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@PeeHaa :D
@Fabor :P
I'm trying to find my capture of @rlemon's sexy cam project, but I cannot find it in chat search
@SammyK the trouble is nobody in here would click the link to join, expecting rebecca black
@PaulCrovella Haha! Probably true :)
make a new one
Wait, now I'm suspicious oO
@alwaysLearn --version param and check it on the website
idk, never worked with sqlite
@Danack What do you think of this issue?
@Manulaiko I have check it says that php --ri sqlite3 is enabled
but pdo driver is only for mysql
then check pdo documentation for sqlite
Ok I am getting error PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20121212/pdo_sqlite.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20121212/pdo_sqlite.so: undefined symbol: sqlite3_column_table_name in Unknown on line 0
I think this might be reason why drivers are not being loaded
or use Medoo, it supports a lot of sql servers and is built on top of PDO
@PeeHaa :( Should have come anyway :D
@Farkie Yeah I know :(
hey, how can i calculate the steps a program needs to be finished?
i have this formula: O(N**3) and N is the longest string (12). waht's O and does **3 mean ^3 ?
Are calls to object properties called through the magic method __get if I'm calling them with $this object?
I have defined a base class with the magic method __get and the array _data, I'm calling the array _data through the child class using $this object, will the call be parsed by __get?
try it. also stop using underscore prefixes to indicate visibility
A: How to remove duplicate values from a multi-dimensional array in PHP

daveilersHere is another way. No intermediate variables are saved. We used this to de-duplicate results from a variety of overlapping queries. $input = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $input)));

@paul why? Is there an special reason?
@PeeHaa we can not do anything against that much voted answer
also i see no reason to delete that question
Duikb00t is looking for a good mail client for OSX , not Mail and not Thunderbird, what options are left? :)
Hmmm, libjpeg-devel is installed but I only see the libjpeg.so file in the /lib64 dir and not /lib. GD is lacking jpeg support atm and it's being a PITA.
god damn it, i really hate those people who randomly visits questions and then up votes them just to get some badge.
@NullPoiиteя You can upvote this comment, downvote the answer and then upvote the one by Jack
@Manulaiko because php 4 is dead and we've had proper property visibility for quite some time - the only message sent by those underscore prefixes on properties names to anyone reading your code is "this is gonna suck"
(and I don't care how accurate that message may be)
@JoeWatkins nice you found a fix for your exception handler issue :-)
yeah, and it's not horribly hacky either ...
if you press "c" on issues/pr tab on github, it creates new issue/pr
can v crop image though php
@JoeWatkins I've once written a word+tab+enter in the wrong window… it opened a file in github, forked and saved -.-
@WaqasKhan Nope only w can
@bwoebi That is... terrible
and I was like: "wtf did just happen?!"
@PeeHaa :d
@rdlowrey For you bro
@bwoebi The answer is you got forked real good
@Jimbo hahahahahaha
@Jimbo hehehehehe
posted on October 07, 2015 by krakjoe

Fix gh issue #495 (AST copy bug) Fig gh issue #493 (exception handler bug) Improve stability with critical section in a couple of places during startup/shutdown Remove remainder of kill junk Be delicious ...

(btw star that talk would you guys ;-) not got any on speaker deck yet)
Hey, me again. I seek your wisdom. Say there's a website that sells donuts. The admin panel has a way to create new Dough flavors and new Icing flavors. The flavors need to be in two or three different languages. Would you:
- Make a Translation table in the database and use the English word + locale as a composed primary key.
- Make a DoughTranslation table which uses the dough_id and the locale as a primary key, and an IcingTranslation table which works in a similar way.
@JacqueGoupil I'd have a locales table, with each locale, and a translations table with a sentence + locale FK
But that's just me, without having put much thought into it, so don't take it as gospel :)
In fact, I'd have them in YAML and cached
nevermind all that ... did you bring doughnuts, or not ?
Thanks for the speaker deck stars guys :)
@Jimbo Oh, I wasn't even thinking about that yet. Sure, locales could be their own table too. What I'm unsure of is if I should split Dough and Icing translations in their own tables, or just have one bigger translation table.
@JacqueGoupil What do you gain from separating a few translations in their own tables?
And what do you lose?
Sigh… I'm a bit annoyed about the reverted commits :x /cc @NikiC … I'm also not sure what to do… merge all the Closure changes into a single commit… anything else!?
@Jimbo Well, if I have a single translation table, I'll need to use the English sentence as part of the primary key. Changing the English name of a flavor to something else would be harder. It's not a common thing to do, but we still need the SQL for it. If I have separate tables, the primary key in the IcingTranslation is made of the locale and the Icing id.
@Fabor <MorganFreemark>And so, without any sense of irony, Andy and Zeev sold their company to one who cared about coding more than they did</MorganFreemark>
@JacqueGoupil Why as part of the PK? In translations table, just have id<PK>, locale<FK>, translation
That covers all your use cases
You provide it a locale FK, you get a translation, no more complex than that
@Jimbo ...then it's a translation of what?
i have a multidim. array and want to sort them, according to their "[Difference]":

