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@Danack I've seen the find/replace thing before, not sure if people are seriously putting forward that argument or not, but it does seem to me like anyone who actually has that problem hasn't understood the fundamental principles of modularity correctly
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Because you asked it for something that makes no sense? Usually this is what I did when it won't do what I want
Dunno - having stuff split into separate libraries when it's all only ever going to be deployed as a single app does make basic stuff like refactoring code be more difficult.
@DaveRandom it should be smart enough to understand that i'm very dumb
True, but that also falls into the category of "hasn't understood the fundamental principles of modularity correctly" in my book, the point of modules is reusability, if they aren't reusable (because they are too domain specific) then they should be part of the top level app
i'm trying to clone web-php but i believe it's cloning also the .zips with 20 years of php releases
dammit, chat oneboxing is broken :-(
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson --depth 1?
oh no, https
@Danack trying. what's recurse submodules?
web-php has submodules?
yeh it does, just looked
it has at least one
--recursive clones subs as well, but I imagine that will be a full history clone
gets stuck also with depth 1
define "gets stuck"?
And where are you trying to clone from?
i'm using sourcetree
from my fork on github @DaveRandom github.com/WesNetmo/web-php
I'm just wondering if git.php.net is having issues, if you are cloning from github then the top level could work but subs won't if git.php.net is down/slow (that's where the subs will be pointed, not the github mirrors)
or could be ssh key issues but afaik everything on git.php.net is publicly readable
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/WesNetmo/web-php works fine..
Unless your ssh isn't set up right and you are cloning https but the subs are ssh
how do i update on github a fork i made? says it's some commits behind
warning: i suck with git :P
git remote add upstream [email protected]:/php/web-php.git
git checkout master
git pull upstream/master
git push
there are other ways, but I find that the easiest
obv you need to replace the repo name/url/branch name etc as appropriate
If you want to rebase your feature branch on to current upstream master then add --rebase to the git pull
this is what sourcetree does
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false clone --depth 1 https://github.com/WesNetmo/web-php E:\WebPHP
(as long as you haven't pushed anything in that branch upstream)
doesn't seem to be working
It seems to get stuck if you don't turn off the recurse subtrees stuff.
Once you've cloned it via the command line, you can just open the repo with sourcetree from the filesystem, rather than trying to clone it through sourcetree.
@DaveRandom what's [email protected]? my mail :P
i know nothing of git
woa, it's doing something
after several minutes
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson [email protected]:WesNetmo/web-php.git would be your url.
it's something ssh something clone something ..
Google is your friend: Lynda - Git Essential Training (download torrent)
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Set up git+ssh properly
Jan 27 '14 at 22:24, by rdlowrey
Every time I've ever had git problems they've resolved themselves magically if I switched over to git@ instead of https://
^ very true
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson @samaYo also, if you want to get better at git, go lookup some of Lorna Mitchell's (lornajane) talks on the subject
> Git, Github and Open Source - Lorna Mitchell ?
Hardest part git is unmaking your mistakes and resolving conflicts ...
That's probably a bit basic, look up some stuff with the word "advanced" in the title
She talks on it a lot
in 2015, i'm supposed to use minority report guis, not command line :D
You can use both - they're sometimes good at different aspects of using git.
Been wandering and getting interested at the same time since yesterday, to find out what it actually takes to implement a templating & template inheritance-like features into a php project..
Don't want to take a look at how Drupal does it. I'm afraid I will see countless require() and I'll lose interest :/
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson then write them
@ircmaxell easy peasy
> I think this is massive breakage. It only happens in strict mode, though.
The exceptions in Icicle all extend an SPL exception, while also implementing a package specific interface. Should I continue this practice, or just not bother with the SPL exceptions?
I know the SPL doesn't get a lot of love around here, lol
@Trowski it's a lost cause :P they should be redesigned entirely imho
The core reason for my question is that I would like to switch some to Errors in PHP 7.
