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I'm trying to migrate arg_info to use my new zend_type as part of the union work.
> PHP Fatal error: Declaration of CachingIterator::offsetExists(&...$index) must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists(&$offset) in Unknown on line 0
I screwed something up, clearly.
However, when reviewing the diff I see no mistakes :/
I'm guessing it has to do with either some {} initialization or sizeof(zend_internal_arg_info) != sizeof(zend_arg_info).
Appears to have been the latter.
@Jimbo wdym? EntityManager->clear()? You generally don't need to call it unless you have long-running process or some other spooky stuff
@nikita2206 If I add an Element to a Page, then when I call Page::getElements() later on another request, I don't get back the new element because the page is cached and I'm lazy loading
@LeviMorrison Well, that's mildly disconcerting.
@LeviMorrison IIRC the only place where {} init happens is this lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_API.h#102
@Danack I am pretty sure this is never documented but required to be true.
I'm looking up now if C has any form of standardized static_assert type behavior.
We should assert that when declared and prevent whole builds and then runtime errors because of it.
C11 has _Static_assert
@Jimbo ah you mean, you cache entities between requests? That's gonna be a pain in the ass if it's the case
can someone help me figure out what I meant with the commented out line in this code:
if ( $u == "admin" && $p == "simmzys" ) {
	$_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;
	// Use the lines below to redirect to another page.
	// header ( "Location: list.php" );
	// exit();
@nikita2206 No, Doctrine defaults to lazy loading relations unless I set the fetch mode to eager right. That lazy loading = cached?
@benlevywebdesign It says - redirect to another page after setting the loggedin variable in the session
@Jimbo ...and I forgot how it does that?
@Jimbo you said "on another request", so I assumed you meant caching in between requests. How do you add Element to a Page? Are you only doing $element->page = $page; or do you also add element explicitly to Page->elements collection?
Cause Doctrine doesn't require you to do the latter but you should do it in order to have consistent state in memory
@nikita2206 I do persist properly, don't worry. I just remember the next time calling $page->getElements() would not show the newly created one. Can't remember why. Just theoretical atm :)
@Jimbo I forgot how it does the redirect...
@Jimbo yeah, you need to call $page->getElements()->add($element);. Or better to have an addElement() method in Page which will create new Element($this) and call $this->elements->add($el) too
the distance between users and server (geographically) how much is important? (speed perspective)
How does this line of code header ( "Location: list.php" ); redirect if $ _SESSION ['Loggedin'] = true;
@nikita2206 Okay, my issue is semantics kinda
I declare that in order for an Element to exist, it has to have a Page
So, my Element constructor takes a Page parameter
But I don't add Elements to a Page any longer, as you pass the Page into the Elements constructor
so there's no Page::addElement method
and I don't want to add one, because there'd be no point - the Element has to have a Page and that's it
See my dilemma?
Hello guys
A simple question
Why does this output 321? And what should I do in order for it to output 123?

class Test {
public function __construct() {
if($this instanceof Test) {
echo 321;
else {
echo 123;
class Best extends Test {

$test = new Best;
@lam3r4370 What does extends mean, or imply?
I want to make the parent class not instantiable so I can only call __constructfrom classes which extend it
@Jimbo can you tell me how header ( "Location: list.php" ); redirects?
@lam3r4370 extends implies an is-a relationship, ergo: "Best" is a "Test"
If you want to make the parent class non-instantiable, declare it abstract
But those two questions are entirely non-related
@benlevywebdesign Have you tried googling it? Seriously, like... "php header"
@lam3r4370 See also get_class()
If I use self instead of Test it also yields the same result which got me wondering originally
Yeah, I just found something
@AllenJB that's better though why doesn't it work with self too?
@lam3r4370 make the class abstract
but to be honest, it sounds like you are doing some shady OOP there
@Jimbo just add $page->getElements()->add($this); in Element's constructor then
I was just experimenting, it's not real-world code :)
Thanks for the help!
