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in the middle of application
@ripa If you're on a shared server, or there's multiple PHP applications on the same server, try setting session.save_path to a directory specifically just for your application. If multiple applications share the same session save_path, the lowest session garbage collection settings apply, which can cause other applications to remove your applications sessions.
@AllenJB yes I've multiple application in one server and they r using same login session
@ErikLandvall can you do a dump of var_dump($_SERVER); in the place where you think the error is occurring and pastebin it?
Mornin' all
@CSᵠ: You see an inconsistency in the vote count display, and your first conclusion / assumption is that the voting is rigged?
What is the programmatical definition of a scalar type?
I think I have a good idea of it, but don't know how to put it down into words.
@Sean They're known as primitive types in other langauges - docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/…
Makes total sense, thanks!
Is there any method to remove product from collection docs.shopify.com/api/customcollection
using shopify api?
@Danack That site is so awesome, is that live time data?
I believe so - I don't know how fast it refreshes.
... you now you have been spoiled, when you copy a 1.5GB file and are surprised that it's not copied in few seconds
Hi everyone
Haha, enjoy your wind down South!
What table structure is fine for storing [User's Viewed for each Post]?
is there a better way to generate an (relatively) unique integer out of a variable length string? $seedInit = hexdec(substr(md5($this->ident . $this->mainSeed), -8)) & 0x7fffffff;
@chozilla any of the sha functions...
Q: What is the structure of “viewed” table in SO?

ShafizadehI want to store the number of user's viewed for each post. There is two approach: One: Storing each view as a separated row Id | UserId_IP | PostId | DateTime ---+-----------+--------+-----------+ 1 | | 54324 | 1445898101 // for example 2 | 124432 | 54324 | 1465838202 /...

@Danack isnt sha creating bigger numbers and take more time?
yes, and no. And I actually meant php.net/manual/en/function.hash.php with "sha256".
Hashing is really really fast....unless you're doing megabyte strings there probably wouldn't be a noticeable difference between it and md5.....
@Danack so ok but i had to do everything else as well still.. the hexdec and the bitmask?
....I misread that bit....
@Danack I mean i can use any hashing thing. problem is I throw away half of it and then generate an Int.
@Danack i would think that a hash that generates a smaller sized output might have a bigger variance. but i totally guess.
Sha should have a more uniform distribution....but there will be very little practical difference.
but i dont know if you only look at the last byte of the sha if that is still the case.
@Danack normalizing the array before list(...)=$array is much more sane than adding defaults. I'm going -1 on this too.
@marcio I don't like it either
The idea is not unreasonable, but for me it just subjectively hurts readability
And if we ever get around to allowing destructuring of non-indexed array list("foo" => $bar = "baz") = is gonna be damn confusing
@Danack I can, but I solved the problem now and don't wanna waste more time on it. I can point it out in the code on github if you like to try and see the issue. The response 501 response came from a different part of the code that never should be triggered. I changed this line: github.com/erik-landvall/tmp/blob/master/component/portal/src/… to trigger a fatal error instead of setting the header.
No status code was set and no error was thrown, poved to me that php is fucking broken.
Changed the design to handle status codes differently and it now works..
@ErikLandvall you mean you set the status once, continued processing, and then set a different status code later?
@Danack no, that instance was never initiated
The rep I linked to has a configured docker container in it if you wanna see it for your self
Yeah......voluntarily touch Apache? I think not.
Feel free to open a bug report then...
501 doesn't come from PHP unless you manually set it somewhere, for more likely an Apache internal redirect was triggered to a route with no handler or something
@NikiC the readability looks ok until 2 level nesting (nesting can make any single liner looks less readable anyway). The main -1 factor is that it's much harder to know when the array being destructured is fine or if you're hitting the list() defaults by accident.
@DaveRandom yes, this has been explained and where it's set. But that part of the code shouldn't have been triggered.
@marcio I don't think we're disagreeing in how to vote - but I strongly disagree with "looks ok until 2" as this:
list($a=say_hello(), $b=$name."7.0") = [1];
Is write-only code.
@ErikLandvall You need a stack trace then ;-)
btw @tereško, a draw I believe.
