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@Sara lol
Looks like I've got a nightmare ahead... what's the best way for this? Results are being fetched via PHP, should I sort via JS or at the query point in PHP? i.imgur.com/TBIuZg0.png
Where would I even start with PHP, is there some sort of query building library out there for this kind of thing?
Q: Filter MySQL results via PHP

JamesI've got a mixture of a multiple select element, two sets of checkboxes, and a textarea with multiple values separated by comma. I need to sort my MySQL results by this via PHP. I have started with the script below, but is requiring a lot of tweaking and messing around; there has to be a swifter ...

@Sara I was under the impression that the internal representation of variables and functions was very different in HHVM.
I suppose fundamentally there's a lot of similarities though.
Hai, goodmorning guys, just wanna ask some question here xD
@JimSteven are you a web developer?
@DNC are you a human being?
@FredEmmott Hmm true, do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this then?
@James: read the next few paragraphs ;)
@HamZa hayde bre yuptin, sana kemigi kim atti?
depending on what kind of sorting you want, just change the order by.
@DNC 0.0000001
@FredEmmott I see, prepared statements.. mean nothing to me haha
@HamZa that much hours to iftar?
@DNC approx. 18hours
@HamZa Hmm so you live in europe
@DNC nice localization technique : -)
@HamZa Yes we can
> Yes we Scan :=)
@HamZa Do you have any free time to develop a website for me?
@DNC nope.avi
@HamZa It's ramadan, you should help people
@DNC what a nice way to get free labour but I won't get into that trap. I've seen it already...
@HamZa I should've mentioned that you will be rewarded
@DNC then it would still be a nope since I've got no time for that now
@HamZa fair enough. What is your skype?
@DNC sorry for the late rep, yeah I'm a web developer, next time I'll use MVC so it would be easier to develop
hmmm, is it possible to use bootstrap in MVC when developing web pages ? :D
@DNC I'm done getting spammed at skype. You could ping me here chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/25767/regex-regular-expressions if you have any problems/questions in the future.
@JimSteven Do you have free time to work on a website with me?
@JimSteven if you're asking that question then I don't think you know what "MVC" is.
I used mvc before(in netbeans)
and I am using bootstrap now
just wondering if that 2 would work together in netbeans
@DNC sorry man, I'm so busy right now, I'll be testing my web app together for the IVR :/
with the**
MVC is a concept, netbeans is an IDE and bootstrap is just a HTML/CSS/JS framework. You're mixing everything up
If you need an iOS app or an Android app, I can help. Native apps are better than web app
@Hamza, ahh yes I know netbeans is an ide, I thought mvc is a framework for php and bootstrap is just an extension for pre-made html/css things
thanks DNC, hopefully soon I can develop android app, cause right now what I know is to develop games for android using Unity engine :D
@JimSteven some frameworks claim to use "MVC". I guess you're using one such framework.
ohh, I'll study more about the tools I am using, I just use them without proper knowledge xD..
@DNC later I'll add you, I'm here @work xD
@DNC what kind of website do you need help with?
There will be 2 users: admins and users. admins are able to register and let the users know which days of the week they are available. and the users should be able to fill in the free time in their calendar.
It's a project that will also have an IOS app and Android app, but the focus will be on the website.
@DNC so it's something like a "planner"?
The sketches are being made, so the design and functions will be clear
@DNC is there a clear deadline?
Nop, but it would be nice if it can be done within 2 months
@DNC ok, seems a cool project to me. You can find my email in my user profile. I'm a bit busy this week (maybe next week as well) but I want to give it a chance if possible.
@DNC got it
Any more web developers with free time?
hey sup
$url = 'http://www.domain.com/';
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$first_step = explode( '<div id="site">' , $content );
$second_step = explode('</div>' , $first_step[0] );

echo $second_step[0];
why this one not getting the whole content of the div?
@winresh24 Use an HTML parser instead
hey I wanna ask something
@JimSteven just ask
this does not work on my remote server, using firefox and IE
<script type="text/javascript">
var cutTextareaBtn = document.querySelector('.js-textareacutbtn');

cutTextareaBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var cutTextarea = document.querySelector('.js-cuttextarea');

try {
var successful = document.execCommand('cut');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Cutting text command was ' + msg);
} catch(err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to cut');
i tried to open the console of firefox, and it says oops, unable to cut, but it perfectly works on my laptop :/
is it on my version?
hello anyone has experience with web crawler ??
@JimSteven "Laptop"? What are you using on your laptop? Maybe it's a browser compatibility problem
@FastSnail just ask
@HamZa i have a php page which send http request to pages and retrieve content.but when amount of request increase host redirected to fail page
@FastSnail pinpoint if the problem is coming from you side (your host?) or from the host you're scrapping.
my host
@HamZa from my host
@FastSnail what do you mean by "redirected to fail page"? What errors are you getting?
ohh no no index this one dry-sea-5830.herokuapp.com
@FastSnail it's saying page not found 404
and it's then redirecting me to www.hostinger.co.uk
@HamZa heroku auto redirect to hostinger but when my http request iamount is about 4 ,5 it works fine.actually hostinger request to graph.facebook.com/id .and scrap name and some information
@FastSnail maybe you have some time out issues? The only way to know the real problem would be to enable error reporting or at least be able to read them somewhere.
@HamZa i guess yes.so do we need special host services for that kind of work?
@FastSnail If it's a time out issue you can most of the times extend it. Now, without any code, errors, setup I can't really help you...
@HamZa hmm i will ask that on os with lot description .tnx you
how to save multiple files image with comma separed in single field in table here the code i am using codepad.viper-7.com/I6416Y
is any one know
i used implode but its not working
i am using developphp.com/video/PHP/… but how to save images with comma separated
in one fields
in database
@HamZa yea, I think it is because of browser compatibility,
how can i possibly fix it? it is javascript so I thought there would be no any problems with that :D
Hi how can we get xdebug_get_code_coverage() in order of file execution ?
Auth->login() of cakephp always return false
Is there anyone to help me.
how to upload multiple files to database
Hi guys, I have been going round in circles looking for a solution to my problem that I am getting a connection refused on port 80 when using Curl. The thing is the url is set to example.com and its refuses the connection but when I set it to dev.example.com witch is on the same server also it works... I can only think its a config issue somewhere. Any ideas?
I'm unable to break the loop based on the output which is i want.
could anybody help on that?
@StephenWolfe It's literally example.com?
@Sherif no
try localhost:80/example.com
@StephenWolfe OK, well first you have to figure out whether or not it's resolving the DNS correctly. Is example.com in your hosts file or is it resolvable via your NAT?
@ziGi u there bro?
One way to check that is to simply run host example.com from your shell on that server.
@Sherif its all configured via plesk
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");

