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@DaveRandom You don't have beer in the office?
Asshole boss you have there
@NikiC Communicating how? So the VMs have their own private network as well as a "public" adapter? i.e. you want each VM to see its own eth0 and eth1 (where eth1 behaves as if it were on a physically private network with just the VMs on?
FWIW I have been drinking since 11:00 :P
I'd throw away all attempts to have the VMs be DHCP clients, btw, that only leads to trouble in my experience
@PeeHaa Yeh we do, and usually he's pretty generous with them as well, but he's away atm and his office is locked
@PeeHaa - That's the spirit :D
@DaveRandom Hello mr crowbar
@DaveRandom not quite. the vms should not have a public adapter. only the host should have that
@NikiC How do the hosts communicate with the internet then? You want the host to act as a NATing router?
(nothing wrong with that, btw)
@DaveRandom you mean the guests?
I do indeed mean the guests
in that case I think the answer is yes
Ugh, configuring VMs frequently melts my brain
Can anyone give me feedback on this "pattern", and perhaps some better names? 3v4l.org/K6vdl
Hmm, interesting. What's the host OS and what virtualisation platform are you using?
brb 10 min
@DaveRandom I'm running qemu (non-kvm) for virtualization on an ubuntu host in a vbox on a windows how
so in my case it's not actually virtualized, as it's just testing
@DanLugg It's some sort of facade.
@Danack SubFactories would be better named as... FactoryDelegates?
FactoryFacade has FactoryDelegates? lol
Yeah it's kinda delegating decorator, it would be... If Factory was instanceof SubFactory
@NikiC So in the "real world" the host would be Ubuntu?
@nikita2206 It would be, but their "create" signatures differ, so meh.
@DaveRandom yes
I could add create to the delegates, and have it throw, but that'd be just for interface adherence, which isn't enough of a reason IMO.
You might have a problem with two layer of virtualisation like that, I've a feeling the MAC spoofing that's effectively going on underneath wouldn't work properly at the second layer - Windows will ignore those MACs because they aren't spoofed properly. Even though no traffic ever leaves the NIC, it will still likely be bounced through the NIC hardware to deal with TCP checksums etc without bothering the CPU
There may be some setting to force it not to do that in the Ubuntu host, which would avoid that problem
@nikita2206 I guess this is ... good? pastebin.com/4i7S5aY6
At least I can pass delegates off as parent factories now
@DanLugg looks like "too much magic". Because "try to create, if fail - try next" sounds like "I don't know if I am the proper tool to do the stuff"
@AlmaDo That's the point.
They act as handlers to a "command" (the input) and if it can handle the input, then it provides output.
@DanLugg so I dislike the point (: you should know what are you creating and how to do it
that pattern is implementing "I'm trying to guess" flow
Somewhat yes; the point is that through extension, more handlers can be created to produce different outputs (which all must adhere to an interface in the actual implementation)
Is there any reason why we haven't fixed that yet? github.com/php/php-src/pull/428/files
Practically, it's for creating a list of asserting rules; the library provides a few "common" rules, but through extension library consumers can enhance what the rules handle.
@DanLugg but why guess? It's your application, just create a mapping between entities and their factories. Simple implementation is just array. Or some routing component that will be injected to main factory.
@AlmaDo Its not "my application"; it's a lib.
@DanLugg no difference though..
Big difference; providing points of extension to facilitate robustness when what I offer isn't sufficient to the consumer.
Even if that consumer is me in 6 months.
so just work with the router. Create methods to extend mapping. Throw an exception if mapping was unable to resolve entity instantiator
@DanLugg if it is requirement for you yeah, but I would agree with @AlmaDo that things are probably more deterministic than you think
Yeh @NikiC I can't really find any docs on this because I imagine people don't really do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the root of your problems is because you are trying to use a VM as a host. I'll have a play around with it on Mon if you're still having issues, seems like an interesting thing to know
The link-layer topology will look pretty weird
Maybe if you NAT at every layer you might have more luck, because the physical network will only ever see one MAC
Here's the thing, the consumer can create the derived types directly; if they so choose. The problem with that though, is that usage of the API becomes verbose. I'm providing a simpler interface, which takes simpler representations (scalars) of the derived types, which are then parsed and built into the types; like deserialization (sorta). I wish to provide the ability to add new types to be handled by the parser/builder (factory). Wat do?
