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@SergeyTelshevsky Trailing effin' commas.
@SergeyTelshevsky Besides that, you can't exactly provide runtime-based variables so what would be the point of doing any calculations in the first place?
@DanLugg oh gosh I forgot about them, yes!
And maybe one thing more - merging huge JSON objects/arrays
I struggled with that problem once, had to glue them together manually
@Jimbo Prepare to start screaming in terror - google.github.io/jsonnet/doc/casestudy_fractal.1.html
appserv: {
    name: "appserv",
    health_checks: ["${google_compute_http_health_check.fractal.name}"],
    instances: [ "%s/appserv%d" % [zone(k), k] for k in [1, 2, 3, 4] ],
no yaml no care
@Gordon looks simple enough, if it doesn't exist later I'll do it ... not sure what you mean by tutorial ... "read the header" is the tutorial :)
no yaml no cry
@JoeWatkins i have no clue how one would do this at all. so i thought this could maybe be a good opportunity for a noob guide to writing or adapting c libraries as php extensions.
hmm, okay, I'll make notes ... if interesting enough I'll do a blog post I guess, but it looks really simple ...
out the door, lata ...
Good morning
How does a null value in db translates in php ? when echoing values
As empty I figure
@Gordon I don't see the advantage of jsonnet over a simple js file
@Joseph Empty string
@JoeWatkins cool. thanks.
echo NULL and echo '' have the same effect
@Gordon nah, I'll just generate an extension ;-)
at jsonnet... It's no long actually valid JS
@ircmaxell just as good as long as you write a tutorial for it ;)
no need to
I know someone who's building a PECL extension generator. Eventually, you hand them a C header file, and it'll generate you an extension out of it...
it's starting out as an FFI
If Batman was real, how would he handle the whole riots ATM?
where you define the library in PHP, and it binds to the shared object and lets you call methods
@Fabor If Batman was real there wouldn't BE any riots
Nothing solves police brutality like mindless violence!
@Fabor he would be poor as shit after being robbed
@Fabor I prefer "If it ain't broken, it soon will be"
heh. Yeah I was thinking about how improving often leads to breaking. But in order to scramble some eggs!
@ircmaxell kinda like the COM bindings?
@Gordon on steroids
but also where you can generate a native extension once you find the binding you like
really interesting
remember kids, just because it's written in an academic paper doesn't mean that the author has any clue what he's talking about
I'll peer-review yo ass
Oh, and the guy is a PHD at Cambridge: Principal Research Fellow in the Information Security Research Group of the Department of Computer Science at University College London
@ircmaxell It's those kind of thoughts that make me concerned about Doctors.
@ircmaxell that's a mouthful. I guess his business card uses a very small font ;)
google_compute_instance: {

    ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
        name: "appserv" + k,
        image: "appserv-v20141222-0300",
    for k in [1, 2, 3]

} + {

    ["appserv" + k]: resource.FractalInstance(k) {
        name: "appserv" + k,
        image: "appserv-v20150102-1200",
    for k in [4]

} + ...
I really just don't think that's worth it...
posted on April 28, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by CJRE */

@marcio yes, referring to how token_get_all will behave here
It should continue after (lexing) errors
I'm talking about stuff like invalid octals or unicode escapes here. Not referring to your patch
Though your patch of course has the same basic problem
@Gordon eek. no, not interested in that
@Gordon Why… why … whyyyy … It's not valid JS, it's everything… but not what you'd use JSON for. JSON is to transfer data. It's not a turing complete scripting language…
Wait, JavaScript shouldn't be compiled and run like a real language? What?
@bwoebi regarding why, you have to ask the guy in this room working at google to ask his colleagues. only reason I asked is because it doesnt exist as a php extension and it looks small enough to write a tutorial for it.
