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7:00 PM
@Danack ah, thank you so much, i was searching the wrong thing
@bwoebi Now look at what you did, you got me in trouble :P
Hello guys
Do any of you have an idea how to track when a php script is creating folders / files ? I got this wordpress website on my server (Debian) and it got hacked, and everyday it keeps creating the same folder and files over and over again, and I don't know where to start to find out what php file is doing this
7:16 PM
@Mokkun that's not how you fix hacked wordpress sites. Instead you delete entire code and pull the latest "clean version" from source control (probably - git)
if site has been contaminated, then you will have malicious code in multiple files all over the project
@tereško tbh, that's going to be hard; the latest clean version of a WP site is before the first commit.
Ok but is there a way to track which php script is creating the files somehow with the log files?
The problem is the website has been customized quite a lot and a few things might break if I try to reinstall a new wordpress from scratch
do you even know what "git" is ?
yes I know what version controlling is but thats not really my question here
are you using it ?
7:20 PM
I'd like to know if I have a way to track which php file is creating folders and file on my website directory
its not currently installed on my server
you dont
unless you are very good at writing php extensions in C
well that sucks
learn to use git
7:22 PM
@Trowski linux dependency woes now
yeah its a bit late now that the website is "infected" but it was planned anyway
Anyone used appveyor.com for a PHP extension? Or know of any extension that uses it, or other windows CI thing?
@Trowski haha… who should now do the merge? I or Anatol?
@bwoebi Looks like you.
Might want to comment that you'll take care of it.
7:38 PM
@Trowski oh, I'll just ask Anatol on IRC…
Sounds good.
@Danack lol, love the testimonial at the bottom: A .NET CI SAAS
Could someone please let @DanLugg know that Björk has hijacked his chat input box?
7:53 PM
Það var í Næturlestinni í Kairo
Það sem ég hitti Arabadreng
Sem siðan aldrei úr huga mér hverfur
Ég elska hann
I mean, I'm Canadian, and don't wear any outrageous makeup.
Specifically I was referencing this song at around 1 minute:
oh that music we always skip ^^
@ircmaxell did you take that course or know anyone who did and what they thought about it? mindful.org/at-work/…
8:13 PM
And … YAY! BaseException went away! Thanks @Trowski :-)
@Gordon no idea
@bwoebi I know, it should have been RealException
A memorial for BaseException will be held this afternoon. EngineException and TypeException plan to attend, ParseException did not respond to the invite.
@NikiC as opposed to iException?
@bwoebi in time for next alpha
8:18 PM
@marcio :-)
@ircmaxell Does something use iException, or where did that suggestion come from?
@Trowski We totally need to class_alias("Throwable", "iException");
@ircmaxell n/m, answered my own question. C# ... not surprised.
@bwoebi Just toss that in the source, see how long until someone notices.
@Trowski hah
@Trowski I was being an ass, meaning that you have real and imaginary numbers, so iException would be an imaginary exception
8:27 PM
Let's document that using catch (Throwable $t) implies that you want to catch all exceptions, so we don't have to have this BC debate in the future.
@Trowski Yeah. I never ever want to superclass Throwable.
@ircmaxell Oh I knew you weren't serious, I just knew I had seen it before.
Forgive my ignorance in this matter, but what was the point of having a Throwable interface again? I totally stayed out of that whole discussion.
@bwoebi I'm not sure why we'd want to add a third branch ... but maybe someday we will and it should just slide right under Throwable without any debate.
@Trowski yeah
8:31 PM
@Sherif Throwable as an interface makes more sense and could be used to prevent userland implementation.
@Trowski Prevent userland implementation? I'm just not clear on what the benefits are. Wasn't Exception fine the way it is?
@bwoebi I still insist on ItDoesntWork instead. Focus on the Domain not the technical details!
@Sherif But PHP 7 has two exception branches, Exception and Error
Throwable unites the two branches under a common name, so you can use catch (Throwable $t).
@Sherif god it was. BaseException or Throwable never should have been introduced.
@Trowski Does it? I've been totally out of the loop on that. So the benefit here was a catchall type?
8:33 PM
But as people rejected making Exception the superclass of everything, this is what we have now.
Couldn't we have just extended Exception?
@bwoebi In some ways I like the ability to throw an exception for a condition that can be handled at runtime, and throw Error for things that cannot be handled at runtime.
