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An I/O error is a problem in your programming system. It's not an exception to the functional requirements of your program.
dir changes based upon the level that page is at only
not the pages calling it at
I did not mention the calling page. It can be a robot calling the php as far as I care.
@Sherif If I'm writing to a socket and the write fails, that's not a programming problem, that's something that should raise an exception.
Think about it, purest. This is the best I can do for you. I'll take a break.
@Trowski Whether it's a programming problem or not is irrelevant. Exceptions are intended to indicate that a contract between a caller and callee has been broken or can no longer be serviced. Contracts are not typical of such low-level system calls like when dealing with sockets or I/O, however. Those things are usually a lot more malleable.
@Sheepy i'll just try asking tomorrow
@Trowski The reason I see most people abusing Exceptions in a language like PHP is because they think in a similar way as this. They think Exceptions are things you use to create a flow of control in your program when it fails at something.
That's exactly the kind of thinking that ends up getting you into a lot of trouble down the road.
You're staring to sound like my OO professor that had me returning bools from methods to indicate success or failure.
If you tend to think of Exceptions more as a way of the caller being notified that the promise the called function makes can not possibly be fulfilled at this point, you get the sense that it's more about how do you back-out of disaster rather than how do you handle failure.
Nah, I just learned a lot about the differences between doing systems programming and application programming.
@Sherif Well said.
@Sherif I completely agree with what you said here.
I think we're just having trouble defining what failure is.
To me, failure is an unexpected result.
@Trowski it's unpredictable, as opposed to errors, which are always avoid-able by writing different code
There all kinds of varying degrees of failure obviously, but I don't see it as "Errors are for informing you and Exceptions are for when your program fails at something". I see both as informative, but Exceptions specifically as a way of reverting control back to some caller down the stack that needs to know we're bailing here.
So say I have a method to write to a socket that returns the number of bytes written and that write fails, you seem to be suggesting that I would not throw an exception.
@Trowski No of course not. Do you know how often socket writes can fail?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson That's the point I'm trying to make (I think).
Why would you convolute your program like that?
@Sherif Very often. But then what do you return?
Errors aren't always avoidable.
How do you avoid "socket connection failed because erathquake destroyted data center"?
only out of memory is not avoidable @Sherif
@Trowski Whatever the function promises to return, but that has nothing to do with how you deal with that failure.
You're associating "dealing with the failure" with "flow of control" again.
See...that's the Exception-thinking you're stuck on.
Well so now instead of being able to catch an exception if it fails, I have write conditional checks after everything.
@Sherif you start taking some prescription drugs for your condition...
@Sherif that kind of exceptions are usually just Exceptions, rather than RuntimeExceptions
or those are some smart sockets..
runtimeexceptions and compile time errors are literally just coding errors
@Trowski By throwing an Exception you're suggesting that something much lower down in the stack needs to know about this particular failure. A socket write fail typically will be handled by the caller that called it. Why do you need to wrap that code in a try catch block? And why is catching an Exception any better than checking the return value of write()? You're trying to fool yourself in believing you've written better code by replacing a function's return value with an interrupt.
The fact that PHP has wonky type juggling behavior is about the only reason people dread checking return values for failure. That's not really a good reason to start turning everything into an Exception.
I mean, I get it... but no.
That kinda "throw AllTheThings" programming just doesn't sit well with me.
Because 99.99% of the time all you're doing is wrapping something like if (write($str) != strlen($str)) { throw new Exception("ohnoes!"); } anyway.
So why didn't you just handle the failure there? You deferred a simple fail/retry scenario to some caller, increasing both the complexity of your code as well as the complexity of the runtime to handle the failure with absolutely no added benefit.
@Sherif I think we're basically on the same page, but my example was poor :)
The nice thing about throwing exceptions is that I can just write series of actions in a method, and if any one of them fails it will immediately skip the ones following. The caller doesn't really care why it failed, it just knows it failed.
@Trowski I highly doubt it. Your view is that of Exceptions are for handling things in the runtime and Errors are not for the runtime. I have a very different view entirely. Mine is that both errors and exceptions carry useful debug information for the programmer, but exceptions have the caveat of allowing the caller to regain control in the event such an exception is thrown.
