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that's the 4th ping on the same line .. seriously
I couldn't figure out that the word I was using was right.
I mean the tense.
We're all almost a year older when we round up.
@HassanAlthaf You shouldn't lie about your age on the internet. Mostly because no one cares.
@Fabor What do you mean?
@Fabor you are almost 40
@tereško You shouldn't care about people's age on the internet.
@MadaraUchiha Lie about my age? I'm 15.. turning 16 next year..
On that note, I'll be hitting 125 soon
Better start thinking about retirement
On the internet no one knows you're a dog.
Dog's can't use computers.
Not a chess fan, but still pretty cool
When losing it'd make for a great nuclear resignation.
@MadaraUchiha it was not about the age, but about him acting like a kid ... you can scroll up
also, he said that porn is immoral
@Fabor not sure what the dimensions are.
Maybe not in the western countries, but in the rest of the world, it is.
@HassanAlthaf What's so immoral about porn?
You motivate horrible businessmen and businesswomen to buy women and men and get them to do all that stuff.
.. he also made that statement in response to youtube.com/watch?v=PN0XRkSyhwM .. which was kinda funny
It happens a lot in India.
Can't tar everyone with the same brush.
And I'm very sure in other countries too. Luckily, it is very less in my country.
@HassanAlthaf Unless things are illegal, which sometimes they are, and everything happens under clear consent, which it often is, I don't see your point.
Men and women can be immoral, not the industry.
@tereško WTFFFFF?
I object kidnap, rape and human trafficking like any other person, but legitimate porn is none of those things
Finklehorn is a MAN!
Also, in that regard, what do you feel about drawn/animated porn? Is that immoral too?
@Fabor Glad to hear that. I started new job and I have few side-projects so my free time is basically equals to 0.
@Fabor Everyone has opinions. In my opinion, porn is for perverts.
@Leri Just be careful not to burn out but congrats :)
@HassanAlthaf Yes, and 99.99999% of the world's population, males and females, are perverts.
And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise because they'd be lying.
They may be perverts,
but they know how to control themselves.
@Fabor Thanks. ;)
@HassanAlthaf Define "self control"
@MadaraUchiha so .. I guess now you see how age became a subject
@MadaraUchiha Ability to kill your temptations.
I don't pounce on the first woman I see and rape her senseless (unless she's a Senju, that's another matter)
@HassanAlthaf Why the hell would I want to kill my temptations?
They are what makes me me.
Temptations are a part of life, acting or them or not acting on them is also a part of life
Why would I want to deprive myself of that?
Not everything is as black and white as it appears to you
There are two sides of every story
If it hurts no one, what's wrong with it.
Immoral temptations must be avoided. Everyone has opinions, and this is one of my opinions. I love to be ethical.
2 hours ago, by tereško
what a sheltered kid
Again, what's immoral?
And throwing big statements around like "porn is bad" or "everyone should hold of with having sex until they're married" really have little merit.
Aaaaaaanyway - that's off topic.
@Danack You have a better topic?
Suffrage for fish.
@MadaraUchiha That is your opinion. Well, majority of the people in the west are with that opinion. But not the rest of the world. At least not the majority.
@HassanAlthaf Should I look up porn viewing stats in India?
You're delusional.
India was an example
@HassanAlthaf Name a place with internet access and more than 100 people.
Basically the whole world has internet access, except for some remote locations.
@HassanAlthaf Again, wrong.
How's that wrong?
The vast majority of the world has no internet access.
about 1.5bil people have access to internet
My bad, but I think at least half of the entire world does have internet.
@HassanAlthaf 1.5 billion out of 8 billion isn't half.
I just searched,
We're up to 8!? Damn.
@HassanAlthaf you can make assumptions and claims, but make sure you have facts back you up.
@HassanAlthaf Yup, that's what I see as well
@tereško your data is a bit outdated :)
@MadaraUchiha it's probably 2-3 years old factoid
Eh, let's see how UN achieves' its goal by 2020.
I mean Mark zuck said that in UN.
@MadaraUchiha Bruv, I don't want to get flagged by my ISP for clicking that link.
@HassanAlthaf Meh, it's a blog with legitimate stats
Also, now I'm actually interested, what would happen if you got flagged by your ISP?