@Sajad the physical distance is not that important. But the hops might be.
@nikita2206 Oh, nice. I feel like that's a little hacky
@lam3r4370 For an explanation of 'self', see the manual section on Late Static Bindings
@AllenJB please stop telling a newbie how to write crap
@nikita2206 Now I realised I can do that, I can do that from anywhere. I feel like my encapsulation has a gaping hole in it. What do you think?
@Jimbo yeah, I mean, you have to have one point where you manage this. It's either constructor of M-to-1's 1 side or you need to always construct 1 side in one place so that this place will always take care
@Jimbo yeah, that's why I suggest adding addElement()
@nikita2206 If I had addElement() then I would have to remove the Page requirement from the constructor, which then means "an element can exist without a page", which is false
// parallel run-tests.php on Zend/
    real	0m13.583s
    user	0m39.207s
    sys	0m22.884s

// vs. (old) sequential
    real	0m44.926s
    user	0m23.727s
    sys	0m14.106s
@Jimbo nooo, lemme show you
@nikita2206 Hmm, like... factory method?
I see what you mean though, that way you wouldn't have to create the Element first
The key to Doctrine2 is thinking about entities like they're actually just POPOs
@Jimbo yep
Thing is, as a result, if I change how the Element is created, I'll have to touch the Page, which means it's now coupled
@Jimbo well, those entities are related, they're already coupled I think
@tereško thanks, also if you can, please write an answer for this
I really dont want to
@Jimbo but you could also have another class (a factory) which would take care of creating Element and putting it in the Page->elements collection
@bwoebi Great speed up :D
@tereško ok :-)
@nikita2206 Yeah, I was thinking about that. This is interesting
@Sajad I am half-sick and have to learn Symfony .. and the food is still in the oven
@LeviMorrison 1,7 min for all tests… but some tests failing due to concurrency ^^
I got it, you are busy!
It's a "complex" set of objects, so a factory that abstracts away both their creation might be helpful
@bwoebi BTW I have a somewhat good start on the base for union types.
@LeviMorrison you mean you started implementing them?
Yeah. I created zend_type and have it compiling with no failing tests.
I have not yet added any new behavior.
Well, --disable-opcache is still there. I don't know how we'll do that part.
We'll be taking a flat structure and make a tree that needs to persist.
Will take some thinking and design.
opcache is an afterthought… fix it after everything else.
but… nice :-)
@bwoebi and with the full test suite?
@bwoebi also, can't you make it parallel with each test being completely independent? e.g. find . -name '*.phpt' | xargs parallel ./run-tests.php
19 mins ago, by bwoebi
@LeviMorrison 1,7 min for all tests… but some tests failing due to concurrency ^^
@bwoebi how long is the full test suite without concurrency?
@FlorianMargaine the issue is that some tests will use the same mysql server
@FlorianMargaine need to test… brb in at least 5 min…^^
@MadaraUchiha are you creating this kind of photos yourself ?
@MadaraUchiha I totally thought they'd save it!!!
@Sajad Nope.
@FlorianMargaine hence I need rules to ensure these tests aren't run in parallel
@MadaraUchiha anyway they are funny :-)
@bwoebi yeah... but it adds some overhead in maintaining the tests
hence the "each test gets a separate environment, including db if necessary"
@FlorianMargaine well, I'll just add some directive to add exclusivity so that when an exclusive test runs no other exclusive tests run.
@bwoebi and you have to maintain the list of exclusive tests
@FlorianMargaine list?
I'll just add a directive inside the phpt itself
I guess it's better, but still
but still what?
maintenance overhead
how's that an overhead? you add it once and be done?
anybody know what is the IP of Canada? I want to get a ping of it ...
