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2:00 PM
so, smart_str is the only way to go here?
that's what I'm referring to when I say "hack the ast and compiler and leave the lexer and parser alone".
@bwoebi Or preprocess the message
It's probably better to just drop nul bytes from it (or replace with \0)
Otherwise it's doing to mess up tooling
who knows if loggers can deal with nul bytes
they should… at least these in PHP :-D
reading up on the new php 7 features
What is the difference between the `??` operator and elvis: `?:` (http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.new-features.php#migration70.new-features.null-coalesce-op)
function array_map(
    callable($value, key $key) $f,
    array $array
): array;
2:03 PM
What's key?
@marcio it's not that trivial and you'll probably get shift reduce conflicts there (when trying to branch between T_STRING in expr and your custom cast rule)
@Andrea you don't want to make it behave exactly as interfaces because it would make it impossible to pass a "function(){}" into an arglist like "function(callable($a, $b) $callback){...}". The objective of a callable type is to know when a callable is safe to execute before executing it, not reject it if the signature is not 100% compatible according to the current interface rules.
@NikiC While we're on that subject changing the lex_pos to LANG_SCNG(yy_text) - LANG_SCNG(yy_start); doesn't appear to have any negative effects (no segfaults during make test) - and that removes the issue of leaking address space details
@bwoebi we already have this issue with "const string='foo'; foo(string);" It doesn't cause a shift reduce, just a syntax error AFAIK.
(it requires you to use \)
@marcio that's because T_STRING T_STRING_CAST is not a valid production … which is a lexer level issue… but when you bring it to ast, we'll have a shift/reduce
2:05 PM
@Leigh It makes it slightly more fragile, but I'm okay with that
Found out the only difference was the E_NOTICE flag :P wiki.php.net/rfc/isset_ternary
Though I'm a bit surprised there were no test failures from that. I would have expected a create_function-in-a-loop test to fail
@bwoebi I have a strange impression it would work... let me check that.
(not distrusting you, just double checking)
@ErikLandvall no, falsy vs null
@ErikLandvall the one is checking for truth, the other for not null.
2:07 PM
@Andrea we need trailing commas!
testing next line by enter


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
PeeHaa: Thanks! And yes, this is my very first time on the SO chat :-)
so I guess RC7 was tagged
2:11 PM
@NikiC The other option was to change zend_generate_anon_class_name to sprintf lex_pos - LANG_SCNG(yy_start) - that keeps lex_pos the same, but feels really wrong to pull lexer state into the compiler function
unset removes declared properties. FTR, I thought it just set null.
@nikita2206 I just realized the cast tokens also match with tabs and spaces
:s gotta 3< these tokens
3v4l.org/Y4Wel << @Andrea I'm going to agree with you, it's not worth the effort
@DanLugg Congrats! Now, find a use for the (unset) cast :P
2:28 PM
@DanLugg it's certainly an error 3v4l.org/LalmV because this sux hairy ballz and doesn't make sense at all
@Abe thanks for endorsing the WP uninstall
best wordpress plugin ever!
@Abe I can't think of any situation where this would be useful. What exactly is that?
sure but why would you want to enforce that the returned callable is a method of the current class?
why not just call the method instead or ask for function pointers.
2:36 PM
it's an example... could be a method of any class
but ok nvm, it's not that important, clearly
hey PeeHaa life good to you, lately?
@marcio ah it means I can't just "remove parens around int" and instead I need to do more magic? (by magic I mean to parse this shit manually)
2:43 PM
Freelance work offer undercut and accepted by colleague
feels bad man
@nikita2206 yes, time to drop this feature? It is a good idea in theory, but seems impracticable for now. Not our fault, just poor design decisions from the past.
@RonniSkansing Busy but good
You back yet?
Or or you sipping your whiskey next to the pool as we speak?
2:57 PM
@marcio tbh I really dislike the version of callable with named params, I'd rather release it as is, just put a backslash and it'll work, just like with consts
So changing T_*_CAST tokens to '(' something ')' will be impossible?