[1] => Array
[Name] => SchThoSpoLei
[Duplicate] => SchRenSpoLei
[Difference] => 3

[2] => Array
[Name] => PapDirSpoLei
[Duplicate] => PapDirSpoLei
[Difference] => 0

[3] => Array....

The array is called $result. how do i do this
@JacqueGoupil I see your point. You need to group those translations
locale, sentences: <id>PK, sentence, translations<id>PK, <locale>FK, <sentence>FK, <translation>
Mmm, I landed on this answer about translations...
Which makes me think I'll go with that idea. A table for Dough and a table for DoughTranslation

This makes it much simpler to send data to the client in one language. I'll just use a few stored procedures which returns the Dough table or one Dough by id, but with the translated name in place of the default.
The only downside is that I'll need to make a couple stored procedures for each table that needs to be translated, but all these procedures will be very similar.
Still not sure why you'd need a translation table for each individual thing
because he does not understand SQL
@JacqueGoupil To me, it sounds like you're taking the wrong approach tbh. You're trying to do it all at a database level, which can only work if there is a sane schema between all the products and translations. There probably won't be.
This is a thing that is better done as an 'API' aka in code.
Rather than fetching the translations automatically in one DB operation with the product information, separate it out into a separate call which is behind a function getTranslation($productID, ....) and whatever other stuff is needed.
That allows you to have arbitrary logic in how the translations are done, which is much more flexible than trying to have it behind a single schema.
If using DB, that getTranslation (guessing your referring to interfaces here) could call the repository to get that info
How can I get $var[one]; in this:
class cls{
    function func(){
        $var['one'] = 'one';
        $var['two'] = 'two';
        return $var;
talking about databases, how the hell do you people shut this off Warning: Data truncated for column 'foo' at row 1?
@Sajad (new cls)->func()['one'];
@Sajad seems to me like you might like \ArrayAccess
If you're on PHP 5.4
And for the record, the problem is that language translations don't map 1 to 1 across languages. a single phrase that could be used in multiple places in 1 language might need to be split up into separate phrases in a different language.
@samayo validate your data and turn the errors into exceptions.
@Jimbo Thanks pal
@Jimbo yes, and the repository could have arbitrary bits of logic (implemented in PHP) to customise how different things are translated.
@Jimbo now can you please tell me how can I get them if they be variable not array? like this:
class cls{
    function func(){
        $var1 = 'one';
        $var2 = 'two';
        return array($var1, $var2);
posted on October 07, 2015 by aliceljdc

/* by Frankie */

how can I get var1 ?
$foo = new cls();
$bar = func();
echo $bar[0];
@Sajad You'r creating an array that looks like this: array(0 => 'one', 1 => 'two')
@Fabor and @Jimbo ah I see, thanks :-)
array() is for suckers. Cool guys use [] :P
So... (new cls)->func()[0] or array_shift((new cls)->func())
KISS Jimbo.
@Jimbo yeah I got it ... ;-)
class cls implements \ArrayAccess{
    private $container = [];
    public function offsetGet($offset){
        if(array_key_exists($offset, $this->container)){
            return $this->container[$offset];
    public function offsetSet($offset, $value){
        $this->container[$offset] = $value;
    public function offsetUnset($offset){}
    public function offsetExists($offset){}

$cls = new cls;
$cls['name'] = 'sajad';
echo $cls['name']; // sajad
@Sajad now go home and play
@samayo ow... thanks for your explanation buddy :-) they were useful
@Danack We're you replying to the mysql question?
This project I'm working on combines a c# server-side program for bruteforce algorithms (I didn't choose this), a rich JavaScript/HTML5 client app and a tiny bit of PHP for client-server interaction. It's not actually a doughnut thing at all, I tried making things simple to explain.

