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@ircmaxell I don't mind if it's useful. Go ahead.
throws exception
catches exception
finally I have an exception. Thanks. So useful.
@ircmaxell ZOMGLOL
> Anthony Ferrara works at Grovo as Director of Engineering. He specializes in Object Oriented Design, Application Architecture, Web Application Security and PHP. He is a contributor to multiple Open Source projects, as well as the PHP community as a whole. You can follow his blog at blog.ircmaxell.com or on Twitter at @ircmaxell.
that's the bio I'm using for conferences, but it feels stale
@Gordon w3schools would at least have a little value if it plagiarized stuff from @ircmaxell
@ircmaxell I like it
You should just have "Anthony Ferrara - The Batman of PHP".
Anthony Ferrara - One Hoopy Frood who knows where his towel is.
towel? Did I miss towel day?? Don't tell me I missed towel day
damn. it was in may
like the end of may right.
yep 25th
I didnt mention it on fb. So that means I must have missed it. Nooooooooooooooo!!!
welp, I think I almost made my boss cry
can not wait until I can quit $dayjob
I really have to say that I'm enjoying Value Objects. They push logic down to where it makes sense to be. And that organizes your code so you can find stuff better.
You get a private key! You get a private key! Everyone gets a private key at Github search! https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=filename%3Aid_rsa&type=Code&ref=searchresults
^ lol
@ScottArciszewski But many of them are empty or fake keys.
@ircmaxell Are you going to do Sunshine PHP again next year?
@Machavity you still play TF2?
that looks like a TF2 engineer
@prograhammer Sometimes here and there
it is the TF2 engineer
I still have it on steam, was wondering if people are still playing it
with Github search + Shodan, I think we could autopwn the internet
grab an id_rsa, see what servers have the associated public key, done
Guys, do you have any image of some code, for a background? It needs to be quite wide, doesn't need to be too tall.
@prograhammer They made a big release a few weeks back. looks like they adopted the CSGO model for maps and items. Not sure how much of a boost it gave such and old game tho
@HassanAlthaf Why not take a screenshot of some popular code on github and then lighten it up in photoshop?
@prograhammer I suck at photography bro. :P
screenshot != photography
you need to take a proper one.
And then edit it, which i am not good at.
well, you can adjust the opacity in CSS
@Machavity cool, might have to check that out
^ this
I think we are going to have to start encrypting cameras, so we know which photos are original/real and which aren't. Even videos.
Like, how is a photo going to hold up in court 10 years from now
Not affiliated with @BatProgrammer
0 tweets, 1 followers, following 23 users
@Machavity I hope so
Who is BruceMaxell?
I'm serious.. Lol
@BatProgrammer, Gotham
4 tweets, 12 followers, following 3 users
Is Bruce your real first name? @ircmaxell
@HassanAlthaf some billionarie who does some PHilanthropy for GoPHam
Okay.. :P
is today like lame-ass recruiter spam day or something?
@voodooKobra AND NOTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST! http://t.co/G7yXSop0qp
Lol, voodooKobra
Consider following me guys. :P twitter.com/hassanalthaf
Since when are cookies able to redirect? I mean I just had a cookie redirecting me to some ads website whenever I tried visiting google.com. First I thought it was malware or something, but couldn't find anything at all. Problem was gone the moment I deleted my browsers cookies
@HassanAlthaf Thanks I'll have a look at that
Damn that's rly annoying! Is there someway to protect yourself against this without disabling cookies completely? (or removing them on every restart ofc)
install noscript?
Ah ofc. lol
@JoeWatkins So I think the issue I'm experiencing when I try to use PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL (or …_FUNCTIONS | …_CLASSES) has to do with this issue: github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/issues/391
I have an object stored in a static variable of a function which doesn't get copied properly and results in an invalid or incorrect pointer.
Either the thread quickly crashes or the object stored in that static variable magically changes (before crashing soon after).
in 7 or 5 @Trowski ?
what about in 7 ?
pthreads in 7 segfaults even with what works in 5, so I'm not sure about that specific issue.
did you disable zend signals ?
Recompiling now.
sorry to be a pain but there are definite bugs in static stuff in 5
they should be gone in 7 ... there might be another bug, but need you to debug it there ...
because it's like a fixed up version of 5 code ...
Understandable. I'll see what I can come up with and get back to you.
