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@Orangepill Both of the guys on the left of that banner picture at the top have really creepy expressions on their faces. The one on the middle looks like he's trying to work out whether he can get his hands down his pants without anyone noticing, and the one on the left might as well have "punch me" tattooed on his forehead.
I think you should get rid of the header function and just use a link in that case you will stay on the same page i guess
posted on September 14, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by mouseas */

@DaveRandom you sure the one on the left is a guy?
@PaulCrovella Doesn't matter tbh, I want to punch them in forehead either way
@Fabor I didn't. I use Chromium to run JS tests on Travis, but I just have a few tests.
Someone recommended Chromium to me the other day, will have to check it out.
it's like Chrome, but with less e and more ium
@PaulCrovella chromium is no longer supported or maintained
@Markwallest Where do you have that from?
Excuse me?
class rc4crypt {
Can I ask a question here?
It's not really an SO question but more of a discussional/poll thing
how can I increase the size of stack for running my code ?
here is my code:
@PeeHaa oh heya @PeeHaa! How ya doin' @PeeHaa? :D
public long factorialRecursive(int n){
    if (n == 1){ return 1;}
    return n * factorialRecursive(int n -1);
factorialRecursive(100); // error: stackoverflow
@kelunik I don't remember exactly but if i'm wrong correct me
@PaulCrovella :P
@Markwallest 44.0.2403.89 is my current version, doesn't seem to be unsupported. ;-)
I've just seen code...
code that I can't ever unsee...
@Ocramius The code I have in front of me is worse!
You sure?
99% sure
How many nesting levels? And is it security affected?
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
class rc4crypt {
oh, lol
is any of it perl?
@kelunik I have gotten at this the form action is example.php if required field is not empty insert or update else you're being redirected to the previous page but the user input isn't remembered
Nesting level not too sure yet, so maybe you "win" on that front @Ocramius :P
@Riccardo990 How do you try to remember it?
@JoeWatkins PHPUnit 5.0 will support PHP 7. Now would be the time to try it out (it's in beta, will go stable on October 2) and open tickets for remaining PHP 7 incompatibilities.
@SebastianBergmann What's the reason for blacklisting __clone in mock objects?
I hope to finally get to the bottom of github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/issues/373 this week.
@kelunink I tryt to remember it via ternary operator in the form page I actually have three pages the first is list of records that you can either add or edit or delete
@PeeHaa Don't remember. Could be a leftover from a tiime when mocks had problems with cloning.
if you wanna add some you go to an input mask where you enter some data and the third and last page executes those data unless something went wrong
@SebastianBergmann You want me to keep it to be sure?
if so you go back to form
@Riccardo990 That operator doesn't have anything to do with remembering. If you redirect back to the form, how do you access the data put into the form before?
@PeeHaa I don't follow.
@kelunik if you read everything my answer is unknown
@SebastianBergmann I hope that's the only issue and all other issues in formatting reports resolve then, but I'm not really sure.
I actually tried to make the redirect via javascript and nothing has changed I lost the data that way
@SebastianBergmann When RC3 any method name is allowed. Meaning this list is not needed anymore. So I want to PR it to you, but I am wondering whether I should keep the __clone
@Riccardo990 Well you have to either safe the form data in a session or do not redirect or transfer the to be remembered data via query string parameters.
@kelunik one more thiing the data must be remembered only if the required fields are accidentally left blank
@SebastianBergmann I will open an issue proper. So that the possible discussion will take place where it belongs
@PeeHaa Why would you want to change that list at all? Furthermore, how could this be relevant at all, ie. why would somebody have a method named __NAMESPACE__?
@Riccardo990 Then add a check for that..
^ that is what I am looking at now
I warn the user about the required fields
@SebastianBergmann Why would you prevent people from doing it when it is allowed in the language?
@SebastianBergmann Why would somebody have a method named endforeach?
I am feeling cool. Installed & configured on new VM CentOS 7, ngnix, mariadb, php
but if he fails to fill them in I pull him back
@Riccardo990 you can do that with htm5
@Markwallest can you make me an example?
phpunit ought not concern itself with how people call their methods ^^
Sorry, I am too confused right now. Please open a ticket and I'll have a look when I have more time / am more sane.
@SebastianBergmann Yeah sure. No worries
@Riccardo990 add the word required to the input fields
@NikiC It didn't. Until things broke for people. That is when this blacklist started.
and then what happens?
@Ocramius :P
you must stay on the same page unless you fill them in
@SebastianBergmann Due to limitations on PHPs side that no longer exist ^^
am I right?
@Riccardo990 the form wont be submitted if the required fields are still empty
so I might not need the php/js redirect in the else