@DaveRandom No, you not following the problem, ther's no error, If I do an exit right before where the 501 is set, it still sets the 501 header... that part of the code is never triggered. As stated, it's impossible, but take a look if you doubt me :)
@Danack that looks uncomfortable for code review, yes, and usually that constant array [1] is an indirect $var so it doesn't get any better.
@ErikLandvall Then I would personally crank Apache logging up to max and double check that it really is PHP that is exiting with a 501 code set. 501 is a fairly rare error code in the real world, but it's possible that Apache is doing something weird because of some other element of the data PHP sent back to it. Failing that, there must be something else that is executing after you terminate PHP (a fatal error will bypass stuff like shutdown_function and outstanding finally blocks)
I'll also say this while we're agreeing.....so I can reference it at another time.
The thing I value most in features for a language are those that make debugging be easy. If you're stepping through code in a debugger and reach that line, to figure out what is going to happen before clicking step-over for that line, is going to take way more time than if it was broken into several lines.
@Danack looks that way
@DaveRandom If I chenge the code to 400 or what ever in that function, the repsonse changes with it. I just tried it again, if I add an exception right before that part of the code, the code works as expected... but given that the status code is change.. it should trow the exeption... I don't have any try-catch for the \Exception instance. But to be safe, I tested with a simple exit('foo').. same result
@Machavity lmao
@ErikLandvall when nothing makes sense... for me it is usually a problem with some opcodecache.
@nikita2206 I noticed you removed the T_*_CAST from the patch, did we finally agree to drop the feature? :D
is opcache working correctly in php-7.0-rc7?
@FlorianMargaine yes, just don't expect it to be fully functional along with phpdbg
@marcio I actually dropped it once you found that issue with ( integer )1 kind of crazy casts
I guess it's related to dotdeb then
it doesn't generate an opcache.ini
what did i do? suddenly everyone talks about the opcache >_<
@nikita2206 well, I know it's a bummer but unless we decide to insist and create a token for each case we should drop it.
@NikiC don't know, we write that syntax do that with arrays too…
@marcio by it you mean nameless parameters?
@NullPoiиteя o/
@nikita2206 yes, sure, just the nameless param
@bwoebi huh?
@NikiC I mean, ["foo" => $bar = "baz"] is valid syntax too… and not too confusing, IMO.
@FlorianMargaine should --enable-opcache really enable opcache or just make it available to be enabled?
@marcio the latter. You still have to include it via your php.ini.
As it's a shared extension…
@bwoebi It's valid, but nobody writes that and it is confusing...
@bwoebi ok, everything seems to be all right then.
@NikiC ask Daniel…
@ErikLandvall I don't have the tools or time to test it atm but I've bookmarked this transcript page and I'll try and take a look in the next couple of days :-)
@marcio found the issue, dotdeb has --disable-opcache
@marcio you mean to remove this callable(T) and instead only allow callable(T $v)? Nooo, I mean we already have const STRING =""; foo(STRING); issue and it's ok. I'm for fixing tokenization issue though, but I doubt I understand bison well enough to do this
@nikita2206 What's callable()?
@HassanAlthaf it's a pseudo-type, anything that is a function or references a function
Oh, any variable that is a function or refers to a function comes inside it, but what does it do? Call it?
@HassanAlthaf it's used in function declaration, when you want to assert that one of the parameters is callable: function foo(callable $cb) {}
@FlorianMargaine btw, --enable-opcache-file is nice
; php-cli.ini
^ made some diff for me
@nikita2206 But isn't Closure an option too? Or are they two different?
@HassanAlthaf callable includes other things other than Closure
@HassanAlthaf callable includes Closure and also other means of passing functions: ["ClassName", "staticMethodName"] for example
Oh, whats different between them?
@HassanAlthaf Closure is a subset of callable
I see.
I'm assuming there are some formats of passing the data to obey the callable type hint?
Where could I see those?
@marcio why?
@FlorianMargaine composer...
Wtf, isn't PeeHaa in the election?
> You can use 'self::methodName' as a callable, but this is dangerous. Consider this example:
@marcio ah, cli can use that?
@MadaraUchiha Good luck with the elections. +1
@FlorianMargaine yup, but you need "opcache.enable_cli=1" ofc
Node.js is dope. ;)
@HassanAlthaf Heathen! Readies pitchfork.
