (yes I've read about switch named files before)
leigh@zaru:~$ rm *
rm: invalid option -- '�'
Try 'rm ./-����' to remove the file ‘-\377\200\377\377’.
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
There's no native way for a method like array map for an array of objects, calling the object method, right?
say each object has a method foo, there's no function which takes the array and a string and calls the method based on the string name for each object in the array.
no, but its like 5 lines tops to write one
yeah, thopught as much!
Hi rooom
any one help me for this problem : stackoverflow.com/questions/33867402/…
@NewCod3r Your original data only has 3 records in it, not 4
a:3: means "array with 3 elements"
@DaveRandom: but in have four image in i:0;s:12:"IMG_8090.jpg";i:1;s:10:"123123.png";i:2;s:14:"1438312037.png";i:3;s:18‌​:"IMG_8038.jpg";
@NewCod3r say your serialized string came from serialize($foo) then $foo[0] is an array with those four images
$list_show[] = array(
There are only 3 entries in that array
In fact, generally wtf
@DaveyShafik Yes, we could. I have thought about that before. I'd rather we just get rid of resources, though :p
When I get time I'm going to do a proof-of-concept objectification of cURL
Being able to set options as properties would make cURL-using code much less verbose and much nicer to read :)
Which sentence is the most correct in English "We will keep you informed in the next weeks." or should be : "We will keep you informed in the following weeks."
( I have to send out a cancelation email because of IS in Brussels )
Thanks! We will keep you informed in the following weeks. is ok then. :)
That is beautiful
How can I detect if a CNAME is used or not? ( I have to move a domain to a new host but I want to make sure the old cname is not in use anymore. )
@Jimbo you'd think his wife would figure out what was up rather quickly
@Duikboot gwhois.org
@Duikboot beware that DNS can take up to an hour to update, plan for that
@Andrea or do what people who are planning to change their DNS do, and lower the TTL in advance
Good idea
(if you have the ability to do so - not all providers will allow this)
Any good DNS host lets you set the TTL.
@Duikboot probably a bit late now, but if you are writing from a position of present tense (e.g. "I'm on a break at the moment but I'll keep you informed") then "coming weeks" might scan better. If you are writing in a definite future tense (e.g. "I'll do this next week and then keep you informed") then "following weeks" would be better.
@DaveRandom ping ;)
I have a field which is basically jsonb representing array of integer values. Now I want to select "where this field contains ALL of specified values". But this fails:
select id, categories from products where categories ?& array[4]
while this
select id, categories from products where categories ?& array['4']
returns empty result (obviously - numbers there are ints, not strings)
any ideas?
Docs says it's for right operand text[] only - so it can not work with int[] ?
I can't say I've ever tried to do this before, but that's how it looks in the docs, seems like a weird limitation, one sec I may have a work around
You can convert json to array and use array's operator <@ to check if one array is contained in another, but that's gonna be slow probably and not indexable
yeah, if possible I would like to go without such conversions
Why didn't you use array column type in the first place?
got it
select id, categories from products where categories @> '[4]'::jsonb;
this will be indexable as right operand is static
thanks for idea, @nikita2206
@AlmaDo this
and it works, yeah
Was trying to remember which weird meta-char combo @> was :-P
@DaveRandom dammit mail is already out :) but I used following :)
What do you call a system which handles sales, inventory and customers?
A Sales system?
good morning!
Sorta, but I want a more technical name common in the IT industry.
(My first professional project).
Howdy @Ocramius
The IT industry has called Sales Systems Sales Systems for a good many years
CutCo, EdgeCom, and Interslice all spring to mind.
Hi guys, where can I see the passed PHP 7 RFC's?
ah, nevermind... php-rfc-watch.beberlei.de
@HassanAlthaf ERP, maybe?
CRM is not the right thing here I guess?

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