The JS and the C# don't need to know about the multiple languages as they won't modify anything word-based in the BD. Only a tiny admin interface will allow adding "dough" and "icing" as well as translations. I guess I could manage the translation PHP-side, but it seems much simpler with a couple JOIN sql stat
@Jimbo Hahahahaha, it makes my day knowing I composed that.
@samayo yes.
Wait till he has a talk involving both Anthony and Daniel. Then he can use the latest image.
Latest image? I must see.
Oh the one with Anthony in
I couldn't find that :(
I mentioned @JoeWatkins for being popular due to pthreads and his shoe colour choice
Looking forward to getting the video :)
@Danack Ah, but the timestamp I am trying to submit is something like this. 2008-04-22T15:08:19Z, the error is happening because there is no mysql field type which accepts that timestamp.
You know what guys, if you can't have a laugh, you shouldn't be writing PHP (as many laughs will be had)
@samayo so convert it to a timestamp that it understands?
@Danack But there are only 5 possible field type to choose from. DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, TIME, YEAR, all of which are not compatible with something like this 2008-04-22T15:08:19Z
at least with mariadb
so convert the data to a timestamp that it understands
Ah, mm. I was convinced that was a legit database timestamp. So, I kept thinking the problem might be with me. Oh, well ..
    class cls{
    	public $data;
    	public $active;

    	function __construct(){
    		$this->data = '<li class="'.$this->active.'"></li>';

    	function test(){
    		$this->active = 'active';
    		return $this->active;