In short, I'm trying to define an extensible micro-grammar (rather, the framework to support one)
@bwoebi Not to comment on that precise issue, but I'm thinking about making an RFC to deprecate and eventually remove context sensitive names from being supported by call_user_func/is_callable. Instead people should be using specific class names. e.g. parent::class or self::class which would be resolved at compile time.
Because having the result of is_callable($someCallable) vary depending on where you call it from is nuts...
@Danack I agree that this is a good idea…
Having some way to "cast" to callable would also solve the problem, btw, i.e. if you could convert it to a function pointer at the correct place in the code
@Danack It would have to be everywhere, you can't just stop call_user_func etc from working, direct invocation would have to be nuked too
i.e. $var = ['self', 'foo']; $var();
@DaveRandom I have no idea why that should work.
I can't see a good reason why it should, just saying that you'd need to ensure it didn't for consistency
It's also bad because it will succeed is_callable() test, but when passing it forward, it will blow up.
@DaveRandom I think it would be everywhere - I was going to start by fixing it for is_callable (which is the use case which is most important), and that will involve changing it in the function zend_is_callable_check_class - which is almost certainly going to break 1000 tests.
@bwoebi yes - that's going to be the focus of the RFC. That something that returns true for is_callable() should be consistently be callable, not dependent on where you are calling it from.
Good morning.
morning @LeviMorrison
@DanLugg … heretic!
What about a (callable) cast that converts the subject to a closure that forwards the call to the call to the original subject with the correct scoping?
No, actually, that's a horrible idea
@DaveRandom No it isn't!
I don't like it
(class_name) casting! And a __castTo($type) magic method! And Closure could implement it such as to return a Closure from a callable! So we could do $closure = (Closure) $callable;! DO IT!!
@DanLugg Just use C#...
Yeah, I don't like it either. Just making it so that people can create the variable as something that is a valid callable regardless of location would be the best and simplest thing.
@DaveRandom lol
Seriously though, I'd love that to be a thing. And it'd have to be __castFrom($type, $value)
class Point {
    private $x, $y;
    public function __castTo($value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            list($x, $y) = $value;
            return new Point($x, $y);

$point = (Point) [42, 24];
Isn't the $type arg kinda redundant? You have the value itself, you can just inspect that if you care about the source type...
@DaveRandom Oh yea. I dunno, brain running faster than fingers.
Also it'd need to be public static function __castTo()
Also true.
See? Now it's a discussion point; it must be implemented! We can cover viability in the voting phase.
It just feels fraught with horribleness to me. The trivial stuff like that would be simple enough, but when you start having people want to do things like casting to intefaces and stuff (which they will, because they'll think they can, because Java etc) wtf do you do then?
So, no "to" either, just __cast would be sufficient.
@DaveRandom Well, it'd only work with concrete types.
@DanLugg why do you want a closure?
@ircmaxell I was just playing along. But I reckon... rebinding?
public static function __castFrom($primitive) {
public function castTo($type) {
@ircmaxell Ah, so castTo'd be invoked to change the object state do things before it's cast?
@DanLugg no, it'd be called when you try to cast an object
$point = (Point) $obj; // obj->castTo("Point") is called
and castTo($type) must return $obj is $type (is_$type() for primitives, instanceof for objects), or it's an error
And castTo() presumably needs to return a Point instance?
should be __castTo
though, the (Point) syntax is not good, since it's not unique (it's currently valid as a constant)
I'd suggest Point($arg), but that'd be not valid either because functions.
The issue I'm seeing here is that people will want to be able to do it with classes from libs they are consuming, the libs won't know about the consumer type that's been requested, so it will be kinda useless in modular applications
@DaveRandom then you write a conversion function
$point = convertToPoint($libType)
We could have a cast construct; first param is a type identifier, second is a value.
