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@Naruto With PHP?
You'll need PHP installed.
What's the difference between setting using fastcgi_pass; or fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; in Nginx
server blocks
@samaYo First one is a TCP socket, second one an unix socket.
@Jimbo yes, I've been reading up, and it is also said that you need to execute as root user in order to use web sockets?
Any one work on paypal ?@Naruto @samaYo @kelunik
@salathe that's going to be quite the pain for my current employer ... ^^
i want to implement chat in cakephp
any suggestion on what sockets to use
@kelunik ehh, which one is "better"
@Naruto I don't think I had to run as root for web sockets when I was using ratchet and a reverse proxy on apache
Unfortunately I can't remember what settings I used for the reverse proxy, but I don't think I needed to run as root
i came across ratchet
@Aditya If you're using CakePHP, you're genuinely not ready for ratchet
ok, then any suggestion how to implement real time chat in cakephp framework
@Naveen Don't ping random people.
It's ok
@MarcelBurkhard Why? Just create wrapper functions to mysqli. :P
@Jimbo i came across this github.com/WyriHaximus/Ratchet
i have a question please help on paypal
@Aditya Have you tried it?
gonna = go to OR gonna = going to ??
not yet, just figuring it out, what all it takes to implement, havent gone through much details.
@Naveen Although this may be completely unhelpful, I remember finding and starring a PayPal IPN script on Github, you may find it useful. Other than that I can't personally help :-) github.com/Quixotix/PHP-PayPal-IPN
@Sajad going to
@Jimbo tnx
@Aditya When I did web sockets, I needed: A web socket server running alongside apache, a reverse proxy (an apache mod with some configuration), a web socket JS library
@Jimbo Thanks
@PeeHaa <3
i have few question on paypal
@Patrick moin
@jimbo, thanks for the info, I guess , I need to dig little dipper in these things, all of these are terms are new to me. any suggestion how to get started on this..
My req. - to build a simple chat/msg app for currently logged in users in the system
@Aditya At the very least, you could try and get the Ratchet one up and running. But, don't expect to be able to integrate it easily with CakePHP, or any other framework for that matter
@Jimbo $recv_socket = socket_create (AF_UNIX, SOCK_RAW, getprotobyname ('icmp')); this line is giving me: 'Warning: socket_create(): Unable to create socket [93]: Protocol not supported' , don't really have the exp to understand what exactly is going wrong, since I kinda copied this from a working example ^^
umm, sounds like a complicated task then, my project is build in cakephp
feels like thats going to be a bottleneck..
@kelunik github.com/AzizSaleh/mysql ... awesome :P
@jimbo, and I understand same goes for the real time notification mechanism too.. currently i have a notification system , which pulls data either when user click on notification or I push it from the db every 30 sec. using some Js
I wanted to make this notification module also real time..
and now i fell like, I am lost with this complicated stuff.
hmm, cursing myself..
and what's the problem in doing this ?
that's exactly the problem is, i dont know what it takes to do in cakephp
i have no idea where to start from , and on search also , not getting some proper lib to accomplish these things.
@Aditya Why try to implement your own socket server? There are plenty of working implementations already out there for you to use. e.g. socketo.me
@Naruto Wrong third of parameter?
@Aditya You could always just use Server Sent Events instead, there's no bi-directional communication, the browser support includes IE and it's less complicated
@sherif, can you please explain me in brief, what all is req to do this chat thing..
19 mins ago, by Jimbo
@Aditya When I did web sockets, I needed: A web socket server running alongside apache, a reverse proxy (an apache mod with some configuration), a web socket JS library
@Aditya You have tutorials on ratchet website. They are easy to understand
@Aditya Read the link. There's a chat example right there socketo.me/docs/hello-world
@jimbo, @rommy @sherif, thanks guys.
let me go through the links.
Thanks a lot guys,,
@kelunik is it? According to the manual this is correct?
Unless you're doing systems programming, working with raw sockets is just boooooooring.
@Naruto Yeah, that's why I scratched it.
@Abe How did you know I was eating donuts? :)
morning, @PeeHaa o/
@PeeHaa Italian guy is a spy
hey guys
@PeeHaa o/ morning
when working with prepared statements what exactly does sss mean? To be honest I dont really find any infos regarding the meaning of the triple S
@Demorus super sexy statement
@kelunik BTW I am deploying a site as we speak. Once that thing is correctly up-and-running (will be this week) I take some days / weeks off and have time to look in all the ampchat changes (including the api) and will be able to finally program fun stuff (read for myself) again
sss stringstringstring and iii intigerintigerintiger though :D
oh xD
@Demorus It means you are using the wrong api to talk to the database
$PeeHaa why wrong?
I still have a PHP 7 build without yield from here, oops.
So i = integer, s = string, and d = double
but why triple sss and not just one s?
why not read api again
which api are you using ?
@Demorus because you have 3 parameters to bind?
@kelunik Are you compiling it from src or webtatic?
@Demorus Because mysqli is a retarded api
$naruto yes
I gave up on php-src so I'm using beta3 from webtatic
@samaYo Source or release tar.xz's
I mean if I needed an integer then I could imagine: SI, or with double SD, but.....its weird
always requires 3 letters it seems. So if I only needed doubles then DDD
i want to get the time like if the two longitute and latitute suppose i have 5 km so i want to getwhat the time required to get from this longitute to latitude i am creating taxi app so the app developer asked me calculate time required from longitutde to latitude which was in my database
@kelunik I can never get past make && make install do you follow any guide?
I just have to fix my install script to install new builds in ~/.phpenv/versions instead of /usr/local/php7.
i will get current location longitute and latitute
@samaYo What do you want to do after that?
and the ride longitute and latitute
so the i want to get time
@samaYo gist.github.com/kelunik/4e137a8d1ea30408c4d7 is a older version of my script.
@PeeHaa ahahaha
@kelunik It's just what I did, except the./buildconf --force && part
./configure  --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var  --with-config-file-path=/etc  --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d
@PeeHaa ID: 4, token: 0ccbfe02a25903ece952fc0c396c541a3bccf7c520e0e71051831ba337f7ae39 for tests @ beta.kelunik.com/rooms
@RonniSkansing o/
\o @kelunik ... having a extra long work day today
8 hours still to go
public function store(\Callable $closure){
	return function() use ($closure){
		static $foo;

