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12:01 AM
Does anyone actually use or care about @package in a class docblock?
nope. namespaces should be enough
@Danack github.com/phpDocumentor/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/… basically says it's utterly useless
@Abe is @inherit a thing that I made up in my head? e.g. for interface methods where the implementations method doesn't need any more info than the interface docblock?
you mean @inheritdoc ?
yeah I guess.
it's used to enforce phpstorm to not be stupid
12:09 AM
Great use case.
I'm really not sure how much worth it is putting anything in the docblocks other than a description of the thing, and maybe the description of params/return values.
Those have some worth, but everything else seems to be bollocks, unless you're going to be generating some HTML from the docblocks.
And those always suck.
phpdocumentor sucks. apigen is cool
what's wrong with that? :D
12:14 AM
If you've got the code on your system, why are you reading those thing on a webpage.
The amazon ones used to be better, as they had examples with them.....but they appear to have regressed to just be the docblock info.
Yeah V2 docs have examples - docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v2/api/…
And so are actually useful.
you mean that you prefer reading and understanding the code rather than a guide(ish)?
If the information is going to be exactly the same as that present in the code, I prefer to read it in the code. If there's going to be extra information that doesn't fit in the code, then having it on a webpage has at least some purpose.
But just repeating the same stuff.......is less useful.
also for some things you need to use words, not code. how else would you define instead other imperative rules that an interface, its signatures, its name, etc. can't explain?
an interface doesn't tell everything about how it's supposed to be implemented
12:21 AM
Mine mostly do....
mostly yes. but sometimes you need to specify imperative rules, using words :P for both implementors and consumers
12:39 AM
and also @Danack we suck at naming - AllTheThingsManager AllTheThingsGateway AllTheThingsService AllTheThingsProvider :D
unless you want to use 50chars actually descriptive names, spending some words in the documentation gets actually important imho
yo o/
@Danack wouldn't be cool to have this for php? grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.apache.openjpa/…
with all symbols clickable
was planning (and even started) doing that using NikiC's parser :B i wish i had the time
yep, it's cool
2 hours later…
3:07 AM
I have three tables tb_finalpay, tb_finalpay_detail and tb_cooploan_master.
Now the first table is tb_finalpay_detail because I want to insert the data here. tb_finalpay_detail and tb_finalpay have the same field which is fpayID and have the same field also with tb_cooploan_master which is cooploanID. tb_finalpay and tb_cooploan_master have the same field also which is coopmemID. Now I want to insert into tb_finalpay_detail the cooploanID from tb_cooploan_master where coopmemID have in common with tb_finalpay and fpayID to connect to tb_finalpay_detail.
I tried this query but it wont work
"INSERT INTO tb_finalpay_detail (cooploanID)
SELECT cooploanID FROM tb_cooploan_master INNER JOIN tb_finalpay ON tb_cooploan_master.coopmemID = tb_finalpay.coopmemID
WHERE coopmemID='$coopmemID'";
I tried this also
"INSERT INTO tb_finalpay_detail (cooploanID) INNER JOIN tb_finalpay ON tb_finalpay_detail.fpayID = tb_finalpay.fpayID
(SELECT cooploanID FROM tb_cooploan_master INNER JOIN tb_finalpay ON tb_cooploan_master.coopmemID = tb_finalpay.coopmemID
WHERE coopmemID='$coopmemID')";
Please help
3 hours later…
5:55 AM
6:29 AM
torment nearly over ...
Hi Guys, can you please confirm, this is the right group to talk about Wordpress issue
6:58 AM
@RamSingh no it's not
7:19 AM
posted on November 02, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Pistoledev */

