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Happy new year!!!
Yea @hakre, is there any way to validate on the existence of processing instructions? I haven't found any docs mentioning it, and can't find it in any references. I'm guessing simply not.
@hakre wtf is $reference = &$this->reference;
return $reference; ?
why not just return it?
@NikiC, that's on my question isn't it
@Bracketworks No that was @hakre ;)
@NikiC lol -- no, his answer to my question stackoverflow.com/a/8685304/409279
@Bracketworks Oh, sorry, I didn't make the connection.
@NikiC s'alrighty; on that note though, i mentioned the operator extension in a comment somewhere in there. what are your guys' experience with public hosting providers and support for 3rd party PHP extensions?
@Bracketworks Uhm, didn't have anything to do with public hosting providers for some while now ^^ (If you mean shared hosting by that)
yea, shared hosting
"not in-house"
I've been considering more and more just going full-steam and incorporating some, but that's a pretty hefty requirement for something i'd want to open source and distrib freely (and have it consumed)
@Bracketworks shared hosting != not in-house. I think rarest companies host their sites in-house ^^
@Bracketworks Which extensions are you talking about (and which project, if I may ask)?
well the operator extension (pecl.php.net/package/operator) for instance; while it's severely dated, it still shows some promise
@Bracketworks Ouch. You won't get that on shared hosting.
None of those exotic ones ;)
lol, I wouldn't think so; thusly I poised the question
Using that would demand that people are at least running on V hosting
V hosting?
I though you were talking about more normal extensions ^^
@Bracketworks virtual
ah, darn -- also, quick aside, any quick-key to do the @user? i keep having to click on [NikiC]
oh yea, and the project -- personal framework, but i like leveraging syntactic sugar, such that afforded by the operator extension or supported features (overloading, ArrayAccess, etc.)
@Bracketworks @N [tab]
@Bracketworks Some people might tell you that too much magic really isn't good ;)
@Bracketworks not in chat ;) but ^^
@NikiC true, it ends up nesting function calls, especially when the magic aliases defined methods
@Bracketworks And it can make the code harder to follow ;)
You'll often go better with explicit method calls
Though it really depends on the use case ;)
@NikiC also true, however i think after years of abusing PHP, i've become reasonably aware of magic abuse, etc.
Hi, I am creating a child theme of twenty eleven for practise. How do I prevent a function in functions.php from running?
this made no sense
i'm still scratching my head -- i think i'll beer and smoke, pondering over the twenty eleven child theme
if there's a function in functions.php, how do I disable it?
@itsme either don't call it, or (ab)use runkit/classkit?
well .. do not include that file
that function is there in the parent theme's functions.php. So even if I don't call the function in the child theme, it's still runs
what the hell you are talking about
php has no themes
I am talking about wordpress. I thought saying "twenty eleven" would make that obvious
(apparently, it didn't)
well .. we dont do wordpress here
this is a room for developers
okay, sorry
@itsme twenty eleven is over in a few hours anyways, perhaps the twenty twelve theme will work
@itsme , go to wordpress.stackexchange.com and stay there
yeah, right. thanks
oh yea, anyone on the XSD trivia? any way enforce processing instructions for validation?
Can anyone help me on this. My project is badly stuck due to this.
can anyone help with the link i have posted??
ill take a peek but im not sure if ill be much help
Please can you try atleast ??
took a look and im clueless i only have basic php knowledge sorry :(
It has been hours trying to solve this little problem but so far, i am unsuccessful :(
okay no problem rees92
thanks anyways
i know how you feel it sucks when progress grinds to a halt
what is it your making anyway
yeah it has halted the final working of a web crawler that particularly crawls .edu domains
and stores their html content in MySQL database
ahh cool
im curently making a cms type system just experimenting with alternate ways to code it instead of using lots of include files containing the code
thinking of using functions
only downsite to using functions is i have to echo all the html instead of just typing it outside the php tags on the include file
oh btw yuve got 4 answers
hey all, question: you know how its common to give each user a different salt key when encrypting information?
not sure i prefer pepper myself
what is that?
a condmant that goes on food
wow php devs have a dry sense of humour
or something
anyways ive seen people store the salt key as a column, i guess i just dont know why you wouldnt make the salt a unique ID
but i suppose
hm, nvm
being an idiot. whats pepper?
