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@zaq178miami what do you want to do ?
moin peepz
I am looking for some advice or guidance on a situation I am working through at work. I am however not looking for someone to do it for me though.
Hi chat, how you doing?
@JoeWatkins, I want to start background std::thread and watch for ext structures memory and time limit and when limit (if any) reached - cancel ext-specific tasks that run in main thread. Also, maybe, throw exception in main thread.
@JoeWatkins, I've read about TSRM changes in github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-7.0/UPGRADING.INTERNALS, and it is not clear do i need to TSRMLS_SET_CTX() in main thread and then TSRMLS_FETCH_FROM_CTX() in parallel thread
@JoeWatkins, also, I have lack of expertise in case i have background thread which in case of pthread usage serves structs from multiple threads, can you highlight this use case?
you can't really do what you want to do just by setting contexts
it's shared nothing, you can't share code between threads, you have to copy it, all of it ... like opcache/pthreads/apc do ...
memory allocated by any thread "belongs" to that thread, other threads can safely read it given the correct precautions (lock), but you can't write (or free) it under any circumstances ...
a sensible option, might be some kind of message passing ...
@JoeWatkins, yeah, sure. Let me explain two cases
@JoeWatkins, 1) each struct (regardles threading) has it own background thread that check mem and time limit. 2) there are only one bg thread that check mem and time limits for all structs, regardles they from main thread of from other.
@JoeWatkins, bg thread doesn't do any memory manipulations and doesn't run any user code, it just asks for long or memory-consuming termination
yeah this is okay
so pass messages into zend, but drop the idea of throwing an exception directly, it's not happening ...
can you please clarify "pass messages into zend"?
how is zend currently made aware that memory/time limit is reached ?
or is that the problem you are trying to solve ?
in my case i faced not with zend-specific time and memory limits, but with limiting my ext inside zend
I got that ...
i'm using v8 which doesn't have limiting out of the box
so normally you start thread and pool for it memory usage, same for time usage
and when limit reached you ask (and probably wait) for execution termination
after abrupt termination happened, in my case, in main thread zend exception will be thrown
so here comes next problem: you can ask for termination manually for main thread and there will be no difference whether limits was reached or not, so i have flags for that which are set from bg thread, assume they are just bit flags
@zaq178miami what you're doing is way out of my capabilities. But just to ask a sanity checking question, have you thought about writing this as a totally separate application, and communicating it via sockets, rather than trying to put it all inside the PHP application?
how is that flag checked in the background thread ?
@Danack he's working on a v8 extension ... so n/a really ...
@JoeWatkins, they are not checked in bg, just set
I thought the main thread set them ?
@Danack, yeah, socket may be the option, but my case is slightly different, i embed v8 into php
@zaq178miami you know there is already a v8 extension, right ?
<offtop> so one may write crappy code when they write crappy code. Just imagine: recursively embed php and js (and there are sql)
@JoeWatkins, sure, I know about v8js
mine is just different
oh right okay, just checking ...
so I can't really make sense of the problem ... show me some code, it's a language we both understand ... pseudo code if you like ...
i really appreciate v8js contributors job, especially @stesie's, he is actively contributing to it, but we just have different in mind, i guess when i lint my code a bit we will discuss it.
@JoeWatkins, let me write some gist
that doesn't look safe to me
@JoeWatkins, and another question, in case in userland (in PHP) one starts thread and do exactly the same i described, but in PHP, how safe and correct is that?
v8js_timer_thread must be a thread I guess, and the interrupt handler according to docs can be called in another ...
that is why I'm asking
and here is how script execution made with limits - github.com/phpv8/v8js/blob/master/v8js_v8.cc#L123
@JoeWatkins, just note that timeout is in seconds - better than nothing, but precision is not great.
I think you can use the same signal based technique for timeout, and for memory limit ...
is there no way to override the allocator in v8 so that you don't need any magic ?
and in my case i don't want to stop main thread execution, just stop v8 stuff which goes out of limits
simple is better, if you can override the allocators, then do that ...
so my workflow looks like start php script -> run v8-related stuff -> continue to php
if not, can you push arbitrary code to the v8 stack ?
didn't get what do you mean about pushing arbitrary code to v8 stack
can you insert some code to be run in v8, and then keep inserting it ?
not exactly
okay ...
calling v8::V8::TerminateExecution() may be done from any thread
docs said that it is safe
and this call cause a non-terminatable exception in js
v8 runs in single thread (one v8::Isolate should be used within single thread), so i cause from bg thread termination in main one
yeah but for out-of-memory that's really messy ...
it would be better to detect at the point of origin - when memory is allocated ...
yeah, it checks current usage
rather than interrupt after the limit has already been exceeded
yeahm there are memory allocator embedders have to implement, let me check whether it will do the job
but it checks it every second or whatever, rather than when the block of memory that pushed it over the limit was allocated ... overriding the new operators, or whatever allocators need to be overridden is the better option there ...
is there any kind of mechanism to add a shutdown callback to a v8 isolate ?
