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@Ocramius oh god
who will fix it
@nikita2206 Haha, yeah let's also set the timestamp when we call getTimestamp()... that's so Derick. (I mean that in a nice way.)
what is this doing here?
it's for DateTime
but DateTimeImmutable uses the same
@Ocramius +1 for using the hash for highlighting; not a lot of people find that feature :)
so yeah... just that getTimestamp() wasn't separated for DateTime and DateTimeImmutable
I have sql query which i want to fetch data for a single user order report.
SELECT od.User_Id,od.User_Name,
od.User_Email,COUNT(od.Total_Order_Quantity) AS Order_Quantity,
COUNT(DISTINCT od.Order_Id) AS Orders,COUNT(DISTINCT odt.Product_Id) AS No_Products,
SUM(IF(od.Currency_Type='INR',ROUND(SUM(od.Payment_Amount)),0)) AS Total_INR,
SUM(IF(od.Currency_Type='USD',ROUND(SUM(od.Payment_Amount)),0)) AS Total_USD,
ROUND(SUM(od.Payment_Amount)) AS Payment_Amount
FROM tbl_inksand_order od
JOIN tbl_inksand_order_dtls odt ON od.Order_Id = odt.Order_Id
@Ocramius ^^^ for the bug
I want to sum total amount for INR and total amount for USD price.
priviledge it is!
@NikiC :D
user image
I'll just leave this here...
morning @DaveRandom
err, @Jimbo
This was only after a few pints too.
@Jimbo @DaveRandom, the missing member of metallica \m/ :D
@Jimbo i hardly maintain my 2 inch hair almost hate them , Nice @DaveRandom :D
Chris is always so quiet in the beginning of the week. I suspect it's when he gets most of his work done.
@JoeWatkins I wish I understood half of the stuff you wrote in your posts mate. It's way above me :-)
Take him under your wing Joe. Teach him your ways,
Step 1. Pink boots. Step 2. PHP Tattoo.
Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit!
@JoeWatkins nice!
very understandable, yes
the volatile change is really nice
well, not the volatile, but rather the immutable objects
@NullPoiиteя Oh it's easy, you just need to be so super lazy that you can't even be bothered to sort out a hair cut
I'll only ever get a PHP tattoo when I can write an extension for it
@Jimbo that should be fairly easy.
Can someone explain me, whit this gives me a Systax error; unexpected EOF.
$dir = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(); 77<-- at this semicolon
echo $dir;
@FlorianMargaine Okay, a popular and well used one :)
@Jimbo that's another matter
@sguetsch check that every opening parenthese has a matching closing one
@sguetsch Count your open and closed brackets
@Fabor parentheses are enough
@Fabor aww, damn :D
@FlorianMargaine I really couldn't muster the energy to type out the full-proper word :P
posted on September 08, 2015 by Joe Watkins

Fig 1. Some PHP7 logosA couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my efforts to port pthreads to PHP7, to make it worthy of the shiny new platform. Work continued on pthreads, and today I'm going to take the opportunity to update my previous blog post with some correction and extension. With PHP7 in RC2, I'm sure everyone is a bit tired of blog posts about how quick PHP7 is and why it is so quick,