@NikiC There was one variant that did unset the private member. Probably that line is an artifact of it.
im tacking the piss pepper is something that goes on food you said salt i said i prefer pepper
lmao, shows how much i know
i figured it was an alt strategy
yeah lol
is it common to use functions only to call up different chunks of code or will i have to go the full oop route
@JMRboosties technically, if it's not unique per hash, it's not a salt
@JMRboosties encrypting? or hashing?
a shared key would be considered what then? bad security? lol
A: Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

ircmaxellWell, you could look it up in Wikipedia... But since you want an explanation, I'll do my best here: Hash Functions They provide a mapping between an arbitrary length input, and a (usually) fixed length (or smaller length) output. It can be anything from a simple crc32, to a full blown cryptog...

@JMRboosties It depends on what you're doing. Sometimes it's somewhat acceptable to use a shared key (for example, encrypting cc info). But sometimes it's not (encrypting generic user data for them, as in that's the purpose of the application). Either way, if encrypting, you should generate a unique random IV (initialization vector)
favoriting, thanks
@ircmaxell what i plan on doing right now is generating a uuid using uniqid()
@JMRboosties for what?
encrypting the password with that, then using sha or md5 on top of it
#1: That's not encryption, that's hashing - huge difference
then when someone wants to login, it pulls the uuid from the row of the user they are trying to login as, compares and so on
#2: it's not a UUID, it's just a random string (UUIDs are a different concept)
thats confusing, the function in php to do this is called crypt
#3: You want to hash the password with a strong hashing function, namely either PBKDF2 or blowfish (via crypt())
@JMRboosties Yes, but it's not encryption
haha figures
yeah, I know it's kinda confusing...
so are pbk and blowfish libraries or something? or just the names for methods?
but that's the library name for years
@JMRboosties names of the method. crypt() will do blowfish ($2a$).
or you could use a library to do it for you: github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/examples/…
or openwall.com/phpass when run it non-compatible mode.
right now mine looks like this: crypt($password, "stringgoeshere");
what's "stringgoeshere"?
so thats not doing blowfish $2a$ right? because i gave it a specific key?
Actually, with what you gave it will only use st and will generate using DES (which is really, really weak)
@ircmaxell a string used to salt the password. my verbage might be wrong there but thats how i understand it
@JMRboosties no, meaning can you show an example...
im still reading the answer you posted as we speak
oh, yea
well its just a randomly generated key so itd be something like
crypt($password, "a3erv4h32bahd");
@JMRboosties well, but the salt uses a prefix. So if you're not adding a prefix manually, then it'll only use the first 2 characters of the salt, and use DES method
oh tats weak
you want to use blowfish, or PBKDF2 (which is not in core PHP)
ok, thats a ton of good info, thanks
so to use Blowfish, you need to generate the salt properly ($2a$07$ for example, followed by a proper salt of 22 characters in base64 encoding (which is what my library does with the ->to64() method)
oh hi @ircmaxell
happy new year to you
im gonna watch your git there
ive got a new years thing to go too, hope you (and everyone else in the chat) has a good rest of 2011!
@NikiC And the same thing for you
talk to you all next year
@JMRboosties me too, leaving now as well anyway :-D good timing
@ircmaxell thanks
haha nice, have a good one everyone
Have a happy new year, and enjoy the festivities
1 hour later…
by sheer chance... anyone out there??
@DevinGRhode yes!
no way!
uh, I think I got this but nice to know you're there
ok, so ...
I have an oop related question for anyone ... should you have pages such as index.php, forum.php that call the classes with include/require they need or should you build the include/require of php display pages into the classes?