Since things like LogicException really should extend Error.
it shouldn't even exist, since LogicException === Error
and i would kill the whole RuntimeException branch
especially types that are very redundant with the Logic ones
Yes, please explain the difference between OutOfBoundsException and OutOfRangeExcepiton.
it doesn't make sense imho
Unfortunately I doubt that's something that can be put into PHP 7 at this point.
@Trowski Simple, two people working on the same problem came up with two different names for the same/similar solution. Happens all the time in Software.
@Trowski better in php7 than php 7.1
@Sherif I guess that explains it... because otherwise I'm lost.
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson It would seem like it would have to be PHP 7 because otherwise people will scream BC.
@Trowski Same reason we have Memcached and Mecache
@Sherif Well those actually have differences. One is much better than the other (can't remember which right now).
I wouldn't necessarily say better than, but sure similar solutions to the same problem (implement a native binding for memcached).
Had those guys just pooled their ideas together, I'm sure they'd have come up with one really good implementation that's the best of both worlds.
I think only one supported get-and-set, which makes it better in my book.
@Trowski Sure, until you don't care about CaS and care about something like, connection pooling or failover, then you'll think Memcache is better than Memcached.
@Trowski simple. They were designed by Java developers. So they by definition don't make sense.
See... best of both worlds :)
also invalidargument is very redundant with badfunction|methodcall
@Trowski depends. The one with the better API has the worse implementation (can't handle failover)
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson that I disagree with
@ircmaxell Unless you don't care about failover because you use something like AWS Elasticache which takes care of that for you ...
@ircmaxell Really? That's unfortunate... bah
Screw it, just use redis :)
@ircmaxell it should be ValueError
you don't need more than that imho
@Sherif good luck with that
@Trowski Unless you run into the horrid performance degradation of the predis implementation :p
@ircmaxell ?
@ircmaxell Luck was not needed. Just brains.
@Sherif I haven't used Predis at all. There's issues then?
@Trowski Well, I think they've fixed most of them now, but at the time I was working with a very poor implementation and at that scale it definitely didn't cut it.
@Sherif no, it's simply pointing out that you're making a tradeoff at the wrong level and it's impossible to actually work that way
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson we're talking about Exceptions, not errors
On my todo list is writing a Redis client for Icicle. I was thinking I could just use Predis for the protocol.
@ircmaxell actually @Trowski wants to move the LogicException branch under Error
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson and I will vote -1 to that forever
which is correct, btw
I never said move.
no, it's not correct
that branch should stay where it is and rot
@ircmaxell Depends, if your ops team is better at managing a load-balanced connection pool than your software engineers or your software engineers just can't afford to lose the benefits of the better API features for then you're definitely not making a trade at the wrong level :)
SPLExceptions should have never existed in the first place
You say impossible, I say opportunity :)
@ircmaxell just to be sure: you think that because of BC, right? :P
I said I wanted to make some subclasses of Error while there was the opportunity.
@Danack :->
@Sherif no, the way memcache handles sharding, you can't do it at a proxy level. Physically, you can't. You can do N+2 for each node, duplicating everything under the sun, but the fact remains that you can't outperform the core sharding algorithm
And that they should be used instead of LogicException, etc.
@Sherif no, you say opportunity, I say you don't understand the problem
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson BC, but mostly that they should have never existed in the first place
You can't just remove LogicException at this point.
@ircmaxell K
@Trowski and I will vote against that. If core doesn't raise the error, then it doesn't belong in core
@Danack this couldn't be more illogical
@ircmaxell That was the point. Subclass some of the core.
But it isn't really necessary.
there isn't much to add then because most of errors that are fatal in some languages, in php are notices or warnings
i can't think of anything at the moment
This person who doesn't understand the problem obviously just got lucky when they ran a 9TB memcached cluster that supported ~200M users
I thought it might be nice if doing something like trying to call a method on a non-object threw a more specific instance of Error.
@Danack thanks for killing my buz
I was happy before I read that
class C{}
$x = new C();
$x->bar(); // NoSuchMethodError ?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson it's an exception
it's an error. currently throws Error
was fatal in php 5.6
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson That's basically what I meant.
no, if it gets thrown, it's an exception. even if it extends the Error class. Errors on the other hand are still a mechanism for true core errors as well as for notices and warnings
@Trowski it's not strictly necessary, but if they are properly named etc they would be fine i guess
@ircmaxell yes, but it's in the Error hierarchy. and btw, i would start calling them "throwables" rather than "exceptions" for this reason :P
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson No, they're all exceptions.