@bwoebi if you add a new test that needs it, you have to be aware of this case and not forget it
@Sajad it's even funnier if you have followed the disaster that has been the republican preparation for next years USA president elections
that's cognitive overhead
@FlorianMargaine you'll anyway notice when running the tests
@Sajad IP is not country specific
I think
@bwoebi tell me you always run a full test suite
I know ... I mean is a IP from Canada country ..., in other word, anybody have a friend from Canada?
@Sajad and people won't give you an IP of their systems because that would give anyone a direct access to their system or even identity
@tereško Bernie / Carson ?
@FlorianMargaine nah, but the tests which will conflict each other will be part of the same ext most likely
@samayo Bernie is not a republican
@tereško ah, ok, so there is any solution to I find buying a server from Canada is faster (to Iran) or buying a server from Holland ?
@Sajad google checkip and give it a canadian hosting company
@tereško not sure if disaster ;-D
I'd really like to simulate Donald Trumps presidency…
@bwoebi "spectacle" might be a better word .. Hollywood style train wreck with a substantial budget for CGI and other special effects
Carson makes a lot of sense, but he's got a bit of bush's foreign policy in him.
@tereško I assume CGI does not mean common gateway interface here…?
@samayo ok
@bwoebi special effects
Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television programs, commercials, videos, and simulators. The visual scenes may be dynamic or static, and may be two-dimensional (2D), though the term "CGI" is most commonly used to refer to 3D computer graphics used for creating scenes or special effects in films and television. They can also be used by a home user and edited together on programs such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. The term 'CGI animation' refers to dynamic CGI rendered as a movie...
ah thanks
"special effects" is closer to the french version so you get it better I think :)
@samayo dunno ... I find most of what he has been saying in the debates more akin to "insanity" .. his official record is seems incompatible: ontheissues.org/Ben_Carson.htm
Well for a secular progressive people like you, it may be.
please don't insult me by calling me "progressive"
> engaging in or constituting forward motion.
Do you walk backwards?
@tereško emm, I don't know exactly, but this word seems a good word ...
@Jimbo imagine thumblr as source for your political an social options. That's what "progressives" are these days.
@tereško vOv I'm still rooting for Deez Nuts.
@Sajad unfortunately, as it often happens, political factions assign "good words" to name themselves ... I suspect you have that shit happening in Iran too
@tereško is there any synonym for that ?
it's not a matter of synonyms
I have a question, have you visit a psychologist so far?
No. Why are you asking? Do I seem insane?
this better be ghuuuud
not insane, but also not normal...! (however I don't know english very well, I think there is several of misunderstood for me)
op delivered
I am not entirely sure that anyone here counts as "normal"
but please, try to explain what you mean
@tereško you're crazy
@tereško take a look at it (ant two point: this kind of ill is usually for sientice, and yes exactly, as you said, usually programmer are not normall, their brain will be logical, 0 or 1)
also, depending on the culture, being followed by a psy is not necessarily a bad thing
yes, it is not a bad thing
now I am just confused
@Sajad schizophrenia is a illness though, and not really a common one. Western culture has a bad stigma for mental illnesses too, unfortunately
I'm confused too, why my comment has 5 star?? when should I mark a comment as favorite?
@Sajad because schizophrenia!
ok well, I really need to some sleep, have fun all :-)
I agree though anyone with enough composure and stamina to relentlessly answer every one of @Sajad's questions is/becomes schizophrenic.
reminds me about this picture
though, I am still confused why @Sajad thinks that I am mentally unstable
was it because of the "I am not a progressive" bit?
I don't think he understands the seriousness of schizophrenia. He probably just thought it was some sort of issue or behavioral trait ..
@tereško how did the symfony "examen" go?
@tereško no, this thought is not related to that word (progressive). Actually my sister is a psychologist, and she has a patient that looks like you. really seems both of you are similar. He (patient) is a doctor and he is very good in his work, just he is a special person. I don't know how can I describe, just I can say, I meant was not "mentally unstable". I just told, if you like, just for fun (actually consultation), visit a psychologist.