(I know nothing about v8, I'm reading a little of the docs as I go ...)
ok, i was wrong, that allocator is just for ArrayBuffer
it would be great to have some limits out of the box in v8, but i guess even node.js do it in the way i described
void v8::V8::AddMemoryAllocationCallback 	( 	MemoryAllocationCallback  	callback,
		ObjectSpace  	space,
		AllocationAction  	action
what's this ?
* Allocator that V8 uses to allocate |ArrayBuffer|'s memory.
* The allocator is a global V8 setting. It has to be set via
* Isolate::CreateParams.
* This API is experimental and may change significantly.
that's probably the way to go
for the time limit, you don't want to sleep ...
let me knock up a gist ...
not exactly, from docs - it is for ArrayBuffer - developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
but there are other handlers, there must be a way to control all of allocation ... I think all memory allocated by user code is arraybuffer isn't it ?
that's probably precise enough ...
@zaq178miami something like this ... if I understand the problem ... gist.github.com/krakjoe/e8b81d6f3cf7364ce7c3
I spent 7 hours in car today, I'm knackered ... night all ...
@zaq178miami let me know how you get on ... tomorrow ... ;)
@JoeWatkins, no, ArrayBuffer::Allocator only for ArrayBuffer
@JoeWatkins, thanks for the help, i will play with it
Q: Is it normal to spend as much, if not more, time writing tests than actual code?

springloadedI find tests a lot trickier and harder to write than the actual code they are testing. It's not unusual for me to spend more time writing the test than the code it is testing. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong? The question “Is unit testing or test-driven development worthwhile?” and...

@Abe If you do, you haven't reworked your code often enough.
I mean that seriously… you spend a lot of time writing tests, but reworking the code, often just is a few simple batch API changes in tests
good morning
@bwoebi my code is always in beta never been stable enough to write some tests xD
meh, I forgot a vim command that shows settings from a conf file while hiding the comments.
yo @Orangepill
What is the purpose of zend.assertions = 0 vs. zend.assertions = -1? Does generating the code serve some purpose?
@Trowski perf.
@bwoebi Clearly -1 is the production mode.
But why does 0 even exist?
@Trowski for dynamic (de)activation
-1 is a perdir ini setiing, not switchable at rt
So if it is -1, you can't set it to 1 dynamically?
Ok, that's what I was looking for.
The documentation of assert() makes it sound like if you provide a custom exception, that object will be thrown, but that only seems to be true if that object is an instance of AssertionError.
@Trowski no?

printf("zend.assertions: %d\n", ini_get('zend.assertions'));

ini_set('assert.exception', 1);

assert(false, new Exception('This was a test'));
should work fine
That still throws an AssertionError with message Exception: This was a test
Hold on... it's been a while since I recompiled on this machine, maybe that's it.
it converts other exception types to AssertionError
The documentation doesn't make that clear then.
it does a string cast on the passed param if not inheriting from AssertionError
From the manual: In PHP 7, the second parameter can be a Throwable object instead of a descriptive string, in which case this is the object that will be thrown if the assertion fails and the assert.exception configuration directive is enabled.
… which returns the exception msg for exceptions
@bwoebi Sure, makes sense, but that's not what the above says.
I'm in favor of fixing the implementation (lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/ext/standard/assert.c#247)
I would be as well, because that was unexpected behavior to me.
I'll fix that then.
I assume I commit to PHP-7.0 and merge to master?
"Fix implementation to match docs about assert()" :-)
@Trowski yes
@Orangepill around? did you start checking DDD/CQRS?
what is mean of "cv-pls" ? (I think "pls" is "please")
@zaq178miami ah, I see, tnx
@PeeHaa o/
o/ @NeelIon
i'm reading PHP Licensing FAQ (php.net/license/index.php#faq-lic) and it is not clear for me whether it is ok by it license to have php-something repo while having just "someting" extension in it?
