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All the ladies be like: "Wow, that was quick."
when accessing a mysql table that is locked using pdo, will the program automatically wait until the locked is released, or do I need to program in my own wait?
@sudosoul The query should deadlock inside the SQL code, and wait until the lock is either released and complete the query, it an error should be returned.
thank you
@rdlowrey At the risk of making you throw up - this code exists, linked from this bug. That whole thing is just nuts right? What with the of HTTP methods not actually being limited....
@Danack ffs
@Danack the problem is the http parser used for the built-in server was taken directly from joyent's node parser at the time which exhibited the same stupidity
I'm really beginning to think that we need to go through all of the code that was committed between the time PHP 6 was started, and when it was given up on, and just sanity check it all.
IIRC joyent has since corrected this, but TBH I couldn't care less about fixing someone else's mistake in that area because it doesn't affect me
@Danack for reals yo
Although, I think the built-in server was a 5.4 thing
But still. It seems like there was awhile there where it was just a free-for-all and people were committing whatever they wanted without review.
lxr says it was committed 20-Jun-2011 - 5.4 was released 1 March 2012, so I think it was right in the middle of the end of the PHP 6 "release".
1 hour later…
@Danack , . ....................................... NN
That's what my son had to say about it.
Sums up my feelings fairly well.
By the way... has the "typehint errors appearing as fatal except they're actually exceptions" thing been fixed yet? @NikiC
(Well, at least TypeException still does that)
This is bad.
People are trying PHP 7 builds.
They are "fixing" their apps to match its behaviour.
@CalEvans @SaraMG basically we ignore typehint violations and it's now been bumped to a fatal so we are going to have to switch strategy
^ PhpSpec maintainer. Does Ciaran know it's an exception, not a fatal? I don't know, but it has me concerned.
> basically we ignore typehint violations
@rdlowrey Yeah, because PhpSpec did some silly magic with reflection
It'd give you a mock (or a real object? can't recall) if you added a typehinted parameter
PhpSpec is... weird
I'm not familiar with the library but that doesn't sound like a great idea sight unseen ...
Folks love that magic
Hi, guys I tried to get a solution by myself without sucess Im not an expert so Please I need your help
foreach($child->children() AS $grandchild)
if ($grandchild->getname() == 'nd')
$referencia = $grandchild['ref'];
if ($grandchild->getName() == 'tag')
if ($grandchild['k'] == 'name')
$via = $grandchild['v'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO referencia (idnode,via) VALUES ('$referencia','$via')");
I cant store $via content I don't know why
and I set $referencia and $via to global but without sucess too
So, one iterarion = 1 $referencia value in DB vut not $via value
1 hour later…
Hi . Can anyone help me with it stackoverflow.com/questions/30310023/…
someone around using phpstorm?
Good morning
How are you? {if anyoneIsOnline == true}
@MikeM. that's not php
if($anyoneIsOnline) :P
@Worf yes
@crypticツ solved thanks
guys there is no way we can get use function Lol\Bar\Baz\foobar; automatically added instead of the inline FQN in phpstorm 8, right?
read the messages in other chat, and have no idea what is going on. sorry
i have query with Codeigniter framework
i am trying to make mini project i am created login controller. me create .htaccess file still i can not open my login page directly localhost/ci/login with this url i can not open my login form.. is there any other changes required for it.
code of .htaccess file
RewriteCond $1 !^(index.php|resources|robots.txt)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]
@PrashantBhatt You may need to enable the AllowOverride directive in Apache - I believe it's disabled by default. If this directive is not correct, Apache will not allow you to change settings with .htaccess files (don't forget to reload apache after changing the config)
so i have to change in php.ini ? @AllenJB
@Naruto gm
@PrashantBhatt no, you've to change httpd.conf
Hi all.
Which way would you like to change phpinfo() output in PHP7?
Hi . Can anyone help me with it stackoverflow.com/questions/30310023/…
Hi ! The same ^^'


I'm lost on Twig and Php function..
good mornin
Good morning ! ^^"
@Feyrisa you should not post a comment as an answer
The more face you have, the easier it is to relax ... I think ... http://t.co/JFBv2Foou3
look at the photo, try not to feel sleepy ...
yawned right after it finished loading
I see that I am editing
Sorry ^^'
It looks hilarious when out from a good technology one may extract worst parts and then combine them together
Good morning
moin @AlmaDo
hi guys i just want to ask unrelated question would that be okay?
what software are you using when it comes to video editing?
VideoPad Video Editor
thanks priya
much obliged
Someone is familiar to twig and php function ?