7:46 AM
Why does it have to be so hard to get back to work after vacation
because we have to .... hoping to get vacation again soon
8:01 AM
I'm having a weird issue with my Wordpress site... I tried asking at wordpress.stackexchange.com, but it's quite inactive right now...
Mind if I ask you guys?
we don't really do wordpress ... but feel free to ask ...
Thanks, Joe. I'm trying to connect to an external database (not the WP one)
I think we morally object to wordpress, in fact ...
So I installed the "Insert PHP" plugin, right?
Then I tried this in my page:
<p> Connection test </p>
$mydb = new wpdb('user','pass','database','hostname');
(It's anonymized, of course)
When I try to load that page, it takes quite a few seconds and then I see this in the Chrome error console:
I've been googling that error, but it's quite generic
I really have no idea, but you should go ask in #wordpress on freenode
it's pretty active, there are people chatting there now ...
8:05 AM
I was there half an hour ago and it was dead
Gonna try agaian
there's people chatting now ...
8:22 AM
morning champs!
Morning @Naruto
o/ you're in the wrong room? ;)
I couldn't find our old room :(
I pinged you few times? :O
8:51 AM
So ... @Trowski bit of input ...
Turns out compiling PHP fails if you're on a 160 CPU machine...
with the demise of resources on the horizon, I thought it about time I write a ptheads-sockets/streams extension, I'm not sure what it will look like internally, but I'm interested to know what the API should look like for userland, could you gist me a Stream and Socket class, so I have a good starting place from someone who knows what they are up too ...
Morning says the one who rises back out of death, however when a boss starts a project and keeps changing a feature request when I finished it, I am death again.
@NikiC I saw that ...
rasmus tweeted it ...
I knew this was going to happen :D
8:55 AM
/me adds that thing to the list of things that are @NikiC's fault
@JoeWatkins It's always my fault...
@NikiC I'm glad you agree ...
@JoeWatkins at least not my fault… :-P As I do far too many things wrong too.
9:03 AM
humans can make mistakes, the real skill is to learn from it and preventing it from happening again.
Anyone feeling better now? no? okay ^_^
9:17 AM
moin @Jimbo
9:33 AM
@JoeWatkins Did you get it??
going to get it in an hour :)
so much :D
9:49 AM
@All Gafternoon:)
@Jimbo can use local network for sending push notification
can use google
@JoeWatkins can use local network for sending push notification?
don't ping random people, if you have a question, ask it and wait for an answer ...
@JoeWatkins ok :)
@Jimbo means?
@lovelight He's trying to say, google your question aswell.
9:57 AM
@MikeM. well ok let me try
posted on November 02, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by cats_and_boobs */

Good news, everyone!
We are currently removing all PHP and JavaScript questions from StackOverflow.
10:14 AM
@Elyse lol
About time
@LeviMorrison Might be of interest: hhvm.com/blog/10649/improving-arrays-in-hack An alternative view about whether passing arrays by-object would really be better.
By-value is an incredible blessing.
Because it reduces the number of aliases to mutable values.
@Elyse lol
10:38 AM
Does anyone know where can I get source for startproc/checkproc commands? For example, I found killproc as part of /etc/init.d/functions
or if they are binaries - source for that. I can't believe it's not possible to find (so far, googling for 2 hours failed)
"linux checkproc command" / "linux checkproc source" / "linux checkproc source code" / "linux checkproc code" - how else could I say that I want source code, NOT manual pages :-(
@all hi can any body tell me that how to solve this problem :-Curl failed: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
10:54 AM
I use rand() instead of mt_rand() because I'm lazy and good randomness isn't all that important for writing simple Twitter bots
@Andrea hi can you tell me that how to solve this problem :-Curl failed: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
@lovelight no I can't, and don't ping people randomly to ask for help unless they are experts on the subject or something, it can be rude
And that's #2, maybe he will understand it now that we hate random pings.
@lovelight tried google again?
@Andrea ok I will remember next time I will not ping randomly
My first google result was: stackoverflow.com/questions/28858351/…
11:05 AM
@Andrea even if they are expert its still rude
unless you know them
I think we are repeating ourselves... :-D : i.imgur.com/ejm2Jf8.png
he really needs to reload this chat window :)
Hooray for regex :P Just made a bad script ^_^
what was that new php microframework that was mentioned here recently, the one that actually didn't look like complete bullshit?
11:23 AM
@SergeyTelshevsky Silex?
Not really new though...
Jimbo yo o/ busy? i have a question for you
@Abe Jimbo will kill you if he is busy and you ask him a question. It's how he is, he can't help it.
i want to make Repository more "semantic" (whatever that means). problems to solve are:
it's too easy to fuck up things. imagine Service{fetch A from the repository, modify A, fetch B from the repository}
if i modify A before getting B, the objects saved in the repository may not be compatible with the database's B representation anymore.
so i want to enforce requirements (data, row locks) to be obtained all before any attempt to modify them.
secondly, i want requirements to be obtained all in a predefined order so that i can reduce chances of deadlocks
11:39 AM
Use an ORM ;-)
we are no friends anymore
Sounds like what you're actually trying to build man
she's home @Jimbo
absolutely not
@Abe You know, they're not actually bad. You can fully utilise DDD when using something like Doctrine
@JoeWatkins Pics pics pics (w/ pink shoes)
11:41 AM
hehe, the pink boots don't get worn for riding any more, condition deteriorated so quickly ...
I think Jimbo killed abe with his answer... NEXT TIME IN "ABE ASKS A QUESTION." "Will he survive it or will die again?"
leather started to peel ...
@Jimbo i had to maintain a site using doctrine. minimum 30 queries for everything
@Abe The blue book frequently makes references to something in JAVA that's basically Doctrine. As for too many queries... surely you can fix that? :P
@Jimbo nono, something that came up recently, and was discussed here a week or two ago. also uses auryn iirc
11:43 AM
@SergeyTelshevsky Ohhh, Spark
I made Aurex, which uses Auryn + Silex
yup, Spark, thanks
yeah, I've seen that
I'm not a fan of silex/symfony stuff to be honest
@Jimbo yeah but java is special...
@MikeM. ORMs, as often happens in technology, are a solution for a problem that doesn't actually exist :B
looking for something to build an API on
@Abe :3 wow XD.. and java is special? I bet you mean oracle is special xD
oracle is special indeed
11:51 AM
That akward moment you type ls after trying to delete with rm rf as roof and you mistype the ls command and get scared because it lists no files