Don't you know where you are? You're in the world of programming now, you simply cannot like more than one programming language, on punishment of endless arguments and being labelled an impurist!
"Including taint as a first class feature" - does anyone have anything sensible to reply to that, other than 'meh' ?
@Sean Now, now. We don't use pitchforks in Room 11. We prefer drawing and quartering with elephpants
@Danack something about taint requiring context and being unreliable? meh
@Sean Wait, I'm not a Heathen. What do you need a pitchfork for? :(
Which platform is better to temporary use as a backup for my C:/ drive?
I'm about to format my PC, and not sure if I should upload the contents to dropbox, google drive or even a VPS.
How much storage are we talking?
Web related content is less than 20GB, but the laptop is full currently at 250GB, including movies, music, tutorial videos ..
Can get 1TB for $10/mo but IMO you'd be better off buying like a 1TB HDD
It's only for a couple of hours actually, until I format and dust the laptop, because I don't have any hard disk :\
try Dropbox. They have a free trial IIRC
Another candidate. Front page reads like a graduate. Flip the cover, 10 years exp.
I don't think they have anything other than a business plan @Machavity
keeps asking for company name and such
I could buy a VPS for $20 upload backup, download and get at-least $18 back within hours.
try Amazon S3 then
@samayo You gonna upload so much GB of data?!
Yeah, I guess. I wasn't planing on it, but the laptop is on the verge on shutting down for good, unless I format and clean it asap.
I'd recommend an external HDD. You can transfer data fast, and then you can work on fixing it. ;]
Yeah, unfortunately I'm saving to buy a new laptop
Can anyone think of a single word that represents the idea of "A thing that stands by itself" aka "a first class entity"?
er other than 'standalone' obviously.....something cooler....
CONSTASthesaurs standalone
ah, screw it.
off to buy an external hard drive
lol have fun @samayo
@samayo "screw it" means "it does not matter, let it go" ?
@stack it means reluctant acceptance
primordials cool....but not quite what I need.
@samayo Just buy a cheap Ext. HDD, you can get one for like $50. -_-
@chozilla thought so as well, so I deactivated it by adding opcache.enable = off in the ini file. Confirmed it with phpinfo()
@HassanAlthaf I'm surprised you think $50 is cheap, but anyways this is Switzerland. Nothing is cheap
@ErikLandvall you definitely should report that as a bug then....it seems crazy.
Oh, and if someone instantly closes it with "We need a simpler reproduce script", please ping me and I'll shout at them remind them not to do that.
@Danack ok, I have a look at it this weekend or when ever I get some time over, way behind because of my fixation yesterday :)
@samayo It's much more cheaper than paying subscription fees to online cloud storage services + internet costs to upload and download.
Hi Anyone know how to parse
{"test":["[Harbhajan singh-1, Zaheer Khan-0]","[Nehra-1]","[]","[]"]}
in php? I want to get Harbhajan singh,Zaheer Khan,Nehra
@AshishJain the outer part looks like JSON, so json_decode() and some regex for the values.
@ThW Yes you are right can you tell me how to get value before (-) means what method or regex I have to apply?
@AshishJain What have you tried?
Anyone experiencing problems with AWS at the moment? (eu-west)
Leigh - yup..... trying to access github from one of my EC2s and getting timeouts
Roger, cheers
Composer update is running pretty slowly as well
Connectivity in EU-WEST-1 Region

We are investigating elevated packet loss between some Internet destinations and the EU-WEST-1 Region. An external facility providing some connectivity to the EU-WEST-1 Region has experienced power loss. We are working with the service provider to mitigate impact and restore power.
Ah it's been updated since I last checked. Last check I did was packet loss on the Direct Connect service
ec2 down == feet up
They really don't go out of their way to make it obvious when they're having issues.
gizoogle.net/textilizer.php Love it! The tool to become a real internet gangster!
for you, aswell.
@Maurize wth? :D
hi!! quick question.. given that someone did php for like 2 years or so .. when php 5.4 just launched .. not professionally ... if he wants to come back and catchup what should he do?