@mysql_query("{$connection_method} {$charset}", $this->conn);
This is going to be fun
if the required fields are not empty you insert/update else you are being redirected
if I do your suggestion I might as well delete the else am I right @Markwallest
@Riccardo990 you still need to redirect but you can use sessions instead of get variables
this is my current php redirect header('Location:tages.php?action=add&id=' . $_GET['id'] .
'&error=' . join($error, urlencode('<br/>')));
how can I make it better?
you just do header('Location:tages.php);
@Riccardo990 Yes, don't allow any html to be included in your page via query string parameters.
@kelunik you got it
@kelunik @Markwallest so I simply need required and it's over
@Riccardo990 Simplest and straight forward solution, yes.
@Riccardo990 basically in all modern browsers that' fine but the required fonctionality is not present in older versions
thank you guys
you've been exetremely kind to me anything I am able to do just ask
@Riccardo990 You welcome man anytime :)
@NikiC PHPUnit 5 still has to be compatible with PHP 5, though. Really looking forward to PHPUnit 6 next year: PHP 7 only.
Sucks to still have to support 5 for new releases though
@SebastianBergmann :)
@PeeHaa And that even when PHP 7 is not out yet, shows how awesome it is. \o/
@SebastianBergmann That's too confusing. You need to just go to PHPUnit 7 :P
Or call it 4 just like io.js node the great merge
Or you can pull a MS/Apple. Version 10 4evar!
Or the chrome way and release a major every other day
The possibilities are endless!
the lovely thing i like about php 7 is that you can interface c code with PHP no need for any extensions
@PeeHaa Let's encrypt doesn't seem that painless yet, at least not with the manual mode. :-/
@kelunik Oh is it liveish yet?
@PeeHaa Nope, but you can already use the client with the staging servers (non-trusted certs).
So it is not yet just a matter of letsencrypt --get-cert and call it a day? :)
Seems easy enough
Is it instantly?
With standalone mode, it's a matter of the first command + auth appended + a, enter + domain name list + enter.
@PeeHaa Yes.
It's just the manual mode that doesn't seem finished yet.
So you get a free green https with let's encrypt or what execlly a free CA means
@kelunik They still have a week :P
@Markwallest Yes
AFAIK it's just domain validated though
Which should be fine
Certificates will be valid for 90 days on launch and by default be renewed every 60 days. However, for that you have to shutdown your service bound to *:443 when using the standalone mode. With manual mode, you can renew them with zero downtime, but they won't be automatically renewed then.
@kelunik That kinda sucks
I think I'll go with standalone mode + manual mode once I have a valid cert and add a simple Aerys middleware.
@kelunik middleware doing what?
@PeeHaa Two months and two days. ;-)
Oh. Did they delay it again or am I remembering wrong dates?
@bwoebi Providing /.well-known/acme-challenge/$token and with the payload and content type. I'm not sure how to automate it with Aerys for now, since Aerys is configured using code right now.
@PeeHaa Not again, that's the delay, they didn't just delay it a few days. ;-)
I can't debug my PHP projects in Eclipse for now.
lol @ flag
How does this let's encrypt stuff works on shred hosting since you need access to cmd and does it need a dedicated ip @kelunik
@kelunik not sure how that's a middleware responsibility?
Somewhat NSFW :P
I face with Waiting for XDebug session (57%) from today
@PeeHaa should have told me that before :x
@bwoebi ;D
I searched Google and tried to do all explained things
@Markwallest I don't think it needs a dedicated IP, in fact it may even work with services like DynDNS.
but nothing happened and I still face with that message :(
@Markwallest Depends on the clients
@bwoebi Not middleware, simple plug&play responder I mean.
@kelunik ah yes.
@PeeHaa I don't get it what do you mean by the client
@Markwallest Some clients (read old IE) don't support multiple certificates on the same ip
On the other side, currently it's just a matter adding a simple route with 3 lines to the router.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS computer networking protocol by which a client indicates which hostname it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. This allows a server to present multiple certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number and hence allows multiple secure (HTTPS) websites (or any other Service over TLS) to be served off the same IP address without requiring all those sites to use the same certificate. It is the conceptual equivalent to HTTP/1.1 name-based virtual hosting, but for HTTPS. To make use of SNI practical, the vast...
@kelunik What about the need of the cmd do i need a VPS
My "php.ini" file:
;zend_extension = "...:\...\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
zend_extension = ...:\...\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.3.2-5.4-vc9.dll
xdebug.auto_trace = 1
xdebug.collect_includes = 1
xdebug.collect_params = 1
xdebug.collect_return = 1
xdebug.collect_vars = on
xdebug.default_enable = On
;xdebug.dump.COOKIE = ""
;xdebug.dump.FILES = ""
;xdebug.dump.GET = ""
;xdebug.dump.POST = ""
;xdebug.dump.REQUEST = ""
;xdebug.dump.SERVER = ""
@Markwallest Not in the manual mode. There will be DNS challenges, too.
@MRS1367 Please use a gist for big walls of text :)
@PeeHaa -> OK :)
