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@iroegbu I don't believe in such a thing as an "internal dependency", I don't see any reason not to just treat it as you would any external dependency, i.e. create a separate repo for it and composer it (or git module or whatever you do in your workflow).
@DaveRandom Stop telling people to use git modules asshole
Yeh I heavily dislike them but people do use them, and I don't like to talk about the composer as if it is the One True Way, even if I personally treat it as such
hmmmmmm... this is a single file at the moment. I just suspect I'll have many things like it
Mostly because the only reason I treat it as such is because there isn't really an alternative in the PHP eco-system
@iroegbu That doesn't preclude any of what I said IMO
Although it may be indicative of design issues, but that's a separate issue
@DaveRandom require_once __DIR__ . '/../magic/sauce.php';
cc @iroegbu ^
Anyway @PeeHaa git modules are still better than SVN.
But then to be fair, printing your code out and putting it in a filing cabinet is better than SVN
cvs is better than git
and ftp is better than cvs
@AlmaDo telnet/vi all the things
and vim over ssh is better than ftp
@DaveRandom :D
vim over ssh checking in files with rcs
yes, git was invented by masochists
Hi i am calling api where i need to pass chek sum in crc32 so i did convert like this crc32('abc') and i got a int value some thing like 1236718263 now how to decrypt it .. is it possiible ?
okey .. so that's the way will do the conversion because i am getting error like invalid cheksum . m i missing something ?
@abhi "decrypting" crc32 is pretty easy. Just try 6 random strings and you probably find a collision :P
guys ?
girls ?
@abhi crc32 gives you an integer within the bounds of a 32-bit integer. The question is what format you need to pass this to the API in
hermaphrodites ?
eh.. old good room 11. I recognize it now :p But back to work..
in char . but i have tried to convert it in string ..
No, the question is what base they want it in. It's just a number, but not usually expressed as a decimal.
How long are they expecting the string you pass to be? I'm guessing either 4 or 8 bytes.
i thnk the document the provide s wrong it shuld be in int right ?
@DaveRandom so we can't decry-pt the crc32 ( int number ) back to string ? right ?
crc32 is hashing, not encryption, so no
Well, it's susceptible to the same kind of attacks as any other hashing approach
but crc32 is for data validation, not security
If you want a secure hashing algorithm you use bcrypt or similar
okey txs .. can u en light me more on hashing i know what encryption means but i do not know about hashing ..
@abhi google it?
@abhi: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function --> hash functions map variable sized data onto fixed size data, and if the original data size is larger than the target data size they will lose some of the data, meaning the hash is a one-way operation, you cannot undo or reverse it
any one there using woocommerce?
can we revert it back in php some thing like this

crc32('abc') ---> 123156

123156 ---> abc ??
want help in woocommerce coupons.....
@JoeriSebrechts can we ?
does { behave the same way as [ with arrays?
can any one