@samayo Are you interested in joining a project?
@MarcelBurkhard still working on it
@sdd is there is a free orgy included?
@samayo , if you want to use your cut for an orgy, that is fine with me
@samayo you are taking all that "go forth and multiply" way too seriously
@sdd ehh, lame .. but I'm in.
@Sajad visiting a psychologist just for fun... yeah right
@samayo Skype ID?
@sdd nope, first date .. no skype.
just let it roll here.
@iroegbu :D
@samayo Start private chat, no need to flood the chatroom
@tereško sadly it is not working for me :/
@samayo have you checked the instruction manual?
there should be some additional tips
I thought you were talking about having kids?
kinda like with IKEA
@tereško but going well?
@MarcelBurkhard nope. I actually havent begun yet :(
been borderline-sick these past days
shit, ok. get well soon
has anyone tried windows 10 yet?
is it better than win7?
however I just heard today that they started integrating ads into the start menu ("suggested apps")
@samayo technically yes, but only If you don't look at the privacy issues and other stuff
@samayo that showed up in a recent build of the fast ring ("windows insider program")
I suspect that you probably could get rid of the suggested apps if you removed the store
@MarcelBurkhard don't worry, they backported the privacy feature to windows 8
@FlorianMargaine yeah and win 7 too
to whom it may interest, I made a "no pass" PAM module github.com/ralt/libpam-nopass
@MarcelBurkhard subscriber?
@tereško sure, you too?
is there a way to see the expansion of a C macro?
gcc -E
cpp -P is even better
... and I actually knew about it
@Jimbo well, @rdlowrey didn't introduce it, he didn't remember about it :P
@Jimbo Can you post the code that you're using it with currently. It shouldn't be needed.
aka I hate all of the 'in place definition of args' stuff. They create edge-cases that are both surprising and hard to reason about no matter how long you think about the code.
public static double average(int a int b) return a + b / 2
what's an output for this?
@Danack Sure: Calling code and Configuration.
@JosipIvic Nothing, you're missing a comma between int a and int b
with comma
what's the output
@JosipIvic That depends on a and b
@FlorianMargaine I expected PHP code messed up with CPP, not JS…
But whatever it is, it will be the average only incidentially
That redirecttests thing is driving me insane.
if i put a 3 and b 2, what's going to be then
@bwoebi I remember that being problematic for the other test runner as well. What does it do?
@JosipIvic 4
@NikiC look at ext/pdo_sqlite/tests/common.phpt
it's for setting env vars for certain tests
It's implemented in a horrible way and me hacking around just puts salt on it.
The worst code of whole php-src definitely is run-tests.php, except maybe opcache :-D
imgur.com/IPjOmSs .. is TV intentionally making people dumber?
@tereško who's that referring to? (??)
@tereško ...
@bwoebi look the subtitles and then at the image title
@tereško meh, that's a small font…
@tereško lol, is that a power supplier?
yes, and by the looks of it a $20 power supply
UUUUUURGHS … I am really stupid. array_merge($some_array, array("backup" => $env), $another_array);
what about array(array("backup" => $env)) ? ._.
@tereško hahahaha
It really just was this stupid array() wrapping which cost me 1,5h -.-
@Jimbo I can see why you want it, but the same can be done with:
$fn = function () {
    return DefaultRepositoryFactory::getRepository(User::class);
$injector->delegate('UserRepository', $fn);
Time taken : 106 seconds
Or possibly this if it's not a static method:
$fn = function (DefaultRepositoryFactory $factory) {
    return $factory->getRepository(User::class);
a disable-all build will be probably just like 70s
> PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): Filter failed to process pre-buffered data
grr... thing works on 5.6 but gives me that on 7
@PaulCrovella what exactly are you doing?
trying to filter a stream on its way in.. even the simple_filter from stackoverflow.com/questions/27103269/what-is-a-bucket-brigade is giving it to me when calling file_get_contents("php://filter/read=simple/resource=http://google.com");
@bwoebi booo global
@FlorianMargaine If the code were nice objects, I wouldn't have had to use it^^
A: convert astronomically large numbers into human readable form in C/C++

pmgUse the non-standard apostrophe flag in the printf format string, if you have that option available and don't mind losing a little bit of portability. According to my documentation, the ' flag is available for POSIX systems since 1997. If you are on Unix, Linux, Mac, ... you should have no prob...

