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@Andrea absolutely! Which is the fundamental problem today
half the difference between technical and non-technical people in computer ability is just being willing to hunt around for things
@samayo Hm...
@NikiC You got the same result?
@samayo I didn't try, but I don't expect to get it
Is there any way to include Annotations @ function declaration?
People have been reporting heap corruption for rather trivial code, but it's always not using source builds
I want to start a programming school. You're given a few manuals and a computer and a problem. You figure out how to do it. Without internet
If I made a patch/RFC that makes $foo = "hello, " + $name; produce the "A non well formed numeric value encountered" error... do you think it would succeed?
It seems to me that you get a lot of questions from kids taking computer classes who literally just want the answers to their homework, and don't even want to try to understand the problem. That then puts a lot of people off trying to teach
Like we do in Java e.g. function example(@NotNull x1, @Nullable x2){}
@Andrea yes
@MenelaosKotsollaris no
though in that specific example, we don't even say 'A non well formed numeric value encountered' for internal functions, we just error outright
@Andrea A tentative yes
what should the error message be?
@ircmaxell computer has to be disassembled
@NikiC @ircmaxell everyone's felt the pain, I guess...
@MenelaosKotsollaris Those annotations really suck in Java
You know what people need? A crash course in how to google.. It will solve alot of problems...
Oh, maybe just 'Warning: Non-numeric value given to +'
I've used them on one project and definitely not gonna use them ever again
@Andrea yah, somethin like that
@Naruto before you can learn how to google, you must learn how to research
searching is no good if you do not understand how to weigh if what you have found is applicable or not.
@ircmaxell uhm… why without internet? just disallow them asking the question directly on a site and pose a question they can't really google and just copy…
@ircmaxell searching is no good if you don't know what you actually need to search for, also
Oh ok thanks Maxell. I guess I will stick with the INTELLIJ annotations in the comment section only. @NikiC why do you say that? Knowing what's allowed and not in the function helps you throw proper errors and better organise it IMHO.
imagine a typical StackOverflow newbie, transported back to the 80s
@ircmaxell I feel like learning how to search go rather hand in hand with google :)
they can search through the books forever to find 'how make oracle database for user and password with encrypt' and won't find it
but they could find a book on how to create oracle databases, perhaps a book on how to do user security
the problem today, as you mention, is you can actually google that and get a tutorial
but the user will be stumped on their next task when there's no tutorial
@bwoebi no, because of what @Andrea is saying. To learn how to program is to learn how to turn a concrete problem into an abstract one. Being able to search allows you to bypass that process and just "find a tutorial" for the concrete problem. How many questions do we see on SO every day that are simply because the poster is undable to generalize his/her question???
@Andrea Why go back to the 80's, it's still happening in the present :P
@Naruto the Web didn't exist
@Andrea most of them would never get into programming in the first place, it used to take a more significant amount of intellectual curiosity on the subject before you'd even begin. Hell, just having a computer in the '80s wasn't all that common.
but actually the 90s would be fine, now that I think about it
@PaulCrovella certainly having the kind that could run Oracle wasn't
home computers were quite popular though
@Andrea Regardless of the internet, If those people would have that question, they would probably go to the library or whatever and ask hte person there the same thing they would type into google :D Making them fail over and over..
@Andrea no they weren't
@Naruto hhahahaaha
@ircmaxell not to the degree of the 90s, 2000s
but they were mass-market
@Andrea "mass"
@Naruto LOL, I love the idea of asking a librarian random questions and expecting an answer.
and by mass, less than 5% of the population
@ircmaxell the C64 sold 17 million
@ircmaxell why are you not on grovo.com/team?
@salathe fun fact, in the 70's and 80's, you could call the NY public library and ask any question, and they would answer it.
@Andrea and my family had 5. your point?
@Gordon he hasn't figured out which power-pose to make yet.
