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@devdar that is not your certificate. A certificate looks like this:
@rdlowrey ohhhhhh i am using FF browser and i am not seeing a lock icon
37 mins ago, by devdar
hey guys i am trying to configure ldap and the apache server is throwing the following error [ssl:warn] [pid 6256:tid 276] AH01909: www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name any help with this would be appreciated
^ somewhere you have www.example.com configured but that's not what you're connecting to.
That is your problem.
Far better place to ask that kind of question
@Trowski I like it (though I prefer abstract final class Throwable :-P)
Also @Trowski I hope Error is user-instantiable too?
@bwoebi Yes, Error is user-instantiable.
Maybe ParseError could be forbidden... but it doesn't really matter that much.
Hey guys... How do I send php mail() without a subject line?
@HelpingHand I don't believe you can - the closest you can get is an empty subject line. Why on earth would you ever want to anyway?
Most mail servers would probably reject it as malformed, or at least send it straight to spam
@AllenJB I'm sending the message to a text message server and needed to cut down on the characters (only 160 allowed)
that sounds strange
Have you considered using a proper SMS API instead of crappy free email2sms gateways? You can get all sorts of shiny features from proper APIs - validate a number exists, tell whether the phone has recently been turned on, error/delivery reports, don't have to worry about what network a number is on, be able to tell what network numbers are on
@AllenJB I thought I was using a valid one... txt.att.net
@bwoebi Why does Error have to be user-instantiable?
@kelunik Just like Exception is too.
@bwoebi Exception != Error, Errors are internal exceptions, I don't see a reason to instantiate them.
@kelunik except that it is not. Errors are general faults which are indicating a coding error.
Exceptions are I/O related failures.
@HelpingHand "valid" does not exclude crappy, neither does "att.net". Does it offer any of the features I listed? No. That makes it crappy. Those gateways come with no SLA or promises - they can freely choose to not deliver your messages for absolutely no reason and there's nothing you can do about it (or even tell, unless you're sending regular messages to yourself to detect that, but that's just annoying)
@kelunik For testing mostly.
@kelunik I originally agreed with you, but now I agree with @bwoebi. It makes sense to allow user space code to throw Error objects that can be handled similarly.
Yes, and it's helpful for testing. Testing is basically the only reason I think ParseError should still be able to be created in user land.
Or WordPress plugins
@FlorianMargaine hmm?^^
@FlorianMargaine I would think WordPress would just be catching the ParseError.
A valid reason to be able to throw parseerrors
i.e. let WordPress validate its plugins
@FlorianMargaine ....which it would do by running them.
@Danack and showing a nice message if the plugin has a parse error
So wordpress wouldn't need to generate the parse exception itself...
Damn. True. My bad.
are we sure it's not better calling it EvaluationError?
@Worf ParseError is only used for parse errors...
So yes, we are quite sure
parse makes me think of a compile time error
It is a compile-time error
In PHP compile-time and run-time are interleaved
compile time the java way i mean @NikiC but ok
so say i have php templates. when they contain parse errors i get the exception, no? but what if i have a twig template? it serves the same purpose so it could throw an user instantiated ParseError. what do you think? depending on the desired severity, also xml, json parse stuff could throw ParseError (if the error is considered "fatal" the same way of php's parse error)
or even language sandboxes, like ext v8js etc
depending on how you use it it can be either fatal or recoverable
maybe we can have include() throw ParseException (recoverable) and require() throw ParseError (fatal)
eval() would throw ParseException
(nvm about include() it generates a warning)
@Worf there is no compile-time the java way... in PHP.
@Worf "throw an user instantiated ParseError" - No they should throw a TemplateParsException, which is not the same as a PHP ParseException.