    $cls = new cls;
    echo $cls->data; // Why __construct() does not update ?
It does... 3v4l.org/UqcRf (but you haven't set $this->active yet so that's empty)
I tested, it does not
@Sajad you don't need OOP to set a CSS value. That is not what OOP is about.
the output is this: <li class=""></li>
@Jimbo Wht? why it is empty? How can I get this output? <li class="active"></li> ?
@samayo I don't use OOP just for set a CSS value
@Sajad Ok, change your active to public $active = 'active';
@Sajad The constructor is called when you create the object.
At this time $this->active is undefined
@samayo No, most databases on store times without timezone. And you really ought to enable exceptions for data truncation in your database. Fixing bugs in software is trivial compared with fixing fucked up data that has entered a database.
I get this nasty feeling that you are doing it all wrong
@ThW yes, but it will be update ?
@samayo no, I want to $this->active initialized using test()
@ThW yes, but it will be update ?
@Sajad the reason it is empty, is because, when you do new cls; only the constructor is called. not the test. You need echo (new cls)->test()
@Sajad No of course not - "the constructor is called when you create the object."
You can not call test() on the object before you create it so test() will always be called after __construct() was called already.
@samayo ah I see
@ThW got it, tnx
@tereško Has to go through the motions though to learn by mistakes :)
@Jimbo ow, really thanks... you have helped me two time today :-)
Given a callable-array, to reference a method, is there a blanket term to refer to the first element, which can be either object or class context (whether instance or static, of course) ... context? scope?
In other words, list($whatWouldYouCallMe, $name) = $callableArray;
hello can any 1 tell me where to find checkout form in wordpress when i clicked edit page i can able to see like this: [woocommerce_checkout]
@DanLugg $classOrInstance - which is not catchy, but accurate.
@Danack Yep. Not catchy in the slightest.
I like my code to be catchy.
That is a trap.
Perhaps, however, I'm rumbling along with few OCD-like tendencies.
You're putting your pride about your code above the readability of your code.
Well, right now I'm using everybody's favorite word: $context, but I don't like that word.
And yes, I suppose you're right.
However, I'd argue that I like when there are well-defined terms for things, and I was just fishing for one for these circumstances.
I wouldn't call something $classOrInterfaceName, I'd call it $typeName, because despite the issues surrounding the term "type" (relative to PHP) it still appears reasonably well defined to me.
@DanLugg The proper name for that is $className
@NikiC But interfaces aren't classes.
Interfaces and traits are restricted classes
I can't disagree, but I don't see how it's correct to refer to a non-class definition as a class definition.
It's correct in that it is less confusing than trying to come up with a more correct name
Isn't "type" correct enough?
Unless you mean string
I hate PHP.
@Jimbo Want...
@Jimbo hah
@DanLugg type would be too generic :P
@marcio Therein lies the point.
@NikiC when was zend_try_exception_handler added ?
@JoeWatkins recently, I think
@DanLugg I meant toooooo generic
iirc Bob did it
@marcio I have trouble not grouping string and PDO into the same basket labelled "types"
@Jimbo Did you find out where those cards were made?
before or after last rc do you think ?
@Fabor Yep, Varianto25 (they have other cool stuff
@JoeWatkins before
@Jimbo These the ones with your faces on them?
4a174ca7 (Bob Weinand        2015-09-23 17:53:22 +0200 1382) ZEND_API void zend_try_exception_handler() /* {{{ */
@DanLugg I think I misunderstood what you're about
okay thanks ...
If you variable can be both PDO and string, then that's just fine
It sounded like it's something only for classes
@Fabor Ohh, thought you were talking about the cards I posted just then. Nope, haven't found them, need to look when I get home
there's one more RC, or 4 is the last ?
@NikiC My issue is with the split terminology between primitive types, interface/class/trait (honestly, I don't see trait as a type at all) types, and so on.
IMHO, they're all "types"
@JoeWatkins two more
@Jimbo TBH I am assuming they had one person to do the custom graphics and another for printing the cards.
@DanLugg You're a type
And while I understand that PHP doesn't have the notion of variables being "typed", I try to write my code as such whenever possible.
@DanLugg it's all about types, but in some contexts using the most generic term is like classifying a dog as "atoms".
$var = new Something();
$var = "Bumblederp"; // bad news bears
@marcio Well, that's a compositional issue,
However I see your point.
@SebastianBergmann http://pastie.org/private/amlmx5qfmbfvm8y5y8pxa
should I file an issue on github or am I doing something wrong?
if you're looking for a term to refer to {Classes, Traits, Interfaces} "classes" is fine.
traits shouldn't exist anyway :x
@marcio Following your analogy, wouldn't it be like classifying a dog as "fauna"?
It's an extremely broad generalization, but not incorrect.
@DanLugg You're going in the wrong direction there
@DanLugg it's more clear than "atoms"
Atoms is compositional, fauna is taxology
so add to that one?
Q: How to use create class extend thread in laravel 5 to use it after user login?

Rabab ZeinI want to create class in laravel 5 extends thread and create method with infinite loop , and call this class and this method after user login to run forever , during user use my website This is part of my code : class : use App\Systemtrack; use DateTime; use Auth; use Illuminate\Suppo...