Just some are called Exception and some are called Error.
class A{ private function x(){} }
(new A())->x(); // IllegalAccessError
Hey everyone, I'm using an API for a game that I enjoy, and part of it finds out percentage of player slots taken. From that percentage I would like to work out a css color to represent its 'fullness'; ranging from green, through amber, to red representing 0% to 100%. I have no idea how to do this at all, any advice will be helpful. Many, many thanks , Michael.
abstract class A{}
trait B{}
new A(); // InstantiationError
new B(); // InstantiationError
all those are copied from java @Trowski
@Dendromaniac What would the API would look like?
I get a result of current players and maxplayers then I do (current / max) * 100 to get the percent. It's not so much about the API, more about how to represent a percent as a color.
well that's a job for css/javascript .. it has nothing to do with php.
color format is #RRGGBB
I made once similar thing, a site visitor counter by day, week, month .. and did the ratio thing and built a graph with it ..
each group goes from hex 00 to hex FF
meaning decimal 0 to 255
Hey guys, if there is someone extra experienced with symfony/config I would really appreciate if you have a look at stackoverflow.com/q/31016363/251311
@Dendromaniac and for what you need you don't have to touch blue, just work with red and green
@CSáµ  That does lighten the burden a little, I guess
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Honestly I'm not terribly familiar with Java.
So I don't completely understand how they are used.
me neither
but those are compile time errors
At this point I might just leave it alone. The core throwing plain Error is probably sufficient.
java's hierarchy is:
Error (compile time errors)
Exception (checked exceptions)
'---RuntimeException (unchecked exceptions, things like ArrayIndexOutOfRange)
php's Error is a mix of java's Error and RuntimeException
RuntimeException in java is LogicException in spl, which is the opposite of spl's RuntimeException #worstnamingever
c# is pretty much the same, apart that RuntimeException is called SystemException iirc
ah @Trowski i forgot the NullPointerError!
'---NoSuchMethodError $x->thisDoesntExist()
'---IllegalAccessError $x->thisIsAPrivateMethod()
'---InstantiationError new ThisIsAnInterface()
'---ScalarPointerError false->lol()
    '---NullPointerError null->lol()
something like that maybe
since they are very limited in number and they aren't likely to become more, they could be added imho
@ircmaxell whatchathink?
having only TypeError is strange. why is that so special? :P
That was just hilarious
go to part 2 and 3 also
is this the correct way to do path checking for MANY requires:
    function path_check($path){
            if (is_readable("../$path")){
                require_once "../$path";
            } elseif(is_readable("./$path")){
                require_once "./$path";
            } elseif (is_readable("$path")){
                require_once "$path";
            } else {
                echo "system error";
array => foreach ?
@CSáµ  what?
@php_purest WHY???????
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson so i don't need to worry about the path as much
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson what?
in fact you shouldn't. you should know where the file is
what if you open to page X, then laxy load data after?
you can self link to the fresh page
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson does that make sense to you now?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson think using the DOM
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson SPL is old :(
@LeviMorrison thanks
Does that function look correct?
@php_purest You do realize require $path and require "./$path" are identical, right?
@Sherif i thought one was in the same file, thanks
Same file?
but the function is correct?
@php_purest What are you trying to accomplish?
The function seems convoluted to me. Haven't you ever heard of include_path before?
@php_purest You should know where a file is that you want to include.
it checks if the included page is there, and if it is, then it posts it grabs it, and runs the proper require
@php_purest Well, in that case you should understand that first before trying to over-engineer things: php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.include-path Additionally, you should consider understanding the well-defined behavior of the include construct, since in your function you are ultimately falling back to include_path php.net/manual/en/function.include.php
with include_path you don't need to worry about the path as long as it matches the ending portion of the path?
i.e. it will run through to find the proper path
It will, but only if you don't include a path.