@boyee none, but the people I follow on youtube seem to mostly use Adobe Premiere
also I have heard that few experiment with Blender (opensource tool)
@tereško you're back!
not on skype
I have temporary confiscated a laptop
@Andrea yes
@tereško appreciated much , thank you all i'll download them now
@SergeyTelshevsky you wanted me to look at some hardware list you have
I could do that
@tereško I need your email :)
martins punkts teresko baranka gmail
A: Transformation between XML & Form -PHP

Olaf DietscheThe Notice message already says it: fieldName is not defined. This means, you use fieldName, but you haven't defined it. You must assign a value first. Depending on the field you want to process, this must be one of the values shown in the output, e.g. product_123 product_123_0_0_color_swatch_...

one moment
@tereško shared
aha, got it
thanks in advance
it will take some time
I understand, don't rush
@SergeyTelshevsky first note, going with intel+nvidia setup in that case was the right choice, since you wont really be able to expand the cooling and the existing is somewhat restricted
@tereško but I may always throw out the case and purchase a better one, if I'll have the need?
I thought about lowering the cost on it
@tereško How's the playthrough coming?
Are you Dovahkin yet?
haven't been at home for past 5 days
so, no progress
just understood we may throw anonymous exceptions with anonymous classes feature like throw new class('Something failed') extends \Exception {}, is that right @JoeWatkins ?
I want to build a (budget) PC from scratch. I'm trying to find a website where the parts are relatively cheaper. I found www.newegg.com, they are quite cheap but the shipping and tax costs are so huge that it would be more expensive if I bought the parts from a local store...
Any thoughts?
Why haven't you been home?
@Fabor I'm on country-side. Had to do some tech-support and then gramma got sick. So I am a bit stuck here.
Ah, sorry to hear that. Hope she gets better soon.
btw, @SergeyTelshevsky, you can build around this case: datori.dataleks.lv/ru/item/case-datoru-korpusi:98304
it seems like a nice option
of course then you will have to pick a differnt mobo
oh no, I really don't like small ones, and I've picked the best MB I could find in this price range with linux support (many recommend this one if you dualboot linux)
almost all mobo's have "linux support" (hell, the only one I have head about which didnt work with linux was V1.0 ASUS Sabertooth)
So guys, I need your advise. Consider there is an "abstract task": to implement filtering products by their details. Details can be anything, so far it's key=>value map, but I'm free to change it. Now, it boild down to implementation of such thing as "I want black or white chair 70-80cm height and less than 7kg weight". What could be a good approach?
Any links/good practices are welcome
@SergeyTelshevsky correct
@tereško I mean people don't struggle to get it working with, I'm not sure how it goes on dekstops, my lenovo laptop hates linux
so, above there are 4 filters, "category" is "chair", "color" is "black" OR "white", height is BETWEEN 70 and 80cm, "weight" is LESS than 7kg. Sort of that. When I think about a model, I can easily transform it to some kind of tree-like structure, but then I will need to use it with, let's say, Postgree (as I will not go EAV, I will use json for details)
@JoeWatkins but it's not possible to name them to be catchable.. so.. I guess it's pretty much useless
Nested Sets?
@SergeyTelshevsky well catching by name isn't a really good reason to extend Exception, a good reason to extend exception is adding something that works on the trace, or retrieves something otherwise difficult or complex
I can't really think of a legitimate use case for that either ... the only use case there really is, is maybe easier to capture local scope variables for use in message or code, but that's not really legitimate (you could pass them to a named ctor just as easy I guess) ...
yes, but anyway, I don't see any use case for that :( I just don't like defining a bunch of exceptions if the project is using them..
@AlmaDo SOLR
I try to use the builtin ones, or ones that come with SPL (I think most are in SPL) ...
yes, I tend to extend them when it's reasonable
@PeeHaa using it currently, not happy
Why not?
If you just don't like to work with SOLR (I ccould see why) you could give elasticsearch a try
Can someone help me out with a really simple switch ?
Ah ffs, this is from MSDN > Inside Architecture > Are Helper Classes Evil? The first sentence: First off, a definition: A helper class is a class filled with static methods.. And that's where I stop reading. (For clarification, that's called a utility class).
@SergeyTelshevsky what about this case: datori.dataleks.lv/ru/item/case-datoru-korpusi:6022 (yes, I am a bit biased) .. review available here: youtube.com/watch?v=I_6jQu9MSko
can someone help me out with codeshare.io/j0RRX?
@tereško you think that one will be better than the one in the list?