@ircmaxell heh
librarians still answer questions, and love to do it, they just don't get asked all that much anymore
@Gordon that's a good question
Well that was just an example, but something more familiar is asking a programmer: my phone is broken, can you fix it, your an IT guy right you can fix it all? :P
@salathe fair enough. I'd suggest a double clawed hammer hand gesture
just crop the auryn pic
@Gordon nah, spooning with rdlowrey
@Gordon also realize that the entire list is people who've basically been there from the beginning
@salathe Why don't you give it a go? xD
@ircmaxell they're all presidents and directors
@Andrea vice
@Naruto Because I don't work for Grovo?
and yes
@PaulCrovella they totally need to put up @rdlowrey on their page. it will attract so many people because he is so handsome … of course they'll be put off when they learn he's handing out noisy toys to parents.
@ircmaxell about the 'punishing dynamic code' if a notice was produced, I was thinking about that too
(Use null, it won't pose these issues :-P)
nobody calls it null, though :p
@Andrea it is a void function, but a function returning null.
@ircmaxell I wonder if call_user_func would be a workaround, but, ick...
Does anyone have any resources to colour schemes for PHP syntax highlighting in css format? i.e. not a proprietary IDE format.
@Danack what are you asking? what classes you need to use in CSS? what JS library to use?
doesn't PHP have its own syntax highlighter built-in, actually?
@Andrea It doesn't use CSS....colors are hard-coded.
@Andrea Except it's terrible.
@Danack let's bring it into the 21st century :)
@Trowski this can be fixed!
I have this - which generates code wrapped in spans with classes like:
.tOpenTag, .tOpenTagWithEcho, .tCloseTag{
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #000;
and all other tokens etc.
I'm looking for a set of css files for different colors.
@Andrea using CSS could introduce CSS class clashes… while, well, HTML 5 has scoped CSS too, no?
@bwoebi yes, and yes. But I don't care - it's for my own site, not a general library.
@bwoebi it could introduce clashes, true :/
but people could deal with it somehow
adding CSS will technically break BC anyway
I'm sure someone's looking for the color values
can we had a param to make it use ansi colors instead of html/css?
@PaulCrovella that's a pretty cool idea
Looking at the color schemes in use by IDEs they're all this crap - github.com/eclipse-color-theme/eclipse-color-theme/tree/master/…
try implementing it
@Andrea just prepend with Cthulhu_php_, then it won't clash, I guess.
write the class names in Hebrew
uh. well. :p
I really don't understand why our PHP library functions aren't just named in hebrev… with utf-8 hebrev chars.
Oh man. Your Common Sense posts, and controversy swirls around him again.
@ChrisBaker … is that any surprise?
@ChrisBaker <tamarian> The scorpion, when he rode the frog!</tamarian>
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
I think it's unfortunate. 90% of it seems to be that people react badly to his phrasing of valid input about their presented solutions. TBH, I've learned from him, and worked with him, I don't see what the fuss is about. Some folks really seem to actually hate him, it's weird to me.
@ChrisBaker he follows people around the site to harass them.
Sometimes just because they've said something that he's disagreed with.
@ChrisBaker Point is though that he rolls back three times … while he should have gone meta or modflag it it after at most the the second time, I guess. (In case you are referring to stackoverflow.com/posts/33155052/revisions)
He really tries to insist that he's right and wants to fight in case of disagreement.
continually rolling back an author's edit to their own answer under the guise of "supporting the author's intention" is some amazing rationalization
There's that and another post, but it's also the same group of users that I saw sitting in a chat discussing how much they hate him.
I personally would have walked away after the rollback, but I am not locked into this reputation based on infamy, so I don't "have my back up" as the saying goes.
You rolled back what the original author wrote. When the original author expressed surprise and wonder at "why was my post rolled back", and someone fixed it, you repeated it. You then engaged in a repeated edit war, rolling back every rollback that undid your rollback. You never asked the original poster to clarify. Unless you believe you are somehow better able to understand the original poster's, I think this isn't why you acted the way you did. — Yakk 2 hours ago
sums up my take on it. dude just decided to be a dick.