can we revert it back in php some thing like this

crc32('abc') ---> 123156

123156 ---> abc ??
hi guys does anyone have some experience with this github.com/DevinVinson/WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate?
> Both square brackets and curly braces can be used interchangeably for accessing array elements (e.g. $array[42] and $array{42} will both do the same thing in the example above).
It's still a bad choice to use this syntax, though.
@Rangad have been using php a few years but had never seen it used until today.
Also you cannot assign in all scenarios using that syntax.
would be a pain in "" too
$ar{} = 14; doesn't work. Which is reason enough to look once at that syntax and then forget about it ;D
probably a useful thing to forget
> has achieved precision and stability levels that now mean the clock would neither gain nor lose one second in some 15 billion years
@PeeHaa does it handle timezones?
hehehehehe :D
and leap days?
Strontium? What's up with that shit?
@FlorianMargaine And Daylight Savings Time?
@rdlowrey we're screwed
> It ("embarazada") is a false friend for native English-speaking students of Spanish who may attempt to say "I'm embarrassed" by saying "estoy embarazada". This phrase actually means "I'm pregnant" in Spanish. This may be confusing to Spanish speakers who are not familiar with the English word, even more so when said by a man.
Embarazada (Spanish pronunciation: [embaɾaˈθaða]) is the Spanish word for pregnant. It is a false friend for native English-speaking students of Spanish who may attempt to say "I'm embarrassed" by saying "estoy embarazada". This phrase actually means "I'm pregnant" in Spanish. This may be confusing to Spanish speakers who are not familiar with the English word, even more so when said by a man. When Parker Pen entered the Mexican market, its advertisements which claimed that Parker Pens "won't leak in your pocket and embarrass you" was mistranslated to "No te embarazará chorreándose en tu bolsillo...
> even more so when said by a man.
@FlorianMargaine this is fantastic!
Is this php7 change (get_object_vars) intentional? 3v4l.org/vl5SG Full example: 3v4l.org/XX3Oh
Someone should curate a list of embarrassing "cognates" like estoy embarazada and j'ai chaud
Object casting should be punished :P
Or not, need a cleaner example
that doesn't free memory in any way, does it?
while $line_item_wrapper = null; does, right?
or I should just use gc_collect_cycles()
@MikeM. hm I live in the Hague and I've never seen internet in the bus?
So, I installed WAMP and peeked into httpd.conf this is what greeted me
use an editor that can handle non-windows linebreaks
@iroegbu Use a proper text editor that understands \n
oh... never had this problem with notepad before today (can't wait to slander WAMP)
or use any text editor that is not notepad.exe
@iroegbu use wordpad
Used sublime.
@iroegbu unix line endings?
i didn't know that wordpad handled unix line endings before now
doesn't seem to be able to save a file with windows line endings in unix format though...
guys, does this make any sense to you: eval.in/317139
@Gordon what doesn't make sense?
@salathe I am wondering if wanting to have this is a viable usecase and if it is, I wonder if more sophisticated solutions to that problem exist already.
@JoeWatkins after reading some of the source code in your great uopz extension i've been able to overload ZEND_FETCH_CLASS i just need to know if what i'm doing is correct paste.ofcode.org/DpVbJWE5mrDkZkDLzsyQtu is this switch statment necessary ? because the original opcode handler will be called. autoloaders in userland seems to be working fine. also does this have any impact on engine performance
on a sidenote, is it bad to append suffix Interface to an interface name if it has the same name as some class that implements it?
or is it a better idea to put all interfaces (there are many with name collisions) in a subfolder + namespace?
so it's like:
namespace App;
class Group implements \App\Interface\Group
if the name conflicts, do you really need an interface?
if yes, try to describe the class more specific
like FileReader implements Reader
say it's a library where I want someone using it to be able to substitute classes (DiC)
but I have a default implementation
@Patrick yeah, I thought about that looking at your Http
but it's hard to think of a more specific name other than the same as the interface name
well if it helps, I am considering dropping some of the interfaces for v2
and I sure don't want to prepend BaseGroup or DefaultGroup
what methods does group have btw?
array getChildren() and applyToAllChildren()
so I have a long-running script... mostly long because it imports millions of records in database
and weirdly enough, in an environment where RAM is limited to 128MB (and then it swaps), it takes much much longer than it should
looking at the memory... full usage is around 134MB
looking at the details...
swap is growing and growing and growing.
right now it's at 76MB swap
any idea why? how can I solve that?
the usage stays around 134MB all along
I mean, memory fragments on the hard disk and you get a big increase in a write time
I'd like it to just stop swapping
why we can't download travis image? I miss that :(
it's at 80MB swap on the 134MB full memory usage...
seriously, why they just don't make a vagrant or docker something for us
Can someone link me to the PHP room rules? I'm on mobile and I need to explain to someone in IRC why I always say Good Morning no matter what time of day it is
@AustinBurk but you're looking for this: total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html
Oh yes, perfect
The room-11.github.io page is missing that rule anyway now
There are no rules in room 11 besides common sense
@PeeHee killed UGT, how very dare you!
hi guys
please help with this
Q: self join to fetch friend list

markHow I fetch friend list friend list from network table. Below is the URL contain table schema and sample data.I have created following query which id- http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/646bf/5 SELECT DISTINCT m.* FROM members AS m LEFT JOIN network n1 ON (n1.mem_id = m.mem_id AND n1.isfr...