By the way, stripping whitespace from lexing/parsing seems like a bad idea.
Whitespace would allow you to disambiguate some things quite easily.
Well, I guess not a 'bad idea', just one that removes some usefulness.
@nikita2206 we still would need to sanitize things, even if we get rid of the casting hell
tbh, we are already doing weird string checks, like checking if the last segment of a namespace is a scalar type... but adding even more of it... IDK
I still don't know why you guys don't feel like including me in function signatures >.<
I like dogs more
3:06 PM
@LeviMorrison what do you mean, cat? You'd like to participate more?
Being serious you're welcome
ok, the RFC was expanded a little more. I'm still struggling to make better examples.
I started talking about this idea back in April.
eigh, I started in December :P
it would be so nice if we had a button to click and execute the PHP code from the examples in the RFCs.
Yes, it would. It would be costly too.
3:10 PM
Does 3v4l.org supports embedding?
@nikita2206 So what about signatures where you care about arity but not types?
@Abe I'm more bothered by the problems it could cause if we move away from resources
@LeviMorrison they're also supported, you just have to give each parameter a name then
type Comparator = callable($first, $second): int;
type IsLess = callable($first, $second): bool;
So you are saying you can't mix them like so: callable(Type, $value)?
@Leigh was thinking the same. The big one is streams, but that'd be a significant undertaking, I think. How about ext/curl? We could add some niceties there with objects, e.g. $curl[CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD] = TRUE; ^^
3:15 PM
Or did I misunderstand you?
@marcio well, I've wondered about that...
@LeviMorrison you can
@DanLugg unset() deletes variables, (unset) gives you NULL
(I am pretty sure it's called (unset) only so it wouldn't break e.g. var_dump(null);)
@Andrea 3v4l.org/LalmV this doesn't look fine to me...
@Abe being able to remove defined properties... I mean, it's silly, but is it a bug?
3:19 PM
Thanks @NikiC (when you're next online here) for your PHP Parser, it's made my life a whole lot easier over the last couple of days
property_exists says it exists, but then you get a notice?
ah, yeah
unset() always deletes, it doesn't set to null. Trying to unset a defined property should be a fatal
Fatal and a punch in the face
You can't unset static properties, but you also can't add undefined ones, so: 3v4l.org/RYW8H
@Andrea It can remove formally defined properties? I'd say that's a bug, myself.
That can't work on internal classes anyway.
3:23 PM
@LeviMorrison yeah
@Abe 3v4l.org/LfN0l I'm guessing that the code is incorrectly looking at the class rather than the object....
@LeviMorrison oh god
@Andrea Yea streams is ... daunting. sockets also. GD and cURL would be big ones, or, do a whole bunch of small ones; hash, zip, zlib, fileinfo
Just lump it into the "make user and internals more similar" category of bug fixes.
@Leigh oh god gd, I really want that to be an object
if only so I can stop typing f@$&#ing image
@LeviMorrison or segfault fix
3:24 PM
Any people experienced with Laravel 5.1 and Eloquent?
@Danack bleah... :(
you could definitely fuck up PHP with this
let's see...
@Andrea They probably have an unset handler, yeah?
@LeviMorrison maybe
@Leigh imagine: new Gd(...);
Just need to find one that doesn't, eh?
3:25 PM
@LeviMorrison I need to lookup that segfault with Closure::call
Segfaults With Internal Classes, Episode V: (The) Andrea Strikes Back
@Andrea that's why it comes under daunting, what to do with all the createfrom*
I guess the first step would be to make it non-instantiable, and have the functions return the object instead of the resource, a la GMP, and go from there
I want to ask about routing, I use Aura Router in my project, and I need to define a route with arbitrary parameters, like this:
The documentation on the project's main page does not specify, how to do that, the closest feature I have
found is Optional Parameters: https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Router#optional-params
but it says how to specify a route only as a sequence of tokens separated by slashes, like this:
3:42 PM
@Leigh that's the starting point yeah
@user3198882 query parameters wouldn't be part of the routing...