Most of the time I look at what he's trying to say, though, I find myself agreeing with him on a technical basis. He's usually right, and to me that's more important than nice. Anyway... rebecca.blackfriday
If he was trying to say something he could have left a comment instead and said it.
@ChrisBaker Well, hate speech against a single person isn't very nice either, but as @PaulCrovella says, he can sometimes be somewhat of a dick… I can understand that people aren't very happy with him … But AFAIK, he already had some temporary bans and still is too aggressive trying to be right. … Really, modflagging or going meta should be the solution rather than just rollbacking.
Also, there were instances where he wasn't wrong, but it was a bit a subjective topic where some people disagreed and then they fighted. (I have no concrete case, but I think having read such cases on meta too).
Morning @JoeWatkins .. and friiiday!!
@JoeWatkins morning :-)
@RonniSkansing friday? what's that? There's just the day between Thursday and Saturday.
if I use goto in a switch ... am I evil ?
@JoeWatkins it depends on the actual code.
well it is almost fridag, which means no work day in danish..
@RonniSkansing TIL :-)
I hate myself ...
when I first wrote that it was a big switch, and I just copied it a bunch of times without thinking ... gotta go ...
its gone, it's gone ... we can pretend like it never existed ...
@JoeWatkins and now it's just one case left, so you can leave the work all to zpp()
better :-)
Aaaaand......another example of why commits on Friday should be put into quarantine.
we still can't use Class and Function for class entry names ...
@JoeWatkins teehee your commit messages github.com/krakjoe/inspector/commits/master
@JoeWatkins well, you internally can…
@bwoebi sure, but that's useless if nobody can use them ...
@JoeWatkins they can, they'll just have to put the name in quotes… like new 'Inspector\Class';
ouch ouch, my eyes, my eyes ...
@bwoebi Doesn't actually work ;)
@NikiC no? uhm…
They have to do new ${!${''}='Inspector\Class'};
@NikiC get out ...
ah, thought that were fixed with the uniform variable syntax
but new_expr looks special cased, so…
@bwoebi We can't allow expressions for new because of class name / constant ambiguity
And because of call / ctor args ambiguity of course
posted on October 16, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by ldani7492 */

well, I know… I just intuitively expected it without thinking about the fact that it's special cased ;-)
compromise isn't bad anyway ... if it doesn't make sense you shouldn't be reading it I guess ...
gonna use "Entry" for class
update: finished writing code to make highlighter use CSS if you want
now to see if it compiles...
casting a pointer to a struct of chars to a char* is legal, I hope...
@JoeWatkins hmm, Traversable instead of a simple method for getting the ops… why?
we can have a method too
well, one always can apply iterator_to_array… I'm just asking why ;-)
Most unused operator in PHP? I'm guessing insteadof.
Right behind is <=>
1080 TLDs... I'll just sit here and be glad I'm not trying to validate domain names... stats.research.icann.org/dns/tld_report
we really should remove "the coding love" from the Feeds list
@Ghedipunk [a-z0-9-]{2,} at this point...
We don't like the coding love anymore?
@DanLugg I had to look that one up, never heard of it or saw it in active code. I've heard of xor, but I've never used it and haven't seen it in code either.
I thought that one was really applicable.
I don't mind coding love, usually chuck-worthy
@DanLugg .新加坡 is valid... (though can be expressed as .xn--yfro4i67o)
@ChrisBaker Your beard beats my beard :-(
@DanLugg oh, it's a trait thing
Nobody knows insteadof! Useless fucking reservations!
The Coding Love is just "The Coding (eye roll|rude gesture)" nowadays.