@zaq178miami It's fine
@NikiC is it fine by-practice or by-license
@zaq178miami by-license
Essentially the license clause just says that you cannot use the name PHP if you fork the project
I.e. unless your extension ships the PHP source code along with it or something, it's not an issue
I probably was biased by this reddit discussion - reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1jo517/…
but the FAQ on licensing "... thousands of applications out there that call themselves "PHP-Something" the negative karma that generates reflects unfairly on the entire PHP project ..."
apart crappy php-whaterver or whaterver-php, there are such great things like AOP-PHP
and in case of AOP-PHP both AOP and PHP is nowadays common abbreviations
fuck AOP
I haven't seen anything to come from AOP which was not a university paper
@tereško, did you have to maintain AOP-flavored project?
no, but I have had to maintain include-oriented programming projects
@tereško, magento2 has some AOP ideas within, interceptors are the first which comes to my mind
in old days those where called "hooks"
that's not AOP
otherwise you can say that Wordpress is an AOP project
at some point tons of hooks become AOP
anyway, i not really good with AOP, so it was just firs project i found on pecl which uses php in it repo/organisation name
no, at some point a tons of hooks become ... emm .. what was the technical term
oh, right: a clusterfuck
when it enterprise and you are yet not full of corporate shit it can't be called in this way (at least that is what I was told)
The code becomes "dynamically stable". Aka falls over when you look at it wrong.
leaky abstractions
@Sajad why are you hurting me?
as to PHP licensing, it is more theoretical question about having "php" in name
@zaq178miami PHP trademark is owned by Rasmus
if you are making something opensource, there won't be any problems
@tereško, sure, I guess it is less likely to go into troubles doing non-shitty opensource
e.g. there are php-amqp extension, php-amqplib, where naming just amqp or amqplib mean totally nothing
(this is just my thought aloud)
and inventing names like AmberMeanQualifiedPenquin is somehow weird, isn't it?
@zaq178miami The only thing that you should be aware of, is that you wouldn't be able to stop the PHP group from using the same name as your project. For example, a company had made a product called PHP-DBG. When something with the same name was included in core, the company complained, and were told to go forth and multiply.
@tereško sorry, I thought this question is related to you and I told with myself maybe you want to write a answer under it.
there is no point
what the OP is trying to do is to figure out how to use composer packages in his own project
it has nothing to do with mvc or symfony
you could not explain him ?
@tereško ah :-) ! then sorry
@Sajad what would be the point. It obvious that the OP did not put any effort in trying to learn anything in his/her own
also, it looks like a burner-account, made only to ask one question before abandoning that account
@tereško yeah, I had the same feeling
But I don't know why I can't flag (close) a question ... I will be sad about the author
@Sajad earn more repo
@NeelIon for what? for flagging? I'm able to do that, I just can't (emotional prespective)
@tereško interesting, I have just 1 step (less than 50 rep) for "create gallery chat rooms" ;)
that's kinda useless
@Sajad oh ya, i am also unable to down vote and something like that for the same reason.
the "create new tags" is a lot more useful privilege
@tereško interesting, I have just 1 step (less than 50 rep) for "create gallery chat rooms" ;)
@tereško actually I'm far of this (more that 550 rep) to "create new tags". (also I can "established user" after achieving less than 50 rep)
@Sajad are you a student?
@NeelIon yes
@Sajad cool, cse?
what is mean of 'cse' ?
what is the meaning of 'x'?
@Sajad computer science and engineering
@samayo why would I close this?
@NeelIon ah, yes
read my comment
@samayo what you want to say?
@samayo ok, also agreed
I told you last time, if there are no other conversations in-between your message and the person you are talking to, there is no need to ping.
@Sajad i have a wish, but i don't know whether it will fulfill or not
@NeelIon can I help you?
@Sajad ya you can but i have to chat you privately.
if you want to become a pretty pretty princess, there might be some issues
@tereško hahahahahahahahaha, want to marry a pretty pretty princess
@NeelIon look, really I like to help you, but I think I can not. There is two reason: 1. I don't know english very well, 2. I have not very exprience about programming
@Sajad this is not about programming and you are almost fluent in English
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@NeelIon ok well, I will be glad if I could help others ...
have you Skype account?
.. it's funny to see the shoe on the other foot
@Sajad this is not about help, just to express my wish
@NeelIon ok, I'm listening ...
@tereško is it a term?
it's an expression
and what is its purpose to say?
@Sajad must you know everything?
sometimes just let it pass.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@samayo because that expression is about me ...
ya know, you can always google a phrase that you dont know/understand
@Sajad not everything everyone says about you is worth your time.
just chill like this guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@tereško yes it is funny
@Sajad also don't do that
@samayo actually I don't know what is your mean of "that", but if your mean is don't chat with @NeelIon in private, I should say I will ...!
@Sajad chill man
@Sajad I meant don't try to assimilate very hard by praising or assuming to understand something just to fit in ..
anyway, it doesn't matter
to me :D
▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 ----- dɥd
I shot the php
@Sajad i never mind when teresko says something like that.
In-fact he adds some different taste here :)
:) alright
Every person has different kind of talent.
Different people has different personality.
You can gather different types of knowledge from different people
yeah ...
@NeelIon where are you from?