didn't know that apostrophe flag
since I am kinda sick, time to resort to witchcraft
/me is brewing a strange smelling tea
pine-tree burgeon, primula, vetchling tops, horse-heal root, iceland moss, linden blossoms, marjoram, st.john's wort and clover
it kinda smell like a wet forest
:) now i am feeling hungry!
@tereško breathe in the steam of some kind of tea is really useful for cold treatment
Sounds nasty
Vitamin C works for me, no statistical proof of reason.
anyone with PHP 7 on a linux box mind running this and tell me if it spits out a warning?
Hey chaps, I'm trying to decipher PHPUnit's source... specifically lines 971-978 here: github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/blob/master/src/Framework/… ... as far as I can tell, $this->expectedException should only ever be null or a string. So therefore, what is the assertThat() statement actually asserting?
// On travis right now …
This log is too long to be displayed. Please reduce the verbosity of your build or download the raw log.
Though, that's interesting: travis-ci.org/bwoebi/php-src/jobs/86090674#L7578 … there are some mem leaks showing up when the database connection fails
Hey guys, question: I've got a command class (DDD/CQRS) that has setters on it that accept primitives (simple strings). This is good for serialization of the object. But what if I make the getters "richer" by returning Value Objects, will this complicate serialization/deserialization of the command object?
I guess my question is, what is the general rule on object complexity in PHP for serialization/deserialization?
@prograhammer, I was going to say: maybe write a simple example prototype and put it through its paces? But as for the second aspect, it depends on what you mean by complexity - depth of objects is no issue. I suspect circular references are an issue, and obviously any handles to files or databases etc are an issue
Ah, good guidance @Jodes. Thank you
Commands are my interfaces. I might just leave them super light, and just do the conversion to VOs in the handlers.
@prograhammer You know PHP has a Serializable interface, right? php.net/serializable
(the whole serialize() thing is awful… that interface doesn't help anything)
So that I could do my own custom serialization? I don't even know where to begin on that? Like take the properties myself and put them into JSON or something?
If you use unserialize(), you do it wrong, as a general rule.
@bwoebi why is that?
No, Serializable doesn't let you do custom serialization format. Just allows you to provide custom set of properties for serialization.
You're still relying on the PHP serializer.
@prograhammer It copies state… heck you can even serialize references with it. And in case someone else may be in between he may take limited control of the application. (Like arbitrary wakeup/destruct calls, and there's always some serialization bug on some internal class which isn't known to us php-src devs.) Use a clean input you don't need to trust.
The simpler and smaller the format is, the better.
It's basically a potential vulnerability.
@Jodes that's to make the test fail in case of no exception thrown and an exception is expected
It's a dummy-assert which always fails, just to generate the failure.
anything we should keep mind before signing NDA with client??
You should probably read it before you sign it.
apart from that? :)
consult a lawyer
+ have every possible proof, leave no room for contradictions or ambiguities.
:) ircmaxell last question can that NDA can be used as work experience proof ??
kk thnks :)
LOL, were you planning on attaching an NDA to your resume or something?
Because that might be the funniest thing I've heard all day.
So much for the non-disclosure.
@Sherif Well, I've never seen a NDA prohibiting non-disclosure of the NDA.
@bwoebi I have
With exceptions to law enforcement and courts
@bwoebi lol
@AnmolRaghuvanshi really important part is the time that you are not allowed to talk about something or work in similar company
But to be fair, I haven't seen many NDAs in my life.