If this is for loading class files you should consider using an autoloader instead. It plays better with your opcode cache and realpath cache. It also stands to not crap out when you have a complex dependency chain.
so it will make "./"=="../"?
No, ./ and ../ mean two different things. One is the current directory, the latter is the parent directory.
bur if you run a self check a part of the path it will work properly then
include_path is a configuration directive. So it is whatever you define it to be. It's just a list of paths to look in when you do an include without specifying the path.
that's the goal
Hmm? What do you mean by work properly exactly? It doesn't work any differently than if you don't check is_readable, if that's what you're asking.
if you have a ./ for one instance, and ../ for another instance of the same page it will still find the file with the same code
If include fails due to a file that doesn't exist or isn't readable by the process it emits a warning and require emits a fatal error. In either case it is objectively better than your function, since you actually get useful error information to debug the problem, including, the calling line of code, the absolute path to the failing script, and the reason for the failure (such as permissions, file doesn't exist, etc...).
loaded from a different path
@php_purest Sure, but how does your function change any of that?
You still have the same behavior, include_path just allows you specify more than just the CWD or parent directory.
lets say you load it from either the base directory, or a sub directory, it will find it on its own when one doesn't exist
So will include_path. What's your point?
but i thought you said you need to write the include_path
Sure, it's configurable.
not let the server set it
Not sure what you mean. My server doesn't have an AI program that configures things for me, yet, but the default php.ini typically has ./ and ../ as a part of the default include_path. Once again, it is configurable.
if only the php website explained the logic of functions in blocks
if it doesn't exist in one way it will exist in another
I feel like you've switched topics midstream.
What is "functions in blocks"?
if you were writing the function by hand
As opposed to writing it by foot?
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
opposed to writing it by prebuilds
i have:
it will check for the file in both ./ and ../
I'm lost. What do you mean by "writing it by prebuilds" exactly? I have no idea what that means.
prebuilds are what functionality php has included in it
availible right out of the php box
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson i don't think you know much about what i was asking, since you though writing for DOM functionality was dumb
@php_purest OK, well PHP's standard library is pretty well documented (for the most part). Which part of the documentation that I pointed you to lacked the information you were looking for and I'd be happy to provide amendments?
writing for dom functionality?
There's clearly a language barrier here.
how is dom related to this
Perhaps just stay focused on solving your problem rather than trying to asses the competency of others?
Things usually go a lot more smoothly that way.
i'm writing the stuff to be ran by either DOM, or refresh
oh he may have confused me with someone else, because my nick is new
refresh is ./ qand dom runs by ../
@php_purest So you're trying to write a UA client? Like a headless browser implementation?
@php_purest Wat...
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson look here
an example? @php_purest let's talk by code
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson and here
i'm sorry if that offended you, but there was a reason for that
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson why?
simply because almost no one on earth would need something like that, so you might be doing something wrong
@php_purest It seems like you have an XY-problem, and you're not telling us what you're really trying to do.
how are you going to use that
i don't have an xy problem
... And yet you seem far more interested in engaging with those who have nothing but criticism to offer than the one that is actually trying to provide some useful suggestions.
when you refresh a page it loads from the base, but when you refresh from the click event it loads from the other path
@Sherif i don't have only criticism to offer fyi :P
@php_purest php is executed on the server side, how things happening on the client side could even matter?
@php_purest The path to a php script on the file system should be constant, could you clarify what you mean?
a page that runs with DOM data changing loads quicker than a page loading from the whole page every time
he's talking of changing pages using ajax
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson exactly
paths do change on that stuff occasionally
@php_purest pastebin.com some code?
that think is horrible @php_purest i think you just need to use the correct path, like require(__DIR__ . "/lol/path.php"); which will be always constant, and not based on cwd or include path
you already posted that, i meant the ajax call and the rest of it
@php_purest I think the issue is that you're misunderstanding how PHP includes files.
dir does change depending on the level you're in
Well, in a webSAPI, your CWD is that of the calling-script.
@Trowski are you talking about with DOMs?