			$closure = $closure();

		return $closure;
what? :D
what? :D
does that make php explode? just guessing
That code is creating issues for me, see any flaws @Abe ?
Reading that DI with Auryn reddit post. Still seems there are people out there calling auto DI 'magic' and hating on it. Some people just don't like it, and that's okay, but I wish they'd just say they just don't like it because they haven't brought any good points to the table yet about why it's not a good thing
i have no idea what happens with static $x; within an anonymous function @samaYo
What the heck did I just read?
Q: Getting null values from include('1.php?id='.$id) file, PHP

Naveed Ahmadincluded a php file for inserting values into table. script inserting values but all null. if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id=$_GET['id']; include_once ('1.php?id='.$id); $sql = "insert into table ( ... ) values (variables from 1.php?id='.$id)"; insert query is fine but submitting null values.. wh...

@Abe That is not the issue, maybe @Jimbo knows because because he talks about DI A Lot :p
One issues for me is, to get a service I have to use $this['name']() always, mostly I just fetch methods from classes, so that becomes $this['name']()->foo()
I hate that
@samaYo what are you trying to do with that?
get single instances of any object, like singleton but, with more DI-like use
Q: Twitter screen is not closing after tweeting in mobile web

Deeban BabuI am using this code in my template: <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Heloo world text&url=http://www.example.com&hashtags=test&via=test><img src="example.png" alt=""></a> And my js code is: window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], ...