@Trowski However, none of that means this is the only way by which one can make use of error information in the runtime, nor should it be the common way.
Both errors AND exceptions can be utilized by the runtime to deal-with or in some cases handle error scenarios, however how you use them typically varies on the design of the program itself.
So, no, we aren't even in the same chapter.
Hey guys, I need help with symfony2 validators: stackoverflow.com/q/31018218/251311
+50 bounty to anyone who provides a correct answer :-)
@Trowski Right, that right there is exactly the kind of thing I disagree with completely and what I call abusing exceptions.
The caller should very much care why it failed. Otherwise you didn't have a contract. So why did you return control back to the caller?
The caller should care when the contract has been broken or can't be fulfilled.
They shouldn't just arbitrarily seed control back for no particular reason.
@CSᵠ s/sometimes/all of the time
@Sherif Ok, then I guess I misunderstood. We aren't even in the same book.
@Trowski Your view is typical of the PHP community though. I understand that.
Most people see it your way. I don't.
@kelunik Please open a ticket, thanks.
@Sherif Why it failed is the type of exception that is thrown. If the caller cares, it can catch it. If not, then the exception can bubble up.
Having to constantly check for failure is manually orchestrating control flow.
Should exceptions be used for expected conditions, of course not (which is where the same page comment came from), but I do think that using them for failure makes a lot of sense.
@Trowski To be fair, when I say that it should care, I mean that it should only care that the contract is broken. So sure, that I agree with. However, that doesn't mean that any failure should deem the contract void. The callee should try to all extents possible within its defined responsibility to fulfill that contract. However, a contract is typically broad in scope and not every failure constitutes a broken contract.
That's why not everything should be an Exception, especially common failures like I/O.
@Trowski Using them for failure, where the decision of how to proceed from here can not be left up to the responsibility of the callee, and thus must be bubbled back up to the caller, is where it makes sense.
Don't over inflate your failure.
@Sherif Well put. I'll have look at some of the library code I've written and see if my use of exceptions makes sense.
@Trowski Typically the question I ask myself is: will I ever want to seed control back down the stack from this failure? If not, then I don't need an Exception. If so, then my next question is usually: what decision can the caller make that the callee can't (from that point)? i.e. what information would the caller have at that point that the callee doesn't.
I've been writing a lot of code with promises, where failure is generally always indicated with an exception :)
Say for example, your I/O failure scenario is an HTTP request to some API end-point that you're querying for data. If it's this function's responsibility to determine how to get that data and the HTTP request has failed, does it have enough information to try something else before giving up from here, or does really need to just give and seed control back to its caller?
Most of the time the answer may be, it doesn't, but not always.
Perhaps, it can fall-back to some cached version of the data, for example?
Ok, but if that function can't get the data, and has run out of options, then it should throw, correct?
Sure, if at that point it just can't continue returning what it promises then that makes sense.
Though that still doesn't mean it has to throw :)
Exceptions are just one way of seeding control back to their caller. A function's return is another way, albeit far more primitive.
@Sherif Yes, I very much agree, and that was the point I was trying to make before, but I did it poorly. I'll blame it on lack of sleep. :)
If a function can't do what it promised, then it should throw imho.
Design by Contract is just one way of doing things. It's not the only way. I don't advocate.
It's a fine point, but one I feel should be stated.
Right, could*. If the situation is common, an exception shouldn't be used since it's not exceptional.
Rather than throwing, the API should accommodate the common failure.
Exactly, good software is tolerant of failure and capable of reiteration :)
Rigid software, makes you want to tear your hair out every time the slightest hiccup gets in your way
Which is why I tend to abhor frameworks that register a default exception handler and turn all errors into exceptions making things like "warnings and notices" into fatal errors.
Interesting conversation though. Gave me some food for thought.
@Sherif That is surprisingly common.
I mean, sure, I'd love to know about the warning/notice and have it logged, but if it didn't cause a fatal error in the runtime, why make me litter my code with try/catch blocks everywhere just to avoid your stupid global error routine!
I used a framework like that once and it drove me nuts.
I think they've pretty much all taken up that practice now a days.
I think it comes from the fact that so many people just tend to ignore warnings and notices in PHP that leads to such horribly buggy code. They probably figured "Oh, I know. We'll fix all that crappy code by turning their bug into a fatal error and inconvenience everyone else in the mean time!"