@MarkBaker what are you doing with? :)
eventually it can be a MySQLi-style hybrid
You would need to have a single route of /controller/action/ and then check the parameters are valid in the controller.
@user3198882 maybe you can use a wildcard and use $router->getAttributes('param2') to fetch the values
3:45 PM
@NikiC Parsing and modifying Laravel configuration code dynamically on deployment
@NikiC - basically parsing nested arrays in config files, modifying specific values, then rewriting the file with the new values
@samayo Oh, I see now, but it means, that I should sanitize them manually?
@user3198882 yes, you can't have the best of both worlds :)
@samayo Right, so the router actually shouldn't do any sanitizing job, and it's only goal is to match slash-separated part of url. And all the stuff about it, different modes, options, etc. - are only about, in other words, site tree setup ?
@samayo And therefore, Router term plays great in Separation of Concerns
Well, in some sense the router does support sanitizing, as it will only filter and return content for the matched URIs. It won't return urls with script tags unless you tell it too. But, generally Yes. The sanitizing should be done somewhere else.
posted on November 11, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by SynxS */

3:53 PM
/dat capitalization.
@samayo Ok, yes, my tokens like [0-9a-z] in the router setup are not for sanitizing actually, it's just a side effect. Ok, then looks like my next step is to go look for a sanitizer, perhaps, Aura project has it too. Thank you! :-)
@samayo * sorry, not tokens, but token matcher setup regexes
@user3198882 google respect\validation
3:58 PM
There is a library like that to help you sanitize anything
@Andrea Is there a way to dynamically create unicode code points using the new escape syntax? I.e. Something like: echo "\u{$hex}";
@user3198882 check out the doc part, here is a simple example for string github.com/Respect/Validation/blob/master/docs/StringType.md
@samayo the numbers of commits, branches, releases and contributors are great, looks like I'll go with this library
@SammyK IntlChar::chr($codepoint)
4:04 PM
@Abe Thanks but I'm trying to achieve this specifically with the new Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax in PHP 7 :)
yep but i don't think it's possible
would be nice to have though
@SammyK nope, but if you're desparate there's eval(). Encoding UTF-8 is super simple though, you could do it yourself in about 20 lines. Wikipedia has sample code (which I used for the patch)
Or indeed on a napkin.
> checkstyle 1 (-96)
one. ONE.
Ugh, extra new line between last class method and closing class brace.
@Andrea Coolio -thanks! :)
4:19 PM
There was sample code. It's been removed :<
@MarkBaker That sounds ugly ^^
Anyone know why PDepend is showing totally decoupled classes as instability 1 and abstraction 0? O.o
Playing with the new unicode codepoint escape syntax in PHP 7. TIL var_dump() loves it; 200*3 = 1809. Close enough. https://t.co/du6YWKd5e5
I love seeing emoji in my terminal :)
Emoji tend to format weirdly in monospace environments
Yeah, the snowflake is getting up in my snowman's business
4:27 PM
@SammyK Now submit a PR to use emojis for PHPUnit's test results. :-)
@kelunik That would be lovely!
My blog uses emoji for seasons: blog.ajf.me
No Unicode escapes in the code, though. I used the characters directly
@Andrea My Chrome (on 10.11.1) can't display summer and winter emoji <.<
4:30 PM
@bwoebi Samezies
Oh, you're both on OS X? Sounds like Chrome just sucks then
@kelunik booo, no colors
4:31 PM
No OS X.
@kelunik nice :)
fine on Firefox and Safari, for me
maybe Chrome just can't handle non-BMP emoji?!
Chromium btw.
Just encountered this mess pastebin.com/qgJ3qiES
There's got to be a better way of doing this
4:34 PM
@bwoebi Did you file a bug report for exceptions with null bytes now?
@kelunik no
I'll do that now then.
@Sean do they not know about ::${...} ?
@Andrea Whoever wrote it uses eval to convert an array path string into php. That was my first thought
E.g. foo.bar.baz becomes '['foo']['bar']['baz']', then passed into eval('$array' . $path)
why the eval?