Happy new year, everyone! -4 hrs for me
@Silver89 In modern versions of PHP, the practice is to use an autoloader to load your classes.
hmm, I'd just hack it together however it it works
but yeah the autoloader is something that's better to use
Personally I've yet to figure it out and just include files
what's an autoloader? I'm trying to take that step from procedural design to oop and working out where the code fits within classes etc is holding me back .. I can make the classes way work but I'd like to spend time making sure it's done correctly
@Silver89 I recommend that you learn about unit testing and such.
The best way to build classes is in such a way you can write automated test suites
So, I'm filtering javascript source for references to the 'top' variable in php. I can match for /\Wtop\W/ (\W matches a non-alphanumeric) but I can't identify those characters.
@Silver89 I recommend that you search youtube for Google Tech Talks by Misko Hevery
That page lists a bunch of them.
Misko is a bright guy, he's behind angularJS (largely used in Google+)
@LeviMorrison thank I'll be sure to take a look
So, here is a attempt towards replacing all 'top' variables with 'window'...
@Silver89 If you are new to OOP, I highly recommend learning a lot before writing code. Fixing code is much more difficult that writing it correctly in the first place. By fixing, I mean major rewrites.
if (preg_match('/\Wtop\W/', $sc)) {
$sc = str_replace('top', 'window', $sc, 1);
obviously this doesn't make much sense
@LeviMorrison well I've written small oop based projects in vb.net, c and java but it's just figuring out which classes should contain what sort of thing, it's not the coding but the theory behind why I'm coding like that
@Silver89 That's exactly why you should listen to a lot of Google Tech Talks.
Happy New Year!
so how can I run the regex \Wtop\W and identify where that match occurs or what the non-alphanumeric(\W) characters are?
all better fyi!
2 hours later…
hi all of you,wish you all a happy new year
Its 1:30am on New Year's day and I'm writing documentation for a bootstrap
hah, I have 1337 ncloc according to phploc
2 hours later…
hey hello, i am currently creating a user profile sort of system in php where the user could have an avatar of some sort. It can be a default one or the user could upload one for himself. I saw some tutorials on youtube about this process, what i saw was the user uploads an image to a folder on the server and the DB updates only the location of where the image is. The image is then showed by reading that location. I would like to know if this is good approach as compared to uploading a blob.
the file upload thing will obviously be checked for exe and other security stuff. Also i need to display other peoples profile image on the page. So which approach is preferable. Reading the images from a db or reading the paths from a db and then loading those images
@Tanmay I would not store the images in the database but instead the name of the file for that image. Malicious code could be stored in an image and storing it as binary data in your database increases the likelihoods that the code will be executed.
hmmm. All this while i thought it is the other way round :(
alright so when i am displaying other users profile images to a logged in user i read from the file location.
Is that efficient? i mean so many calls to the same folder, it looks unnecessary to me.
@Tanmay That's how I would do it. Should make it easy to insert the path into an <img /> element
@Tanmay How is it any better than making all those calls to the database?
yup. it becomes easier that way..actually calls to blob retrival is also not efficient
yes that is what i was thinking, blobs can be nasty
@Tanmay For most apps your bottleneck is gonna be something in the database, not the file system. unless your code is just downright awful
ok. i also wanted to know, are there any tutorials that i can learn from for php security
i mean i want to learn security beyond strip_tags
@Tanmay learn PDO or mysqli and use prepared statements
@Tanmay Ensure you run htmlspecialchars() or equivalent on output
ok. i shall look into that. Is it a better idea to start learning from tutorials that are there on youtube and then learn mysqli and other security stuff?
because at the moment i am doing that
@Tanmay I couldn't tell you the best way to learn. Gonna be different for each person. What is good for me might not necessarily be good for you.
ok. i shall find my way from here. thanks for the ingfo
2 hours later…
how does Facebook wall not let the server respond to ajax and hangs the connection unless there is an update?
The server just waits that long with answering the request.
@hakre using sleep() right?
You have to ask that Facebook, I don't have access to their source-code.
@Gordon you too!
just noticed that this 28c3 stuff was held in berlin ^^
have been watching the videos ?