@DanLugg Oh crap yes it does, lol! I've went full Duck Dynasty. Someone told me yesterday that I look like a young Gandalf.
aaaand it segfaulted
:( Duck Dynasty beards are now the pop culture equivalent of ZZ Top beards... That means I'm getting old.
quelle surprise
@bwoebi will use lots of memory perhaps ... anyway ++getOpline() ++Countable ...
It's the mustache. I lack mustache.
Old meme is old ;-)
char *highlight_colors = (char*)syntax_highlighter_ini;
Old meme is true =)
ah, there's the problem.
For the record, I've always had a beard and an undercut
typedef struct _zend_syntax_highlighter_ini {
    char *highlight_comment;
    char *highlight_default;
    char *highlight_html;
    char *highlight_string;
    char *highlight_keyword;
    zend_bool use_css;
} zend_syntax_highlighter_ini;
spot the issue ;)
I hope to be remembered with the phrase "went down in a storm of bullets" rather than by my haircut.
Is it intentional, that methods from traits equally named as a class are converted to a constructor? After all, that doesn't happen with inheritance…
produces CSS output!
@Andrea it's using char* instead of zend_string*?
@bwoebi nope
should be
oh, didn't see that above at all ^^
@Andrea Why am I picturing a mad scientist standing in front of tesla coils and jacob's ladders when you say that?
trait B {
        private function d() { print "B"; }
        public function b() { self::d(); }

trait C {
        private function d() { print "C"; }
        public function c() { self::d(); }

class A {
        use B, C/* {
                B::d insteadof C;

(new A)->b();
(new A)->c();
I'm trying to show a simple spinner on form submit but I don't see why its not working?...
stupid traits…
Why… why… did we design them as pure copy&paste? :-(
@benlevywebdesign That sounds like a Javascript issue. Quick troubleshooting: Are there any errors in your console? Does the form submit without Javascript enabled? Can you get your script to throw an alert box at the point where you expect to start displaying your spinner? If none of those work, you'll probably want to head over to the Javascript room for better insight than we're likely to give: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-farm-animals-of-war
The form submits but I am trying to add in a "spinner" or visual cue that something is happening
@Andrea hehe, nice :-) Just a tiny note… did you intentionally use tabs for fine-grained indent here: github.com/php/php-src/compare/… ?
@benlevywebdesign Are there any errors in your console?
What kind of errors? that it didn't submit?
@bwoebi I ended up rewriting those lines unintentionally because I removed them and then put them back
but I feel they should use tabs anyway
Any errors.
@Ghedipunk none related to the form
just one but I know what it is and I'll fix it(not related to the form)
@Andrea well, these things always end up fucked up depending on your tab width… that's why you generally use spaces for fine-grained indent (yes, even if your general indent is tabs).
Try fixing that error... Browsers like to halt Javascript execution on errors, which can lead to completely unrelated bugs keeping other things from working.
I don't think thats it...
@bwoebi there's only one correct tab width and it's 4
@Andrea /me uses 8. Looks nicer on wide screens.
I'm probably not hooking up the spinner correctly
@bwoebi heh
@Andrea I have no reason to condense my code all into 100 chars when I have 400+ chars terminal width.
I keep to 80 chars
I don't resize my terminal windows
I just have full-screen mode active…
and use terminal tabs
<?php include("contactmeform.php"); ?>

<form id="form1" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>#projecrequest" method="POST" novalidate>
@Ghedipunk this is what I am doing.
@benlevywebdesign Fairly straightforward. Let me stop you before you get too far, though. I'm not a Javascript guy. I just know a couple of tricks to troubleshoot Javascript before I go ask the experts, like checking the console logs and trying to display an alert box. I'm out of ideas, so I'm suggesting to you the same action I'd myself take: Go ask the experts: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-farm-animals-of-war
gonna go have fun
And just for completions sake, === is for type+value comparison. In the future, PHP will also include ==== to check that the classes were written by the same programmer, ===== to ensure they were written on the same day, and ====== to make sure the programmer was wearing pants at the time. — AgentConundrum Dec 10 '10 at 5:12
I'm never passing the 6 equals check, am I?
depends if you're british or not
Which is less evil in a library: Having a Message object have a send() method, having a singleton with a send(Message $message) method, having a sendMessage($message) function, having an instance of a Server object that the user keeps track of, or having a Server object passed to the registered callbacks for each event?
