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declare statement is basically
declare -f querync
querync ()
    mysql --user=username --skip-column-names --silent dbname -BN -e "$*"
from command line querync select id from table gives a listing of ids... from inside a bash script I get command not found
there is a method (in the class) that runs before all method, its name is something like this: "contractor", anybody know the name of that method ?
yes tnx :-)
@Orangepill you are not making enough sense ... that's super strange usage .... are you sure there are no chars missing ?
@sajad __construct
@Orangepill tnx :-)
It might not be a standard script....
declare -f querync
querync ()
    echo "$*"

querync "hello world"
apparently it might be.
sorry for asking again, but also there is another method that runs after all method, that name is antithetical of "__construct", what is that name?
declare -f querync || querync () {} would make sense
ah yes, thanks buddy ;-)
would be if (!function_exists(querync)) { function querync() {} }
more magic in the manual.. like __call __toString and what not
the name of that methods is magic ?
in php they call those methods magic methods
I see
and my last question is: is it possible to I pass a variable from normal method to the magic method?!
@Sajad you should really learn the basics of OOP first. You'll save yourself lots of time from asking trivial questions here.
huh, I didn't know Bob looks so young
@samayo my project it near to end, when my project has been finished, I will say goodbye php
@Sajad actually if you need to somehow prepare the object after it is created, it is a good practice the create a separate builder of factory for that
@nikita2206 is so young ;-)
querync hello world at the command line outputs hello world
but if I put it in a bash script like:

querync hello world
@kelunik yeah this too :D
@tereško what is "separate builder" ? it is another method ?
it gives command not found
@Sajad no, as in "another class"
@Orangepill I think bash scripts run in their own new environment. You'll need to import it into that new env I think. maybe.
technically you can make a "static factoy method" as a part of your original class, but that would be a bad practice
no, just I need to pass (send) one variable from normal method to __destruct() ... it is possible ?
wait, I wil adjust my question ...
Hey! I found somebody who paid to use zend studio!
are you looking for a way to trigger destructor?
@Orangepill try just source ./scriptname.sh - that should run it in the current env.
@tereško trigger is related to database? so no !
@PeeHaa Did you sell them a bridge?
@Sajad no, trigger as in "initiate" or "kick off" or "indirectly start"
@tereško ah, also no, just 2min ...
George Parker (1870–1936) was one of the most audacious con men in American history. He made his living selling New York's public landmarks to unwary immigrants. His favorite object for sale was the Brooklyn Bridge, which he sold several times. He convinced his marks that they could make a fortune by controlling access to the roadway. More than once police had to roust naive buyers from the bridge as they tried to erect toll barriers. == Criminal career == Other public landmarks he sold included the original Madison Square Garden, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Grant's Tomb and the Statu...
It means you have found someone who can be sold anything.
I expected a youtube video fromyou, but this will also do just fine :)
cgray@cgray-hp-pavilion-g7-notebook-pc ~ $ cat t.sh