@argentum47 Install composer, get a beer.
oh cool .. like bundler in RoR
and I see some search engine's codes are written in perl .. not sure why would anyone do that... but I have to learn atleast some perl
@argentum47 [citation needed]
You're going to need more than 1 beer.
I'm planning on splitting everything between Dublin and Frankfurth anyway, and London when it's online.... so I guess this helps justify my case to the business
@argentum47 Isn't that just a plugin?
@argentum47 5.6 isn't terribly different from 5.4. But 7.0 will be significantly different
@Machavity not really....
um I don't actually know what they are there are 3 or 4 of such things like zeroclick-goodies -longtail -fathead and they all are used by ddg in their search .. but ironically I don't see any of those codes which does those stemming and indexing and ranking stuff which I read are required to build a search engine
The search engine does indeed actually run on php 0.5
> The search engine is written in Perl
@argentum47 I thought it didn't do indexing themselves? Or did that change?
I do not know that part ..
IIRC they are just a front for different services
@Danack I think for old school people they'll be confused (initially) by type hints
oh i see.
They aren't mandatory, and they work very similar to how the class types work....it's not like other languages major breaking changes...
how will learning perl help me as a programmer!! at this point in my life I am actually also trying to improve on fields like how I can better structure my codes, so that I can keep things modular, keep the lines of code less and also write better code (that better code part is very confusing to me, because there are people who look at a code and say they are elegant, groovy and etc, and I never seem to get that feeling, so I guess at first I have learn elegant vs non-elegant code)
btw Code is a collective noun - it's inherently plural, so doen't need an 's'.
one mistake :P
Can be spelled with a z though: give me teh codez
> if the answer is goto, you're almost certainly asking the wrong question
How should I structure my workflow so I can recover from a recoverable exception without thinking about using a goto?
    try {
        //throws E_NOT_FATAL
    } catch (E_NOT_FATAL $ex) {
        // would return to the try with different params
[RESOLVED] Connectivity in EU-WEST-1 Region

Between 5:40 AM and 8:20 AM PST we experienced elevated packet loss between some Internet destinations and the EU-WEST-1 Region. An external facility providing connectivity between some Internet destinations and the EU-WEST-1 Region experienced power loss. This issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier put whoever says goto's are inherently bad on ignore and get on with more important stuff.
But why do you think you need to use a goto for that?
Probably because of my bad design. I've a lot of things going in the try block, and I find myself almost copying the thing in the catch block
reinstantiating everything is troublesome
@FélixGagnon-Grenier en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_programming - GOTO is not required for solve code tasks. It's is math proof.
@Onedev.Link functions aren't required to solve code tasks. It's kind of a pain to not use them though.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier why can't you structure it like:
$attempts = ['data1', 'data2'];
$exceptions = [];
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {

	try {
	catch (Exception $e) {
		//store the exception
		$exceptions[] = $e;
    //We failed, do something with $exceptions
Don't care.
Using GOTO demonstration: coub.com/view/97htx
oh yes, this seems really better @Danack
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Make sure that exceptions is necessary. They should used only when an unexpected situation happens.
Anyone ever used a decent comment system? I don't need much, I just need to be able to associate comments to specific items in my db, edit comments, delete comments, basic stuff etc.
@Danack yeah… functions really are just a scoped goto…
@Machavity starting to regret the backup :\ i.sstatic.net/cTpjf.jpg
Not sure why I thought it was possible to transfer data @ 100MB/s
why are you using Windows95... Bill will be diappointed :P
most times, it's not about the [total] size of what you are moving but the number... if you were copying movies, it'll be a lot faster
Ah, I didn't know. Right now, I am moving web files, php libraries .. There is above 150GB left mostly movies, video tutorials ..
I wander how long all will take
Sheesh, everyone and their dog is releasing guides and books on upgrading to PHP 7.
@LeviMorrison I'm about to release one myself :P
I wish there'll suddenly be a need to change the name to PHP X (or something)...
PHP 7 books will go the same way as PHP 6 did... :D
@samayo USB 2.0?
I bought WD Elements 1TB
It was the cheapest I could find
yeah, those are stupid cheap now
Good thing is, I only needed it so I can format this laptop and get a little more speed.
if it makes you feel better, online backup would have been much slower
Guys i need some help with twitter autocomplete
gizoogle.net/textilizer.php Ludd dat shiznit son! Da tool ta become a real internizzle thug!