But the major concern with shared hosting will be support from the provider, because the provider has to enable HTTPS and would have to organize the certs somehow.
@kelunik It worth a try though =D thanks a lot
Advice: Don't do shared hosting, ever.
@kelunik Yeah i love VPS much more control
What can I do?
/me pokes head in
@rdlowrey how's the first day of doing real work again? :-)
@PeeHaa well, respecting the TZ offset, he'll just have gotten to work right now...
@PeeHaa for now he's just having drinks with @ircmaxell while his pc is installing, work is tomorrow
hi all
need some advice about oop php with classes using instances of another class
@FlorianMargaine /me is jelly
Daniel is in NYC?
@Fabor Moved over the weekend, yes.
Big move to the big apple. He probably watched one too many episodes of Suits and has decided to become Harvey Spectre.
I'd say Mike. :P
New job or new adventure?
both I guess :-P
Cool stuff. Must be an exciting time for him.
@Fabor he's going to work with anthony
@FlorianMargaine s/with/for he's @ircmaxell's bitch now
He's been assimilated
@DaveRandom Resistance is feudal. Or something
Soon it'll be all "We are @ircmaxell" and "resistance is futile" and all that jazz
Refactoring is futile
your ass will be laminated
@FlorianMargaine Awesome. At that new company Anthony went to?
@Fabor yeah
Lucky company
Using code to configure all the things makes certain things easy and powerful, but it brings real disadvantages for automation. @rdlowrey @bwoebi community.letsencrypt.org/t/issuance-with-non-common-servers/…
@kelunik Why is it that a large issue? You could have the server listening to something to provide the authentication page?
You still can't automate configuration changes then.
Also, theoretically, you wouldn't even need a server restart… just a way to tell the server to reload the cert file
Does it allow you to generate an extra key btw @kelunik?
@PeeHaa Extra key?
Yeah a backup for that thing... lemme think what it's called again
@bwoebi Certs reload does not require it, yes, but other changes may.
@kelunik what changes exactly?
@PeeHaa You're talking about backup keys for public key pinning?
Yeah that's the one (ssl labs is still testing mysite so I could find out what it was called :P)
I vaguely remember something like needing that for when the shit hits the fan
@bwoebi Probably most things in AERYS_OPTIONS.
Ah right that was it. You pin both so when you are fucked you at least can use your backup to get your site up again
Hi can someone help me on this I am submitting my form and I want my username to convert into smaller case.but it's not working
$username = filter_input(INPUT_POST,strtolower('username'),FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
still I cannot convert to lower case
Hi, I'm kinda new to php and I'm using eclipse IDE. What's the best practice to put my js and css files in my project? Should I use the include path for javascript resources or just add a lib folder and put everything in it?
I read something about it, but the CA doesn't need support for it. It's just that you have a separate key pair that you use for the new cert then.
create seperate js and css directories
@kelunik Ah yes. That sounds about right. I should really write this stuff down somewhere :P
@PeeHaa Just start blogging and blog about everything you need again and again, so you can use your own blog to look things up. ;-)
@DaveRandom soon?
@PeeHaa you want to move to NYC too?
hai guys does mysql will auto update a timestamp column, if we update a row.
@Crysis There's an option for that if you use TIMESTAMP as column type.
anyone how can I convert to lowercase ?
@kelunik can u elaborate pls.
@ircmaxell I was assuming you hadn't yet completed work on your city-sized cube space ship because your existing drones would have been distracted by how pretty the new addition to the collective is, maybe they work faster than I thought
@jemz You're converting the literal "username" to lowercase, not the input variable, you actually want to convert.
@kelunik, how do I change that ?
I have two data mappers for two entities. One entity will contain multiple child entities. If I want to map data for the creation of both the parent and associated child entities, do I: (1) Inject the child entity mapper in the parent entity mapper, and have that map the data into child entities, to be put into the parent entity or, (2) Create a component with both mappers injected that handles these separately or (3) something else I haven't thought of yet?
@DaveRandom completed? No. Because only a fool would centralize their power into something like that.
@jemz Move the strtolower outside of the filter_var, but why are you using filter_var at all here?
@DaveRandom every evil genius in history has failed, because they build a centralized army. One that can be attacked. One that can be identified.
I'm working on the genius part, but I've got the evil part down
@kelunik, Thanks for correcting me, what is wrong with filter_var ?
@ircmaxell You're trying to transform Grovo into a Room 11 company?
beware perimeter flaws, even if they're no bigger than a womprat
If anyone read that, the component that would handle mapping data for both entities together would be the CompositeDataMapper... just off the top of my head. Opinions? :-)
@jemz Just use a simple is_string check there and you're fine.
posted on September 14, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by NoScopie */

