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Column data type changed to TEXT btw tnx \o/
it doesn't work anymore in jquery chosen multiple select.
posted on June 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Cyrus McDugan */

hi all
just a little question
the php 'rename' function
also works with folders that can contain folders/files... ?
Have you tried it?
I mean, I have to move folders. These folders can contain folders and/or files, can I just rename "parent" folder to move all these?
13 secs ago, by PeeHaa
Have you tried it?
afraid to try before I'm sure, i have tried with "single" files / folders which seems to work fine
What's the recommended/best alternative to array_search, if you have objects (that need to be searchable) in your array?
@Jay just foreach over the array, and add the things that match to $results[] ?
Hello everyone
I have a page on my site which is making an AJAX call to a page with the following code and was wondering if the following is correct
header("Content-Type: application/json");
$BuyersIPDetails = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/$user_ip/geo"));
$BuyersIPLocation = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://freegeoip.net/json/$user_ip"));
Will that work?
7 mins ago, by Danack
13 secs ago, by PeeHaa
Have you tried it?
No, Im thinking there's gonna be some conflict between header("Content-Type: application/json"); and json_decode which is a PHP func
@YourAdrenalineFix header() call seems redundant. You are not outputting JSON to the user.
What about stop guessing?
Oh here it comes
@Danack Thanks man
Plz see my intro into the JS room regarding this topic
@PeeHaa aren't you pretty sure Ive been studying and cramming everything I can for the past few years?
Im just trying to eek out "Something" and was hoping for kind, helpful responses
instead of guessing
There is no way for me to know that and you have showed no effort at all
Thank you @DaveRandom good point
Im just following tutorials and my head is spinning from all the knowledge ive gleaned
and still have yet to l earn
/me would appreciate it if everyone could remain civil and not start every interaction with every other person from a defensive position
notice that he said that before you started your little rant about not being helpful ...
@DaveRandom I think being able to remove header() just cleared it all up in my mind
that pesky header() was making me feel cross eyed
@YourAdrenalineFix Trial and error is a great way to learn :)
@DaveRandom Im all for civility. Plz see my JS intro a few mins ago
Thats True @Jay
@YourAdrenalineFix The header() call is simply sending some information to your client, it doesn't affect anything you do on your server, it only matters that it makes sense in the context of other data you send in the response
I'm not sure why you are making two http requests to get clients location, there is an api for that ...
@DaveRandom Thank You So Much for that answer
Im gonna have to read and re-read that a few dozen times
@JoeWatkins @YourAdrenalineFix also this
seems odd that you'd need both of those services
@JoeWatkins Because Im Novice
@DaveRandom Because occasionally one or the other goes down
that doesn't make sense ...
and I have a terenary operator separating them
Hey guys, anyone use Shopify?
Is it me, or is that a pile of penises?
Lol yeah. Yeah it is
@JoeWatkins I'm certain there's got to be a better way, it's just what Ive put together on a motorsports website
with basic knowledge, mostly from online tutorials
Im gonna have to toss out the header() as @DaveRandom showed should be possible
but as soon as I say that I realize I need that @DaveRandom
My ajax call is expecting json to be returned
That's fine then, the point really is that it's not related in any way to the other code
This is def the toughest puzzle Ive faced
will php run underneath it?
after declaring application/json?
I guess we'll find out...
I'll let you guys know how it turns out but don't expect a response today plz
I have much more to do that I better understand
This is the final piece
I was just kinda seeing what to expect with header(application/json) and a php func on the same page
@YourAdrenalineFix The only thing you are doing there is telling the client that string you will be sending back to it will be JSON formatted. It has literally no effect on your server, no effect on what server-side code you can execute after you've set it. You can even un-set it later, as long as you haven't sent any output to the client yet
Cool, Thanks @DaveRandom
header() isn't really any different to echo, the only difference is where in the response the string you passed to it will appear
@DaveRandom well, technically, it has effect on the client-side
You guys are awesome
since xhr can/will parse the response header and act accordingly
@FlorianMargaine better? :-P
@DaveRandom indeed :D
I dont see the difference in what Dave said
and not gonna try
only asking to confuse matters
I'll let yall know what happens
Thanks everyone
@YourAdrenalineFix Pedantry, don't worry about it ;-)
@DaveRandom We should bork header() and just use echo.
PHP != Perl
A misdirected conclusion; I agree, but magic output stream functions aren't that great.