Good afternoon
@tereško just watching the quantum crypto talk but i don't like it at all. At least the first 20 minutes are just explanation of trivial things :(
the quantum crypto video didnt get better as time went on
at one point the guy goes off the deep end
you watched it?
some of it
couldnt make myself to pay attention all the way through
yeah, really lame. I though it would give at least some insight but instead he tries to explain quantum entanglement as if he'd present it to the kindergarden...
Happy New Year guys! :)
@Gordon: Same to you.
@Eugene:Same to you.
lol php.net/:: works ^^
@NikiC hoi :)
hoi @Eugene
@NikiC Could you tell me what would be the correct type for PhpDoc comment if I'm using FormElement and in it located under Pify\Form; namespace?
@NikiC First question is. Should I add a dash before main namespace element? \Pify\Form;
main namespace elment?
@NikiC For example now I'm writing like that namespace Pify\Form\FormElement;, use Pify\Form; but in PhpDoc @param \Pify\Form\FormElement.
Should there be \ before main namespace element. Currently I'm referencing Pify as main namespace element. Is it incorrect?
hm... i'd just check whether your ide understands @param Form\FormElement and if not use the FQN
i find it harder and harder to care about any php related questions on SO
@Eugene , IIRC , phpDoc does not support namespaces in first place
or any other php5.3+ feature
@tereško So it is okey to just place FormElement?
@tereško That's why I say just check whether PhpStorm supports the aliased format and if not, use the fully qualified one ^^ IDEs are the only thing phpdoc is good for anyways, so you should design for them
its ok actually to stop writing phpdocs
i could not care less about that crap-of-ide you are using
them more you spam about it , the more it think that it worthless
@tereško huh what ide?
most of modern IDEs ignore phpDoc
@NikiC Okey. Let me rephrase it then. Do I need \ before Pify at all when writing namespace or use?
@tereško Yes?
@tereško Most of them are crap anyways.
@tereško With or without support.
yes ,they are ,but everyone should choose his own IDE , and then STFU about it !!!
@tereško @NikiC just mentioned the one with which I work since he knows it.
@tereško I said PhpStorm because for some reason I was pretty sure that @Eugene is using it (though given your reaction I probably remembered wrong)
@tereško Ayway don't see any point in making a fuss about it.
lets put it this way: i am sick of advertising
@tereško There is quite many methods of reading. One of them is to jump across, that what isn't relevant to you.
@tereško :)
@tereško The coming war on general computation is quite good imho
@NikiC Okey. Let me rephrase it then. Do I need \ before Pify at all when writing namespace or use or when calling any of them? i.e. new \Pify\Form\FormElement()
@NikiC agreed
@Eugene If you use Formd then you write just Form\FormElement. But if you didn't use anything of it you need to write it out, yes
If you wrote juts Pify\Form\FormElement (without use Pify) it would translate to Current\Namespace\Pify\Form\FormElement
@NikiC So only if I'm writing inline namespace usage I need new \Pify\Form\FormElement(); and if I use use keyword for short name usage, then it is okey in use part to write like use Pify\Form\FormElement; without \ in front of Pify since it understands, that I'm using current. Am I correct?
I'm not exactly sure I get you ^^
If you did use Pify; then Pify\Form\FormElement will be equivalent to \Pify\Form\FormElement, yes. If you use Pify\Form; then Form\FormElement will be also equivalent to \Pify\Form\FormElement.
i am bit confused about drupal 7 please enlighten me about what is acquia network got to do?
i am starting a personal website and want to find an easy way to do this...tks for the gurus who can help me
@JackyBoi , honestly , if you are not a long time drupal expert , noone in this room would recommend drupal to you
Heh, master is down, as always ...
Happy New Year!
@tereško but then i hear all the hype about all the websites such as any blogs or tutorials websites are using drupal.. is it just a myth? or a trend that i should not follow?
@JackyBoi , last time Drupal was hyped was 2005-something
and right now it is one the worst quality amalgamation of code in php
Happy new 11 months and 21 days
@tereško so what is the best easy to manage CMS system for websites if i want to start now?