@Gordon you mean the bindings? yea… But the thing itself is … sigh…
honestly, I think I'd rather see a protobuf extension
Gah, just watched what Laravel is up to with it's events / web sockets. You create a class, and all public properties are JSON serialised out to the web socket client. Very simple, reflection.. but.. ugh.
source.. gotta keep up-to-date with the crap stuff as well
how do i test if a php file/source has a valid syntax, from within php? php_check_syntax() is not a thing anymore :|
@Worf Run it. If you get a FATAL error it's not valid :P
@Worf exec('php -l somefile.php') - and look at the exit code, or github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser
Beyond that, a good IDE should help with that
@JoeWatkins it turns out that there should be only one root app domain and the runtime (CLR) must be only initialized once if the user wants multiple app domains which is rarley needed in PHP he can use System.AppDomain to create one or write an assembly an use it. this is the current design paste.ofcode.org/XsXpmJ6TKfjxwqiUBgYmBb if you have any ideas i will be happy to change it
@Danack looking for a php solution. interesting the parser, thanks, looking at it :D
*php userland solution
Q: cleaning a url with php using request url

azarudeenMy website is based on mp3, first my website URL looks like http://website.com/mp3/song-name due to some SEO reasons I changed it to http://website.com/song-name-mp3-download.html using htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^mp3/([^/]+)/?$ $1-mp3-download.html [L,...

@Worf you might want to check out the pretty print bit of that library as well.
Hey guys i have a question but i am unable to create a questions because no tag error.
Is there someone who can help me with my php AJAX question?
@Elevant You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@ircmaxell context?
Okay I will write the problem: am i allowed to enter code here or is there a site i can use for this?
@NikiC no idea
@Elevant code is better posted at pastebin.com or 3v4l.org if it's php.
@ircmaxell Probably it's "company is bitching because they were sufficiently incompetent to not fix critical security issues in a year and the researcher got fed up with them"
that's fine if that's the case
Okay well i have written a script to retrieve orders and items to display on my page. I am using AJAX to retrieve the data and display the JSON data in a specific section on the page.
Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/mqm9zNSu

I am trying to create a new query to display the items if there is no order present.
Currently second query relies on the first query.
I just disagree with "no obligation to tell you first". I think there is an obligation. Otherwise you're not a white-hat you're a black-hat
@Elevant Two pieces of advice i) interleaving code that retrieves stuff from the database and code that displays information is not a good choice. If there were separate layers you'd find it easier to think about what you're trying to do. ii) You haven't actually asked a question...we aren't mind readers, and so it's hard to see what information you're actually after.
@ircmaxell If you look at the previous messages, I think Thomas' point is that if you backlash against researchers who disclose responsibly, you lose your deontological protection and can't expect people to bother with responsible disclosure in the future
Which I think is reasonable
@Danack How can i make this more clearer to understand? I am unsure what you mean by interleaving?
Q: What kind of train eats too much?
ahaha :D
@Elevant In the code you pasted it is retrieving stuff from the database at the same time that it is generating the string that will be sent to the browser, if it was split into two parts:
Q: What kind of train likes to relax?
$data = getDataFromDatabase();
$output = formatDataForOutput($data);
It would not be interleaved aka it wouldn't be mixing database stuff with display stuff.
"How can i make this more clearer to understand?" - I could guess what you're trying to ask for help with, but you haven't actually said the problem that you need help with.
@Danack i am relatively new to PHP so how would i separate the retrieval and the display?
Hm, I really regret that I did not know what DDD was for the past 5 years
@Elevant Write what needs to be done inside functions and then call those functions from the top-level script.
@danack oh right okay, i know how to use functions XD
@NikiC where do you find the time to create such (php php parser) awesomeness? :D
@Worf what are you talking about?
I am wondering though, what he means by "simplify static code analysis and manipulation"
instead of having weird strings, you have a well-formatted AST of nodes
much easier to work with
@FlorianMargaine I see you use keybase, someone mentioned it to me, is it useful?
can I ask you for an invitation?
or are they limited?
if Florian doesnt have invites left, I think I got some left as well
ah, well only if you are not going to use them for someone more important
@Gordon your wish :) I have ~5 invites I think
well can anyone send me an invite if you don't keep them for someone special
@FlorianMargaine im busy atm, so feel free
@ziGi email?
you can delete
thank you very much
got it
@FlorianMargaine if this has anything to do with making money, send me one also.
haha :D
roads here in NJ would be littered with peni
I was wondering about the bitcoin, when you do your yearly income taxes, do you have to declare it if you have converted to Euros let's say where the income was.