scary shit ...
@Danack done, thx
@JoeWatkins oh god
@JoeWatkins And that is why we don't have threads in PHP
tbh though @MarcelBurkhard, you would probably be better off spending some time debugging it, as the PHPUnit guys are kind of swamped with bugs. Unless someone give them a decent lead to investigate, they sometimes leave bugs unlooked at for ages. As you can see in that issue.
@JoeWatkins Out of curiosity, how many other people have whined at you so far about the SAPI restrictions in pthreads?
This is impressive: danluu.com/images/intel-cat/search_query.png RPC calls for one Google search query -- and not showing one more row
@NikiC oh I know it ... not everyone that uses it is a moron ...
@Danack only two or three, but nobody is using seven yet ... I'm braced for much moaning ...
it won't change my mind ...
@JoeWatkins I added it to avoid duplication of logic in phpdbg
@NikiC where did you get this?
@bwoebi that's where I saw it being used ...
oh oh also, when I wrote the opline printer in phpdbg I made the same mistake I made while working on uopz recently
IS_UNUSED doesn't actually mean isunused
it's missing a bunch of information ...
ah, that IS_UNUSED
Well, yeah, IS_UNUSED only means that the operand is not a zval
that's super misleading by the way ...
@JoeWatkins You can look at the phpdbg opcode dumper to get a (rather inaccurate) list of meanings ^^
@JoeWatkins Yeah, our opcode format is somewhat underspecified
so, it's not anything specific ....
@NikiC we're also abusing it sometimes as indicator for $this etc.
that's what I was looking at ... it still doesn't print is_unused stuff ...
why is it (znode_op->num) sometimes not a uint32_t ?
@JoeWatkins /me runs
HHVM does IR and bytecode specification rather nicely: github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/doc/ir.specification
@JoeWatkins Good... it shouldn't. Other SAPIs are already threaded. pthreads belongs in the CLI.
Code actually gets generated from that documentation file
So you're forced to document new instructions ^^
that's smart
What's the sound barrier breaking effect called? Where an aircraft makes a vapour cloud
Ah okay… just wanted to moan that I wouldn't like to maintain that
@dimoff sonic boom
I think I might bravely give up on the idea of disassemble/assemble in uopz, it's going to be really fragile, if it even works ...
@MarcelBurkhard thanks
@JoeWatkins yeah, I actually don't really see why that's uopz stuff…
@bwoebi I wondered about that as well ^^
@bwoebi just experimenting really ...
@MarcelBurkhard I just looked at what you added to the issue......there's no chance that that will get someone to look at it. The code is obviously working for everyone else, so you'll need to figure out what is specific to your setup that is causing it to happen.
@JoeWatkins that engine stuff is not too fun…
I overlooked many things, been a while since I done anything really close to the engine ...
you could copy it, but manipulate it and put it back together is just too fragile ... not everything always works ...
@bwoebi Yes, merge closure commits into one PR
One PR for the === change
And I guess two PRs for the self:: optimizations
I won't PR the === change… either you do it or not.
Why is it impossible to find an optimized siphash implementation?
How do i get a function to add 1 every time its called . so the first time its called it would be 1 then the second time it would be 2 and so on
using two separated arrays better or one nested array? actually I have one array named $data, Now I need to another array, so, should I create a new one or use previous array (nested array) ?



@Sajad what exactly are you trying to do?
nothing, just I want to know, defining one array with nested key is better or defining several separated array?
no, that sound more like a "solution" and not the problem
could it be that you are looking for a way to implement "active menu element"?
yes, but I did it
my question is about returning
return one array is more easy
so I want to know, if I use just one array with nested keys, is good or bad ? (instead of two separated array)
In other word, which one? :
$data                  =  array();
$data['key']           =  'value';
$data['active']['one'] =  'text';


$data          =  array();
$active        =  array();
$data['key']   =  'value';
$active['one'] =  'text';
hi all
someone please help me in my issue
Q: What should be the appropriate approach in handling verification/confirmation links sent in verification/confirmation emails?

PHPLoverI'm a PHP developer by profession. I've a working website which is developed using PHPFox. For reference we call it as 'Old website'. I've written a set of APIs using Slim framework. In these APIs I'm making use of the resources(code of functions) of this 'old website' which is developed in PH...

> Most people don't even know what sysadmins do, but trust me, if they all took a lunch break at the same time they wouldn't make it to the deli before you ran out of bullets protecting your canned goods from roving bands of mutants.
...if a sysadmin needs to constantly touch stuff, they're doing their job wrong.
Cushy jobs
It's on most of the top 10 best jobs
@Danack it's a quote from: stilldrinking.org/programming-sucks
@Danack depending on the size of your fleet, there's always something to do
stackoverflow.com/questions/32996699/… <- want to move to crypto.stackexchange.com, won't let me
Flag for a mod, I think.
posted on October 07, 2015 by aliceljdc