Also, I do like the idea of an abstraction of the headers that lets you remove them - you can't do that if you just spit out strings directly
Perl or not
@DaveRandom Sure, but that's where buffering comes in.
Who is intereted to participate in a project that involves MySQL?
(there will be money)
Or, for that matter, some sort of object model that represents the HTTP response, mutable or immutable, that is at last dumped to STDOUT
how much money
@ShivaramMahapatro do you have experience in PHP and MySQL?
@DanLugg #solvedbypsr7
Plus the number of CGI scripts I've seen that separate headers from each other and head from entity separated by \n and not \r\n... I know it doesn't matter but I hate it and I hate you and will find you and kill you
@salathe Kinda, but I think this is a problem in how PHP handles output
yeah, currently i am working in an ecommerce project in php and mysql.
@DanLugg what is?
Frankly, echo $string; is just frwrite(STDOUT, $string). The echo handle should be settable.
set_output_handle(fopen()); But I digress.
what is the project cost? what's the purpose of the project?
Add me on skype: mike19058
yes. is this your skype ID.
@salathe The whole header() vs echo vs pickAnyFunctionThatDealsWithHttpOrOutput
yeah. got it.
The "abstraction" that PHP offers over HTTP and streams is cute, but like anything language level IMO, the lower level should be exposed completely. If I want to set headers with echo (or fwrite for that matter) I should be able to.
Hi my friends, i have a question. For making multiple requests to a Mysql database and put data on my HTML page without reloading its better to write my own AJAX code, or use JQuery ?
@ShivaramMahapatro add me..
Somebody really opened a can of WTF today
@PeeHaa I'll open a can of beer to compensate later.
@DanLugg Actually it's php://ouput rather than STDOUT (in CLI writing to STDOUT actually bypasses the output handlers completely and spits data out directly) and internally it's perfectly feasible to do this, indeed that's precisely how the SAPI model works. It is possible to do this - sort of - with an ob handler callback, but yeh, it might be nice you just be able to replace it with an arbitrary fd, but it would be SAPI-specific.
@WilliamsAbrahamPerezCrazut Knowing the difference b/n the two will tell you all you need to know
@Julo0sS At the risk of being helpful, this is how I would have asked your question in a way that is less likely to get acerbic responses:
@DaveRandom And that's the point, the SAPI can invoke set_output_handle at startup, but if I change that in a bootstrapper, then eff off SAPI.
> I have used the rename function to rename directories. It seems to work okay - keeping all of the contents in the correct place. I just want to check, it is safe to use that function for directories as well as files, yes?
@DaveRandom And the separation of STDOUT and php://output is goofy IMO. Stream wrappers are also cute, but should go away.
@DanLugg So you mean, actually replace the callback to the SAPI with a userland specified thing? Sounds fruaght with difficulties tbh... will think about it some more though
All that globally magic weirdness should be replaced with composable types.
@DanLugg php://output != php://stdout ... they do two different things
^^ And that's goofy.
Well, kinda.
And the stream wrapper thing is useful for when you have a func that wants a path and not a stream resource
@DanLugg Not really. php://output is an abstraction layer that lets things like ob etc work, STDOUT is raw access to the stdio fd. Both of them should be there, it's not my problem if people don't RTFM (where this is quite clearly explained)
Right, but it's the way that abstraction is exposed I find wonky.
I mean, I get it, it's "easy to use", I just hate magic of stream wrappers/handlers when they're managed globally like that.
Personally I think the STDOUT etc constants are the real problem, they cloud the issue because it makes it seem like there's a third way
@DanLugg Not really any different to the race you can get if you have to fds for the same file, though
If people get it wrong, it's a competence deficiency to blame 99% of the time
IMO we should have IN, OUT and ERR, which'd be exposed to the SAPI, and used by default as the echo (and hypothetical read construct) streams. In userland, the streams can be changed via set_handle($handle, $type = H_OUT)
@DaveRandom I think my problem with everything is, I like a cohesive model, something that's based on rules rather than a loose grocery list of "Well, these are the wacky features we have to offer, please enjoy them responsibly"
Competency is an issue, but the mental overhead can be reduced if a simpler (better) model is used, that one can assert against reasonably.
@DanLugg Actually, it's sort of the other way round. The SAPI exposes the streams to the engine, and therein lies the difficulty of letting userland manipulate this in a way that wouldn't be SAPI-specific. Of course, we already have a lot of SAPI-specific stuff so I suppose it doesn't really matter that much.