4:40 PM
@Sean I'd explode it and walk each element, using $ptr = &$ptr[$next]; so you could tell where an index wasn't set
yea, stop cramping the lines and write a few more lines of code, the code is a cognitive disaster
Well I'm attempting to refactor, the best solution I have so far is to go recursive, pretty much what @Leigh has said
But yeah, that code isn't great. I'm really not happy about seeing it lmao. This class is full of similar ones.
@Sean Avoid recursive with references
Well, your idea of array_walk pretty much stops the recursive part.
I was going to down the while path but that seems like a better choice
@Sean Not array_walk, your own walk. 3v4l.org/8C4J2
4:47 PM
Did someone say walkabout?
@rdlowrey morning :-P
@rdlowrey morning
4:51 PM
@rdlowrey I'm pushing tons of work into Aerys and you're sooooo lazy! :o(
Dude, I'm so not lazy
I'm just busy
Yeah, I'm busy too with procrastinating, yeah…
I'm busy a lot recently too
4:54 PM
^ busy
I … I see…
that is awesome
Your little netbook thing is at a funny angle, that must be annoying
@Leigh is Ark as good as it looks?
4:56 PM
@rdlowrey Bloody epic
I'm after one of those remote control USB ones
@rdlowrey 'Murika?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It looks beautiful, and it's fun if you can be satisfied with the slow progression of survival games. You don't get access to things instantly, it's a lot of work to even build a small shelter that doesn't get stomped easily
@rdlowrey Stupid LightDM ;-P
that looks about right in my tastes, thx :)
@Leigh Thanks for that by the way, understood what you meant from that ^^
4:59 PM
@Sean no problem, it's a pattern I use quite a lot
@Jimbo I've always fancied one of the bows
@Leigh Cross|Long ?
I bought that nerf gun yesterday
Considered getting the bazooka
Comes in handy at work, I suspect?
Yep, that's the only use-case for nerf in my life.
5:01 PM
@Jimbo hah, if they did a longbow that was the correct dimensions, definitely that.
But you don't have any code to compile, so when do you use it? :-)
@LeviMorrison (When coworkers break the build)
@Leigh Pretty sure at least bows and crossbows exist
@rdlowrey that looks like m705 mouse
omg, why oh why did I have to learn of the existence of nerf this morning. at least christmas is coming
5:06 PM
I want to it does not echo true (because it is not the same with itt and test is not the same with *testt*). how?
$str = "itt is a testt";
if (preg_match("[it|test]", $str) === 1)
    echo "true";
@Sajad - \b word-boundary
you want the word boundary \b?
I've never seen [] used as delimiters, only ()…
ah ok, but should I put it both behind and after it? like this: \b[it|test]\b ?
@bwoebi yeah, looks weird.
@Sajad the [] are not part of the pattern
@Sajad uhm… you want [\b(?:it|test)\b]
5:09 PM
ah I got it
@bwoebi thanks :-)
@MarkBaker tnx
nevermind, bwoebi's is better
yes bwoebi's solution works correctly, just one thing, what is ?: ?
@Sajad () is a group, ? after ( for group options, : for a non capturing group
@ThW I see ! thanks
@samayo seems good reference. tnx
what is wrong with this?
it is Persian.
5:18 PM
list(App::$path, App::$query) = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Will it work? It doesn't for me, I mean, is list() operator capable of assigning values to class members / static class members ?
App::$path and App::$query are empty strings
echo '\'' . App::$query . '\'';
outputs empty pair of quotes
Hm, I don't think you can initialize the list with class properties.
try this first list($path, $query) = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

We're a productive bunch.