@LeviMorrison the RFC might be wrong, that bit was written by Shafik, not me
The only way the operator can be wrong is if it doesn't match <, == or >
/me is kinda getting annoyed with CTO
well ... you could say that we disagree on some key points
mostly regarding his questions about: "why didn't you use ORM?" (even thought almost every query is 4+ table join) and "why didn't you use framework for form validation?"
So why didn't you
You are being sarcastic .. I hope
Had a VP of accounting once basically ask why we had an IT department instead of using off-the-shelf software
I rally doubt that even @Ocramius would use ORM for most of my SQL calls
I was actually talking about form handling
@nikita2206 can you actually name a good form validation framework ?
Tbh, form handling is a nightmare in Symfony, it's just a large amount of work... but it is standardised as in... once you've done it once you'll do it similarly multiple times so there is definitely a framework-ized way of doing it in-place then. But it's much faster to manually do the form stuff, but.. messier...
<?php echo "strrev"("cigam"); // ♥ PHP 7
Trying to wrap logic around form handling somehow ends up in disaster.
@salathe Yay, string function calls
@Jimbo yeah, well, here is one of the forms I have to validate: check for required field, but check for bank detail fields only if one of those fields is set and check for password change fields only is the are visible
That's where things get annoying... dynamic forms
I sincerely think that symfony form component is pretty good
and check the bank fields for IBAN and verify that country matches iban and email is in correct format and passwords match and passwords are at least 8 symbols long and .. I think I forgot few\
It's all pretty much possible with them
That'd be done with event subscribers listeners I think, using EventDispatcher
@nikita2206 all frameworks are "pretty good" when you have a trivial case
@ircmaxell This still the best way to check if a handle is writeable?
A: How to check if a PHP stream resource is readable or writable?

ircmaxellQuite simple. Just call stream_get_meta_data($resource) from your script, then check the mode array element of the return value: $f = fopen($file, 'r'); $meta = stream_get_meta_data($f); var_dump($meta['mode']); // r And if you want to know if the underlying data is writable: var_dump(is_writ...

Also @rdlowrey because you love your fucking streams.
I hate my fucking streams.
@DanLugg it should work
in practice, I'd just try writing to it to see what happens
posted on April 22, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Jo Labrycol */

> Stack is the new term for "I have no idea what I'm actually using".
^ lol (context)
I ran into an inlining issue in PHP, I think
If you inline property accesses into rarely called methods, then those are going to be super slow because they have a cold cache for properties
At least that's my guess why moving a computation from an argument into a method body would make such a big perf difference
or maybe not, I don't really get what is going on here :/
ah nevermind, this is just me being stupid
hello does anyone have an idea how I could fix this: stackoverflow.com/questions/29790911/… maybe even with a workaround?
@rdlowrey well , in freebsd you do: /usr/ports/devel/hadoop && make install clean
then again, about 1 in 100 sysadmins is even slightly familiar with BSD infrastructure
@tereško and this makefile will use maven which will download non-signed packages... so it's the same
@FlorianMargaine not that I see any "maven" related strings in the Makefile
@PeeHaa sure
@tereško then how does it build from source?
hadoop build step relies on it from what I see
where do you see it ?
in @rdlowrey's article
also in "build tools" here wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HowToContribute
BUILD_DEPENDS=  gmake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gmake \
you're either downloading a pre-built binary or not building from source, or another script is running maven
these are the only dependencies for compiling hadoop in freebsd
@tereško hadoop is written in java, you realize it's not possible to compile it without jdk?
something's wrong down the way
looks to me awfully like "build from source"
@ircmaxell Make any progress with union types?
not much, working on something else atm
Good, actually.
I'm going to submit a proposal to a professor for a special projects class where I would design, implement and propose union, intersection and enumerated types.
I have a reasonable hope of getting it accepted.
This will also help me graduate.
@tereško maybe the docs have changed since freebsd's version then. The makefile downloads 1.1.2, released in february 2013... the docs are about 2.6.0
looks like only ant was needed back then
I think they've been exporting external packages to maven instead of having everything in the repo
@LeviMorrison awesome!
Awesome as long as it gets accepted ;)
Lots of progress on the IPO, LTO, PGO fronts
@LeviMorrison \o/
Good morning to you all I am having some problems with php redirecting can anyone offer some help? the original question is posted at stackoverflow.com/questions/29798679/…
posted on April 22, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Shadam */

