@Duikboot ... for a truely random number set a unique key constraint on the field and when you insert catch any duplicate key exceptions and generate a new value and try again
@Mubeen1992 that's all very nice, but do you still get a failure if you run your import script using CLI? Because if there is no error, then the problem is caused by firefox.
That process should be handled in the back-end because I want to add a user, and add a random generated string in a field but it must be absolutley random.
@Amelia, not sure yet, just trying to architect something right now. High frequency app using websockets, but I also have to interface with a 3rd party API that I cannot guarantee will always be running speedily.
See it as a campaign where users are able to win something, but I don't want 2 the same codes being generated for 2 users. Because... that's not 1 winner but two :P
@EchoLogic if you broadcast your event, the normal queue will then take care of it in a job outside of normal execution, making sure it doesn't tank the web-app
Pretty much every company I've worked for has used bitbucket purely because it has free private orgs + repos, so they naturally just start using all the other products
Hrm, If I have a issue, that I have found a solution to myself, but believe that it is not the smartest solution, would the question be on- / off-topic for SO, or would it perhaps be better suited for the codereview site?
Rule #1: never let marketing or the CFO hold the reins for development. They will crash a bugatti into a wall, try to douse the flames with diesel, and then blame someone else
@tereško why are you concatenating the query? Because I need to search in multiple columns and MATCH() does not support suffix. then I have to use LIKE()
@tereško puphpet.com – it's a puppet config generator, I was wondering how sane it is, so I could suggest it as a starting point for an org that doesn't even have config stored anywhere
@Sajad well, I gathered that much already. But that's not what I was asking about. What I need to know is what problem do you intend to solve by searching those suffixes.
@tereško Well, he wants to match the suffix of a word, not a prefix, which means MATCH does you no good. At that point you're no longer performing a boolean naturual language search. (i.e. you can't take advantage of the full-text index).
@tereško the output is not what I want, then I need to change that query
actually I'm creating a search engine, something like google, and I need to search in all columns of database for everything, so in my query, does not select a word it a dot be behind it, like this: hello .how are you?
FULLTEXT index stores a list entries for each full word .. for example, if would have a list of all rows that contain "foobar", but it will be a different list of rows containing "bar"
It's one thing to have the balls to want to solve hard problems, but the minute you've adopted the attitude of "I think ignoring the problem and continue ... is better", you're already fucked.
I'm just saying... there's a certain type of people that love to devote the bulk of their time to solving all the wrong problems and they're usually the ones screaming the loudest about "I can not do X in my code because it's bad".
I haven't seen any of your code to say anything about it, but it's pretty obvious you're lost, which would have been fine were you to demonstrate an iota of humility and willingness to learn. All I see is arrogant stupidity.
I am running a PHP script, and keep getting errors like:
Undefined variable: user_location in C:\wamp\www\mypath\index.php on line 12
Line 12 looks like this:
$greeting = "Hello, ".$user_name." from ".$user_location;
What do these errors mean?
Why do they appear all of a sudden? I used to u...
@eexamilm Here's a hint about reading error messages... Step 1) Read, Step 2) Read carefully, Step 3) Reread even more carefully, Step 4) Keep reading, Step 5) See steps 1-4
I am running a PHP script, and keep getting errors like:
Undefined variable: user_location in C:\wamp\www\mypath\index.php on line 12
Line 12 looks like this:
$greeting = "Hello, ".$user_name." from ".$user_location;
What do these errors mean?
Why do they appear all of a sudden? I used to u...
@Sherif sorry! it shows me error because i am assigning $_session[message]="message" and end of my code and i am redirecting back user to the same page and displaying message on the top. first time it shows me error when i refresh the page it works fine
@eexamilm No, that is a conclusion you're trying to draw about the error. My question is actually far simpler than that. I'm only asking you what the error message is telling you is undefined. The answer is in the actual error message and is one very specific thing that only requires a single word indicated by the exact line of code specified in the error message.
It's not a trick question that requires more than the alloted 2.5 seconds of thought :)
I promise you.
@eexamilm Also, here's another hint: The error message has absolutely nothing to do with variable assignment whatsoever.
Look at the line of code it's pointing you to in the error message.
The interpreter isn't trying to trick or confuse you. It's actually giving you very specific and helpful information to debug your problem.
That is what people want these days. Especially the younger generations. Nobody really wants to own anything anymore. Everything is streamable.
You watch the movies your friends are watching, listen to the music your friends are listening to, and you change your mind a million times a minute. So why own anything?
At least some businesses have figured this out and found a way to capitalize on it.
The times when people buy into the content of a few key content creators is long gone. Today everyone wants to be a content creator and the desire to buy into mass markets is ever diminishing.
You know, rather than a dubious title like "Create a PHP application without a framework", why not consider something more along the lines of "Learning Good Software Architecture in PHP"? Because that's what you're really trying to teach here. Pitting a framework as good or bad is just going to attract the wrong kind of crowd, or worse deter the right crowd.
@Sherif Hehe, "Create a PHP application without a framework" sounds like a "this is going to be more painful, time-consuming and frustrating than it should be but it's good for you" title.
@Patrick Teaching technical people how to think is always going to be more valuable than teaching them *what* to think. For example...
> *I saw a lot of people coming into the Stack Overflow PHP chatroom and asking if framework X is any good. Most of the time the answer was that they should just use PHP and not a framework to build their application.*
I'd much rather learn *why* the answer was don't use a framework than be told *this is what others said*. At least then you can make an informed decision whether or not a framework is or is not the suitable choice for you when looking at you…