$quizsections = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quiz_sections");
while($quizsectionsrslt = mysql_fetch_array($quizsections)){
$quizsectionsid = $quizsectionsrslt['id'];
$quizsectionsheading = $quizsectionsrslt['heading'];
$quizsectionsquizid = $quizsectionsrslt['quizid'];
$quizsectionsfirstslot = $quizsectionsrslt['firstslot'];
//echo $quizsectionsid."<br />";
echo $quizsectionsheading."<br />";
$quizslots = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quiz_slots WHERE `quizid`=$quizsectionsquizid");
@StephenWolfe Which means nothing to me since I have no idea what plesk did or didn't do. All I can tell you are steps to begin troubleshooting your problem and narrow down to a more specific thing that you can fix.
Otherwise go talk to the plesk guys.
@StephenWolfe, may i expect guidance.
@Sherif okay one moment whilst i check my config files
shrug... I really couldn't care less about your config files.
@Sara The quotable variant is this: twitter.com/nikita_ppv/status/609419541928628224 Don't want to make anyone at Zend angry ^^
@Sherif I have compared the two config files from both the domains and they seem to be the same.
@StephenWolfe That's great, but please see above.
Does anyone know how i can get the facebook error "sorry, something went wrong"?
sorry, something went wrong only prompts when you are disconnected from the network, right?
check from your script whether you are still connected, if not, prompt that error
@Sherif what I was saying is that I don't understand why php-fpm executable works if it's outside the jail and I can run PHP files from within the jail. However, PHP extensions and their dependencies need to be inside the jail to work. Why were they not loaded outside the jail along with php-fpm which is not being restricted by the jail. I understand how a chroot works, I just don't see how php-fpm is working in the background.
@crypticツ Like I said, that's how a chroot works.
is it because it's generating the child process and that is what is being spawned inside the jail?
I didn't misunderstand what you said. You simply misunderstand how chroot works.
actually you are misunderstanding me
I promise you I'm not.
pointing out that someone misundestands something is not so useful, offering an explanation is useful, just pointing it out is abrasive, and annoying ...
hi, @Joe Watkins, sir can I ask you a question?
The explanation has been offered. A comprehension of it, however, can't be afforded without a desire to apprehend it :)
yes, because I have no desire you learn. You're an ass.
okay well I'm just saying, that back and forth there was a bit pointless ...
ask your question @Jim, don't direct it at anyone, someone might answer, they might not ...
@LeviMorrison in this case struct _zend_string
@crypticツ A chroot jails the filesystem for the process. It does not jail the process itself. Understand the difference now?
with regards to javascript in my php :)
I'll repost it again:
<script type="text/javascript">
var cutTextareaBtn = document.querySelector('.js-textareacutbtn');

cutTextareaBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var cutTextarea = document.querySelector('.js-cuttextarea');

try {
var successful = document.execCommand('cut');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Cutting text command was ' + msg);
} catch(err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to cut');
__ch__ange __r__oot
Once the process image has been loaded into memory, loading the shared objects (extensions) is a filesystem call.
Hi Boys wassup
Which means it is now subject to the jail.
what a nice day to day
@crypticツ Some more info on how shared object libraries can be loaded on a linux system for example yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LibraryArchives-StaticAndDynamic.html
anyone knows how to fix my code? so it could work in different browsers, xD
Though I'm dying to hear more about how I don't understand you :)
Given that I provided both a thorough explanation of your problem and a detailed set of solutions to said problem I appear to be in dire want of understanding.
no you're not
=(IF(D11<=49.69,8.2404,IF(D11<50,((50-D11)*100*0.2084)+1.78, IF(D11>50.04, 0, ((50.05-D11)*100*0.356))))).
i just want to know what this formula means .need help. please elaborate with if else statements.
need help. if someone knows excel .
@ShivaramMahapatro sure, which payment method do you prefer? My rates are $200/hour.
@FlorianMargaine You ever wordked with weinr by any chance?
@PeeHaa not with your wiener, no ;-)
Morning o/
@FlorianMargaine Why did I expect such a remark? :P
@PeeHaa :D
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
@ShivaramMahapatro sure, which payment method do you prefer? My rates are $200/hour.
@ShivaramMahapatro Don't spam
@PeeHaa that said, I just use chrome's built-in chrome://inspect with USB debugging
only give me the answer if you want.
and I get the dev tools on my laptop, while using the thing on my phone
@FlorianMargaine Yeah but that only debugs the chrome browser. I had an issue on stock browser and now it looks like wiener took over my dns :(
@PeeHaa ah...
old stock browser, you mean
you have to support android 2?
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
@PeeHaa good luck
Yeah :P
@PeeHaa is it an ajax related issue?
Nope. Some div just disappears only on that browser
Really annoying issue
It has something to do with position: fixed I also asked the people in html/css room and they basically said: you're fucked
So I installed weinr to check it, but now I want to get rid of it
@PeeHaa ah yeah. fixed.
you're fucked
Exactly :)
@Fabor Hey sir
@PeeHaa I remember using some kind of hack, where you set the div in absolute, and re-set it on scroll
I am facing problem with Auth->login in cakephp
Just a question: when you use prepared statements, it automatically adds \ before a ', when i check my db i see value with \', when i print them out again, it prints the value with \', that isn't supposed to happen right? Never had problems with this before, and can't seem to find any differences with others projects ><
hello @all
I have one question regarding Magento Ecomdev Phpunit test case ..?
I am using cakephp 2.6.9
I can't login using Auth->login() function as cakephp standard way. But the following works fine for me.