Further to that, I hate echo as a construct.
@DaveRandom Sorry yes, I got those backward.
I meant, those streams would be the ones that the SAPI would bind to by default.
By an internal call to set_handler or whatever.
Which'd be overridable in userland.
Yeh I think you'd have to sort of replace some internal callbacks or something. Like I say, I'll think about it some more.
Right now I have to go eat.
For sure, I'm just stream-of-consciousnessing ranting.
...your brains! mwahgahahaha
I'm just a fan of simple rule-driven, compositional models. Expose the bare bones, then expose abstractions that dogfood the bare bones (don't go off in the weeds and expose some wierdness just because you can)
@DanLugg You seem to be in the wrong industry. I recommend you buy some theoretical physics textbooks. Or possibly some knitting patterns.
really going now
lol later duder.
@DaveRandom I'm buying a fucking loom.
Why can't \Exception catch all exceptions including \TypeException?
Is there any good reason for this?
Is anyone interested in participating in a project that involves TableView with dynamic cells?
(Yes there will be money)
32 mins ago, by sdd
Who is intereted to participate in a project that involves MySQL?
Please don't ask quite so often.
Oh my bad, I felt myself in the iOS room
You did what in the iOS room?
lmao too late can't edit
Anyone who works with iOS speaks of themselves in a rather masturbatory way anyhow.
Can somebody give me example of what this does? php.net/manual/en/reflectionparameter.getdeclaringclass.php
Goddamnit. Stupid poorly documented reflection stuff
> getDeclaringClass
ezcReflectionClass getDeclaringClass( )

Returns in which class this parameter is defined (not the type hint of the parameter)
@VeeeneX Lets say you have a ReflectionMethod foo and you want to find out in what class that method was defined
@Jimbo hehe
@PeeHaa Ahhh so trace method back to it's Class, right?
@VeeeneX kinda
Thanks !
Hah Interesting thanks for your time!
Going to the university violates LoD
hi all
Maybe I'm mistaken, but isn't there a way to defined named PCRE groups for later use only?
@DanLugg uh?
@CiaranMcNulty Are you referring to me with "you" and "your" in your ticket comment?
(?<foo>foo)               # defined, but not matched here
(?<bar>bar)               # defined, but not matched here
(?<qux>qux)               # defined, but not matched here
(?P=foo)(?P=bar)(?P=qux)  # matches foobarqux
Like a sort of procedure definition.
I don't think so... but I'm often wrong
lol, I swear I've seen this done.
^^ The use case; being that I don't want to duplicate the literal pattern again and use the substitution.
Such that, given foo = [a-z]+, it'd expand to: [a-z]+(?:\.[a-z+])*
@PeeHaa Well, since you were so kind to point out how poorly documented it was and provide a decent example: svn.php.net/viewvc/phpdoc/en/trunk/reference/reflection/…
@Sherif Tnx! One reflections docs page done 100 to go! ;)
All patches welcome
@Sherif Look at the date wiki.php.net/doc/todo/peehaa ;)
I suck and feel bad
Pro tip: if you want to get shit done don't start your own business
Heh, I remember I started putting together examples for the DOM classes about 3 years ago. Half those methods still look bare :/
And that's after I added quite a few.
Google really are fuckwits sometimes: bbc.com/news/technology-33223511
@Sherif Yeah I remember seeing a couple of your examples in those parts of docs :)
So it at least helped somebody
Well, it's not trivial to come up with non-contrived examples for DOM that actually explain what some of those methods do.
I had to actually understand how half that XML stuff worked before I could even document it.
Yeah it is a good thing that sometimes you have to dive in to parts so at the very least you learn something yourself from it
Too bad in that case it was xml though ;)
Good mroning
Hey @ircmaxell
I totally forgot you can foreach ($x as list($y, $z))
@DanLugg Now wouldn't it be even more convenient if we could foreach ($x as ...$z)?
@Sherif no, no it wouldn't
What would that too?
Wouldn't foreach ($x as $z) achieve the same thing?
@DanLugg Just replacing the list construct for a splat operator. No functional difference, just syntax sugar for unpacking the array. So foreach($x as ...$y,$z) === foreach($x as list($y,$z))
One of our projects code freq Oo
@ircmaxell No?
@Sherif Oh, okay.
@Sherif Why do we need that ...? foreach ($x as $y, $z) would be nice.
@kelunik Not need, but nice to have.