@Patrick I'd check whether "Clean Code" isn't already copyrighted
@Fabor yeah that's on my todo list, I'll find another subtitle if that's the case
What's the book series about? Extension of no-framework or along the same lines as Mr. Martin's Clean Code?
@NikiC @ircmaxell yes, I've honestly seen enough cases where that happens. Though often easily avoidable, there are enough places where it'd prevent an extra branch.
first one is more along the lines of uncle bob's clean code. After that I want to go a little bit into security and then maybe something more architectural, dunno. If I still feel like writing by then...
For now I want it to expand on the theory behind the no framework tutorial
@MadaraUchiha I laughed so hard :D
All the more reason to stray away from the same "Clean Code" term he uses then I imagine.
@Fabor But then clean code is used all over the internet to describe, well, clean code. But I'll definitely send him/his company a mail first to check with them. But I'm more worries about the series title than the subtitle for now because I want to grab a domain soon.
> PHP Architecture. Code||Application Design
My vote
sent in my suggestion
all the hitch hikers I ever see don't seem to care about cleanliness
they just forgot their towel
not really a huge fan of any of those ... got more suggestions ?
How to check if a number is negative http://t.co/6WoaAYsnsu
PHP: Code hygiene #notsureifserious
@JoeWatkins I liked Modern PHP, but someone already published a book with that title while I was procrastinating
Feel free to suggest something better :)
Moderner PHP: The One-Upmanship
Modern isn't great for naming conventions though. It's like "Tomorrow".
2015 PHP
PHP 11
Upgrade to the 2016 edition for 9.99
PHP 6: Because fuck internals.
If it's a series it'd be good if you had "Generic Series Name: Book Specific Name" as your convention.
"Paddy's PHP: Clean Code"
"Paddy's PHP: Secure Code"
Then it's the Paddy series
A Complete Alcoholic's Guide to PHP
"Your Code is Bad and You Should Feel Bad"
PHP: The Good Pa���
I'm not good at thinking of stuff, I got nothing ... I think fab has something there with the series thing, but only if it's going to be a series, and I guess you'd need more than one book to make a start ...
Anyone knows why I'm getting this error?
Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" LINE 19: AND up."value" = text(a."nr"))TO /tmp/test.csv ^(2)

Harry PHPotter and why you need to set your timezone
Solving your Unicode Issues: Volume □□□
@JoeWatkins That's the Idea. I got Clean Code and Web Security planned so far
then I like fabs idea best ...
That'll be $5 for the IP rights.
PHPHPHPHPHPHP: Recursive Acronyms
Room 11: Clean Code. It can be the "Room 11 Series"
that'd just be a rebecca black flipbook
Only read on Fridays
I like the idea of a Room 11 series, allowing co-authors/proof reading from people of the room and friends of.
It can be Joe's next tattoo
if I don't get the face of an elephant tattooed on my face first ...
Push:Anyone knows why I'm getting this error?
Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" LINE 19: AND up."value" = text(a."nr"))TO /tmp/test.csv ^(2)

@Fabor That would be great, but I doubt many people would want to invest the time necessary
I'd be happy to read early version
@Fabor I was toying with the idea of having a Room-11 t-shirt for when we meet up at conferences. It'd feature that band pic with all of our faces on, rdlowrey, anthony, me, you, chris, dan, teresko, joe's pink shoes etc