Yeh but you can do that already
$b = cast(B, $a);
I just don't see the casting being that useful
Personally, I think the value would be in type cohersion for params.
well, where it is useful is: $int = (int) $abc
@DanLugg and that
@DanLugg or $b = cast($a as B);
@DaveRandom Sure, that works.
Or even just $b = $a as B; that wouldn't conflict (I don't think)
$b = $a as getTypeToCastTo($a);
lol, dynamic static typing
class A {
    // defines __castTo valid for "B"
function f (B $b) { }
f(new A());
@bwoebi I was just playing around, and I found that (['Class', 'method'])() produces opcode INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL, but ('Class::method')() produces opcode INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME, so it fails.
If the second resulted in the same opcode as the first, it would work in all cases.
@DanLugg that's something I half want to see, and half am ungodly afraid of
@ircmaxell Why the fear?
hidden magic is hidden
@Trowski yeah, that never was possible in 5.x ^^
@DaveRandom that
posted on June 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by PhoenixTalon */

@bwoebi Right. Where would I change the opcode produced?
/me goes drinking, later
class A { public function __castTo($type) { return new B; } } class B {}; function foo(B $b); foo(new A); //if that was a thing...
@ircmaxell Then we'd have one reason more to hate PHP?
@ircmaxell Yeah, big -1 on that.
@Trowski either you change the INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME impl or you check if the function string contains a double colon
@bwoebi Really? It seems like INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME is the wrong opcode there.
Otherwise I could just copy and paste the code from INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL that checks for the colon into INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME...
@Trowski ZEND_INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL is the correct opcode. You need to do a compile time check there.
It seems odd that $var = 'Class::method'; $var() produces INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL, but ('Class::method')() produces INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME.
No no, notice that it's a string.
that sounds like a bug
oh, well… I'm fixing that, give me a few min…
@Trowski I agree.
woohoooo beer o'clock... *runs away making zoidberg woop-woop and waving arms*
@salathe dam you, I have hours to go until that point
@bwoebi Well... I fixed it, but I'm not sure if it has side effects, lol
EXPECTED() is hinting that the branch is expected to be taken, correct?
@Trowski what did you fix?
('Class::method')() now emits the appropriate opcode, then fixed INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL handler.
@bwoebi Trying to figure out why there's so many EXPECTED() in the handler for INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL.
@AlmaDo You got rekt mate:
10 mins ago, by DNC
They made a room for people like you in here..
36 messages moved to bin
i have a database in local computer contains 5 tables, i have updates that database every 1 or 2 days and after a week, i exports this database to my server, in this update process i have to export it to new database and deletes the old database from the server and changes the config file of database. but i want to export to old database just newly update data only with out deleting old database
@Trowski to indicate that it's more likely that this branch is taken than the else barnch?
@Trowski I don't see any patch?
oh, you just did
yeah, no, that's not the right fix…
I'll push in a few min, but will merge your tests
(just had lunch, that's why I'll only finish now)
Really? That seemed to be exactly what was done for the array syntax.
because array syntax may be also something like ['MyClass', 'parent::method'] which absolutely isn't supported by INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL
The array branch doesn't include OP2_TYPE != IS_CONST.
because there's actually no other handler which could handle that
Hmm... ok. Well it worked, but I suppose I broke something that the tests don't see. :)
no, your patch should work, it's just not the ideal fix ;-)
Ah, will have to see yours then.
Ugh - anybody here intimate with the new hash api?
@ElizabethMSmith just ask
I was storing straight up longs in a hashtable - how the hck do I do that now?
I see how to manage pointers and such...
@ElizabethMSmith you mean without specifying an explicit index?
