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From €85,26 /month
From€ 40.00 /month
@Duikboot ovh.com cheap and reliable
Hey everybody. Is there any way to make my custom templates in PhpStorm get their namespace automatically from path the same way default PHP Class/PHP File templates do?
Not talking about the money :)
What's the difference in quality? :)
posted on July 06, 2015 by aliceljdc

/* by JoLabrycol */

@Duikboot you pay less because it's lower quality.....there are tons of articles on the web about the up and downsides of VPS hosting, I'd recommend reading some.
I don't like the thing about a VPS when it goes down all 10 other sites maybe hosted on it are down as well.
Yeah.....you need to read stuff. You're thinking of shared hosting not VPS.
@Danack if you host your own 10 sites on a VPS, if one goes down, then the other 10 sites may go down too
@JoeWatkins reading it, thank you
on the other hand, getting a single server per site is expensive. Unless the client pays an absurdly high fee, I wouldn't bother.
I just setup something for my wife's family to share pics/vids... nginx autoindex and sftp:// shortcut for my wife is the easiest thing ever :D
Sorry, but define #expensive
Because a client that can't pay 15 bucks of hosting/month is not a client worth having
@Ocramius it really depends on your clients :)
No, it really depends on how low you can go
Depends also on the size of the project.
@Danack That guy was just being a superior asshole - his only evidence was "Ive done it, and it's therefore better"
@Duikboot 15 bucks/month fits any project
But normally hosting is not expensive for the client.
@Danack I can't remember to be honest, unless it was your project on github :-)
even the grandma/grandpa with a hobby
@Jimbo I can see what he was saying now - and I'm going to add an example like what he was saying to the Tier App, but yes, massive twat. And is probably the same person as the new troll on reddit.
@Ocramius you do talks - could you take a look at my abstract and let me know what you think in here? Also @Danack you're doing a similar one anyway :)
@Jimbo did you compare your abstract with @Danack's?
I think your abstract lacks catchy wording/expressions
And beards.
the topic is good, it's just not attractive to read
@Ocramius Think you could help me with that if you have a sec? I have no experience in that
I'm in deep sleep deprivation
I think whatever DIC he was using didn't have the capability to use delegation - which meant that he had to use factories, which meant that it was a pain in the arse to use fluidly, which means that separating stuff out into separate "application context" makes it easier.
like... didn't sleep since yesterday at 6 AM
@Danack Delegation as in... what type of delegation?
@Ocramius No worries man, no rush - conf CFP only just opened
yep :)
I'll miss it, but on the other side, I go to brazzzzzilll
Another conference?
Does it have a free bar?
@Danack the guy is clearly an asshole. That said, encapsulated context is a real thing: allankelly.net/static/patterns/encapsulatecontext.pdf
@Jimbo no clue, I'll find out. I know enough crazy brazilians to confidently say "yes"
Small other thing on OSX: Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH
What is ment by PATH?
sudo nano /etc/paths ?
do an echo $PATH;
In a PHP file?
nvm indeed got it
you really want to know this stuff btw
Im saving this now for a reading later this day
Where can I add then that path into my $PATH ?
What is wrong using " sudo nano /etc/paths " ?
Read that article
it answers also on how to add paths to $PATH
Lol, we already got E_INDIAN
@Jimbo Security delegation. So say on your website that you have three areas: "Not logged in", "Logged in", and also a "Sandbox area" which is for people who want to try your service out without having to sign up first.
The point he was trying to make (I think) was that each of those areas of your website need to have access to the database. So they all need to have a DBConnection object injected into them.
Having the params to be LoggedInDBConnection, LoggedOutDBConnection, SandBoxDBConnection so that Auryn could inject different versions as appropriate would be a pain. But instead if you delegate the creation of DBConnection to something (and prevent code from instantiating it directly) you can have a single place where the rules about what DBConnection is created.
And so you don't need to 'trust' that other programmers screw something up and accidentally let a non-logged in person, be given a LoggedInDBConnection.
If someone tried to do that with a less DIC than Auryn, one that didn't have function delegation, then yes a factory object would be the way to go. But we have function level delegation, so as long as you split your app up into having Tiers, and make the security decisions be made outside of the tier....then all is good.
@Danack Okay, I understand that - but maybe I'm wrong here... Auryn's function delegation would effectively call a factory, right? Where as the factory way of doing things would just use auryn to create
Yes got it
@Jimbo " the factory way of doing things would just use auryn to create" No, I think they were saying that the factory would just be a bunch of code, and unaware of any DIC.
Sorry, my English is shocking at the best of times :P
lol it okei.
@Jimbo that's cause you don't speak English in Manchester but mostly pakistani I guess <- joke attempt
@FlorianMargaine They seem to fine to use for isolating specific bits of code. It sounds like it would a pain in the butt to use them for a general application that uses lots of services. You'd either have to create lots of specific contexts, or would have contexts that contain ALL THE THINGS.
@Danack yup, it's supposed to help for specific things like logging, i.e. transversal objects
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Neal
Q: Mod seems to have deleted all the answers to a supposed duplicate

