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^ some stuff is true, some stuff is not
example: having 1Tb SDD/16Gb RAM/4x4quad i7 = 0.5...1sec system reboot/cold start
@PeeHaa it's super awesome
and then.. typekit went down -- status.typekit.com
35 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@FlorianMargaine Well that's what you get from relying on "the could" :-)
26 mins ago, by Alma Do
"The cloud" which "could". not.
Currently in Times New Roman's land: WEB FONT NETWORK is down
Our storage provider has identified the root cause of the outage and is working on resolving the issue. We'll keep you updated.
So many Dutch-speaking people.
@elyse perl girl???
So you had a long hard thought what was worse than PHP and you went to that
@PeeHaa It's rightfold...
Perl is awsome.
@HamZa I know. I just don't understand how you go from c++ to php to perl
@PeeHaa I guess it's his job lol
Then again @elyse is special :P
Still didn't find a steady stream of perl repos in my github dashboard from you @elyse
how define nothing in the this if statement ? $i = $i >10 ? 15 : nothing;
nothing as in null or zero?
@HamZa nothing !!! like this: if($i > 10) {$i=15;} else{}
In that case, $i stays the same ? 15 : $i
@Sajad 1) Install VB6 2) Use Nothing 3)? 4) profit!
@HamZa in the else, $i stays what it was before. Does not change.
@PeeHaa that was irony ? or really nothing is exist in VB6 syntax ?
Why am I getting a PDO error with this:
if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN system_cat USING (cat_id) LEFT JOIN system_type USING (type_id) WHERE system_furniture_check = 0 AND cat_id = :c ORDER BY sortorder");
$stmt->execute(['c' => filter_var($_GET['c'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)]);
} else {
$stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN system_type USING (type_id) WHERE system_furniture_check = 0 ORDER BY sortorder");
The first query, I'm trying to join 3 tables together.
@Sajad That's exactly what I meant: $i = ($i > 10) ? 15 : $i;
@Rahul always provide the error message
@HamZa aha, you right, I can use $i for nothing. tnx
@HamZa Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'cat_id' in where clause is ambiguous' in
Maki Beans and Houmous look more like something that's coming out than going in.
@Rahul first google result: lmgtfy.com/?q=where+clause+is+ambiguous
@PeeHaa ow, cool :-)
Nothing is cool about nothing. Seems so plain...
@PeeHaa but wait, what is your job ?! PHP ? or VB ?
@HamZa I think I have solved 1/4 of it. I'm wanting to merge the results based on T1 and T3. Whereas T2 doesn't include the type_id. How can I JOIN T1 and T2, but only merge T1 and T3?
@Sajad @PeeHaa is a polyglot
@HamZa good for him ...!
@HamZa How rude.
@salathe is it?
@HamZa No.
@salathe thx
SELECT product.*, system_cat.*, system_type.*
FROM product
JOIN system_cat
ON system_cat.cat_id = product.cat_id
JOIN system_type
ON system_type.type_id = product.type_id
WHERE system_furniture_check = 0 AND cat_id = :c ORDER BY sortorder
Still getting the same error
How do I make class A be able to see some property of class B, without letting any class see it?
Hi, does anyone know how to do this? stackoverflow.com/questions/26423196/…
PHP doesn't have C++'s friend classes, unfortunately. I tried making them both inherit from some empty abstract base class and making the property protected, but that didn't work.
@tereško oh yeah :/
@Ja͢ck good!
@Abe I just did a crappy prototype that replaced individual opcodes with JS snippets. No reasonable person would take ElePHPants Love Coffee seriously :p
@Sherif these ones match the Khronos Group's spec for them, so the API and usage is identical to JavaScript's
what type should I use for value column in vote table ? It takes just 1 or -1 ?
@sajad tinyint
@Orangepill tinyint is: -128 to 127
can I use of boolean ? true | false instead of 1 | -1
is it not better ?
@PeeHaa I used to have some.
My compiler used to be written in Perl. Now it's written in Scala.
@Orangepill right, bool == tinyint(1)
My compiler does static type checking and type inference now. :)
@Orangepill what is your opinion about binary ? it is just 0 or 1 :-) not anything else

add_filter( 'clean_url', array($this, 'add_async')); //filter the scripts to add async attributes.
* Function to add async loading of scripts
function add_async ( $url ) {
if( strpos( $url, '#async' ) === false )
return $url;
else if(is_admin())
return str_replace('#async', '', $url);
return str_replace( '#async', '', "$url' async" );