root@portal:/var# rm -rf www/
root@portal:/var# ld
ld: no input files
I shoudl just stick with php development :/
hi all how can i deburg curl call .. it's returning the null value .
just had this brainfart:
user image
congrats me
@Abe What's your encoding? Europe?
11:59 AM
wow abe. I thought I was the only one here making such mistakes XD
Guess not the only one anymore :-)
I rather complain about a datetime bug and people agree with me HOWEVER I never set my variable to it, which was the "bug" but in my script XD
you have no idea how many of these i do every day... they would be fun if i didn't lose hours sometimes to spot them :(
@Abe it's all because you've exceeded the 90/120 chars per line limit!
@SergeyTelshevsky will tidy the code later sir
12:13 PM
Now-a-days if I have huge arrays, I enter it after 3 items. if it's an index=>value assigned array, I enter it after each item.

Man that opened a whole new world for me :-)
this is probably the first time in my life I written a query without being stupid enough to make a mistake on the insert.. because it's worked!!! xD party at my house!
wait let me phrase that better to get people here
#foreveralone :0)
12:41 PM
@Andrea god damn… YOU MUST USE random_int() !!!
@NikiC I'm not sure if that's really the case it's trying to make?!
12:59 PM
25:7. I don't think void is going to fail
@bwoebi lol :D
@NullPoiиteя probably. If you are to ask directly you would need to be polite about it
@Abe lol that fuck up took me way too long to see :P
1:30 PM
Can someone help me with question on this link stackoverflow.com/questions/33450385/…
good bye o/ @ELOISSIFIAhmed
And stay out please
6 messages moved to bin
Maybe his grammar was just off? "the problem im using laravel" == "the problem, i'm using laravel"
Hey @AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0
good mornings :)
2:05 PM
New blog post going live in 1:30
@ircmaxell Is that 1:30 UTF-8? cc @Abe :P
no, in 1 hour and 30 minutes
@ircmaxell morngni
@ircmaxell k
@hakre mngroni
2:10 PM
posted on November 02, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Nuggetz */

Is there a Linux software that checks when a certain process is stuck?
stuck as in no io
strace will tell you what a process is currently doing
Does anyone know how to filter products using multiple dropdown options only with PHP in this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33450385/…
@samayo There may be a more specific way if you describe what the process is and how it's getting 'stuck'.
2:16 PM
@Trowski on which OS are you observing that behavior? Because Bob has complained about that on Mac
Works perfectly on nix in my experience, though.
And: morning o/
@Danack Data mining. Mostly, using cURL to fetch data from APIs. Sometimes, the process just stalls without any response or error.
@samayo curl has timeout options.
@rdlowrey o/
2:18 PM
@bwoebi Yeah I never got to it. Every new ssl connection has to hit the disk for the certificate :(
@rdlowrey :'-(
Reuse of ssl contexts is the single biggest thing we can do to improve server-side ssl in php
The way it works now was 100% designed for web sapi style environments :/
This is really a transparent feature without much user-facing changes… you could apply that in a minor too.
Oh yeah, totally.
2:19 PM
@rdlowrey Isn't that already possible just by passing the same context again and again?
We just need an additional function to create contexts and then a new context option so you can pass that resource with the other stream context options
@rdlowrey \o
@kelunik No, doesn't work internally
It reloads from the local_cert path for each connection
And local_pk too, I assume, if it exists.
actually, doesn't it do two loads, one for certs and one for key? @rdlowrey
2:22 PM
@bwoebi If you use local_pk, then for sure.
@kelunik yeah, with local_cert, too?
@bwoebi yeah it would load twice
or hit the disk twice, rather
@rdlowrey actually, these small files should be cached in-memory though.
They shouldn't hit the disk for real.
yeah, the OS should handle it.
2:23 PM
We should still allow the reuse of contexts in servers though
thus, I'm not sure how much of a problem it is.
yeah, that's why I did't prioritize it ... It's not a lot of work to actually implement but we need to move a lot of code around in the openssl extension to support it.
Can't decide if I want to vote NO on void return types because I prefer null to void ...
@rdlowrey Well, I did too… now I'm not sure after having a lengthier discussion with Anthony about void semantics (retracted my vote…)…
@PeeHaa haha, same boat?
2:27 PM
@bwoebi Hmm ... I'll get the in-person argument from @ircmaxell in that case.
@rdlowrey The only argument I do not want to hear is "it's used everywhere!!!" … See chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/26583219#26583219 and following.
@rdlowrey shall we keep stdout/stderr pipes open in WatcherProcess to children in order to stream_get_contents() them when they crash? (should not be blocking as all data is available then inside RAM)
Related to github.com/amphp/aerys/issues/49 because it's a RuntimeException which falls through all stack frames. Same issue with potential fatals…
2:55 PM
@rdlowrey For the record, I'm pretty sad that because we didn't have null added first, it made void (which I think is a misleading return type) get added to the language.
Having the design of something be dependent on the path taken to get to the end result, is never a good thing.
not sure this is the best place to ask. But RE: Alexa ranks. does traffic to a subdomain count towards the root alexa rank and do both subdomain and the root domain need to be hosted on the same IP?
A: How do I find the Alexa traffic rank of a site that uses a subdomain?