@Worf include/require only differ in how they handle non-existant files
Re-using exceptions for semantically different things is just not a good idea.
depends on if you consider parsing a broken non-php-file as fatal as parsing a require()d file
it can be both, clearly
I consider a parser than is not the PHP parser, to be a different thing than the PHP parser, which is getting slightly tautological.
imagine a php interpreter thingy @Danack
echo (new PHPSandbox())->evaluate(file_get_contents(...));
it is exactly like require() but safer. why would that throw another type?
if you consider any parse error to have exactly the same consequences as a php parse error you can throw ParseError imho. i know i'm forcing it, but it's less bad than randomly disabling stuff in the userland without any actual sensible reason. note that i will live even without ParseError, i'm just making a point here
@Worf If an application is loading a file and parsing it that's very different from parsing a PHP script that is part of the application code base.
@Trowski yes, require() is part of the code base, but not eval(). so why does eval throw ParseError? :P
according to what you just said eval should not throw ParseError, but another type
brb going out later!
eval() is running PHP code, not parsing some other file type.
@Worf Because they aren't the same. If there's a TemplateException, whichever designer edited that template last needs to fix it. If it's a PHP ParseException a programmer needs to investigate the problem. They are not the same.
"but it's less bad than randomly disabling stuff in the userland without any actual sensible reason" - I don't believe that is actually being considered.
@NikiC By the way, here's the modifications for void: github.com/php/php-src/compare/…
It includes some renaming/refactoring as well.
The renaming/refactoring was in a separate commit for my null_type branch but I was lazy this time.
Neither branch is forbidding the type on parameters, which they probably should.
@LeviMorrison noooo…ooooo…ooooo…oooo…
Yeah saw it (I had commented on it, you know ;-))
@LeviMorrison Looks nice and simple
Good call to extract that copy-paste typehint code
I should probably put the function name in the error.
@LeviMorrison With void instead of null I get what you were saying about null not being a scalar better
As I would agree that "void" is not a scalar
> Void function 'foo' may not return a value
And I can see how one might apply that to null as well
Ugh, if I put the function name in I need to use compiler globals or change function signature.
I never like doing either >.<
@LeviMorrison Using active_op_array global is pretty okay
You're using it implicitly quite all over the place ;)
And I think it would be quite ridiculous to pass it around everywhere
> zend_error(E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Void function '%s' may not return a value", CG(active_op_array)->function_name);
> Fatal error: Void function '^C' may not return a value
@LeviMorrison Missing a ->val at the end
Oh yeah.
teh function name is a zstr
Just odd that I got that particular message
ugh ... just spent an hour debugging a problem caused by foreach modifying the internal array pointer in php 5.x ...
So glad php7 is killing that behavior
@rdlowrey The question is ... where do you make use of the IAP?!
@NikiC I know, it's a dirty hack and I deserve everything I get.
self-flagellation ...
Okay; I have this implemented:
> zend_error_noreturn(E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Parameter '%s' may not have void type", arg_info->name->val);
@LeviMorrison how are your zend skills
Zend Framework? Nonexistent.
@PeeHaa o/
@LeviMorrison noice
Does anyone know how to use a debugger on an zend2 controller?
You are asking how to write var_dump()? ;-)
Although i did look at that
Iv got this class pastie.org/10196834
and line 27 stops it from working...
but the thing is I dont know how to test that bit of code with out running it there
@PeeHaa morning o/
Well if you want to use a debugger I don't see what is so special about some controller as opposed to some other random piece of code?
@kelunik \o
Enable debugger -> refresh page -> step through code
Well I am not sure I have enabled it correctly
What debugger are you using?
php storm
I get this error "Fatal error: Class 'Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractRestfulController' not found in C:\wamp\www\2015\May\Zend2App\module\AlbumApi\src\AlbumApi\Controller\AlbumContr‌​oller.php on line 8"
That is an IDE
Not a debugger
Yeah but what ever the default one is for that
:D i have never used one before
BTW the error message is pretty clesar.
The class is not loaded
@PeeHaa but is that not because its not running the whole application?