@kelunik Awesome
@DeebanBabu This is a PHP room, not Javascript
@PeeHaa I just have to fix that /favicon.ico will not count against the rate limit and that internal server errors and 404s will also return json.
> Hackers who claim to have stolen data from Ashley Madison, the dating site for cheaters, recently posted nearly 10-gigabytes of said stolen data. That includes member email addresses, credit card transactions, and even profiles.
old story
Would be interesting to know what their demands were prior to posting.
You're an old story
Demands were to take down the website
@Jay their demands were posted 30 days ago (they wanted the site to shut down)
Oh, reasonable...
@PeeHaa can I haz teh help
any eclipse user here?
@Mahesha999 wrong room
@Amelia eclipse supports also php (in theory :P)
yeah ok....
@Amelia do you need anything specific, or are you performing a survey (in latter case you will probably get none-to-few results)
@tereško go up one :p
@NullPoiиteя you really hate IDEs, right?
@Amelia this made no sense, and neither did your previous statement
@tereško what?
.. exactly
Go up one message, you pinged the wrong user
Is that better?
@NullPoiиteя I actually had never seen someone genuinely "sea-lioning"
@tereško consider he wrote an article about !important with all !important mispelled as !imporatant
he's so lol :P
.. you are so ignored
have a nice life
you too
@Abe wtf man i never did this
@NullPoiиteя i clearly remember it from your blog
@NullPoiиteя it's ok we love you anyway :D
@SergeyTelshevsky It sounds like you are making the mistake of trying to force everything through construction injection for a class that is doing completely unrelated things. Instead of this:
class FooController {
    function __construct(UserRepo $userRepo, ArticleRepo $articleRepo) {

    function userStuff(){...}
    function articleStuff(){...}
Move the dependencies that are only required by some methods to be 'execution injected':
class FooController {
    function __construct() {
    	//only common things go in the constructor injection
    function userStuff(UserRepo $userRepo){...}
    function articleStuff(ArticleRepo $articleRepo){...}
@DaveRandom o/
That way you only create the things that are actually needed. There may be another issue in your code, where you're trying to do everything in a single layer....I am working on a 'framework' that avoids this problem github.com/danack/tier - it might be ready to look at by the end of the day...
I've basically only come here to recommend to you all that you go listen to Gold Against The Soul by the manics
@rdlowrey yeah, nah. For me at least, they're not optional dependencies, they're dependencies which a library is capable of creating itself, though in rare circumstances a user may wish to inject their own version. So having to set them up in Auryn is unnecessary 95% of the time.
Holy fuck, they've actually done it (the Ashley Madison thing)
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa's mum privacy is compromised now
@DaveRandom 44 whitehouse.gov emails in there
@Danack that type of code would force you to always interact with controllers from DIC wrap
seems like a bad idea to me
@tereško yes. Which I believe is correct.....because otherwise the difficulties in doing dependency injection mean that you have to not use it.
For example, this is the constructor for a template:
class title extends JigBase {
    function __construct(
       \Jig\CompiledTemplate\framework\pageStart $Jig_CompiledTemplate_framework_pageStart,
       \Jig\CompiledTemplate\framework\topNavBar $Jig_CompiledTemplate_framework_topNavBar,
       \ImagickDemo\Helper\PageInfo $pageTitleObj,
       \ImagickDemo\Control $control,
       \ImagickDemo\Example $example,
       \ImagickDemo\DocHelper $docHelper,
       \ImagickDemo\Navigation\Nav $nav,
       \ImagickDemo\NavigationBar $navBar,
       \Jig\CompiledTemplate\framework\pageFooter $Jig_CompiledTemplate_framework_pageFooter,
After it's been compiled from the template into PHP code.
I really don't want to have to call that by hand.
why do you make a single class to do so much?!
I see, you really like the new "hammer", but this sounds to me like an issue caused by SRP violation
Because it's doing so much. It's rendering a webpage - so it has a lot of dependencies. And to be clear it's not written by hand, it's generated from: github.com/Danack/Imagick-demos/blob/master/templates/title.tpl
and how does it relate to:
26 mins ago, by Danack
class FooController {
    function __construct() {
    	//only common things go in the constructor injection
    function userStuff(UserRepo $userRepo){...}
    function articleStuff(ArticleRepo $articleRepo){...}
Been thinking about abstracting out Repos and things in controllers
public function userStuff(UserRetriever $retriever) { } ?
(Service layer?)
UserRetriever = interface
@tereško It doesn't relate to that code, it related to when people are doing things like:
function processForm(Form $form, UserRepo $userRepo) {
	if ($form->isValid()) {
	    //show success page
	else {
	    //show error page.
i.e. the userRepo is only needed when the form is valid, so it's not a strict dependency.
@Jimbo "Been thinking about abstracting out Repos" - what's the desire behind that?
@Danack Imagine I change my mind about how to retrieve a user one day, I can switch to something else
Hello all, I have a simple question
Simply an interface in front of a repository effectiely
@Jimbo meh
Like if HTTP = doctrine, but CLI calls to the controller will use something else
anyone willing to help?
@LoaiNagati You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
okay, thanks
@Jimbo I do have an interface for my repos, but it's a direct mapping of the repo calls, so that I can test stuff without actually hitting the database.
@Jimbo That's why the controller shouldn't know anything about HTTP at all.
I'm trying to output string array values in HTML checkboxes.