Accept what is good and reject what is bad
@Sajad Germany
@NeelIon good, Germans are kind people ...! I have a German friend, he is really nice
well, how old are you?
Can someone help me out with a logical problem? I have a problem where a bank has $100 in deposit, and it holds 20% of it for reserve, and loans out 80% of it. I need to calculate the total deposited from n=1, to when the bank is at $0.1 in loan. I made a for loop, and I'm confused about how I can calculate the total deposited (since it's always increasing, i.e. 100 + 80 + 64), from when n=1. The language isn't PHP, but a guide in a logical direction is accepted >_<. pastebin.com/uNPSCTmP
trying to achiveve this i.imgur.com/Fm7SMcg.png, i.e. the total deposited column
@Axel totald = totald + X + X1;
if I understood what you want
though, I would have constructed the loop itself differently .. your current code way too confusing for yourself
i got it :D
thank you
how would you have done it differently? @tereško
I would have used a while loop there and only put the condition in it
its a school problem, its asking for for loop .-.
but thank you for your help :D i did totald = totalD + x, and it worked. x is initially 100, and totald i set to 0, and then as it continues, it works out
btw, @Axel if you make so that N starts with 0, you can put the print() statement at the bottom of loop
it would improve the readability, because the way it is now, you have output mixed in with the math
N has to start at 1, I set n = 1 at start, and after it prints, i increase it by 1, so for next iteration, it'll be at 2
how do you mean?
if N is 0 and you put the N = N + 1; at the top of the loop's content, it will be 1, when it gets to the print()
oooo @tereško that's actually better :D
it's a tiny bit easier to understand that code
@tereško you're right, it's easier to understand :)
looks clearner at least
@Axel teachers won't tell you this, but having easy to understand code is usually better than having fast code
because, if you can understand it, you can improve it
also, you write the code only once .. everything else "maintenance and debugging" ... and it's harder do debug a clusterfuck
@tereško makes sense. im guessing you also mean spacing, comments as well?
spacing is matter of taste, but line indentation is important
and comments .. well ... you should comment only the tricky parts and the non-trivial function/methods as whole
having /* adds 1 to X */ comment is just noise
Do you guys use func-get-arg for pseudo-function overloading?
why would you do that?
Cause PHP doesn't support (?) function overloading?
what do you need function overloading for, like which specific case atm?
@MenelaosKotsollaris if a function has different parameters, then it is a different function
Hello everyone.
I have a question. How can I push myself to finish a book on PHP?
just do it
So for the constructor case, do you guys name constructor1 and constructor2?
Its been 2 years I am trying to finish this book called "Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites (Animal Guide)"
@MenelaosKotsollaris why do I get the impression that you come from Java ?
Cause I come from it, haha
@FahadUddin that sounds like really bad book there. Rule of thumb is: avoid programming books taht contain "and" in the title :P
or commas
@tereško Thats what StackOverflow recommends:
@MenelaosKotsollaris it is extremely rare for one to need another constructor. But you can use a static function for that purpose.
@tereško The exception that proves the rule: Fonts & Encodings :)
yeeees, there are exceptions
that's why it is called "rule of thumb"
Are you guys good with HTML, CSS and JavaScript too?
@tereško I thought that was something about not being able to hit people with a book thicker than my thumb...
@tereško I'm seeing for first time, you used duplicate characters (for showing the emphasis)
Just giving you crap, I completely agree with what you said. Looking at my shelf, there are few books with "and" in the title.
@tereško Not familiar with where the term "rule of thumb" came from?
@Sajad because that's how I would have said it in real world. Combined with this facial expression: c1.staticflickr.com/3/2688/4421757390_a8e23c2358.jpg
@tereško Exactly the face I would have expected. :)
Now I want to watch that movie... but so much work to do...
@tereško: How did you get so much reputation on StackOverflow?
he is lucky, however I think all people that have account for +4 years, they have more than 10k rep, because former people gives upvote easily
@FahadUddin I hunt down small-rep users, cut of their heads and absorb their power
When I see users with reputation like yours, it makes me assume their salaries would be high too.
nope, not if you live in a poor country like I do
I live in a poor country too :(
and me too
@FahadUddin also 3.5k rep is not less :-)
I have spend around as much time as @tereško on SO.
and me too
Do you work using Freelancer websites? My friends use them and they are making money in US dollars.
@samayo you have "Stack Overflow Careers", and seems you have a good salary ...
I was under the impression that @samayo was unemployed and bitter about it
oh, too bad, sorry
@FahadUddin what is the main religion in your country?
you can find those facts on wikipedia
@Sajad: Its Islam. I am a Muslim. What does that have to do with anything :)?
@tereško: I like your suggestion.
how's the weekend going?

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