@Maurize fixed^^
Q: Twitter Typeahead library - autocomplete feature not working when implemented using php. json and ajax

Rizwan AhmedI tried to implement the auto complete feature by using the twitter typeahead library and it doesn't work. Here is my code: HTML Form code: <html> <head> <title>Ajax Search Box using PHP and MySQL</title> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"> ...

please look into this guys !
> please look tha fuck into dis muthafuckas !
there goes mah productivitizzle fo' tha day
@FélixGagnon-Grenier : Can you look into that problem buddY ?
Web application architecture question ...
@Francis actually it is related to php and ajax
Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I don't straight-up know dem jquery plugins
guys i need help on wordpress theme. I tried to upload content in website but Changes only show up when I'm logged in.
@jeevankumar : Can you please elaborate ?
I'm planning on writing a forum and I want it to be as fast as possible. Would it be a good idea to use static pages and then add the dynamic features using PHP and Javascript? Specifically user login-registration, should I generate a token when they login and keep the token for 10 mins then make them generate a new one for security? The token would be stored as a cookie that is passed as an argument in each AJAX request. Is this insecure?
@Francis You want to create a forum ?
Custom forum software
I want to minimise the amount of PHP / MySQL requests so that I could upload the static pages to AWS Cloudfront for example.
@Francis I would suggest you to go with PHPBB , mybb , etc why do you want to reinvent the wheel buddy ?
@RizwanAhmed Thanks for your opinion :) But PHPBB etc ... all require Apache to do extra work with each request. I want the fastest forum possible. Does my idea sound insecure?
@RizwanAhmed when i update some content in wordpress site. I can see latest updated changes when i am logged in as admin but once logout I cant see the latest changes. It will take long time to see all changes for the users. I removed all cache files from theme folder and added no cache in .htaccess file and wp-config file . still its not working please help me on this
@Francis : Buddy, I am not a professional php programmer I am just a beginer and I have used phpbb for 3 years so I suggested you :)
@iroegbu I looked at Discourse but I want the forum to run off of a cPanel server because I'd like to make it open source and I'd like it to be as accessible as possible. :)
@RizwanAhmed No problem :)
@jeevankumar : What kind of changes did u do ? Did you change the theme ? Did u install any plugin ? Did you change any code in the theme ?
@RizwanAhmed just i modified some content in pages.
@jeevankumar You mean wordpress theme file ?
@RizwanAhmed yes
@jeevankumar Okay so it depends on how you edited the files did you use the inbuilt wordpress theme editor or you externally edited the theme ?
@RizwanAhmed its inbuilt wordpress theme editor. I can see my latest changes after 2 hours of page updation.
@jeevankumar : It is clear that it is due to your cache problem clear your browser cache go into incognito mode and see whether the changes have been applied and reset your .htaccess code
@RizwanAhmed yes i agree. I tried all possible ways still I am facing the same issue
/me double checks whether he entered the correct room
@jeevankumar : Did u try to install a plugin called wp-super cache and try it once again !
@PeeHaa Hi preehaa I need ur help mate !
@RizwanAhmed ok i will try now
suttin' different? @PeeHaa
Q: Twitter Typeahead library - autocomplete feature not working when implemented using php. json and ajax

Rizwan AhmedI tried to implement the auto complete feature by using the twitter typeahead library and it doesn't work. Here is my code: HTML Form code: <html> <head> <title>Ajax Search Box using PHP and MySQL</title> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"> ...

@FélixGagnon-Grenier Looked like vamp country
yeah, we gots infested wit playas wantin ta invent freshly smoked up forum thangs
Nobody else survived?
To shreds you say?
@RizwanAhmed I tried and checked with wp-super cache plugin. still problem is not resolved.Is their any other way ?
@RizwanAhmed Sorry to say that but this question is bad, you need to debug it and localize the problem. Is it in JS or PHP, is the request URL correct, whats the input and output of the php script, does the external url called in the PHP script work as expected, ...
stackoverflow.com/q/33765965/508666 I would say we have enough dupes already of that
And flag this one while you are at it stackoverflow.com/questions/33766211/…
Mentally hitting my head against a wall
user image
There are times that I think Snoop Dog should be a programming language
user image
I give up
good idea. no seriously, when it doesn't work, give up, my mother always said.
well I don't know what else to do...