MikeMI don't think you'll be able to get a rank for a subdomain, Alexa groups subdomains together, the only stats visible by subdomain is the percentage of traffic from Stackexchange.com Site Info on Alexa: So you can determine your own subdomain site rank based off % traffic

cheers Danacl
Danack* couldnt work out how to ask that in google :D
Alexa shouldn't be using IP addresses, because of BGP shenanigans.
"replace in project" ^(@return\s+.*)void(.*)$ -> $1null$2 #fiteme
3:08 PM
Yeah.....about half of programming today is just knowing the common name for stuff, so that you can google in.
I was wondering, is there a way to turn an anonymous function into a named one?
@JacqueGoupil You probably need to say/show what you're trying to do....but no.
Closures are variables and need to be passed around as variables.
Named functions are things that are locatable in a namespace.
Yeah, I guess I'm doing the XY problem anyway.
I was wondering what would be the easiest way to support multiple languages in my app.
I made a bunch of locale files which just return an array of ressource codes => strings.
And now I want to make a tiny function that returns the right string.
ping @JoeWatkins
a good way is to add some sort of uniqufier around the words and do some replacearooing
using something like twig might work
3:13 PM
@AlmaDo the chat is asynchronous....why not ask your question so the person can see what you want rather than them having to play ping pong...
@rdlowrey OS X, so it makes sense that I would be seeing that issue.
@Danack because in like ~20 mins that will be irrelevant (more or less), so if ping is timed out - no reason to ask in my case
@NikiC I scanned this earlier. It's interesting in the very least.
@rdlowrey I was hoping you did something to resolve it... /cc @bwoebi
@JacqueGoupil way back when i worked at Y! and they would do this: <!!>Some String</!!> and so a search replace on <!!>.*</!!> and do the replacing.
3:15 PM
@AlmaDo In which case you could send a follow up ping saying that you had figured it out, and later pings get displayed above the earlier ones.
@Andy that sounds crap....
either way, here's a question regarding C: I'm getting:
error: implicit declaration of function 'mnt_new_monitor'
warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

when compiling systemd. So, question to C standards experts - should I try another compatibility mode or it is a dead end and it's just broken code?
'twas 10 years ago :D
probably a muchos better way now.
@Andy Wow, that's quite inventive. But I think I prefer just having <?=_('stringid');?> in my php.
@Andy I'll ping you with a gist....after a coffee.
Where <?= is the echo shortcut and _ is my localization function
3:16 PM
@Danack always up for a ping
I guess I could make a named function called _ that simply calls my $localization anonymous function.
@JacqueGoupil --- that would make exrything really difficult to read no?
i.e. <h1><?= _(1234123); ?></h1<P>Hello and <?= _(12344); ?></p>
@Danack man.. I'm trying to fix an issue for like one a day. It boiled down now that I'm compiling some sh*t from sources, applying patches and manually fixing some things in the code (with various success), that is not my job actually :\ I'm very frustrated today and the question here is a last resort for me... meaning that last thing I want to get in return is "how you should ask your question" ..
that's why i liked the cubersome but easy to understand <!!> (shebang method)
user image
now that's scary
3:18 PM
Well, that's pretty much how gettext works, using a function called _.
i.e. <h1><!!>Page title for something fun</!!></h1> <p>Hello there <!!>Nurse</!!> Andy</p>
then you rlook up is: array ('Page title for something fun' => 'Your an annoying shit');
@Abe not scary. abusing __debugInfo() for production code is.
then you cache the shit outta the generated HTML and you have a bit of a solution
@bwoebi why would debug info return different things in production? :B
this was all written in Perl, so prolly quicker than PHP with their string functions.
3:21 PM
@Andy Ah, well that understandable then.
but it's an old old system, not sure it's still being used like that
Hi Andy
hi @Satya
Actually i am an android developer learning PHP.... I have an issue while uploading file....can you help me out?
i'm pretty sure anyone can, just ask away
3:25 PM
here is my PHP code for uploading a video