Could someone see if they can help me here? magento.stackexchange.com/questions/79118/…
@icecub that was not a cookie
@ircmaxell love your BatProgrammer. hahah. cool.
why so quiet
It's all gone quiet said Rhubarb. Too quiet said Custard.
had a nasty rainstorm here ... power was out for a while
everyone is fixing a php error
it's the calm before the storm
@rdlowrey Let's take this opportunity to complain about Time Warner Cable!
TWC is also terrible. Far more terrible than the Santee-Cooper electric.
Also, when are you moving to a Google Fiber City, mate?
That's a good question. I wouldn't be surprised if a move materialized in my short-to-medium term future ... getting a bit tired of the beach here. Would like access to a larger metropolitan area.
finally home after a 12 hours work day..
we have one ISP here in Orlando (which I refer to as Blighthouse)
that seems to be the typical case for most of the US
monopoly service ftw
Do we answer stupid autoloading questions here?
you can SE details out of their customer support staff on Twitter
yes @samaYo
@rdlowrey Define larger.
Salt Lake City big enough?
Larger than 50,000 year-round residents. So yeah, some place like that would work.
I swore I'd never work for someone else years ago but I've reached a point where I wouldn't mind in the right situation if it was programming work I enjoyed, was surrounded by intelligent people and the compensation made sense.
@samaYo If you have any issues with autoload, then try to spl_autoload_register it solved my big problems
And the benefit of being unattached without children is that I'm largely free to pick up and move anywhere I want.
thanks guys. for Autoload stuff.
Hi. :P
Sup @RonniSkansing
not much
abit tired
how about you
Stuck with an HTML, CSS problem. lel
Can't seem to find a solution.
Doing my portfolio.
@rdlowrey Provo and Salt Lake City are great areas if you aren't scared of LDS people (mormons).
If your app has library (classes with namespacing), the controller, models, and vendors all in different directories, how do you manage the autoloading for these? @RonniSkansing It seems to me the only way is to have one or two autoloaders and use if/else to check if class exists in dir1/dir2 ... seems just very bad
We have decent public transit because of the Winter Olympics. It's getting better too.
@Rafee way ahead of that ..
You aren't the first person who's said that, actually. SLC looked beautiful the one time I had a layover there (though I didn't get out of the airport).
@samaYo I use composer for it
then in the autoload you can declare multiple namespaces and loctions
    "autoload": {
      "psr-4": {
        "Flex\\": "./",
        "BadBoy\\Power": "./StrangePlace/Elsewhere"
Provo already has Google Fiber and SLC is planned.
Hey @RonniSkansing you got time to help me out a bit?
The cost of living here is good.
Not sure how it compares to where you are, though.
I'm not afraid of people with strongly held beliefs as long as they aren't the kind of beliefs that make them want to kill me :) I was raised in a very religious household ... I don't necessarily subscribe to all of those beliefs today but I certainly understand where people are coming from.
@HassanAlthaf sure, if I can
I was hoping for an answer thatr that does not start ..xy.. has a solution for these :/
I mean, we are avid supporters of wholesome family values and healthy lifestyles. Really not that scary.
@RonniSkansing Alright, I'll get a room for us so that we don't make too much noise here, lol.
@LeviMorrison yeah I get it ... I don't understand the antagonism a lot of folks have towards people who are legitimately trying to be good human beings.
@samaYo are you using composers autoloader?
or a custom one?
@rdlowrey Anyway, if you are interested in moving to the area I can help you with the local feedback you won't find online.
I don't like composer generated autoloaders @RonniSkansing
ok, so spl autoload?
@samaYo why?
I am not sure how other fiber cities are sizing up, honestly.
<- clusterphobic @ircmaxell
I wouldn't move to Austin because it's so big and so hot.
@samaYo huh? what does one have to do with another?
You can just register another autoloader, and it will be used if the first one does not find it
Are the /* {{{ proto array fn(string arg ... )*/ comments on php -src used for something?
But I really think that composer helps me out alot
I know practically nothing about Nashville, Charlotte or Kansas City.
Just include the autoloader, setup own namespaces/functions in the composer.json and I am ready to inject dependencies into controllers / services and etc
@ircmaxell It means generators always add unessesary code bloat which i don't like much
@RonniSkansing like the sf universal autoloader?
@samaYo sorry dunno the sf autoloader
@rdlowrey All your family live back east?