if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$admins = $this->Admin->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'status' => 'active'
if (count($admins) > 0) {
return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Invalid username/password combination OR you are blocked, try again');
echo 'last query: ' . $this->getLastQuery();
@Naruto Are you sure that values are not escaped before they are passed as arguments to query execution?
@Naruto Yeah I am agree with @Leri that's not prepared statements doing it probably
@AbdusSattarBhuiyan scratch that, is there a question at all?
I am trying to write test cases for my custom controller through EcomDev PHPUnit magento Extension .
Good morning
Morning @AlmaDo
morning @AlmaDo
morning, @PeeHaa. I saw you're fucked?
hi, @Leri
@AlmaDo Yes utterly
@Leri @PeeHaa just did var_Dump($_POST) and it seems it's passing the value already with a \, that's not right is it?
@Naruto Nope
Upgrade your php version
And for the love of god disable magic quotes
@Naruto I bet it's not sapi doing it (if you have descent php version and normal configuration). Check the code that's posting. html/javascript.
@Naruto var_dump(get_magic_quotes_gpc())
@PeeHaa version is 5.3.10, but it seems it was the magic quotes ><
@Naruto That... sucks
guess I'm just gonna have to woop the guys ass who set up the server ^^
Yeah. And right after that the developer who checked the sysadmin's job
You've got some proper asswhooping to do :)
euh.. that's not me? :P
Actually.. I just checked the test domain, and it was disabled there.. So basically what I made was correct and I just waisted some time figuring out why correct code stopped working on the live server.. :P
You just gotta love different setups for different environments :P
I guess... ^^
well: 'Je bent bedankt' @PeeHaa
np :)
@PeeHaa ouch..
Been there done that. No victoryTnx though
@PeeHaa this is what I used cubiq.org/iscroll-4
@FlorianMargaine Will give that a try instead
@kelunik Morning
@kelunik I kinda fell a sleep in my chair yesterday :P
<-- gets old
@PeeHaa :P
Every time I go out drinking and get back and do nothing for a while I am a towel
@DaveRandom is gonna make you jump! jump!
Please don't, I haven't even woken up yet
He's all out of love, so lost without a brew.
Finally got my dentist appointment today for that tooth I chipped on a pork scratching.
Crown, here I come :(
@Fabor What's wrong with a crown?
I need one of them, for when I jumped off a stool in the swimming baths and smashed my mouth on the floor in the changing rooms, when I was a kid, because I thought it'd be funny to jump off
Because expensive
@Fabor You ever considered dental insurance or similar for that sort of thing?
I have now. But they don't cover pre-existing.
Ah, sucks
I can't really chew anything hard on the left side of my mouth due to a filling I received which now hurts if pressed too hard.
Right side has the chipped tooth on a tooth that had a filling too.
Not so sure my dentist is "helping" me.
I googled crazy dentist
@Ocramius Of course not. It's called HTML7 #html7
@crypticツ Yeah....basically chrooting kind of sucks. If you really want to figure out what the issue is, then using strace to find the system calls that are failing is the best way to figure things out. You may need to run strace when you start php-fpm, but if the issue is caused when it's running, then either gist.github.com/Danack/68a9e5cac9222c7d4422 or ae.koroglu.org/chrooted-php-fpm-with-nginx-on-centos-6 to strace them while they're running may be more useful.
btw - I don't actually recommend using chroot unless you have a really specific use case for it. If you just want standard process isolation, then Docker would be i) far easier to setup, ii) likely to work to begin with, iii) not break randomly.
For example, I gave up on trying to get a chroot setup, when I realised that you need to do path mapping of some files to allow DNS to work......it's at that point that I gave up chroot as a massive hack.
@crypticツ and yes, certain people in this room have a slight tendency to be an arse - I recommend that old ignore button.