@Sherif that's not how the splat operator works
@ircmaxell I know, I was re-purposing it :)
yes, but when re-purposing an operator, it's typically good to retain as much semantics as possible
exactly how List() is re-purposed
@ircmaxell How would you do it?
foreach ($x as list($y, $z))
list behaves exactly how it does in any assignment context
list ($y, $x) = $array, etc
Sure, but you can't do list($x, $y) = ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2]
de-referencing an associative array by position is a bug
not a feature
So make it a feature... foreach($x as ...'foo'=>$y,'bar'=>$z)
Or not...
foreach ($x as list("foo" => $x, "bar" => $y))
dude is unhinged @Danack
> I can take care of them also.
That's the exact issue I am also having and for which @RonaldUlyssesSwanson tried to work on a patch
@ircmaxell yeah, he totally missed the point ...
He seems to be getting worse.....the amount of noise he's generating is just growing continually..
let him make noise, and just revert anything he commits
@Danack what the.
@NikiC You never got around to sending your draft email did you.....?
Is there any way to tell who closed an issue - particularly: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=69838
@Danack the email above the close in the comments
Anitol in that case
@Danack commented
oh - changes is also useful....
@Danack array_map($arr, 'htmlspecialchars');
maybe the order is wrong
Yup, array_map is callback, array
@Danack last entry " [2015-06-20 07:35 UTC] [email protected] "
@Sherif blame @salathe
array_filter, on the other hand, is array, callback, but that's because the callback is optional.
@Sherif no, that's because php is stupid.
null does exist
@Sherif array_map is callback, ...array actually, that's why the array is second.
@NikiC There are languages where optional arguments come at the beginning of a function signature?
@Sherif there are languages where you pass an explicit null for that behavior
@Trowski I know I just said that
@Sherif he means that array_map can take multiple arrays
@NikiC Just makes it easier to do array_filter($arr) though.
@Sherif callback is "optional" for array_map() as well
@salathe Is it? TIL
@FlorianMargaine don't go blaming me for API decisions :P
@Sherif but you don't want that to be easier
I've recently learned that if array_filter without callback works, it probably only works incidentally.
@Sherif See example #4
@salathe Yes, I saw. Hence the TIL.
PHP map is really zip+map
@NikiC OK, I guess you make a fair point.
Have any of you guys ever built a real estate website
Apparently, while I was not looking CSS became Turing complete. 😲 Great talk at @golangtw! http://t.co/3jIrYIBslG
@marcio Ah, no? Being Turing complete would imply that you can center things.
And everyone knows CSS can't do that
@salathe Though shouldn't the function signature use mixed for the $callback parameter in that case since it accepts something other than a callable?
@NikiC lol
@NikiC maybe when we start to embed javascript in our CSS :)
@marcio ... again :)
On a side note: my son made his first keystrokes on a computer and posted this to FB: #;jHUMNzml,IMI ·¹87N J·QQQYJ IM,Ü3<‪#‎ÄE32ĹP‬.-L.-Ç—012L ¹Ä#P^
back to the IE roots
@NikiC well, actually...
@NikiC .parent { display: flex } .child { margin: auto }. \o/
@Sherif strictly, yes. However, it's such a small use case that I think I prefer the "cleaner" prototype... in this case (I usually prefer the "strictly" approach)
@Gordon Well, I wouldn't have been able to type some of those characters... ;)
@NikiC Maybe it's a spelling problem, maybe it wants you to centre things.
@salathe Gotchya
@bwoebi Thoughts on bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=69909&edit=1 and julien's patch? It will verify types twice.
@NikiC it looks Perl'ish, doesn't it?
@Gordon just threw it on perl and the expression compiles nicely.
@marcio because it's a comment?
@NikiC you took all the fun -.-
Open Source made you lazy; the Internet made you stupid; your job made you arrogant. Congratulations, you're modern-day's Software Engineer!
When people tell me that they want to quit their job, this is basically what I think each time: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/3atawy/…
Life is too short to stick with a job you hate if you can afford to quit and find another.
@marcio ;)
hmmm... need to think of how to represent try/catch in a CFG
@PeeHaa See my reply to it ^^
@ircmaxell Find a project that builds CFG's and has a way to dump them.
@Sherif Open Source made me feel stupid, the Internet made me lazy, and my job made me... no, that one's fine.
