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@Madmartigan I have another option is that not too different but still worth a try, and that is Twig.
@tereško Why you no talk ?
i have been sick lately
.. i might get over it in week or so
@tereško feeling better now ?
not really .. in only lvl 35
Good luck.
5 hours later…
@tereško mistake. real game starts only after 85. and real life ends
Morning everyone!
Does anyone have any experience with Sphinx?
good morning & a happy new day!
Q: Add a row for displaying total balance at the end of the grid Magento Admin GiftCardAccount

AnzIn the magento admin control panel, Customers = > GiftCardAccounts I want to display the total of Balance as a row just below the grid . I tried to set $this->setCountTotals(true); in the method public function __construct() in the Grid.php, but it didn't worked. Please let me know how to ...

any magento people?
Good time everyone.
posted on January 16, 2012 by Stuart Herbert

In my last blog post, I introduced ContractLib, a simple programming by contract library that I’ve created for PHP 5.3 onwards. And I promised some examples :) Installing ContractLib ContractLib is available from the Phix project’s PEAR channel. Installing it is as easy as: $ pear channel-discover pear.phix-project.org $ pear install -a phix/ContractLib At the time of writing, this will

@Gordon: Sorry if you've misunderstood me, I may not have explained it well.
@Madmartigan no problem
Would you like me to continue?
I'd love to hear another view on this
@Madmartigan sure, go on if you like. my main point though was that i'd rather pick plain php over smarty any time. or use xslt. i just think that template engines like smarty are superfluous.
But that's just not an option for this.
OK for one thing, the code is in a WYSIWYG
Which is bad enough to begin with
So <?php ends up as HTML entities
if it were typed
@Gordon: Do you understand the environment this is being used?
@Madmartigan i guess so
Do you know what a WYSIWYG is?
@Madmartigan yes
though i think it's funny to allow people typing php code into a wysiwyg editor
@Gordon: So we use TinyMCE for all content editing. We needed a way for morons to add dynamic stuff.
Yes it's silly, but I'm all ears for another solution.
@Madmartigan i had probably used template tags for that
THey aren't typing though.
@Gordon: Explain?
well, instead of having them write plain php code, which they probably dont know anyway, i would provide them with whatever the code is supposed to do on a higher level
so they just need to write <tpl:higherLevelFoo attr="foobar"/>
which you can then parse on the server side easily with DOM and translate to the appropriate output
That's basically what we're doing.
But with Smarty.
in fact, given that there is DOM on the client side as well, you could also wysiwyg that by sending it via ajax and filling in the reponse
We can't use angle brackets unless we want to parse for HTML entities as delimiters (i guess we could)
I'll give you an example of what the "tags" look like, 1 sec
@Madmartigan you could simply put the user input into a CDATA section in the template
In a wysiwyg?
no, on the server side. i take you save that data somewhere
This already doesn't sound easier
i find it much easier. programmer can use regular technologies. user doesnt need to bother.
But I'm all for it if I can drop Smarty
I still don't understand you solution
You're saying I should write my own tag parser?
It sounds like trading apples for apples
Because that's pretty much what Smarty already is
and more
DOM parses XML already. so base your tag lib on XML and you get the parser for free. all you need to do is add the logic for translating the widget tags to html. no need to learn smarty. no need for third party lib.
This needs to be visible in the WYSIWYG as well, so hiding it in a CDATA section in the source code will not work
But in addition, I use Smarty for the "regular" PHP stuff
like loops, conditionals, etc
Which SMarty already does very well
@Madmartigan thats reinventing php with smarty, isnt it`? templates should not contain that logic imo. hide logic withing functions/template tags.
Seems like people are always saying "dont reinvent the wheel" but that's what you're saying I should do?
@Madmartigan not at all. im saying, remove your reinvented third party wheels for native wheels
For what benefit?
@Madmartigan not having to learn smarty template syntax. speed.
"Learn" Smarty? Have you ever used it? It's very easy.
ANd I would wager that there are a lot of people familiar with it
Speed? I have no problems with that, besides I have my own cache system
On top of Smarty's :p
@Gordon Are you understanding my problem a bit clearer now?
@Madmartigan "easy to learn" still means "to learn". i dont want to learn smarty when i can use native php or xml, which are much more established.
Well whatever tag system I make up will still have to be "learned"
I don't know if you fully understand what I'm doing, we can't really use native PHP or XML
@Madmartigan tag system wouldnt have conditionals and control flow logic
I agree with you that a custom tag solution would be better, I just don't know how much better...
I'm not seeing the advantage over just using Smarty...