I guess I"m really just confused with the _mem vs. _ptr stuff
you don't need that _ptr stuff for storing zvals
ah, the trick is I"m not storing zvals :) jsut ... longs
that's the confusing part
yeah, then use a dummy zval
really? ugh
zval zv;
Z_LVAL(zv) = 5;
zend_hash_index_add(ht, index, &zv);
@ElizabethMSmith the zval is the base until in a hashtable
used to be zend_hash_add(elements(hash_key->arKey, hash_key->nKeyLength, &Z_LVA_PP(pzconst), sizeof(long), NULL);
which isn't an issue as zvals anyway only are 16 bytes nowadays.
yeah, not terrible
but still annoying - thanks - I was kind of afraid of that
not that annoying… you just declare that zval on the stack and use it to fill the hashtable
one more thing to port :)
I must do really evil stuff in extensions, I think I've hit about every change
Morning room
@Trowski pushed now
sorry it took so long
github.com/php/php-src/commit/… … but I totally missed that I need to dtor the namenode then…
took me a 15 min to figure out, lol
posted on June 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Mulder */

@bwoebi Ah, so you parse the string at compile time. That makes sense as a literal. Not sure why anyone would write code like that... but at least it's consistent.
@Trowski yeah
no need to impact the runtime when we can change that at compile time easily
@bwoebi So you then needed to dtor the zval that held the literal, if I'm understanding correctly?
was totally confused because mem leak reported a string
Yeah, that's not immediately obvious.
and thought class/method would need freeing
I think the GC handles those since you used zend_string_init.
Also, strings aren't collectable
only arrays and objects
Oh, right (still think in PHP 5 context sometimes)
@Trowski oh, you ever were into PHP 5?
@bwoebi Never wrote any code for the engine, but I understand how zvals worked in 5.
@bwoebi If strings aren't ref counted, can you explain what's going on here? lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_string.h#zend_string_alloc
string are refcounted, just not gc managed
@Trowski In PHP when we say GC we usually mean CC (cycle collector)
Mixing up my terminology then.
It's a simple refcounter, no recursive structures involved, for which we'd need a gc.
Ok, when I said GC I was including the simple ref counting mechanism.
@Trowski yeah, with that terminology you'll just confuse everyone in here^^
Good to know, thanks :)
twitter.com/Youngstarzcrew/status/614503189027680256 … does one get that type of random question more often on twitter with more popularity… or is that like an exception?
Share the URL of a tab that's always open: regex101.com


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Happy Friday people!
@Sherif yeah, let it be Monday again :-)
@bwoebi It'll be Monday before you blink, don't worry.
@Sherif hahahhahhahahh
@mamdouhalramadan Hey buddy, where've you been?
@Sherif , Earth, unfortunately
You'd rather be on Mars?
You know the Internet latency there takes approximately 6 weeks for packet round trips.
Not the ideal place to watch Youtube videos
I can totally use a vacation to Mars now.
Um... no. Mars is not 6 light-weeks away.
Or ever 3.
Or 1.
@Sara Yea, I totally pulled that number out of my arse
I know it's not 100ms, let's say that much
@Ivan0x32 yes, you can do it that way, but it is not really suggested
@Sherif are you in NY now?!
iirc, even at perihelion, Mars is about 22 light-MINUTES away
I built something (again): github.com/Roave/StrictPhp
@mamdouhalramadan I was there on Monday. Bounce back and forth between NY and Cali ATM.
Though in fairness, at perihelion, you'd need to bounce around the sun, so call round trip an even hour.
@Sara Yea, Vint Cerf clearly has a lot more work to do.
I'm not waiting on hour to capture a few frames of my lolcat videos on youtube
With something like video, you'd jiust fire a steady stream of udp. So you'd have to wait an hour for it to /start/, but it should flow pretty normally once it did.
Now... gaming... forget that.
Yea, we're assuming best case scenario with no packet loss there
Of course
I'd think you'd pessimize your transport and do retransmits at like, a minute offset.
It's MARS! We have enough packet loss in TCP/IP just trying to send crap across the atlantic.
Bandwidth is cheaper than latency in this context
ACK Your packets did not get hit by a solar flare
As humans colonize other planets, we're going to see the internet (not to mention humanity) diverge and fork
'Unless someone works out wormholes. At least microscopic ones that can carry data.