querync hello world

cgray@cgray-hp-pavilion-g7-notebook-pc ~ $ ./t.sh
./t.sh: line 3: querync: command not found
cgray@cgray-hp-pavilion-g7-notebook-pc ~ $ querync hello world
hello world
@danack ^
2 mins ago, by Danack
@Orangepill try just source ./scriptname.sh - that should run it in the current env.
that worked...
@Danack lol. I like the idea
didn't know source was a command
Does doing . ./t.sh also work?
yes it does
Holy shit. Life term for fraud
/me looks at bankers
til: c is high-level language
@Orangepill in case u didn't know phproundtable.com
oh are our wunderkinds on yet?
@samayo it isn't ...
depends on what you compare it to
WhyWTF is @NikiC not visible?
it's a level removed from the extraordinary complexity of hardware ...
Damn you @ircmaxell. Nice try
what did I do (this time)?
@PeeHaa what are you talking about? he's the abstract blue shapes
I'm watching phproundtable and I cannot see @NikiC. That is shady as heel because we all know it's just you
Also nice edit :P
hes always hiding
first time watching phproundtable :-)
I have a CSS code like this:
@Sajad not now
@samayo ok, just why ?
@Sajad because we're smoking a joint right now
so is that bob on the far right?
lol @samayo
@Orangepill Either that or sara got a hair cut
@samayo ah ok
hmm ... I actually have about 1.5g of weed in storage
@PeeHaa lol
O.O @tereško
I was expecting more neck beard :)
@AnmolRaghuvanshi why so surprised?
@tereško coincidentally so do I Not mine
once you said you don't smoke
So, what is the PHP fork going to be named, in light of Rogue Wave? (Might as well start the most important bikeshedding now. ;-) )
@AnmolRaghuvanshi he sometimes drunk, so smoking is nothing for him (however none of my business)
@Ghedipunk there won't be a true fork. There might be a version that has extra enterprisey stuff.
@AnmolRaghuvanshi I don't smoke cigarettes. I smoke shisha very rarely. But I smoke weed a lot, when I was in university.
and there days it is more like "emergency stash"
:) i once smoked and it's hard to handle
what? the weed?
@Ghedipunk CG for Coast Guard. And we'll just put out a standard reference implementation and call it CGI.
you are not supposed to "handle" it ... you just chill
and talk stupid shit, while eating everything you can find
he probably means cough :)
Of course there will be a fork... The question is, whether it will be warranted, and whether any of the core developers will be pushed away due to the politics that will inevitably arise during the merger... (not saying RogueWave will start the drama, but drama in inevitable)
yeah @nikita2206 :)
of course nothing
@bwoebi LOL
btw, @AnmolRaghuvanshi, did you download any of the games I recommended?
"are you a terrorist?"
@Ghedipunk "Of course there will be a fork..." - why? Zend already sell their own enterprisey stuff.
@NikiC I try the whole time to not laugh out loud…
well, your smocking has been done?! can I ask now?
@tereško not now i will probably download it in 2-3 days
@Danack Because certain people dislike change. I'm not saying that Rogue Wave will create a fork; they'd be foolish to. I'm saying random developers will start a fork.
I wonder, how much will the AMD's R9 Gemini cost
@Sajad he is just messing with you, you can ask.
And no, I don't have anyone in mind when I say "certain people"... That's actually, really, truly a generic statement that there are people who dislike change.
@marcio ow, so fuck!
@Ghedipunk it would be awesome if Zeev made a fork
You should look at how much work would be involved it setting up a fork....It's very non-trivial.
I havea CSS class like this:
	color: red;
	border-left: 1px solid red;
buying majority shares in Zend is like buying a controlling stake in willy fuckin wonka, a company that exclusively makes things for crazy people ....
and here is the structure of my class:
class Languages

	function English()
		// do some stuff
		$active['en'] = 'active';
		return $active;

	function French()
		// do some stuff
		$active['fr'] = 'active';
		return $active;

	function Spanish()
		// do some stuff
		$active['sp'] = 'active';
		return $active;

	function __destruct()
		$data['menu'] = '<div class="menu">
								<li $active["en"]>English</li>
								<li $active["fr"]>French</li>
								<li $active["sp"]>Spanish</li>
I kind of like the Coast Guard Implementing (CGI) name... ;-)
"do some stuff"?
Now the problem is, $active array does not work ...
@Danack it is non-trivial. And it would require the community to work
@ircmaxell it is not important thing, it can be any code ..
@Sajad Are you coming to PHP from Java, by chance?
i.e. not likely to be done by the type of people who want to fork something just because they're peeved.
@Charles no
@Sajad __destruct() should not return stuff
@Sajad $this
or really?! so shit!!!!
@MadaraUchiha what?
@Sajad Okay. I highly recommend reviewing the entire set of manual pages on OOP in PHP. You've made a few critical mistakes, especially in regards to variable scope and property access.
And yes, forking any project and making the fork succeed is very non-trivial. I can just clone PHP and start maintaining it on my own, and I'll have forked, regardless of how foolish I'd've been to even try...
A PHP fork has no chance of winning unless the new owners do something horrible enough to piss everyone off in the same way Oracle pissed off the Hudson/Jenkins crowd.
@Sajad what are you doing with these brackets!?
(I never once said it was a good idea to fork PHP... That will depend on many things FAR outside of my scope. I just want the bikeshedding out of the way for naming a fork, as a joke. Do I need to bring a Foghorn Leghorn image in here?)
@marcio I want to change the color of current topic
@Ghedipunk Serious forks have been discussed here at length in the past :)
@Charles ok tnx
@Charles Looking at nodejs and iojs really brought my hope for successful forks back to life
That story is absolutely a huge win for OSS
@Sajad it should be .active {...}
So, don't be afraid to dream
I got slapped for seeing my lecture's skirt this morning 😀
But be sure you have the manpower and time to back your fork up :)
Anybody worked with momentjs and if yes does it really unfuckify having to properly handle clientside timezones?
@marcio what? anyway never mind, I will use another way for doing that
(unless you are using some css preprocessor I've never heard of)
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, but in the case of iojs, they were dealing with whatever the company is that's behind node that I've forgotten the name of, and they realized that the politics that lead to the fork were poison, so they fixed it. I don't imagine that the Zend folks are capable of such insight.
@Charles It's not the company's people who fixed it.
It were the major faces in web development and JavaScript in particular
@MadaraUchiha Really? I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought that they fixed the community process or whatever it was that made them so isolational...
Who is the guy asking the questions? Not sure if we can ping and ask questions.
@Charles Yes, the community fixed the community process
@tereško so when it is useful?
And iojs became so much better than nodejs, that Joyent (that's the company) agreed to merge and have a hard look at their release and governance practices (which they have)
Sammyk @samayo
@Sajad __destruct is called when you destroy an object.
So now iojs is back to being nodejs, with all the modern goodies iojs had, and with a much better governance model that involves representatives from all across the industry, and a steady release cycle.
@MadaraUchiha answer me damnit. You're the closest I have for a JS whore in here atm :P
$foo = new X;
$foo = null; // destructor is called
@PeeHaa I haven't really worked a lot with moment.js, sowwy
> And to make that point clear for
me, if they do and come with anything but the PHP license, I can
already say that I won't accept it.
and this is why we can't have nice things
@AnmolRaghuvanshi Now, not sure if I ping him, it (sound) will disturb the conversation :/
@tereško ah, so it is really not useful for what I want, ok tnx
@MadaraUchiha kk. disappoint but ok
But I do hear that it's main usecase (the timezone unfuckification)
Let me ping the people over at the js room
@PeeHaa What's your question?
5 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Anybody worked with momentjs and if yes does it really unfuckify having to properly handle clientside timezones?
Does it prevent me from wanting to stab myself?
@PeeHaa yes, it's certainly better than rendering on the server IMMO ;)
Simple answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes.
The code stinks, but it works
My current iterations are: 1) running around with my arms in the air no fucking clue what I am doing 2) making it work 3) rewrite everything
So it's just a normal startup code base. :P
running seems like a lot of effort
Yeah, but this one in specific makes me feel stupid :P
@PaulCrovella Also I have no idea what my arms have to do with it :)
class Languages
	public $active;
	public $data = '<div class="menu">
							<li $active>English</li>
							<li $active>French</li>
							<li $active>Spanish</li>

