just for the record, for big data this takes a lot of disk space an IO, so you can do on the fly with: mysqldump old_database -p | mysql -D new_database -p or similar (you need to create an empty database first create database new_database) — Pablo Marin-GarciaSep 29 '10 at 15:49
well first, because master php-src is 7, so I wanted it the same, and also because ... this might be a bit silly ... I'm allowed to work on whatever, as you know, but, the graph on github doesn't show contributions from anything other than master, so for the last few months I been working my ass off on github but you only know that if you go clicking around, if you're someone really high up who doesn't know how github works but looks at my profile page I look lazy and I get in trouble ...
@JoeWatkins stackoverflow.com/a/6591218/2373138 is what I'd use, after you renamed both, you can push it and change the default branch setting on GitHub.
@JoeWatkins I'd imagine it shows the default branch rather than master, just change that. Nice and simple meta-change that's easily revertible and uncomplicated
At least it's worth a try since it's not dangerous
@Sajad What you want, presumably, is something that will let you do:
SELECT post.*, Sum(post_events.score) AS score
FROM post
INNER JOIN post_events ON post_events.post_id = post.id
WHERE post.id = ?
GROUP BY post_events.post_id
Apache Solr Attachments Java executable not found Could not execute a java command. You may need to set the path of the correct java executable as the variable 'apachesolr_attachments_java' in settings.php
Apache Solr Attachments Java executable not found Could not execute a java command. You may need to set the path of the correct java executable as the variable 'apachesolr_attachments_java' in settings.php
You couuld also add an event_type_id to post_votes which relates to a post_event_types table (which has events like upvote, downvote, accept etc)
post_votes is a purely relational table though, it only holds references to other tables, the only "true data" it holds is the score change cause by the event
don't keep a tally of the current post score in the DB (at least, not at first), you just keep a history of the events and calculate the overall score when you need it
Eventually you'd probably want to keep the result of this cached, but for initial simplicity don't worry about it
@Sajad sqlfiddle.com/#!9/0ff1bc/2 might be a bit closer to what you want - not as over-simplified - note that in that example the ORDER BY doesn't actually come out quite right because they were all inserted at the same time, but you get the idea
Hey. can someone help me with a PostgreSQL array? I need an array with the following scheme: db_konzerne = array[all entries from DB]; (nr = pk, knr, name)
@Sajad No I'm just saying that because the timestamps in the post_votes table were auto-generated by the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause they are all the same, which means that ORDER BY clause on the second query doesn't have the expected result. With real-life data (where the timestamps would be different) it would work properly, it's just that the demo data doesn't quite do the job.
Par mujhe tere variable $this->num1 par shak horaha hain. Agar $res variable not defined araha hain tho phir mujhe lagtha hain ki $this->num1 undefined hain.
@HassanAlthaf While we absolutely have no problems at all with you speaking your own language, please keep this room in English to ensure it's accessible to as many people as possible :-)
@sguetsch "Postgre array" is kind of ambiguous. Do you mean would want a vector data structure within postgres, or are you just talking about how to construct the result set you want?
@Sajad Yeh no issues, you need to set the schema up how you want it, that was just intended as a demo of some of the basic principles, obviously it will need adjusting to fit your needs
Is it better to I add a new column in the Post table named total_votes and update it via TRIGGER OR I use SUM() for calculating the number of total votes for each post, TRIGGER or SUM() ?
I wouldn't worry about this for now. As a general rule triggers are not the right answer to any question (not absolute rule but there's usually a better way), and doing the Sum() is not going to be too expensive until you have a lot of traffic
In other words: don't optimise something before you know it needs to be optimised
@DaveRandom in the most applications you can send a person a "deep-urls" that change stuff around. That is why you usually obfuscate IDs for every user individually. an other way is to add checksums per user.
@Ocramius I'd still be more comfortable with something that fits inside a single CPU register though, otherwise you'll end up with a lot of stringly-typed comparisons of things which are essentially numbers
@FlorianMargaine stupid code spawns from stupid decisions. auto_increment is a stupid mysql decision upfront. My production environment may have a different increment than your local machine and you'd end up breaking things anyway
@FlorianMargaine Having to do a round trip to the database means that your objects exist in an invalid state in your code, until that round trip is done. By using an on CPU ID it means you can create your objects in a valid state.
No invalid state possible == no bugs from invalid state.
I get the argument... I just can't see any use case. I may be biased because I've used auto_increment/serial since forever and never had any issue with it :/
@Ocramius one year form now you will notice that DDD is not only one view on an application and that you have to change your view many times to find out what is best.
@Ocramius the data is what ends up being the real thing tho. What if you assign an uuid, then the transaction to create it fails? e.g. you've started sending the uuid to other things depending on it...
Since everyone here talks like a Guru who has seen the truth, I might as well start sounding self confident, and tell you that "Entity-System constructs are the best!".
it's the same as the Demeter law. Any time you cross more than one table in an operation, you are building a potentially impossible-to-disentangle operation
@FlorianMargaine "tables", if that helps
In some projects we even got to a point where the DB is just a transactional-safe cache
and we just exploit it to make serialized transactions