I don´t know. Why would it run the entire application?
well to auto load the classes it need I guess?
If the file exists yeah
Also PHP storm itself does not debug anything
This is why I wonder if I am using it wrong
You would still have to install and enable it on the server
I did point it to my php.exe
@PeeHaa It allows you to debug stuff.....therefore at least to some extent it's a debugger.
@Danack hmmm define debug :P
Also morning @Danack
Press 'debug' it starts the program, turns on xdebug, and then when a breakpoint is hit, it takes you to the line taking the breakpoint, where you can see the value of all the variables present.
This is what I have done imgur.com/PSiEjxh
@Danack huh phpstorm magically installs and enables xdebug?
Or does it run its own php or something?
but its not finding AbstractRestfulController
@PeeHaa No, you have to tell it which php to invoke locally, or install xdebug on the server and tell PHPstorm to connect to that xdebug instance....but the buttons I'm clicking to step over the next line are in PHPStorm.
Yeah true
@PeeHaa Morning - btw how are you enjoying this summer weather?
I have xdebug no idea how it all links up thought :)
@Danack You mean this nice summer rain / hail and thunder? :P
Oh we missed out on the thunder, we only had fricking ice failing from the sky every half hour....
@StephenWolfe Set a breakpoint somewhere. Enable debug mode in phpstorm (a play button IIRC) and refresh the page
I have done that
@PeeHaa see imgur.com/PSiEjxh
It just wont run that controller
The breakpoint is past the point of error
Rightclick your controllerthing and do ao Goto -> declaration
Or something like that
Although it should whine if it isn't correct
@Danack Does that mean you are over here or just describing the shitty weather in your own shitty country? :P
The weather was like that here earlier, and it was moving towards you at about 50mph, suspected that it would have reached you. (and checked the weather forecasts.
hehehe. Sure send that crap over. We will happily welcome it :)
Other than using a debugger is there any other way to trouble a 500 error?
Enable error reporting
Check your error log
tried that
having a limited budget for building a PC really limits the options
You spoiled twat :P
the main issue actually are is the damned case
I am kinda serious
you cannot find a good ATX pc case under 80 euro
there are good miniATX and microITX cases, but then you are stuck with intel and limited options in mobos
but, yeah, I guess I am spoiled
/me looks at his Define R5 and treats it as "this seems like reasonable basic setup"
well, my main gripe is the dustproofing
Guys, does anyone here use apache kafka with php? If so - what library do you use?
@tereško have you tried Zalman TNN 500AF? This monster should be as dustless as one can get
that's not even funny
I am looking at 50-70 euro price range here
all of these farking ".io" tools. packer.io, bundle.io
and none of the use bloody package managers
so I have 15 different packages i have to install by hand to get something to work
brb, buying packagemanager.io
hah, someone already registered it
of course
Can't wait for .lol to become available this summer...
php.lol, of course
not that I think they let you do three letter ones early.
Anybody has a couple of minutes to help me re partition his centos machine?
@PeeHaa Sure.
What do you need exactly?
I have just done a fresh install of centos7. And my setup now looks like:
Filesystem                                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos_149--210--224--55-root   50G  945M   50G   2% /
devtmpfs                                   3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                                      3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                      3.9G  8.4M  3.9G   1% /run
tmpfs                                      3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/centos_149--210--224--55-home  242G   33M  242G   1% /home
I always like to install sites under /srv, but /home takes a huge chunk
Are those LVM volume names in /dev/mapper?
Uhhhm I think yes
Also, as I'm sure you're aware, CentOS is very opinionated about sites being under /var/www
get ready for selinux hell :p
Because parted /dev/vda print returns:
Okay, so you want to shrink /home, right?
Number  Start   End    Size   Type     File system  Flags
 1      1049kB  525MB  524MB  primary  xfs          boot
 2      525MB   322GB  322GB  primary               lvm
that's kinda where all NIX systems put web: /var/www
Aw crap, I forgot about the XFS switch, hmm.