That site has some sort of virus
My internet stopped working as soon as I clicked it.
@MadaraUchiha lol .. you know that you linked to a page which is selling some chistian fundamentalist books ?
@tereško Really? XD
It was the first results in Google and it seemed legit enough
What is this internet.org
hi guys
i need to create a server which will provide some web services using php
i think that is better to use Jason
json *
what do you think about it ?
xml / json ?
only if you have a hockey mask, knife is optional
Wtf I thought Nokia doesn't exist
Or a golden fleece.
@HassanAlthaf i think is iot ( Internet Of Things )
the data exchange format for an API doesn't really matter
you use the one that will be best for the client apps
@tereško thank you. I see some difference between Soap / Rest
which you think is better to use ?
the one that's best suited for your purpose
i cant choose cause i dont know something for them
@gtzinos For data storage, you should use a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) instead of a File based system. Something like PostgreSQL.
going with json wont hurt .
What's the difference between SOAP and REST? What is SOAP and REST?
use google for that
@HassanAlthaf PostGresql or MariaDB or Mysql
@gtzinos I prefer PostgreSQL over all.
@HassanAlthaf why ?
I read this ( Unless you have a definitive reason to use SOAP use REST’” )
@gtzinos Because MySQL sucks. PostgreSQL is easy to setup, and is powerful. :)
that's not an answer
It's an opinion. @tereško
I never said it's an answer.
sentiment :)
2 mins ago, by gtzinos
@HassanAlthaf why ?
also, I would like to note that Postgre is harder to set up than MySQL/MariaDB
It's easy.
Download the installer,
run the installer
And then create a table and shit.
lol no
I agree that setting up postgres is harder than mysql on Ubuntu / debian
pgAdmin is a good tool lol.
I'm talking in terms of OS X btw.
Download the installer
Run the installer
Have problems
Solve problems
More problems
And then create a table and shit.
@VamsiKrishnaB same goes for freebsd, centos and fedora
I have encountered 0 problems in PostgreSQL.
@HassanAlthaf Then you have not installed PostgreSQL enough times, or on enough distros.
@HassanAlthaf please stop just repeating what you hear without actually understanding any of it
I will give my reason to use postgres , window functions :)
@MadaraUchiha I have had a lot of trouble with MySQL on windows servers.
Congratulation to myself..! 1K rep ;)
Postgres hasn't given me any trouble yet though. But for PHP based applications I use MySQL, since most hosts only have MySQL available. Java based applications are PostgreSQL all the way.
@Sajad \o/
@Sajad Gratz!
@gtzinos the main difference is that SOAP is a defined standard (and it's a large spec to read) while REST is more like an "approach"
@tereško Mate, can you please be my PHP teacher.
@HassanAlthaf If you already know Java, you don't really need a PHP teacher.
You need to read the manual to understand the API available to you, and then just write a few things in PHP
there is no food in the house
I need to go shopping
why my last comment has 3 favorite? why someone favorite something?
@tereško are you from Estonia ?
@MadaraUchiha I know, I was just trying to annoy him. He is interesting to mess up with. :P
@HassanAlthaf That he is.
@VamsiKrishnaB Latvia, that's about 200km south
@MadaraUchiha I like to fight with him mainly because I get a lot of general knowledge which I am not aware of.
@HassanAlthaf Yeah, I do it too.
Haha. High five @MadaraUchiha
My version of Cunningham's law.
Cunningham's law. lmao
Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."
So true.
Thanks for starring my messages guys, I got a silver badge.
html file type not supporting in android and iphone how to fix
please guide anybody..
can you be more specific ? also just as a reminder this is a PHP chat room
Uhm… what's the difference between getmyuid() and posix_getuid() exactly? The former is giving me the uid of the user executing sudo, the latter is giving me 0 (root). … why?
yeah..i know that may be everyone may cross this problem thats why messaged
oh… yeah
well, it's the uid of the script file…
can't read docs good enough… always that mistake.
ah yea… there's even a comment on this page…
wait github command line
didnt ask my credentials,
i just was able to commit wtf?
commit or push? ;-)
I meant push
It didn't show my profile picture, but my name correctly.
Any idea how to fix that?