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://site_url/wp-content/plugins/accesspress-pinterest/js/frontend.js?ver=1.1.9" async'=""></script>

I'm building a wordpress plugin and would like to add async using wp_enqueue_script but i'm getting
can anyone help me please? I couldn't find a proper way to fix it
@elyse congrats!
@JayMaharjan why did you post your code twice?
@sajad seems like it would be a nightmare to aggregate
@JayMaharjan there's an extra quote because your code contains one. Find it.
@Orangepill I see, you are right, tnx
1 message moved to bin
@elyse Hi :) i'm new to chat sorry :)
@Andrea :) I'm looking for it but couldn't figure out :(
return str_replace( '#async', '', "$url' async" );
Hi @Rommy did you mean there is wrong it that return statement?
posted on August 10, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Dude */

Hey Everyone
@PeeHaa \o/
@rdlowrey o/
hey, @JoeWatkins @rdlowrey
@JayMaharjan yes
@JayMaharjan So with andrea's suggestion and mine you should be able to find out your problem
Hello all
Allow Anyone To Upload Files To Your Google Drive using php
is this possible using php
@RavinderKumar Anything is possible
can you please help me with some reference link?
count() is faster or sum() ? for calculating votes table, should I use of count() or sum() ? I have both 1 and -1 in that column.
@RavinderKumar google.com
@PeeHaa :)
@Rommy But i have checked it already but couldn't find a solution :(
@PeeHaa thanks
@RavinderKumar really you did not know google before ?
/me has discovered a bug in php
@Sajad sum
@Orangepill tnx :-) !
@Orangepill but here is a similar question, and used of count.
@Sajad I know very well about Google
@samaYo or is it an undocumented featurr
@RavinderKumar good for you ...!
@Sajad yes
@Orangepill I doubt it, even if it was a feature, it should be labeled bug-feature
or feature-bug
@sajad do you want to know how many votes there or the total value of the votes
@Orangepill total
@Sajad then sum
@Orangepill aha, then count() is for calculating the number of rows ..
ok you right ..
but I have a shout more question ...
should I add a new column named total in the posts table and store the number of total votes in that column ? or I calculate the number of votes before loading each post (from votes tabel) ?
calculate would be easiest
@Orangepill and is it optimized ?
dont worry about that now
@Orangepill alright ... always you help me :-) tnx pal
no prob
Hi How can used Paypal SDK . I am facing error .. it is showing me failed for every request
@JayMaharjan your last param has a messing quote
I really wish PHP had C++'s friend now, my workaround won't work
maybe there's a way...
closure rebinding?
@rdlowrey I'm using that currently, but ick.
yeah, I know it's not the cleanest thing in the world :/
Relatedly: I'd really appreciate something like public static function __init() so I can initialise static variables once without adding a conditional to __construct()
@Andrea Just put the code outside the class def in the same file
@DaveRandom that means making the variables public.
Oh, no it doesn't
It means making the initialisation method public
But I can ensure it only runs once. Aha!
@Andrea ...which it would have been anyway with your magic signature
@DaveRandom oh sure, but it's at least not obviously part of the public API
class FooBar
    private static $despicableHack;
    public static function initClass() {
        static $initialised;
        if (isset($initialised)) {
            throw new \Exception("Can't reinitialise");
        } else {
            self::$despicableHack = black_magic();
@Andrea funny, I ran into this same need recently
I really wish we could have file- or namespace-local variables
what'd be really handy is computed class constants
That too -- avoids the need for the init method
We could reuse var for file-local variables, and allow use on functions here
var $fileLocal = 42;
function foo() use ($fileLocal) {
    return $fileLocal;
var_dump(foo()); // int(42)
> visited 1915 days, 1912 consecutive
^ like this?
@ircmaxell impressive
I don't really know how things in $_GLOBALS work ... presumably you could just use var to keep it out of globals and hidden from other files?
@rdlowrey static is per function, this is a global function.
@rdlowrey exactly
@hakre Right, but we're talking about how file-local variables could work
OTOH, it might be worth not using var here as we could use it in future for typed variables
I'm imagining var int $foo = ...; might happen
yeah that would be nice too
$ cat test.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ajf\TypedArrays\{