I don't either, sorry :p
you might?...
Omg. I just got my first message from a headhunter on careers.so.... they must be pretty desperate
> Your stack overflow profile stuck out when I was searching through the DB based on your experience with PHP, HTML, Javascript, CSS and SQL.
so you probably can help
what's your problem?
something so stupid
do you really want to help me out for a bit?
....please don't try and get people to commit to helping you.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier lol
@PeeHaa on the bright side, they seem to have money (some law firm)...
@benlevywebdesign do you have a SPECIFIC question?
Yes, kinda
.... kinda write it down and push enter?
I have two tables, right. Table project_requests has a list of projects in it. The second table project_comments has user comments that associate with certain projects.
I am able to display the correct comments for a project on my page where I manually added the comments and projectID to my database.
I have an edit comment form that works as it should and updates correctly.
damn, three hours and counting to back up my laptop
Now when I want to add a comment to a project through my comment form I can't seem to figure out how to use the id of the project from the project_requests table as the projectID in my project_comments table.
not sure if I understand correctly, but you would add it as a hidden field in your comment form when generating the form
after that, on form submission the project id is in your post request
Yes, I would do that. I have been trying that!
but its not working
well, that general way of doing things certainly works. as to why yours doesn't, one can wonder. have you verified that on form submission you really get the id, etc etc?
When I go to the page of the project that I want to make a comment on the url looks something like: projectdetails.php?id=11 where 11 is the id of the project. I don't think it is taking that and putting it into the hidden field as the projectID though
use the console. can you see your hidden field with the correct value in it?
I can see the hidden field but it doesn't show the value...thats where I'm lost
$sql = "SELECT * FROM project_comments WHERE  projectID='$id'";
that's not the code at fault, even though it is
what's the code making your hidden field's html
What's going on in NL atm @PeeHaa
<input type="hidden" name="projectID" value="<?php echo $projectID ?>"/>
well, chances are $projectID actually doesn't contain the project id. how is it defined?
$projectID doesn't magically gets defined from projectdetails.php?id=11
you have to do something like $projectID = filter_input(INPUT_GET,'id',FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
(or simply $projectID = $_GET['id']; if you're lazy)
i sell garlic in case you need some
got me there
I'll take countermeasures
Really...ugh if after all it was just that I didn't say $GET['id']; and I said $GET['projectID'];
> well, chances is $projectID straight-up don't contain tha project id. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! how tha fuck is it defined?
somehow that gangsta translation was strangely accurate
Ok that fixes one part...
Now I need to fix my insert I think...
@benlevywebdesign the superglobals start with an underscore
Well, think of the way I tried to debug your thing and apply it to the other part
@ThW thats what I meant!
ask yo ass, what tha fuck would some intelligent thug ask me if they was ta try n' debug mah shit
pastebin.com/pKpXscqH < insert code
looks like it should work
@benlevywebdesign and how should we know that?
@benlevywebdesign this $projectID = $_GET['projectID']; is still wrong
> $projectID doesn't magically gets defined from projectdetails.php?id=11
no because its now in my hidden form field
or is that still not right
> @benlevywebdesign this $projectID = $_GET['projectID']; is still wrong
> $projectID doesn't magically gets defined from projectdetails.php?id=11
its now in my hidden form field
$projectID = $_GET['id'];
@benlevywebdesign the developer tools of your browser can show you what was sent.
ok something has to be up with my insert code now then...
@Abe I'll take that garlic. You take visa?
only american express, i'm sorry :D
projectcomment:<p>Test comment is here!</p>
This is what my browser said when I clicked the comment button
The submit part looks odd to me...
OMFing insert who ever you pray to
I was missing a Fing ) to close off the values line
so basically 1. you didn't use the right key for the get and 2. you missed a ) in your sql?
do you have any kind of error_reporting on?
you should have 1. received a notice that $_GET['projectID'] was undefined 2. received an error from mysql telling you the syntax was wrong

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