@Madmartigan i think i do understand and i also understand that people think they need a template engine in which case id probably suggest to use twig over smarty if i wasnt so convinced that native technologies like php with xml do all that those do already easier and faster.
OK, well now we're getting into another realm of discussion: Which template parser is better
It's not important to me
SMarty is written in PHP
So I don't see how we're "not using PHP"
@Madmartigan i fully give you that if your solution works right now there is little gain in changing to another solution
OK thank you, I feel you've been battling me about it
@Madmartigan the problem with smarty is the reinvention of what php already is.
But as we know, there are reasons to need it
things like conditionals and loops can already easily be done with php in a template
Yes, but how do you keep someone from running unlink('index.php') ?
WIth plain PHP
<? if(condition): ?> doesnt have to be {if cond} or whatever it is in smarty
I'm not going to just say "Oh well, if that happens you're fucked"
We have to consider that there may be disgruntled employees with control panel access ;)
@Madmartigan you can still use a php parser for that
So we're back to pre parsing again
@Gordon eval(base64_encode("unlink('index.php');"));
@Gordon: Just want to say, thanks for your time and insight.
Yeah or $var = 'un'.'link'; $var('index.php')
@OZ_ same solution. parse the php for eval and disallow it.
Gordon, wouldnt you rather whitelist here than blacklist?
ANd as you see in my above example, it's not that simple
@Madmartigan yes
@Gordon if smarty gives us ability to create safe sandbox - why not? it will be more safe
@Madmartigan I don't see why the input can't be limited to a selectable set of components.
@Paul: How do you mean?
@Paul thats what i suggested initially
Rather than allowing arbitrary input, work out what is possible for a user to add to your system through the editor.
@Gordon Makes sense to me too.
Do not use smarty just because it's not pure in ideological meaning.. Smarty is not paradigm, it's just tool. If it works - fine. and enough.
@Paul: I don't understand "Work out what is possible" but I do understand the second part, we're using TinyMCE after all...
I can write a plugin to add the tags
But really, the "copy paste this code" thing has been more than adequate
ANd in fact, easier than if I wrote a plugin that could generate all possible tags/tokens
@Madmartigan copy-paste is bad thing
It seems an odd choice for interfacing with morons.
Well the criticism is great but a solution would be better
We have about 100 installations and have had no issues
@Madmartigan then dont change it. you dont need a solution when there is no problem
The whole point kind of was for me to provide a case where Smarty was useful and made sense
Have I provided a valid use case?
Look at widgets in Windows - they use JavaScript. JS is just tool here, nothing wrong
yep, its not something i'd like to maintain. But if it works then fine.
Does anyone else here have experience with writing/maintaining a CMS?
@Madmartigan yes, its a valid usecase, but my argument is that the chosen tool was not the best choice
What are you saying the best choice is?
@Madmartigan each php-programmer writes CMS or Framework
I'm writing a PHP Framework. So yes.
@Madmartigan not best, but better: DOM + custom TagLib or XSLT
@OZ_: How do you deal with this?
@Gordon: I will certainly google those things, I appreciate your input
@Madmartigan or Twig
Why Twig over Smarty?
@Madmartigan its more modern
@Madmartigan people talks Twig is faster
1 sec, I have an article that says otherwise
hope not from authors of smarty
Validity unknown
It's from the Smarty front page (linked from there)
But I'm not disputing it, just saying it may not be so cut and dry
Let me get this straight, you have a list of snippets that you could refer to by a snippet ID of some sort? or is there custom code that could be written too?
if i had to choose between smarty and twig id use twig already because it is fully unit-tested.
The snippets are all custom, per instance
So in other words, they take parameters
these morons are pretty smart... ok, thanks for that
{{widget type="news" name="latest_articles" num="3" titles="true"}}
No I have generators for the tags
There's a UI where they select the parameter values, hit "preview", then hit "get code"...
@Madmartigan actually I absolutely don't care who is faster of them. I just don't like dirty code of smarty
Code is generated, pasted into WYSIWYG
I used dwoo before but wasn;t a fan
In fact it was broken at some point, then I dropped it
I have heard good things about Twig
Anyways, thanks everyone - gotta go to work
good luck
Maybe I should just give up and use Wordpress...
L. O. L.
Good afternoon.
@Donut hi robik
Hi @Gordon
Im robik no moar. From now on, Im dount.
@Donut hi dount
@Gordon Hi Gordon
Hi @OZ
Hi @Robik !
@salathe He's not here :)
Hi @Doughnut !
What's that? D:
Doughnut is the propper spelling :P
Ohhh, right.
@edorian @Donut is proper too :)
btw, Hi :) @everyone!
Greetings @OmeidHerat
@Donut Peace to you!
How you have been ?
Hi Omeid, Hi all
Hi @Paul
Hello, Would like to discuss, what's the best way to remove a piece of code (hacking script) from tons of php files ? Any pointers ?
@SachinKhosla man sed
Clean checkout from source control?
somehow i suspect that both of answers are way too naive
Which do you think is better?
`namespace test;