$buf = new ArrayBuffer(12);

$arr8 = new Uint8Array($buf);
$arr8[0] = 0xff;
$arr8[1] = 0xff;
$arr8[2] = 0;
$arr8[3] = 0xff;
$arr8[4] = 0xff;
$arr8[5] = 0;

$arr16 = new Uint16Array($buf);
@rdlowrey what has a variable to do with a file?
$ ~/Projects/2014/PHP/php-src/sapi/cli/php test.php
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
this is what I did last night :3
An implementation of the Khronos Group Typed Array Specification in (userland!) PHP
Fun fact: a lot of web APIs are not actually JavaScript-specific in their specification, Typed Arrays included. They're specified using WebIDN, which can also map to other languages.
Unlike JS, WebIDN has types!
@hakre a variable that is only visible to the file in which it's declared provides a measure of encapsulation without needing the overhead of an fcall to access it. It would be equivalent to declaring a variable static in a C file so that only functions defined in that file could access it. It essentially makes a variable "private" to functions declared in that file.
@rdlowrey yes, would also help go create a family of functions and classes but it's so anti PSR-1 :D
In a world where composer handles automatic file includes there's no reason to shoehorn everything into classes just because of autoloading ;)
It would just be nice if we could achieve encapsulation and information-hiding without having to use a class ... there are plenty of times when a class doesn't make sense.
To do that we'd need some concept of scope other than just local function scope, class scope and global scope. A namespace accessibility scope would be nice but that could also be better solved (I think) by first-class package support in the language.
    // PHP, unlike C++, doesn't have "friend" classes
    // So here's an awful hack to get at the ->buffer property of an ArrayBuffer
    private static $byteGetter;
    private static $byteSetter;

    // PHP also doesn't have class initialisers or computed properties
    // So yet another hack. wlep
    public static function init() {
        static $initialised;
        if (isset($initialised)) {
            throw new \Exception(self::class . " cannot be reinitialised");
        $initialised = true;
the shit I do for PHP
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /Users/ajf/Projects/2015/TypedArrays/TypedArrays/src/TypedArray.php:152
oh fuck you PHP
begrudgingly adds brackets
There we go.
Guess why I got that error
I have a question: I made an account on a new host. On the old host is currently a website and a domain.
I would like to transfer the domain to the new host .
Normally I should request a transfercode.. right? But in this case I receive from my old-hoster only my own e-mail adres a 'registrar from the domain' How can I ask a transfercode?
Im a bit confused.
@Orangepill according to my last question (calculating the number of votes for each query or add a new column to poststable named total_votes), So I want to know, using of trigger (set on posts.total_votes) is better or using of SUM() ?
@Andrea why is that an awful hack?
@bwoebi because I shouldn't need to use closures to work around PHP's limited property visibility options
@Andrea also, btw. you could use a reference here.
@bwoebi I could! That'd make the variable into an IS_REFERENCE though
@Andrea yep. Any issue with that?
@Sajad could be done but I wouldn't unless I had proof that I needed too. You are basically denormalizing your data and using the posts.total_votes as a cache for sum(votes.value).
@bwoebi probably not, but...
@Andrea is that an excuse to not recognize valid usages for references?
@Orangepill ok :)
@Andrea You could always go with the double-underscore prefix version if you think it reads nicer, since it would behave the same way if it ever did become a magic method it should be harmless enough and forwards compatible (you could always add some logic to ensure it is only called once in the method body if you're worried)
@DaveRandom I was thinking about that
@Duikboot just mail to the old host asking them for a transfer code? :P I'm sure they will help you out?
Just in case, I won't name it that
How to determine them? It's not directly via me. Let's say the old host is from an external company
who made their website.
Bedrijfsnaam: CompanyNameIsHere
Contactpersoon: Domain Administrator