Which is not unlike the TSA
Just looking over Icicle, and at this point I think the exceptions I'm throwing make sense... When using the API correctly, there's little reason to wrap things with try/catch.
Again, interesting conversation. I'll think a little harder whenever I write throw :)
I am using Magento 1.9.1, Is there any way to add magento's in-build captcha, if Cash on Delivery is selected as payment method?

so far i have tried enabling captcha in admin panel,system module configuration. but in that configuration captcha in enable for only Create User, Login, Forgot Password, Checkout as Guest, Register during Checkout forms.

is there any way to add captcha to the cash on delivery payment gateway.

Please Suggest me.
1 hour later…
Good morning :)
*grumbles something about morning*
In my considered opinion, muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrght
Well, at least it's Friday tomorrow.
The light at the end of the tunnel
@PeeHaa o/
@Fabor Finally, the sweet release of death is near
Good morning
internet is full of batshit
So, what can cause "object of class blah-blah-blah can not be converted to string" on assignment ? It's like the line where that happens is $this->propertyName = $object and "propertyName" is declared in original class, therefore the issue isn't caused by some __set() magic ..
but I also checked that I have no __set() at all for that class
> Sorry, I have neither the ability to give karma, nor a convenient pile of stones.
lol @Danack
@AlmaDo You are 1000% sure it's that line where the error occurs? Can you show the exact actual error message and line of code?
(not that I don't believe you, but I don't believe you :-P)
@AlmaDo You're trying to use an object in a string context that does not have a method __toString()
@DaveRandom lol. How those strawbs keeping you?
@DaveRandom yes, but not 1000%, just 100%. And why am sure? Because got error both in "normal" run and step-by-step with xdebug. After commenting out this line with assignment, all works "well" (no error I mean)
hint: using opcache, using php5-fpm ..
@DaveRandom I actually lied there. I'm at my dads and I've been cleaning up a corner of his garden where there used to be a liquid gas tank. I have literally 300 kg of stones ready for throwing.
using symfony DI for services registration (with lazy flag on that service)
btw, @PeeHaa - that sigsegv with opcache resolved by moving to 5.6 (playing with options in 5.5 didn't help at all)
So you never figured out the actual issue :(
Glad it works now though
yes, but you were right
it's opcache bs
and yes - I am not so ingenious like you, internals guys :(
opcache shenanigans
well, I mean, I need to invest my time to PHP, but I work 7 days in a week :\
It was just an educated guess from my side though :)
well it saved lots of time to me - because of it I started to go in a proper direction immediately
@AlmaDo ...and have you restarted fpm?
(could be opcache issues I suppose)
we're running live on .6 now -) it was a solid reason to push our managers and force them to allow that migration from 5.5
@DaveRandom yes I did, but that isn't helping
afaik there's no way in which a straight assignment can change the type of something, the only way would be if it went via __set(), and if you are sure there is no magic then there's something weird internally
the reason may be in symfony DI and that "lazy-loading" (it creates a nutshell without initializing a class)
Need a stack trace
ok, rebuilding the app...
will take ~20 mins I think
(as I applied workaround here, I need to revert to get the trace)
@AlmaDo k no worries, basically I'm just wondering if there's a __set() or __call() or something somewhere in the stack that you aren't aware of because it's hidden in bad/weirdly structured code
Essentially, the error you are presenting us with is impossible, so either you missed something or you have found a bug in PHP. As a general rule, the former is a lot more likely.
@DaveRandom so, this (will be expired in 10 mins)
@DaveRandom I'm pretty sure it's not latest one, but bad structured code -)
@AlmaDo OK cool, and can you show the precise error message (incl file and line) and the exact code on said line? (obv. this can be derived from the stack, just want to sanity check)
yeah, that's di cache for you (:
Gotta love a class name that breaks 80 col line length on its own
so you want content of that?