throw new \Exception("Look at the Catch");
catch (\Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();

throw new \Exception("Notice the different catch also works");
}catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
That attempt at pasting code sucked. The question is though, both work, but is the first catch better because it explicitly says that we are catching a global namespace type exception?
@Paul if there was \test\Exception it would take that one instead, so using \Exception when you mean the global one is clearer and less error prone. to format code hit Fixed Font before sending the message
oh, i see, thanks for that. Yes. I'm a little surprised PHP falls back on some things but not on others (only a little though).
Yes, if I actually define a test\Exception class the second one does not catch anymore, due to it only trying to catch specifically test\Exception
@Gordon I'm going through a namespace change so I will use \Exception as you said.
@Paul an alternative would be to put use \Exception as Exception on top to make it explicit
@Gordon I hadn't thought of that, but I think I'll just be explicit. Either way I'm going to have to be explicit on one of them (use \Exception and \test\Exception) or (\Exception Exception)
ahh, unless i used two use statements, but I'm not sure I want to use so many use statements
goodnight all, thanks gordon
he there
hi @edorian
Compiled my first php extension today :)
What is it for?
To speed up some complicated math/calculation loop that we use and that takes away to much cpu time
nice, how long did it take you to write it?
And how many problems did you have and which tutorial did you use?
We already had 90% the C implementation of the algo (we have C developers in the company and they use the same calc on the embedded hardware)
To the real talk was to get that into a PHP ext. and add some of the wrapper code
I've used ext/skel-gen and the php.net manual. It took around 2 hours to get everything working and compiling
Oooh, there is a skeleton generator?
I needed to change the config.m4 a little but then everything worked out (after I figured out that I need to phpize the config.m4 to get the configure files)
hm, nice, didn't see that there are official docs on extensions
I was pretty happy. I was prepared to figure out what all the functions and defines do and what is needed. But the skel pretty much took all of that away
@Gordon Thanks Gordon, but is there a way to specify the input via file, since it's like 20lines of code which need replacement.
Curious if someone can give me some pointers with indexing my psql database for a select...
I have a fairly straight-forward select statement....
                    FROM userpermissions
                            uid         = :whoami
                            application = :application
                            subsystem   = :subsystem
And my view is only ints and varchars.
                       View "public.userpermissions"
   Column    |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Description
 uid         | integer                |           | plain    |
 gid         | integer                |           | plain    |
 sid         | integer                |           | plain    |
 name        | character varying(128) |           | extended |
 application | character varying(128) |           | extended |
Can I not create a fast index for the view somehow?
Presently that select statement takes 1-4 seconds.
I'm considering using memcached but that feels like a bandaid solution.
@Gordon, so I read a set of articles about persistent login system and see the only possible solution. Combination of database, session and cookie. Can't use one without another to solve this. :( Thank you.
hey @Eugene :)
Hi, first time here,I don't know how this works really, but here is a question, how do you know the facebook user name and if he is a fan, when you connect to a webpage from facebook. What kind of facebook js library do I need to implement?
My above question has been made into a question on the main site: stackoverflow.com/questions/8882593/…
@NikiC Holla amigo! :)
1 hour later…
Anybody know how to start a statistic counter at a specific number? I'm using a timestamp to try and calculate the number but I'm having trouble stackoverflow.com/questions/8750354/…
@Gordon Sure? (Not that I can)
I sure hate that they all got much rep from that, but apart from that I don't think that it should be deleted.
Anyone know a bit of Oracle in here?
@NikiC its up to you. could also vote for merge the better ones, though i dont thinkl there is any substantially new in those given. they are just duplicates.
@Gordon I can't vote anyways, so this is only theoretic. What's your reasoning to delete it?
Thoughts on a "ROLLBACK WORK" on DB object destructor to unlock any locked tables?
@BenjaminBrizzi nope, sorry
@NikiC Np, might apply to some other RDBMS (probably not though)
@NikiC its a duplicate, its not a real question because the answer is easily googable, too much reputation for too simple answers
@Gordon Though we normally leave dupes alive, don't we? I agree on the reputation part, though, but I'm not sure that's a good reason to delete it.
@NikiC i usually dont leave them alive since i can insta-delv
@BenjaminBrizzi If you don't use persistent connections, shouldn't just closing the connection free all resources?
@Gordon needs 20k :(
Okay, put it in the delv-later queue.
its not only because of the reputation, like i said, its also easily googable. putting how to get the keys of an array into google will give you the manual page as first result and according to blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/02/are-some-questions-too-simple that means the question is too simple
Though now I do want to ask a question about changing an array key without changing the order :D
@NikiC Yeah probably actually... I had a problem with tables remaining locked after script execution but after investigation it seems like SQL Developer (the Oracle GUI) is the culprit.
@NikiC serialize, str_replace, unserialize :P
"If the statement raises an unhandled exception, the host environment determines what is rolled back." From the official Oracle documentation, that's incredibly vague ><
Whatever, I fixed my bug (I think)
oracle docs suck
@BenjaminBrizzi It would be very strange if Oracle kept locks for closed connections ;) By the way, I think that database admins in the GUI are a very common cause for slow apps. I've read that more than ones.
@Gordon Something cleaner?
@NikiC Yeah, but Oracle is very strange :) I'm only using the GUI during dev. There's a command line utility but it's incredibly crappy (no arrow keys support lol).
@NikiC array_key_rename once you added that to the core ;)
Anyways, I'm going home. Have a nice evening.
@Gordon I'd vote for arridxmv, to make the intention more clear ;)
Okay, so as you don't know, I'll just ask ^^
Haven't posted a question in a while anyways
@NikiC +1
lol, you did post it ...
A: Change array key without changing order