Problem is, only the first word of every element is what I get in the value parameter of my HTML checkboxes.

Like: <input name="donor_name[]" type="checkbox" value="International" tree foundation>


for($index=0; $index < count($donors_values); $index++){
echo '<input name="darpe_form_donor_name[]" type= "checkbox"'
. ' value= '
. $donors_values[$index] . '>'
. ' ' . $donors_values[$index]
. '<br>';


I want the whole element displayed at once every time.
@Danack yup, but as I have said, it was an example, the problem may hide much deeper in the code, so the only possible way to run injector->execute(...) would be a proxy/factory class (if you care about not making a SL out of your DIC). actually, my controllers are just like your code example
@kelunik Where do you set the status code?
@SergeyTelshevsky Can you link to an example? that sounds weird.
@Danack actually, I can't :) but think of a system that works like router/controller, but based on database data, with business calculations here and there
@PeeHaa Is that, perhaps, where the View comes in?
@Jimbo Yeah probably
ALthough I dropped the notion of views in my projects
@SergeyTelshevsky In that case the problem is almost certainly coming from having everything inside a single layer, rather than having multiple tiers where each bit can return what the next thing to be processed is, without having to have the dependencies required to call it itself. I don't think there is any decent workaround other than splitting the layers up.
The same problem would occur if your HTTP routing layer called the controllers directly - it would need to know about all of the dependencies the controllers need.
@PeeHaa Status code is currently the only thing that leaks, but I'll probably change it to internal status codes which are easily mappable to HTTP status codes.
So instead, we call the routing layer, and it returns the next thing to call.....I think we just need more of that in applications. Anyway I'm going to crack on and get this stuff done, so I can link you to a decent example later.
IS there way to delete the data written to php://memory
@Danack I'm not sure where that is located, but it doesn't look like a controller (which was in the previous snippet of yours)
posted on August 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by KenTricks */