I do kinda like the title "Hitchhiker's Guide To PHP" though... Probably because I already imagine the cover being an elephant with a towel
@Jimbo heh. I feel you'd be the only one wearing it.
I'd be happier to wear @rdlowrey's face on some boxers, but if t-shirts is all that is available ...
Good morning
So, may be C users here have an idea. I have this: version.go:6:27: fatal error: btrfs/version.h: No such file when trying to build docker package. I checked that I have file in /usr/src/linux/fs/btrfs/version.h - so looks like my system have it (I installed btrfs-progs for that). But where does it look for the file actually?
trace ends at
---> Making bundle: dynbinary (in bundles/1.6.2/dynbinary)
Created binary: /tmp/SBo/docker-1.6.2/bundles/1.6.2/dynbinary/dockerinit-1.6.2
# github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/btrfs
.gopath/src/github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/btrfs/version.go:6:27: fatal error: btrfs/version.h: No such file or directory
 #include <btrfs/version.h>
compilation terminated.
Google hits with best result to this page and those stuff I actually did already
/usr/src/linux is usually a symlink, you might be running a different kernel to the headers you have installed and linked to /usr/src/linux ... that's my best guess, if it's not that, I got nothing ...
Anyone know any simple logging libraries/applications that aren't designed for metrics but more alerts/notifications? Something that can be used across several servers but submits to a single one. Something with a GUI to view the logs too. Seems a lot of the logging applications out there are more for big data logging.
@Fabor had a look at graylog?
Checking it out now
it scales for 100 servers, but works fine for just a few as well
@Fabor RabbitMQ?
@MadaraUchiha It's not really job based. It's more like we have an stream of info coming in which we have 95% of things we know about, when the 5% come in we need to log something for operations to look at and add configs etc...
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Oct 6 2014 /usr/src/linux -> linux-3.10.17/
# cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.10.17 (root@hive64) (gcc version 4.8.2 (GCC) ) #2 SMP Wed Oct 23 16:34:38 CDT 2013
@JoeWatkins looks same?
Graylog seems pretty good @Sjon
@AlmaDo agree, I got nothing ... sorry ...
may be there's a way to check where it tries to look?
Any NGINX Gurus in here? I keep getting this error but i have no idea what it means: upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream --- the page i'm loading takes a URL from the address bar and send the user on. I dont understand what upstream is in this situation. I've read something that says nginx uses this when it's being used as a proxy. but it's not ... not really (the redirect is through php-fpm)
@AlmaDo well you're looking for something like a makefile there ... it might be that the module sets an include path with /btrfs/ appended, but it doesn't need too because <btrfs/version.h> is used ... but stabbing in the dark, I really have no idea ...
@Fabor nice!
What do you have to put in the $input so that only the last var_dump returns true
@Andy php-fpm is also 'upstream' for nginx. Have a look at the fpm logs why it takes long to respond
posted on September 08, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Deuskull */