	function English()
		// do some stuff
		$this->active = 'active';
		return $active;

	function French()
		// do some stuff
		$this->active = 'active';
		return $active;

	function Spanish()
		// do some stuff
		$this->active = 'active';
		return $active;

@PeeHaa those are for waving like you just don't care
@kelunik it's not even ruby
@Sajad please use a gist to share large code snippets :)
I should really use my free time and start working on the chat again. :-)
@marcio ok
@NikiC I really regret the "context sensitive lexer" name, it should have been "context sensitive language|identifiers" :P
@kelunik Yeah you totally should although I see what happens.
When that happens to me I started on my next project so I could let the previous one rot
anyone experience with apns?
"Lexer"... Based on context, it turns people into Lex Luther?
@codingrogue That's apple's push thing right?
@PeeHaa yes
Lexer Lutherer
I would have tried to help you, but I hate everything related to apple in terms of developing for it :P
i removed my app (which runs on the production gateway) from my device and tried to send pushes to it and listen to the feedback channel... but nothing arrives... so i have no clue if i'm doing something wrong or it takes time until apple adds the expired device to the feedback queue
@PeeHaa i feel you.. at times working with apple stuff can suck so hard
Don't know sorry. Last time I had issues with push messages everything was fucking magic. And at some point it magically worked
Sorry :P
Tbf most of it was because of some crappy 3rd party push service
@PeeHaa no worries.
That reminds me that I should implement mobile push notifications for the chat, I saw that Facebook actually uses them now.
Hey! Finally see bob!
@ircmaxell where do I see the live stream?
Listening to Julian at 1.5x is weird
This might be just me, but how is it even possible to fast-forward a live podcast?
it works in case you're behind
@ircmaxell :-P
I'm sadly not hearing everything Sara and Nikita say… then it gets hard for me to say something too…
yeah, that's life on a pod-cast :-P
In case anyone is wandering, idea is pronounced as id if you are French :D
Q: How to pass array from method to property using PHP

SajadActually I want to change the color of current topic... Here is my CSS code: .active{ color: red; border-left: 1px solid red; } Also here is my PHP class: class Languages { public $active; public $data = '<div class="menu"> <ul> ...