@DaveRandom You're atypical then ;)
@LeviMorrison Closed like a boss :)
@PeeHaa It was brilliant, I say! Brilliant!
posted on June 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Jobo */

@Sherif NOOOooooo I don't want to be different, I want to be the same as everyone else! I want to be a dribbling idiot oh no wait I already am that as well.
Yea well, it's true. This industry is riddled with wanna-bes, hacks, and people who just don't want to learn. When your personal-growth is measured only in dollars and cents you become completely uninteresting.
@Sherif TIL: I'm not a modern-day software engineer. :(
@salathe We both know there's nothing modern about you ;)
$7.5B in online advertising fraud moz.com/blog/online-advertising-fraud
@francesc @golangtw for their next trick, CSS gains sentience and will finally align something vertically in all browsers.
@Machavity Wow so much misinformation in a single article...
@PeeHaa Anywhere else I'd be a bit more skeptical but Moz has a lot to lose if they pushed something that dropped that big of an accusation and it proved to be false
I know from experience it is mostly bullshit or exaggerated
Even without experience in the ad business some things are clearly bullshit
> Whenever hackers write these automated computer programs to visit websites and post spam or create fake accounts, each visit is a pageview that results an an ad impression.
That is not how either ads are served or how "hackers" post spam
> This is a server not loading an ad or loading the wrong one by mistake. Tatoris writes that these mistakes occur roughly 15% of the time.
15% yeeeeahnope :P
> People will hide ads behind other ads
Well perhaps scammy sites with scammy ad networks do this... but it will be an exception
So yeah based on those percentages pulled out of his ass calculating the price over the total money in the business you could get to those numbers yeah :P
@PeeHaa I'm not so sure. Fark.com has a problem with it's advertisers doing quite dodgy things. If a reasonably big site like that can't control it's ads - god knows what is going on with smaller sites.
@Danack Selling space above the bottom line already helps a lot
Don't get me wrong. The entire business is a scam, but those assumptions don't make much sense
"the entire business is a scam"
@FlorianMargaine It's true though :)
hmmm, how to handle error suppression
@ircmaxell what about it?
how to handle it from a CFG standpoint
got it
class ErrorSuppressBlock extends Block {
so it results in a new block, which handles all of the suppressed calls
what are you doing for try/catch?
Oh noes. SO is tweaking their templates again
I misread that as twerking....
I bet this has been caused by this room Chapter Search -> i.imgur.com/5H1DvpK.gif
@VeeeneX lol
We should definitely slow down, guys :D especially on fridays.
everytime firefox's usage and popularity shrinks down compared to chrome I feel sad :/
@samaYo I think it's because of RAM usage but I prefer Canary
@Trowski what are you doing? :-)
why we cant function() : [] {} ?
oh, because it's function(array $a) and not function([] $a)
@marcio wut
function(): const {} hehe
@marcio Writing a blog post. $callable() produces ZEND_INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL, correct?
@Trowski sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg -p test.php
This is the most important phpdbg feature, btw
isn't it INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME? I don't know the dispatching by heart yet, though.
@NikiC Hmm... do I have to configure the build with something like --enable-phpdbg?
@Trowski yes
Q: How can I pull data from MYSQL based on Longitude, Latitude and radius in PHP PDO?

Brian SI'm developing an application where it needs to show results based on the person longitude, latitude and user selected radius, then return the result in Json array format json_encode(); I have 3 files in my project as sdbconnection.php, manipulate.php and pull.php. Below I have explained how exa...

@NikiC Ooo, cool! Ok, so it's just INIT_DYNAMIC_CALL, no ZEND_ prefix.
@Trowski nah, ZEND_ prefix is just not shown
As it's present for all opcodes
Finally getting around to starting a blog. First entry is going to be a short post letting people know they can finally use $callable() with anything that passes is_callable() :-P
huu, phpdbg is segfaulting -.-
L1-3 {main}() ~/test.php - 0x70ae3c0 + 2 ops
L3 #0 ASSIGN $fn "strlen" @0
L3 #1 RETURN 1 <unused> <unused>
==14925== Invalid write of size 8
==14925== at 0x5F2D07: shutdown_scanner (zend_language_scanner.l:196)
==14925== by 0x66092D: zend_deactivate (zend.c:960)
==14925== by 0x5B5C49: php_request_shutdown (main.c:1806)
==14925== by 0x72EC82: main (phpdbg.c:1672)
==14925== Address 0x6aa10c0 is 0 bytes after a block of size 192 alloc'd
Does someone here familiar with custom post type of wordpress?

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