@php_purest The client side has nothing to do with PHP.
it does if you're hot swapping content with AJAX
No, it really doesn't.
why do you say that?
Because it's the truth.
I agree with Sherif, it doesn't. Client can request from server and it doesn't care about PHP, and vice verse.
it will create bugs at time
The client and server are fundamentally independent in regards to file system paths.
it cares about the path
Perhaps just because you are confusing a URL with a file system path.
It really doesn't though.
The concepts remain distinct properties of different entities.
then why does the include path fail at times?
I don't know. You haven't presented us with the details of your failure in order for us to understand why it failed.
it doesn't fail, it's just wrong @php_purest do echo __DIR__; echo getcwd();
@Sherif If you get a sec, could I get some feedback on this post before I officially publish it: trowski.com/2015/06/24/throwable-exceptions-and-errors-in-php7
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson You too
the ./ in require "./foo.php"; will always be relative to the requested php file
And anyone else for that matter :)
@Trowski Sure
those both run off the base of the hard drive, but why would it be better to do echo getcwd(); than ./ or ../?
@php_purest Let's try another angle. When you page load and when you click, are you requesting from the same php?
yes, you're requesting the same data two different ways
one you need to go up a dir, and the other is in the same dir
@php_purest But is it the same PHP file that is being run?
Then the path to a file you're including (such as other/sql.php) will remain constant for that PHP script.
yes, but the path to it will change depending on how you're hooking it in
@Trowski looks fine!
@php_purest If you have a script at /path/to/site/files/script.php, and another at /path/to/site/files/other/sql.php, that will always be true, since the client side has nothing to do with file paths on the server.
@php_purest On PHP side, the path won't change. For the same PHP file. Is this your problem? Do you want it to change?
@Trowski Interesting, so you can recover from a parse error as long as it was a part of include/eval?
@php_purest __DIR__ because it's always relative to the file you write it in
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson exactly
@Sherif Yes, now you can. Only a parse error in the initial file is immediately fatal (since there was no code to start executing).
if you have path/to/page and to/page they will be different
@php_purest And that means, if you get data from the same file, the __DIR__ would stays the same.
@Sheepy it wouldn't change depending on where you're running the code from?
__DIR__ will change, sure, because it's a compile-time constant, but what won't change is your directory structure.
@php_purest The code is running on server, not on client. If the request path change, usually you are not calling the same PHP file.
in dir ./ and ../ isn't dependent?
@php_purest This is why I asked whether you are requesting from the same PHP file. And you haven't answered. We still don't know what you did that caused you to think there are bugs. (There are not, not in PHP at least)
If you create some scripts in /some/path/ and some other scripts in /some/other/path/ and both require some file(s) in /some/path/here/ then scripts in /some/path/ will always use __DIR__ . "/here/$file" and scripts in /some/other/path/ will always use __DIR__ . "/../here/$file". There's no need to guess.
You already know what your directory structure is and it's not as though you change that structure on every request. So no point in guessing with every request. Spare yourself the unnecessary stat calls.
i was under the impression that you needed to know where you were calling the DOM stuff every time
Stop saying DOM stuff.
is there a short youtube on this flawed thinking?
@php_purest How is DOM related to PHP path?
ok, DOM
Please stop saying DOM.
You're literally just grabbing acronyms out of the air and sticking them into your sentences now.
function swapContent(href, url_data, target) {
        type: 'GET',
        url: href+'?' + url_data,  //add a variable to the URL that will carry the value in your i counter through to the PHP page so it know's if this is new or additional data
        success: function (data) { // this param name was confusing, I have changed it to the "normal" name to make it clear that it contains the data returned from the request
            //load more data to "target" value div
            target.innerHTML = (data); // as above, data holds the result of the request, so all the data retu
^ the relation ^
Please stop. None of this is in any way, shape, or form related to your PHP include problem.
I see that the request path is href+'?' + url_data. What is href?
the base address
Is it variable? Are you changing it?
href is clearly the URL passed to swapContent function's first argument.
None of which has a single iota of relation to his include problem.