@ziGi Are you converting it or just letting it sit?
posted on April 28, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Togepi Crew */

@Machavity converting, I don't think letting it sit has any impact
@ziGi Depends. The US has Capitol Gains. So if they gave you 1BC when it was $200 and it fluctuates to $300 before it appreciates it could be subject to that as well as income tax
I'm no expert btw. My $0.02 is just count it as income for whatever you sold it for
so what stops you from opening an account in a country where it's not a subject of taxation and transferring the money after that to your country
@ziGi I dunno. Probably nothing. Only the US claims worldwide tax jurisdiction
@Gordon seems to be a complexity explosion (contains an entire programming language), also not a Google project (just a 20% time thing) - no benefit over plain PHP configuration
unless we're talking a lot of money I doubt most countries would care that much
the question is how you define a lot
@Feeds stfu
I was wondering also about something else. There are a lot of websites for selling your old stuff to other people, so you basically make the transfer of the cash by hand. How do they handle that since you had an income for selling a depreciated item
Oh don't get me started on the wackiness of tax valuation
haha this reminds me of the fact that the cops can confiscate objects if they think they'll be used in criminal activity and then the court takes legal actions against those objects which sounds crazy
I think it was called civil forfeiture
@Machavity pathetic
@ziGi that's some Minority Report thingy
@iroegbu do you mean the movie?
yes... arresting people before they commited the crime
@ziGi which is also illegal
Well, there was a report about the fact that they are still doing it
they are doing it
I think I watched the concept on the Last Week Tonight show
and then read about it
but to me it seems quite ludicrous
it is
@ircmaxell It's not illegal sadly. It's gotten better since the abuses have been brought to light but if you carry a lot of cash around and a cop stops you, he can (in most states) seize the money without charging you a crime. They then (eat your heart out Kafka) charge the asset in court. Unsurprisingly, the asset doesn't object, the money is forfeited and sent to the coffers of the prosecutor/sherrif/police
Earlier @bwoebi mentions refs being good for recursive closures: why don't we do what JS does?
$somefunc = function own_name() { return own_name(); };
@Machavity 4th amendment violation: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
a function expression, in JS, can name itself for recursion purposes
the name is only defined within the function itself
(function statements are different)
that could be nice
or what about self()
since it doesn't require symbol table hackery to accomplish
This is why we should use the Imperial System http://t.co/2fSUiTxykF
That only works at one level deep, but yes that could work
(think a closure which itself contains a closure)
yeah, I got ya
$cb = self;
It'd be weird, but what about just adding a dollar sign?
$somefunc = function $own_name() { return $own_name(); };
if $cb = self; works, what about late binding with static?
as that's just variable hackery
$own_name would be defined within the function body, like use/static/a parameter
although I can't imagine a practical use at the moment
@ziGi self in that case would reference the closure, not the class
@ircmaxell which is bad
@Andrea I like it better than the function symbol table hackery
@ircmaxell I agree with you 100%. But Constitutionality is in the eye of the beholder these days. I was stunned about John Doe investigations and how they can literally deny you just about any Constitutional protections. That one is before the Supreme Court.
@ircmaxell although you don't need function symtable hackery, actually - you can detect recursion through walking the AST
@Andrea then you require a custom opcode...
But having it as a variable is maybe more useful - means closure has access to its own object (can use bind, call etc.)
Also avoids syntactic ambiguity with function statements and possible confusion over behaviour
So that would be a good approach to solving the Closure recursion problem that's less hacky. If anyone wants to implement that sometime, go ahead :p
@ircmaxell just the person I was hoping to see. I was discussing traits with a coworker, and cited your 2011 "Are Traits The New Eval?". I was wondering if your view of that feature has evolved in one direction or the other in the intervening couple of years since you wrote that.