4 mins ago, 3 minutes total – 19 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by Dan Lugg

I think list() should work with any possible lvalue
@Jimbo ^^ :-P
5:22 PM
@samayo Yes, I tried and it works, $path and $query are fine
@DanLugg "I can't believe it's not butter" <-- you can say that about anything if you're stupid enough! "I can't believe it's not butter", "It's lawn furniture Bob...", "I know, I was expecting butter"
It's just that parse_url returns array indexed with string keys, whereas list expects numeric keys
@user3198882 yeah, I just tried it TIL I guess
@nikita2206 Ohh, that's it! I've suspected that... Okay, looks like I'll have to go with a bit longer code, I just love such tricks in classes like App, Controller, all that are anyway tested best and whose code I can tell from memory being awaken at midnight
@rdlowrey is it guaranteed that onReadable is called as soon as a read watched socket is closed?
5:28 PM
Guys, sorry for offtopic, but are there any reputation system in the chat, so I can vote your answers for repo, etc. ?
UnimplementedException vs NotImplementedException ?
"Unimplemented" looks weird.
oh no. Dmitry is... a top-poster shudders
Just don't want to seem thankless, and want to vote up really helpful answers
5:46 PM
@DanLugg Latter, but should be Error, not Exception :P
6:12 PM
… when I can't repro locally :-(
@bwoebi I hate that too, but hey it's for free.
Bah, it can fail when I pay for it…
6:29 PM
what I don't understand is that they have their docker containers and hookers but they don't allow local setup :/
@DanLugg UnimplementedException: "@ TODO A more specific exception should go here."
@marcio Totally; it's for code generation
public function someGeneratedMethod() {
    throw new UnimplementedException();
finally 25%+ coverage for Aerys @rdlowrey … It's hard work :o)
are you using the phpunit '@covers' annotations?
What exactly does this benefit?
it makes a test only covers a given method, good fy that you're not using it ^^
6:37 PM
I'd need to list a ton of private methods sometimes ^^
people tend to overuse the @covers annotation, so I ask about it whenever there is a low code coverage
6:57 PM
@marcio It doesn't do what a lot of people intuitively expect.
@rdlowrey Should I also do that change in 1.0? github.com/amphp/artax/commit/…
Often it means you would have to explicitly list @covers for private methods, which just seems goofy.
@LeviMorrison what do they expect then?
there is no tutorial or guideline to do that
7:40 PM
@PeeHaa still tenerific.. =p sipping the whiskey.. going back day after tommorow for the weekend.. miss the gf =/ (I am such a sucker for her)
think we are going play borderlands and chill out all weekend
@samayo thanks for the stickers link
@RonniSkansing Nice :)
Hmm why couldnt I get this sticker notifuse.com/images/stickers/chuck-norris2.png
oh no wait.. I get that auto. yeah..<3 stickers (feel free to mail me all your commercial crap btw)
@RonniSkansing you should have a backup email for cases like these.
7:51 PM
Actually I have a few.. for example the one I use for all whitehat/bounty hunt stuff
but I will just write to the gf to order some too
It just didn't work, it could not connect at all. The "fix" was to uninstall it. — samayo 44 secs ago
8:44 PM
'morning. just to not create two pull requests from enthusiasm, do pull requests take a few minutes before actually appearing on a github project? Do they need be somewhat approved by repository owner before appearing in the pull requests?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Should be instant
yeah, I realize I missed the second step of creating request, thanks :)
anyone got any recommendations for a IRC client, pref open source?
I am not really sure how to ask this question. I have been working on parsing MIME sections of an email and get each section using imap_fetchbody. I was directed to a code that uses a function to loop through all the parts of an email. I posted a question concerning it about a month ago and no one seems to know how to fix it. Here's the link for the code. Can anyone help?
well that didn't work
I guess the link did work
9:06 PM
By the way, from PHP 5.5.6 (included with OS X El Capitan) to current master, PHPUnit runs on my Ardent repository are down quite a bit.
native: ~280ms
master: ~380ms
It's more consistent on master, but I suspect that may just be because it is faster it is less likely to have some other process interrupt.
And I realize I reported the native/master backwards up there :D
Does anyone know the best way to get ahold of Antony Dovgal?