Is what I get when I look it up on a website. Should that be the right data? :) And will they be able to send me that transfer code
The coding love
what's the domain? If you want to share that is
@Andrea Probably a good idea, esp. considering the only real reason behind doing it would be aesthetics...
@Duikboot Think this is the company you are looking for : fastestwhois.com/registrar-detail/766
Got that one as well.
so you'll have to mail them, since calling them is going to be expensive for you :D
@DaveRandom forward compatible? we're talking about php there
@Duikboot is the old host yours, or your clients?
@FlorianMargaine All PHP code is forward compatible, by virtue of the fact that all PHP code past, present and future is insane.
The old host is not mine. its my clients.
so basically if you ask them, they should know who is hosting their old website? :D
+ hopefully your client hasn't got some sort of contract, that they can't move out of their host for X-years or a fixed period of time.. that would be.. inconvinient.. :P
That would indeed be horrible.
@Abe o/
But Im now stuck with 2 companies. The one you said, and the one which you receive when you do the lookup on the latest url I posted.
@Duikboot what I would do, is contact your client, ask them about the hosting.. if you are lucky its just basic hosting with gtfo anytime :P if not.. you will have other problems
Well the external is someone from an external company. ( Call it a rival ) :P That guy just mailed " [email protected] is the owner of this domain. But for some reason that is just .. the email adres from the client himeself.. ( he did not register that domain ) :P
o god, what are you getting yourself into? :D
You know what I mail both companies if they own the domain :P 1 of them will be the owner.
the only one that can ask for a transfer code is the one with the e-mail registered to the domain
That's no problem to do :)
The problem is to find the right company. :D
just mail the adres that is registered to the domain? :p
I guess someone will receive mail? ^^
you could always ddos the website, making your client go insane.. which will result in them calling their hosting, which will awake alot of people.. In the hope somewhere along the line they find the right guy for you? :D
:D Well that's the problem, that is the problem from my client and he doesn't know at all because the external company who made his website just filled in his email under his domain... :D
So he does know the company who made his website but he doesn't know the company used by the external company to register his domain. :D
Insane conversation :D
@Duikboot first thing I would try is to mail [email protected] and explain the situation.
does that even matter who registered it?
if the one registered asks for a transfer code, than there should be no problem in receiving a transfer code?
it just matter who owns the domain.
And that's linked to his email. Right?
@Duikboot it goes through the email I listed above.
Mail send! Bam
if nothing else they should be able to provide you with information about how you can acquire the transfer code.
@Duikboot now u made me wanne buy an american fridge :(
:D hahaha
good evng all
OK SQL people: given this schema, how can I get all calls for a certain group during a certain time range, using the audit log to account for the members at that time (i.e. not the current group membership but as it was during the given timestamp range). I cannot even begin to work out where to start, and I also can't work out what to Google :-(
/cc @AlmaDo because you always seem to have ideas for this sort of thing
RDBMS is MS SQL (sorry)
@DaveRandom possible to put it in sql fiddle with some basic data?
Probably not really, I can try but making an adequately complex demo data set could be hard
meh, don't bother then :)
It's basically data warehousing stuff I suppose, something about which I know basically nothing
@DaveRandom I would probably do it using 5 sql queries, 10 for each loops, 2 in_array()'s 10 if/else ... :)
Nothing is impossible for teh php noobz :p
we all did when we were noobz :D
Ideally I need a pure-SQL solution so I can throw it into the wallboard apps etc that we have that will let me execute SQL but not much else