@Machavity sigh
@Andrea precisely
@ChrisBaker I still think they are often abused. I do use them from time to time, but mostly in a testing context (re-using common test components)
why are traits in PHP not called mixins?
since they have state
because they are compile time only
and because whoever authored them didn't realize that's what made it a trait
One of the best things I've read today. http://t.co/694BMZnpi2
@ircmaxell Additionally, non-violence would have dictated that the Boston Tea Party didn't happen, but rather that we politely insisted that England liberate their colony. That worked out pretty well for Canada ohwaitnoitdidn't
Hi guys
You'll note most media organizations, police, and people only stir themselves when the property of capitalists is threatened. Wreaking things is the only way to get some people's attention, because that's all they value - things.
@ircmaxell also I think a property of a mixin is the fact that the conflicts of same function names is resolved implicitly, in traits it should throw an error which is not the case in PHP Traits which resolve such problems similarly to a mixin
I've never looked at how traits resolve diamond problem-type conflicts.
by not having state, there is no diamond problemn
well it is a bit strange since if the properties defined in the class and the trait used by the class have the same value, it is fine, otherwise a fatal error is thrown
hey, is there any special thing about designing database structure with a plan to search data? I think in any struture searching should be possible.
I got such task, but I dont get why is he asking - "with a plan for search" and I dont want to look stupid by asking him :)
@Darius.V because of indexing most likely
@Darius.V yes
if you know how you're going to search it, you can alter the design to be more amenable to that style of searching (minimizing joins, having composite indexes, etc)
so I just should add indexes
I know form fields
what data will be
but to add indexes, - you should first have some large amount of data I guess
@Darius.V you should think of what should be searchable before you do the design
@Darius.V not necessarily
@Darius.V Also, you might have done something weird, like serialize data into a single column, which isn't very searchable. Probably a bad idea to do that anyway generally, but by being specific in requirements, that's off the table.
using CQRS then you can have a DB made specially for search
ok, thank you
Any senior here who could answer me a question or two? At the beginning of the month I started working at a new company. Before I started I'd have considered myself a medium skilled dev but I'm not too sure about that anymore. My main field was software architecture and at the old company I did most of the projects from scratch. However at the new company I was given some projects where I have no free choice about the architecture.
Everything is written in Yii1 and I feel a bit lost and I think I am not as good as I thought I was. I feel it's a bit hard to wrap my head around things. Is this normal when you change jobs or should I have applied for a junior position from the very beginning?
I am not senior, but I think moving to another job where there is new frwamework and new codebase of course will feel like wtf
how long are you working in the new company?
Btw I'm neither junior nor senior. Just a normal php dev
"Normal" php dev? No such thing.
why no :)
@thpl there is always this initial stage where you start exploring the project you are given
<- @Jimbo
and also - is there a guy who can asnwer the questions how this project woks
if it revolves around a framework like Yii 1, it is usually easier because there is documentation
if not, then its even more wtf :)
@thpl have you worked with any frameworks before?
there are many patterns used in different frameworks which are similar just the implementation is different
I guess if they have written it using the framework, it's most likely CRUD oriented and they use the ORM of the Yii 1 framework
which has lazy loading and all that other abstraction crap which produces hundreds of calls to the DB on a single request if not used carfully
Currently I have the fear that I do not fulfill the expectations of My supervisor
I think some of it also depends on how you learn. I am self-taught, so it is my practice to explore and pick things up as I go. I might have less of a hard time changing to a new framework than someone who was classroom-taught on a specific framework or language. Then again, I lack the classical grounding in patterns that a classroom-educated developer might have, so... hard to say. I actually have a good deal of anxiety about that myself, I'm nervous to change jobs.
yea, I know that fear when you think that you might not fullfill the expectations
its exhausting
@thpl well the best thing you could do is to start checking out the architecture of the thing
I have worked with Laravel and Symfony before. But I prefered not to use any framework but to just grab the packages I need
and exploring it
if you are using PHP Storm you could make a Class Diagram of the architecture
@thpl that's always the best
You can see if you actually have an architecture, with PHPStorm
@ChrisBaker I'm also self-thought :)
Thanks @ircmaxell ill look into it once Im home
@thpl, what I do is to start exploring the most used functions
@Jimbo what do you mean?