@Charles Yes. That and I want to create a 100G thing for /srv
Can we get the output of sudo lvm lvs ?
  LV   VG                    Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  home centos_149-210-224-55 -wi-ao---- 241.57g
  root centos_149-210-224-55 -wi-ao----  50.00g
  swap centos_149-210-224-55 -wi-ao----   7.88g
That is a horrifying vg name.
So I have good news and bad news.
> If you happen to have reached this page because you're trying to shrink an XFS filesystem let's put things straight: sorry, that's not possible.
That is only bad news :P
The good news is that article is hilarious.
BTW I can easily reinstall centos
It's a fresh machine
why don't people use /home/user for web? It's seems to be easier to manage projects when working with a team.
So do you have single-user access to this one? Remote KVM, I mean?
Because you can just unmount home, move it to /, nuke the LVM partition for it, then recreate it properly and then twiddle /etc/fstab accordingly
WHy do I need single user access fo that?
I am root which is under /
You don't want to make the files go away while you're logged in.
Oh, right, duh
So, yes, do that.
> -bash: unmount: command not found
Deleting the LVM volume and recreating them properly is gonna be a way, way more sane way forward than trying to do a resize.
@ircmaxell Do you have any pointers/suggestions on how I would hook an extension in that needs to be called periodically without using the tick functionality?
ok unmounted home. What does move to / mean? Just mkdir the thing?
@Danack there's an internal hook functionality IIRC
@PeeHaa Yeah. Create it, mount the old partition somewhere else, move the contents out, might need to do a selinux relabel, then comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot to make sure it all still works.
@Charles eih, beyond the intro line, it's basically "I just copied the files from the old mount to a new one, and switched"
@ircmaxell True... but .. actually, wait, this is a new install, right?
There's gonna be nothing in there to copy.
This is an exercise in sillyness.
Nope. Empty home dir
rm -Rf /
I can reinstall in 2 minutes ;)
then why didn't you begin with that ?
ok removed the thing from fstab. rebooted.
just nuke it and make better
I tried to look at the partition stuff when installing but I never saw what it just did
@tereško wellcome to my philosophy
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I can reinstall in 2 minutes ;)
or are we talking about a VPS here
yeah vps
oh .. tricky
@tereško I can. And if that is the way I will. Just not sure what I should change during install to fix it
So. What do I do now? :)
@Gordon Any reason this, this and this shouldn't be merged?
I tried to make a meta question about it because it's 3-way and not so clear which to keep as the original.
People just going "hurr, durr, ask a mod"
@PeeHaa a lot's of research
and free up some time on weekend for VPS surgery
I technically could mount the old home thing to /srv right?
> /dev/mapper/centos_149--210--224--55-srv 242G 33M 242G 1% /srv
Much better
Now to fix that stupid name
Wow I just spent ten mins reading all of that convo, turns out I cant help lol, why not just nuke ?
Nuke and then what?
When you build the machine cant your set the partitions to how u want?
Or is it an image?
Nope. When nuking the thing and reinstalling I get some install GUI which told me nothing about how it was going to partition it as far as I could see
Let me try again
Last time I installed 7, the thing to pick the partitioning was hidden away
like, hidden in plain sight
It wasn't a button, it was just some text that you could click on
Let me run the installer again
I only did a centos 7 install the other day and it never gave me the option
IIRC it was an option when picking where to install to.
You had to pick like "custom install" or something to even pull it up.
Take that back I used and image of a working machine douh
Otherwise it picks the defaults, which are silly.
hi . I have a deadline today . Can you please help me with it stackoverflow.com/questions/30310023/…
@Charles So I have noticed :P
Ah. I see a checkbox \o/
@PeeHaa is this a new dev server for yourself?
Where did you go to get it?
I currently use Digital Ocean
Don't ask where @PeeHee gets things...