No, just the line that's causing the problem
well, it's generated automatically and in some separate cache file, so I never work with that cache by myself
Which is presumably HalRecommendationStatus.php#L64
here it is
 * Set recommendation data
 * @param RecommendationStatus $recommendationStatus Recommendation status
 * @return void
public function setRecommendationStatus(RecommendationStatus $recommendationStatus)
    try {
        $this->$recommendationStatus = $recommendationStatus;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $m = $e->getTraceAsString();
        throw $e;
line 64 is $this->$recommendationStatus = $recommendationStatus;
Read that line
I added try-catch block to trace exception
really carefully
oh sh*t (:
You will kick yourself
not myself..
well, myself too
I was reviewing that stuf..
lolwut (:
It's easily done, although IDEs should probably catch that
phpstorm 8 -> no complaints ..
Report as bug, that should have been caught by inspections IMO, it knows the type and should know that it has no __toString()
I just rely on IDE too much, trusting it in that stuff
Does __toString() method exist?
What do you mean by exit? Or did you typo "exist"?
yes, __toString() always exit.. but sometime entrance
:^ )
Well if it existed then the error wouldn't have happened
(I think, it would have been treated as a regular cast)
ok, that was a good catch, bad code (:
The hidden cost of uber-dynamic programming languages :-(
Also, for the second time in like 12 hrs, xkcd.com/568
That's pretty dangerous. It annoys me that we have __toString() and no other conversion magic, people always say "but it's for debugging" but if that were true then why is it invoked for every string cast? And why did we then add __debugInfo()?
Maybe it should have been restricted to explicit casts
But hindsight 20/20 etc
If you need __toString for debugging you're debugging wrong
I've seen it said a few times that this is what it was originally intended for
I have actually seen that in a "real" project where somebody created some ORM and the magic tostring concatenated all properties of the object and returned it O.o
Needless to say it was never maintained (because people would have to manually add new fields) and was never useful for debugging
sigh so true when applying new technology
Lol @ the last sentence :)
Where can I get a php 7 windows build?
wonders if there's a browser plugin to deal with the stupid math captcha on bugs.php.net - It should let you through if you get it wrong on the first try or something
@AlmaDo title When charged particles of more than 5 TeV pass through a bubble chamber, they leave a trail of candy.
When introducing new not so big feature I was in need to create branches in 4 dependent bundles and release new version of another app. Sometimes I think we are building space shuttles here..
@PeeHaa in the hell
I was hoping alpha build would have been available here windows.php.net/download but no dice
I never understood how comes "windows" and "php" in one sentence.
Oh nvm. Those blue underlined texts are links and you can click on them...
@AllenJB Could put one together in about 10 mins prob, what browser do you use?
@AlmaDo It helps me write portable code. I run it on WAPP and LEPP. If it works on both systems I am sure it will work on everything including my oven
Although also @AllenJB, you prob shouldn't be reporting bugs often enough to make it useful...
@PeeHaa WAPP and LEPP sounds like Stupid and Stupider for me :p
@AlmaDo When you work on Win as a desktop, you want PHP available at least on the CLI for quick-and-dirty "does this work?" tests
@DaveRandom hm.. why?
@AlmaDo Linux Nginx Postgres PHP is not stupider than Windows Apache Postgres PHP ;)
@PeeHaa sure. that's because it's wiser :p
actually, postgres spoiled me
before I was so ingenious in inventing hacks and overcoming everything in mysql
jsonb, ltree, lateral joins, table inheritance..
why think about anything if all the stuff is already implemented ..
@AlmaDo ...because you do? Also I regularly script things on Win in PHP, because cmd is shit and powershell is... weird.
Apr 2 at 13:54, by DaveRandom
@Patrick I'd like to use Windows/Apache/NexusDB/ksh, but people get the wrong idea when you tell them you work with a WANK stack.
Let's talk about Joomla. How I can use git to develop Joomla compoent?
@DaveRandom why do I ... do?
@sectus let's not
@AlmaDo , I wish I do not need it.
@sectus so do not use it, problem solved, next
git clone <joomla repo url>
git reset --hard HEAD~<number of commits in joomla history>
git clean -f .
<start writing sane application>
@DaveRandom you forgot
git push origin master
Oh yeh, also that
git push origin master --force
will need a -f as well
I once in my life did
git push origin :master
Also, I'm not sure you can use git to develop stuff. git is cool but afaik it's not turing complete.
that famous moment when bot alerts that "Employee X deleted branch <master>"
@sectus no
but the "wtf" effect from that alert to ~50 devs was huge
I really want one of these...