Good morning to you all I am having some problems with php redirecting can anyone offer some help? the original question is posted at stackoverflow.com/questions/…
@rdlowrey I think this will be accepted but I won't know for a while. It'll be so nice if it is.
3 credits for doing work I want to do anyway? I'll take it.
I was able to do something like that my last semester ... I got 3 hours of "directed study" ECON credit that I needed for my major for studying for (and passing) my series 7 securities licensing exam.
uhhh everytime I try to cope with vm code some peripheral stuff breaks
is this place for help or just for general chat?
--- on the "real" world, what happens when you enter a room asking for help and shout "hello???????????" ---
general chat
@phpnoobie Both, but people aren't required to help other people.
For your question, it's one of those things that you probably ought to just sit down and debug, rather than hoping someone can figure it out by looking at the code.
I have been doing that for the last 3 hrs. I can not figure out what is sending the header and preventing the redirect
a redirect is just sending a header
@marcio I asked for help 3 times before I said hello???? was seeing if anyone was paying attention
So yes, MongoDB still sucks about as much as it always did
@NikiC At least the lies they claim about it are getting better.
@FlorianMargaine I guess I have to just give up trying to learn..... I know that a redirect sends a header but my problem is finding out what is sending a header BEFORE the redirect that is preventing it from working.
@phpnoobie you can look in the chrome dev tools the headers that are sent
I love also how the mongo guys first denied that there was an issue, and then just said "works as designed and we'll update the documentation"
I was very enthusiastic about NoSQL when it first hit the stage, but the more I've learned (not just about mongodb) the more I'm feeling like I really think they're a sidetrack, but not where DB's are going over the long term
I am more interested in in-memory column-oriented DB's that have SQL API's, in line with the work done by Michael Stonebreaker on VoltDB
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew of a good way to advertise a PHP job for free. It's for a higher education institute if that matters. Kind of a weird question but I thought I'd see
I've never encountered a free job posting board where there were actual quality candidates.
me neither
If you can come up with any sort of budget, craigslist isn't too horrible.
I dunno how much Indeed charges, but I've heard they're good.
Thanks! I think indeed might be kinda free. and optionally pretty cheap
@Charles I have seen good ones from universities that advertise entry-level positions and internships.
Q: A Router I coded

Hassan AlthafThis is router I created for use, however, I wish to refactor this code and make this more robust. I would really appreciate anyone who can: Point out how to make this code more robust, clean and flexible. Point out where code can be refactored and possibly how. Point out how the code could be ...

@LeviMorrison can you give an example?
@HassanAlthaf I see $route[0] = explode('/', $route[0]); and just go: "meh"
cool. thats a good idea. I did that with my old college! Didn't think to reach out to college's I didnt attend. :)
@FunBeans you might be able to post them for free on LinkedIn?
you can! and we did. but it's limited, you have to pay to make it into their career listings section. But we did like a social post thing, and it's even public so I think anyone can theorhetically see it
@HassanAlthaf Consider having a Route object containing everything specific to each individual route
Hi all
Who are all of you people. I leave for a year and so many new faces!
@HassanAlthaf why make separate arguments for controllers and actions?
@tereško why lol
@Neal afaik, you left for 2 years.
@Jimbo What do you mean?
@samaYo do you mean to have the same argument which carries both the Namespace and the method?
dang, this Xcode update is 2.57 GB :/
@samaYo Where did you get this info?
@HassanAlthaf $router->createRoute('/', 'PageController@showHome');
@Neal from yo mama
@samaYo for clarity's sake :P
@samaYo ahhh haaa...
So neither Deceze nor Second Rikudo made it as moderator
@HassanAlthaf mind also making it restful, atleast for $_GET and $_POST
Do you mean to be able to configure only GET, POST or allow requests from both?
get from both, but each with its own method
@Machavity I have interacted with meagar and Martijn, but haven't even heard of this Jeremy guy.
Wow, Rikudo came in dead last and Deceze third from last Polling results
Coding horrors: we're scraping a vendor's website for product details, and the HTML is so horrible that we're having to pick out our desired content based on the width attribute of the containing table tag.
I would have at least expected them to do better than the unknown India guys
Aw, I voted for Second Rikudo. :/
voted for Deceze
I voted for all PHP guys
@tereško probably not if your job is reporting
in JavaScript, 21 mins ago, by Neal
Hey all looking for FE/BE developers over @ stealth.travel . If you are interested please contact me or email me at neal (at) stealth.travel :-)
/me runsaway
@Neal Sounds good, I'm not there yet. We should talk in a year and a bit when I transition over to the US :-)
@Jimbo okey :-)
Anyone else? :-D
Hey @ircmaxell, are you at PHPDay this year?

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