I know this is the PHP room....I’m after a quick bit of help with some jQuery and nobody is around in the JS chat room....anyone here who fancies giving me a hand?
@Dan Yeah
Should I write here or change room..?
@JackyBoi , if you need something specific , you would be better off writing something from scratch , if you need something generic - tumblr.com will be much better choice then using drupal or wordpress
@Dan I think you can post here as well
@emaillenin ok - well basically I’ve got some jQuery running on a page. It works like this: user clicks a h2 => the h2 has a class added so it’s different from all the other h2’s =>the div after the h2 slides open => then I want the window to scroll up to the h2 with the new class I just added.
jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery('h2.open_heading').offset().top },300);
that should work
and that’s what I have ^
and that didnt work as expected?
no, I’m having issues, I’m still tweaking it a bit. I’m not sure what .offset() and .top do...
have u read the docs? api.jquery.com/offset ?
ok tks
@emaillenin - no, I’m taking a look. At the moment it appears the scrolling is working the first time, but then it breaks because I’m not removing the h2.class from the element. I’m just trying to fix that first : \
@Dan wokay
@emaillenin I’m using addClass and removeClass - do you think this is the best way? I just need a unique identifier, but I must get rid of it once the user clicks on another <h2>. So far it’s just adding a new class each time I click a <h2> which is useless...
That is the simplest way to get it working. Once the user clicks, add the class then scroll it to that h2 and then remove that class.
@NikiC I see. Thank you. Now I'm stuck with passing validators into Form. :(
@emaillenin - ok got the class working - I’m seeing a new problem. I actually need “scroll to”, not “scroll top”. Sometimes the page needs to also scroll down..
It appears I may need a plugin for this, I’m just searching around for info...
hmm ... stumbled upon some babylon 5 videos
and found it kinda surprising how much effort was put into imagining a realistic as possible space battles
@NikiC Found a problem maybe in Twig, maybe in my logic. ie: I remove Twig cache from server, but at the same time I have an open page with form where fields are {% form .... So if I insert something and submit the form then form will be cached with that value, since when I return {% form ... -> html for rendering it also places submited value. I'm starting to think, that this is a problem with my logic. :) Any idea how to solve this issue?
@NikiC I should probably during compilation of those nodes check is the template where they are cached or isn't it. Or am I thinking wrong here?
I'm not sure I get you: You let % form insert the finalized HTML even including entered values and stuff?
@NikiC Here is a small example of how I'm doing it.
@NikiC It seems logical for me to organize it like that, no?
@Eugene Yeah, that doesn't look right
The stuff that you $compile is put as code into the tpl and cached
So if there are any dynamic elements in the output these must stay
Maybe now you understand why I told you that adding a tag probably won't help you much over just calling some methods ;)
@NikiC Yep. I see now. Passing a value isn't an option since it is a dynamic content.
Thought you guys might like to read this about supercolliding arrays: nikic.github.com/2011/12/28/Supercolliding-a-PHP-array.html
@zschuessler *g*
Good morning, happy new year!
Hi @Twinborn
Hello @Donut how are you?
@Twinborn Fine, you?
Great, just looking at some resources.
Is it unrecommended for a PHP beginner to start with a framework such as CodeIgniter?
@Twinborn yes, you will learn incorrect terms and concepts from it. PHP offers extensions for almost everything, so just learn how to use what's available natively before learning a framework.
@Gordon Thanks. I'm looking to build a web app. Is it unwise to do so without a framework-or perhaps is that a stupid question? I have the majority of my program blue-printed, just need to get the right tools to start building it.
@Twinborn whether to use a framework depends on your application's need. you dont use a framework to use a framework but because you need the functionality it provides. it can speed up your development time, but you have to learn the framework and the tools it provides.
Ah okay thank you, @Gordon. So it can be acceptable to build anything without a framework then.
@Twinborn its perfectly possible to build a webapp without a framework.
My programs main focus is built around profiles, and sharing profile information with users.