@ziGi "0x0"
the last two are true
php7 "fixed" it tho
what did I win?
@sjon ah ok, so Nginx sees FPM as another server then?
@Andy yes because it is
ah ok
fastcgi is another protocol, goes over the wire etc..
i'll take a look and see what's a crackalacking
which would you suggest is best to use?
which what?
the only reason i used Nginx was due how quick it seemed vs apache.
it is. And I'd suggest it
well, FPM vs, fastcgi (or is this not possible)
no fastcgi == fpm
i.e. use nginx with fastcgi vs using it with fpm
ok (more things to read)
fpm implements fastcgi protocol, which is why you use fastcgi_pass in nginx to configure fpm
@Sjon The submit button is fixed btw, thanks.
so when i get the upstream error should there be a corresponding entry in the fpm error logs
stands to reason nginx is complaining because something stopped it from doing what it wants to do, so there should be one?
@kelunik nice! I found the issue btw, excessive whitespace stripping lead to <input type="checkbox"class=""bla="bla"/>
seems chrome doesn't like that
@Andy yes
@Sjon I wouldn't care that much about whitespace as long as gzip is enabled.
@kelunik I love nitpicking my html
WARNING: [pool www] server reached pm.max_children setting (5), consider raising it <-- i guess that would explain it?
is that saying "Only 5 concurrent connections allowed?"
just about to read into the error, but thought i'd ask first up.
go ahead and read into it. You'll learn things
@Sjon <base href="https://3v4l.org/" /> ← There's still a space. :P
@kelunik I'll schedule some more nitpicking
one more thing @sjon seems tehre isnt always an entry in the FPM error log when we get connection issues with nginx
@JoeWatkins this is at least some idea, checking
How do you compress your HTML?
@kelunik I use this in my tpl-parser: str_replace("\t", '', preg_replace("~(\t{2,}|\n)~", '', $content))
looks like case is quite narrowed
docker# grep -rl btrfs .
docker# grep btrfs docker.SlackBuild
# back out this commit, which causes btrfs headers to not be found on slackware
# since btrfs-progs removes the <btrfs/ioctl.h> header.
patch -p1 -R < $CWD/docker-btrfs.patch
hehe, some patch is already there (:
and patch (really short one)
Didn't find references to some paths though
So a pretty cheap whitespace stripper, there will probably be issues with <pre> and maybe a missing space where \n gets removed for me.
Anyone like a good steak? Delicious one in Russia. Was pretty damn cheap too.
be extremely careful with cheap raw meat
Well I had it twice :P
@Sjon thanks, I tried myself with 0x0 but didn't think of "0x0"
@kelunik yes but don't forget it's in the tpl-parser; so user-input/data isn't stripped
I also don't strip spaces by design; this bug occured because I coded the input with newlines between attributes for readability
@Abe do you have the HTML+css for the logo separately? I really want the hover effect from i.imgur.com/lTOHFVd.gif
@Sjon Yes, that's what I meant, it's better not to remove newlines, because you would have to replace them by spaces to get the same result.
@Abe thnx, have the css too?
@kelunik true. This is the first time it happened to me but you're right
@Sjon so you're the 3v4l guy?
@Ocramius yup
@Sjon not "ready to use" no
Thanks for that, it's pretty much a replacement of the documentation for me :)
@Abe too bad; I really want to upload it :(
@Ocramius you're welcome! Anything you'd like to see improved?
@Sjon Google mentioned that somewhere, that they leave newlines in mod_pagespeed, because replacing them with spaces doesn't bring any savings but makes it less readable.
@kelunik right; but I can remove them entirely so it helps
@Sjon btw. I noticed already a few times, that the eval() button doesn't become active when you only remove a bit of code (and don't add anything)
@Abe thx; I'll have a look at it
(second declaration should be .logo:hover :P)
@bwoebi maybe if you cut, since it's onkeydown; not onchange
As you'e here @sjon, have the version specific page gone away? i.e. 3v4l.org/quick/5.6.11
@Sjon You should probably use "input" as event name.
@Danack ah, yes it wasn't really used so I replaced it with the current 'run archived' checkbox
@Sjon no, just hitting the backspace.
@Danack there were like 3 scripts that did it
@Sjon is there a repo or such?
(for issues, not for code)
@Ocramius I have userVoice for that, label on the right side of each page
ic, will report if I see anything interesting :-)
Mental note - apparently I am blind to UI features located on the right side of a page displayed vertically.
@Danack same when I'm home
screen is just too wide <_<
Hi guys, sorry to bother, just a quick question -> I'm prety new to php and I'd like to know if there was a way to do a loop like "foreach(every 2 elements) ...."
@Danack shall I put it in the center of the screen? ;)
Have it float and follow the cursor around!!1!
ah, 1999 styling ftw
Nevermind I found my answer :)
deployments? live-editing!