I deleted it right now
This is what I followed: help.github.com/articles/…
@HassanAlthaf maybe it's stored in your keychain (or whatever the things are called in your OS)
I haven't stored my credentials.
It just doesn't even show my prof pic lol
@HassanAlthaf You've added your SSH key to GitHub at one point, and authenticated over SSH.
I realized when I checked my keychain. I removed all my github stuff, and then relogged in but the issue still persists.
How is that nice
I removed all my github stuff,-- really funny
I meant the
credentials from keychain
Why you think is better to use ( Rest ) between to use ( Soap ) ?
Anyone here use AWS?
I have a simple S3 question
Anyone recommens nuSOAP lib for implementation of SOAP?
Or its better to implement myself usign soapServer/Client of PHP?
@gtzinos Who honestly wants to work with XML?
xml isn't so bad, soap is the goddamn devil though
@Jimbo I wonder it too !!!
I propose a new one - YOTI
Yaml over the internet
@ChristosThb implement what ever you like
Currently I get access to my files like this https://s3.amazonaws.com/app.name.com/folder/subfolder/filename.extenstion, It works perfect and anyone can download it and view it. But can other AWS get the same URL?
@Jimbo only if it lets me punch you in the face over the internet
@LGL ask away
@LGL no as the bucket name is unique
So you telling me another user from different account wouldn't get same bucket name?
yupp atleast for the same reason
Wow thats pretty cool, @NullPoiиteя Thanks
@LGL np :)
@PaulCrovella HTTP 3 will have that
@NullPoiиteя And Yes your correct I just try to make a bucket with simple name and reject and say its not available.
lol, my statement wasnt baseless :D
I know, Just testing it out, Im starting to love AWS
One more question sorry, If I want to Host a simple site with little PHP for 1 form, do I have to start instance? I mean this can get costly, cause I have other instance for the app.
@LGL ya its nice but i havent figured out how to pass/create some token to make private url
without making one request for every object
@NullPoiиteя Oh i did that
@LGL how?
One second, I will get the API for you.
sure, i would love to know
So for example this is how you put object correct?
$AWSresult = $s3->putObject([
	'Bucket' => 'app.name.com',
     'Key' => "Photos/{$date}/{$tmp_file_name}",
	'Body' => fopen($tmp_file_path, 'rb'),
	'ACL' => 'public-read'
i can not have acl public-read
if you want i can show my aws class to you
Yes please do
just a second
You don't have to have it public
tokenizing can still work, there is API Call
just a second i have to import vm to vmware to open that file
I need make a web server using a linux version. Which you recommend me ?
@gtzinos ubuntu
@NullPoiиteя Sure, take your time Im looking for the call
ok ill ping you when i am done
By the way make sure is not public-read @NullPoiиteя
make it private
making it public or private isnt problem to me ... i dont know how to make url which can read private files ( with same token )
yes one second
But its important to be Private, cause you will get access to it with token
By the way show me the getObjectURL @NullPoiиteя cause thats were we will tokenize it
i am fetching all object from bucket and making file browser as i have private object i need to create url to access those object but now i am making private url by making a call to aws for every object which is expensive
vmware importing too slow :/ still onl 92%
Are you using V3 or V2?
@NullPoiиteя Mr null pointer exception why you prefer ubuntu and not debian ?
because it have more resources and help
Yes V3 is better, I also Update 3 days ago
@NullPoiиteя why not Linux mint ?
@NullPoiиteя Check it again
check your self, ubuntu has more resources than combined all of other linex destro
    'Bucket' => '<string>',
    'ETag' => '<string>',
    'Expiration' => '<string>',
    'Key' => '<string>',
    'Location' => '<string>',
    'ObjectURL' => '<string>',
    'RequestCharged' => 'requester',
    'SSEKMSKeyId' => '<string>',
    'ServerSideEncryption' => 'AES256|aws:kms',
    'VersionId' => '<string>',
@NullPoiиteя you see the Expiration, once you set that it would automatically tokenize your download URL
@NullPoiиteя Ubuntu based on debian so why not to use Debian version ?
@LGL exactly .. its one request per object
@LGL i am using listallobject and making file browser by parsing that array
it's comedy time #cnn

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