Anyone out this way?
but the spl autooloader creates a queue of functions to use
@samaYo what code bloat?
I'm interested too
@LeviMorrison lol we're all over the place. Sister in indianopolis, sister in california, mom's side of the family is in new mexico, dad's side is in louisiana, parents live about an hour away from me here.
setting up franchises lol
Lowrey Family Incorporated taking over the US?
Gotta sow the oats!
All of my brothers ended up in Pocatello, ID. I feel embarrassed for them.
Idaho is actually really nice as far as I can tell
Sure, but Pocatello is not really that place.
If you like outdoors stuff Idaho is particularly great.
It's still dominantly outdoors/wildlife/agriculture.
Mountains, lakes, rivers with class 3 rapids…
Really nice if that's your kind of thing.
Access to high speed Internet? Not really.
Public transportation? What? Every family has like 4-6 cars…
(All old and barely running)
user image
Honestly in Boise or Meridian you can probably get decent Internet and the cars are newer.
More and more I just want high speed Internet, access to public transportation so I don't have to drive anywhere, and good food. If an area can provide that for me and my family I'll be happy.
@rdlowrey Rip Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Everyone will now have to learn rdlowrey's hierarchy of needs. ;P
@rdlowrey Also, is this original content?
Where does Flaming Hot Cheetos fall into that graph.
@samaYo did you find the answers you where looking for
@rdlowrey tweet it
@ircmaxell started the new job?
3 weeks in
already.. time flies
@RonniSkansing any hope on the horizon for migrating from yii?
(at work)
@MarcelBurkhard hardly, atm we a picking apart different layers and making them microservices
like the a payment gateway service, users and etc
@RonniSkansing I guess that's a a start
Yea it is
at least it supposedly helps later
But really. wow Yii is mess
I believe you
did alot of debugging from one magic setter/getter to the next
How about you, hows work life?
@RonniSkansing I have to maintain some nasty old codebases too ... as in 2000 lines of nested for loops with dynamic variables :P
yea I think we have some idea what each other are facing
@RonniSkansing I'm "migrating" away from my employer soon, I'm so exited about the new job so thats pretty cool :)
got a new job? yay what new job?
yes, I start mid october
congrats man
@MarcelBurkhard congrats on teh new job! =]
thanks :) They're doing TDD et cetera, nice :)
Fantastic. That is really good news
I guess the inteview was a slam dunk then?
I'm not quite sure I understand "slam dunk" correctly... you mean it was easy?
a walk in the park?
=] could be, but I meant it like, it went good
it went well yes
@MarcelBurkhard Like 'You nailed it!'
I didn't quite meet the requirements of the listing education-wise so its really awesome I got that job
It is nice to hear you are making progress with your yii codebase
cuz it is really frustrating when you are working on something without improving it :D
[= yea, I agree. But I can handle legacy, it's okay, just takes abit of mind bending and acceptance
(but yea in the start, I was not really that happy about it)
yeah one gets used to everything
hmm lol yea.. dunno if that is really a good thing
It's not the reason why I leave
So why did you decide to migrate?
I cant get exact search results in elasticsearch.
`[email protected]` it displays the results with unwanted result sets.
Congratz @MarcelBurkhard
@Patrick thx, but didn't I tell you already?
No I think last time you told me you were still in the application process
oh alright
@Patrick good luck at hackzurich btw :)
They did not accept my application :D
@Patrick woot... why? I saw they had MANY applications ...
I really love the double shift search in phpstorm
@MarcelBurkhard Well I didn't really fill out the application properly and I don't go to uni. I guess that's why. But meh, more time for other projects :)
@RonniSkansing umm well the company wasn't moving in the direction I wanted it too (as in not moving cuz doing something costs money) and I don't like how the boss handles stuff generally, etc.
That being said, I don't like the recent developments at my current place. Might still go check out the stands at hackzurich ;)
@Patrick yeah many recruiters there supposedly
github language trends (aug 2015) github.com/blog/2047-language-trends-on-github
Right, so... I came to ask for anyone's general opinion on PHP7 thus far. Previously I has my application running from a Windows desktop and output is generally finished in 0.0200~ seconds in php5.6. I've given PHP7 a go on Ubuntu and the application completes in in 0.0010~ seconds. Both OSes ran off the same machine - That's far beyond the promised x2 speed!
php is steadily in fourth place
@RonniSkansing I don't think I can elaborate much more in here... ^^
@Abe should be third... css isn't a programming language
@MarcelBurkhard ofc =]
@Orangepill css is 6th :P
so it is..