GordonOne way would be to serialize the array, str_replace the serialized key and then unserialize back into an array again. That isnt particular elegant though and likely error prone, especially when you dont only have scalars or multidimensional arrays.

well, you asked for theoretical. this is theoretical though the easiest is likely the foreach approach i also suggested
bbl. sports.
A: Change array key without changing order

KristianTested and works :) $array = array( "a" => "1", "b" => "2", "c" => "3" ); function replace_key($array, $old_key, $new_key) { $keys = array_keys($array); $keys[array_search($old_key, $keys)] = $new_key; return array_combine($keys, array_values($array)); } $new_array = rep...

Just had the same thought
@NikiC feel free to edit my code while im away in case its broken. havent double chekced
whats a good free ide for php? i have downloaded netbeans and eclipse pdt. are either of those 2 good? and which is best of those 2?
What is final good for? (As in legitimate use cases.)
phpclise is okay
evening all
good evening
anybody here
@NikiC why did the complicated slow answer got so many upvotes?
@Gordon It's not complicated (if you leave the exception out) ^^
btw I accepted it ;)
@Gordon Do you think yours is better?
@NikiC i think mine is easier
@NikiC and i would assume that using array_key, array_search, array_values and array_combine all in one function is quite slow
though its just an assumption. you know the usual disclaimer about performance
i had hoped this would work:
$array = array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2, 'baz' => 3);
array_walk($array, function ($val, &$key) {
    if ($key === 'bar') $key = 'rab';
well that aint surprising
Lucky that it doesn't crash at least, like the by-ref pass of the additional argument (on recursive walk) ^^
Q: htaccess to fix broken image links on local site

stevetherSo after moving a live site onto a local computer for offline show casing, a lot of the links have broken because of missplaced ../ that dreamweaver puts in. It works online because the user of that domain doesn't have permission to leave it's doc root, but not so locally. Is there an .htaccess...

any good hosting providers except rackspace?
array_walk can't work like that by def. Test is okey, but it is logicall. You would need then to check somehow do you receive a function or a string and I don't know is it possible to check is argument a fucntion in php.
@NikiC what do you think about persistent sign in system? I think I'm right, that it is only possible if you use those 3 components: database, session and cookie. No other possible way for that.
@NikiC Thumbs up. Need to finish it today. :)
buy buy
posted on January 16, 2012 by Brian Moon

This just came up today again for me. I have said it before, but even I get lazy and forget. When doing math with dates such as adding days it is really quick to think this works: <?php $date = "2011-11-01"; // add 15 days $new_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date) + (86400 * 15)); // $new_date should be 2011-11-16 right? echo $new_date; ?> This yields `2011-11-15`. The

1 hour later…
Hi everyone
Hi @aknatn
I'm having some trouble parsing a string, gonna post on SO
actually in typing the question I may have found the answer, lol
it's a string parsing question, it appeared that there was no clear enclosure between the item = value but I found that each has a 2x space (Type = R-38 Roof Attic Cavity Insulation = 38.0 R-Value Interior Insulation = 0.0 R-Value Exterior Insulation = 0.0 R-Value )

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