NealI had answered this question Generating a random password in php a looong time ago. I based my answer off the users question and nothing to do with security etc, only based off how the user asked the question. For some reason there was a decision to DELETE all of the answers on the question, I ...

@Danack it's not supposed to be used for all the things
@FlorianMargaine Thanks for posting :-) I was about to
@ScottArciszewski I know you have a drive to make security better - but you should still stay in the behavioural norm of the site....you know you're not meant to alter answers meaning, even if you disagree.
@Neal cc @ScottArciszewski
@FlorianMargaine Can you ping someone who is not even here?
@Neal he was here a couple of hours ago
@FlorianMargaine Well a mod apparently agreed with him instead of locking the question... and DELETED all of the answers... why the fruit...
@Neal we don't take security seriously enough, so this approach is fine imho
@Neal yes. You get notified in your inbox the next time you login. It's why this room is better than IRC - you can easily have conversations that have a 6 hour ping time between messages.
@FlorianMargaine I answered the question based of the original question... 5 years ago...
Could just lock the question and not allow new answers.
no, because people coming from google will copy paste your answer
ok people. I'm done with that question being in limbo. Can we just delete it entirely? @JeremyBanks fucked up the entire thing either way
@FlorianMargaine So add a comment to that fact and I can edit my answer. Also the "duplciate" that it was marked as had the same type of answers.
@Neal you're just mad that you lost a 133-upvoted answer
@FlorianMargaine ha dont care about that. Just that now people are answering the same question again 5 years later.
@FlorianMargaine Why do you think the answer is insecure? Passwords don't have to be evenly entropically distributed.
You want some rep? @FlorianMargaine ? :-)
If it was about encryption keys there would be a problem....but not for passwords.
Ahoy :3
@Neal ah, it should be closed as duplicate, how can people answer it?
@FlorianMargaine NO password generators are secure. That is why you are supposed to ALWAYS ask the user to change the auto generated password.
^^ this.
@FlorianMargaine It was closed as a duplicate, just Jeremy still deleted all of the answers, That is not have this website works.
9 hours ago, by Scott Arciszewski
Q: Generating a random password in php

nunosI am trying to generate a random password in php. However I am getting all 'a's and the return type is of type array and I would like it to be a string. Any ideas on how to correct the code? Thanks. function randomPassword() { $alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXY...

start reading from there
@Neal I'm a mod on another stack exchange site. What's up?
11 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Neal
Q: Mod seems to have deleted all the answers to a supposed duplicate

NealI had answered this question Generating a random password in php a looong time ago. I based my answer off the users question and nothing to do with security etc, only based off how the user asked the question. For some reason there was a decision to DELETE all of the answers on the question, I ...