@Twinborn have a look at toys.lerdorf.com/archives/…
@Gordon Tyvm.
@Twinborn yw
does anyone know where to start looking for figuring out how to convert video files after uploading them to a server?
@PedroEsperança Is this any use? smashscripts.blogspot.com/2007/05/…
yes! thanks ;)
Your welcome, glad I could help.
@NikiC Well, fixed this problem. Now I pass a method call inside Node. So in cache there is only a call for rendering. Not to diff. from passing a form object, but a bit cleaner from my point of view. :)
Anybody know how to get xlsfonts to work with shell_exec? I'm getting an empty result with echo shell_exec('xlsfonts'); It should return a massive list of all fonts installed on the system.
It always amazes me when I get reputation from answers 6+ months old
I love those moments
"Someone found this answer on google and it was helpful for him"
Yea, its pretty cool.
I like the moments where an active user (also the OP) finally marks your answer as accepted after 6 months of deliberation
@Twinborn howdy
how goes it @CharlesSprayberry
I'm away 2 hours from and there is a +7 question with a lot of nice answers and I'm late for the party
Q: Unit testing methods with indeterminate output

GordonMI have a class that is meant to generate a random password of a length that's also random, but limited to be between a defined min and max length. I'm constructing unit tests, and ran into an interesting little snag with this class. The whole idea behind a unit test is that it should be repea...

Darn :)
xCode almost finished installing :D
@Twinborn Just working on getting some documentation up to speed. Did some refactoring, gotta make sure docs get refactored too
I've got a question about list
@CharlesSprayberry I like your docs a lot btw.
will it work as list(array_keys($array)) = $whatever?
good for you , @MattMcDonald
I wish we had someone taking notes on why we did stuff like we did it at my current comp
with won't
i suspect that what you are looking for is $keys = array_keys($whatever);
@edorian Thanks. I wanna make sure I know what the crap I was doing when I did it.
I'm looking to create template variables from an associative array
include \SPRAYFIRE_ROOT . '/tests/helpers/TestObject.php';
you mean like extract() , @MattMcDonald ?
@CharlesSprayberry Can't you point your autoloader to tests/helpers or something?
@edorian It is something that is on my list of things to get done
I'm slowly in the process of refactoring the tests...some of them are kinda ugly, too much going on in one method
yeah I got my methods mixed up
The other things that comes to mind: Get rid of the AllTests.php and use a phpunit.xml file to create the test suite. It lets you do a lot more with the cli tool. (Like filtering and only executing specifc tests with way less hassle)
And you can put your bootstrap reference in there too
@edorian I actually just created phpunit xml configuration file like 20 minutes ago
So with that configuration I don't need the AllTests class at all?
@MattMcDonald , maybe next time just start by explaining the problem , instead of asking for bugfix of a patch for a solution to the said problem
Nevermind, I just did some trial/error and see that I don't.
alright then
@CharlesSprayberry Exactly. You can get rid of the file
will do
@edorian Can't one just seed the RNG? stackoverflow.com/questions/4910156/…
It works for random sources that always produce the same results
Right. People tend to use those in PHP ^^
but yeah, it's a bad solution anyways
Even so I kinda like the idea to test the random generators :)
I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Years!
@Bracketworks sure. you?
Not without a few faux pas, but a good time was had by all :)
@edorian Just moved my test cases into the SprayFire namespace, setup autoloader for tests and removed all those include calls. will push commit up to repo when i get back
@CharlesSprayberry could you give a link to your repo pls?
@CharlesSprayberry thx
@CharlesSprayberry Why do you \extract($this->paths); instead of simply accessing the key of the $paths array? github.com/cspray/SprayFire/blob/master/libs/SprayFire/…
@Bracketworks Because I had moved the code there from a refactor. It was easier to simply extract the array as compared to changing all the variables set already
@CharlesSprayberry Gotcha.
Just found cspray.github.com :)
i kinda suspect that some people have begun using "hi" as a replacement for "is anyone here?"
ok, what about.... What's up!

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