I'll take anything, though
That's what your mum said too.
i don't get the schema
ahahahah @Fabor
@Fabor No, she said she'd take everything. Subtle but important difference.
@Abe How so?
entirely, i guess
some example data? not necessarily complex
just to understand the keys
@DaveRandom put it in sqlinglish select from table where col is foo, but not if col is between this and that so when and where is the problem
that's how I get schemas
wait i think i got it, GroupAgentsAuditLog.op_datetime is when GroupAgents changed?
@Abe So agents and groups are just entities, tbh the fields are irrelevant because this particular operation will only ever deal with the IDs. The call history is literally just a log of phone calls, and the only thing that matters there is that it has a reference to the ID of the agent that made the call. Then there's a link table for the many-to-many relationship between agents and groups, and the audit log is simply a record of changes that were made to the link table.
i just realized that i have something like this too, but rather than keeping the logs, each change created a new row and "deprecated" the old one
I'm not sure if data will make it any clearer...
@Abe Yes
can you change the schema?
Within reason
Depends what you want
Basically, I can augment the schema as long as its done in a backwards-compatible way (it's used by applications that I can't modify)
the first thing i would do is adding op_datetime_end to groupAgentsAuditLog
so that the time range is perfectly clear and you don't need to calculate it every time
makes sense?
@Abe That's not how that table works. It's an event log. However, I imagine there's some way to perform that operation somehow in a select, in which case I could easily create a view to work with the data in that way
that change would have made it simpler, though
I'm not sure it would, tbh, because I'm not sure how you'd work out what to do in the trigger
the hard part is getting the group/agent id pairs within the given time range, right?
from_dt | to_dt | groupid_was | agentid_was
can anybody how to select next date in mysql
SELECT custId,cust_nm,cust_add,cust_mob,
                   DATE_FORMAT(cust_marrige,'%d-%m') AS cust_marrige,
				   DATE_FORMAT(cust_dob,'%d-%m') AS cust_dob
                 FROM cust
				WHERE Month(cust_dob) = ".$month." AND Day(cust_dob) = ".$date."
				     OR  Month(cust_marrige) = ".$month." AND Day(cust_marrige) = ".$date."";
@Abe Well yeh, but it's more complicated than that, since the range is arbitrary and an agent might be added/removed in a group in the middle of the range
my select query is like this i want select next day date in where condtion
@DaveRandom yes a "searched range" could span several audit logs
@DaveRandom Presumably op_type are going to be 'added', and 'removed' or equivalents - are there any other ops?
@Danack No, it's just a raw log of insert/update/delete managed by a very simple trigger (update is logged as two records, delete/insert with the same timestamp)
now i get what's the problem :P
starting mysql
I've kicked a few ideas around in my head but none of them seem to go anywhere
It seems like there's something I'm missing though, it feels like something that should be doable purely in SQL
@DaveRandom short version, you need to build up a temp table(, or view I guess), that can be referenced in queries...I also am starting Sql.
@Danack This was my feeling, but then I'm kinda stumped as to where to go after that
To the Winchester till this all blows over.
Sounds like a plan
an agent can stay in just one group at once, right?
@DaveRandom Assuming CallHistory contains a timestamp of the event as well
@Abe No, can be in multiple groups, but shouldn't be relevant to this issue (will start with a known group id so should easily be able to filter out irrelevant memberships)
@Orangepill Yes it does
Oh yeh, forgot that was relevant :-P
brb 5min
so count of inserts prior to the date in question would be greater then the number of deletes.... that is how you would identify group membership at the time of the event
Q: Email getting captured, not sending out