@salathe :P
@PeeHaa wow their cheap
Yeah I think it is reasonable
I pay $40 a month
for 2 cores 4gb ram
Yeah I think I also paid something in that ballpark for that at my previous provider
Oh well I rent mine out at £250 a month lol
so markup is *10
have you finished ur install yet?
the bare install of the os yeah
What you putting on it?
personal / oss sites and I use it as a playground / testing machine
oh god. I forgot 7 ships with systemd :|
It's OK, you won't notice for the most part.
The service command still works, mostly, except for service httpd graceful which has no analogue for some reason I have yet to determine
whats so wrong with systemd ?
learning the new commands?
New commands. New output I don't expect. Having to look for where they put my cheese
Oh well. Might as well try to get used to it considering everybody and their mother is going to use it
Where didn't they put your cheese. :-<
firewall-cmd O.o
Oh btw so my debugging issue I couldn't sort out the config and went about debugging it another way. My script was returning a protect variable which wouldn't convert to Json so was causing the error.
@PeeHaa do you use any website managers like plesk?
Strange error if that was the case ;)
@StephenWolfe Nope
Well I wasn't getting an error just a 500 page
@PeeHaa do you configure all your Vhosts manually?
Yeah. But it is just a matter of adding the correct name and directory
What about using nginx?
WHat about it?
Do you use it as a reverse proxy to server static files
God I love remi
whats it for
Proper versions of php
Oh i didnt know that php came incomplete
Not so much incomplete. The thing is the official repos contain 5.4 max IIRC
Whats that?
I run 5.5/6
You didn't get that from the official centos repos
@PeeHaa is he compiling rpms of php 7?
or why would you love him?
@LeviMorrison you mean like just allow return;? Makes sense to me… as long as we don't have union types.
Nope sadly no 7 yet AFAIK
But why would I want to run 7 on that machine?
@PeeHaa It's fast :-)
@bwoebi 3v4l.org/fIP56, exception, perhaps?
@Worf why? It looks correct to me.
@bwoebi true :P
@PeeHaa And it's the greatest PHP version we've ever developed!
well, i'd expect it to return the same type @bwoebi
@Worf no why?
It's just like if you'd expect $a + $b to be int, even if it overflows.
see ;-)
not really. i expect abs() to return the exact absolute value of what i passed in
but ok, just wanted to randomly ping you <3 :D
@PeeHaa 'ning
i've installed phpstorm 8 again. so still no use function *; autocomplete. autocomplete still puts the fqn in line
which is very annoying. why do i use an ide, i always have to do things myself -__-
@Worf it does. Your doubles are just too small.
@bwoebi uhm?
@Worf use 80 bit doubles
@Worf also, does 2^63 not have an exact representation with double or float?
max "safe integer" representable with floats is 53 bit ish
./sapi/cli/php -r 'ini_set("precision", 20); var_dump(PHP_INT_MIN, -PHP_INT_MIN);'
it is.
@Worf sure. but it's like 1 * 2^63
how is that possible?
fraction == 1, exponent == 63?
./sapi/cli/php -r 'ini_set("precision", 20); var_dump(-(PHP_INT_MIN - 1));'
It's only this which is rounded down then
so wait, precision changes the "fraction" size?
but 2^63 can be exactly represented… so where's your issue? :-P
@Worf huh?
reduces the size of exponent to one bit only?
precision only changes the maximum number of bytes printed when stringified
it has no effect on the IEEE float/double
forgive me but i have no idea of how floats work :P i thought fraction and exponent were fixed. you are saying that i can have exponent of 0 bit and fraction of 63, correct?
I said the values are 1 and 63
not the sizes. They're fixed.
aaaaaaaaaah. i see, lol
which makes me wonder why javascript can't represent integers that are bigger than 52 bits exactly
what's the difference then?
@Worf They optimised it I believe - they're storing type information in the other bit.

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