@FlorianMargaine I've read the question. No where does it say or imply they need a cryptographically secure password. And yes I'm going to assume that it's a temp password that the user is meant to change as soon as possible.
@Neal Closed questions are not guaranteed to be a source of truth, and we did have a huge debate on meta about it last week.
@Danack yep.
@Amelia A mod deleted all of the answers...
And a couple of weeks before that.
Yes, now calm down.
@Danack I mean, read the chat transcript
it's a link to a message boxing a question...
5 mins ago, by PeeHaa
ok people. I'm done with that question being in limbo. Can we just delete it entirely? @JeremyBanks fucked up the entire thing either way
Is there any good dupe?
@FlorianMargaine I've read the comments they just jump to conclusions, they don't give a reason for anything.
> "Generating password using rand is a really bad idea. It's not a secure PRNG."
Why does generating a password need a secure PRNG?
"Why does generating a password need a secure PRNG?" is this a Socratic question?
Again a random password is MEANT to be changed. If ANY site is using a random password generator for ACTUAL user passwords then something is wrong... A random password generator that is usually the best is a keyboard smash :-)
@PeeHaa How quickly people downvote :o
8 hours ago, by Scott Arciszewski
okay fuck it, I give up
Fantastic argument.
@Danack keep reading ._.
@MadaraUchiha just as "insecure"
@Neal Exactly
My answer was based off the OPs code, nothing to do with security, that was not the question...
I think Jeremy meant to lock this question and use the other one as a canon
But failed miserably and caused unnecessary drama
@Neal There's only one right answer anyways :P
@Machavity LOLOLOLOL
 * Get's the super safe password.
 * @return string
public function getSuperEncryptedPassword() {
    return 'properkoaladance';  //User input can't be trusted, substitute the password
@Machavity That still isn't fully secure ;-)
> My answer was based off the OPs code, nothing to do with security, that was not the question...
the question was about "how to generate a password"
the answer to "how do I generate a random secret (password, encryption key, etc)" is "securely"
The fact people are losing their shit over this is quite hilarious. There was a big discussion about it, consensus was reached, then nobody gave a damn until someone edits something, and then BOOM. POPCORN FOR EVERYONE.
and then provide a secure implementation
@ScottArciszewski That is the whole idea behind stackoverflow. Ask a question, show what you have done. Then have people try to figure out what you did wrong.
That is what I did lol
There was no question of "security"
@Amelia Never ever let a popcorn moment pass by! ever!
the question of security was implied by the fact that they wanted to generate a password
I've seen your code used in production in a medical app
and subsequently fixed it
@ScottArciszewski same as if I ask you for a recipe for a cookie and you give me chocolate chip.... I did not want that!!! I wanted a sugar cookie!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!
@holpducki Oh, I answered OP's question. With a secure pseudorandom number generator, like RandomLib. And it answers the question just as well as yours, only more secure. So... — Madara Uchiha 52 secs ago
you're ignoring the point
Drama! Drama Everywhere!
if it was "how to generate a random string that ISN'T USED FOR SECURITY" your answer is fine
but they specified password
Ahhh I missed this. I have not been on stackoverflow for almost 2 years, thank you for bringing me back @ScottArciszewski :-)
Also who has seen this? I'm in tears laughing.
...Why didn't that onebox?
@Amelia remove the s
Wow. #HackingTeam "backdoored" their own product to let them do arbitrary SQL, itself vulnerable to #SQLinjection http://t.co/qyPKANMbLH
@Amelia That is funny though
like so.
@Neal how many apps have implemented your code, which came without disclaimer (and in fact you unedited my disclaimer) and will subsequently get popped because of it?
@PeeHaa brb slapping a dev
@Amelia Useless. We have been slapping @balpha with a large trout for a while now
Considering twitter isnt on HTTP at all
so, no, "there was no question of security" is wrong
@ScottArciszewski You could have added a comment asking me to add some sort of disclaimer, which I probably would have done happily as per Stack Overflow rules, but instead you editing an answer with non answer stuff...
I did leave a comment
several days ago
it got ignored
last time this happened, I was advised to give the author time to consider an edit
but as you said "I've been gone for 2 years" that didn't happen
@Neal what rules? we like to call those 'guidelines'
@PeeHaa I genuinely don't understand why my answer and yours have 2 downvotes against them.
so instead of "you should have" make sure I didn't ;P
@MadaraUchiha hehehe. Because fuck you that's why ;)
@PeeHaa I upvoted, but someone's being a dick on there
probably someone being spiteful
Meh it's ok. I'm not in it for the points (anymore)
He does it for the luls
@PeeHaa @MadaraUchiha upvoted :)
I'm in it for the bitches!
cough, did I smell a voting ring?
SO provides blackjack and hookers?
@Amelia After being on this site for almost basically 5-6 years I have come to understand them as rules from my various injuctions against me from the moderators of this site over the years. :-)
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 mins ago, by amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM A
Wow. I have missed Stack Overflow... I have not been online fully for almost 2 years, and now they pull me in with fun meta BS. yay!
@FlorianMargaine No no no but bitches love huge reps
in JavaScript, 53 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
seriously, complaining about meta bs after posting a question on meta?
@Neal stop whining, you're annoying
@PeeHaa haha neither am I. Hence I have not done much in the past two years ;-)
@PeeHaa ah. hookers > bitches tho.
This is pretty meta. Commenting on and posting meta chat transcripts in chat
@FlorianMargaine ha. it is only meta bc I asked in the tavern on meta if I should post about it.
meta meta meta
Either way. /me goes outside again. Beer is waiting
Don't forgot to keep the drama alive o/
@PeeHaa Keeping the drama alive is the only way to keep PHP alive.
okay before this turns into some inception meta shit, let's land this plane back in sanityville :P
@PeeHaa \0/
@Neal I liked the unedited version
null byte bugs in PHP's core :P
@ScottArciszewski Soooo How was everyone's weekend? :-)
It's fun… we keep discovering opcache failures while doing unrelated work, hehe…^^
Our startup's site is live :-)
Anyone know any good full stack engineers? :-)
@MadaraUchiha what was that gif caption thing again?
so, I need to finish this blog post real quick
mind if I share it in this room when it's done?
@Neal I always fully stack @DaveRandom's mother if that is what you meant
@PeeHaa Haha nope. We are looking for more devs that do both PHP and frontend code.
@PeeHaa hm.. @DaveRandom, full stack?... I would rather say full suck
@Neal Hey, How about Apprentices ?
@PeeHaa not a pokemon gif?
@BradleyCouisns only way to know if to apply. send me over ur resume.
@Neal Yeah I was going for another caption, but that one didn't work and I already had chosen a gif. Didn't want to change it :P
@PeeHaa ;-)
There's something amusing about editing a Meta post about having a post edited
Guys, i need to display a compatibility informative message when someone access my web site , saying that it's only Firefox compatible for example. Should i be doing this server side with PHP or client side with JavaScript ?
It's not 1990 anymore ya know :P
@Neal Habit
@Machavity ha my post isnt about editing ;-P it is abotu deleting. the editing is just for fun :-)
@PeeHaa :-P
@PeeHaa Actually, her usual complaint is that you went 2/3 stack at best. She takes a lot of stacking to fill.
Once you go full-stack you don't go back?
/me goes back to writing VB.net and wanting to kill myself killing myself
@PeeHaa yay, our gifs were removed... no democracy :(
@ScottArciszewski make a .md file please
it's hard to read when you have to scroll horizontally
I forgot to do that initially
currently converting to github markdown syntax (```php, etc)
@ScottArciszewski ah, opened the link too quickly
ok, now it should look the same as on my blog preview :)
> (Disclaimer: Our Chief Development Officer identified and fixed this issue before Paragon Initiative Enterprises was formed.)
isn't it Chief Technical Officer?
my title is CDO
we don't follow other peoples' conventions :P
@ScottArciszewski btw, iirc, /dev/random is a link to /dev/urandom
iirc linux does that since a while too
I still run into hosting providers that provide 2.6.32 kernels
right on cue lulz
"outdated versions" summons @ircmaxell apparently :D
@ScottArciszewski what kind of audience is this for?
PHP developers
explain what "entropy" means then
I wonder why folks at facebook decided to use ?TypeName syntax instead of TypeName? for nullables
@ScottArciszewski First thought after clicking the link: Maybe this should be "just use a library like Anthony Ferrara's RandomLib" sounds less adlike.
posted on July 06, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by BlackMarket */