@Patrick I'm out of country that weekend unfortunately
well then ruby isn't a real language :)
incredible how android saved java
or how java will kill android...
is that based number of projects or number of commits
has anyone ever had an android smartphone that isn't buggy?
has anyone ever had a smartphone that isn't buggy?
even if everything works well at some point an update is going to ruin it ^^
@SuperCat You should measure more than one run. At those low runtimes noise will be high
@Abe point taken
@Abe only bug i've seen in windows phone is the VPN manager....even IE is fairly stable
@HassanAlthaf @LeviMorrison @ircmaxell haha sadly I can't claim credit for that ... I had seen it some where before and just google image searched "maslow's hierarchy of needs wifi" to find an image
@rdlowrey publish it anyway
@ircmaxell Not bloat per se, but extra unncessary code (if any). Because, usually when some framework-agnostic library does something, there are always leftovers
@RonniSkansing not yet
I will steal ideas from the composer autoloader
@samaYo suggestion: ignore your instinct here and just don't worry about autoloading.
let the tool just do it for you and be done with it
@NikiC Well at times it would spike and drop according to whatever the machine was doing the background I guess. I simulated 50+ requests to each and windows+php5 ran at about 0.5, and Ubuntu+php7 went at about 0.09-0.17 on average. I suppose that windows may be more 'busy' in the background.
uh yeah, you should test on one os
there can be big differences
e.g. windows filesystem is really horribly slow
Also, 50+ requests is not an ideal sample size from which to draw conclusions.
10,000 requests is more useful. If that takes an unreasonable amount of time with a real benchmarking tool like weighttp or seige then you should be optimizing and not benchmarking.
@rdlowrey well the requests were nonstop for about 5 minutes, and it held pretty steady. I'm not really doing anything serious, just playing around with it :)
I guess I'll just let it slide this one time
I'd -never- use windows as an actual production server unless I HAD to, but even then I'd look into mono & co first.
@SuperCat wait, are you saying it took 5 minutes just to respond to 50ish requests?
@rdlowrey No- Once the request was fulfilled, that 'slot' would make another request right away. Maybe I said it wrong. That would be insane!
okay, good. That would have been a real problem :)
I wasn't really outputting much though.
load and performance testing is a VERY difficult thing to do
It's very difficult to simulate any kind of real approximation of what you'll face in the real world
hammering the same resource over and over borders on counter-productive if you're actually trying to draw actionable conclusions :/
any suggestions/resources on how to represent a possibly infinitely set of periodically reoccurring events while still allowing for modifications to a single instance in the set?
It's a difficult problem ...
Perhaps you store a single master event in a db table and then a secondary table linking exceptions to the normalized master events.
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around a workable solution.
You wouldn't need to to store times, just the index of the event and the id of its master event
So say I have master event ID# 1 that occurs every 30 seconds
public $add=time();
why it is invalid
I have id, current_index, interval columns in the master table/store
@SajjadKhan what does the error message say?
And if I want to skip the third (e.g.) occurrence of event ID 1 I would add an entry to the exception table with id 1 and index 2
@Danack it shows an read error in my IDE i didn't test it by execute it
To trigger an event you just make sure there's no adjoining exception entry for the current index
@Orangepill thoughts? I just made that up on the fly but it seems sensible
Well execute it and see what PHP says. It normally gives reasonable information about what is wrong.
@rdlowrey that makes sense... think it could be made to work..
It's a bare minimum of data storage and you only incur the extra storage overhead for the less likely scenario (an actual exception to the regularly scheduled recurrence)
And you wouldn't need to keep around expired exceptions indefinitely ... you could archive triggered events elsewhere once they've occurred. That's a read-only data store that can be shifted away from the hot access location
I wasn't even thinking about persistence yet but that approach seems workable in memory as well.
yeah, same principle regardless of where the application data is coming from
using index offsets in that way is better than trying to store times just because of all the craziness inherent in how human beings tell time
true that.
that way you can just use regular math like initial_occurence_unix_time + (interval * index)
for the simple cases that would work... I'm looking to support stuff like the 2nd wednesday of every month... so that will be a little more challenging.
but exception storage as an offset in the series doesn't break down in that case either
yeah it works either way. You might just want to adopt the cron format and parse times that way.
but that's the job of your UI
the domain model should run on offsets and recurrence indexes no matter how the user interacts with it on the frontend
That's the beauty of separating the application logic from the domain model from the backend infrastructure
The domain model doesn't care how you arrive at your indexes and offsets, it only cares about those pieces of information. You can change the way users interface with it without modifying it. Likewise you can swap out the backend (e.g. start using a database instead of in-memory storage in the process space) without affecting any other layer.