@Fabor is that for cocaine?
Alma, how's your German coming?
@Gordon Ping
@Fabor pong
Could I trouble you for some linguistic help. The saying Arnie is talking about here. How do you spell it? And is it that common?
@Fabor Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut aber nicht so schlecht
Ich brauche mehr stunden für lernen..
Actually, I learned English a lot in this room
That's why I'm seeking some chatting in German now. Preferably IT-oriented
not sure if that exists on SO
Just gotta envelop yourself in it.
there's major problem - work-related communication isn't possible to be conducted in German since you need high effectiveness in it. That is why despite living in Germany, I can train in German only in my German classes
@Jay Do you know what an array is?
A guy called Ray?
may be German-speekers here could suggest something
@PeeHaa Yes.. I wouldn't be in this chat room without knowing that but I just realised my mistake, thanks anyway.
@Fabor Wenn schon, denn schon
@PeeHaa it's a pirate thing
Correct. It's a short version of arr ay captain
@Gordon what German-speeking irc network you can suggest? (if any?) I'm revising this for now..
@PeeHaa may be A. R. Ray ?
@AlmaDo idk. not using irc much besides a private usergroup channel
@Gordon ok, I don't mind, but.. for training via chat communication, what may be a good option?
@AlmaDo you dont want to learn german IT terms :D
@Gordon Somewhat OT, but have you tried Slack? phpnw have started using it and it's awesome
@Gordon I don't. I want to learn German (and I can not communicate in speaking way for now as my level is too low yet)
@Gordon s/want to learn/have wide enough bits of paper to write down/
I mean, really. Why call it Entwurfsmuster and Fabrikmethode when you can call it Design Patterns and Factory Methods and everyone know it anyway.
@AlmaDo try duolingo
@DaveRandom briefly for about a few minutes. and we are using hipchat at work. basically the same in my book.
@Gordon like learning + teaching?
@AlmaDo at least for learning. i hear good things about it from people trying to learn german with it
if yes, that's also not an option - because its really hard to find time even for dedicated learning (because of work) - and if it's learning by exchange - then it's twice more time (like - on hour to learn and then one hour to teach whilst not gaining knowledge in German)
ok, will try to stick to freenode for now and see if it works
at least I know basics
you could also attend a conversation course. I think the Volkshochschule is offering them
@Gordon I've not tried hipchat but I looked at it briefly a while ago and it does indeed look basically the same. The fact that it's an Atlassian product is probably a selling point for a UG as well actually, since it probably has some shiny code-share things integrated with bitbucket I'm guessing?
@DaveRandom not sure about BB but it integrates with Jira.
...which you also use at work?
@DaveRandom there is a button on every issue page asking "Do you want to discuss this issue? Connect to HipChat." And when you mention an issue in a channel, it will autoexpand with a summary and indicate that is has been mentioned on the issue page.
@DaveRandom yes, we are using Jira and Confluence
it also has loads of integrations for all kinds of services
for instance Giphy support
all hell will break loose if you install that :D
That sounds pretty nice for dev teams, quite domain-specific though. I had zendesk integrated with slack for a bit but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth, I used to get three notifications for each new ticket on my phone, one from zendesk app, one from slack and one from email
(yes, this is mostly loser error)
we also integrated our CI with it so we get notified on broken builds and stuff
HipChat has a REST Api so you can basically send $whatever into the channels
if you buy the pro option, it also has screensharing and video
Yeh, sounds like the two things are basically indentical
but you dont have to. there is plenty of video conf services available as plugins
@Gordon I did. Passed A level
@DaveRandom we are using the appear.in plugin. So we just need to type /appear and it will create a room for us.
@Gordon Is there a limit on the number of integrations in free mode?
@DaveRandom I am not aware of any
Hmm, slack limits you to 5 on the free tier, might take a closer look at hipchat
oh and probably the #1 reason to use HipChat: it comes with a predefined emote for rebecca black
@Gordon hipchat sucks :(
@AlmaDo why do you think so?
@Gordon I was having lots of trouble with its UI (worked incorrectly in FF, forcing last message to stall), integration with even bitbucket was not correct (like - missing merge commits)
so yep, sticking with slack for now
@AlmaDo hmm, I did not have any UI issues except for the /clear command not working properly. But I used the web UI for a very short time only. I am using the linux client now. It's a tad ugly but works fine for me.