Yii is an "MVC" as they call it, so there must be some controller
if they are smart maybe they are using DDD, although I doubt it
yii is as much "mvc" as codeigniter
@ircmaxell - its ok, he says not pay attention to what guy on interenet tell to learn. But the difference is about what supervisor wants you to know. But I did not finish the video yet
@tereško that's why I put it in quotes
(Watch Later is my favorite Youtube feature)
@ChrisBaker - I had an account where I added to watch later and oen day google decieded to merge email acounts with youtube, and I was logged in with my job email and had to use another email now for youtube and no stuff in my profile
but you knwo I do not want to be logged in with jobs email at home everytime
@ChrisBaker I never get back to watching vids on that playlist
I liked the guy in the video, probably he would be nice supervisor to work in team
@Darius.V They tried to make me merge my "alias" youtube account with my real name, I refused. Every time they popped up a dialog, I'd close it. Sometimes I had to close the browser tab because they didn't give a cancel button. Eventually, they gave up and created this weird half-account out of my alias. So when I go to Youtube, I can choose to use it as my alias name, which preserved all my old stuff.
I can't directly log in to my alias, though, I have to log in to my main and switch in to the alias.
@ChrisBaker - I tried to fix it but did not find how to which I would undestand :)
@Darius.V it's ircmaxell himself
you're right nonetheless
@Darius.V His blog is a good read too: blog.ircmaxell.com
yea. there are millions of good blogs, just no time to read everythin
Interest poll results ---> I go with singular
I just use code.tutsplus.com
@ziGi That's not what I mean. The "basic stuff" of that awfulness was easy to pick up. The problem is that I dont know whether Im fast enough and I dont feel that way. I dont want my boss to say: "yeah sorry thats not it, we cant keep you". Also At the end of the day Im a bit down for writing such bad code and I just don't know if thats normal when you start a new job or if I lack in skill
@Darius.V The internet needs a "read later" button, something that's not a bookmark.
:) bookmark is not bad, but I have millions of bookmarks already which I do not read :D
@thpl You mentioned you're self-taught.... well, remember all the goofing around you had to do when you first started and were passionate? You've gotta do it again. Pull some all-nighters, make some "toy projects", do it wrong, then do it better, on your own time. It is hard to get back that energy you had when you first started, but that's what it takes to add a new layer of skills.
@thpl well I don't know, I used to stay longer at work when I started working, and I also look at some code I don't know for fun at home, but that's cause I am a bit masochistic. I mean it really depends on the guy you are working for since he might have high expectations. However, I don't think you should be worried that much.
@ChrisBaker hah you expressed my thoughts better actually
@ziGi - were you not thinking that they got used that you work for free and then use you ?
@Darius.V I don't work for free, what are you trying to say
I go home from work almost always the minute reach the time to go home
Don't work on office projects, do something else at home, something personal. A toy that you can break and hate and improve, and maybe it never sees the light of day
@ziGi - you said you stay longer at work. Or do they pay extra?
@Darius.V overtime
@Jimbo bro
it depends, I work for a smaller company
aw thank you
Morning 11ers
Morning @PeeHaa
Mr Skansing o/
Morning @PooHee
Thank you guys :) I guess I'll toy around in a private project and code the shit out of yii
@thpl I'm currently learning a lot at home because I want to improve the quality/maintainability of my code
I flagged a user today. Faith in the moderation team restored :)
The first website I made was on Geocities, and it is still active through an archive project. It was fucking terrible. I mean... terrible. I used MSPaint for the graphics, table layouts, and there's even a frameset. All the things.