@Sjon It will probably get more attention on the left side.
@Sjon I would suggest changing the text to just be 'Support'. And the not being able to read vertical text is just a personal thing, but it would be much better (imo) next to the search, recent, about etc....
Just an other question Is it not a problem to mix laravel and php or shall I do every thing in laravel ?
What is the beter thing ? Php will be quicker I guess
you should never mix laravel with php
@tereško can we mix jQuery with PHP?
I cant do something like <?php var i= 1; ?>
@foreach ...
<?php i++ ?>
@endforeach ?
@tereško Wasn't Laravel produced by mixing tequila with PHP?
@tereško ?
@Baldráni ya know, some people try to learn the programming language before using a framework
have you thought of trying that?
I dont have the choice actualy I'm working on a existant project
Sure I would have done an other way if I could
what exactly would you have done?
you dont even understand the code that you posted
Why are you saying that
because it is the truth
@Sjon I'd really like being able to add a composer package to scripts to test simple examples of libraries, but that'd be too much load probably, right?
@kelunik the boxes are isolated :-\
@kelunik yeah, plus it's hard to secure when giving network access
@Baldráni go and learn basics of PHP
Nup it isnt but I you fill confident in trusting that I dont realy mind. I've just came here to ask a simple question you've answer me to learn something else this is not realy revelant to me
still considering adding paid accounts that have network through a proxy
@Baldráni you can do for ($i=0; $i < count(array); $i+=2) ?
This is an idea
Not sure I can get the array lenght
I'l go look a bit in laravel doc
Ty for the answer anyway
Frontend tooling in 2015:
@Sjon I think you made it worse there
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
Don't use should be larger
@Sjon %2 == 0
I think its the best way to do that
But my question was essentially about mixing php and Laravel. I got an answer but no explication :(
Stupid questions = stupid answers. How would you use a PHP framework without using PHP?
I mean
Is it a proper thing to do to use php into laravel loop for example
Will it be faster (probably) ?
What is a laravel loop?
Good morning room 11
@Sjon you made the mistake assuming that you are dealing with rational actor
@foreach($object as $ob)
For example
@tereško I did indeed
Given that Laravel converts that blade template to a standard PHP file the first time that it's accessed, it would be fractionally faster for that first access to write it as straight PHP, otherwise it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever
@MarkBaker Thank you !
IMO raw php shouldn't even be allowed in a template
@Orangepill Not sure... regardless, Symfony 3 has an rfc to complete remove php as a templating choice. The bastards.
@jimbo all things twig?
@Orangepill I believe that's what they're aiming for
I would imagine it would be trivial to add back though
@Jimbo seems that they want to achieve complete lock-in for version 3
@Sjon what about for (reset($array); list($key, $val) = each($array); next($array)) { ... } ?
@tereško Saddens me because the freedom it provided was a good thing, and Laravel was the opposite - it tied you into everything so you can't get away from it. I thought Symfony was different. I both like and use twig, but still...
Hi guys, is it possible to set a cookie with a different domain other than the host? I have read up a few articles, and reached a conclusion that its not possbile. Read a bit on cross domain request, but not quite sure how to use it. Any idea, how does google analytics do it and how does it retrieve its value?
@Jimbo it might be because Sf maintainers want to create closer inter-dependence between Sf parts to minimize other frameworks using their parts while at the same time eating the marketshare
@aaron You can't do it. You need to load a page on that other host that sets it's own cookie.
Symfony is driven by a business
I think it's just keeping stupid people from doing stupid things in the presentation layer
we'll see when 3rd version hit the general public
@Patrick: ok. so if i consider google as an example here, its loads the ga.js page on the host and then pushes the set of variables domain name,accnt id etc to that script and hence sets a cookie with that same domain. Am i right?
Because if people see shitty code they always blame the framework
@Orangepill unless it is laravel
Yeah.. Sometimes a framework doesn't allow for any other kind of code...cake is the same
So I want to check if the subject contains the search tag. is this correct or is there a better solution?
if (preg_match($_GET["search"], $cell)){
strpos would be better if you are matching a string instead of a pattern
@aaron I don't know how google does it exactly. The easiest way would be something like a tracking pixel
Q: How does invisible pixel conversion tracking work?