@Gordon yep, web ui
Does anyone know some form of standard or RFC when dealing with vhosts and having a constant suffix with a change to the prefix only? Currently my company does something daft with interpolating the prefix into the suffix and having to create a new DNS entry for each bloody VCS branch! Can't figure correct words to search google for
and also hooks were failing for us unless atlassian guys came up with some hack..
/cc @DaveRandom I know you know about DNS stuff ^^
@Jimbo Out of curiosity, why do you consider that daft and not awesome?
Because one of our ops team has to create a new DNS record every time we start a new sprint, which is twice a month.
It's pretty common to wildcard a virtual host and not have to worry about anything any more
(also, trying to automate environments with feature branches :-))
@Jimbo that can't be automated?
(might be hard if you don't do your own DNS management I guess....)
We don't do our own :-) there's a login and a form separating it
Besides, having to automate that just seems silly when we could wildcard a vhost and that's about it - have Apache forward to the right feature branch directory
fyi some sites create dns entries all the time. Apparently nginx is fine with doing an nginx -s reload multiple times per second.
I have put forward a solid case for moving from Svn to Git and introducing feature branches (currently devs commit non-working / incomplete code into the main release branch - LOL) and I'm spearheading that effort. However, Apache to nginx is another one entirely :P
@Jimbo I don't actually understand the question. Can you rephrase, elaborate and/or give a concrete example?
@AlmaDo can I outsource some of your brainpower please?
@DaveRandom With our current setup, every time a new branch is created, Ops team has to create a new DNS record so that it can be accessed. Our current URL scheme for Sandbox is as follows:


The expected URL scheme is:

Is there any RFC or standard that I can put in there to show "hey look, the secondary method is better!"
Alleviate some Thursday woes with some clientsfromhell.net
@Jimbo kill the vcs branches. problem solved ;)
@Fabor been there, done that.
@Jimbo Err no, there's generally no need to RFC common sense
heh. I haven't checked it in a long while. Lots of fresh content.
I can berate the devops team for you if you like?
@DaveRandom Haha, it's fine, I was just looking for something to back up my case on the JIRA ticket. I'll put "Chris reckons it's common sense" - that'll do it
@DaveRandom there totally should be an RFC for common sense and how to apply it.
Also cleanup the other dupes in there please
@Jimbo That said, it may be possible to do it the current way with some clever wildcarding, let me try something
Damnit that protect question feature it useless.
It should be at least 1000 rep limited
@PeeHaa How come? I thought it was 15k rep limited
It's my next milestone...
The other way around ;)
I have "protected" the headers already sent canon, but crap keeps coming
@Fabor i had a client who was very much like these two examples. minus the swearing. he wanted a wp theme that should look very minimal like Apple but with some salmon colors. No no, not that salmon. More like Lufthansa orange. Oh and that's not minimal enough but you also need to squeeze in all our content …
Makes me very happy that I don't deal with clients anymore.
@Gordon The only flaw in that plan is that the people who need to read it are the same people who won't read it
it's almost unbelievable some of the expectations and righteousness they feel.
Typically from a position of good wealth too.
@PeeHaa Can't Uncle @Gordon "lock" things so that they are sealed to everybody? Or does that prevent comments as well? (we prob need those)
@Fabor I told him that I was not doing photoshop mockups but code up the real thing right away. we went through three complete rewrites. in the end he wanted to pay half for it because he had expected me to do three designs and let him choose one.
Not sure
@Gordon lol. Life is too short for those kinds of things.
@DaveRandom why would that Q need locking?
4 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I have "protected" the headers already sent canon, but crap keeps coming
Is there anyway to prevent that?
Only Lock reason that might be appropriate is this one: Wiki Answer

This question's answers are a collaborative effort: if you see something that can be improved, just edit the answer to improve it! No additional answers can be added here
That describes exactly what the Q is supposed to be, right?
It's a canonical
Yeah that would work. If somebody really has a new answer to add at some point in the far far future they would go through meta which totally works for me
Just realised its only Wednesday.... welp :'(
@Fabor got ya?
@Danack Not cool.
The windows environment variables containing php stuff only is for cli right?

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