@Katherina My eyes are bleeding looking at that colour scheme
trust me, me too
can't change it
What are you trying to do?
just a simple switch
i've got a form with select
I want the user to choose between those options, and for now, I want it to echo " you have chosen plus "
if the switch works I know what I have to do
@tereško I like almost everything about this fractal but the fact it's top side is a net too, making it easy to spill something inside
so echo "you have chosen $keuze" or something
Holy crap, that's that was live editing
@SergeyTelshevsky depends. It is better when it comest to filters and airflow, but it does not support full ATX board
apparently :p
@tereško um, why?
ooh! switch($_POST['keuze']) {
because it's a microATX tower
and I won't need optical drives too
it supports Mini ITX and Micro ATX boards
oh... missed that part
No probs
@PeeHaa well. Because it's about - then I will need to "synchronize" my DB layer with indexer layer, which is solr. There is a very important downside - if it is about stocks (for products) - they can not be even cached as they are changed on the fly very often, not speaking about having some additional search layer
any suggestion on a full ATX case with similar filtering?
that leads to separation of product layer into stocks & anything else
which makes API and internal services horribly awkward
@SergeyTelshevsky not that it also had rubber grommets for the wire cutouts
@tereško yes, but I don't really see how that will be used at all, I remember having something outside once, used an optical drive slot for that :)
no, not those
what is path of httpd.conf file
@SergeyTelshevsky seethe thing where wires come out: media.bestofmicro.com/… .. that's on the motherboard backplate
it's something you usually see only on $100+ cases
@tereško yes.. so it places SSD drives somewhere on the backside?
I was talking about rubber grommets
oh, now I get it
I'm afraid I'll have to stick to full atx case
hmm .. ok
space is not a problem so I don't think it's worth to choose a different motherboard because of the case, it should be the other way, right? :)
dunno .. my approach was: gpu -> case -> cpu -> psu -> mobo -> cooling
Lol, always choose the GPU first ;-)
well, it impacts almost evey other decision, except the cpu
But dayum do I want one of those Titan X's. Actual 4k gaming. All I need to do is wait 6 months and they'll have X2's or something
@Jimbo or you can wait few month and get the first custom-pcb 390x card (probably from sapphire) for ~600$
titan x is currently the top card, but it also has huge price-tag
yeah, I chose gpu first too :)
You pay probably $400+ for the privilege of having the top card out at the moment
(then you need a good 4k monitor too)
/me bought this one: sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/… (works just fine for my "3k" screen)
why did you choose this one over geforce/ati?
ati === amd
they bought ATI
oh, it's amd
thought it's something different
@tereško what do you think about the RAM I've chosen?
and what's better 2x4GB or 1x8GB?
@SergeyTelshevsky hadn't got that far
but at the first look it looks incompatible
your chosen mobo supports only 1333Mhz and 1600Mhz
as for "what would be the best", the snarky answer is 2x8, but if you don't want to wast money then 2x4 would be the optimal choice
(it will cause less issues with upgrading)
well .. you can put 1866 modules in it, but it probably wouldnt work as well and would have overpaid
@DaveRandom Bought train tickets / hotel for PHPSC... train ticket return: £74, hotel: £61 per night :P
as for 1x or 2x in general, ddr3 is dual-channel, which means that for best performance you should be looking at 2 module kits, @SergeyTelshevsky
1btw, I guess you are at work now so I probably shouldn't be pinging you too much
Damn British weather atm. Can be blinding sun and then pissing it down 10 minutes later.
They're not even joking. PHPSC has a free Laser Quest activity.
@Fabor naah, that's the "weather" all over the europe for past few days
Bastard Europe and it's arable weather.
@tereško ping as much as you wish, it doesn't interrupt me
@tereško why does the mobo support only 1333 & 1600? I may have missed it..
@tereško what do you think about this memory then
Why are you limiting yourself to 1600? Does your mobo not support 2444?
@Jimbo :-X
I'll sort it out this week. Which train/hotel did you go with?
@Jimbo the able on the tin says that it can be overclocked to support 2444 =P
@Jimbo cheaper :)
the total already freaks me out
@SergeyTelshevsky the support for 1866+ is marked as "overclocking"
@SergeyTelshevsky my total was somewhere around 3k so .. shhh
hi guys
I facing a very serious problem which is
@tereško where do you see this overclocking mark?
I have to fetch all city of any country and listed in select tag
but I have more than 100k of record for one country
how can I fetch such huge data and put in select tag?
as for that RAM, aside from also being 1866, it looks good on paper .. only point against it is that I have heard that kingston modules have issues with heat, but I was talking with people who do custom-water-loops .. different standards
I see, what does that overclocking even mean?
@DaveRandom Redspottedhanky.com for trains, if you're willing to get there after 12pm (so setting off at 8pm), you can pay £24 from Preston to Portsmouth Harbour so will be cheaper for you as you're closer... And back the Sunday on the same website is £24 in the morning. Hotel-wise, it was the royal maritime club around the corner. Might want to check it out pronto
@tereško will corsair or cruical be better?
@SergeyTelshevsky yes, but they also tend to be a bit more expensive ... I guess it depends on the discounts
@tereško this corsair looks ok to you?