@kelunik Do you have an example of where / how you use momentjs? I skimmed the docs ok I'm just lazy
I'd like to have trailing commas everywhere too. It's sad that it didn't was proposed for the major version.
clap clap
nice talk NikiC ,bwoebi
I sorta wanted someone to plug a php 6 book
@AnmolRaghuvanshi But not me? :(
@Sara You were great
@Sara You were late so no...
@Sara off-course :) you too..
@Sara well all love the tour halfway through
@Sara You have that way of explaining stuff so it's simple and funny ^^
@bwoebi Sorry, I tried to wait and give others a chance to speak, but I tend to jump in quickly :)
She does…
@NikiC Oh, I'm simple now??? :p
php-7 internals books it's good thought
I should retire so I have time to write EEPHP 2nd Ed
@Sara :P
@Sara It already was hard for me to follow before you jumped in… But first topic was exceptions… and well… I haven't too much to say about it
@Sara EEPHP? ElEPHPant?
@bwoebi Extending and Embedding PHP, my book
@PeeHaa Still lazy?
And then … yeah… you indeed prevented me from saying much ;-) Wanted to say something to <=>, then you said something and Nikita and we already were off to the next topic… @Sara
@kelunik Well yeah, but my actual issue not being able to come up with a proper way of doing it. I mean I can add some attributes to elements and loop through them adding the dates to my pages, but that sounds like a terrible idea (lag in showing dates)
But I'd love an updated copy of Extending and Embeddng PHP
document.write also doesn't sound like people would love me
@bwoebi :( If it helps, I wanted to comment on anonymous classes, but the topic moved on too quickly. :)
@PeeHaa stick with utc, fuck the client
"potential for evil there... she uses windows so that's not surprising"
@PaulCrovella :P
In general I already had problems to understand what Nikita said (don't know, is it his microphone?) And when you came, Sammy and you begun to speak faster and it got even harder :s
@PeeHaa Use a timestamp with a timezone, then replace it it JS is enabled.
@kelunik Yes but at what point do you replace it? dom ready?
@bwoebi From the looks of everyone, you weren't the only one who didn't understand me ^^
ah okay ^^
@PeeHaa yes
@kelunik Doesn't that makes the dates jump on the page?
finally i got the chance to look at you @bwoebi :)
seconds ago
A little bit, yes. But GitHub does that as well.
And I got sidetracked a bit by Dmitry and Anatol pinging me all the time ^^ (that's my fault though^^)
It does O.o
Never noticed it :P
Damnit. Just checked cannot be unseen
@bwoebi Checking the video, microphone seems fine
Maybe I just don't make any sense :P
your lack of human features throws people off
@PaulCrovella I've got a PHP 6 book sitting on my shelf at home... (and by shelf, I mean in a box in the garage, since I've moved sometime in the past 3 years, so haven't had time to get my bookcase set up again)
@NikiC and next time… have a camera :-P
I like looking at peoples lips…
Yes anthony
Anyway… feeling really tired now…
having ajax request new messages from the db would be an imense server load with a large userbase right? i found out about push and pull any suggestions where i could start?
@bwoebi That sounds a little creepy
using setIntervall at the moment
@Orangepill why is it creepy to read from peoples lips?
@bwoebi yeah, sorry
@00Gheist00 Long polling?
Didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to use my headset with the laptop
@PeeHaa best way you would say?
gonna search for it thanks for the hint
@00Gheist00 There is not nearly enough information to tell you the best anything, but I'm going to say websockets
@00Gheist00 Usually, caching is better. See projects like memcached and redis. Long polling and open sockets add several unexpected layers of complexity and should be a last resort.
because it is great and does all the things
oh i see thanks
well to be specific, i send messages from my inbox via ajax to php which saves the messages and returns all new messages from other users.
@NikiC you sound like a Windows user (j/k)
nice podcast guys (and lady)
> (If you're now pointing out that the abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time is CUT and not UTC, you'd be right. The English-speakers wanted CUT and the French-speakers wanted TUC, for temps universel coordonné. In the spirit of compromise, it now doesn't make sense in either language. Progress!)
I lolled cried
At least it's not TCU
I just call it Zulu.
Zulu != UTC
there's a difference in how they treat leap seconds and something else IIRC
UTC != UTC, depending on what timezone the server is in. :P
@bwoebi Not sure what's worse though :P
UTC = universal time, coordinated.
Which is more important, the time zone that some cesium oscillators are set to, or the time zone that the bombs are set to? (I'm being facetious. Figured a disclaimer is best, since tone is hard to read in text.)
@Ghedipunk it's always the same if implemented properly
@ircmaxell You say that like it's possible to implement it properly...
Niki has a point...
@NikiC yes. Do not bind your time to earth rotation and solar years.
@ircmaxell it should have been "lords" or "gals"
@bwoebi Yeah, let's meet in 17.35 kiloseconds
precisely ;-)
@NikiC "properly"
TIL you can actually escape things in php's date format methods/functions
@NikiC People just need to get a feeling for ks, Ms etc.
Now I feel stupid for not ever trying that before...
@bwoebi Good luck with that, given how America still lives in the stone age of imperial units
Well… humans are the only obstacle here…
@NikiC Now, is that 9,192,631,770Hz based kiloseconds, or 299,792,458m based kiloseconds?

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