@user251336 php.net/manual/en/function.ftruncate.php might do it - not sure.
@user251336 oh wait - just closing the file handle should do it also.
@Feeds never had that happen. Ever.
^^ yeah, just fclose() it
@user251336 if it's a security concern then you can overwrite it after doing fseek(0);
@tereško For me it only connects though ssh.
I can't make it work via TCP/IP port
Is it the same for you
@samaYo I assume you are talking about mysql, but there is context missing
where is the mysql server located?
@Danack it's easy with routing/controllers because you know what will exactly happen for any arguments passed, but you don't know beforehand what controller actions will do (you have lots of them with completely different behaviour)
@tereško the server is local, that's why I don't need ssh
can you connect to it from CLI?
Nope, just using the database connect option
wait, what?!
a sec
@PeeHaa If you want to have a look at it, you should have access to both repos IIRC.
@kelunik Great
If I don't use connection method as ssh it won't connect, even if I disabled firewall, selinux, open ports ..
@SergeyTelshevsky I don't believe that to be an issue, so long as you are running the app through a DIC, and can dispatch multiple tiers of callables. As I said, I'm going to crack on to get a proper example finished.
@Danack thanks
@Danack : thanks . I will check it :)
@samaYo emm, WHAT?!? That screenshot is from WinXP. It does not have SElinux. Please, give some damned context.
what are you running, what OS you are using, what OS mysql is using, what where you trying to do, what didn't work, how did it look when it didnt work ?!?
@samaYo Are you running WAMP?
9 mins ago, by samaYo
@tereško For me it only connects though ssh.
@tereško Nope, that is a screenshot from my Windows 7, I removed the glossy option from the gui. Second, I am running CentOS7 (hence SElinux) and I am connecting to mysql using mysqlworkbench
@samaYo start reading from here, what you wrote, and assume that you have no idea what "samaYo" is talking about ... see how it looks to you
@samaYo Did you GRANT root@% to be able to log in?
What in the good lord's name is going on here.
@samaYo so you have a virtual machine with CentOS and a host machine with Win7 and you're trying to connect to mysql server running in virtual machine, from your host machine?
@Machavity I can log in via the workbench or putty just fine mysql@localhost:22
If so then SSH is the only option
@nikita2206 bullshit
@nikita2206 I ACTUALLY connected and did everything you could do, I just didn't want to connect using ssh. I need TCP/IP connection to work.
@tereško that is what I could infer from what he said
@samaYo are my assumptions right in my first message?
\o/ I have finally deployed the project!
@nikita2206 no, the "bullshit" was about the "SSH is the only option" part. Every virtual machine app has an option to forward any port you want to loocalhost
@nikita2206 Yes, but ssh only can not be the way
@tereško ah, yes, this too
@PeeHaa And the server is still responding? \o/
@samaYo yeah @tereško said it, you can forward mysql's port
@Danack I had a quick look, saw that it worked and quickly closed the thing
I'll just wait for the tickets to come in :P
@samaYo Wait, if you can log in using Workbench that's connecting over the port directly
@samaYo os, lets start from the beginning. What OS are you running? I mean, what OS the Workbench is launched from.
SSH in Workbench is only used for managing MySQL, not doing DB queries
@tereško windows 7
@Machavity you have lost it.
ssh in workbench is a piece of shit
It's about a 50/50 chance it will work
At least in my experience
@PeeHaa Mine works fine, but it's slow as hell .. because ssh.
@samaYo you said that mysql is running on CentOS. IS that in your virtual machine? Where the virtual machine is located and what software ar you using for it?
@samaYo When it works it isn't slow for me.
@PeeHaa it could be that OpenSSH is doing the DNS lookup. It make the SSH slower on VMs, if you do not disable it.
@tereško For the last time, I have a Window 7 32bit laptop, in it there is a virtualbox where I run CentOs. In CentOS I have mysql, php ... :D
@samaYo congratulation. You answered this one:
18 mins ago, by tereško
@samaYo I assume you are talking about mysql, but there is context missing
Go to config of your virtual machine
in the "network" (or something) there will be a button for "port forwarding"
open that dialog box
How can I even use a mysql outside virtualbox to use it with php .. ? it does not make sense.
@tereško You don't listen :)
you need to get to this dialog and forward 3306 (TCP and UDP, both)
I give up
No one helped :/
I am using putty from desktop, and accessing my pages from browser, don't you think I know what port forwarding means/does @tereško ?
anyway, its ok .. it was all about speedzz anyway
All is good.
@samaYo he listens to you, you just can't really word what you actually need
Did you already set up port forwarding and discovered that it's slow too?
I don't see 3306 in that list...
I'm going back to playing XCom: Long War
you made me open a beer
@tereško good thing you isn't a smoker
you'd die from a lung cancer because of SO :D
damn, now I have to get a beer .. else I can't concentrate :/
@nikita2206 that's honestly a quite disgusting habit.
@tereško what, a lung cancer? yeah I guess
no, smoking
@Machavity need a dispenser here?
@Amelia With a lighter flamethrower
Hi ho
@chozilla o/
Do anyone know if there is a fibonacci heap already implemented in php?
@Machavity That Engineer's a Spy!
Our new scrum master wants us to comment every method and class. Ugh
@Patrick Doesn't phpstorm have some refactoring tool fo dat?
@PeeHaa Still stupid. I'll buy him a copy of clean code
@chozilla yes, several times even. Usually some time around 3rd week of September.
@tereško I stole it here
(but it didn't have oneboxing...)
good morning
I just spent about 3 hours writing 1 SQL query :-/
That sounds like a good time
@DaveRandom Better than writing JavaScript
I haven't seen @andho's avatar in here for a long time
I want to check user existing before insert a new comment in the database, should I use of TRIGGER, right ?
@DaveRandom welcome to my everyday life :)
@samaYo lol
I spend 3 hours everyday writing something, and the rest 8 hours talking to myself why it did not work.
@Sajad How about SELECT userID FROM users WHERE someField = 'value'?
@Sajad you want to associate the comment with the user in some way correct?
@Machavity it is a query for trigger ?
@Orangepill yes
@Sajad Why do you need a trigger? Either use a UNIQUE attribute or just query to see if the record exists
@tereško so basically you don't know and its unsure if anyone did. Thanks
@Sajad Then you probably want to go through some sort of authentication that ensures that a given user exists.
look, my problem is: if I remove a user account that is logged, it can still write new comment, because the session is full yet.
the unset the session
@Orangepill yes I know, but unfortunately I use of MyISAM
@Sajad all you need is to use foreign key constraints
Guys, is an event loop, effectively, one bloody big while loop that just runs fast because it's 'closer to the metal'?
@Sajad Personally i would just do two queries, trigger in this case feels wrong
@Orangepill aha ok tnx
@Jimbo it doesn't have to be "closer to the metal"
@samaYo Is it impossible when I remove a user, then unset his session
@FlorianMargaine Okay, good event loops then like libev :P
DECLARE @DaysAgo INT = 0;
DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = RedStar.GetStartOfDay(GetDate(), @DaysAgo * -1);
DECLARE @EndDate DATETIME = DateAdd(DAY, 1, @StartDate);