@SergeyTelshevsky yes, but keep in mind that it's a bit taller. You would have to see if it's compatible with your CPU cooling
as for that "O.C." bit in the spec: I honestly dont know what it is there. I guess it means that the board is rated for that amount of overclocking for the memory bus
bottom line for that part is: it will work, but you might have to tinker with BIOS/UEFI
I will go thought your HW list today, see if I can find any potential issues
ok, I changed the ram to this corsair 2x4
and thanks again!
Colleague at work bought a £120 CPU, put it on his motherboard, a few days later decided he wanted to put better thermal paste on it, unclipped the CPU mount (the 'hook'), lifted it, and it ended up yanking the cpu out leaving two tiny metal pins from the CPU in the motherboard itself. Had to get them out with a magnifying glass, and he threw the CPU away...
@NikiC ah, good to hear, I was getting worried
> Consistency <-- this card has no effect
> Internals debate <-- Miss ten turns. Flip a coin. If heads, miss another 10 turns while internals debates the colour of grass.
I like the "Cancel the vote" card
@Jimbo a friend of mine had the same problem
@Andrea Reset the vote? :-D
@Jimbo And that's why Newegg has a strict no-return policy on processors
hello phplovers
We hate PHP.
It burns us.
The gravediggers of the programming community.
i m facing issue in xmpp
@rdlowrey What does it mean 'morning'? I probably missed that.
@rdlowrey Okay then :-) Thanks for the explanation.
Yasuo always has the worst ideas.
@LeviMorrison another one?
Hi i have a question, someone help me ?
@urreta17 You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@Danack Yes, i post my question but i dont understand how to resolve my problem.
I can't see your question....
can anyone explain this zend error to me please pastie.org/10196760
@StephenWolfe I think "Zend\\ServiceManager\\ServiceManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter" means your config is buggered up. And it's missing the info about how to build a DB adapter object.
@urreta17 I have no idea. The answer there is probably correct though.
@Danack thankyou i will look at that
I've around 30 columns. I've updated to first 10 columns. Then, if i update next 10 using set column name = value name, it deletes the first 10 column value. Why?
@YuvaRaj You probably either have some trigger on the table doing bad magic, or you have messed up your query.
Nope..no trigger
Making it brief again below..
I've 30 columns in a table
at first form I'm updating the first 10 value using Update query
Then, in second form, I'm updating the next 10 value for next 10 column.
It updates but it removes the other value i.e first 10 column values which I've updated in first form
@YuvaRaj It would be a lot easier for people to understand if you just pasted the query into pastebin, rather than trying to explain what you're doing.
@Danack I have solved the other issue, I had some config cod missing :(
Config cod. Sounds tasty.
@Danack now I am trying to get this to work pastie.org/10196834 line 27 keep stopping the hole thing from working and just returns a 500 error.
Config of Duty: YAML
lol config cod
@StephenWolfe This is something you'll just need to debug, preferably with a debugger.
@Danack a debugger?
@StephenWolfe A debugger.
I need to figure out how to get from western france to berlin in 3 days...
@ircmaxell hitchiking
I'm going to rent a car...
@ircmaxell Massive deja-vu here......
Is declare(ticks=1); per file or 'global' ?
it's per-file, but it's compile time, so it only effects future compiled files
And IMO it's a stupid abstraction everywhere ... it's just providing a "breakpoint" at specified intervals because php doesn't have an event loop.
@Danack is there a way to configure the PHP storm debugger to work with zend?
@rdlowrey agree. It's somewhat useful for profiling if you don't have anything else to do it with, but even that's dodgy
@StephenWolfe Zend framework yes, Zend Studio no real idea and i suspect not.
@Danack I am using zend framework.
@StephenWolfe Here is no "PHPStorm debugger", PHPStorm can use Xdebug or the Zend debugger.
@ThW I have never used a PHP debugger lol didnt even know there was something to debug PHP. Problem I am having is when I try to debug a controller in my applications its not running the autoloader, so just throws errors that it cant find files
guys, is there a way to get use function LOL\Bar\Baz\rotfl; automatically added in phpstorm, rather than the inline fqn version of it?
@ircmaxell So.....how much would you hate this, with context
I'd rather have that handled at the engine level
otherwise that's not a horrible concept. Having the ability to meta program around memory could be incredibly useful
To play the devils advocate (and to have something to justify doing it in the engine for internals) - what benefit would there really be to having it done by the engine?
well, if not the engine, a pecl extension
I mean obviously you could hook it in a bit better, and it would be a bit more performant...
the benefit would be not to be a hack
Not the PHP way.
I believe there is a blank PHP extension generator - anyone have a link or otherwise know how to setup a blank extension?
@Danack php2c seems to be the reference

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