chronotriggaI have a web form that sends out coupons to customers via e-mail. I'm using the mandrill API and for some reason the variable that I have set $email_to (user's e-mail from input field) will only give me a success message when I send to e-mails on my domain. However, it is capturing the e-mail, sa...

@Orangepill that could be buggy, if there was no protection against someone being 'inserted' into a group twice.
anyone have any idea how this is happening? i've run out of options
@Danack The GroupAgent table is basically just a composite PK
(i.e. that can't happen)
@chronotrigga Debug your code and share an minimal, isolated and reproducible snippet of problem code in your question
but might it be reflected in the log twice is the issue
I debugged the code and it's a simple php web form which I var_dumped in several locations to see if the e-mail was coming through and it is
@Orangepill Only if someone manually inserted records, but yeh I suppose it's theoretically possible
for some reason my variable only lets me send to my own email, but anything else it breaks. and if i replace the variable with an actual e-mail it works. strange, no?
I'd be prepared to discount that possibility in the interests of simplicity though
Essentially the only way it could get broken is if someone (a DBA) intentionally broke it
it's just strange because i'm pulling different variables such as the subject line and message and they are all coming through.. but i will try and debug again further. I know for sure it is coming so idk
@DaveRandom I actually need to go take some painkillers and lie down for a bit - but this should be the right path to generating a view of the group membership as it was at the time.
@Danack Jesus, surely it's not so bad it's actually injurious to health? :-P
And then it's just a simple join on CallHistory left join agentGroupMembership where insDate not null and greater than call time, and (calltime < deltime or datetime is null)
tnx, looking now
SELECT h.phone_number FROM
CallHistory h LEFT JOIN GroupAgentsAuditLog g ON (CallHistory.agent_id = GroupAgentsAudigLog.agent_id) where g.op_datetime < h.call_time
HAVING SUM(IF(g.optype) == "insert", 1,0)) >  SUM(IF(g.optype)=="delete", 1,0) group by p.phone_number
might be a good starting place (untested)
ugh pascal case
i use snake case for tables and fields... is there an established convention or is it across the board
my sql-fu is not good enough
@DaveRandom sorry, I didn't even take a look to that schema.. today is a fuckup day, so running around, doing everything some stuff
I need help. I'm waaaay too hung up to be at work, let alone be productive. Coffee won't cut it. What can I do? any monday protip running around?
Just say "fuck you guys, I'm going home". And .. actually do it
that's what I'm going to do in ~20 min
@Orangepill Interesting approach, that might yeild some interesting results
sounds ideal @AlmaDo :P
@DaveRandom just a thought... grouping is baked based on what and you would have to join it to your group table and put in your filterig condition but I thought It might get some juices flowing
SELECT gaal1.id, Max(gaal1.agent_id) AS agent_id, Max(gaal1.group_id) AS group_id, Min(gaal1.op_datetime) AS added, Min(gaal2.op_datetime) AS removed
FROM RedStar.GroupAgentAuditLog gaal1
LEFT JOIN RedStar.GroupAgentAuditLog gaal2
   ON gaal1.AgentID = gaal2.AgentID
  AND gaal1.GroupID = gaal2.GroupID
  AND gaal2.DateTime > gaal1.DateTime
WHERE gaal1.op_type = 1 /* 1 = insert */
  AND (gaal2.op_type IS NULL OR gaal2.op_type = 2) /* 2 = delete */
GROUP BY gaal1.id
Morning, room.
^ seems to give something @Danack @Orangepill (attempting to flatted to table as @Abe suggested and what Dan did with the temp table), seems to produce a sane result
@rdlowrey You mean global variables restricted to a file or namespace? ;)
@LeviMorrison yes, exactly :)
But I think I would still like to require a use() statement so it's obvious where data is coming from so it's more readable and explicit from an API perspective.
@rdlowrey actually you could name the variable ${'\Amp\File\myvar'} :-)
You'd be happy with real packages where you can have a package-local variable, yeah?
yes, that would be the ideal solution IMO
Hope you can wait for PHP 8 :)
(I suppose we'll have them then)
Yeah it's not a big deal ... just a nice little wishlist item.
@LeviMorrison I think you put that lemniscate on its side
I think real packages would be the nicest addition we could have from an ecosystem standpoint.
so, I was advised to edit in a disclaimer and the author undid the edit
@rdlowrey We say that but I'm not really sure how packages will affect things.
What properties do they have that makes them different from a phar made of namespaced stuff?
It makes libraries far more usable
I can import specific functions or classes into my program instead of all of the things
Granted, opcode caching largely mitigates this problem in the web sapi but a good solution wouldn't require opcode caching IMO.

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