/* by patoch */

@ScottArciszewski Yes, mod flag will do.
@tereško actually my exact question is this
@PHPLover .htaccess mod_rewrite to return 301 Moved Permanently redirects. That really is a terrible question for what you're asking for. The real meat of the question is, how do you map an old site's URLs to the new site's URLs. Throw in a plea for being SEO friendly and you might get some useful responses.
As it is now, all of those framework specific details just make people want to run for the hills... Most likely, once you rephrase your question to something answerable, it'll get closed as a duplicate, and you'll be shown many great answers that have already been created that will solve your problem.
@tereško I love that rant.
> That program won a contest, because of course it did.
The closing line is beautiful too.
12:01 ircmaxell was de-opped (-o) by @ChanServ
12:01 <voodooKobra> wut
12:01 <voodooKobra> (12:00:47 PM) mode (-o ircmaxell) by ChanServ
12:01 <ircmaxell> ?
12:02 <voodooKobra> did you do that intentionally, or did ChanServ go nuts?
12:18 <ircmaxell> I did it intentionally7
12:19 <@enygma> intentionally7? what happened to intentionally6?
12:22 <voodooKobra> some jerk-ass published a book about it before it was ready, and it got scrapped
@ircmaxell Saw that too… why are the ops there always de-opped after doing some action?
they aren't
I don't like staying opped for long
invites people to harass you
Seriously? well…
@Jimbo It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you.
@rdlowrey you weren't in t@lkzone the last days? :-D
Too busy with work, no time for actual things? :-(
sorry, yes, have been busy
@rdlowrey Can you please ask Anthony for more time for your projects? :-(
request denied
@ircmaxell if only you were not so privileged, you could monetize it
@ircmaxell And well… how are @rdlowrey projects going forward now?
rm -rf chef_config - feels so good.....
@ircmaxell I seriously don't want Aerys to fade away, just because @rdlowrey is too busy with work. :-(
It won't fade away ... it's too awesome
@rdlowrey Then we need you to work on it.
@ircmaxell Ping, you available for a quick chat?
@tereško You an MGS fan?
@Jimbo nope
Fair enough, just got it as a gift, haven't tried it yet
what's MGS
Metal Gear Solid - there's a new game out
from the reviews it looked monotone
I don't know, looks pretty colourful to me ;)
.. either that, all all the reviewers were playing same level
@Danack that too
all I saw was "same fucking desert"
It's bloody Afghanistan, what's it supposed to be like!?
Lots of mountains...
desert mountains?
Lots of mountains means lots of valleys and lots of passes. See, there's 3 terrain types right there.
@bwoebi it won't
@Jimbo not right now, can we chat tomorrow morning?
oh, the joy .. running around a fucking desert and politically correctly shooting brown people
@ircmaxell Sure, your morning or my morning? ;-)
hi guys ! what is session fixation attack ! you know i know what it is , but who would get the session id from url unless we can set cookie(store SESSID)?
@tereško This made me lol
@Jimbo that's basically every "military shooter" since 2010
I am quite fed up with it
@Jimbo my morning
Come on man, it's not deliberate...
@ircmaxell Sure, will do
@Jimbo so ... you hope to see a new shooter this year, where you run around killing Canadians?
I am just surprised that it didn't also come with a zombie-mode
dudes , im here ! i think i asked a Q !
@tereško Pretty sure they're basing it off recent events like Iraq war etc... I'm not expecting to be running around shooting a load of Latvian tereskos
@Jimbo it's actually supposed to be set in cold-war era, IIRC
hi guys ! what is session fixation attack ! you know i know what it is , but who would get the session id from url unless we can set cookie(store SESSID)?
@Pooyasanaei and this attitude just lost you any chance of actually getting an answer
@Pooyasanaei If anyone can help you in here they will, don't need to re-ask all the time :)
@tereško . oh my God ! i can't believe it ! would you excuse me ?
@Pooyasanaei The answers you seek are here: owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page Read and re-read the entire site multiple times.
@Pooyasanaei This seems to be something that can be easily googled. Why don't you read the top 3 links for searching for "session fixation attack" and then come back with a specific question if you have one.
/all links lead to owasp...
If I could just link everyone to OWASP all of the time, I would.
@Danack i have read it dude . but you know , it says : the receiver should accept any session identifier . my question is why should the site act like this (any session identifier)?

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