@thpl why Yii?
@Jimbo Mr Mallison o/
@ChrisBaker was that in the middle of the 90's
@ChrisBaker I made my first website without even seeing a bit of html with MS Frontpage 2000 back when I was 8 years old :P
Because that's what my new company uses @MarcelBurkhard
@ChrisBaker Link or GTFO!
I hate it's architecture
@ircmaxell i agree. also, if one doesn't have time to properly learn something makes no sense attempt a change just to follow a trend or benefice of tiny improvements. some programming newcomers think it's good tryng to keep up with trends but they forget producing actual strong results
the reason many of us "still" use php is because we are really good at it and we have no time to invest learning new languages / their ecosystems and produce the same results we get with php. and it's the same with frameworks
Actually, many of us do have the time and patience to invest in other languages and eco-systems, but return to PHP because it's enjoyable :-) Of course, it has one of the lowest barriers to entry as a language and as a result there's results on both sides of the spectrum
@thpl ouch, ok. Well we have some old php 5.2/5.3 projects that use worse architecture if it helps :P I guess you'll just have to do some yii at home as you said if your job is that valuable to you
many != all @Jimbo :D
@thpl I work with it too
@RonniSkansing arent you on Yii 1? :P
yea, it is a horrile framework, end to end
@PeeHaa oocities.org/sunsetstrip/palms/2915/index1.html -- note all the language there which is possessive, "my collection", is not accurate, I designed the site for a friend. I do not have Cyndi Lauper memorabilia. I'll own up to the abomination of a website, but not to being a fanboy of Lauper.
1997/1998. I don't think that archive is actually the final state of the site, but damned if I remember
OMFG that is awesome!
lol, I remember making the logo in paint. It took so long, by the time I was ready for the other graphics I was just scribbling with the paint can
Thank god for the dedication of archiving teams otherwise my children would never be able to see where we are coming from!
@ChrisBaker I see that strange unreadable fonts were IN back then :D
Btw anybody of you visting dutch php conference
The last flat I lived in belonged to these ppl: http://www.stoffel-treuhand.ch/
"designed for ie5"
@thpl hey, I was gonna ask my boss to buy a ticket. It's good that you told me
@thpl are you?
[x] last change 2002 and contact information still accurate
@MarcelBurkhard I like how they actually opened paint and manually created the map stoffel-treuhand.ch/Lageplan/lageplan.html
We really need to promote references more by making people attentive to them by pointing their evilness out
@ChrisBaker nice
@bwoebi what references are you talking about?
@ziGi yeah my company already booked :) I'll go for a visit. Its not too far from Germany
@bwoebi We need Nelson!
@ziGi ampersand?
@thpl ok, I'll tell you if I am going when I know, maybe we can meet there :D
@bwoebi ah PHP references
Sure that'd be cool!
@bwoebi is it true that you shouldn't use a function in for loop. Example:foreach($object->getList() as $listItem) since the function is going to be called on each loop?
Could somebody tell me WTF is going on here? Or WTF I am doing wrong / failing to see??
@ziGi for or foreach?
How can I lose an hour between releases?
@bwoebi foreach
@ziGi that's BS
hm, tested it, it calls it once actually
I have some vague memory
@PeeHaa Did the America/Santiago TZ change their adherence to DST?
@ziGi I used to think that for a long time. :)
@PeeHaa "On January 28, 2015, Chile adopted new official times. Instead of having standard and summer time, they were merged into one." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Chile
God. Stupid TZ/DST crap
Agreed. We should leave them how they are right now, and never change again.
it's interesting that this doesn't alter the objects in the function 3v4l.org/i3UIi
@ChrisBaker Or alternatively and preferably drop DST everywhere
@NikiC Yes that would absolutely be a decent start. However some TZ's are also pretty much potato
@ziGi Protip: don't use references and you avoid any of this kind of nonsense :)
@ziGi stop trying to use references
Haha, you guys are really stern :D

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