SELECT a.Firstname + ' ' + a.Lastname AS TeamLeader, i.SessionNumber, i.Leads
  SELECT gah.GroupID, RedStar.GetSessionNumberFromDateTime(h.CallDateTime) AS SessionNumber, Count(h.HistoryID) AS Leads
  FROM dbo.History h WITH (INDEX (history_calldatetime_index))
  LEFT OUTER JOIN RedStar.BridgeNumbers bn ON h.PhoneNum = bn.PhoneNum
Like half of those table are views as well, so there's actually a shitload more logic behind that
guys, how to do I make a php function() run after the form has been submitted?
@Demorus you usually send the form data to a php script, so it runs when the form is committed.
@Jimbo well, they use select, which is the kernel signal handler... not sure there's much to say about it
Yeah, been reading
> No. It is not "optimized polling." An event-loop uses interrupt-driven I/O instead of polling.

While, Until, For, etc. loops are polling loops.
This is interesting :)
@DaveRandom joining views ... yeah, that always ends so well
@chozila via action="...php" right? If I do that is there a need to run my function within the script like login();
@Demorus use @ if you want to ping someone
@tereško thanks a lot
fixed already!
too late man! :D mwahaha
@Jimbo so yeah, it's not a loop, it's "polling", but "polling" is just a for(;;) in the kernel anyway github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/fs/select.c#L428
Any idea why nginx rule "return 301 foo.bar.com$request_uri;" is urlencoding the &request_uri instead and sending me to "https://foo.bar.com%26request_uri/?" instead of desired result?
@tereško Actually run time is <1sec and History has about 1.5 million rows in it. In general I agree it's a bad plan (at the end of the day, alternative would be joining a subquery which isn't really any better)
@Fabor I'm not sure that is a valid location - isn't it meant to have a scheme like the example $scheme://domain.com$request_uri; ?
I'm pushing everyone from http to https return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
Yeah unsure why the http was dropped from my initial comment -_- maybe markdown
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name dev.kelunik.com;
    server_tokens off;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

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