@marcio runs
@marcio yup, and they suck
@bwoebi yea, it looks like a horrible idea ^^
@tereško thnks
I was just surprised it's been there for so long.
@samayo @dl(eiiiih.
i saw that :)
@marcio SPL is where code goes to die
@JoeWatkins function autoloading...?
I know how to pull data from a db and display it on a page and then have an edit button that takes you to an edit page but I'm thinking for this project I am working on I just want to be able to have a the data on one page and click on it to edit it and not change pages
@Sherif SPL = Sumus Perituri Libri // Well, I have no idea how to translate "code" into latin… so, I guess Romans wrote their logics or maths into books…
@bwoebi We are doomed to book?
Apparently that's what Google Translate made of "Sumus Perituri Libri"
We are the books doomed to die. would be a better fit.
I want to make this table editable by either an edit button that allows inline edits or just by clicking on the data.
Perhaps you didn't conjugate your verbs properly?
@Sherif I did…
Google Translate gives me "Perituri sumus libris" if I run "We are the books doomed to die" the other way around.
Anyway, who the fuck speaks latin anymore.
perituri should be the plural masculine form of the participle future
Did you go to law school or something?
How do you even know this?
Nah :-D
well, learned in school? ^^
had 6 years of latin…
What hell of a school was that?
normal gymnasium?
@Sherif libris is a bit weird… would be a dative here and that makes no sense (ablative even less) … That's like "We are the ones doomed to die by books."
A proper school.
@Sherif Well, (if we choose to have Latin) from 8th to 11th year we have it… then in 12th (depends) and 13th year we can drop each year a language… but for reasons (had not that bad marks in Latin) I choose to drop other languages…
/only did 2 years Latin.
Caecilius est in domus.
@Danack ah, that's a name.
The Cambridge Latin Course (CLC) is a series of textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, used to teach Latin to secondary school students. First published in 1970, the series is now in its fifth edition, and has sold over 3.5 million copies. It has reached high status in the UK, being the most successful Latin course in the country and used by 85% of Latin-teaching schools. == Format == The course consists of a series of chapters, each of which includes stories in Latin as well as vocabulary and grammar explained in English. There is a short history section at the end of each chapter...
Most people in the UK who know any latin know about 'ol Caecilius.
All the time just Caecillus? That must be boring…
Latin is only taught at posher/public schools in UK though.
3 mins ago, by Danack
A proper school.
Well proper would be a little insulting to those of us who attended private :P
@Fabor Well, no offense meant, but... :-P :-P :-P
@Danack I prefer Seneca to this :-D
@Fabor I also attended private - but they still did Latin, and the school song is sung in Latin
Yes, some still do, majority don't I believe. German and French are the usuals
I'm just curious when you ever find Latin practical in today's world?
Helps for doctors.
Apart from practicing Law, where much of the literature is communicated in Latin, I don't find any practical uses for it in today's age.
We could say the same thing about many subjects though
I'm saying as a language, not a subject.
@Sherif to understand some words you don't know but look derived from Latin… // Anyway, when I was this summer in Westmister Abbey, I was reading at least half of the Latin inscriptions…
You British folk are all about class.
Yes, @bwoebi is totally all about appearing to be an upper class English gentlemen.
@Danack that song is a single laudation on yourself in every single verse :-D
@bwoebi Besides half of English etymology is bastardized so much that you can hardly find latin roots in many of the common-place vocabulary.
@Sherif agree, it's rarer in English. But go a bit south…
WTF (origin: The Internet)
I'd still rather learn Latin over Religious studies.
Anyway, the worst part about Latin was learning the lists of vocabularies…
@bwoebi A bit south? I don't understand.
@Sherif well, I mean south to Great Britain.
Bit left.
yeah, and French … even more in Italian…
English is a strange language. It originates from Germanic and yet inherits a lengthy history of Latin and Greek roots.

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