A message sender object that sends the message.
That narrows it down to three of those choices: Singleton, user tracks it, or the library passes it to the callbacks.
Not really clear on what a Message or Server object is exactly, but I'm guessing that means having a method like Server::send(Message $message).
Yep, that's a great guess.
Message would contain the byte to send and a list of one or more recipients. Maybe no recipients, but that's something that I'll have to figure out how to handle correctly.
just need to do the rest of Entry, and write a million billion tests ...
That's probably the best approach then. Let the Server object decide how the message is to be sent.
gonna pester the crap out of bob and niki asking how to generate some opcodes because I have no idea for some of them, not even sure they are used ...
@JoeWatkins which?
wtf is a rope ?
@JoeWatkins linked list string
ZEND_ITS_FRIDAY_FRIDAY This opcode is only generated if it's a friday and rebecca black is playing simultaneously.
how does that come about ?
@JoeWatkins If you take enough, you can hang yourself with it.
or what does it replace ?
In computer programming a rope, or cord, is a data structure composed of smaller strings that is used for efficiently storing and manipulating a very long string. For example, a text editing program may use a rope to represent the text being edited, so that operations such as insertion, deletion, and random access can be done efficiently. == DescriptionEdit == A rope is a binary tree having leaf nodes that contain a short string. Each node has a weight value equal to the length of its string plus the sum of all leaf nodes' weight in its left subtree, namely the weight of a node is the total string...
yeah, I mean we have those in zend now ...
@JoeWatkins It's an optimization of multiple concats to not always reallocate the string
@JoeWatkins triple indirection? that's a PHP 5 thing :-P
/me waves triple indirection goodbye forever
Isn't that quadruple indirection?
it's fucking stupid
ptr to a ptr ptr ptr.
we don't need to say any more about it than that ...
so show me some code that would generate some ZEND_ROPE stuff ?
@JoeWatkins "a$b$c"
oh, he means a PHP example
♥☮ I'm outie. Have a good weekend.
Hmmm @NikiC I've just read a lot of zend-jit code… feels like it's mostly just direct inlining of the VM code and a bit removing of redundant type comparison branches and redundant branching/fetching depending on opline->extended_value/opline->op1.num etc. And leaving out the type info if the value can be represented directly in a register …
@bwoebi I haven't looked at the code yet
Apart from cursory scroll-through ^^
@NikiC it was a (slow) scroll-through here too (impossible to read the 19k LoC in that file ^^) … I somehow feel like one could process the vm, inline a lot of functions and remove type comparisons where possible and the assignment of types when just one type is possible.
Don't know, but it feels a little bit like just another nightmare to maintain. (Comparing to the current opcache optimizations)
each change in VM or its inlined functions must be reflected as is in hand-written llvm instruction building function calls.
I'd be seriously happy in case we could automate jit VM generation from zend_vm_def.h…
yeah, it wouldn't be trivial code generation, but it'd make actual working on VM features much easier.
A big issue still is that most integer operations (sub, add, mul, pow) risk to be overflowable, hence it might be double or long and then it slows down again a lot because we can't eliminate the branching.
[As said, I wish we could generate it, I just doubt it'll be efficiently possible and think that we're probably still better off with a big hand-written jit generation]
@bwoebi I will vote against null as a return type without union types
@ircmaxell I actually want both
what value does null provide over void?
Sanity check on aisle 3, please: pastebin.com/4u3Z1L5H This is what I'm currently thinking would be a good candidate for the absolutely most basic userland code that should produce a working WebSocket based echo server... Mind the arbitrary and not-well-thought-out namespace, I'll get to naming the thing something interesting one of these years.