@Rangad I hesitate to do so
let's say someone writes their own random string library that offers zero security, and puts it on github
an uninformed third party might conclude that it's like RandomLib
I've personally reviewed RandomLib for vulnerabilities; that is why I personally feel comfortable recommending it
@nikita2206 they hate c# developers? (atleast it's not <<<Nullable>>>) ;D
@ScottArciszewski fair point
@ScottArciszewski :-)
> ssues that Paragon Initiative Enterprises routinely discovers in PHP applications
is that targeted at the general public (so answer) or to be posted in a company releated context (personal or company related blog)?
@ScottArciszewski someone paid for an audit on it, and the company failed it because the string rand() appeared in the source code. I said, "read the source and show me why that's a problem, the mixer is provably secure". Their response? "It's impossible to secure it if rand() is in there"
I remember you telling me about that
@ircmaxell Seems like the case of a newbie who has followed a set of 'strict rules' as the bible - they don't understand what's actually happening (as is the case with a lot of us with security related issues)
That's the thing that pees me off, people who don't know what they're talking about in positions where they can make decisions; where these things affect real stuff.
context really matters, I've dedicated a section in my audit reports that will eventually become public to "things that aren't security related but appear to be at first glance and might slow other reviewers down"
And why I won't ever be one of those people who doesn't listen to other's points of view, no matter how senior I get.
which is probably not necessary
I also report negative findings :P
scientific papers are always about confirming theories; things that are assumed to be X are never published unless !X is proven by experiment
with security that just means less data gets collected
anyway, yeah, unqualified people will say dumb things about matters they do not understand. and titles mean nothing :)
they mean something
Title == level in successful blagging
titles mean nothing to me anyway
"I'm a senior security researcher" => zilch
"here's a new way to perform blind SQLi" => +1
I have solutions architect in mine, I certainly do not introduce myself as such :P
oh look, it's chief asshat with his fancy pants job title
title for the sake of title is bad
anyway, I'm gonna polish this post up then get it live
> Hi I'm James, Chief Turgidity Officer and Grand Imperial Bean Manipulator of Interfrastic Operations. Also sometimes I make the tea.
Bean manipulator
@Jimbo *snort-laugh*
Sounds like the Vice President of Waste Disposal and Sanitation (sometimes called a janitor)
@ircmaxell Please would you take a look at my abstract and let me know how I can spice up the content and make it more engaging, if you have a few minutes? I'd love to hear your feedback if you could provide it :-)
@Jimbo what abstract would that be?
@ircmaxell link
looks good to me
And Bluefeet has resolved the JS drama thread by undeleting
Other than with eval, there's no way to make a closure have a dynamic type for a parameter is there? e.g.:
$fn = function ($className $foo) {
    return $foo->bar();
Where $className is a known class where the closure is defined.
@Danack lol
not without generics
@Danack Can't you have a common interface for args? Sounds like a gigantic code smell
@Danack closest I'd do would be $fn = function($foo) use ($className) { if (get_class($foo) !== $className) { throw new ArgumentException('foo'); } return $foo->bar(); };
It's for returning a callable of the next thing to run in a tiered application. What I'm currently having to do is effectively:
$injector->alias('CommonClass', $className);
$fn = function (CommonClass $foo) {
    return $foo->bar();