Hi. Do you know if a CURL Cron Job fired every minute can crash a server, or it's a problem with the code? I had a shared hosting that worked great, then I added a cron job with enters, using CURL, to a specific URL every minute, and after a while their all servers crashed! The question is, What could make it happen. Is that the Cron Job or the PHP code? The thing is that the Cron Job enters URL that execute function, and this function before the Cron Job was fired every minute using calculation
(Current time stamp - last update, dividing it to 1000 - minute and floor, then I getting the amount of how much times to execute the function. It fired it too much times, but the function itself worked great and the website worked fast.
@GINCHER how do you mean 'the server crashed' ?
Are you sure the CRON is finishing before launching the next instance?
@ziGi u there? xD
@GINCHER If you can write a script that can crash a server, all cron does is call that on a schedule
@GINCHER Why are you using cron to initiate a cURL job? as a general rule this is a bad way to do things, you should use cron to invoke a script directly instead. What does the job actually do?
hey guys Could any buddy please answer me
Does dropzone.js work with out ajax??
mean form submission on submit button with out preventing default form action and get the $_FILES there....?
Also, if you invoke a script directly you can use a pidfile-like approach to avoid multiple instances running at the same time. Although if you need something to happen with that kind of frequency, you might be better writing a daemon based on a concurrency frame work (e.g. React, icicle.io, amp) anyway.
@GINCHER For simple things flock "pid" file works just fine
Anything else indeed use some frameowkr
@Danack Always wondered, is that actually your face?
Like, your toilet face? Or "I'm writing PHP" face?
@Jimbo It's my "The client changed their mind" face.
I hate that opcache CFG… each time something goes wrong it's because of the CFG :-(
Mind-changing is forbidden. As is smoking, drinking, talking, dogs (including guide dogs) and fun.
@Jimbo I used the most basic SQL there, I have no idea what can crash a server, but I don't know.
@DaveRandom The script added each user to the amount of money, the amount of workers * money per worker (it's a game)
@DaveRandom Because I can't find the path to the PHP... The job execute function that does a foreach loop for each of the users and adds each one money (its a game) to the DB.
not realizing that I already have quit the program… types yes, enter… OH, THAT Y SPAM!
trying to run a ubuntu guest virtualbox vm, the host is also ubuntu ... can't get resolution over 640x480, I think I may have stumbled across a way to travel back to the late 90's, where screens are tiny ...
@GINCHER The problem is that using a HTTP request to do things like this has a lot of overhead and is not very easy to control. On most servers I've seen the path to the PHP CLI binary is /usr/bin/php, but if you contact the hosting provider's support they should be able to help you with this. As a side note, you should really look at a VPS, you can get them for not a lot of money and it gives you a lot more flexibility with things like this.
You have to be comfortable administering a server though.
@DaveRandom I tried this path and every time the cron job fired it sent me email said: "/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell: /usr/lib/php: No such file or directory"
great... now the Javascript-Channel totally de-railed and talks about PHP for the last half hour. >_<
Course they do, they're almost as bad as C++. They'd rather have fun :-)
well, it's about PHP variable variables
I (trollishly) said that variable variables are amazing
it was taken seriously
@FlorianMargaine it started way earlyer ;)
@chozilla before that it was just awal rambling
I've used variable variables before but, thinking about them, they're almost like a 'mini-eval'..
They are....and that's fine.
Ah, the days when I'd use user input to decide a variable name to use :'-)
@Jimbo ${$_GET['hehe']} ? :-P
@bwoebi I thought I was doing 'proper oop' and, depending on something similar to that, telling a factory to create a certain object
Q: Cron Job Crashes the Server?