I am gonna port memcache to PHP 7, but want to get a sign off from one of the maintainers to make sure they will merge
@EquinoxMatt weechat (if you like CLI) or xchat (X11)
@EquinoxMatt irssi :)
@Abe did you say yesterday you understand debian?
@LeviMorrison that's a huge diff
Yeah. It was visibly noticeable so I timed it.
9:22 PM
Thanks for the suggestions @SeanDuBois & @tereško
9:38 PM
/me listens
the closes genre one can assign to it would be: experimental metal .. which basically explains nothing
Ehh, everytime I'm on Youtube there is always a George Carlin video there.
What an overrated dude
9:59 PM
is using magic methods considered bad practice
or should every property have a getter?
is that a trick question?
Getters and setters in PHP are an anti-pattern IMO.
If we had C# style getters and setters, they'd be no-brainers
@Charles what if he is not using any pattern ?
but we don't, so either you fall back to magic methods or your pollute the object with needless methods
@EquinoxMatt magic getters are worse than explicit getters. But in reality, you shouldnt expose objects internal data structure.
10:01 PM
@Charles this is my dilemma, do I fill it with getters, or do I just use the one __get() method
@samayo Well, as then we wouldn't need to worry about the explosions created by the collision of pattern and anti-pattern, it should be safe, right?
@Charles that statement was bullshit
Well take an address object, with properties, line1, line2, city, town
do I have 4 getters or one magic method?
@tereško I've rarely found a case where hiding all my properties behind getters and setters was a significant improvement.
4 getters .. but don't you really need a getAddress()?
10:02 PM
Maybe I just want the town?
do you really need a town OR are you just indulging in pointless future-proofing?
ahh, YAGNI? Well I think I will do
Address validation is actually a valid use case for setters. Sigh.
Why'd you have to go with the hard things first?
basically the actual object in question, is an ID string 'XXX123'
Sorry, XXX1234
Yeah, go with individual methods for this, but keep in mind what's going to happen if you set a town that isn't in a country and you do that validation during the down set before the country set, for example.
10:05 PM
The first character of that string, signifies something
so when the API allows someone to change there ID, it does two things: Make sure they are not the same, and ensures that the first integer, is the same as the first integer in the new ID
There will be other reasons why I want to specifically inspect the first integer, hence why I thought it needs its own property
so I can do something like memberId->getGroup();
10:25 PM
@Danack many days ago you asked me about a new way to see callable types chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/26053044/history, I promised to give you a reply, here it is: gist.github.com/marcioAlmada/0daa4fb698fc422d6549
I'm fairly convinced this is not the way to go. Sorry.
@marcio Would be somewhat more palatable with implicitly implemented interfaces
What Anthony proposed as "protocols" and what matches Go interfaces
But even with that ... bah.
tbh, I really tried to keep my mind open to Danack's idea, but the part that involves blocking interfaces extending Callable from having other methods other than __invoke was a huge design issue :)
@LeviMorrison with that I have another reason to apreciate your is idea
$foo is callable;
$foo is callable(Node $left, Node $right):bool;
Is is a type assertion?
^ this would work seamlessly as we wouldn't need is_callable() anymore
Ah, a type check
10:39 PM
more or less, it's a construct with unified behavior for instanceof and all the is_*() functions
yea, "type check" is right
@bwoebi define "as soon as"
But yes, in the next iteration of the event loop the onReadable watcher will trigger after the OS recognizes that the socket is closed.
yep, that's what I meant :-)
@rdlowrey the only left parts with absolutely no tests are now HTTP/2, websockets and the hierarchy of the Process class. Do you by chance know of any HTTP/2 testsuite? (input and expected output)
and well, if you have any idea how to test WorkerProcess, you're welcome too.
4 hours ago, by kelunik
@rdlowrey Should I also do that change in 1.0? https://github.com/amphp/artax/commit/f0d174ad0b42a6f619fdccfcb99a3059b90e5acc
dammit, I feel like I am using exceptions to much
10:53 PM
@marcio You interested in joining an upcoming PHP Roundtable discussion on possible immutability features in future versions of PHP? :)

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