@ircmaxell You should have gone to visit Larry and Sergey in their volcano lair to get some tips before you left
They're probably creating a new framework called Larevil
@kelunik not at all
@Feeds how can a site dedicated to serving gifs be that bad at serving gifs
@DaveRandom for them to give me tips? When I had my meeting with them, I suggested creating a new shell company to hide the real assets...
@ircmaxell So that's where Apple came from
Speaking of Apple, the new jobs film looks interesting.
Plus I have a man-crush on Fassbender
@DaveRandom nah, I can't take credit for that one
@Fabor So many jokes offensive to so many different groups of people and I hate myself for thinking of all of them
@DaveRandom i still amaze that how can you be that nice :)
@kelunik, Thanks
why framework yii and laravel are crap ?
who told you they are crap ?
someone told here
@LeviMorrison morning
@ircmaxell Maybe in a half year or so
@PeeHaa no real work so far -- about to be in meetings all day :)
@DaveRandom yeah .. the one on the left definitely has a punch-me quality about him (if in fact it is a him)
Daniel are you Harvey Spectre or Mike WhatEverHisLastNameIs
no clue. never watched that show. had to google the names
@rdlowrey For self-employed job or new one?
Oh doh.
Whuuuuut. Add it to the list @rdlowrey
Should have read farther up >.<
@rdlowrey No, you misheard I think, it's meatings that you are going to be in. Essentially you'll just be standing on the podium in a huge auditorium while the rest of the staff throw pieces of raw meat at you.
Raw meat with their phone numbers on them.
@DaveRandom that went in a cleaner direction than expected
@PaulCrovella There speaks a man who hasn't had to mop the floor afterwards
@PaulCrovella indeed.
@DaveRandom mopping sounds pretty tame compared to what I expected.
I don't know if I want to know the full context of this conversation
I imagine you lot were picturing a Tobias Funke incident, I prefer to stick to visions of people hurling steaks around
There's always money in the banana stand.
@ircmaxell you guys keep on hiring?
E Corp are hiring.
I want to create custom format in PHP for Unique ID Creation.
Format can be changed as per requirement frequently ....