@Sherif See what I just wrote…
@bwoebi Using Exception not as a base class was a totally right thing, at least with the current situation.
@kelunik …
8:35 PM
@bwoebi But why would people reject extending Exception? Was there an actual reason?
I'm not going to debate this again ...
@Sherif oh the typical BC break card…
@bwoebi Got it
Wow, I just spared myself 900 hours of reading internals and actually got a useful answer.
People didn't want to break BC in a major release. Shocking...
8:36 PM
Duplication is bad. There is already a perfectly serviceable i in the word, so ExceptIon
@Sherif Right... The BC break card even got played on the name Error. Sorry, but if you have a class named Error in root namespace, you deserve whatever is coming to you.
It would actually be trivial to avoid the BC break by using the PHP namespace, but apparently no one likes that idea
@Trowski So extending Exception with a different name wasn't acceptable but creating an interface was? I can't see BC break in either of those options, but great to know the argument was BC break.
I suddenly just remembered why I stopped reading internals.
@Sherif The issue is that fatal errors shouldn't throw an instance of Exception because things that would have stopped script execution now might be caught by a catch (Exception $e) block.
So why make Fatal errors into exceptions at all?
But I guess that's a different argument.
8:40 PM
As an exception, you have the opportunity to handle it gracefully and then exit.
So like closing resources, whatever.
I get it, but how did Throwable resolve this?
If Throwable is just a common interface of Exception wouldn't it be caught by catch(Exception $e) all the same?
Or did I miss something here?
No, because everything implementing Throwable is not an Exception.
Now I get it.
So Throwable just behaves like an Exception but isn't one.
I completely object solely on the premise of the nomenclature then. In PHP that should have been called an E_REALLY_FATALABLE
Error also implements Throwable
There's no ErrorAll? I'm Shocked.
How did we just move up in the world?
8:44 PM
So the point of Throwable is that you can use catch (Throwable $t) if you want to have a catch-all handler.
So you can catch a fatal error or no?
I wonder how that works in if it's an unable to allocate memory error?
There are a few fatal errors that still behave as before, and that's one.
You almost had me compiling PHP 7
All the old error types still exist, just very few things are actually fatal.
What about undefined function?
Is that still a fatal?
8:46 PM
An uncaught exception is still a fatal error.
@Sherif nop
@NikiC Holy crap we finally fixed that?!?!
/me pops open a bottle of scotch
Yep, throws an Error now.
I've been waiting for that one since 2009
You can thank @NikiC for that, that was his doing in the exceptions in the engine RFC.
8:49 PM
@NikiC Well be sure to let me know which conference you show up at next and I have a bottle of Bourbon with your name on it.
I know it's only been a couple of months since I've touched PHP, but PHP 7 is starting to look like a foreign language to me.. sheesh
Return types, spaceship operators, throwing Errors! What is this strange language?
@Sherif The feature I'm most excited for: yield from and static type hints.
Shit I don't even know about yet... OMG, it's like I died and woke up in an alternate dimension where PHP morphed over night.
PHP 7 makes it a very mature language in my opinion and cleans up some of the messes from before.
While still running most PHP 5 code with few to no changes.
... and introduced a whole bunch of new messes :)
Referring to exceptions?
8:54 PM
Love seeing all these crazy commits coming through.
Man it's been a while since I've watched the commit list.
Use it for a while, I think you'll see that the split makes sense. I didn't like it at first either, but I came over to the dark side.
Can't even remember my password ... that's how long it's been.
@Trowski Is there any reason to prevent userland implementations?
OMG, someone actually cleaned up master. This is amazeballs. This almost makes me want to commit to PHP again.
@kelunik The engine relies on a throwable object having certain properties. To allow an arbitrary class to be thrown would require a drastic rewrite of how thrown objects are handled.
Plus it's nice to know something thrown can only be an Error or Exception.
It might not be impossible in the future, but for now that's the way it is.
8:59 PM
@Trowski Oh, didn't know that. In that case an abstract class would probably have been a better choice.
@kelunik why?
@kelunik My first PR actually did make Throwable an abstract class, but I think it was desirable to only allow Exception and Error to be thrown.
@Danack An abstract class can have properties. If the engine relies on them, some interface not defining them doesn't make that much sense.