return $fn.
@FlorianMargaine It's for inspection and creating the dependent dependencies, not just type safety.
@Amelia I prefer to think of it as an exotic and interesting fragrance....
@Danack lol
@ircmaxell Awaesome, think it's compelling enough? Anything you could think of refactoring to make it more interesting?
@Jimbo no, I think it's good as is for what you're trying to deliver
@Danack If you don't care about your scope, you can use self and bind the scope to the class you want to typehint against
BTW who the hell pinned those messages from @ScottArciszewski??
@ScottArciszewski Some room owner was drunk I think :P Stuff like that never happens to me ;)
@ScottArciszewski not that, somewhere in the code you will have a select/update query, so there you go, you have access to the informations ON the database, so then by this you can get the users table and etc.. — holpducki 19 mins ago
anyone have any idea what they are even talking about?
@PeeHaa wasn't me
@ircmaxell is what all the guilty people say
even had her in the shower
but it wasn't me
Nooo, damn that song!
@ircmaxell I assmue I should be glad that the video is blocked in my country? ;D
yes, yes you should
also, countries that block content are evil
@ircmaxell s/countries/copyright lobbyists
@NikiC nah, the countries are evil as well
what the EU countries are doing to copyright and creativity is criminal
Well who wouldn't miss these lovely:
What are they doing to copyright?
> Dieses Video ist in Deutschland leider nicht verfügbar, da es Musik von UMG enthalten könnte, über deren Verwendung wir uns mit der GEMA bisher nicht einigen konnten
@ircmaxell :P
@NikiC look at the new laws that Germany and Spain have passed regarding derivative works and "fair use"
class Foo {
	private $qux;
	public function __get($name) { ... }
$bar = (new Foo())->bar; // no problemo
$qux = (new Foo())->qux; // DON'T TOUCH MY PRIVATES
^^ Isn't this breaking encapsulation broken?
@DanLugg norepro
... dafuq did I do then?
lol, shit. Ne'ermind.
@ircmaxell they already passed such laws? Thought that were only subject to vote in next days in EU parliament?
@Danack Happens.
@bwoebi the countries have individually passed laws.
no comment. :-/
ah that springer-lobby-thing
@ircmaxell In that same vein Russia goes off the deep end
@ircmaxell lol
@ircmaxell lol
@ircmaxell lol
The bit about involving antitrust authorities to prevent Google News to shut down is particularly hilarious
yet this is the same thought process that you have running the EU

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