cjm2671I'm trying to track clicks from our site to an external website. On the external website, I'd like to place some code on their checkout thank-you page, that tells our server that a particular click has resulted in a sale. How does this tracking code work? Does it need to be a pixel? Do we need t...

(the intern ^^)
@Orangepill But strpos is only true if strings are ==
	$rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
	$result = [];
	foreach($rows as $row){ //loop every row
		foreach($row as $cell){ //loop every cell
			if (preg_match($_GET["search"], $cell)){
				$result[] = $row["id"];
	$db = null;
gives error.
@Patrick: Tried implementing the same, but currently facing some issues because of that, which is why i was searching for cookie to be stored in the same domain of client rather than the tracker domain.
posted on September 08, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Ullaakut */

@aaron why do you think that would make any sense? would you like anyone to set a cookie for .google.com in your browser session?
@Maurize equivalent strpos comparison would be strpos($_GET["search"], $cell ) !== false
@Orangepill yeah, got this already. ->
if (strlen(strstr(strtolower($cell), strtolower($_GET["search"]))) > 0){
this makes part search aswell
@maurize if (stripos($_GET["search"], $cell ) !== false)
@Orangepill this will only return the first found tag. There can be more than only one result.
@maurize show your real code... the example you posted doesn't match your description of the problem you describe
as long as you are storing the matches like you show above ( $result[] = $row["id"];) you will get an array of row id's where the $_GET["search"] appears within any field in the result set
possibly with multiple occurrences of the same $row["id"] in the event that there are multiple fields in the record that contain the search term
@tereško ThatsABingo.gif
	$rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
	$results = [];
	foreach($rows as $row){ //loop every row
		foreach($row as $cell){ //loop every cell
			//if (strlen(strstr(strtolower($cell), strtolower($_GET["search"]))) > 1){
			if (stripos($_GET["search"], $cell) !== false){
				$results[] = $row;
if I only type 1 or 2 characters it returns only 1 result. But there are 2.
maybe I am just seeing things
@MarkBaker You're talking in Bristol tomorrow, right? This time I will remember to say hello in 'the real world'.
@Maurize The code is doing something contrary to what you expect it to do. This is a perfect example of where using a debugger would be useful; it would tell you exactly what is happening on each line, and you would be able to see the values that make the code behave differently to how you expect. And that would be a tiny snippet that you would be able to post as a question, with the exact values that are misbehaving.
C'mon I got a debugger and my script works fine. Nevermind, this snippet is it. Nothing more. The rest is Javascript.
...your script works fine? So why are you asking for help?
It didn't before around 10 minutes.
@Danack's point still stands.
1 min ago, by Danack
@Maurize The code is doing something contrary to what you expect it to do. This is a perfect example of where using a debugger would be useful; it would tell you exactly what is happening on each line, and you would be able to see the values that make the code behave differently to how you expect. And that would be a tiny snippet that you would be able to post as a question, with the exact values that are misbehaving.
@m6w6: how will that "anyone" be able to set the cookie for .google.com in the first place? Here, i am talking about setting the third party cookie domain as the client domain and not the third party.
@Danack you're right.
so many App::abort(...)calls, yea... today I'm messing with untested laravel code :(
Hi to all. I'm trying to do a bookmark system in php,mysql,ajax/jquery request.
How can I add a function that add data to a bookmark table.
I've build this code for the moment:
<style>.selected { color: orange; font-size: 25px;}
.fav:hover { color: orange; cursor: pointer;}
.fav {font-size: 25px;}</style>
<script>(function() {
document.querySelector('.fav-list').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.tagName !== 'SPAN') {

function starUpdater() {

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", starUpdater);
xhr.open("GET", "/script/that/handles/starring.php?id=" + e.target.getAttribute('data-id'), true);
@Overnet please use pastebin or other code hosting thing for large blocks of text.
Sorry thanks.
This is the code: pastebin.com/xGvvhVDc
@Overnet "I add a function that add data to a bookmark table." - you would need to write some code that parses a request, and inserts the data into a table. That's not something answerable with a single bit of information......and I doubt anyone here wants to write the code for you.
I don't that write me the code. But can you give me a example or a resource where I can found a solution.
*I don't know that write me the code
@Danack - yup, that's me.... "Electrify your code with PHP Generators"
@Danack @marcio Thanks :) Have a nice day :)
M o nings
@Danack so you dodged from w3fools result and the second one was even worst :P
@MarkBaker Cool. For the record, I do not approve of the pub we will be going to afterwards....traditional beer >> new fangled micro-brews.
@Danack nice PHP 3 code.
if(! get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
   $emp_name = addslashes ($_POST['emp_name']);
   $emp_address = addslashes ($_POST['emp_address']);
   $emp_name = $_POST['emp_name'];
   $emp_address = $_POST['emp_address'];
@Danack - as a teetotaller, I reserve judgement based on the price of non-alcoholic drinks available :)
Nvm :-)
@FlorianMargaine as said PHP 3 times^^
@bwoebi php4
@Danack - but I hope you'll enjoy my talk on Generators, and Jordi's on the arcane dark magicks of regexp
is magic quotes php 4 only?
@Danack Have you ever been to a brewdog?
I went for the first time a few months ago, had a 10% beer, it was actually pretty good
@MarkBaker Actually, I'm planning on heckling Jordi - unless he either accepts or tells me what is needed to accept a PR I have open for 5 months ;-)
@Jimbo I don't know exactly what it is, but I hated all their beers. Apparently some people have different taste receptors for hops.....and for those hoppy beers they are all yuck. :-P
Has anyone used Composer event scripts to add additional files to the autoload pipeline? For instance, without having to add a "files" key to composer.json, if I were to have a script add it to the loader. /cc @Danack
@DanLugg I haven't.....and I think that trying to make one tool do All The Things, is not a good idea....
My goal is, have composer recursively search /src for files named functions.php, to facilitate namespaced functions organized in the same fashion as classes.

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