@Sherif Any feedback on that article? What do you think about my recommendations on using Error?
Well, purest did say things like "you needed to know where you were calling the DOM stuff every time".
So it won't surprise me if it is, indeed, variable with the client side DOM tree.
@Trowski What recommendations specifically?
@Sheepy that was because of my problem
@Sheepy It's not. I assure I understand his code better than he does.
@Sheepy gets it :D
@Sherif Great! Hat off to you then :)
@Sherif Error should be used to represent coding issues that require the attention of a programmer, not for conditions that can be handled at runtime.
@Trowski Hasn't that always been the intention of an error?
Also that Error should generally not be caught, except by a logger or mechanism for displaying an error.
@Sherif Ok, good, then we're on the same page, lol
@php_purest No, I am not sure I get it. Depending on the DOM, we may change the parameter, but we rarely change path. (And we know what we are doing when we do)
I mean there's no harm in trying to make use of error information at runtime, to say do some necessary cleanup/rollback work, for example, but if ever you felt an error did not require the attention of the programmer, you probably fell asleep the day they taught programming.
@Sherif Right, and that's why it's so great that they are exceptions now. But I'm trying to point out the difference between the usage of Exception (that isn't necessarily an error) and Error.
the dom calls data from folder a, you need to run from folder b how do you do it
I know you get it, I'm just asking if I communicated it well for people that might not get it. We are talking PHP here :)
@Trowski Well, there are some errors you actually expect to a certain margin. Say for example socket timeout errors or DB connection errors, which you would handle in some cases gracefully.
i just don't get the whole dir changing stuff
@Sherif And that's an example of what should be an instance of Exception.
@Trowski What about I/O errors?
@php_purest Ah. It is the real question. I take the relative path from parameter, combine it with server's absolute root to get the server side's absolute path, and operate with it (glob, fopen, etc). I never change a PHP script's execution path.
Aren't those still errors?
yes, it's real
Does my approach make sense to you?
@Sheepy took us an hour
@Sherif That seems like something that should be an Exception, but I suppose it depends on the context you mean.
@Trowski It really shouldn't.
so if i do DIR i don't need to worry about what level it's on
Then I would think Exception. Like failing to write to a file, that imho should be an instance of Exception.
@php_purest Hmm. I mean I would not touch __DIR__ at all.
so it's ok to run something from the base path for requires between folders?
You cannot specify DIR from client side. So you need to worry about paths.
For example, include "/path/to/mounted/fs/somefile.php" will emit an I/O error if say the mount has failed for some reason, but intermittently so, but assume we expect that to happen on rare occasions when there's a deploy and we handle it gracefully by attempt to include from a backup mount or symlink. That should still be an error, not an Exception.
i'm thinking about SPA websites similar to google
... but I digress. These days Exceptions/Errors they're all interchangeable.
Just look at Go for example
That's kind of what I meant about context. If it's an include like that, then it probably should be an Error, because it's required for the script to run.
No, include doesn't require ;P
But that's not even why
It is generally accepted in the discipline of computer science that I/O errors not be treated as "exceptions"
There are good reasons for that.
Probably far more relevant in the area of systems programming than in a language like PHP, but good none-the-less.
@Sheepy how do i do this then:
require_once (__DIR__"other/sql.php");
@Trowski That being I/O failures are more common than you think. If you treat them "exceptionally" you are just making your code more convoluted than it needs to be.
Most of the time you just want to log the error and move on.
@Sherif But... that's the point. An I/O error isn't a problem in your program, it's an exception to what is normally expected.
It's rarely the case that you need to create a contract specifically between your functional requirements and some I/O operation.
@php_purest Before I go, let me give you an example. I have C:/www/code/browse.php, which navigates files in C:/www/data/. I request "/code/browse.php?sub/", browse.php sees "sub/" as path, adds it to C:/www/data/, and reads from C:/www/data/sub/. I may then request "/code/browse.php?sub/subsub/" and logic is the same. __DIR__ is always the same. If I have C:/www/code/sql.php I just do require "sql.php". Is this example clear?
@Trowski Quite the opposite

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