echo $_FILES['image']['name'] . '<br/>';

//ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '10M');
//ini_set('post_max_size', '10M');
//ini_set('max_input_time', 300);
//ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);

$target_path = "uploads/";

$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['image']['name']);

try {
//throw exception if can't move the file
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
throw new Exception('Could not move file');
@Satya you might benefit from reading room-11.github.io
sorry let me put that in pastebin
ATTENTION: Laravel is The Worst. That is all.
@rdlowrey what's happened?
@rdlowrey dunno......there's always the people who promote Laravel....
3:26 PM
I havent touched it yet, too "immature"
@rdlowrey wait, it beats Wordpress?
nothing beats wordprss
here is my php code....pastebin.com/JJFTaJWu
i am getting $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] as empty
3:27 PM
@Satya ok, so, what's the issue?
i am using google app engine as server
can you plz guide me
your code doesnt mention $_FILES['uploadedfile'] do you mean ['file']?
either way though, i havent much of a clue with uploads.
any more accomplished devs?
are u checking the one i put in pastebin?
@Abe because people do shitty things :-D
@rdlowrey you forgot the (TM) …
Guys plz help me for finding a solution for my problem
3:30 PM
@bwoebi function __debugInfo(){ return $this->jsonEncode(); } solved
hi Abe... I have a problem while uploading video to google app engine...do you have any idea on how to upload in php?
Gotta love that ignore feature of chat
@rdlowrey Just dipped my fingers in some codeigniter 2.1.0 ^^ :/
everybody in the room was screaming when I told it out loud.
@Satya If you're using Google App Engine then you have to use the Google Cloud Storage API to handle file uploads. You should probably refer to the Google App Engine documentation for this since it's not a PHP-specific problem.
3:38 PM
ok thanks I will check @Sherif
but those videos wont be present in local sever right? @Sherif as currently i am testing with local server
@Satya If you're using Google App Engine then you don't have a "local server", no. It's PaaS, not IaaS.
Testing locally is obviously a totally different situation.
@Sherif Actually I still havent deployed into the google app engine...with the help of google app engine i am made a local server
@Satya I don't understand the question.
can i ping u in a private chat? @Sherif
@ircmaxell One suggestion: link to the YouTube time index of what you're referring to in that video (it's an hour long
3:43 PM
@ircmaxell Fully agree. I have nothing to add. Really reflects my feelings too…
@Satya I don't see why this conversation requires any privacy. If you're here for help you're better off keeping the discussion open to your peers.
ok...no problem....i will chat here... @Sherif... I thought otherposts may interrupt our conversation
@ircmaxell I just am not sure about "TDD encourages changing code" … At some point it also discourages it, as the developer progresses and notices that the codebase needs some architectural change to progress. Fixing all unit tests might be tedious. [This is not a reason to not use TDD at all… just pointing out that TDD isn't perfect either in this context.]
In case anyone cares, I worked out how to make my localization thing by wrapping an anonymous function in a defined one. pastebin.com/E06pVLKC
@Satya Not sure why you'd think that. I'm capable of following a written conversation. It's not as if your messages will somehow disappear in midst of other messages in the chat.
3:47 PM
Currently if am using my computer IP address to access my server like 192.168.X.X:8080/upload.... that means i am using a local server is my understanding right? @Sherif.... Dont mind @Sherif as i am newbie to PHP and server side basically i am an android app developer....i
@ircmaxell I also agree. I'm actually struggling with conveying this same message at work for a while: "... we need to measure complexity separately from the effort that it takes to produce." [SIC]
@bwoebi When I view software architecture I'm thinking of the subset of software design that can be traced back to failure risks. So by separating the design details that are necessary to prevent failure from those that may be necessary to build the system it becomes more obvious what role TDD plays in software architecture.
@Sherif not sure what you're trying to tell me?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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