Didn't some guys in a lab somewhere figure out how to do quantum entanglement?
But like... violating the laws of physics slightly, so enter with caution on that one
I know it's not a wormhole, but it's a start.
Yeah, ftl comms is a thing, currently at the "a few centimeters" level, but that proves the concept is sound, it's a matter of scaling from there, right?
Was it just centimeters? I thought it was done over several meters.
Albeit, it was in a vacuum.
@Sherif when will you be back
@mamdouhalramadan Possibly next week.
I haven't booked my flight yet.
hmmm. Next week we have wed-sun off
are you in for something to do?!
@mamdouhalramadan You know me, I'm always down ;) Though I might not be in NYC for very long this time. I'll let you know as soon as I book my flight.
@Sara wut
@NikiC At second glance, I think I misread something. But it's still clowny to require WRITE permissions just to read the user's name.
@Sara Isn't that totally normal nowadays?
I'll never consider that normal.
"Common", perhaps
"This app requires to read all your info and post stuff even though it doesn't actually need any of it" is not normal?
"this app requires to read all your stuff, and change anything it wants on your profile."
@NikiC Again, I'll grant it's a common anti-pattern, but just because everyone does it doesn't mean any of us have to like it.
I'm not saying I like it ^^
For the record, it irks the hell out of me that FB's permissions dialogs do the same thing. Make it WAY too easy for an app to over-request permissions, and no option to deny some of them a la carte.
@DaveRandom words such as "the ultimate" or "the standard" or "the definitive" are precursors of all epic failures. if it was called "The Timidly Nice PHP Library" (TTNPL) it would have had more succes
new policy, more than one warning may cause a segfault 3v4l.org/pYZoo
(noticed this only against alpha2)
It doesn't happen if you add another parameter though... 3v4l.org/foLIk
how do we get the most starred messages in a room?
@FlorianMargaine That sounds useful so I doubt we have that
AFAIK this is closest you can get chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/11/php?tab=stars
@DanLugg and happens only on Fridays ^^
@PeeHaa yeah... it's not very useful
@Sara hah, I only now get what you were talking about there, looking at twitter
I kinda thought that was a very programmer interpretation of quantum entanglement, requiring write permissions for a read ^^
@Sara I noticed, that on github, when giving permissions to a third party, you actually can manipulate the URL and not give out all the permissions...
@FlorianMargaine Circular dependency
But that's actually the only site where I've seen that
Hello, Is there anybody who can help me about basic problem with unit test
@Anton_Sh You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
\o/ Another thread about chat the SO team can ignore! :D
I have next problem with Unit Test. I am trying to mock some classes but I see error "Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:isValid> when invoked 1 time(s).
Method was expected to be called 1 times, actually called 0 times.
the unit test is:

public function testLoginActionRedirectsAfterValidPost()
$postData = [
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => '123456',

$form = $this->getMock('Auth\Form\LoginForm', ['isValid']);
@Anton_Sh Apparently $this->getRequest()->isPost() == false
no ..when i put die in the if the code go there
just dont use the mock may be but I dont know why
Are you sure that is the same test?
only on one test I am trying to mock isValid
What does the second arg of getMock do btw?
@bwoebi In this particular case, the app notices and tells me I'm not logged in (which translates as no authorization given)
describe whick functions you want to mock
@bwoebi But good call, it didn't occur to me to try that.
@Anton_Sh Hmmm I don't think I have ever used it like that
I tried to remove the second param as well
but the same error
@Sara It depends… I mean, when the app asks for more permissions than it needs, just give it the needed permissions… Meaning, when the app is only using oauth and it asks for everything… restrict it to just mail and it should still work. Otherwise something's fishy with that app.
@Anton_Sh Well don't know what's going on in that case. But I also don't know what those custom assertions are
they are provided by zf2
the code crashed before them
@Anton_Sh That would be strange, because the code before it doesn't do anything yet AFAICS
As in I don't see you using the mocks anywhere
May be I don`t know the idea
how to use the mocks I think that the app will use them automaticaly
No it won't
ok, so How I can use them
With what goal did you create them?