@ircmaxell you are returned what you specify (especially in case of dynamic calls this is important)
function signatures are mainly information for the caller
A function():void still returns null (void is a little bit of a lie), null is already reserved, null interacts better with union types as function() : A|void {} would be strange I guess.
You'd have to fuck up really badly to accidentally return a value in a void function. If you don't want to return anything, you just don't.
@ircmaxell after all, I don't really see arguments in favor of void except the "other languages/documentation do that"
@bwoebi there is the compile time check thing but, meh
anyway, people are already talking about special case literals return null; to pass through :void
@marcio eek
@marcio which is rendered absurd by issues with dynamic code … it really only applies to functions and self:: method calls … While most of todays calls does some polymorphic dispatch.
@marcio no thanks
@bwoebi except that it gives semantic information
@bwoebi not completely
@ircmaxell I said mainly.
@bwoebi In my experience that is not true, like, at all
@NikiC uuuuh?
Writing C, I very regularly get warnings about returning a value from a void function after doing some copy&paste from one function to another
hi guys...anyone know where to get a php class wrapper for the facebook api?
signatures are to help the engine enforce intent
Or the other way around
@NikiC well, you'll also get some warning in case you return anything else than null on a function which is specified to return null
@menriquez Facebook has a good one.
@bwoebi At runtime, yes
I'm just saying that the check has value
lol yeah ok fair enuff thxs
@NikiC I can't share that experience. But okay.
@NikiC @ircmaxell I don't want that too (specially not with void) but this pretty much exposes that void would be considered just an alias for null.
@bwoebi we can add a compile time check if we can prove the return is wrong
@marcio whih is why I think we must deny return null; from being allowed in a void function
shouldn't return be entirely disallowed?
@ircmaxell well, sure. In case this is a strong point. For me it's very weak though.
@FlorianMargaine No. Early return
@FlorianMargaine nah, you want early returns in void funcs too
I have a bizarre use case for null though:
function &foo(): null {
    $this->var = null;
    return $this->var;
Not that I'd recommend writing that code… just noting that someone might want to return a reference initialized to null
@marcio I think @bwoebi just provided the killer argument for using void
@NikiC I was saying this could be an awkward, but legitimate use case in favor of null :-P
Seriously, let's go with null and keep the checks at runtime then we make a special case to forbid @bwoebi's use case :P
@NikiC in general, would be weird if we end up being able to type everything, but not this one case.
is it better to load variables from a database like: $name=$row['name']; or from the echo?
like {$row['name']}
there are two classes of trolling, and I'm not sure which this qualifies as
If you guys are planning to make void functions forbidden in expressions, maybe there's something to be explored. But if void will be just an alias for null with a different name on return types, meh. Also, this discussion is going in circles and the RFC is still not addressing the points raised. I'm disappointed.
@3.14159265358... It doesn't really matter. Assigning to $name is creating another variable, but could make it easier to read if you are using it a lot.
@marcio well, just force kill internals, all children will be killed too :>
I've just seen the following code snippet ($try)?NULL:($do^!$do) on a novelty PHP mug titled "Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try." - Whilst I'm pretty sure I understand the "code", I don't get the joke? It just looks like nonsense to me? Can anyone explain?
if try is true, it returns NULL
there is no try
otherwise, it's $do XOR not $do
XOR means exclusive OR
which means one or the other must be true, but not both or neither
funnily enough, the only two values this can actually return is NULL or FALSE
which means the expression is a lie
@ScottArciszewski Are you now doing $do = $try;?
also … for whatever boolean $do, $do^!$do will return int(1) @ScottArciszewski
oh, hum
you're right
I made the mistake of thinking of ^ as !=
Ah there is a Star Wars analogy! I see. Thanks! And thanks for the explanation, I get it - that's funny! :)

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