Off-topic question!
now that you've prefixed it with off-topic, it's perfectly on topic :)
9:03 PM
On the other hand, PHP already has "internal implementable only interfaces". Having non-extendible abstract classes, would be a new magic thing.
If I wanted to solicit more eyes on github.com/defuse/php-encryption would the Crypto SE, InfoSec SE, or Code Review SE be the most appropriate?
Any of those would be preferable to ninja-ing links to the library into already answered questions on SO....
hmmm... crypto in PHP
@ScottArciszewski you could also ask to be have an open source side-bar advert - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/281524/…
I dunno if Code Review would have other people with crypto knowledge on board
9:05 PM
@Danack I just classify that as not-directly usable method containers ^^
that's an excellent suggestion! :D
Don't we already have a constant time string comparison? Or did that suggestion get thrown out?
we have
hash_equals or somesuch
Ahh, that's what I was looking for
I was searching for string_*
:) Thanks
9:53 PM
Are you an entrepreneurial programmer-turned-marketer? #StackOverflow is looking for someone like you: http://stackexchange.com/work-here/82/developer-marketing-lead-developer-evangelist
entrepreneurial programmer-turned-marketer doesnt sound too appealing, does it?
developer advocate evangelist probably has a nicer ring to it
@Gordon I suspect few "programmers" would want to switch to a "marketing" job of any kind.
> Developer Evangelist
@Gordon advocates are not tied to marketing, evangelists are
@ircmaxell yes, still. evangelist sounds nicer than marketer
I dont perceive chris heilmann as a marketer
for instance
@DaveRandom Fortunately this link returned no results: stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
@LeviMorrison that's what I mean.
this is is what I think when I hear marketer: vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/monkeyisland/images/5/5c/…
10:05 PM
@LeviMorrison wouldn't surprise me
@LeviMorrison Now imagining scenarios in which there would be a cross-over between SO questions and breast implants, and they're all post-apocalyptic war-of-the-robots kind of things, either that or people confusing "silicone" and "silicon".
@DaveRandom or someone being like "the breast implant must be php-fat"
class Silicone implants Breasts
@DaveRandom you might be able to find a correlation between php and Silicone at tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
It's slightly annoying that I don't seem to be able to endorse being for arbitrary things... @Jimbo endorsed me for earlier, it wouldn't let me endorse him for
10:12 PM
@DaveRandom I work for a company with "silicon" in the name. You would not BELIEVE the number of times people get silicon/silicone mixed up....
@Gordon ...and it's gone ordered!
@Charles "yes, but ours are wobblier"
How does one misunderstand markdown badly enough to produce chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=23946694#23946694 ?
@ircmaxell chicken? delicious!
@ircmaxell just mine enough data, you'll always end up finding some weird apparent pseudo-correlation…
10:18 PM
or we could just make Exception abstract you know.
Given that the US has its own oil, I would say the logical response would be to eat more chicken... economically it would make more sense
Total US crude oil imports also correlates with Lawyers in American Samoa: tylervigen.com/view_correlation?id=31199
And we need to have more video games sold in the UK
@bwoebi thats the point of the page
@Gordon what about just using two plot points?
@Gordon /me goes and buys 15000 copies of Duke Nukem
@Gordon hadn't seen your link.
10:23 PM
im out for today. night
I'm also out, going to re-watch Firefly again. I highly recommend you all do the same.
10:57 PM
@ircmaxell, you might enjoy this: teksyndicate.com/videos/…
PHPClassses is still alive, hooray! i.imgur.com/dx4nyU2.png
11:18 PM
So I setup PHP-FPM on Nginx, and I have in the http {} block index index.php index.html; so it is inherited. I even put it in server {} just to be sure. Lastly, in location ~ \.php$ {} I put fastcgi_index index.php;. But it still won't load the index file when I access / I can access it directly though. Anyone know what I could have missed? I have setup chroot through php-fpm.conf if that could be an issue, but I don't see how.
@crypticツ Unless you really want it, I'd suggest turning the chroot off....it is confusing.
And I prefer the try files syntax as the last location block:
location  / {
    try_files $uri /index.php =404;
    fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING  $query_string;
    fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm-imagick.sock;
    include       /home/github/projectdir/fastcgi.conf;
I've basically been using "?" as a regex wildcard. How do I limit it to only 1 wildcard entry?

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