GINCHERCan a CURL Cron Job fired every minute crash a server, or it's a problem with the code? I had a shared hosting that worked great, then I added a cron job with enters, using CURL, to a specific URL every minute, and after a while their all servers crashed! The question is, What could make it hap...

Can you please help me with that?
@GINCHER /usr/bin not /usr/lib (usually)
That's what I found in the Cpanel
@GINCHER that's the PHP include path, not the $PATH
@GINCHER That's a different thing, that's where PHP will look for things when you include a relative path, it's not where the PHP binary itself is located
If you have SSH access, you could try executing which php to find out where it is, or you could try echo shell_exec('which php'); on a web page
54 mins ago, by Danack
@GINCHER how do you mean 'the server crashed' ?
@Danack It doesn't working
I hate my current project
just found out an SQL query getting 100k records, looping through them, and doing another sql request per record
@FlorianMargaine never hate a project, hate people who wrote it
@FlorianMargaine I like finding stuff like that because it's usually an easy win and it makes you look good because you are better than the person who went full retard when they were writing it
@DaveRandom except I don't have time
It's 11:41
I'm in your future
Hiding behind the door with a baseball bat
Annoyingly I can't even claim to be on proper time at this time of year, life is so much simpler in the winter when all my clocks are set to UTC
@FlorianMargaine It's 14:43 so I am in the future. :D
@Danack It became extremely slow and then all the websites in the host didn't worked and the host blocked the account.
@Danack Want to have some fun (getting Symfony2 working with Auryn?)
We could start creating bridges for frameworks
@DaveRandom I do not have SSH access :(
@GINCHER what (if anything) does that suggest to you?
@Danack I didn't understand the question :S
My English, as you can see, awful.
@GINCHER what causes a server to become very slow ?
...answer: when the CPU is 100% doing some task.
All they said is that the website is the reason. But before setting the Cron Job the website worked great and fast, only after adding the Cron Jobs it became slow and crashed
either your cron script is doing something other than what you expect it's doing, or your PHP script is doing something that is using all CPU resources.
Almost as if the cron job was the thing that was eating all the resources....
@Danack Probably, but the question is if it is because of the code or because of the cronjob
Here is the PHP code used in the Cron Job:
Q: Cron Job Crashes the Server?

GINCHERCan a CURL Cron Job fired every minute crash a server, or it's a problem with the code? I had a shared hosting that worked great, then I added a cron job with enters, using CURL, to a specific URL every minute, and after a while their all servers crashed! The question is, What could make it hap...

No one wants to debug your code for you. Why don't you just add some logging/debugging and find out exactly what is happening in your code.
@Danack I have no Idea where can I find all the logs. And I didn't find bugs in the code, it worked perfectly untill I set it to be fired every minute.
Either their is a bug in the code/cron job that is making it use far more resources than you would expect, of the code is poorly written, and is just always going to use lots of resources. But it's not something that you are going to work out by staring at the code, instead add some logging like:
(That was a request for help :P)
$fh = fopen("./cronlogging.txt", "w+");
fwrite($fh, "Starting cron job at ". date());
// rest of cron job
//fwrite($fh, "finishing cron job at ".date())
So the answer is that the Cron Job cannot crash a server?
> Kindly contact Dr. michael Steven, whom is the ATM MANAGER In charged
to delivered your approved ATM CARD worth sum of £7.000.000 million
ATM CARD that has been approved by the border directors of Eurolink
Security, which has to be deliver to your home address, you have to
Reconfirmed to Dr.michael Steven the following information require
about you, to avoid wrong address,
£7.000.000 million
@DaveRandom Dude. do it.
I'M RICH!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!111111oneoneoneleven
Man, I'm 17. My English sucks and I learned code by myself. Why are you so mad..
The question was, regardless to the code itself, can a cron job crash a server only because of being fired every minute?

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