* SLUG : Slug defined in DB
* YYYY : 4 digit Year
* Unique Total Numeric digits : uniquely increase number with number of digit.
* MM : 2 digit month

define('PERSON_FORMAT', '<SLUG><YYYY><000>');
He lives in NL, he's probably got enough E already
If you get to keep the meat it might not be such a bad deal.
Confusion is I am even not able to figure out what should I search in google.
Depends how bothered you are about eating things you had to peel off your face
too easy…
@Fabor I can loop it out but , wanted to know the 'best approach' for this.
@TechCare99 sprintf might be a good place to start
Hi, I am new to php I have a little question.

Is there anyone that I can variable of one php file to another php file?
anyone* anyway
can pass*
@androidplusios.design there are multiple ways... your question is a little too broad to be answered as we dont know what you currently have
I don't want to use class and do something like getter and setter.
basically I am tying to send email via php mailer. but i need ID and random variables from registration file to index.php
@androidplusios.design if you define a variable and include/require another script (php file) the variable will still be accessible, however using class (oop) would be better
so include brings local variables from other files also?
they're not local unless wrapped within classes or functions
they're global
$test = "test"; would be the same as $GLOBALS['test'] = "test";
@androidplusios.design is the place that the variable set in the same request as you want to use the variable?
but please use classes
Include Oriented Programing
@Orangepill well your question confused me . Can you simply your english a bit?
@Orangepill @Fabor sprintf is not able to solve the requirement bro.
@TechCare99 why not... you want to be able to format x number variables of varying types into a string that you can use for a url correct? that's exactly what sprintf does.
@DaveRandom :D
@androidplusios.design global variables in php have a lifetime that spans the length of the clients request, if you are setting the variable and want to use the variable in the same request just include the the file you want to use the variable in
@PeeHaa ok, well, :-D
No. I do not want to use for URL. I want it to create unique id .
define('PERSON_FORMAT', '<SLUG>/<YYYY>/<000>');
and person_format slug in DB is : VENDOR

the id will be : VENDOR/2015/001 , VENDOR/2015/002 , VENDOR/2015/003 etc....

define('PERSON_FORMAT', '<COMP>/<SLUG>/<MMM>/<00>');
and person_format slug in DB is : CUST
and comp in DB is : MYCOMP

the id will be : MYCOMP/CUST/SEP/01 ,MYCOMP/CUST/SEP/02 ,
MYCOMP/CUST/SEP/003 , etc.......
@ircmaxell :-)
@TechCare99 ohh you mean like $url = sprintf("%s/%d/%d", $slug, $year, $serialNumber);
Hello, I'm trying this:
SELECT COUNT(purchases.id) AS sales, events.id as eventid,events.name AS eventname, events.date AS eventdate, events.status AS eventstatus, SUM(codes.passes) AS passes,SUM(codes.amount) AS amount,codes.currency AS currency FROM events INNER JOIN codes ON events.id=codes.eventid INNER JOIN purchases ON events.id=purchases.eventid WHERE codes.property=5 ORDER BY codes.id DESC
@TechCare99 optionally you could use str_replace with arrays as the first two parameters
and in sales is counting me more rows than the existing total rows :/
I have 12 records in purchases table and sales is returning 28
does there happen to be two events per purchase?

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