I assume you want to inject them into something that actually uses them
I create new instance at controller...how I can replace them with mock
Where do you create the new instance of the controller?
for example :
$authHelper = new AuthHelper();
$result = $authHelper->login($data['username'], $data['password']);
yes, but I don't see that in your testcase
hmm how I can do it..I am not sure
You just did :P
Also wait wat?
When you do $form = new LoginForm; in your controller is that the thing you are trying to swap for the mock instance?
The moment you do $form = new LoginForm; a kitten dies you just blew your chance to properly unit test that piece of code
It is now part of that method / class and cannot be replaced anymore (in any sane way)
Do you know what dependency injection is?
you mean that I can unittest only methods which receive any new objects like param
yes I know what is DI
@Anton_Sh Yes. Because you cannot swap the hard coded dependencies. You can still test it, but you would also be testing all the hardcoded depdencies
ok right know i understand the idea...but so in my case I should use the form and the Auth class like DI to controller
I am not sure that I like this idea
because this is controller...
Well either tightly couple whatever you need or be able to unit test your code. Pick one
sorry can you repeat because I am not sure that i understand the last sentence
You say that you don't like the idea and I am saying it is what it is
If you don't want to do that you won't be able to unit test your controller.
You can test it at other testing layers though
ok thanks understand
BTW related reading material stackoverflow.com/a/11923384/508666 @Anton_Sh
so may me the proper approach of programing is you never create instance in some method...just put all object like DI
The proper approach of programming is create something that works and/or makes you filthy rich imo
But yeah if you want to unit test your code you should try to avoid creating instances inside classes in most cases
ok I will try to follow this approach may be except controllers :P
I would say that if your controllers are small integration layers between your domain logic and your framework, and you have some other level of testing (functional/acceptance) happening it is perfectly ok not to unit test your controllers
As soon as you have some complex logic happening in the controller you probably want to unit test it
s/probably want to unit test it/probably have bigger issues
@CiaranMcNulty "it is perfectly ok not to unit test your controllers" you are wrong. The cost of testing them may be too high to be feasible, but it is definitely not perfectly fine.
I think I had some more caveats in there than your quote ;-)
@CiaranMcNulty I saw the caveats. But I personally subscribe to Integrated Tests Are A Scam
I enjoyed that talk, yes
Can this answer be flagged? They copied the entire thing from a PHP wiki page.
I dunno, it's formatted well and the source was cited at the very top.
Unable to compare $_SESSION['user_token'] = md5(uniqid()) and the same md5 got back using xhr post request to run sql query
Was that a pre-emptive blah?
@Vishnu good, don't do that
@ircmaxell i didn't use some kind of token user can edit the post request using firefox and send it back to server and it will add those data to database
if i*
yes, use a token
don't use md5 or uniqid
@ircmaxell i switched to openssl_random_pseudo_bytes but unable to compare both strings, both are exactly same . but php says both are different
try using var_dump() to see if they are "exactly the same"
@ircmaxell i will try n come back :)
@NikiC @bwoebi @rdlowrey thoughts on doing this for 7: github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/doc/…
as that's a pretty big attack vector right now
@ircmaxell looks like a great idea, But I think you should be able to also individually enable some protocols upon loading (e.g. depending if the XML to be processed is trusted or not) (not only ini)
however, this is a non-trivial BC issue... so...
hi all
@taco hi
I totally can't tell you the BC impact, because I never work with libxml API and have no idea how often external entity loading is needed.
talking with Fred about it now
and they have gotten complaints
@PeeHaa nice avatar
@ircmaxell both returned string(32) "7a03b7421d4a09b859329a937c0017dd"
string(32) "7a03b7421d4a09b859329a937c0017dd"
and how is that "unable to compare"?
@ircmaxell when i use if($var1 === $var2){"Not working"};
can you show your code, including the var_dump statements?
I'm out, later

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