These separations are at the heart of domain driven design
At this point all I want to do is offer a library that exposes the domain itself. I don't want to impose a ui or persistence on the consumer.
Then this matters precisely none whatsoever:
> I'm looking to support stuff like the 2nd wednesday of every month
Because the domain model doesn't care how you arrive at the indexes and intervals.
And the persistence layer doesn't either.
but the domain will have to represent in some fashion the reoccurrence pattern.
Arriving at the appropriate indexes and intervals is the job of application interactors. Those aren't part of the domain model. It sounds like you just mixed up the term when you said "At this point all I want to do is offer a library that exposes the domain itself."
probably... don't really know where to draw a line around the domain
all I know is the concept of a reoccuring event will have to be persisted and in the case of a query be extrapolated into individual events (with possible exceptions)
no worries, I just have the terminology on lockdown because I've recently been re-reading the DDD book.
terminology is important... I need to read up on some DDD stuff
I definitely recommend this:
it's an easy read over the course of a couple of days if you sit down and knock it out
It's a refresher I needed because I've spent the majority of the past two years working on infrastructure layer things that are at a lower level of the application than where your normal domain work occurs.
That will be my next read
just ordered, will be in tomrrow
What is proper way how to set charset for CLI?
That book also explains much better than I could exactly why you will eventually run into problems using Laravel, BTW :)
For the record, I strongly recommend avoiding the similar book by Vaughn Vernon. It is basically just a huge number of words.
Good to know.
In truth all I know of DDD is what has been discussed in this room and a few talks I have seen online.
I may order that book as well.
I also need to order a book on that focuses on practical CQRS and Event Sourcing systems.
If I don't have books I tend to only study them for an hour or two on one day. The next day rolls around and I don't complete stuff.
Similar to how I'm more effective with physical sticky notes than the electronic ones.
@ircmaxell if you ordered the blue one, also order the red one. The blue one is pattern focused, but you'll need the red one to make sense of the bigger picture. the red and the blue are the canonical works on DDD.
/cc @Orangepill ^
@danack Is that the one you where talking about :)
Even the description, is a lot of words.
@danack is your problem that it's wordy ... or that its wordy and it doesn't really say anything
I haven't read the red one.
Not sure if I should be encouraged or discouraged by an endorsement for someone whose byline contains "Oracle Coherence Product Development"
@Orangepill kind of both. Obviously Gordon seems to disagree - but I just didn't get anything from the first 150 pages apart from "You ought to think about your objects, m'kay?"
That is a completely buzz word compliant job title.
> Each principle is backed up by realistic Java examples–all applicable to C# developers–and all content is tied together by a single case study: the delivery of a large-scale Scrum-based SaaS system for a multitenant environment.
^ also doesn't sound like something I want to rush out and purchase
Oh, and that was the other problem. Noun all of the things.
@Danack and you should think about your boundaries
@Gordon Yes, which was the next 200 pages.
This is the tension I have with a lot of large OOP books ... often hundreds of pages could just as easily have been distilled down to "follow good, well-known design practices"
Their probably is a useful message in there, I just couldn't extract it as the text was so overwhelmingly wordy.
you can also try vaughnvernon.co for nicer sized chunks of information on DDD
I think if I can get the concepts and the language down I'll be able to find enough content online to round out my understanding.
Apologies, I may have given the impression the book was 350 pages long. It is actually 600. I regret the mistake.
yeah... wordy and 600 pages... might be something good to fall asleep to.
I used to have a Borland Turbo Assembler book that was really good for that... since I lost that book I have been plagued with crippling insomnia.
I'd order that book but I need to read the ones I already bought. I am far too slack with reading. Time to go play some xbox.
@Orangepill have you tried reading "implementing DDD" ? it is a much easier reading imho
@Abe that seems to be a highly debated opinion.... red or blue :)
they are different
red focuses more on patterns, blue on the theory
i agree though that "just gimme the codez" often explains more than words

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